def createBokehChart(self): plotwidth = int(self.getPreferredOutputWidth() / 2) plotheight = int(self.getPreferredOutputHeight() * 0.75) defaultbin = math.sqrt(len(self.getWorkingPandasDataFrame().index)) binsize = int(self.options.get('binsize', defaultbin)) valueFields = self.getValueFields() histograms = [] if len(valueFields) != 1: for i, valueField in enumerate(valueFields): color = self.options.get("color") if color is None: color = Colors.hexRGB(1. * i / 2) histograms.append( Histogram(self.getWorkingPandasDataFrame(), values=valueField, plot_width=plotwidth, plot_height=plotheight, bins=binsize, color=color, xgrid=True, ygrid=True, ylabel='Frequency')) return histograms else: return Histogram(self.getWorkingPandasDataFrame(), values=self.getValueFields()[0], bins=binsize, color=self.options.get("color"), xgrid=True, ygrid=True, ylabel='Frequency')
def createBokehChart(self): plotwidth = int(self.getPreferredOutputWidth() / 2) plotheight = int(self.getPreferredOutputHeight() * 0.75) binsize = int(self.options.get('binsize', 10)) valueFields = self.getValueFields() histograms = [] if len(valueFields) != 1: for i in valueFields: histograms.append( Histogram(self.getWorkingPandasDataFrame(), values=i, plot_width=plotwidth, plot_height=plotheight, bins=binsize, color=self.options.get("color"), xgrid=True, ygrid=True)) return histograms else: return Histogram(self.getWorkingPandasDataFrame(), values=self.getValueFields()[0], bins=binsize, color=self.options.get("color"), xgrid=True, ygrid=True)
def plot_histogram(same, diff): df = {"PAINS vs. PAINS": same, "PAINS vs. ChEMBL": diff} output_file("histogram_pains_self_diff.html") hist = Histogram(df, bins=20, density=True, legend=True) hist.x_range = Range1d(0, 1) #hist.legend.orientation = "top_right" show(hist)
def exibir(self): for i in self.dados.keys(): if len(self.dados[i]) > 0: continue else: return defaults.width, defaults.height = 400, 300 # prepare some data # input options hist_pontuacao = Histogram(self.dados["pontos"], title="Grades por pontuação", xlabel="Pontuação", ylabel="Número de grades", responsive=True, bins=30) hist_tamanho = Histogram(self.dados["tamanhos"], title="Grades por quantidade de disciplinas", xlabel="Número de disciplinas", ylabel="Número de grades", responsive=True, bins=8) hist_pop = Histogram(self.dados["popularidade"], title="Ocorrências da disciplina x", xlabel="Disciplina", ylabel="Ocorrências nas grades", responsive=True, bins=46) output_file("html/histograms.html") show(hplot(hist_pontuacao, hist_tamanho, hist_pop))
def plot_actions_players_min(actions: dict, output_file_url: str) -> None: """ Plots all actions in a line diagrams and outputs them to an html file. :param actions: a list of all actions and their timestamp. :param output_file_url: string containing the directory and filename :return: None """ # output to static HTML file output_file(output_file_url) tabs = [] for action in actions: # create a new plot with a title and axis labels p = Histogram(actions[action], title=action, bins=[0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105]) p.xaxis.axis_label = 'Tijd (min.)' p.yaxis.axis_label = 'Frequentie' p.x_range = Range1d(0, 105) # create a tab tab = Panel(child=p, title=action) # add to existing tabs tabs.append(tab) tabs = Tabs(tabs=tabs) # show the results show(tabs)
def plot_times(dataframe): dataframe = dataframe.fillna(-1) p = Histogram(dataframe,'total time',bins=24, color = 'green', title="Processing Times",height=500,width=1000) text = """Mean: {mean} Min: {min} Max: {max}""".format(mean=round(dataframe[dataframe.status==0]['total time'].mean(skipna=True),3),min = dataframe[dataframe.status==0]['total time'].min(),max=dataframe[dataframe.status==0]['total time'].max()) mytext = glyphs.Text(x=p.x_range.end-(p.x_range.end/3), y=p.y_range.end - (p.y_range.end/3),text=[text],text_font_size='10pt') p.add_glyph(mytext) return p
