Exemple #1
def BGK(f, t, q1, q2, v1, v2, v3, moments, params, flag=False):
    Return BGK operator -(f-f0)/tau.

    f : Distribution function array
        shape:(N_v, N_s, N_q1, N_q2)
    t : Time elapsed
    q1 : The array that holds data for the q1 dimension in q-space
         shape:(1, 1, N_q1, N_q2)

    q2 : The array that holds data for the q2 dimension in q-space
         shape:(1, 1, N_q1, N_q2)

    v1 : The array that holds data for the v1 dimension in v-space
         shape:(N_v, N_s, 1, 1)

    v2 : The array that holds data for the v2 dimension in v-space
         shape:(N_v, N_s, 1, 1)

    v3 : The array that holds data for the v3 dimension in v-space
         shape:(N_v, N_s, 1, 1)

    params: The parameters file/object that is originally declared by the user.
            This can be used to inject other functions/attributes into the function
    flag: Toggle used for evaluating tau = 0 cases need to be evaluated. When set to True, this
          function is made to return f0, thus setting f = f0 wherever tau = 0
    n = moments('density', f)
    m = params.mass

    # Floor used to avoid 0/0 limit:
    eps = 1e-30

    v1_bulk = moments('mom_v1_bulk', f) / (n + eps)
    v2_bulk = moments('mom_v2_bulk', f) / (n + eps)
    v3_bulk = moments('mom_v3_bulk', f) / (n + eps)

    T = (1 / params.p_dim) * (2 * multiply(moments('energy', f), m) - multiply(
        n, m) * v1_bulk**2 - multiply(n, m) * v2_bulk**2 -
                              multiply(n, m) * v3_bulk**2) / (n + eps) + eps

    f_MB = f0(v1, v2, v3, n, T, v1_bulk, v2_bulk, v3_bulk, params)
    tau = params.tau(q1, q2, v1, v2, v3)

    if (flag == False):

        C_f = -(f - f_MB) / tau
        return (C_f)

    # Accounting for purely collisional cases(f = f0):
        return (f_MB)
Exemple #2
def calculate_dfdp_background(self):
    Calculates the derivative of the background distribution 
    with respect to the variables p1, p2, p3. This is used to
    solve for the contribution from the fields
    f_b = af.moddims(self.f_background, self.N_p1, self.N_p2, self.N_p3,

    #    8th order central diff -- just in case
    #    f_minus_4 = af.shift(f_b, 4); f_plus_4 = af.shift(f_b, -4)
    #    f_minus_3 = af.shift(f_b, 3); f_plus_3 = af.shift(f_b, -3)
    #    f_minus_2 = af.shift(f_b, 2); f_plus_2 = af.shift(f_b, -2)
    #    f_minus_1 = af.shift(f_b, 1); f_plus_1 = af.shift(f_b, -1)
    #    dfdp1_background = \
    #    ( 1/280)*f_minus_4 + (-4/105)*f_minus_3 + ( 1/5)*f_minus_2 + (-4/5)*f_minus_1 \
    #  + (-1/280)*f_plus_4  + ( 4/105)*f_plus_3  + (-1/5)*f_plus_2  + ( 4/5)*f_plus_1
    #    dfdp1_background = dfdp1_background/self.dp1

    # Using a 4th order central difference stencil:
    # Using moddims since in p-expanded dp needs to be (1, 1, 1, Ns)
    dfdp1_background = multiply(
        (-af.shift(f_b, -2) + 8 * af.shift(f_b, -1) + af.shift(f_b, 2) -
         8 * af.shift(f_b, 1)),
        1 / af.moddims(12 * self.dp1, 1, 1, 1, len(self.dp1)))

    dfdp2_background = multiply(
        (-af.shift(f_b, 0, -2) + 8 * af.shift(f_b, 0, -1) +
         af.shift(f_b, 0, 2) - 8 * af.shift(f_b, 0, 1)),
        1 / af.moddims(12 * self.dp2, 1, 1, 1, len(self.dp2)))

    dfdp3_background = multiply(
        (-af.shift(f_b, 0, 0, -2) + 8 * af.shift(f_b, 0, 0, -1) +
         af.shift(f_b, 0, 0, 2) - 8 * af.shift(f_b, 0, 0, 1)),
        1 / af.moddims(12 * self.dp3, 1, 1, 1, len(self.dp3)))

