def show(sample_size): global session global scatter_plot global source global pie_chart_source global line_chart_source global slider DB.__init__(sample_size) min_time = DB.min_time() max_time = DB.max_time() print min_time print min_time xs, ys, color, time = DB.get_current() xs = [xs[i] for i,v in enumerate(time) if time[i] == min_time] ys = [ys[i] for i,v in enumerate(time) if time[i] == min_time] color = [color[i] for i,v in enumerate(time) if time[i] == min_time] time_dict = Counter(time) pie_chart_source = ColumnDataSource(data=ChartMath.compute_color_distribution('x', 'y', 'color', color)) line_chart_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[key for key in time_dict], y=[time_dict[key] for key in time_dict])) source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=xs, y=ys, color=color)) scatter_plot = Figure(plot_height=800, plot_width=1200, title="Plot of Voters", tools="pan, reset, resize, save, wheel_zoom", )'x', 'y', color='color', source=source, line_width=0, line_alpha=0.001, fill_alpha=0.5, size=15) scatter_plot.patches('x', 'y', source=state_source, fill_alpha=0.1, line_width=3, line_alpha=1) scatter_plot.x_range.on_change('end', update_coordinates) line_chart = Figure(title="Distribution over Time", plot_width=350, plot_height=350) line_chart.line(x='x', y='y', source=line_chart_source) pie_chart_plot = Figure(plot_height=350, plot_width=350, title="Voter Distribution", x_range=(-1, 1), y_range=(-1, 1)) pie_chart_plot.wedge(x=0, y=0, source=pie_chart_source, radius=1, start_angle="x", end_angle="y", color="color") slider = Slider(start=min_time, end=max_time, value=min_time, step=1, title="Time") slider.on_change('value', update_coordinates) h = hplot(scatter_plot, vplot(pie_chart_plot, line_chart)) vplot(slider, h, width=1600, height=1800) session = push_session(curdoc()) #script = autoload_server(scatter_plot, session.loop_until_closed()
def run(input_files, output_files): # Read reaction sequences sequs =[0]) # Collect figures here. figs = [] for sequence in sequs: srts = [] # Trials for trial in sequence: if trial['heuristic_saccade_validity']: srts.append(trial['srt']) else: srts.append(0) # To milliseconds srts = list(map(to_milliseconds, srts)) d = { 'SRT': srts, 'Trial': list(range(1,13)) } p = Bar(d, label='Trial', values='SRT', color='black') figs.append(p) # Visualization with bokeh. Combine figures in vertical layout. p = plotting.vplot(*figs) plotting.output_file(output_files[0], 'Saccadic reaction time variability')
def make_washmap_map_tools_linked(): data = get_data_with_countries(wat_stats, san_stats) source = ColumnDataSource(data) wat_map = construct_water_map_tools(source) wat_text = construct_water_text(source) wat_key = construct_key(WATER_COLOR_RANGE) return hplot(vplot(wat_map), vplot(wat_text, wat_key))
def __init__(self, title, legends, n_images_train=0, n_images_test=0, n_cols_images=3, axisx="Epochs", axisy="Values", line_width=4, alpha=0.8, line_dash=[4, 4], plot_width=800, plot_height=400): # Save some parameters self.n_lines_plot = len(legends) self.n_images_train = n_images_train self.n_images_test = n_images_test # prepare output to server output_server(title) cursession().publish() # Create the figure plot if self.n_lines_plot > 0: p_plot, self.data_plot = self.create_figure_plot(title, legends, axisx=axisx, axisy=axisy, line_width=line_width, alpha=alpha, line_dash=line_dash, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height) if n_images_train > 0: # Create black images as initialization img = np.zeros((64, 256, 3)) img_batch = [] for i in xrange(n_images_train): img_batch.append(img) # Create the training image grid p_images_train, self.data_img_train = self.create_grid_images(img_batch, name='img_train', n_cols=n_cols_images) if n_images_test > 0: # Create black images as initialization img = np.zeros((64, 256, 3)) img_batch = [] for i in xrange(n_images_test): img_batch.append(img) # Create the testing image grid p_images_test, self.data_img_test = self.create_grid_images(img_batch, name='img_test', n_cols=n_cols_images) # Create a vertical grid with the plot and the train and test images if self.n_lines_plot > 0 and n_images_train > 0 and n_images_test > 0: p = vplot(p_plot, p_images_train, p_images_test) elif self.n_lines_plot > 0 and n_images_train > 0 and n_images_test <= 0: p = vplot(p_plot, p_images_train) else: print 'ERROR: Not implemented combination. Please, do it!' # Show the plot show(p)
def generate_plots(execs, plot_list=('cpu_bars', 'gpu_bars', 'user_total_memusage')): monitor_methods = list() if any('gpu' in pltname for pltname in plot_list): monitor_methods.append('gpus_mon') if any('cpu' in pltname for pltname in plot_list): monitor_methods.append('cpus_mon') _hplots = list() panels = list() monitors = list() change_streams = list() for name, ex in execs.items(): changes = ChangeStream(source_fun=update_notebook_source) mon = RessourceMonitor(changes, async_exec=ex[0], normal_exec=ex[1]) plot_gen = BokehPlots(changes, async_exec=ex[0], normal_exec=ex[1]) plt = vplot(*[getattr(plot_gen, plt).__call__() for plt in plot_list]) hostname = ex[1](['hostname'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].decode().strip('\r\n ') panels.append(Panel(title=hostname, child=plt)) _hplots.append(plt) for mon_method in monitor_methods: monitors.append(getattr(mon, mon_method)) change_streams.append(changes) tabs = Tabs(tabs=panels) return hplot(tabs), monitors, change_streams