def histogram(self, dataframe, bins=None, width=None, height=None, palette=None, title='Histogram', values=None, groups=None, legend=True): palette = self.__default_options__.get( 'palette', None) if palette is None else palette width = self.__default_options__.get('width', None) if width is None else width if values: unique_values = dataframe[groups].unique() palette = self._palette(palette, len(unique_values)) else: palette = None width, height = self._width_height(width, height) histogram = Histogram(dataframe, values=values, color=groups, bins=bins, legend=True, width=width, height=height, palette=palette, title=title) return histogram
def Histograms(): plot = Histogram(df, values=value, color=value, title=title, legend='top_right') # script, div = components(plot) return plot
def showBacktestingResult(self): """显示回测结果""" d = self.calculateBacktestingResult() # 输出 self.output('-' * 30) self.output('First Trade:\t%s' % d['timeList'][0]) self.output('Last Trade:\t%s' % d['timeList'][-1]) self.output('Total Trades:\t%s' % formatNumber(d['totalResult'])) self.output('Total Return:\t%s' % formatNumber(d['capital'])) self.output('Maximum Drawdown: \t%s' % formatNumber(min(d['drawdownList']))) self.output('Ave Trade:\t%s' % formatNumber(d['capital'] / d['totalResult'])) self.output('Ave Slippage:\t%s' % formatNumber(d['totalSlippage'] / d['totalResult'])) self.output('Ave Commission:\t%s' % formatNumber(d['totalCommission'] / d['totalResult'])) self.output('Win Ratio\t\t%s%%' % formatNumber(d['winningRate'])) self.output('Ave Win\t%s' % formatNumber(d['averageWinning'])) self.output('Ave Loss\t%s' % formatNumber(d['averageLosing'])) self.output('Profit Factor:\t%s' % formatNumber(d['profitLossRatio'])) # Use Bokeh to plot from bokeh.charts import Area, Line, Histogram from bokeh.layouts import column from import show plotdata = { "TradeN": range(len(d['capitalList'])), "Equity Curve": d['capitalList'], "Maximum Drawdown": d['drawdownList'], "Profit/Loss": d['pnlList'] } f1 = Line(plotdata, x="TradeN", y="Equity Curve", color="blue", width=1000, height=300) f2 = Area(plotdata, x="TradeN", y="Maximum Drawdown", color="tomato", width=1000, height=300) f3 = Histogram(plotdata, values="Profit/Loss", bins=30, color="green", width=1000, height=300) show(column(f1, f2, f3))
def nbd(): #pull 'nbd' from input field and store it: nbd = request.args.get('nbd') room_type = "Private room" #nbd = "East Village" train = pd.read_sql_query(""" SELECT * FROM listings_price WHERE neighbourhood_cleansed = %(nbd)s AND room_type = %(room_type)s; """, con, index_col = "id", params = {"nbd":nbd, "room_type":room_type}) #train train["ratio"] = (train["preds"] - train["price"])/train["price"] #keep train for the histogram sm_train = train[train["ratio"] > 0][train["ratio"] < 1.2] sm_train = sm_train.sort_values("diff", ascending = False) sm_train["diff"] births = [] #showing some tables: for i in range(0,25): births.append(dict(price=int(sm_train.iloc[i]['price']), city=sm_train.iloc[i]['name'], id = sm_train.index[i], room_type=int(sm_train.iloc[i]['preds']), url=sm_train.iloc[i]['listing_url'])) the_result = '' #births plot = Histogram(train["price"], bins = 20, plot_width=500, plot_height=300) script, div = components(plot) title = "Distribution of daily prices in {0}".format(nbd) median = train["price"].median() percentile_05 = np.round(train["price"].quantile(0.05), 1) percentile_95 = np.round(train["price"].quantile(0.95), 1) more_info = "The median price per day is ${0}. 95% of the listings are in \ between ${1} and ${2}".format(median, percentile_05, percentile_95) return render_template('nbd.html', births = births, the_result = the_result, nbd = nbd, script = script, div = div, title = title, more_info = more_info)
def create_figure(current_feature_name, bins): p = Histogram(iris_df, current_feature_name, title=current_feature_name, color='Species', bins=bins, legend='top_right', width=600, height=400) # Set the x axis label p.xaxis.axis_label = current_feature_name # Set the y axis label p.yaxis.axis_label = 'Count' return p
