def __create_widgets(self): ignored_y = ['Patient Name', 'Patient ID', 'Plan Date', 'Radiation Dev', 'Energy', 'file_name', 'date_time_obj'] y_options = [option for option in list( if option not in ignored_y] self.select_y = Select(title='Y-variable:', value='Dose Dev', options=y_options) linacs = list(set(['Radiation Dev'])) linacs.sort() linacs.insert(0, 'All') linacs.append('None') self.select_linac = {grp: Select(title='Linac %s:' % grp, value='All', options=linacs, width=250) for grp in GROUPS} self.select_linac[2].value = 'None' energies = list(set(['Energy'])) energies.sort() energies.insert(0, 'Any') self.select_energies = {grp: Select(title='Energy %s:' % grp, value='Any', options=energies, width=250) for grp in GROUPS} self.avg_len_input = TextInput(title='Avg. Len:', value='10', width=100) self.percentile_input = TextInput(title='Percentile:', value='90', width=100) self.bins_input = TextInput(title='Bins:', value='20', width=100) self.start_date_picker = DatePicker(title='Start Date:', value=self.x[0]) self.end_date_picker = DatePicker(title='End Date:', value=self.x[-1]) self.gamma_options = ['5.0%/3.0mm', '3.0%/3.0mm', '3.0%/2.0mm', 'Any'] self.checkbox_button_group = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=self.gamma_options, active=[3])
def createButtons(self, figNames): buttons = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=[name for name in figNames], active=[0, 1, 2]) buttons.on_click(self.buttonClick) for count, name in enumerate(figNames): self.buttonToFig[count] = self.figs[name] return buttons
def get_select(desc, values, default=None, labels=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if default is None: # by default, make all selections active default = list(range(len(values))) if labels is None: labels = list(map(str, values)) # misuse tags to store values without mapping to str group = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=labels, active=default, tags=values) group.on_change('active', on_filter_change) return group
def add_specline_toggles(self, viewer_cds, plots): #----- #- Toggle lines self.speclines_button_group = CheckboxButtonGroup( labels=["Emission lines", "Absorption lines"], active=[]) self.majorline_checkbox = CheckboxGroup( labels=['Show only major lines'], active=[]) self.speclines_callback = CustomJS( args = dict(line_data = viewer_cds.cds_spectral_lines, lines = plots.speclines, line_labels = plots.specline_labels, zlines = plots.zoom_speclines, zline_labels = plots.zoom_specline_labels, lines_button_group = self.speclines_button_group, majorline_checkbox = self.majorline_checkbox), code=""" var show_emission = false var show_absorption = false if ( >= 0) { // index 0=Emission in active list show_emission = true } if ( >= 0) { // index 1=Absorption in active list show_absorption = true } for(var i=0; i<lines.length; i++) { if ( !(['major'][i]) && (>=0) ) { lines[i].visible = false line_labels[i].visible = false zlines[i].visible = false zline_labels[i].visible = false } else if (['emission'][i]) { lines[i].visible = show_emission line_labels[i].visible = show_emission zlines[i].visible = show_emission zline_labels[i].visible = show_emission } else { lines[i].visible = show_absorption line_labels[i].visible = show_absorption zlines[i].visible = show_absorption zline_labels[i].visible = show_absorption } } """ ) self.speclines_button_group.js_on_click(self.speclines_callback) self.majorline_checkbox.js_on_click(self.speclines_callback)
def __init__(self, sources, time_series, correlation, regression, custom_title, data_tables): self.sources = sources self.time_series = time_series self.correlation = correlation self.regression = regression self.eud_a_input = TextInput(value='', title='EUD a-value:', width=150) self.gamma_50_input = TextInput(value='', title=u"\u03b3_50:", width=150) self.td_tcd_input = TextInput(value='', title='TD_50 or TCD_50:', width=150) self.apply_button = Button(label="Apply parameters", button_type="primary", width=150) self.apply_filter = CheckboxButtonGroup( labels=["Group 1", "Group 2", "Selected"], active=[0], width=300) self.apply_button.on_click(self.apply_rad_bio_parameters) self.layout = column( Div(text="<b>DVH Analytics v%s</b>" % options.VERSION), row(custom_title['1']['rad_bio'], Spacer(width=50), custom_title['2']['rad_bio']), Div(text="<b>Published EUD Parameters from Emami" " et. al. for 1.8-2.0Gy fractions</b> (Click to apply)", width=600), data_tables.emami, Div(text="<b>Applied Parameters:</b>", width=150), row(self.eud_a_input, Spacer(width=50), self.gamma_50_input, Spacer(width=50), self.td_tcd_input, Spacer(width=50), self.apply_filter, Spacer(width=50), self.apply_button), Div(text="<b>EUD Calculations for Query</b>", width=500), data_tables.rad_bio, Spacer(width=1000, height=100))
def get_checkbox(glyph_renderers, labels, max_checkbox_length=None): """ Parameters ---------- glyph_renderers: List[List[Renderer]] list of glyph-renderers labels: List[str] list with strings to be put in checkbox Returns ------- checkbox: CheckboxGroup or List[CheckboxGroup] checkbox object select_all: Button button related to checkbox select_none: Button button related to checkbox """ code, args_checkbox = _prepare_nested_glyphs(glyph_renderers) # Toggle all renderers in a subgroup, if their domain is set to active code += """ for (i = 0; i < len_labels; i++) { if ( { // console.log('Setting to true: ' + i + '(' + glyph_renderers[i].length + ')') for (j = 0; j < glyph_renderers[i].length; j++) { glyph_renderers[i][j].visible = true; // console.log('Setting to true: ' + i + ' : ' + j) } } else { // console.log('Setting to false: ' + i + '(' + glyph_renderers[i].length + ')') for (j = 0; j < glyph_renderers[i].length; j++) { glyph_renderers[i][j].visible = false; // console.log('Setting to false: ' + i + ' : ' + j) } } } """ # Create the actual checkbox-widget callback = CustomJS(args=args_checkbox, code=code) checkbox = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=labels, active=list(range(len(labels))), callback=callback) # Select all/none: handle_list_as_string = str(list(range(len(glyph_renderers)))) code_button_tail = " = labels;" + code.replace('cb_obj', 'checkbox') select_all = Button(label="All", callback=CustomJS(args=dict({'checkbox':checkbox}, **args_checkbox), code="var labels = {}; ".format(handle_list_as_string) + code_button_tail)) select_none = Button(label="None", callback=CustomJS(args=dict({'checkbox':checkbox}, **args_checkbox), code="var labels = {}; ".format('[]') + code_button_tail)) if max_checkbox_length is not None and len(glyph_renderers) > max_checkbox_length: # Keep all and none buttons, but create new checkboxes and return a list slices = list(range(0, len(glyph_renderers), max_checkbox_length)) + [len(glyph_renderers)] checkboxes = [get_checkbox(glyph_renderers[s:e], labels[s:e])[0] for s, e in zip(slices[:-1], slices[1:])] return checkboxes, select_all, select_none return checkbox, select_all, select_none
def build_filter_controls(options): server_names = options['server_names'] server_select = RadioButtonGroup(labels=server_names, active=0) year_select = RangeSlider(start=options['year-start'], end=options['year-end'], value=(options['year-start'], options['year-end']), step=1) #, title="Year") month_select = MultiSelect(title="Month:", value=['0'], options=options['month']) day_select = RangeSlider(start=1, end=31, value=(1, 31), step=1) ###, title="Day") day_week_select = CheckboxButtonGroup( #title='Dia da semana', labels=options['day_week']) #, #active=[i for i in range(len(options['day_week']))]) time_select = RangeSlider(start=0, end=24, value=(0, 24), step=1, title="Period") scale_select = RadioButtonGroup(labels=querys.scale, active=0) def select_data(): print('data select') server_name = server_names[] months = month_select.value days = day_select.value day_week = years = year_select.value time = time_select.value scale = querys.scale_str[] db = database.db sql = build_query(server_name, scale, years, months, days, day_week, time) print(sql) # return, db) return [ server_select, scale_select, year_select, month_select, day_select, day_week_select, time_select ], select_data
def create_visibility_checkbox(self) -> CheckboxButtonGroup: """ Toggles crosshair and axes visiblity on or off. Returns ------- CheckboxButtonGroup A button group to change the visibility of the crosshair and axes in the figures. """ visibility_checkbox = CheckboxButtonGroup( labels=self.CHECKBOX_LABELS, active=[0, 2] ) # visibility_checkbox.on_change("active", handle_checkbox) return visibility_checkbox
def make_inputs(self): columns = [ TableColumn(field='x', title='x'), TableColumn(field='y', title='y'), TableColumn(field='device', title='device'), TableColumn(field='platform', title='platform') ] # obj.data_display0 = DataTable(source=obj.source2, columns=columns) # obj.data_display1 = DataTable(source=obj.source3, columns=columns) # setup user input self.x_axis_options = Select(title="X:", value='size', options=axis_options) self.y_axis_options = Select(title="Y:", value='throughput [1/sec]', options=axis_options) self.benchmarks = Select(title="Benchmark:", value=benchmark_names[0], options=benchmark_names) self.device_names = CheckboxGroup(labels=device_names, active=[0]) self.platform_names = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=platform_names, active=[0])