def make_washmap_all(): data = get_data_with_countries(wat_stats, san_stats) source = ColumnDataSource(data) source.selected = [30] line_data = get_line_data('Morocco') line_source = ColumnDataSource(line_data) wat_map = construct_water_map_tools(source) wat_line = construct_water_line(line_source) wat_text = construct_water_text(source) wat_key = construct_key(WATER_COLOR_RANGE) san_map = construct_san_map_tools(source) san_line = construct_san_line(line_source) san_text = construct_san_text(source) san_key = construct_key(SANITATION_COLOR_RANGE) tabs = Tabs(tabs=[ Panel(title="Water", child=layout_components(wat_map, wat_line, wat_text, wat_key)), Panel(title="Sanitation", child=layout_components(san_map, san_line, san_text, san_key)) ]) year = Slider(title="Year", name='year', value=1990, start=1990, end=2012, step=1) return vplot(tabs, year)
def plot(output_directory, normalized_counts, chromosome, cell_types): bp.output_file(output_directory + "/" + chromosome + ".html", mode="cdn") plots = [] summary = plot_summary(normalized_counts, chromosome) if summary: plots.append(summary) else: # if summary can't be plotted, then rest probably can't be plotted either, # so return without even saving the file (the file is never created on disk if not saved) return for cell_type in cell_types: logging.debug(" - plotting %s", cell_type) bin_number = [] count = [] condition = "(file_key == 0) & (chromosome == '%s') & (cell_type == '%s')" % (chromosome, cell_type) for row in normalized_counts.where(condition): bin_number.append(row["bin_number"]) count.append(row["count"]) plot = bp.figure() plot.title = "%s counts per bin" % cell_type plot.scatter(bin_number, count) plots.append(plot)*plots))
def main(options, args): logger = log.get_logger("ginga", options=options) # create a new plot with default tools, using figure fig = figure(x_range=[0, 600], y_range=[0, 600], plot_width=600, plot_height=600, toolbar_location=None) viewer = ib.CanvasView(logger) viewer.set_figure(fig) def load_file(path): image = AstroImage(logger) image.load_file(path) viewer.set_image(image) def load_file_cb(attr_name, old_val, new_val): #print(attr_name, old_val, new_val) load_file(new_val) # add a entry widget and configure with the call back dstdir = options.indir path_w = TextInput(value=dstdir, title="File:") path_w.on_change('value', load_file_cb) if len(args) > 0: load_file(args[0]) # put the path widget and viewer in a layout and add to the document curdoc().add_root(vplot(fig, path_w))
def _make_figures(self,ep,trainerr,metvals): self._datasources = [] figures = [] fig = figure(title='Total Training Cost',x_axis_label='Epoch',y_axis_label='Cost') fig.line([ep],[trainerr],name='plot') ds ='plot'))[0].data_source self._datasources.append(ds) if self._plotmetricmean: figures.append(fig) fig = figure(title='Metric Mean',x_axis_label='Epoch',y_axis_label='Mean') fig.line([ep],[np.nanmean(metvals)],name='plot') ds ='plot'))[0].data_source self._datasources.append(ds) figures.append(fig) for mv,(mk,m) in zip(metvals,self.metrics): if m.metric in xnn.metrics.metric_names: name = xnn.metrics.metric_names[m.metric] else: name = m.metric.__name__ fig = figure(title=mk,x_axis_label='Epoch',y_axis_label=name) fig.line([ep],[mv],name='plot') ds ='plot'))[0].data_source self._datasources.append(ds) figures.append(fig) allfigs = vplot(*figures) push()
def _draw_multiple_line_plot(filename, title, X, y, colors, legend, line_dash, line_width, x_axis_type, x_axis_label, y_axis_label, y_start=0, y_end=10, width=800, height=400): #output_file(filename, title=title) p1 = figure(x_axis_type = x_axis_type, plot_width=width, plot_height=height, y_range=(y_start, y_end)) for i in range(len(y)): p1.line(X[i], y[i], color=colors[i], legend=legend[i], line_dash=line_dash[i], line_width=line_width[i]) #p1.multi_line(X, y, color=colors, legend=legend, line_dash=line_dash, line_width=line_width) # p1.multi_line(xs=X, # ys=y, # line_color=colors, # line_width=5) p1.title = title #p1.grid.grid_line_color='Black' #p.ygrid[0].grid_line_alpha=0.5 p1.legend.orientation = "bottom_left" p1.grid.grid_line_alpha=0.75 p1.xaxis.axis_label = x_axis_label p1.yaxis.axis_label = y_axis_label p1.ygrid.band_fill_color="olive" p1.ygrid.band_fill_alpha = 0.25 p1.ygrid.minor_grid_line_color = 'navy' p1.ygrid.minor_grid_line_alpha = 0.1 save(vplot(p1), filename=filename, title=title)
def notebook(*tunnels): from import show execs = dict() if tunnels: for tunnel in tunnels: t_args = re.findall('([\'"]([^"\']+)["\'])|([^ ]+)', tunnel) t_args = [a[-1] if a[-1] else a[-1] for a in t_args] t_args = [a.strip(' ') for a in t_args] execs['_'.join(t_args)] = make_ssh_subprocess(*t_args) else: execs['localhost'] = async_subprocess, Popen _hplots = list() monitors = list() change_streams = list() for ex in execs.values(): changes = ChangeStream(source_fun=update_notebook_source) mon = RessourceMonitor(changes, async_exec=ex[0], normal_exec=ex[1]) plot_gen = BokehPlots(changes, async_exec=ex[0], normal_exec=ex[1]) _hplots.append( vplot(plot_gen.cpu_bars(False), plot_gen.gpu_bars(), plot_gen.user_total_memusage())) monitors.append(mon) change_streams.append(changes) plots = hplot(*_hplots) show(plots) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete( asyncio.gather(*(mon.gpus_mon(loop=loop) for mon in monitors), *(mon.cpus_mon() for mon in monitors), *(changes.start() for changes in change_streams)))
def make_washmap_all(): data = get_data_with_countries(wat_stats, san_stats) source = ColumnDataSource(data) source.selected = [30] line_data = get_line_data("Morocco") line_source = ColumnDataSource(line_data) wat_map = construct_water_map_tools(source) wat_line = construct_water_line(line_source) wat_text = construct_water_text(source) wat_key = construct_key(WATER_COLOR_RANGE) san_map = construct_san_map_tools(source) san_line = construct_san_line(line_source) san_text = construct_san_text(source) san_key = construct_key(SANITATION_COLOR_RANGE) tabs = Tabs( tabs=[ Panel(title="Water", child=layout_components(wat_map, wat_line, wat_text, wat_key)), Panel(title="Sanitation", child=layout_components(san_map, san_line, san_text, san_key)), ] ) year = Slider(title="Year", name="year", value=1990, start=1990, end=2012, step=1) return vplot(tabs, year)