def create_histogram2(data): TOOLS = [HoverTool(tooltips=[('Age:', '$x{int}'), ('total', '@y')])] plot = Histogram(data, title='Age:', legend='bottom_right', ylabel="Number of Tournaments", tools=TOOLS, plot_width=400, plot_height=400) return plot
def histograms(Y, bins=50, title='', xlabel='', height=3): df = {xlabel: Y} df = pd.DataFrame(df) plot = Histogram(df, xlabel, legend=None, bins=bins, title=title, plot_height=int(height * ht), sizing_mode='scale_width') return plot
def showHistogram(times): mydict = {'Time (s)': totalboot(times)} hist = Histogram(pd.DataFrame(mydict), values="Time (s)", title="Total Boot Time (s)", legend="top_right", background_fill_alpha=0.6, bar_width=1) show(hist)
def plot_distance_distrib(G): """ Plots the distribution of distances from the Graph """ W = list([G[x][y]['weight'] for (x, y) in G.edges()]) h = Histogram(W, title="Weight (proximity) distribution", xlabel='weights', ylabel="Counts(weights)", bins=50) return h
def test_responsive_chart_starts_at_correct_size(output_file_url, selenium): hist = Histogram(df['mpg'], title="MPG Distribution", responsive=True) save(hist) selenium.set_window_size(width=1000, height=600) selenium.get(output_file_url) canvas = selenium.find_element_by_tag_name('canvas') wait_for_canvas_resize(canvas, selenium) # Canvas width should be just under 1000 assert canvas.size['width'] > 900 assert canvas.size['width'] < 1000
def generate_histogram(table_data, form_data): """Generate histogram.""" if form_data['color'] == '': color = 'blue' else: color = form_data['color'] plot = Histogram(table_data, values=form_data['column'], color=color, tools='pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,resize,hover,save') plot.title.text_font_style = "bold" output_file("output.html") save(plot) return build_html()
def get(self, request): nyse = Listing.objects.filter(exchange='2').count() nasdaq = Listing.objects.filter(exchange='3').count() amex = Listing.objects.filter(exchange='1').count() asx = Listing.objects.filter(exchange='4').count() exchanges = ["NYSE", "NASDAQ", "AMEX", "ASX"] values = [nyse, nasdaq, amex, asx ] # Bar Chart plot = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400, x_range=exchanges, title="Number of Listings") plot.vbar(x=exchanges, width=0.5, bottom=0, top=values, color="navy") script, div = components(plot) #average_board_size = BoardMember.objects.values_list('id', flat=True) #average_board_size = BoardMember.objects.all().values('id').query #average_board_size = list(BoardMember.objects.values_list('id', flat=True)) board_sizes = list(BoardMember.objects.all().values('company').annotate(Count('director')).values_list('director__count', flat=True)) board_statistics = BoardStatistics(board_sizes) director_ages = list(filter(None, Director.objects.all().values_list('age', flat=True))) director_statistics = BoardStatistics(director_ages) plot = Histogram(board_sizes) histogram_script, histogram_div = components(plot) return render(request, self.template_name, { 'bokeh_script': script, 'bokeh_div': div, 'bokeh_histogram_div': histogram_div, 'bokeh_histogram_script': histogram_script, 'total_companies': Company.objects.count(), 'total_directors': Director.objects.count(), 'last_update': str(Version.last_update), 'total_listings': Listing.objects.count(), 'board_statistics': board_statistics, 'director_statistics': director_statistics })
def test_responsive_chart_starts_at_correct_size(output_file_url, selenium): hist = Histogram(df['mpg'], title="MPG Distribution", responsive=True) save(hist) selenium.set_window_size(width=1000, height=600) selenium.get(output_file_url) assert has_no_console_errors(selenium) canvas = selenium.find_element_by_tag_name('canvas') wait_for_canvas_resize(canvas, selenium) # Canvas width should be just under 1000 * 0.9 # (default file_html has a body width of 90%) assert canvas.size['width'] > 850 assert canvas.size['width'] < 900