def set_globals(parsed_result): global button_generate, buttons_toggle_x, dropdown_eval_method, slider_n_points, max_pars, source, old_active_list global result, x_eval_selectors, layout, x_eval_selectors_values, button_partial_dependence, y_value, button_color_map, colorbar, button_draw_confidence # Here we se the values of the global variables and create the layout result = parsed_result x_eval_selectors_values = copy.copy(result.x) max_pars = len( # Layout button_generate = Button(label="Generate", button_type="success") button_generate.on_click(lambda: handle_button_generate(layout, result)) buttons_toggle_x = CheckboxButtonGroup( labels=['x ' + str(s) for s in range(max_pars)], active=[]) button_partial_dependence = Toggle(label="Use partial dependence", button_type="default") button_color_map = Toggle(label="Use same color map", button_type="default") button_draw_confidence = Toggle(label="Draw upper confidence limit", button_type="default") dropdown_eval_method = Select( title="Evaluation method:", value='Result', options=['Result', 'Exp min', 'Exp min rand', 'Sliders'], width=200, height=40) slider_n_points = Slider(start=1, end=20, value=10, step=1, title="n-points", width=200, height=10) y_value = Div(text="""""", width=300, height=200) colorbar = Div( ) # We initiate colorbar as an empty div first and then change it to a plot in case we want to show it row_plots = row([]) row_top = row(button_generate, buttons_toggle_x) col_right_side = column(button_partial_dependence, button_color_map, button_draw_confidence, dropdown_eval_method, slider_n_points, y_value, colorbar) col_left_side = column(row_top, row_plots) layout = row(col_left_side, col_right_side)
def __init__(self, node_id, dtype, sensor_names, dates): """ :param node_id: str :param dtype: str :param sensor_names: [str] :param dates: str DataSet class. This class contains all the data for node and sensor type. node_id is the nodes unique id, dtype is the string data type for the node (e.g. 'Temperature', sensor names is the list of sensors with that data type, and date is the date of the data in YYYY-MM-DD format. """ = node_id self.dtype = dtype self.sensor_names = sensor_names self.dates = dates self.sources = {} self.used_sources = {} self.null_sources = {} self.cbg = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=self.sensor_names, active=[i for i in range(len(self.sensor_names))]) self.wb = widgetbox(self.cbg, width=600) self.plot = figure(title=self.dtype + ' data from node ' +, x_axis_type="datetime", tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,save,box_select")
menu = [("Item 1", "foo"), ("Item 2", "bar"), None, ("Item 3", "baz")] split = Dropdown(label="Split button", type="danger", menu=menu, default_value="baz") split.on_click(split_handler) checkbox_group = CheckboxGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=[0, 1]) checkbox_group.on_click(checkbox_group_handler) radio_group = RadioGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=0) radio_group.on_click(radio_group_handler) checkbox_button_group = CheckboxButtonGroup( labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=[0, 1]) checkbox_button_group.on_click(checkbox_button_group_handler) radio_button_group = RadioButtonGroup( labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=0) radio_button_group.on_click(radio_button_group_handler) vbox = VBox(children=[ button, toggle, dropdown, split, checkbox_group, radio_group, checkbox_button_group, radio_button_group ]) document = Document() document.add_root(vbox) session = push_session(document)
("Item 3", "item_3_value")] dropdown = Dropdown(label="Dropdown button", button_type="warning", menu=menu, default_value="item_1_value") split_menu = [("Item 1", "item_1_value"), ("Item 2", "item_2_value"), None, ("Item 3", "item_3_value")] split = Dropdown(label="Split button", button_type="danger", menu=split_menu) checkbox_group = CheckboxGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=[0, 1]) radio_group = RadioGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=0) checkbox_button_group = CheckboxButtonGroup( labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=[0, 1]) radio_button_group = RadioButtonGroup( labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=0) text_input = TextInput(placeholder="Enter value ...") autocomplete_input = AutocompleteInput() select = Select(options=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"]) multi_select = MultiSelect(options=["Option %d" % (i + 1) for i in range(16)], size=6) slider = Slider(value=10, start=0, end=100)
options=FILTER_PROPERTIES[c.AMENITIES]) AMENITIES_SELECT.on_change(c.VALUE, update_data) PROPERTY_TYPE_SELECT = MultiSelect(title='Property Type:', value=[], options=FILTER_PROPERTIES[c.PT]) PROPERTY_TYPE_SELECT.on_change(c.VALUE, update_data) NEIGHBOURHOOD_SELECT = MultiSelect(title='Neighbourhood:', value=[], options=FILTER_PROPERTIES[c.NC]) NEIGHBOURHOOD_SELECT.on_change(c.VALUE, update_data) # Checkbox Group (Multi Select) Widgets NG_LIST = FILTER_PROPERTIES[c.NGC] NEIGHBOURHOOD_GROUP = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=NG_LIST, active=list(range(0, len(NG_LIST)))) NEIGHBOURHOOD_GROUP.on_change(c.ACTIVE, update_data) RT_LIST = FILTER_PROPERTIES[c.RT] ROOM_TYPE_GROUP = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=FILTER_PROPERTIES[c.RT], active=list(range(0, len(RT_LIST)))) ROOM_TYPE_GROUP.on_change(c.ACTIVE, update_data) # Single Select Widgets PROPERTY_TYPE_HOST = Select(title='Property Type:', value=c.EMPTY_STRING, options=[c.EMPTY_STRING] + FILTER_PROPERTIES[c.PT]) N_HOST = Select(title='Neighbourhood:', value=c.EMPTY_STRING, options=[c.EMPTY_STRING] + FILTER_PROPERTIES[c.NC]) NG_HOST = Select(title='Neighbourhood Group:',
dropdown = Dropdown(label="Dropdown button", button_type="warning", menu=menu) dropdown.js_on_click(CustomJS(code="console.log('dropdown: ' + this.value, this.toString())")) dropdown_disabled = Dropdown(label="Dropdown button (disabled)", button_type="warning", disabled=True, menu=menu) dropdown_disabled.js_on_click(CustomJS(code="console.log('dropdown_disabled: ' + this.value, this.toString())")) #dropdown_split = Dropdown(label="Split button", button_type="danger", menu=menu, default_value="default") #dropdown_split.js_on_click(CustomJS(code="console.log('dropdown_split: ' + this.value, this.toString())")) checkbox_group = CheckboxGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=[0, 1]) checkbox_group.js_on_click(CustomJS(code="console.log('checkbox_group: ' +, this.toString())")) radio_group = RadioGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=0) radio_group.js_on_click(CustomJS(code="console.log('radio_group: ' +, this.toString())")) checkbox_button_group = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=[0, 1]) checkbox_button_group.js_on_click(CustomJS(code="console.log('checkbox_button_group: ' +, this.toString())")) radio_button_group = RadioButtonGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=0) radio_button_group.js_on_click(CustomJS(code="console.log('radio_button_group: ' +, this.toString())")) widget_box = WidgetBox(children=[ button, button_disabled, toggle_inactive, toggle_active, dropdown, dropdown_disabled, #dropdown_split, checkbox_group, radio_group, checkbox_button_group, radio_button_group, ]) doc = Document() doc.add_root(widget_box)
import numpy as np import h5py from bokeh.plotting import Figure from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, HBox, VBoxForm from bokeh.models.widgets import Select, CheckboxButtonGroup from import curdoc data_select = Select(title="Output:", value="hip_strength", options=["hip_strength", "knee_strength"]) checkbox_button_group = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=["option 1", "option 2"], active=[0, 1]) source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y=[])) p = Figure(plot_height=600, plot_width=800, title="", toolbar_location=None) renderer = p.line(x="x", y="y", alpha=1, source=source) # Fast direct read from hdf5 def get_data(f, name): shape = f[name].shape # Empty array data = np.empty(shape, dtype=np.float64) # read_direct to empty arrays f[name].read_direct(data) return data def select_data(): data_val = data_select.value with h5py.File('demo_data.hdf5', 'r') as f:
def __init__(self, z, p, retrieval): self.z = z self.p = p y = z self.retrieval = retrieval self.retrieval_quantities = retrieval.retrieval_quantities self.figures = dict([(rq, ProfilePlot(self.z, self.p,, "rq_plot_" +, width=400)) for rq in self.retrieval_quantities]) self.status = dict([(rq, True) for rq in self.retrieval_quantities]) self.sources_x = dict([(rq, []) for rq in self.retrieval_quantities]) self.sources_xa = dict([(rq, []) for rq in self.retrieval_quantities]) self.sources_x0 = dict([(rq, []) for rq in self.retrieval_quantities]) self.lines_x = dict([(rq, []) for rq in self.retrieval_quantities]) self.lines_xa = dict([(rq, []) for rq in self.retrieval_quantities]) self.lines_x0 = dict([(rq, []) for rq in self.retrieval_quantities]) # # Get retrieval results as list. # if type(self.retrieval.results) is list: results = self.retrieval.results else: results = [self.retrieval.results] self.colors = Inferno[len(results) + 2][1:-1] # # Add plots for each retrieval quantity. # for i, rr in enumerate(self.retrieval.results): for rq in self.retrieval_quantities: xa = rr.get_result(rq, attribute="xa") x = rr.get_result(rq, attribute="x") x0 = rr.get_result(rq, attribute="x0") if xa is None: continue self.sources_x[rq] += [ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y))] self.sources_xa[rq] += [ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=xa, y=y))] self.sources_x0[rq] += [ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x0, y=y))] fig = self.figures[rq] fig.add_quantity(x, line_kwargs=dict(line_color=self.colors[i], line_width=2)) if i == 0: fig.add_quantity(xa, line_kwargs=dict( line_dash="dashed", line_color=self.colors[i], line_width=2)) #fig.add_quantity(x0, line_kwargs = dict(line_dash = "dashdot", # line_color = self.colors[i], # line_width = 2)) self.plots = row(*[self.figures[k].doc for k in self.figures], name="retrieval_quantities") def update_plots(attrname, old, new): state = plots = curdoc().get_model_by_name('retrieval_quantities') print(state) for i, rq in enumerate(self.retrieval_quantities): if i in state: if self.status[rq] == True: continue else: self.status[rq] = True plots.children.append(self.figures[rq].doc) else: if self.status[rq] == False: continue else: fig = curdoc().get_model_by_name("rq_plot_" + self.status[rq] = False plots.children.remove(fig) print(plots.children) print(self.status) # # Checkbox button to hide plots # labels = [ for rq in self.retrieval.retrieval_quantities] active = list(range(len(labels))) self.checks = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=labels, active=active) self.checks.on_change("active", update_plots)