    # Reshaping such that the variations in velocity are along axis 0:
    self.dfdp1_background = af.moddims(dfdp1_background,
                                       self.N_p1 * self.N_p2 * self.N_p3,
    self.dfdp2_background = af.moddims(dfdp2_background,
                                       self.N_p1 * self.N_p2 * self.N_p3,
    self.dfdp3_background = af.moddims(dfdp3_background,
                                       self.N_p1 * self.N_p2 * self.N_p3,

    af.eval(self.dfdp1_background, self.dfdp2_background,

def compute_electrostatic_fields(self, rho_hat):
    Computes the electrostatic fields by making use of FFTs by solving
    the Poisson equation: div^2 phi = rho to return the FT of the 


    rho_hat : af.Array
              FT for the charge density for each of the species.
              shape:(1, N_s, N_q1, N_q2)

    # Summing over all the species:
    phi_hat = multiply(af.sum(rho_hat, 1), 1 / (self.k_q1**2 + self.k_q2**2)) # (1, 1, N_q1, N_q2)

    # Setting the background electric potential to zero:
    phi_hat[: , :, 0, 0] = 0

    self.E1_hat = -phi_hat * 1j * self.k_q1 / self.params.eps
    self.E2_hat = -phi_hat * 1j * self.k_q2 / self.params.eps
    self.E3_hat = 0 * self.E1_hat 
    self.B1_hat = 0 * self.E1_hat
    self.B2_hat = 0 * self.E1_hat
    self.B3_hat = 0 * self.E1_hat

    af.eval(self.E1_hat, self.E2_hat, self.E3_hat,
            self.B1_hat, self.B2_hat, self.B3_hat

Exemple #4
    def _initialize(self, params):
        Called when the solver object is declared. This function is
        used to initialize the distribution function, and the field
        quantities using the options as provided by the user. The
        quantities are then mapped to the fourier basis by taking FFTs.
        The independant modes are then evolved by using the linear

        params: The parameters file/object that is originally declared 
                by the user.

        # af.broadcast(function, *args) performs batched 
        # operations on function(*args):
        f = af.broadcast(self.physical_system.initial_conditions.\
                         initialize_f, self.q1_center, self.q2_center,
                         self.p1_center, self.p2_center, self.p3_center, params
        # Taking FFT:
        self.f_hat = fft2(f)

        # Since (k_q1, k_q2) = (0, 0) will give the background distribution:
        # The division by (self.N_q1 * self.N_q2) is performed since the FFT
        # at (0, 0) returns (amplitude * (self.N_q1 * self.N_q2))
        self.f_background = af.abs(self.f_hat[:, :, 0, 0])/ (self.N_q1 * self.N_q2)

        # Calculating derivatives of the background distribution function:
        # Scaling Appropriately:
        # Except the case of (0, 0) the FFT returns
        # (0.5 * amplitude * (self.N_q1 * self.N_q2)):
        self.f_hat = 2 * self.f_hat / (self.N_q1 * self.N_q2) 

        rho_hat_initial = multiply(self.physical_system.params.charge,
                                   self.compute_moments('density', f_hat=self.f_hat)
        self.fields_solver = fields_solver(self.physical_system,

Exemple #5
    def _initialize(self, params):
        Called when the solver object is declared. This function is
        used to initialize the distribution function, using the options
        as provided by the user.


        params : module
                 params contains all details of which methods to use
                 in addition to useful physical constant. Additionally, 
                 it can also be used to inject methods which need to be 
                 used inside some solver routine