def simplePlotter(room, datetime, chartpick): df_day_counts = pd.read_sql_query( day_count_query.format(date=datetime, room=room), connectDB()) # df_day_survey_counts = pd.read_sql_query(day_count_and_survey_query.format(date=datetime, room=room), # connectDB()) if chartpick == 'Histogram': plot = Histogram(df_day_counts['count'], title="Counts", bins=10) if chartpick == 'Bar': plot = Bar(df_day_counts['count'], title="Counts") all_plots = gridplot([[plot]]) return all_plots
def ticker(ticker): # build line line = Line(betalyzer.df_betas[ticker], plot_width=1000, plot_height=400) bokeh_script, bokeh_div = components(line) # build scatter scatter = Scatter(betalyzer.df_changes.head(betalyzer.window),, y=ticker, plot_width=550, plot_height=400) scatter_script, scatter_div = components(scatter) # build histogram df_hist = betalyzer.df_changes[[ticker, 'SPY']].head(500).unstack().reset_index() df_hist.rename(columns={'level_0': 'ticker', 0: 'change'}, inplace=True) hist = Histogram(df_hist, values='change', color='ticker', bins=20, legend='top_right', plot_width=550, plot_height=400) hist_script, hist_div = components(hist) return render_template( 'ticker.html', ticker=ticker, bokeh_script=bokeh_script, bokeh_div=bokeh_div, scatter_script=scatter_script, scatter_div=scatter_div, hist_script=hist_script, hist_div=hist_div, window=betalyzer.window, dt_ticker=betalyzer.df_tickers.loc[ticker].to_dict())
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from bokeh.charts import Histogram, show, output_file # build some distributions and load them into a dict mu, sigma = 0, 0.5 normal = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, 1000) lognormal = np.random.lognormal(mu, sigma, 1000) distributions = OrderedDict(normal=normal, lognormal=lognormal) # create a pandas data frame from the dict df = pd.DataFrame(distributions) distributions = df.to_dict() for k, v in distributions.items(): distributions[k] = v.values() # any of the following commented are valid Histogram inputs #df = list(distributions.values()) #df = tuple(distributions.values()) #df = tuple([tuple(x) for x in distributions.values()]) #df = np.array(list(distributions.values())) #df = list(distributions.values())[0] output_file("histograms.html") hist = Histogram(df, bins=50, legend=True) show(hist)
#%matplotlib inline #pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 6) def convert_int(dataframe, colname): dataframe[colname] = pd.to_numeric(dataframe[colname], errors='coerce') limit_rows = 1000000 df = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/vasir/Desktop/ADM/train_ver2.CSV", nrows=limit_rows) convert_int(df, 'age') print df['age'].dtype df['age'] = df['age'].fillna(-1) cols = ['age'] df[cols] = df[cols].applymap(np.int64) df_frac = df.sample(frac=0.01) p_age = Histogram(df_frac, values='age', title="Age Distribution") #show(p_age) dffrac1 = df_frac.dropna(subset=['sexo'], how='any') dffrac1.head() #dffrac1['sexo']=dffrac1['sexo'].astype('category') p = Bar(dffrac1, 'sexo', title="Sex") #show(p) dffrac2 = df_frac.dropna(subset=['renta'], how='any') bar_renta = Bar(dffrac2, values='renta', label='nomprov', agg='mean', title="City Vs Renta", legend=False,
from bokeh.charts import Histogram, output_file, show from bokeh.sampledata.autompg import autompg as df p = Histogram(df, values='hp', color='navy', title="HP Distribution") output_file("histogram_color.html") show(p)
get_ipython().system( u'curl --upload-file restaraunts.html' ) # In[93]: from import output_notebook output_notebook() # In[94]: from bokeh.charts import Histogram, output_file, show # In[96]: p1 = Histogram(samp["SCORE"]) show(p1) # In[103]: p2 = Histogram(mRests, 'SCORE', color='GRADE', title="Score Grouped by Grade", bins=15, legend='top_left') show(p2) # In[99]:
def plot_prediction_histogram(images_path, model_path, weights_path, img_shape, required_class, class_name_dict={}, batch_size=16, preprocessing_function=None, plotting_module="matplotlib"): """ Function to plot the histogram of predicted probabilities of a given class images_path --str: full path to the parent directory containing sub-directory(classes) of images model_path --str: full path to a keras model (.json file) (No default) weights_path --str: full path to the weights file (.hdf5 file) (No default) img_shape --tuple: image shape to input to the model (eg : (224,224,3)) (No default) required_class --str: The name of the required class on which to generate ROC (example "dog") class_name_dict --dict: Dictionary mapping of classes (default {}) batch_size --int: The batch_size to use for prediction (Default 16) preprocessing_function --function: The preprocessing function to use before prediction (Default None) plotting_module --str: The plotting module to use. Either of 'matplotlib' or 'bokeh' (Default matplotlib) Output: Plots the histogram of the predicted probabilites of the required class """ if len(class_name_dict) == 0: raise ValueError("Provide the class_name_dict") # loading model and weights json_file = open(model_path, 'r') loaded_model_json = json_file.close() loaded_model = model_from_json(loaded_model_json) # load weights loaded_model.load_weights(weights_path) print('loaded model from disk') # generator for data test_datagen = ImageDataGenerator( preprocessing_function=preprocessing_function) test_generator = test_datagen.flow_from_directory( images_path, target_size=(img_shape[0], img_shape[1]), class_mode='categorical', batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, # to get ordered result ) # this is an important step else there is a difference in result between predict and predict_generator test_generator.reset() # reset to start with sample 0 nb_samples = test_generator.samples class_name_dict = test_generator.class_indices # eg {'dog': 0, 'cat': 1} # predict predictions = loaded_model.predict_generator(test_generator, steps=nb_samples // batch_size, max_queue_size=10, workers=1, use_multiprocessing=False, verbose=1) class_idx = class_name_dict[required_class] hist_data = predictions[:, class_idx] if plotting_module == "matplotlib": plt.hist(hist_data, bins=10) plt.xlim(0, 1) plt.title('Histogram of predicted probabilities') plt.xlabel('Predicted probability of {}'.format(required_class)) plt.ylabel('Frequency') elif plotting_module == "bokeh": df = pd.DataFrame( {"Predicted probability of {}".format(required_class): hist_data}) from import output_notebook import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') from bokeh.charts import Histogram, show output_notebook() p = Histogram(df, "Predicted probability of {}".format(required_class), title="Histogram of predicted probabilities") show(p) else: raise ValueError("Only bokeh and matplotlib are supported")
import numpy as np # we build some distributions and load them into a dict mu, sigma = 0, 0.5 normal = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, 1000) lognormal = np.random.lognormal(mu, sigma, 1000) distributions = dict(normal=normal, lognormal=lognormal) # then we create a pandas df from the dict import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame(distributions) # and finally we drop the df into out Histogram chart from bokeh.charts import Histogram hist = Histogram(df, bins=50, filename="histograms.html") hist.title("Histograms").ylabel("frequency").legend(True).width(400).height(350).show()
def histogram(histDF, values, **kwargs): from bokeh.charts import Histogram return Histogram(histDF[values], **kwargs)