def __init__(self, addr=None, interval=1000.00, loop=None): if addr is None: scheduler = default_executor().scheduler if isinstance(scheduler, rpc): addr = (scheduler.ip, 9786) elif isinstance(scheduler, Scheduler): addr = ('',['http'].port) self.addr = addr self.interval = interval self.display_notebook = False if is_kernel() and not curstate().notebook: output_notebook() assert curstate().notebook self.task_source, self.task_table = task_table_plot() self.worker_source, self.worker_table = worker_table_plot() self.output = vplot(self.worker_table, self.task_table) self.client = AsyncHTTPClient() self.loop = loop or IOLoop.current() self.loop.add_callback(self.update) self._pc = PeriodicCallback(self.update, self.interval, io_loop=self.loop) self._pc.start()
def worker_table_plot(width=600, height="auto", **kwargs): """ Column data source and plot for host table """ names = ['workers', 'cpu', 'memory-percent', 'memory', 'cores', 'processes', 'processing', 'latency', 'last-seen', 'disk-read', 'disk-write', 'network-send', 'network-recv'] source = ColumnDataSource({k: [] for k in names}) columns = {name: TableColumn(field=name, title=name) for name in names} slow_names = ['workers', 'cores', 'processes', 'memory', 'latency', 'last-seen'] slow = DataTable(source=source, columns=[columns[n] for n in slow_names], width=width, height=height, **kwargs) slow.columns[3].formatter = NumberFormatter(format='0.0 b') slow.columns[4].formatter = NumberFormatter(format='0.00000') slow.columns[5].formatter = NumberFormatter(format='0.000') fast_names = ['workers', 'cpu', 'memory-percent', 'processing', 'disk-read', 'disk-write', 'network-send', 'network-recv'] fast = DataTable(source=source, columns=[columns[n] for n in fast_names], width=width, height=height, **kwargs) fast.columns[1].formatter = NumberFormatter(format='0.0 %') fast.columns[2].formatter = NumberFormatter(format='0.0 %') fast.columns[4].formatter = NumberFormatter(format='0 b') fast.columns[5].formatter = NumberFormatter(format='0 b') fast.columns[6].formatter = NumberFormatter(format='0 b') fast.columns[7].formatter = NumberFormatter(format='0 b') table = vplot(slow, fast) return source, table
def run(input_files, output_files): # Read reaction sequences stats =[0]) # Collect figures here. figs = [] # Sequence completeness distribution d = { 'num saccades captured': stats['total']['completeness'], 'sequences': [1] * len(stats['total']['completeness']) } p = Bar(d, agg='count', label='num saccades captured', values='sequences', color='black') figs.append(p) # Saccademodel MSE distribution mses = stats['total']['all_mses'] d = { 'MSE': list(filter(lambda x: x < 0.1, mses)) } p = Histogram(d, bins=40, values='MSE', color='black') figs.append(p) # Visualization with bokeh. Combine figures in vertical layout. p = plotting.vplot(*figs) plotting.output_file(output_files[0], 'Saccadic reaction time variability')
def _create_grid_plot_of_trends(df, X, col_list, filename): width = 600 height = 400 color_palette = [ 'Black', 'Red', 'Purple', 'Green', 'Brown', 'Yellow', 'Cyan', 'Blue', 'Orange', 'Pink'] i = 0 #2 columns, so number of rows is total /2 row_index = 0 row_list = [] row = [] for col in col_list[1:]: #skip the date column # create a new plot s1 = figure(x_axis_type = 'datetime', width=width, plot_height=height, title=col + ' trend') #seasonal decompae to extract seasonal trends decomposition = seasonal_decompose(np.array(df[col]), model='additive', freq=15) s1.line(X, decomposition.trend, color=color_palette[i % len(color_palette)], alpha=0.5, line_width=2) row.append(s1) if len(row) == 2: row_copy = copy.deepcopy(row) row_list.append(row_copy) row = [] i = 0 i += 1 # put all the plots in a grid layout p = gridplot(row_list) save(vplot(p), filename=filename, title='trends')
def get_plot(self, mode="v"): if not (mode is 'v' or mode is 'h'): raise MeteoStation.InvalidPlotArgument() if mode is 'v': return vplot(*self.figs) else: return hplot(*self.figs)
def bokeh2(X): Y = de_mean_matrix(X) TOOLS="resize,crosshair,pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,previewsave,box_select" hover = HoverTool( tooltips=[ ("index", "$index"), ("(x,y)", "($x, $y)"), ("desc", "@desc"), ] ) bplt.output_file("data.html", title="Rescaling") s1 = bplt.figure(width=500, plot_height=250, title="Data", tools=[hover, TOOLS]) s1.scatter(X[:,0].A1, X[:,1].A1, marker="circle", line_color="#6666ee", fill_color="#ee6666", fill_alpha=0.5, size=12) s2 = bplt.figure(width=500, plot_height=250, title="De-meaned", tools=TOOLS) s2.scatter(Y[:,0].A1, Y[:,1].A1, marker="circle", line_color="#6666ee", fill_color="#ee6666", fill_alpha=0.5, size=12) # put all the plots in a VBox p = bplt.vplot(s1, s2) # show the results
def notebook(*tunnels): from import show execs = dict() if tunnels: for tunnel in tunnels: t_args = re.findall('([\'"]([^"\']+)["\'])|([^ ]+)', tunnel) t_args = [a[-1] if a[-1] else a[-1] for a in t_args] t_args = [a.strip(' ') for a in t_args] execs['_'.join(t_args)] = make_ssh_subprocess(*t_args) else: execs['localhost'] = async_subprocess, Popen _hplots = list() monitors = list() change_streams = list() for ex in execs.values(): changes = ChangeStream(source_fun=update_notebook_source) mon = RessourceMonitor(changes, async_exec=ex[0], normal_exec=ex[1]) plot_gen = BokehPlots(changes, async_exec=ex[0], normal_exec=ex[1]) _hplots.append(vplot(plot_gen.cpu_bars(False), plot_gen.gpu_bars(), plot_gen.user_total_memusage())) monitors.append(mon) change_streams.append(changes) plots = hplot(*_hplots) show(plots) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather( *(mon.gpus_mon(loop=loop) for mon in monitors), *(mon.cpus_mon() for mon in monitors), *(changes.start() for changes in change_streams) ))