        # Initializing with the provided I.C's:
        # af.broadcast, allows us to perform batched operations 
        # when operating on arrays of different sizes
        # af.broadcast(function, *args) performs batched 
        # operations on function(*args)
        self.f = af.broadcast(self.physical_system.initial_conditions.\
                              initialize_f, self.q1_center, self.q2_center,
                              self.p1_center, self.p2_center, self.p3_center, params

        self.f_initial = self.f

            rho_initial = multiply(self.physical_system.params.charge,
            self.fields_solver = fields_solver(self.physical_system, rho_initial, 
Exemple #6
def op_fields(self, dt):
    Evolves the following part of the equations specified:

    df/dt + A_p1 df/dp1 + A_p2 df/dp1 + A_p3 df/dp1 = 0
    dt : double
         Time-step size to evolve the system

    if(self.performance_test_flag == True):
        tic = af.time()
    if(self.physical_system.params.fields_solver == 'electrostatic'):
        rho = multiply(self.physical_system.params.charge,
    # Evolving fields:
    if(self.physical_system.params.fields_solver == 'fdtd'):
        if(self.physical_system.params.hybrid_model_enabled == True):

            communicate_fields(self.fields_solver, True)
            B1 = self.fields_solver.yee_grid_EM_fields[3] # (i + 1/2, j)
            B2 = self.fields_solver.yee_grid_EM_fields[4] # (i, j + 1/2)
            B3 = self.fields_solver.yee_grid_EM_fields[5] # (i, j)

            B1_plus_q2 = af.shift(B1, 0, 0, 0, -1)

            B2_plus_q1 = af.shift(B2, 0, 0, -1, 0)

            B3_plus_q1 = af.shift(B3, 0, 0, -1, 0)
            B3_plus_q2 = af.shift(B3, 0, 0, 0, -1)

            # curlB_x =  dB3/dq2
            curlB_1 =  (B3_plus_q2 - B3) / self.dq2 # (i, j + 1/2)
            # curlB_y = -dB3/dq1
            curlB_2 = -(B3_plus_q1 - B3) / self.dq1 # (i + 1/2, j)
            # curlB_z = (dB2/dq1 - dB1/dq2)
            curlB_3 =  (B2_plus_q1 - B2) / self.dq1 - (B1_plus_q2 - B1) / self.dq2 # (i + 1/2, j + 1/2)

            # c --> inf limit: J = (∇ x B) / μ
            mu = self.physical_system.params.mu
            J1 = curlB_1 / mu # (i, j + 1/2)
            J2 = curlB_2 / mu # (i + 1/2, j)
            J3 = curlB_3 / mu # (i + 1/2, j + 1/2)
            # Using Generalized Ohm's Law for electric field:
            # (v X B)_x = B3 * v2 - B2 * v3
            # (v X B)_x --> (i, j + 1/2)
            v_cross_B_1 =   0.5 * (B3_plus_q2 + B3) * self.compute_moments('mom_v2_bulk', f = 0.5 * (self.f + af.shift(self.f, 0, 0, 1))) \
                                                    / self.compute_moments('density', f = 0.5 * (self.f + af.shift(self.f, 0, 0, 1))) \
                          - B2                      * self.compute_moments('mom_v3_bulk', f = 0.5 * (self.f + af.shift(self.f, 0, 0, 1))) \
                                                    / self.compute_moments('density', f = 0.5 * (self.f + af.shift(self.f, 0, 0, 1)))
            # (v X B)_y = B1 * v3 - B3 * v1
            # (v X B)_y --> (i + 1/2, j)
            v_cross_B_2 =   B1                      * self.compute_moments('mom_v3_bulk', f = 0.5 * (self.f + af.shift(self.f, 0, 0, 0, 1))) \
                                                    / self.compute_moments('density', f = 0.5 * (self.f + af.shift(self.f, 0, 0, 0, 1))) \
                          - 0.5 * (B3_plus_q1 + B3) * self.compute_moments('mom_v1_bulk', f = 0.5 * (self.f + af.shift(self.f, 0, 0, 0, 1))) \
                                                    / self.compute_moments('density', f = 0.5 * (self.f + af.shift(self.f, 0, 0, 0, 1)))
            # (v X B)_z = B2 * v1 - B1 * v2
            # (v X B)_z --> (i + 1/2, j + 1/2)
            v_cross_B_3 =   0.5 * (B2_plus_q1 + B2) * self.compute_moments('mom_v1_bulk', f = self.f) \
                                                    / self.compute_moments('density', f = self.f) \
                          - 0.5 * (B1_plus_q2 + B1) * self.compute_moments('mom_v2_bulk', f = self.f) \
                                                    / self.compute_moments('density', f = self.f)