def compute_plot_all_Deff(tmin, tmax, particle_chemistry): """ Calculates and plots all Deffs in the timepoint range. This function trims the cleaned MSD pandas dataframe to the user- selected timepoint range, calculates a Deff from the mean MSD for each timepoint within the range and for each particle chemistry, plots a line graph of all Deffs across the timepoint range, and gives geometric mean Deff values for each chemistry for the time range specified. Note: tmin must be less than tmax to get a timepoint range. If, however, the user requires a Deff calculated from a single timepoint, he or she can input an equal tmin and tmax, and the function will consider only the single closest timepoint (on the later side) to the input. Inputs: tmin: a float representing the minimum timepoint the user wishes to consider in the Deff calculation tmax: a float representing the maximum timepoint the user wishes to consider in the Deff calculation (make this the same as tmin if a single-timepoint Deff is desired) particle_chemistry: a string matching the column title of the particle chemistry which is to be emphasized: the Deffs of this chemistry will be plotted on the histogram, bolded/dashed on the line plot, and printed in the form of a geometric mean. Outputs: A bokeh histogram of Deffs for the inputted chemistry, on the same figure as the below line plot (this figure defaults to fit nicely in a 1280x800 screen, but plots can be resized as needed) A bokeh line plot of Deffs for all particle chemistries across the timepoint range, with emphasized chemistry bolded/dashed Deff of inputted chemistry: a geometric mean of the Deffs between tmin and tmax for the inputted chemistry, printed in the form of a string within an explanatory sentence avg_Deffs: a fresh pandas dataframe indexed with the columns (particle chemistries) of the MSD dataframe, containing single geometric mean Deff values for each particle chemistry """ # Verify time range validity if tmin < 0 or tmax > round(max(msd.index)): return "Error: input time range between 0 and your data's tmax" else: if tmin == 0: print 'Divide by 0 error: tmin=0 changed to tmin=0.01' tmin = 0.01 # Trim out-of-time-range rows temp1_msd = msd[msd.index >= tmin] # Trim to a length of 1 if user desires single-timepoint Deff if tmin == tmax: temp2_msd = temp1_msd.head(1) else: temp2_msd = temp1_msd[temp1_msd.index <= tmax] # Calculate Deffs for only the timepoints needed and add as # a new column to a new dataframe index = temp2_msd.index Deffs = pd.DataFrame(index=index, columns=columns2) avg_Deffs = pd.DataFrame(index=columns2) avg_Deffs_temp = [] h = Histogram([1], bins=50, width=300, height=250) # maxes will eventually be used for sizing the histogram maxes = [] # Lay the foundation for the bokeh figure output_file('Deffs_hist_and_line_plot.html') p = figure( tools='resize,pan,box_zoom,wheel_zoom,reset,save', width=950, height=650, x_axis_label='MSD timepoint', y_axis_label='Deff') # Cycle through each particle chemistry and fill in Deffs # and avg_Deffs for title in columns2: single_Deff_list = [] for i in range(0, len(temp2_msd)): index = temp2_msd.index[i] single_Deff_list.append(temp2_msd[title + ' geo'][index]/( 4*index**ALPHA)) # Add particle-chemistry-specific Deff list to Deffs # dataframe Deffs[title] = single_Deff_list maxes.append(np.max(single_Deff_list)) # Add geometric mean Deff to what will become avg_Deffs avg_Deffs_temp.append(scipy.stats.gmean(Deffs[title])) # Create a special bold/dashed line for the inputted # chemistry only, and generate the printed output if title == particle_chemistry: p.line( Deffs.index, Deffs[title], line_width=5, line_dash=(15, 10), legend=title, line_color=( np.random.randint(256), np.random.randint(256), np.random.randint(256)) ) h = Histogram(Deffs[particle_chemistry], width=300, height=250) print particle_chemistry + ' Deff = ' + str( scipy.stats.gmean(Deffs[title])) else: p.line( Deffs.index, Deffs[title], line_width=1, legend=title, line_color=( np.random.randint(256), np.random.randint(256), np.random.randint(256)) ) avg_Deffs['Deff'] = avg_Deffs_temp p.legend.label_text_font_size = '6pt' # The line plot x-axis range is calibrated to include all # of the desired data and the legend with no overlap p.x_range = Range1d(tmin, tmax + (tmax - tmin)/5) # The histogram x-axis is calibrated to remain at a # constant scale for each given tmin/tmax combination--this # gives a sense of scale for this particular histogram # within the possible Deff values for all the chemistries h.x_range = Range1d(0, np.max(maxes)) f = hplot(h, p) show(f) return avg_Deffs