button.on_click(animate) team_Blue = plot.patch('xc', 'yc', source=source2, alpha=0, line_width=3, fill_color='dodgerblue') team_red = plot.patch('ax', 'ay', source=source3, alpha=0, line_width=3, fill_color='orangered') checkbox_blue = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=["Team Blue"], button_type="primary") checkbox_red = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=["Team Red"], button_type="primary") checkbox_blue.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(l0=team_Blue, checkbox=checkbox_blue), code=""" l0.visible = 0 in; l0.glyph.fill_alpha = 0.3; """) checkbox_red.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(l0=team_red, checkbox=checkbox_red), code=""" l0.visible = 0 in; l0.glyph.fill_alpha = 0.3; """) p = Paragraph(text="""Select team to plot convex hull""", width=200)
class Interface: def __init__(self): self.grepolis = Grepolis() imgRessource = [] for v in ["Bois", "Pierre", "Argent"]: r = "static/" + v + ".png" d = dict(url=[r]) imgRessource.append(Image(d)) colRess = column(*[img.figure for img in imgRessource]) self.inputRess = [ TextInput(value="", title=el + " :", width=150) for el in ["Bois", "Pierre", "Argent"] ] colinputRess = column(*self.inputRess) imgDieu = [] for v in ["Athena", "Artemis", "Hades", "Zeus", "Poseidon", "Hera"]: r = "static/" + v + ".png" d = dict(url=[r]) imgDieu.append(Image(d, multiplier=3)) rowDieu = [HFill(5)] for img in imgDieu: rowDieu.append(HFill(5)) rowDieu.append(img.figure) rowDieu = row(*rowDieu) imgAtt = [] for v in ["Att_hack", "Att_sharp", "Att_distance"]: r = "static/" + v + ".png" d = dict(url=[r]) imgAtt.append(Image(d)) colAtt = column(*[img.figure for img in imgAtt]) self.inputAtt = [ TextInput(value="", title=el + " :", width=150) for el in ["Contondantes", "Blanches", "De Jet"] ] colinputAtt = column(*self.inputAtt) imgDef = [] for v in ["Def_hack", "Def_sharp", "Def_distance"]: r = "static/" + v + ".png" d = dict(url=[r]) imgDef.append(Image(d)) colDef = column(*[img.figure for img in imgDef]) self.inputDef = [ TextInput(value="", title=el + " :", width=150) for el in ["Contondantes", "Blanches", "De Jet"] ] rowinputDef = column(*self.inputDef) imgOther = [] for v in ["Vitesse", "Butin", "Faveur"]: r = "static/" + v + ".png" d = dict(url=[r]) imgOther.append(Image(d)) colOther = column(*[img.figure for img in imgOther]) self.inputFavBut = [ TextInput(value="", title=el + " :", width=150) for el in ["Vitesse", "Butin", "Faveur"] ] self.inputOther = column(*self.inputFavBut) self.imgUnit = [] for v in [ "Combattant", "Frondeur", "Archer", "Hoplite", "Cavalier", "Char", "Envoye", "Centaure", "Pegase" ]: r = "static/" + v + ".jpg" d = dict(url=[r]) self.imgUnit.append(Image(d, multiplier=2)) rowUnit = row(HFill(10), *[img.figure for img in self.imgUnit]) imgDefAtt = [] for v in ["Pop", "Attaque", "Defense"]: r = "static/" + v + ".png" d = dict(url=[r]) imgDefAtt.append(Image(d)) rowInputUnit = [HFill(10)] self.unitInput = [ TextInput(value="", title=el + " :", width=80) for el in [ "Combattant", "Frondeur", "Archer", "Hoplite", "Cavalier", "Char", "Envoye", "Centaure", "Pegase" ] ] for inp in self.unitInput: rowInputUnit.append(inp) rowInputUnit.append(HFill(30)) rowInputUnit = row(HFill(10), *rowInputUnit) self.selectUnit = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=[ "Combattant", "Frondeur", "Archer", "Hoplite", "Cavalier", "Char", "Envoye", "Centaure", "Pegase" ], active=[i for i in range(9)]) self.selectUnit.on_change("active", self.updateSelectUnit) self.Dieu = RadioButtonGroup( labels=["Athena", "Artemis", "Hades", "Zeus", "Poseidon", "Hera"], active=0, width=1110) self.Dieu.on_change('active', self.updateUnit) self.attdef = RadioButtonGroup(labels=["Attaque", "Defense"], active=0, width=200) self.attdef.on_change('active', self.switchAttDef) self.typeAtt = RadioGroup( labels=["Armes Contondantes", "Armes Blanches", "Armes de Jet"], active=0, width=150) self.typeAtt.on_change('active', self.process2) self.imgFaveur = Image(dict(url=["static/" + "Faveur" + ".png"])) self.launch = Button(label="Lancer") self.launch.on_click(self.process) self.inputPop = TextInput(value="1500", title="Population : ", width=120) self.inputPop.on_change("value", self.process2) self.inputFav = TextInput(value="1500", title="Faveur Max : ", width=120) self.inputFav.on_change("value", self.process2) rowPop = row(HFill(10), self.typeAtt, imgDefAtt[1].figure, self.attdef, HFill(30), imgDefAtt[2].figure, HFill(50), imgDefAtt[0].figure, self.inputPop, HFill(50), self.imgFaveur.figure, self.inputFav, HFill(50)) self.doc = column( rowDieu, self.Dieu, VFill(20), rowPop, VFill(20), self.selectUnit, rowUnit, rowInputUnit, VFill(20), row(HFill(50), colRess, colinputRess, HFill(40), colAtt, colinputAtt, HFill(40), colDef, rowinputDef, HFill(40), colOther, self.inputOther)) #curdoc().add_root(column(rowDieu,self.Dieu,VFill(20),rowPop,VFill(20),self.selectUnit,rowUnit,rowInputUnit,VFill(20),row(HFill(50),colRess,colinputRess,HFill(40),colAtt,colinputAtt,HFill(40),colDef,rowinputDef,HFill(40),colOther,self.inputOther))) self.process(None) #curdoc().title = "Grepolis" def updateUnit(self, attrname, old, new): L = ["Athena", "Artemis", "Hades", "Zeus", "Poseidon", "Hera"] print( if L[new] == "Poseidon": self.imgUnit[-1].figure.visible = False self.unitInput[-1].visible = False = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] else: self.imgUnit[-1].figure.visible = True self.unitInput[-1].visible = True = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] self.grepolis.setDieu(L[new]) unit = Add(L[new]) self.selectUnit.labels = [ "Combattant", "Frondeur", "Archer", "Hoplite", "Cavalier", "Char", "Envoye" ] + unit for i, v in enumerate(unit): r = "static/" + v + ".jpg" d = dict(url=[r]) self.imgUnit[-2 + i].update(d) self.unitInput[-2 + i].title = v + " : " self.process(None) def process2(self, attrname, old, new): self.process(None) def switchAttDef(self, attrname, old, new): if == 0: self.typeAtt.disabled = False else: self.typeAtt.disabled = True self.process(None) def updateSelectUnit(self, attrname, old, new): N = len(self.selectUnit.labels) active = zeros = [i for i in range(N) if i not in active] for inp in [self.unitInput[i] for i in zeros]: inp.value = str(0) self.process(None) def process(self, attrname): try: pop = int(self.inputPop.value) favmax = int(self.inputFav.value) active = type = if == 0: X, Att, Def, Prix, Speed, Pops, butin = self.grepolis.optimAttaque( pop=pop, favmax=favmax, active=active, type=type) else: X, Att, Def, Prix, Speed, Pops, butin = self.grepolis.optimDefense( pop=pop, favmax=favmax, active=active) for v, inp in zip(X, [self.unitInput[i] for i in active]): inp.value = str(v) for v, inp in zip(Att, self.inputAtt): inp.value = str(v) + " /u - " + str(int(v * pop)) for v, inp in zip(Def, self.inputDef): inp.value = str(v) + " /u - " + str(int(v * pop)) for v, inp in zip(Prix, self.inputRess): inp.value = str(v) + " /u - " + str(int(v * pop)) for i, (v, inp) in enumerate( zip([Speed, butin, Prix[3]], self.inputFavBut)): #add = "" #if i > 0: # add = + " /u - " +str(int(v*pop)) #print(v,add) inp.value = str(v) + " /u - " + str(int( v * pop)) if i != 0 else str(v) except: pass
from bokeh.plotting import figure from bokeh.palettes import RdBu3 x=[3,4,6,12,10,1] y=[7,1,3,4,1,6] z=['red','red','red','blue','blue','blue'] source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y,z=z)) color_mapper = CategoricalColorMapper(factors=['red','blue'], palette=[RdBu3[2], RdBu3[0]]) plot_figure = figure(title='Checkbox Button Group',plot_height=450, plot_width=600, tools="save,reset", toolbar_location="below") plot_figure.scatter('x', 'y', source=source, size=10,color={'field': 'z', 'transform': color_mapper}) checkbox_button = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=['Show x-axis label','Show y-axis label']) def checkbox_button_click(attr,old,new): ##Getting checkbox value in list ## Get first checkbox value and show x-axis label if len(active_checkbox)!=0 and (0 in active_checkbox): plot_figure.xaxis.axis_label='X-Axis' else: plot_figure.xaxis.axis_label = None ## Get second checkbox value and show y-axis label if len(active_checkbox)!=0 and (1 in active_checkbox): plot_figure.yaxis.axis_label='Y-Axis'
) menu = [("Item 1", "1"), ("Item 2", "2"), ("Item 3", "3")] layout = column( Button(label="Default Button 1", button_type="default"), Button(label="Primary Button 2", button_type="primary"), Button(label="Success Button 3", button_type="success"), Toggle(label="Default Toggle 1", button_type="default"), Toggle(label="Primary Toggle 2", button_type="primary"), Toggle(label="Success Toggle 3", button_type="success"), Dropdown(label="Default Dropdown 1", button_type="default", menu=menu), Dropdown(label="Primary Dropdown 2", button_type="primary", menu=menu), Dropdown(label="Success Dropdown 3", button_type="success", menu=menu), CheckboxButtonGroup( labels=["Checkbox Option 1", "Checkbox Option 2", "Checkbox Option 3"], button_type="default", active=[0, 1]), CheckboxButtonGroup( labels=["Checkbox Option 4", "Checkbox Option 5", "Checkbox Option 6"], button_type="primary", active=[1, 2]), CheckboxButtonGroup( labels=["Checkbox Option 7", "Checkbox Option 8", "Checkbox Option 9"], button_type="success", active=[0, 2]), RadioButtonGroup( labels=["Radio Option 1", "Radio Option 2", "Radio Option 3"], button_type="default", active=0), RadioButtonGroup( labels=["Radio Option 4", "Radio Option 5", "Radio Option 6"],