            # (J X B)_x = B3 * J2 - B2 * J3
            # (J X B)_x --> (i, j + 1/2)
            J_cross_B_1 =   0.5 * (B3_plus_q2 + B3) * (  J2 + af.shift(J2, 0, 0, 0, -1)
                                                       + af.shift(J2, 0, 0, 1) + af.shift(J2, 0, 0, 1, -1)
                                                      ) * 0.25 \
                          - B2                      * (af.shift(J3, 0, 0, 1) + J3) * 0.5

            # (J X B)_y = B1 * J3 - B3 * J1
            # (J X B)_y --> (i + 1/2, j)
            J_cross_B_2 =   B1                      * (af.shift(J3, 0, 0, 0, 1) + J3) * 0.5 \
                          - 0.5 * (B3_plus_q1 + B3) * (  J1 + af.shift(J1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
                                                       + af.shift(J1, 0, 0, -1) + af.shift(J1, 0, 0, -1, 1)
                                                      ) * 0.25

            # (J X B)_z = B2 * J1 - B1 * J2
            # (J X B)_z --> (i + 1/2, j + 1/2)
            J_cross_B_3 =   0.5 * (B2_plus_q1 + B2) * (af.shift(J1, 0, 0, -1) + J1) * 0.5 \
                          - 0.5 * (B1_plus_q2 + B1) * (af.shift(J2, 0, 0, 0, -1) + J2) * 0.5

            n_i = self.compute_moments('density')
            T_e = self.physical_system.params.fluid_electron_temperature

            # Using a 4th order stencil:
            dn_q1 = (-     af.shift(n_i, 0, 0, -2) + 8 * af.shift(n_i, 0, 0, -1) 
                     - 8 * af.shift(n_i, 0, 0,  1) +     af.shift(n_i, 0, 0,  2)
                    ) / (12 * self.dq1)

            dn_q2 = (-     af.shift(n_i, 0, 0, 0, -2) + 8 * af.shift(n_i, 0, 0, 0, -1) 
                     - 8 * af.shift(n_i, 0, 0, 0,  1) +     af.shift(n_i, 0, 0, 0,  2)
                    ) / (12 * self.dq2)

            # E = -(v X B) + (J X B) / (en) - T ∇n / (en)
            E1 = -v_cross_B_1 + J_cross_B_1 \
                              / (multiply(self.compute_moments('density', f = 0.5 * (self.f + af.shift(self.f, 0, 0, 1))),
                                ) \
                              - 0.5 * T_e * (dn_q1 + af.shift(dn_q1, 0, 0, 1)) / multiply(self.physical_system.params.charge, n_i) # (i, j + 1/2)

            E2 = -v_cross_B_2 + J_cross_B_2 \
                              / (multiply(self.compute_moments('density', f = 0.5 * (self.f + af.shift(self.f, 0, 0, 0, 1))),
                                ) \
                              - 0.5 * T_e * (dn_q2 + af.shift(dn_q2, 0, 0, 0, 1)) / multiply(self.physical_system.params.charge, n_i) # (i + 1/2, j)