def compute_hist_Deff(particle_chemistry, tmin, tmax): """ Calculates and plots Deff in timepoint range for a given chemistry. This function trims the cleaned MSD pandas dataframe to the user- selected timepoint range, calculates a Deff from the mean MSD for each timepoint within the range, plots a histogram of the list of Deffs, and gives a geometric mean Deff value for the time range specified. This is all within the specified particle chemistry. Note: tmin must be less than tmax. Inputs: particle_chemistry: a string matching the column title of the particle chemistry for which a Deff is to be plotted and calculated tmin: a float representing the minimum timepoint the user wishes to consider in the Deff calculation tmax: a float representing the maximum timepoint the user wishes to consider in the Deff calculation Outputs: A bokeh charts histogram of Deff values calculated from the particle chemistry's MSD of each timepoint within the range Deff: a single float representing the geometric mean Deff value for the timepoint range specified Side effects: The trimmed MSD dataset is appended (with a new column) to include the list of Deffs for the given particle chemistry. """ # Verify time range validity if tmin < 0 or tmax > round(max(msd.index)): return "Error: input time range between 0 and your data's tmax" else: if tmin == 0: print 'Divide by 0 error: tmin=0 changed to tmin=0.01' tmin = 0.01 # Trim out-of-time-range rows temp1_msd = msd[msd.index >= tmin] temp2_msd = temp1_msd[temp1_msd.index <= tmax] # Calculate Deffs for only the timepoints needed and add as a # new column Deff_list = [] for i in range(0, len(temp2_msd)): index = temp2_msd.index[i] # Calculate Deff using the conventional relationship # between MSD and Deff Deff_list.append(temp2_msd[particle_chemistry + ' geo'][index]/( 4*index**ALPHA)) temp2_msd[particle_chemistry + ' Deff'] = Deff_list # Plot histogram and print mean Deff value output_file('Deffs_hist.html') p = Histogram( temp2_msd[particle_chemistry + ' Deff'], bins=15, legend=False) # Set range of x axis to reflect approximate range of all Deff # values p.x_range = Range1d(0, 0.015) show(p) # There's only one Deff column from this function: calculate # geometric mean Deff from that column Deff = scipy.stats.gmean(temp2_msd[particle_chemistry + ' Deff']) return Deff
def get_memory_hists(self, mode='overview'): """ Plot memory histogram in a row """ access = self.__get_memory_access_types(mode) hists = [] data_dfs = [] col_cycle = [] col_index = [] for key, value in access.iteritems(): sql_query = 'SELECT length FROM memory' sql_query += ' WHERE ' + value sql_query += ' ORDER by line' dataframe = pd.read_sql_query(sql_query, self.get_db()) color = tm.get_random_color() col_sched = [] col_location = [] col_value = [] col_type = [] col_color = [] try: # Some statistics mean = np.round_(dataframe["length"].mean(), 2) median = dataframe["length"].median() sum_len = dataframe["length"].sum() col_cycle.append(sum_len) col_index.append(key) # Plot histogram hist_title = key hist_title += ' / avg ' + str(mean) hist_title += ' / mid ' + str(median) plot_hist = Histogram(dataframe["length"].replace(0, np.nan), 'length', bins=50, color=color, xlabel='Latency of instruction in cycle', ylabel='Count', title=hist_title) except ValueError: continue # Ignore NaN if mean == mean and median == median: # Insert mean col_sched.append(self.get_name_instruction_scheduler()) col_location.append(key) col_value.append(mean) col_type.append('Mean') col_color.append(color) # Insert median col_sched.append(self.get_name_instruction_scheduler()) col_location.append(key) col_value.append(median) col_type.append('Median') col_color.append(color) data = {'sched': col_sched, 'location': col_location, 'value': col_value, 'type': col_type, 'color': col_color} data_df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=col_location) data_dfs.append(data_df) hists.append(plot_hist) # Plot break down of cycles data = {'cycle': col_cycle} cycle_df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=col_index) pie_cycle = Donut(cycle_df.replace(0, np.nan), title='Break down: cycles') hists.append(pie_cycle) info = {'hist': hists, 'info': data_dfs} return info