def chart_results(self): portfolios = self.db.get_all_portfolios() portfolio_results = { 'portfolios': portfolios, 'overview' : { 'ytd' : self.average_performance('difference_ytd', portfolios), '1year' : self.average_performance('difference_1year', portfolios) } } portfolio_results['overview']['results_ytd'] = self.outperform(portfolio_results['overview']['ytd']) portfolio_results['overview']['results_1year'] = self.outperform(portfolio_results['overview']['1year']) num_points = len(portfolios) pprint(num_points) now = time.time() dates =[] moneyky_perf=[] portfolio_perf=[] #Form the lists for each in portfolios: dates.append(each['date']) moneyky_perf.append(float(each['difference_ytd'])) portfolio_perf.append(float(each['difference_1year'])) TOOLS = "reset,save" r = figure(x_axis_type = "datetime", tools=TOOLS, plot_width=800, plot_height=400) r.line(dates, portfolio_perf, legend='Monkey ytd', color="firebrick", alpha=0.8, line_width=4) r.line(dates, moneyky_perf, legend='Monkey 1 Year', color="navy", alpha=0.8, line_width=4) r.title = "Moneyky vs Benchmark Performance" r.grid.grid_line_alpha=100 return (vplot(r)), portfolio_results # return the plot
def get_plot(self, mode="v"): if not(mode is 'v' or mode is 'h'): raise MeteoStation.InvalidPlotArgument() if mode is 'v': return vplot(*self.figs) else: return hplot(*self.figs)
def main(options, args): logger = log.get_logger("ginga", options=options) # create a new plot with default tools, using figure fig = figure(x_range=[0,600], y_range=[0,600], plot_width=600, plot_height=600, toolbar_location=None) viewer = ib.CanvasView(logger) viewer.set_figure(fig) def load_file(path): image = AstroImage(logger) image.load_file(path) viewer.set_image(image) def load_file_cb(attr_name, old_val, new_val): #print(attr_name, old_val, new_val) load_file(new_val) # add a entry widget and configure with the call back dstdir = options.indir path_w = TextInput(value=dstdir, title="File:") path_w.on_change('value', load_file_cb) if len(args) > 0: load_file(args[0]) # put the path widget and viewer in a layout and add to the document curdoc().add_root(vplot(fig, path_w))
def visualize_data(data_output_file): from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, save, vplot from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, FactorRange plots = [] # output to static HTML file output_file(data_output_file, title='Eye Tracking Data', mode='cdn') for file_name, file_data in data.iteritems(): # prepare the data line_types = [line_data[0] for line_data in file_data] #line_types_top = [line_data[0] + '2.0' for line_data in file_data] #line_types_bot = [line_data[0] + '1.0' for line_data in file_data] times = [line_data[1] for line_data in file_data] start_times = [line_data[2] for line_data in file_data] end_times = [line_data[3] for line_data in file_data] descs = [line_data[4] for line_data in file_data] #x0 = [0 for type_ in line_types] '''source = ColumnDataSource({ 'time': times, 'start': start_times, 'end': end_times, 'line_types_top': line_types_top, 'line_types_bot': line_types_bot, })''' source = ColumnDataSource({ 'x': [(t1 + t2)/2 for t1, t2 in zip(start_times, end_times)], 'y': line_types, 'width': times, 'height': [0.7 for _ in line_types], 'fill_color': ['red' if 'Incorrect' in desc \ else 'green' for desc in descs] }) # create a new plot plot = figure( tools='pan,reset,save', title=file_name, y_range=FactorRange(factors=line_types[::-1]), x_range=[0, sum(times)], x_axis_label='Time (ms)', y_axis_label='Line Type' ) plot.rect(x='x', y='y', width='width', height='height', \ fill_color='fill_color', source=source) #plot.quad(left='start', right='end', \ # top='line_types_top', bottom='line_types_bot', source=source) # add some renderers #plot.segment(x0, line_types, times, line_types, \ # line_width=2, line_color="green") plots.append(plot) # show the results save(vplot(*plots))
def make_interactive(plot): plot = add_legend(plot) for year in years: fertility = fertility_df[year] = 'fertility' life = life_expectancy_df[year] = 'life' population = population_df_size[year] = 'population' new_df = pd.concat([fertility, life, population, region_color], axis=1) sources['_' + str(year)] = ColumnDataSource(new_df) dictionary_of_sources = dict(zip([x for x in years], ['_%s' % x for x in years])) js_source_array = str(dictionary_of_sources).replace("'", "") # Add the slider code = """ var year = slider.get('value'), sources = %s, new_source_data = sources[year].get('data'); renderer_source.set('data', new_source_data); renderer_source.trigger('change'); text_source.set('data', {'year': [String(year)]}); text_source.trigger('change'); """ % js_source_array callback = CustomJS(args=sources, code=code) slider = Slider(start=years[0], end=years[-1], value=1, step=1, title="Year", callback=callback) callback.args["slider"] = slider callback.args["renderer_source"] = renderer_source callback.args["text_source"] = text_source return vplot(plot, slider)
def insertPlot(self, plotSets): plotSets = [wrapper.plot for wrapper in plotSets] layout = vplot( *plotSets ) # output_file("les_mis.html") ????????????????? # show(layout) for plot in plotSets: plot.toolbar_location = None return layout
def plot_summaries(output_directory, normalized_counts, chromosomes): bp.output_file(output_directory + "/summary.html", mode="cdn") plots = [] for chromosome in chromosomes: plot = plot_summary(normalized_counts, chromosome) if plot: plots.append(plot)*plots))
def insertPlot(self, plotSets): plotSets = [wrapper.plot for wrapper in plotSets] layout = vplot(*plotSets) # output_file("les_mis.html") ????????????????? # show(layout) for plot in plotSets: plot.toolbar_location = None return layout