            E3 = -v_cross_B_3 + J_cross_B_3 \
                              / (multiply(self.compute_moments('density', f = self.f),
                                ) # (i + 1/2, j + 1/2)
            self.fields_solver.yee_grid_EM_fields[0] = E1
            self.fields_solver.yee_grid_EM_fields[1] = E2
            self.fields_solver.yee_grid_EM_fields[2] = E3


            J1 = multiply(self.physical_system.params.charge,
                          self.compute_moments('mom_v1_bulk', f = 0.5 * (self.f + af.shift(self.f, 0, 0, 1)))
                         ) # (i, j + 1/2)

            J2 = multiply(self.physical_system.params.charge,
                          self.compute_moments('mom_v2_bulk', f = 0.5 * (self.f + af.shift(self.f, 0, 0, 0, 1)))
                         ) # (i + 1/2, j)

            J3 = multiply(self.physical_system.params.charge, 
                          self.compute_moments('mom_v3_bulk', f = f)
                         ) # (i + 1/2, j + 1/2)

        self.fields_solver.evolve_electrodynamic_fields(J1, J2, J3, self.dt)

    f_interp_p_3d(self, dt)

    if(self.performance_test_flag == True):
        toc = af.time()
        self.time_fieldstep += toc - tic
Exemple #7
def dfields_hat_dt(f_hat, fields_hat, self):
    Returns the value of the derivative of the fields_hat with respect to time 
    respect to time. This is used to evolve the fields with time. 
    NOTE:All the fields quantities are included in fields_hat as follows:

    E1_hat = fields_hat[0]
    E2_hat = fields_hat[1]
    E3_hat = fields_hat[2]

    B1_hat = fields_hat[3]
    B2_hat = fields_hat[4]
    B3_hat = fields_hat[5]


      f_hat  : Fourier mode values for the distribution function at which the slope is computed
               At t = 0 the initial state of the system is passed to this function:

      fields_hat  : Fourier mode values for the fields at which the slope is computed
                    At t = 0 the initial state of the system is passed to this function:

    df_dt : The time-derivative of f_hat
    eps = self.physical_system.params.eps
    mu = self.physical_system.params.mu

    B1_hat = fields_hat[3]
    B2_hat = fields_hat[4]
    B3_hat = fields_hat[5]

    if (self.physical_system.params.hybrid_model_enabled == True):

        # curlB_x =  dB3/dq2
        curlB_1 = B3_hat * 1j * self.k_q2
        # curlB_y = -dB3/dq1
        curlB_2 = -B3_hat * 1j * self.k_q1
        # curlB_z = (dB2/dq1 - dB1/dq2)
        curlB_3 = (B2_hat * 1j * self.k_q1 - B1_hat * 1j * self.k_q2)

        # c --> inf limit: J = (∇ x B) / μ
        J1_hat = curlB_1 / mu
        J2_hat = curlB_2 / mu
        J3_hat = curlB_3 / mu


        J1_hat = multiply(self.physical_system.params.charge,
                          self.compute_moments('mom_v1_bulk', f_hat=f_hat))
        J2_hat = multiply(self.physical_system.params.charge,
                          self.compute_moments('mom_v2_bulk', f_hat=f_hat))
        J3_hat = multiply(self.physical_system.params.charge,
                          self.compute_moments('mom_v3_bulk', f_hat=f_hat))

    # Summing along all species:
    J1_hat = af.sum(J1_hat, 1)
    J2_hat = af.sum(J2_hat, 1)
    J3_hat = af.sum(J3_hat, 1)

    # Checking that there is no mean field component:
    # try:
    #     assert(af.mean(af.abs(B1_hat[:, 0, 0])) < 1e-12)
    #     assert(af.mean(af.abs(B2_hat[:, 0, 0])) < 1e-12)
    #     assert(af.mean(af.abs(B3_hat[:, 0, 0])) < 1e-12)
    # except:
    #     raise SystemExit('Linear Solver cannot solve for non-zero mean magnetic fields')