def density_tab(flights): # Dataset for density plot based on carriers, range of delays, # and bandwidth for density estimation def make_dataset(carrier_list, range_start, range_end, bandwidth): xs = [] ys = [] colors = [] labels = [] for i, carrier in enumerate(carrier_list): subset = flights[flights['name'] == carrier] subset = subset[subset['arr_delay'].between( range_start, range_end)] kde = gaussian_kde(subset['arr_delay'], bw_method=bandwidth) # Evenly space x values x = np.linspace(range_start, range_end, 100) # Evaluate pdf at every value of x y = kde.pdf(x) # Append the values to plot xs.append(list(x)) ys.append(list(y)) # Append the colors and label colors.append(airline_colors[i]) labels.append(carrier) new_src = ColumnDataSource(data={ 'x': xs, 'y': ys, 'color': colors, 'label': labels }) return new_src def make_plot(src): p = figure(plot_width=700, plot_height=700, title='Density Plot of Arrival Delays by Airline', x_axis_label='Delay (min)', y_axis_label='Density') p.multi_line('x', 'y', color='color', legend='label', line_width=3, source=src) # Hover tool with next line policy hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[('Carrier', '@label'), ('Delay', '$x'), ('Density', '$y')], line_policy='next') # Add the hover tool and styling p.add_tools(hover) p = style(p) return p def update(attr, old, new): # List of carriers to plot carriers_to_plot = [ carrier_selection.labels[i] for i in ] # If no bandwidth is selected, use the default value if == []: bandwidth = None # If the bandwidth select is activated, use the specified bandwith else: bandwidth = bandwidth_select.value new_src = make_dataset(carriers_to_plot, range_start=range_select.value[0], range_end=range_select.value[1], bandwidth=bandwidth) def style(p): # Title p.title.align = 'center' p.title.text_font_size = '20pt' p.title.text_font = 'serif' # Axis titles p.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '14pt' p.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'bold' p.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '14pt' p.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'bold' # Tick labels p.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = '12pt' p.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = '12pt' return p # Carriers and colors available_carriers = sorted(set(flights['name'])) airline_colors = Category20_16 airline_colors.sort() # Carriers to plot carrier_selection = CheckboxGroup(labels=available_carriers, active=[0, 1]) carrier_selection.on_change('active', update) # Range to plot range_select = RangeSlider(start=-60, end=180, value=(-60, 120), step=5, title='Delay Range (min)') range_select.on_change('value', update) # Initial carriers and data source initial_carriers = [ carrier_selection.labels[i] for i in ] # Bandwidth of kernel bandwidth_select = Slider(start=0.1, end=5, step=0.1, value=0.5, title='Bandwidth for Density Plot') bandwidth_select.on_change('value', update) # Whether to set the bandwidth or have it done automatically bandwidth_choose = CheckboxButtonGroup( labels=['Choose Bandwidth (Else Auto)'], active=[]) bandwidth_choose.on_change('active', update) # Make the density data source src = make_dataset(initial_carriers, range_start=range_select.value[0], range_end=range_select.value[1], bandwidth=bandwidth_select.value) # Make the density plot p = make_plot(src) # Add style to the plot p = style(p) # Put controls in a single element controls = WidgetBox(carrier_selection, range_select, bandwidth_select, bandwidth_choose) # Create a row layout layout = row(controls, p) # Make a tab with the layout tab = Panel(child=layout, title='Density Plot') return tab
def _get_widgets(self, all_glyphs, overtime_groups, run_groups, slider_labels=None): """Combine timeslider for quantiles and checkboxes for individual runs in a single javascript-snippet Parameters ---------- all_glyphs: List[Glyph] togglable bokeh-glyphs overtime_groups, run_groups: Dicŧ[str -> List[int] mapping labels to indices of the all_glyphs-list slider_labels: Union[None, List[str]] if provided, used as labels for timeslider-widget Returns ------- time_slider, checkbox, select_all, select_none: Widget desired interlayed bokeh-widgets checkbox_title: Div text-element to "show title" of checkbox """ aliases = ['glyph' + str(idx) for idx, _ in enumerate(all_glyphs)] labels_overtime = list(overtime_groups.keys()) labels_runs = list(run_groups.keys()) code = "" # Define javascript variable with important arrays code += "var glyphs = [" + ", ".join(aliases) + "];" code += "var overtime = [" + ','.join(['[' + ','.join(overtime_groups[l]) + ']' for l in labels_overtime]) + '];' code += "var runs = [" + ','.join(['[' + ','.join(run_groups[l]) + ']' for l in labels_runs]) + '];' # Deactivate all glyphs code += """ glyphs.forEach(function(g) { g.visible = false; })""" # Add function for array-union (to combine all relevant glyphs for the different runs) code += """ // union function function union_arrays(x, y) { var obj = {}; for (var i = x.length-1; i >= 0; -- i) obj[x[i]] = x[i]; for (var i = y.length-1; i >= 0; -- i) obj[y[i]] = y[i]; var res = [] for (var k in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(k)) // <-- optional res.push(obj[k]); } return res; }""" # Add logging code += """ console.log("Timeslider: " + time_slider.value); console.log("Checkbox: " +;""" # Set timeslider title (to enable log-scale and print wallclocktime-labels) if slider_labels: code += "var slider_labels = " + str(slider_labels) + ";" code += "console.log(\"Detected slider_labels: \" + slider_labels);" code += "time_slider.title = \"Until wallclocktime \" + slider_labels[time_slider.value - 1] + \". Step no.\"; " title = "Until wallclocktime " + slider_labels[-1] + ". Step no. " else: title = "Quantile on {} scale".format("logarithmic" if self.timeslider_log else "linear") code += "time_slider.title = \"{}\";".format(title); # Combine checkbox-arrays, intersect with time_slider and set all selected glyphs to true code += """ var activate = []; // if we want multiple checkboxes at the same time, we need to combine the arrays { activate = union_arrays(activate, runs[c]); }) // now the intersection of timeslider-activated and checkbox-activated activate = activate.filter(value => -1 !== overtime[time_slider.value - 1].indexOf(value)); activate.forEach(function(idx) { glyphs[idx].visible = true; }) """ num_quantiles = len(overtime_groups) if num_quantiles > 1: timeslider = Slider(start=1, end=num_quantiles, value=num_quantiles, step=1, title=title) else: timeslider = Slider(start=1, end=2, value=1) labels_runs = [label.replace('_', ' ') if label.startswith('budget') else label for label in labels_runs] checkbox = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=labels_runs, active=list(range(len(labels_runs)))) args = {name: glyph for name, glyph in zip(aliases, all_glyphs)} args['time_slider'] = timeslider args['checkbox'] = checkbox callback = CustomJS(args=args, code=code) timeslider.js_on_change('value', callback) checkbox.callback = callback checkbox_title = Div(text="Showing only configurations evaluated in:") # Add all/none button to checkbox code_all = " = " + str(list(range(len(labels_runs)))) + ";" + code code_none = " = [];" + code select_all = Button(label="All", callback=CustomJS(args=args, code=code_all)) select_none = Button(label="None", callback=CustomJS(args=args, code=code_none)) return timeslider, checkbox, select_all, select_none, checkbox_title
speed_source = ColumnDataSource(data=gen_dict(speed)) drunk_source = ColumnDataSource(data=gen_dict(drunk)) other_circles =, x="x", y="y", radius="r", fill_color="gray", fill_alpha=.3, line_alpha=0, hover_alpha=1, hover_color="yellow", legend="Other") speed_circles =, x="x", y="y", radius="r", fill_color="blue", fill_alpha=.3, line_alpha=0, hover_alpha=1, hover_color="yellow", legend="Speeding") drunk_circles =, x="x", y="y", radius="r", fill_color="red", fill_alpha=.3, line_alpha=0, hover_alpha=1, hover_color="yellow", legend="Drunk") dot_tooltips = [("Date", "@MONTH/@DAY/@YEAR"), ("Fatalities", "@FATALS"), ("Drunk", "@DRUNK_DR"), ("Speeding", "@SP"), ("Weather", "@WEATHER")] fig.add_tools(HoverTool(renderers=[other_circles, speed_circles, drunk_circles], tooltips=dot_tooltips)) button_group = CheckboxButtonGroup( labels=["Other", "Speeding", "Drunk"], active=[0, 1, 2], width=200) toggle = Toggle(label="Sort by Hour", button_type="default") slider = Slider(title="Hour (Military Time)", start=0, end=23, value=0, step=1) empty_dict = dict( x=np.array([]), y=np.array([]), r=np.array([]), MONTH=np.array([]), DAY=np.array([]), YEAR=np.array([]), FATALS=np.array([]), DRUNK_DR=np.array([]), SP=np.array([]),
class BenchmarkApp(HBox): """An example of a browser-based, interactive plot with slider controls.""" extra_generated_classes = [["BenchmarkApp", "BenchmarkApp", "HBox"]] inputs = Instance(VBoxForm) # widgets benchmarks = Instance(Select) x_axis_options = Instance(Select) y_axis_options = Instance(Select) # TODO: Convert this to a MultiSelect once it is fixed # device_names = Instance(CheckboxGroup) platform_names = Instance(CheckboxButtonGroup) # data displays, not enabled by default data_display0 = Instance(DataTable) data_display1 = Instance(DataTable) # plot and interaction plot = Instance(Plot) hover = Instance(HoverTool) # data source0 = Instance(ColumnDataSource) source1 = Instance(ColumnDataSource) source2 = Instance(ColumnDataSource) source3 = Instance(ColumnDataSource) source4 = Instance(ColumnDataSource) source5 = Instance(ColumnDataSource) source6 = Instance(ColumnDataSource) source7 = Instance(ColumnDataSource) source8 = Instance(ColumnDataSource) source9 = Instance(ColumnDataSource) def make_source(self): # set up the data source self.source0 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict()) self.source1 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict()) self.source2 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict()) self.source3 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict()) self.source4 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict()) self.source5 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict()) self.source6 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict()) self.source7 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict()) self.source8 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict()) self.source9 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict()) def make_inputs(self): columns = [ TableColumn(field='x', title='x'), TableColumn(field='y', title='y'), TableColumn(field='device', title='device'), TableColumn(field='platform', title='platform') ] # obj.data_display0 = DataTable(source=obj.source2, columns=columns) # obj.data_display1 = DataTable(source=obj.source3, columns=columns) # setup