def list(self, request): """Handle GET requests to game Categories resource Returns: Response -- JSON serialized list of park ProductCategorys """ # Creating game dictionary of custom info from game object and API boardgame object so user can see info from both bgg = BGGClient() search_term = self.request.query_params.get('search', None) game_list = [] if search_term is None: games = Game.objects.all() collection = [] for game in games: BGGObj = game1={} game1['id'] = game1['name'] = game1["api_id"] = owner = Player.objects.get(user=game.player.user) playerObj = PlayerSerializer(owner, context={'request': request}) game1['player'] = game1['host_descrip'] = game.host_descrip game1['game_descrip'] = BGGObj.description game1['max_players'] = BGGObj.max_players game1['min_players'] = BGGObj.min_players game1['category_ids'] = game.category_ids game1['category_names'] = [] for category in BGGObj.categories: game1['category_names'].append(category) game1['image'] = BGGObj.image game1['thumb_nail'] = BGGObj.thumbnail game_list.append(game1) else: # If there is a search query param, we are searching BGG API for game results for user to choose from results = for result in results: game1={} game1["name"] = game1["min_players"] = result.min_players game1["max_players"] = result.max_players game1["api_id"] = game1["description"] = result.description game1["image"] = result.image game_list.append(game1) # Query param to fetch a logged in user's games user_game = self.request.query_params.get('user_game', None) # query param to fetch games by category category = self.request.query_params.get('category', None) if (user_game is not None) or (category is not None): if user_game is not None: for game in game_list: if (+game['player']['id'] == +request.auth.user_id) & (game not in collection): collection.append(game) if category is not None: for game in game_list: for id in game["category_ids"]: if (str(id) ==category) & (game not in collection): collection.append(game) game_list = collection else: pass return Response(game_list)
class BGGCog(commands.Cog, name="BGG"): def __init__(self, bot): = bot self._bgg = BGGClient() @staticmethod def game_path(game): return f"{}" async def fetch_game(self, name: str=None, id: int=None): if id: return [] if name: return return [] @commands.command(name='bg', help='Lookup a board game') async def lookup(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, message: str): if len(message) == 0: return user = game_name = message"Looking up game '{message}' for user {}") await ctx.trigger_typing() games = [] if game_name.isdigit(): games = await self.fetch_game(id=int(game_name)) else: games = await self.fetch_game(name=game_name) if len(games) == 0: response = "Hmm... not heard of that one!" await ctx.send(response) elif len(games) == 1: response = f"{user.mention} I found this game with the {'id' if game_name.isdigit() else 'name'} {game_name}!" await ctx.send(response) game = games[0] recommend = max((, rank.player_count) for rank in game._player_suggestion)[1] link = BGGCog.game_path(game) description = game.description if len(game.description) > 300: description = description[:297] + "..." embed = discord.Embed(, url=link) embed.add_field( name="Players", value=f"{game.min_players}-{game.max_players}", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Best", value=recommend, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Description", value=description) embed.set_thumbnail(url=game.thumbnail) await ctx.send(embed=embed) else: response = f"{user.mention} I found {len(games)} games with the name {game_name}!" await ctx.send(response) embed = discord.Embed(title=f"Games matching '{game_name}'") for game in sorted(games, key=lambda g: g.boardgame_rank or float('inf')): embed.add_field(name=f"{} ({game.year})", value=BGGCog.game_path(game)) embed.set_footer(text="Sorted by descending rank") await ctx.send(embed=embed)