    # Equations Solved:
    # dE1/dt = + dB3/dq2 - J1
    # dE2/dt = - dB3/dq1 - J2
    # dE3/dt = dB2/dq1 - dB1/dq2 - J3

    if (self.physical_system.params.hybrid_model_enabled == True):

        # Using Generalized Ohm's Law for electric field:
        n_i_hat = self.compute_moments('density', f_hat=f_hat)

        n_i = af.real(ifft2(0.5 * self.N_q2 * self.N_q1 * n_i_hat))
        v1 = af.real(
            ifft2(0.5 * self.N_q2 * self.N_q1 *
                  self.compute_moments('mom_v1_bulk', f_hat=f_hat))) / n_i
        v2 = af.real(
            ifft2(0.5 * self.N_q2 * self.N_q1 *
                  self.compute_moments('mom_v2_bulk', f_hat=f_hat))) / n_i
        v3 = af.real(
            ifft2(0.5 * self.N_q2 * self.N_q1 *
                  self.compute_moments('mom_v3_bulk', f_hat=f_hat))) / n_i

        B1 = af.real(ifft2(0.5 * self.N_q2 * self.N_q1 * B1_hat))
        B2 = af.real(ifft2(0.5 * self.N_q2 * self.N_q1 * B2_hat))
        B3 = af.real(ifft2(0.5 * self.N_q2 * self.N_q1 * B3_hat))

        J1 = af.real(ifft2(0.5 * self.N_q2 * self.N_q1 * J1_hat))
        J2 = af.real(ifft2(0.5 * self.N_q2 * self.N_q1 * J2_hat))
        J3 = af.real(ifft2(0.5 * self.N_q2 * self.N_q1 * J3_hat))

        T_e = self.physical_system.params.fluid_electron_temperature
        # Computing the quantities needed and then doing FT again:
        # # (v X B)_x = B3 * v2 - B2 * v3
        # v_cross_B_1 = B3 * v2 - B2 * v3
        # # (v X B)_y = B1 * v3 - B3 * v1
        # v_cross_B_2 = B1 * v3 - B3 * v1
        # # (v X B)_z = B2 * v1 - B1 * v2
        # v_cross_B_3 = B2 * v1 - B1 * v2

        # # (J X B)_x = B3 * J2 - B2 * J3
        # J_cross_B_1 = B3 * J2 - B2 * J3
        # # (J X B)_y = B1 * J3 - B3 * J1
        # J_cross_B_2 = B1 * J3 - B3 * J1
        # # (J X B)_z = B2 * J1 - B1 * J2
        # J_cross_B_3 = B2 * J1 - B1 * J2

        # # Using a 4th order stencil:
        # dn_q1 = (-     af.shift(n_i, 0, 0, -2) + 8 * af.shift(n_i, 0, 0, -1)
        #          - 8 * af.shift(n_i, 0, 0,  1) +     af.shift(n_i, 0, 0,  2)
        #         ) / (12 * self.dq1)

        # dn_q2 = (-     af.shift(n_i, 0, 0, 0, -2) + 8 * af.shift(n_i, 0, 0, 0, -1)
        #          - 8 * af.shift(n_i, 0, 0, 0,  1) +     af.shift(n_i, 0, 0, 0,  2)
        #         ) / (12 * self.dq2)

        # # E = -(v X B) + (J X B) / (en) - T ∇n / (en)
        # E1 = - v_cross_B_1 + J_cross_B_1 / multiply(self.physical_system.params.charge, n_i) \
        #      - T_e * dn_q1 / multiply(self.physical_system.params.charge, n_i)

        # E2 = - v_cross_B_2 + J_cross_B_2 / multiply(self.physical_system.params.charge, n_i) \
        #      - T_e * dn_q2 / multiply(self.physical_system.params.charge, n_i)