def make_washmap_map_tools_linked_tabbed(): data = get_data_with_countries(wat_stats, san_stats) source = ColumnDataSource(data) source.selected = [30] wat_map = construct_water_map_tools(source) wat_text = construct_water_text(source) wat_key = construct_key(WATER_COLOR_RANGE) san_map = construct_san_map_tools(source) san_text = construct_san_text(source) san_key = construct_key(SANITATION_COLOR_RANGE) tabs = Tabs( tabs=[ Panel(title="Water", child=hplot(vplot(wat_map), vplot(wat_text, wat_key))), Panel(title="Sanitation", child=hplot(vplot(san_map), vplot(san_text, san_key))), ] ) return vplot(tabs)
def make_washmap_map_tools_linked_tabbed(): data = get_data_with_countries(wat_stats, san_stats) source = ColumnDataSource(data) source.selected = [30] wat_map = construct_water_map_tools(source) wat_text = construct_water_text(source) wat_key = construct_key(WATER_COLOR_RANGE) san_map = construct_san_map_tools(source) san_text = construct_san_text(source) san_key = construct_key(SANITATION_COLOR_RANGE) tabs = Tabs(tabs=[ Panel(title="Water", child=hplot(vplot(wat_map), vplot(wat_text, wat_key))), Panel(title="Sanitation", child=hplot(vplot(san_map), vplot(san_text, san_key))) ]) return vplot(tabs)
def create_simple_layout(obj): # TODO: Seems that DateRangeSlider is broken on latest release. It'd be # nice to add it when issue is fixed # start =, 1, 1)#'2010-01-01' # end =, 1, 1)#'2015-01-01' # obj.dr = DateRangeSlider( # title="Period:", name="period", value=(start, end), # bounds=(start, end), range=(dict(days=1), None) # ) # Get the widget for all available plugins and add them interval_plugins = { getattr(obj, for pl in obj._interval_plugins} names = dict( js_list_of_sources=str({k: k for k in interval_plugins.keys()}).replace("'", "") ) code = callbacks.window_selector % names objs = dict(interval_plugins) callback = Callback(args=objs, code=code) obj.window_selector.callback = callback callback.args['interval_selector'] = obj.window_selector # configure button to open pump and dump detection (Poulson Algorithm) code = callbacks.btn_detect_pumps % names callback = Callback(args=objs, code=code) obj.btn_detect_pumps.callback = callback main_view = plotting.hplot( plotting.vplot( obj.ts_filters_plot, obj.main_plot, # obj.cp_plot, # obj.trends_plot ), ) # add spams table to spams tab obj.spam_tab.child = plotting.hplot(obj.spam_table) # create obj.vpeaks = plotting.vplot(obj.PEAKS) obj.children = [plotting.vplot( main_view, )]
def acc_loss_visual(history, result_path, script_name, file_time_global): """ Plot accuracy and loss """ acc_arr = np.array(history['acc'], dtype=float) loss_arr = np.array(history['loss'], dtype=float) val_acc_arr = np.array(history['val_acc'], dtype=float) val_loss_arr = np.array(history['val_loss'], dtype=float) output_file( os.path.join( result_path, "legends_" + script_name + "_" + file_time_global + ".html")) p1 = figure() p1.title = "Training and Cross validation accuracy" p1.xaxis.axis_label = 'Iterations' p1.yaxis.axis_label = 'Accuracy', len(acc_arr)), acc_arr, color="green", legend="Train_Acc") p1.line(range(0, len(acc_arr)), acc_arr, line_color="green", legend="Train_Acc"), len(val_acc_arr)), val_acc_arr, color="orange", legend="Val_Acc") p1.line(range(0, len(val_acc_arr)), val_acc_arr, line_color="orange", legend="Val_Acc") p2 = figure() p2.title = "Training and Cross validation loss_error" p2.xaxis.axis_label = 'Iterations' p2.yaxis.axis_label = 'Loss_error', len(loss_arr)), loss_arr, color="green", legend="Train_loss") p2.line(range(0, len(loss_arr)), loss_arr, line_color="green", legend="Train_loss"), len(val_loss_arr)), val_loss_arr, color="orange", legend="Val_loss") p2.line(range(0, len(val_loss_arr)), val_loss_arr, line_color="orange", legend="Val_loss") p = vplot(p1, p2) show(p)
def create_layout(obj): # Get the widget for all available plugins and add them interval_plugins = { getattr(obj, for pl in obj._interval_plugins} names = dict( js_list_of_sources=str({k: k for k in interval_plugins.keys()}).replace("'", "") ) code = callbacks.window_selector % names objs = dict(interval_plugins) callback = Callback(args=objs, code=code) obj.window_selector.callback = callback callback.args['interval_selector'] = obj.window_selector # configure button to open pump and dump detection (Poulson Algorithm) code = callbacks.btn_detect_pumps % names callback = Callback(args=objs, code=code) obj.btn_detect_pumps.callback = callback # add all elements of the main dashboard main_view = plotting.hplot( plotting.vplot( obj.ts_filters_plot, obj.main_plot, ), ) # add spams table to spams tab obj.spam_tab.child = plotting.hplot(obj.spam_table) # create obj.vpeaks = plotting.vplot(obj.PEAKS) # vsteinberg = plotting.vplot(obj.TICKS_IN_ROW) obj.children = [plotting.vplot( # obj.symbol, # obj.tabs, main_view, # vpeaks, # add peaks plugin dialog view # vsteinberg, # obj.dialog_loading, )]
def pages_timeseries(response): parse_datetime = lambda x: datetime.datetime.strptime(x, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") parsed_dates = [parse_datetime(x[1]) for x in response] dates = sorted(parsed_dates) plot = figure(plot_width=584, x_axis_type="datetime", x_axis_label="Dates", y_axis_label="Number Fetched") plot.line(x=dates, y=range(len(dates))) button = Button(label="Press Me") session = push_session(curdoc()) script = autoload_server(vplot(plot, button), return script