user input self.x_axis_options = Select(title="X:", value='size', options=axis_options) self.y_axis_options = Select(title="Y:", value='throughput [1/sec]', options=axis_options) self.benchmarks = Select(title="Benchmark:", value=benchmark_names[0], options=benchmark_names) self.device_names = CheckboxGroup(labels=device_names, active=[0]) self.platform_names = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=platform_names, active=[0]) @classmethod def create(cls): """One-time creation of app's objects. This function is called once, and is responsible for creating all objects (plots, datasources, etc) """ obj = cls() obj.make_source() obj.make_inputs() obj.make_plot() obj.update_data() obj.set_children() return obj def plot_data(self, source, linecolor, symbolfill): self.plot.line( 'x', 'y', source=source, line_color=linecolor, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6) self.plot.scatter('x', 'y', source=source, fill_color=symbolfill, size=8) def make_plot(self): # configure the toolset toolset = ['wheel_zoom,save,box_zoom,resize,reset'] self.hover = BenchmarkApp.make_hovertool() toolset.append(self.hover) title = self.benchmarks.value + " " + \ "(" + self.y_axis_options.value + " vs." + self.x_axis_options.value + ")" self.plot = figure(title_text_font_size="12pt", plot_height=400, plot_width=400, tools=toolset, title=title, ) # remove the logo self.plot.logo = None # Generate a figure container # Plot the line by the x,y values in the source property self.plot_data(self.source0, "#F0A3FF", "white") self.plot_data(self.source1, "#0075DC", "white") self.plot_data(self.source2, "#993F00", "white") self.plot_data(self.source3, "#4C005C", "white") self.plot_data(self.source4, "#191919", "white") self.plot_data(self.source5, "#005C31", "white") self.plot_data(self.source6, "#2BCE48", "white") self.plot_data(self.source7, "#FFCC99", "white") self.plot_data(self.source8, "#808080", "white") self.plot_data(self.source9, "#94FFB5", "white") # set the x/y axis labels # plot.xaxis.axis_label = self.x_axis_options.value # plot.yaxis.axis_label = self.y_axis_options.value def set_children(self): self.inputs = VBoxForm( children=[self.benchmarks, self.device_names, self.platform_names, self.x_axis_options, self.y_axis_options, # self.data_display0, self.data_display1 ] ) self.children.append(self.inputs) self.children.append(self.plot) @classmethod def make_hovertool(self): hover = HoverTool( tooltips = [ ("Device", "@device"), ("Backend", "@platform"), ("(x,y)", "(@x,@y)") ] ) return hover def setup_events(self): """Attaches the on_change event to the value property of the widget. The callback is set to the input_change method of this app. """ super(BenchmarkApp, self).setup_events() if not self.benchmarks: return # Event registration for everything except checkboxes self.benchmarks.on_change('value', self, 'benchmark_changed') self.x_axis_options.on_change('value', self, 'input_change') self.y_axis_options.on_change('value', self, 'input_change') # Event registration for checkboxes self.device_names.on_click(self.checkbox_handler) self.platform_names.on_click(self.checkbox_handler) def checkbox_handler(self, active): self.update_data() def benchmark_changed(self, obj, attrname, old, new): self.update_data() self.make_plot() curdoc().add(self) def input_change(self, obj, attrname, old, new): """Executes whenever the input form changes. It is responsible for updating the plot, or anything else you want. Args: obj : the object that changed attrname : the attr that changed old : old value of attr new : new value of attr """ self.update_data() self.make_plot() curdoc().add(self) def getXY(self, celero_result, axis_filter): """Returns the X or Y value as specified by axis_filter""" # TODO: Remove the baseline measurement from the timing results if axis_filter == 'size': return celero_result['data_sizes'] elif axis_filter == 'log2(size)': return np.log2(celero_result['data_sizes']) elif axis_filter == 'log10(size)': return np.log10(celero_result['data_sizes']) elif axis_filter == 'time [ms]': return celero_result['times'] * 1E-3 elif axis_filter == 'throughput [1/sec]': return 1.0 / (celero_result['times'] * 1E-6) elif axis_filter == 'throughput [log2(1/sec)]': return np.log2(1.0 / (celero_result['times'] * 1E-6)) elif axis_filter == 'throughput [log10(1/sec)]': return np.log10(1.0 / (celero_result['times'] * 1E-6)) @classmethod def make_field_ids(self, id_number): """Creates a unique set of named fields for the y, device, and platform""" i = str(id_number) y_id = 'y' + i device_id = 'device' + i platform_id = 'platform' + i return [y_id, device_id, platform_id] def update_data(self): """Called each time that any watched property changes. This updates the sin wave data with the most recent values of the sliders. This is stored as two numpy arrays in a dict into the app's data source property. """ # extract the user's input benchmark = self.benchmarks.value devices = list(device_names[i] for i in platforms = list(platform_names[i] for i in x_axis_label = self.x_axis_options.value y_axis_label = self.y_axis_options.value # extract only the results which match this group filtered_results = filter(lambda x: x['benchmark_name'] == benchmark, celero_results) # remove the baseline measurements from the plots filtered_results = filter(lambda x: x['benchmark_name'] != "Baseline", filtered_results) # select the desired devices filtered_results = filter(lambda x: x['extra_data']['AF_DEVICE'] in devices, filtered_results) filtered_results = filter(lambda x: x['extra_data']['AF_PLATFORM'] in platforms, filtered_results) # extract the data sources = dict() result_number = 0 for result in filtered_results: # ensure we don't plot too many results if result_number > MAX_PLOTS: break y_id, device_id, platform_id = self.make_field_ids(result_number) # Extract the results from the benchmark platform = result['extra_data']['AF_PLATFORM'] device = result['extra_data']['AF_DEVICE'] x = self.getXY(result, x_axis_label) y = self.getXY(result, y_axis_label) # store the benchmark results in the self.source object # NOTE: we replicate the device and platform data here so that # it works correctly with the mouseover/hover sources['x'] = x sources[y_id] = y sources[device_id] = [device] * len(x) sources[platform_id] = [platform] * len(x) # increment the counter result_number += 1 # assign the data self.assign_source(sources, self.source0, 0) self.assign_source(sources, self.source1, 1) self.assign_source(sources, self.source2, 2) self.assign_source(sources, self.source3, 3) self.assign_source(sources, self.source4, 4) self.assign_source(sources, self.source5, 5) self.assign_source(sources, self.source6, 6) self.assign_source(sources, self.source7, 7) self.assign_source(sources, self.source8, 8) self.assign_source(sources, self.source9, 9) def assign_source(self, src, dest, index): """Assigns the data from src to the dictionary in dest if the corresponding data exists in src.""" y_id, device_id, platform_id = self.make_field_ids(index) = dict() if y_id in src:['x'] = src['x']['y'] = src[y_id]['device'] = src[device_id]['platform'] = src[platform_id] dest._dirty = True
def __init__(self): self.grepolis = Grepolis() imgRessource = [] for v in ["Bois", "Pierre", "Argent"]: r = "static/" + v + ".png" d = dict(url=[r]) imgRessource.append(Image(d)) colRess = column(*[img.figure for img in imgRessource]) self.inputRess = [ TextInput(value="", title=el + " :", width=150) for el in ["Bois", "Pierre", "Argent"] ] colinputRess = column(*self.inputRess) imgDieu = [] for v in ["Athena", "Artemis", "Hades", "Zeus", "Poseidon", "Hera"]: r = "static/" + v + ".png" d = dict(url=[r]) imgDieu.append(Image(d, multiplier=3)) rowDieu = [HFill(5)] for img in imgDieu: rowDieu.append(HFill(5)) rowDieu.append(img.figure) rowDieu = row(*rowDieu) imgAtt = [] for v in ["Att_hack", "Att_sharp", "Att_distance"]: r = "static/" + v + ".png" d = dict(url=[r]) imgAtt.append(Image(d)) colAtt = column(*[img.figure for img in imgAtt]) self.inputAtt = [ TextInput(value="", title=el + " :", width=150) for el in ["Contondantes", "Blanches", "De Jet"] ] colinputAtt = column(*self.inputAtt) imgDef = [] for v in ["Def_hack", "Def_sharp", "Def_distance"]: r = "static/" + v + ".png" d = dict(url=[r]) imgDef.append(Image(d)) colDef = column(*[img.figure for img in imgDef]) self.inputDef = [ TextInput(value="", title=el + " :", width=150) for el in ["Contondantes", "Blanches", "De Jet"] ] rowinputDef = column(*self.inputDef) imgOther = [] for v in ["Vitesse", "Butin", "Faveur"]: r = "static/" + v + ".png" d = dict(url=[r]) imgOther.append(Image(d)) colOther = column(*[img.figure for img in imgOther]) self.inputFavBut = [ TextInput(value="", title=el + " :", width=150) for el in ["Vitesse", "Butin", "Faveur"] ] self.inputOther = column(*self.inputFavBut) self.imgUnit = [] for v in [ "Combattant", "Frondeur", "Archer", "Hoplite", "Cavalier", "Char", "Envoye", "Centaure", "Pegase" ]: r = "static/" + v + ".jpg" d = dict(url=[r]) self.imgUnit.append(Image(d, multiplier=2)) rowUnit = row(HFill(10), *[img.figure for img in self.imgUnit]) imgDefAtt = [] for v in ["Pop", "Attaque", "Defense"]: r = "static/" + v + ".png" d = dict(url=[r]) imgDefAtt.append(Image(d)) rowInputUnit = [HFill(10)] self.unitInput = [ TextInput(value="", title=el + " :", width=80) for el in [ "Combattant", "Frondeur", "Archer", "Hoplite", "Cavalier", "Char", "Envoye", "Centaure", "Pegase" ] ] for inp in self.unitInput: rowInputUnit.append(inp) rowInputUnit.append(HFill(30)) rowInputUnit = row(HFill(10), *rowInputUnit) self.selectUnit = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=[ "Combattant", "Frondeur", "Archer", "Hoplite", "Cavalier", "Char", "Envoye", "Centaure", "Pegase" ], active=[i for i in range(9)]) self.selectUnit.on_change("active", self.updateSelectUnit) self.Dieu = RadioButtonGroup( labels=["Athena", "Artemis", "Hades", "Zeus", "Poseidon", "Hera"], active=0, width=1110) self.Dieu.on_change('active', self.updateUnit) self.attdef = RadioButtonGroup(labels=["Attaque", "Defense"], active=0, width=200) self.attdef.on_change('active', self.switchAttDef) self.typeAtt = RadioGroup( labels=["Armes Contondantes", "Armes Blanches", "Armes de Jet"], active=0, width=150) self.typeAtt.on_change('active', self.process2) self.imgFaveur = Image(dict(url=["static/" + "Faveur" + ".png"])) self.launch = Button(label="Lancer") self.launch.on_click(self.process) self.inputPop = TextInput(value="1500", title="Population : ", width=120) self.inputPop.on_change("value", self.process2) self.inputFav = TextInput(value="1500", title="Faveur Max : ", width=120) self.inputFav.on_change("value", self.process2) rowPop = row(HFill(10), self.typeAtt, imgDefAtt[1].figure, self.attdef, HFill(30), imgDefAtt[2].figure, HFill(50), imgDefAtt[0].figure, self.inputPop, HFill(50), self.imgFaveur.figure, self.inputFav, HFill(50)) self.doc = column( rowDieu, self.Dieu, VFill(20), rowPop, VFill(20), self.selectUnit, rowUnit, rowInputUnit, VFill(20), row(HFill(50), colRess, colinputRess, HFill(40), colAtt, colinputAtt, HFill(40), colDef, rowinputDef, HFill(40), colOther, self.inputOther)) #curdoc().add_root(column(rowDieu,self.Dieu,VFill(20),rowPop,VFill(20),self.selectUnit,rowUnit,rowInputUnit,VFill(20),row(HFill(50),colRess,colinputRess,HFill(40),colAtt,colinputAtt,HFill(40),colDef,rowinputDef,HFill(40),colOther,self.inputOther))) self.process(None)