        # E3 = - v_cross_B_3 + J_cross_B_3 / multiply(self.physical_system.params.charge, n_i)

        # E1_hat = 2 * fft2(E1) / (self.N_q1 * self.N_q2)
        # E2_hat = 2 * fft2(E2) / (self.N_q1 * self.N_q2) - T_e * n_i_hat * self.k_q2 / af.mean(n_i)
        # E3_hat = 2 * fft2(E3) / (self.N_q1 * self.N_q2)

        # background magnetic fields == 0 ALWAYS:
        # (v X B)_x = B3 * v2 - B2 * v3
        v_cross_B_1_hat = B3_hat * af.mean(v2) - B2_hat * af.mean(v3)
        # (v X B)_y = B1 * v3 - B3 * v1
        v_cross_B_2_hat = B1_hat * af.mean(v3) - B3_hat * af.mean(v1)
        # (v X B)_z = B2 * v1 - B1 * v2
        v_cross_B_3_hat = B2_hat * af.mean(v1) - B1_hat * af.mean(v2)

        # (J X B)_x = B3 * J2 - B2 * J3
        J_cross_B_1_hat = B3_hat * af.mean(J2) - B2_hat * af.mean(J3)
        # (J X B)_y = B1 * J3 - B3 * J1
        J_cross_B_2_hat = B1_hat * af.mean(J3) - B3_hat * af.mean(J1)
        # (J X B)_z = B2 * J1 - B1 * J2
        J_cross_B_3_hat = B2_hat * af.mean(J1) - B1_hat * af.mean(J2)

        E1_hat = - v_cross_B_1_hat + multiply(J_cross_B_1_hat, 1 / self.physical_system.params.charge) / af.mean(n_i) \
                 - T_e * n_i_hat * self.k_q1 / af.mean(n_i)

        E2_hat = - v_cross_B_2_hat + multiply(J_cross_B_2_hat, 1 / self.physical_system.params.charge) / af.mean(n_i) \
                 - T_e * n_i_hat * self.k_q2 / af.mean(n_i)

        E3_hat = -v_cross_B_3_hat + multiply(
            1 / self.physical_system.params.charge) / af.mean(n_i)

        self.fields_solver.fields_hat[0] = E1_hat
        self.fields_solver.fields_hat[1] = E2_hat
        self.fields_solver.fields_hat[2] = E3_hat


        E1_hat = fields_hat[0]
        E2_hat = fields_hat[1]
        E3_hat = fields_hat[2]

    dE1_hat_dt = B3_hat * 1j * self.k_q2 / (mu * eps) - J1_hat / eps
    dE2_hat_dt = -B3_hat * 1j * self.k_q1 / (mu * eps) - J2_hat / eps
    dE3_hat_dt =  (B2_hat * 1j * self.k_q1 - B1_hat * 1j * self.k_q2) / (mu * eps) \
                 -J3_hat / eps

    # dB1/dt = - dE3/dq2
    # dB2/dt = + dE3/dq1
    # dB3/dt = - (dE2/dq1 - dE1/dq2)

    dB1_hat_dt = -E3_hat * 1j * self.k_q2
    dB2_hat_dt = E3_hat * 1j * self.k_q1
    dB3_hat_dt = E1_hat * 1j * self.k_q2 - E2_hat * 1j * self.k_q1

    dfields_hat_dt = af.join(0, af.join(0, dE1_hat_dt, dE2_hat_dt, dE3_hat_dt),
                             dB1_hat_dt, dB2_hat_dt, dB3_hat_dt)

    return (dfields_hat_dt)
Exemple #8
def df_dt_fvm(f, self, term_to_return='all'):
    Returns the expression for df/dt which is then 
    evolved by a timestepper.


    f : af.Array
        Array of the distribution function at which df_dt is to 
        be evaluated.