def create_grph(lst, df, stock): TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,save" #Just figure out how to divide the graph to make it nicer fig_list = [] if u'Closing' in lst: output_file("./templates/stock.html", title=stock) a = figure(x_axis_type="datetime", tools=TOOLS) a.line(df['Date'], df['Closing'], color='#1F78B4', legend='Closing Prices') a.title = "%s Closing Prices" % (stock) a.grid.grid_line_alpha = 0.3 fig_list.append('a') if u'Adjusted' in lst: output_file("./templates/stock.html", title=stock) b = figure(x_axis_type="datetime", tools=TOOLS) b.line(df['Date'], df['Adj Closing'], color='#FF0000', legend='Adjusted Closing Prices') b.title = "%s Adjusted Closing Prices" % (stock) b.grid.grid_line_alpha = 0.3 fig_list.append('b') if u'Volume' in lst: output_file("./templates/stock.html", title=stock) c = figure(x_axis_type="datetime", tools=TOOLS) c.line(df['Date'], df['Volume'], color='#228B22', legend='Volumes') c.title = "%s Volumes" % (stock) c.grid.grid_line_alpha = 0.3 fig_list.append('c') if 'a' in fig_list and 'b' in fig_list and 'c' in fig_list: p = vplot(hplot(a, b), c) elif 'a' in fig_list and 'b' in fig_list: p = hplot(a, b) elif 'a' in fig_list and 'c' in fig_list: p = hplot(a, c) elif 'b' in fig_list and 'c' in fig_list: p = hplot(b, c) elif 'a' in fig_list: p = a elif 'b' in fig_list: p = b elif 'c' in fig_list: p = c save(p) return None
def gpu_bars(self, vertical=True, **kwargs): gpus = sorted(RessourceMonitor.gpus_comb(subproc_exec=self.normal_exec), key=itemgetter(0)) devices, free_mems, loads = tuple(zip(*gpus)) max_free = max(free_mems) * 1.5 source = ColumnDataSource(self._bar_source(devices, ('free', list(free_mems)), ('load', list(loads)))) def waiter(): change = yield GPUComb while not self.terminated: self._drop_in(, 'load',, change.load) self._drop_in(, 'free',, change = yield source self.change_consumer.register_waiter(waiter()) name_range = FactorRange(['name']) def makefig(name_range, val_range, val_name, title, ylabel): kwargs['x_range'] = name_range kwargs['y_range'] = val_range kwargs['x_axis_label'] = 'device' kwargs['y_axis_label'] = ylabel if not vertical: self._swapaxes(kwargs) return figure(**kwargs, tools=[], title=title) p1, p2 = (makefig(name_range, Range1d(0, 100), 'load', 'GPU load', '%'), makefig(name_range, Range1d(0, max_free), 'free', 'GPU free memory', 'MiB')) if vertical: p = vplot(p1, p2) p1.quad(left='name_low', right='name_high', top='load', bottom='zeros', source=source) p2.quad(left='name_low', right='name_high', top='free', bottom='zeros', source=source) else: p = hplot(p1, p2) p1.quad(left='zeros', right='load', top='name_high', bottom='name_low', source=source) p2.quad(left='zeros', right='free', top='name_high', bottom='name_low', source=source) p1.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=[('load', "@load")])) p2.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=[('free', "@free")])) return p
def main(): # Parse command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--counts', '-c', required=True) parser.add_argument('--prefix', '-p') parser.add_argument('--title', '-t') parser.add_argument('--bins', '-b', type=int) parser.add_argument('--y-label', '-y') parser.add_argument('--x-label', '-x') args = parser.parse_args() if args.title: title = args.title else: title = 'Generic Histogram' if args.prefix: output_filename = args.prefix + '.html' else: output_filename = 'histogram.html' if args.bins: bins = args.bins else: bins = 10 # Bokeh default y_label = "" if args.y_label: y_label = args.y_label x_label = "" if args.x_label: x_label = args.x_label # Bokeh magic setup output_file(output_filename) fig = figure(title=title, tools="pan,wheel_zoom,save", background_fill="#E8DDCB") fig.left[0].formatter.use_scientific = False fig.xaxis.axis_label = x_label fig.yaxis.axis_label = y_label # Read input file and save counts counts = [] with open(args.counts, 'r') as countfile: for line in countfile: counts.append(int(line.strip())) # Convert to numpy array, then to histogram, then show np_counts = np.array(counts) hist, edges = np.histogram(counts, bins=bins, density=False) fig.quad(top=hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:], fill_color="#036564", line_color="#033649",\ ) show(vplot(fig))
def make_plots(): data = pd.read_csv("static/running_data.csv", index_col=False) time = [to_dt(x) for x in data.Time] dt = max(time) last_time = datetime.datetime(dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour, dt.minute) x_name = "date (last updated: " + str(last_time) +")" acc = data.Accuracy auc = data["ROC-AUC"] tp = data["True pos."] tn = data["True neg."] fp = data["False pos."] fn = data["False neg."] # Accuracy and AUC plot1 = figure(title='Model performance metrics', x_axis_label=x_name, x_axis_type='datetime', y_axis_label='Score') plot1.line(time, acc, color = 'black', legend='accuracy', line_width=3) plot1.line(time, auc, color='blue', legend='ROC AUC', line_width=3) plot1.line(time, tp, color='green', legend='True positive') plot1.line(time, tn, color='green', legend='True negative',line_dash=[4, 4]) plot1.line(time, fp, color='red', legend='False positive') plot1.line(time, fn, color='red', legend='False negative',line_dash=[4, 4]) plot1.legend.location = "bottom_left" plot1.y_range = Range1d(0,1) plot2 = figure(title='Model performance metrics', x_axis_label=x_name, x_axis_type='datetime', y_axis_label='Score') plot2.line(time, tp/(tp + fn), color='black', legend='Sensitivity = true positive / actual positive', line_width = 3) plot2.line(time, tn/(fp + tn), color='blue', legend='Specificity = true negative / actual negative', line_width = 3) plot2.legend.location = "bottom_left" plot2.y_range = Range1d(0, 1) # Combine the plots p = vplot(plot1, plot2) output_file("templates/runningscore.html") save(p)
def main(options, args): logger = log.get_logger("ginga", options=options) TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_select,tap" # create a new plot with default tools, using figure fig = figure(x_range=[0, 600], y_range=[0, 600], plot_width=600, plot_height=600, tools=TOOLS) viewer = ib.CanvasView(logger) viewer.set_figure(fig) ## box_select_tool = ## box_select_tool.select_every_mousemove = True #tap_tool = fig.select_one(TapTool).renderers = [cr] # open a session to keep our local document in sync with server session = push_session(curdoc()) #curdoc().add_periodic_callback(update, 50) def load_file(path): image = AstroImage(logger) image.load_file(path) viewer.set_image(image) def load_file_cb(attr_name, old_val, new_val): #print(attr_name, old_val, new_val) load_file(new_val) # add a entry widget and configure with the call back dstdir = options.indir path_w = TextInput(value=dstdir, title="File:") path_w.on_change('value', load_file_cb) curdoc().add_root(vplot(fig, path_w)) if len(args) > 0: load_file(args[0]) # open the document in a browser # run forever session.loop_until_closed()