#dropdown_split.js_on_click(CustomJS(code="console.log('dropdown_split: ' + this.value, this.toString())")) checkbox_group = CheckboxGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=[0, 1]) checkbox_group.on_click(lambda value: print('checkbox_group: %s' % value)) checkbox_group.js_on_click( CustomJS( code="console.log('checkbox_group: ' +, this.toString())")) radio_group = RadioGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=0) radio_group.on_click(lambda value: print('radio_group: %s' % value)) radio_group.js_on_click( CustomJS( code="console.log('radio_group: ' +, this.toString())")) checkbox_button_group = CheckboxButtonGroup( labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=[0, 1]) checkbox_button_group.on_click( lambda value: print('checkbox_button_group: %s' % value)) checkbox_button_group.js_on_click( CustomJS( code= "console.log('checkbox_button_group: ' +, this.toString())" )) radio_button_group = RadioButtonGroup( labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=0) radio_button_group.on_click( lambda value: print('radio_button_group: %s' % value)) radio_button_group.js_on_click( CustomJS( code=
name=dfs.string_widget_names[10]) # range sliders widget_wavelengths = RangeSlider(start=dfs.default_limits_wavelength[0], end=dfs.default_limits_wavelength[1], value=(dfs.default_limits_wavelength), step=dfs.default_wavelength_step, title=dfs.string_title[8], name=dfs.string_widget_names[11]) # other widgets widget_header = Div(text='<h1>' + dfs.string_header_one + '</h1><h3>' + dfs.string_header_two + '</h3>', width=500, height=70) widget_plot_types = CheckboxButtonGroup( labels=dfs.string_plot_types, active=dfs.default_plot_types, name=dfs.string_widget_names[12]) # TODO: make double-off == double-on widget_message_box = Paragraph(text='hello') widget_plot_step = Slider(start=dfs.default_plot_step[1], end=dfs.default_plot_step[2], value=dfs.default_plot_step[0], step=dfs.default_plot_step_step, title=dfs.string_plot_step) widget_moon_days_header = Paragraph(text=dfs.string_title[7]) ''' plot it - figures are the... yeah if you're reading this, then you know what that means - tabN 'Panels' are panel spaces that are flipped between - the 'tabs' variable builds the tabs bar and points them toward their respective panels '''
def density_tab(flights): # Dataset for density plot based on carriers, range of delays, # and bandwidth for density estimation def make_dataset(carrier_list, range_start, range_end, bandwidth): xs = [] ys = [] colors = [] labels = [] for i, carrier in enumerate(carrier_list): subset = flights[flights['name'] == carrier] subset = subset[subset['arr_delay'].between(range_start, range_end)] kde = gaussian_kde(subset['arr_delay'], bw_method=bandwidth) # Evenly space x values x = np.linspace(range_start, range_end, 100) # Evaluate pdf at every value of x y = kde.pdf(x) # Append the values to plot xs.append(list(x)) ys.append(list(y)) # Append the colors and label colors.append(airline_colors[i]) labels.append(carrier) new_src = ColumnDataSource(data={'x': xs, 'y': ys, 'color': colors, 'label': labels}) return new_src def make_plot(src): p = figure(plot_width = 700, plot_height = 700, title = 'Density Plot of Arrival Delays by Airline', x_axis_label = 'Delay (min)', y_axis_label = 'Density') p.multi_line('x', 'y', color = 'color', legend = 'label', line_width = 3, source = src) # Hover tool with next line policy hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[('Carrier', '@label'), ('Delay', '$x'), ('Density', '$y')], line_policy = 'next') # Add the hover tool and styling p.add_tools(hover) p = style(p) return p def update(attr, old, new): # List of carriers to plot carriers_to_plot = [carrier_selection.labels[i] for i in] # If no bandwidth is selected, use the default value if == []: bandwidth = None # If the bandwidth select is activated, use the specified bandwith else: bandwidth = bandwidth_select.value new_src = make_dataset(carriers_to_plot, range_start = range_select.value[0], range_end = range_select.value[1], bandwidth = bandwidth) def style(p): # Title p.title.align = 'center' p.title.text_font_size = '20pt' p.title.text_font = 'serif' # Axis titles p.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '14pt' p.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'bold' p.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '14pt' p.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'bold' # Tick labels p.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = '12pt' p.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = '12pt' return p # Carriers and colors available_carriers = list(set(flights['name'])) available_carriers.sort() airline_colors = Category20_16 airline_colors.sort() # Carriers to plot carrier_selection = CheckboxGroup(labels=available_carriers, active = [0, 1]) carrier_selection.on_change('active', update) range_select = RangeSlider(start = -60, end = 180, value = (-60, 120), step = 5, title = 'Range of Delays (min)') range_select.on_change('value', update) # Initial carriers and data source initial_carriers = [carrier_selection.labels[i] for i in] # Bandwidth of kernel bandwidth_select = Slider(start = 0.1, end = 5, step = 0.1, value = 0.5, title = 'Bandwidth for Density Plot') bandwidth_select.on_change('value', update) # Whether to set the bandwidth or have it done automatically bandwidth_choose = CheckboxButtonGroup( labels=['Choose Bandwidth (Else Auto)'], active = []) bandwidth_choose.on_change('active', update) # Make the density data source src = make_dataset(initial_carriers, range_start = range_select.value[0], range_end = range_select.value[1], bandwidth = bandwidth_select.value) # Make the density plot p = make_plot(src) # Add style to the plot p = style(p) # Put controls in a single element controls = WidgetBox(carrier_selection, range_select, bandwidth_select, bandwidth_choose) # Create a row layout layout = row(controls, p) # Make a tab with the layout tab = Panel(child=layout, title = 'Density Plot') return tab
menu = [("Item 1", "item_1"), ("Item 2", "item_2"), None, ("Item 3", "item_3")] dropdown = Dropdown(label="Dropdown button", type="warning", menu=menu) dropdown.on_click(dropdown_handler) menu = [("Item 1", "foo"), ("Item 2", "bar"), None, ("Item 3", "baz")] split = Dropdown(label="Split button", type="danger", menu=menu, default_action="baz") split.on_click(split_handler) checkbox_group = CheckboxGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=[0, 1]) checkbox_group.on_click(checkbox_group_handler) radio_group = RadioGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=0) radio_group.on_click(radio_group_handler) checkbox_button_group = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=[0, 1]) checkbox_button_group.on_click(checkbox_button_group_handler) radio_button_group = RadioButtonGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=0) radio_button_group.on_click(radio_button_group_handler) vbox = VBox(children=[button, toggle, dropdown, split, checkbox_group, radio_group, checkbox_button_group, radio_button_group]) document.add(vbox) session.store_document(document) if __name__ == "__main__": link = session.object_link(document.context) print("Please visit %s to see the plots" % link) view(link) print("\npress ctrl-C to exit")
emptyResult = data=dict(headline=[],prevHeadline=[],symbols=[],gmtstamp=[],ret=[]) searchResultTable = ColumnDataSource(data=emptyResult) searchResultColumns = [ TableColumn(field='prevHeadline',title='Past Headline',width=400), TableColumn(field='headline',title='Headline',width=400), TableColumn(field='sym',title='Symbols',width=70), TableColumn(field='gmtstamp',title='GMT Timestamp',formatter=DateFormatter(format="%F %T"),width=180), TableColumn(field='date',title='Date',formatter=DateFormatter(format="%Y-%m-%d"),width=120), TableColumn(field='ret',title='Daily Return',formatter=NumberFormatter(format='0.00%',text_align='right'),width=80) ] searchResult = DataTable(source=searchResultTable,columns=searchResultColumns,width=2*ww,height=1000) lineSrc = ColumnDataSource(data={'t':[],'i':[]}) spanSrc = ColumnDataSource(data={'x':[]}) retPlotHover = HoverTool(tooltips=[('headline','@headline')]) retPlot = figure(plot_width=250,plot_height=100,tools=[retPlotHover],x_axis_type='datetime') solrButton = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=["solr"], active=[0]) selBox1 = Select(title="Previous Categories:", value="", options=[""]) selBox2 = Select(title="Categories:", value="", options=[""]) if datePick1.value: date1 = datePick1.value dt1 = DT(date1.year,date1.month, - timedelta(days=20) retPlot.x_range.start=dt1 if datePick2.value: date2 = datePick2.value dt2 = DT(date2.year,date2.month, + timedelta(days=10) retPlot.x_range.end=dt2'gmtstamp',y='ret',size=7,fill_color='lightskyblue',source=searchResultTable) # actions def searchNews1(): errBox.text = 'Searching...'