def simple_chart(request,counter_name): counter_len = len(Counter.objects.values()) Date = [Counter.objects.values()[i]["pub_date"] for i in range(counter_len)] name = counter_name y_values = Counter.objects.values_list("counter_value",flat=True).filter(counter_name=counter_name) points = zip(Date,y_values) ddict = OrderedDict({'Date':Date}) #ddict[name] = y_values TOOLS="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,hover,save" p = figure(width=1200, height=400, x_axis_type="datetime",tools=TOOLS,title=name+"'s Metrics" ) p.min_border_left = 100 p.min_border_top = 50 p.border_fill = 'whitesmoke' p.ygrid.band_fill_color = "#E6E6FA" p.title_text_color = "olive" p.title_text_font = "times" p.title_text_font_style = "italic" p.outline_line_width = 7 p.outline_line_alpha = 0.3 p.outline_line_color = "black" source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( rates = [slope(points[i][0].microsecond,points[i][1],points[i+1][0].microsecond,points[i+1][1]) for i in range(len(points)-1)] ) ) hover = hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ("Counter Name",name), ("Rate of count","@rates c/us"), ]) p.line(Date,y_values,line_width=1,source=source) p.square(Date, y_values, fill_color=None, line_color="green",size=4) script1, div1 = components(p, CDN) hist = Histogram(list(y_values),bins=50,title='Histogram',color="#778899") hist.border_fill = 'whitesmoke' hist.background_fill = "beige" script2, div2 = components(hist, CDN) area = Area(list(y_values),title="CDF") area.border_fill ="whitesmoke" area.background_fill = "#191970" script3, div3 = components(area,CDN) context = RequestContext(request,{"the_script1":script1, "the_div1":div1,"the_script2":script2,"the_div2":div2,"the_script3":script3,"the_div3":div3}) return render(request, "counters_app/simple_bokeh.html",context)
from bokeh.charts import Histogram, output_file, show from bokeh.sampledata.autompg import autompg as df p = Histogram(df, values='mpg', bins=50, title="MPG Distribution (50 bins)") output_file("histogram_bins.html") show(p)
from bokeh.charts import Histogram, output_file, show from bokeh.layouts import row from bokeh.sampledata.autompg import autompg as df hist = Histogram(df, values='mpg', title="Auto MPG Histogram", plot_width=400) hist2 = Histogram(df, values='mpg', label='cyl', color='cyl', legend='top_right', title="MPG Histogram by Cylinder Count", plot_width=400) output_file('hist.html') show(row(hist, hist2))
from bokeh.charts import Histogram, output_file, show from bokeh.sampledata.autompg import autompg as df p = Histogram(df['mpg'], title="MPG Distribution") output_file("histogram.html", ) show(p)
# # ref: # # However, the color parameter can also be used to group the data. If # the value of the color parameter is one of the DataFrame column # names, the data is first grouped by this column, and a histogram is # generated for each group. Each histogram is automatically colored # differently, and a legend displayed: from bokeh.charts import Histogram, output_file, show from bokeh.sampledata.autompg import autompg as df p = Histogram(df, values='hp', color='cyl', title="HP Distribution (color grouped by CYL)", legend='top_right') output_file("/tmp/ch29.html") show(p)
def get_histogram(t): t1, t2 = ticker1.value, ticker2.value data = get_data(t1, t2) h = Histogram(data[[t]], values=t) h.toolbar_location = None return h