def do_step(document): document.clear() sl, c = next(examples) p = plot_slice(sl) b_A = Button(label="Accept") b_R = Button(label="Reject") b_A.on_click(functools.partial(callback, sl, c, 'accept')) b_R.on_click(functools.partial(callback, sl, c, 'reject')) plot = vplot(p, (hplot(b_A, b_R))) document.add_root(plot)
def initPlotArea(self, style=None): self.plotArea = figure(plot_width=100, plot_height=100, background_fill="#c1c1c1", border_fill="#c1c1c1", min_border=0) self.plotArea.xaxis.visible = False self.plotArea.yaxis.visible = False self.plotArea.toolbar_location = None self.scatter = self.plotArea.scatter([0], [0], marker=style.lower(), size=88) self.html = vplot(self.plotArea) self.drawSymbol(self.html) return self.html
def build_plot(): global PLOTS global NEW_PTS args = request.args color = colors[getitem(args, 'color', 'Black')] _from = int(getitem(args, '_from', 0)) to = int(getitem(args, 'to', 10)) x = list(range(_from, to + 1)) model1 = get_forecast_data(model1_file) model2 = get_forecast_data(model2_file) for city in ['denver', 'ny', 'chicago', 'seattle', 'sf']: for cartype in ['uberX', 'uberXL', 'uberBLACK', 'uberSUV']: p, ds = create_plots(model1, model2, city, cartype) PLOTS.append(p) NEW_PTS.append((city, cartype, ds)) ps = vplot(PLOTS[0])
def symbol_val(self, color=None, size=None, outLine=None, visible=None): symbol = self.scatter.glyph if color: symbol.fill_color = color if size is not None: symbol.size = size # if outLine: # self.symbol_outLine(**outLine) if visible is not None: symbol.visible = visible # self.val.update({'color' : symbol.fill_color}) # self.val.update({'size' : symbol.size}) # # self.val.update({'outLine' : self.outLine}) # self.val.update({'visible' : symbol.visible}) # return self.val self.html = vplot(self.plotArea) self.drawSymbol(self.html) return self.html
def bokeh2(X): Y = de_mean_matrix(X) TOOLS = "resize,crosshair,pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,previewsave,box_select" hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[ ("index", "$index"), ("(x,y)", "($x, $y)"), ("desc", "@desc"), ]) bplt.output_file("data.html", title="Rescaling") s1 = bplt.figure(width=500, plot_height=250, title="Data", tools=[hover, TOOLS]) s1.scatter(X[:, 0].A1, X[:, 1].A1, marker="circle", line_color="#6666ee", fill_color="#ee6666", fill_alpha=0.5, size=12) s2 = bplt.figure(width=500, plot_height=250, title="De-meaned", tools=TOOLS) s2.scatter(Y[:, 0].A1, Y[:, 1].A1, marker="circle", line_color="#6666ee", fill_color="#ee6666", fill_alpha=0.5, size=12) # put all the plots in a VBox p = bplt.vplot(s1, s2) # show the results
def plot_multi_test(): nelem = 100 samples = np.squeeze( np.dstack([np.random.normal(size=nelem), np.random.normal(size=nelem)])) bwlist = [approx_bandwidth(samples[:, k]) for k in range(samples.shape[1])] bandwidths = np.array(bwlist) support = build_support_nd(samples, bandwidths) pdf = np.zeros(support.shape[0], dtype=np.float64) print('bandwidths', bandwidths) print('support', support.shape) print('samples', samples.shape) multi_kde_seq(support, samples, bandwidths, pdf) kde = sm.nonparametric.KDEMultivariate(samples, var_type='cc', bw=bwlist) expect_pdf = kde.pdf(support) # Plotting output_file("kde_multi.html") cm = RGBColorMapper(0, 1, palettes.Spectral11) p1 = figure(title="KDE") p1.square(support[:, 0], support[:, 1], size=5, color=cm.color(pdf / np.ptp(pdf))) p2 = figure(title="KDE-SM") p2.square(support[:, 0], support[:, 1], size=5, color=cm.color(expect_pdf / np.ptp(expect_pdf))) show(vplot(p1, p2))
def worker_table_plot(width=600, height="auto", **kwargs): """ Column data source and plot for host table """ names = [ 'workers', 'cpu', 'memory-percent', 'memory', 'cores', 'processes', 'processing', 'latency', 'last-seen', 'disk-read', 'disk-write', 'network-send', 'network-recv' ] source = ColumnDataSource({k: [] for k in names}) columns = {name: TableColumn(field=name, title=name) for name in names} slow_names = [ 'workers', 'cores', 'processes', 'memory', 'latency', 'last-seen' ] slow = DataTable(source=source, columns=[columns[n] for n in slow_names], width=width, height=height, **kwargs) slow.columns[3].formatter = NumberFormatter(format='0.0 b') slow.columns[4].formatter = NumberFormatter(format='0.00000') slow.columns[5].formatter = NumberFormatter(format='0.000') fast_names = [ 'workers', 'cpu', 'memory-percent', 'processing', 'disk-read', 'disk-write', 'network-send', 'network-recv' ] fast = DataTable(source=source, columns=[columns[n] for n in fast_names], width=width, height=height, **kwargs) fast.columns[1].formatter = NumberFormatter(format='0.0 %') fast.columns[2].formatter = NumberFormatter(format='0.0 %') fast.columns[4].formatter = NumberFormatter(format='0 b') fast.columns[5].formatter = NumberFormatter(format='0 b') fast.columns[6].formatter = NumberFormatter(format='0 b') fast.columns[7].formatter = NumberFormatter(format='0 b') table = vplot(slow, fast) return source, table