def __init__(self, category, sensor_list, mac_list): self.unit = sensor_unit[category] self.category = category self.sensor_list = sensor_list self.mac_list = mac_list self.checkbox_list = sensor_list + mac_list self.sources = ColumnDataSource() self.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=self.sources), code=""" var data =; var f =; var list = cb_obj.labels; var sensors = [] var macs = [] var active_list = [] for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (f.indexOf(i) != -1) { if (list[i].charAt(0) == '_') { macs.push(list[i]); } else { sensors.push(list[i]); } } } for (i = 0; i < sensors.length;i++) { for (j = 0;j < macs.length; j++) { active_list.push(sensors[i] + macs[j]); } } var found = false; for (name in data) { if (name.includes("active") || name.includes("_x")) { continue; } for (i = 0; i < active_list.length; i++) { if (name.includes(active_list[i])) { name_active = name + "_active"; data[name] = data[name_active]; found = true; break; } } if (found == false) { name_inactive = name + "_inactive"; data[name] = data[name_inactive]; } else { found = false; } } source.trigger('change'); """) self.cbg = CheckboxButtonGroup( labels=self.checkbox_list, active=[i for i in range(len(self.checkbox_list))], callback=self.callback) self.widget = (widgetbox(self.cbg, width=1000)) self.plot = figure( title=category, x_axis_type="datetime", x_axis_label="Date and Time", y_axis_label=self.unit, width=1500, height=600, tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,save,box_select")
dropdown_disabled.on_click(lambda value: print('dropdown_disabled: %s' % value)) dropdown_disabled.js_on_click(CustomJS(code="console.log('dropdown_disabled: ' + this.value, this.toString())")) #dropdown_split = Dropdown(label="Split button", button_type="danger", menu=menu, default_value="default") #dropdown_split.on_click(lambda value: print('dropdown_split: %s' % value)) #dropdown_split.js_on_click(CustomJS(code="console.log('dropdown_split: ' + this.value, this.toString())")) checkbox_group = CheckboxGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=[0, 1]) checkbox_group.on_click(lambda value: print('checkbox_group: %s' % value)) checkbox_group.js_on_click(CustomJS(code="console.log('checkbox_group: ' +, this.toString())")) radio_group = RadioGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=0) radio_group.on_click(lambda value: print('radio_group: %s' % value)) radio_group.js_on_click(CustomJS(code="console.log('radio_group: ' +, this.toString())")) checkbox_button_group = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=[0, 1]) checkbox_button_group.on_click(lambda value: print('checkbox_button_group: %s' % value)) checkbox_button_group.js_on_click(CustomJS(code="console.log('checkbox_button_group: ' +, this.toString())")) radio_button_group = RadioButtonGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=0) radio_button_group.on_click(lambda value: print('radio_button_group: %s' % value)) radio_button_group.js_on_click(CustomJS(code="console.log('radio_button_group: ' +, this.toString())")) widgetBox = WidgetBox(children=[ button, button_disabled, toggle_inactive, toggle_active, dropdown, dropdown_disabled, #dropdown_split, checkbox_group, radio_group, checkbox_button_group, radio_button_group, ])
def load_page(experiment_df, experiment_db): ########## bokeh plots ########## # general plot tools plot_tools = 'wheel_zoom, pan, reset, save, hover' hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[("(x,y)", "($x, $y)")]) # progress curve plots global raw_source raw_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y=[], yr=[], yfit=[])) global raw raw = figure(title="Initial Rate Fit", x_axis_label="Time", y_axis_label="Signal", plot_width=350, plot_height=300, tools=plot_tools)'x', 'y', size=2, source=raw_source, color='gray', selection_color="black", alpha=0.6, nonselection_alpha=0.2, selection_alpha=0.6) raw.line('x', 'yfit', source=raw_source, color='red') global warning_source warning_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( x=[0], y=[0], t=[ 'Please enter transform equation! \nMust convert signal to [substrate] \nin Schnell-Mendoza mode (e.g. via \nx/6.22/0.45/0.001 for sample data). \nNote: this transform may need \nto be inverted through multiplying \nby -1 when analyzing experiments \nthat measure increasing product \nconcentration over time)' ])) global warning warning = raw.text(x='x', y='y', text='t', text_font_size='12pt', angle=0, source=warning_source) warning.visible = False global circles_source circles_source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(x=[-.05, -.05, 1.6, 1.6], y=[0, 0.6, 0, 0.6])) global circles circles ='x', y='y', alpha=0., source=circles_source) circles.visible = False global resi resi = figure(title="Initial Rate Fit Residuals", x_axis_label="Time", y_axis_label="Residual", plot_width=700, plot_height=200, tools='wheel_zoom,pan,reset') resi.yaxis.formatter = BasicTickFormatter(precision=2, use_scientific=True)'x', 'yr', size=5, source=raw_source, color='grey', alpha=0.6) # model plot for titration experiments global model_data_source model_data_source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(xt=[], yt=[], n=[], ct=[], et=[])) global model_plot_source model_plot_source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(xp=[], yp=[], l=[], u=[], cp=[], ep=[])) global model_fit_source model_fit_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y=[])) global varea_source varea_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], r1=[], r2=[])) global model model = figure(title='Model Fit', x_axis_label='Concentration', y_axis_label='Rate', plot_width=350, plot_height=300, tools=plot_tools)'xp', 'yp', size=8, source=model_plot_source, color='cp', alpha=0.6) model.add_layout( Whisker(source=model_plot_source, base='xp', upper='u', lower='l')) model.line('x', 'y', source=model_fit_source, line_width=3, color='black', alpha=0.8) model.varea('x', 'r1', 'r2', source=varea_source, color='grey', alpha=0.3) ########## bokeh widgets ########## # button for selecting progress curve fitting routine global fit_button fit_button = RadioButtonGroup(labels=[ 'Maximize Slope Magnitude', 'Linear Fit', 'Logarithmic Fit', 'Schnell-Mendoza' ], active=0, width=375) fit_button.on_change('active', widget_callback) # button for selecting progress curve fitting routine global scalex_box scalex_box = CheckboxButtonGroup( labels=["transform x-axis to Log10 scale"], active=[]) scalex_box.on_change('active', widget_callback) # dropdown menu for selecting titration experiment model global model_select model_select = Select( title='Choose Model', value='Michaelis-Menten', options=['Michaelis-Menten', 'pEC50/pIC50', 'High-Throughput Screen'], width=350) model_select.on_change('value', widget_callback) # dropdown menu for selecting blank sample to subtract from remaining titration samples global subtract_select subtract_select = Select(title='Select Blank Sample for Subtraction', value='', options=list(experiment_df)[1:] + [''], width=350) subtract_select.on_change('value', widget_callback) # dropdown menu for selecting titration sample to plot in current view global sample_select sample_select = Select(title='Y Axis Sample', value=list(experiment_df)[-1], options=list(experiment_df)[1:], width=350) sample_select.on_change('value', sample_callback) # text input box for transforming slopes to rates global transform_input transform_input = TextInput(value='', title="Enter Transform Equation", width=350) transform_input.on_change('value', widget_callback) # text input box for setting delay time in logarithmic progress curve fitting global offset_input offset_input = TextInput(value='', title="Enter Time Between Mixing and First Read", width=350) offset_input.on_change('value', widget_callback) # text input boxes for fixing EC/IC50 parameters global bottom_fix bottom_fix = TextInput(value='', title="Fix pIC50/pEC50 Bottom") bottom_fix.on_change('value', widget_callback) global top_fix top_fix = TextInput(value='', title="Fix pIC50/pEC50 Top") top_fix.on_change('value', widget_callback) global slope_fix slope_fix = TextInput(value='', title="Fix pIC50/pEC50 Hill Slope") slope_fix.on_change('value', widget_callback) # text input boxes for progress curve xrange selection global start_time start_time = TextInput(value=str( experiment_df[list(experiment_df)[0]].values[0]), title="Enter Start Time") global end_time end_time = TextInput(value=str( experiment_df[list(experiment_df)[0]].values[-1]), title='Enter End Time') start_time.on_change('value', xbox_callback) end_time.on_change('value', xbox_callback) # range slider to select threshold for hit detection in HTS mode global threshold_slider threshold_slider = Slider(start=0, end=5, value=2, step=0.1, title='HTS Hit Threshold (Standard Deviation)', width=350) threshold_slider.on_change('value', threshold_callback) # range slider to update plots according to progress cuve xrange selection xmin = experiment_df[experiment_df.columns[0]].values[0] xmax = experiment_df[experiment_df.columns[0]].values[-1] global range_slider range_slider = RangeSlider( start=xmin, end=xmax, value=(xmin, xmax), step=experiment_df[experiment_df.columns[0]].values[1] - xmin, title='Fine Tune X-Axis Range', width=650) range_slider.on_change('value', slider_callback) # button to upload local data file global file_source file_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(file_contents=[], file_name=[])) file_source.on_change('data', file_callback) try: output_filename =['file_name'] + '-out.csv' except: output_filename = 'output.csv' global upload_button upload_button = Button(label="Upload Local File", button_type="success", width=350) upload_button.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(file_source=file_source), code=open( join(dirname(__file__), "upload.js")).read()) # table containing rate fits and errors template = """ <div style="background:<%=ct%>"; color="white";> <%= value %></div> """ formatter = HTMLTemplateFormatter(template=template) columns = [ TableColumn(field='n', title='Sample'), TableColumn(field='yt', title='Slope (Initial Rate)', formatter=formatter), TableColumn(field='et', title='Std. Error') ] global rate_table rate_table = DataTable(source=model_data_source, columns=columns, width=350, height=250, selectable=True, editable=True) # tables containing model fits and errors global mm_source mm_source = ColumnDataSource(dict(label=[], Km=[], Vmax=[])) columns = [ TableColumn(field='label', title=''), TableColumn(field='Vmax', title='Vmax'), TableColumn(field='Km', title='Km') ] global mm_table mm_table = DataTable(source=mm_source, columns=columns, width=350, height=75, selectable=True, editable=True) global ic_source ic_source = ColumnDataSource( dict(label=[], Bottom=[], Top=[], Slope=[], p50=[])) columns = [ TableColumn(field='label', title=''), TableColumn(field='Bottom', title='Bottom'), TableColumn(field='Top', title='Top'), TableColumn(field='Slope', title='Slope'), TableColumn(field='p50', title='pEC/IC50') ] global ic_table ic_table = DataTable(source=ic_source, columns=columns, width=350, height=75, selectable=True, editable=True) # button for copying rate data table to clipboard global copy_button copy_button = Button(label="Copy Table to Clipboard", button_type="primary", width=350) copy_button.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=model_data_source), code=open( join(dirname(__file__), "copy.js")).read()) # button for downloading rate data table to local csv file global download_button download_button = Button(label="Download Table to CSV", button_type="primary", width=350) download_button.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=model_data_source, file_name=output_filename), code=open( join(dirname(__file__), "download.js")).read()) ########## document formatting ######### desc = Div(text=open(join(dirname(__file__), "description.html")).read(), width=1400) advanced = Div( text="""<strong>Advanced Settings for \npEC/IC50 Analysis</strong>""") widgets = widgetbox(model_select, sample_select, subtract_select, transform_input, offset_input, advanced, scalex_box, bottom_fix, top_fix, slope_fix) table = widgetbox(rate_table) main_row = row( column(upload_button, widgets), column(fit_button, row(raw, model), resi, row(start_time, end_time), range_slider), column(download_button, copy_button, table, mm_table, ic_table, threshold_slider)) sizing_mode = 'scale_width' l = layout([[desc], [main_row]], sizing_mode=sizing_mode) update() curdoc().clear() curdoc().add_root(l) curdoc().title = "ICEKAT"
def make_tab(): # Slider to select width of bin pastdays_select = RangeSlider(start=0, end=999, value=(0, 999), step=1, title='Past Days', sizing_mode="stretch_both") # Slider to select buffer size bufferdays_select = Slider(start=.01, end=9, value=0.01, step=.1, title='Buffer Size (days)', sizing_mode="stretch_both") # Re-read refresh_button = Button(label="Time window and buffer are up to date", button_type="success", sizing_mode="stretch_both") refresh_button.disabled = True # read data flights, available_carriers = read(pastdays_select, bufferdays_select) # CheckboxGroup to select carrier to display locationcodes = np.unique( ['.'.join(seedid.split('.')[:3]) for seedid in available_carriers]) selections = [] for locationcode in locationcodes[:maxnstation]: matching = [s for s in available_carriers if locationcode in s] active = [i for i, m in enumerate(matching)] # if "Z" == m[-1]] selections += [ CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=matching, active=active, sizing_mode="stretch_both") ] #selections += [MultiSelect(#title="Option:", # value=matching, # active=active) # Find the initially selected carrieres initial_carriers = [s.labels[i] for s in selections for i in] # Slider to select width of bin binwidth_select = Slider(start=16, end=160, step=16, value=80, title='Bin number', sizing_mode="stretch_both") # RangeSlider control to select start and end of plotted delays range_select = RangeSlider(start=-1, end=999, value=(-.2, 99), step=.1, title='Range (sec)', sizing_mode="stretch_both") # Switch from lines to hists type_switch = RadioButtonGroup(labels=["Histogram", "Cumulated dist."], active=0, sizing_mode="stretch_both") # Find the initially selected carrieres plottype = type_switch.labels[] src = {} for output in ['Latencies', 'Delays', 'PSD']: src[output] = make_dataset(flights, initial_carriers, range_start=range_select.value[0], range_end=range_select.value[1], bin_width=binwidth_select.value, output=output, plottype=plottype) callback = partial(update, output='Delays', type_switch=type_switch, flights=flights, src=src, selections=selections, range_select=range_select, binwidth_select=binwidth_select) callbacklat = partial(update, output='Latencies', type_switch=type_switch, flights=flights, src=src, range_select=range_select, selections=selections, binwidth_select=binwidth_select) callbackpsd = partial(update, output='PSD', type_switch=type_switch, flights=flights, src=src, range_select=range_select, selections=selections, binwidth_select=binwidth_select) callbackneedsread = partial(needsreadupdate, refresh_button=refresh_button) callbackread = partial(readupdate, src=src, selections=selections, range_select=range_select, type_switch=type_switch, binwidth_select=binwidth_select, pastdays_select=pastdays_select, bufferdays_select=bufferdays_select, refresh_button=refresh_button) [ s.on_change('active', callback, callbacklat, callbackpsd) for s in selections ] type_switch.on_change('active', callback, callbacklat, callbackpsd) binwidth_select.on_change('value', callback, callbacklat, callbackpsd) range_select.on_change('value', callback, callbacklat, callbackpsd) pastdays_select.on_change('value', callbackneedsread) bufferdays_select.on_change('value', callbackneedsread) refresh_button.on_click(callbackread) p = {} for output in ['PSD', 'Latencies', 'Delays']: p[output] = make_plot(src[output], output=output) # Create a row layout graphs = [p[k] for k in p] controls = [ type_switch, binwidth_select, range_select, refresh_button, pastdays_select, bufferdays_select, *selections[:maxnstation] ] graphslayout = column(children=graphs, sizing_mode="stretch_both") controlslayout = column( children=controls, sizing_mode='fixed', #stretch_width', width=400, ) layout = row(children=[graphslayout, controlslayout], sizing_mode='stretch_both') # Make a tab with the layout return Panel(child=layout, title='Channels')
state, ] * tmp_df.shape[0]) sources_year_vs_usd[state].data = data def filter_categories(indexes): if len(indexes): selected_categories = [categories[ind] for ind in indexes] else: selected_categories = categories update_source(selected_categories) update_source(categories) select = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=categories) select.on_click(filter_categories) hover_year_with_usd = HoverTool(tooltips=[ ("name", "@name"), ]) p_year_with_usd = figure(plot_height=200, tools=[hover_year_with_usd, "box_select", "reset"]) for state, color in zip(states, colors):'x', y='y', line_color='white', fill_color=color, alpha=0.7,
fill_alpha=.3, line_alpha=0, hover_alpha=1, hover_color="yellow", legend="Drunk") dot_tooltips = [("Date", "@MONTH/@DAY/@YEAR"), ("Fatalities", "@FATALS"), ("Drunk", "@DRUNK_DR"), ("Speeding", "@SP"), ("Weather", "@WEATHER")] fig.add_tools( HoverTool(renderers=[other_circles, speed_circles, drunk_circles], tooltips=dot_tooltips)) button_group = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=["Other", "Speeding", "Drunk"], active=[0, 1, 2], width=200) toggle = Toggle(label="Sort by Hour", button_type="default") slider = Slider(title="Hour (Military Time)", start=0, end=23, value=0, step=1) empty_dict = dict(x=np.array([]), y=np.array([]), r=np.array([]), MONTH=np.array([]), DAY=np.array([]), YEAR=np.array([]), FATALS=np.array([]), DRUNK_DR=np.array([]), SP=np.array([]),
'size': df_slice['plot_size'], 'text': df_slice['comment_text'].str[0:75] + '...', 'flags': df_slice['all_flags'], 'single_flag': df_slice['single_flag'], 'sim_age': df_slice['sim_age'] }).data slider = RangeSlider(start=0, end=30, value=(0, 30), step=1, title='Simulated Age') slider.on_change('value', callback) buttons = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=buttonlabels, active=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) buttons.on_change('active', callback) select = Select(title='Vectorization', value='Bag of Words', options=['Bag of Words', 'Doc2Vec']) select.on_change('value', callback) tooltips = [('Comment', '@text'), ('Flags', '@flags'), ('Age (d)', '@sim_age')] n_obs = df.shape[0] manif = 't-SNE' title = '{} visualization of {} observations'.format(manif, n_obs) p = figure(plot_width=figsize[0], plot_height=figsize[1],
# select_linac[1].on_change('value', plot.update_source) # select_linac[2].on_change('value', plot.update_source) avg_len_input = TextInput(title='Avg. Len:', value='10', width=100) avg_len_input.on_change('value', plot.update_source) percentile_input = TextInput(title='Percentile:', value='90', width=100) percentile_input.on_change('value', plot.update_source) start_date_picker = DatePicker(title='Start Date:', value=plot.x[0]) end_date_picker = DatePicker(title='End Date:', value=plot.x[-1]) start_date_picker.on_change('value', plot.update_source) end_date_picker.on_change('value', plot.update_source) gamma_options = ['5.0%/3.0mm', '3.0%/3.0mm', '3.0%/2.0mm', 'Any'] checkbox_button_group = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=gamma_options, active=[3]) checkbox_button_group.on_change('active', plot.update_source) text = {key: Div() for key in [1, 2]} plot.update_source(None, None, None) layout = column(row(select_y, avg_len_input, percentile_input), row(start_date_picker, end_date_picker), row(Div(text='Gamma Criteria: '), checkbox_button_group), text[1], text[2], row(Spacer(width=10), plot.fig), Spacer(height=50), row(Spacer(width=10), plot.histogram), Spacer(height=50), row(Spacer(width=10), ichart.figure), row(ichart.div_center_line, ichart.div_ucl, ichart.div_lcl)) curdoc().add_root(layout)