def worker_table_plot(width=600, height=100, **kwargs): """ Column data source and plot for host table """ names = ['workers', 'cpu', 'memory-percent', 'memory', 'cores', 'processes', 'processing', 'latency', 'last-seen', 'disk-read', 'disk-write', 'network-send', 'network-recv'] source = ColumnDataSource({k: [] for k in names}) columns = {name: TableColumn(field=name, title=name) for name in names} slow_names = ['workers', 'cores', 'processes', 'memory', 'latency', 'last-seen'] slow = DataTable(source=source, columns=[columns[n] for n in slow_names], width=width, height=height, **kwargs) fast_names = ['workers', 'cpu', 'memory-percent', 'processing', 'disk-read', 'disk-write', 'network-send', 'network-recv'] fast = DataTable(source=source, columns=[columns[n] for n in fast_names], width=width, height=height, **kwargs) table = vplot(slow, fast) return source, table
def make_interactive(plot): plot = add_legend(plot) for year in years: fertility = fertility_df[year] = 'fertility' life = life_expectancy_df[year] = 'life' population = population_df_size[year] = 'population' new_df = pd.concat([fertility, life, population, region_color], axis=1) sources['_' + str(year)] = ColumnDataSource(new_df) dictionary_of_sources = dict( zip([x for x in years], ['_%s' % x for x in years])) js_source_array = str(dictionary_of_sources).replace("'", "") # Add the slider code = """ var year = slider.get('value'), sources = %s, new_source_data = sources[year].get('data'); renderer_source.set('data', new_source_data); renderer_source.trigger('change'); text_source.set('data', {'year': [String(year)]}); text_source.trigger('change'); """ % js_source_array callback = CustomJS(args=sources, code=code) slider = Slider(start=years[0], end=years[-1], value=1, step=1, title="Year", callback=callback) callback.args["slider"] = slider callback.args["renderer_source"] = renderer_source callback.args["text_source"] = text_source return vplot(plot, slider)
def setScatterSymbol(self, val="Circle"): models = bokeh.models.glyphs changeVal = self.scatter.glyph.changed_properties_with_values() glyph = { "Circle": models.Circle(**changeVal), "CircleX": models.CircleX(**changeVal), "Cross": models.Cross(**changeVal), "Diamond": models.Diamond(**changeVal), "DiamondCross": models.DiamondCross(**changeVal), "Square": models.Square(**changeVal), "SquareX": models.SquareX(**changeVal), "InvertedTriangle": models.InvertedTriangle(**changeVal), "Triangle": models.Triangle(**changeVal), "X": models.X(**changeVal), "Asterisk": models.Asterisk(**changeVal) } self.scatter.set(glyph=glyph[val]) self.html = vplot(self.plotArea) self.drawSymbol(self.html) return self.html
def plot_uni_test(): samples = mixture_rvs([.25, .75], size=10000, dist=[stats.norm, stats.norm], kwargs=(dict(loc=-1, scale=.5), dict(loc=1, scale=.5))) bandwidth = approx_bandwidth(samples) print('bandwidth', bandwidth) print('size', samples.size) support = build_support(samples, bandwidth) pdf = np.zeros_like(support) uni_kde_seq(support, samples, bandwidth, pdf) # Plotting output_file("kde.html") p1 = figure(title="Hist") hist, edges = np.histogram(samples, bins=50, density=True) p1.quad(top=hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:]) p2 = figure(title="KDE") p2.line(support, pdf), y=pdf, size=5) p3 = figure(title="KDE-SM") kde = sm.nonparametric.KDEUnivariate(samples)"gau") p3.line(, kde.density) print(samples.size) print(len(, len(kde.density)) print(kde.density.sum()) show(vplot(p1, p2, p3))
def index(): # Create layout c_map = climate_map() ts = timeseries() l = legend() t = title() map_legend = hplot(c_map, l) layout = vplot(t, map_legend, ts) plot_resources = RESOURCES.render( js_raw=INLINE.js_raw, css_raw=INLINE.css_raw, js_files=INLINE.js_files, css_files=INLINE.css_files, ) script, div = components(layout, INLINE) html = flask.render_template( 'embed.html', plot_script=script, plot_div=div, plot_resources=plot_resources, ) return encode_utf8(html)
# Read counts into a list barcode_counts = [] with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as counts: for line in counts: barcode_counts.append(int(line.strip())) output_file('histogram.html') p1 = figure(title="Barcode Read Counts", tools="save,box_zoom,pan,ywheel_zoom", background_fill="#E8DDCB") barcode_counts = np.array(barcode_counts) # TODO manually set bins hist, edges = np.histogram(barcode_counts, density=False, bins=[ 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 7500, 10000 ]) p1.quad(top=hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:], fill_color="#036564", line_color="#033649",\ ) p1.xaxis.axis_label = 'Number of Reads' p1.yaxis.axis_label = 'Barcode Count' show(vplot(p1))
def gpu_bars(self, vertical=True, **kwargs): gpus = sorted( RessourceMonitor.gpus_comb(subproc_exec=self.normal_exec), key=itemgetter(0)) devices, free_mems, loads = tuple(zip(*gpus)) max_free = max(free_mems) * 1.5 source = ColumnDataSource( self._bar_source(devices, ('free', list(free_mems)), ('load', list(loads)))) def waiter(): change = yield GPUComb while not self.terminated: self._drop_in(, 'load',, change.load) self._drop_in(, 'free',, change = yield source self.change_consumer.register_waiter(waiter()) name_range = FactorRange(['name']) def makefig(name_range, val_range, val_name, title, ylabel): kwargs['x_range'] = name_range kwargs['y_range'] = val_range kwargs['x_axis_label'] = 'device' kwargs['y_axis_label'] = ylabel if not vertical: self._swapaxes(kwargs) return figure(**kwargs, tools=[], title=title) p1, p2 = (makefig(name_range, Range1d(0, 100), 'load', 'GPU load', '%'), makefig(name_range, Range1d(0, max_free), 'free', 'GPU free memory', 'MiB')) if vertical: p = vplot(p1, p2) p1.quad(left='name_low', right='name_high', top='load', bottom='zeros', source=source) p2.quad(left='name_low', right='name_high', top='free', bottom='zeros', source=source) else: p = hplot(p1, p2) p1.quad(left='zeros', right='load', top='name_high', bottom='name_low', source=source) p2.quad(left='zeros', right='free', top='name_high', bottom='name_low', source=source) p1.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=[('load', "@load")])) p2.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=[('free', "@free")])) return p