    # Giving shorter name references:
    reconstruction_in_q = self.physical_system.params.reconstruction_method_in_q
    reconstruction_in_p = self.physical_system.params.reconstruction_method_in_p

    riemann_in_q = self.physical_system.params.riemann_solver_in_q
    riemann_in_p = self.physical_system.params.riemann_solver_in_p

    # Initializing df_dt
    df_dt = 0

    if (self.physical_system.params.solver_method_in_q == 'FVM'):

        f_left_plus_eps, f_right_minus_eps = reconstruct(
            self, f, 2, reconstruction_in_q)
        f_bot_plus_eps, f_top_minus_eps = reconstruct(self, f, 3,

        # f_left_minus_eps of i-th cell is f_right_minus_eps of the (i-1)th cell
        f_left_minus_eps = af.shift(f_right_minus_eps, 0, 0, 1)
        # Extending the same to bot:
        f_bot_minus_eps = af.shift(f_top_minus_eps, 0, 0, 0, 1)

        # af.broadcast used to perform batched operations on arrays of different sizes:
        self._C_q1 = af.broadcast(self._C_q, self.time_elapsed,
                                  self.q1_left_center, self.q2_left_center,
                                  self.p1_center, self.p2_center,

        self._C_q2 = af.broadcast(self._C_q, self.time_elapsed,
                                  self.q1_center_bot, self.q2_center_bot,
                                  self.p1_center, self.p2_center,

        f_left = riemann_solver(self, f_left_minus_eps, f_left_plus_eps,
        f_bot = riemann_solver(self, f_bot_minus_eps, f_bot_plus_eps,

        left_flux = multiply(self._C_q1, f_left)
        bot_flux = multiply(self._C_q2, f_bot)

        right_flux = af.shift(left_flux, 0, 0, -1)
        top_flux = af.shift(bot_flux, 0, 0, 0, -1)

        # First get the purely spatial sqrt_get_g
        #g_tmp = sqrt_det_g(self.q1_center, self.q2_center, \
        #                   self.physical_system.params.q1_start_local_left, \
        #                   self.physical_system.params.q2_start_local_bottom)
        g_tmp = self.physical_system.params.sqrt_det_g
        # Now need to make it compatible with the higher dim data structure f
        g = multiply(g_tmp, self.p1_center**0)

        df_dt += - (right_flux - left_flux) / (g*self.dq1) \
                 - (top_flux   - bot_flux ) / (g*self.dq2) \

        if (self.physical_system.params.source_enabled == True):
            df_dt += self._source(f, self.time_elapsed, self.q1_center,
                                  self.q2_center, self.p1_center,
                                  self.p2_center, self.p3_center,
                                  self.physical_system.params, False)

    if (self.physical_system.params.solver_method_in_p == 'FVM'
            and self.physical_system.params.fields_enabled == True):
        if (self.physical_system.params.fields_type == 'electrodynamic'
                and self.fields_solver.at_n == False):
            #TODO: Remove hybrid_model from lib and put into src
            if (self.physical_system.params.hybrid_model_enabled == True):

                communicate_fields(self.fields_solver, True)
                B1 = self.fields_solver.yee_grid_EM_fields[3]  # (i + 1/2, j)
                B2 = self.fields_solver.yee_grid_EM_fields[4]  # (i, j + 1/2)
                B3 = self.fields_solver.yee_grid_EM_fields[5]  # (i, j)

                B1_plus_q2 = af.shift(B1, 0, 0, 0, -1)

                B2_plus_q1 = af.shift(B2, 0, 0, -1, 0)

                B3_plus_q1 = af.shift(B3, 0, 0, -1, 0)
                B3_plus_q2 = af.shift(B3, 0, 0, 0, -1)

                # curlB_x =  dB3/dq2
                curlB_1 = (B3_plus_q2 - B3) / self.dq2  # (i, j + 1/2)
                # curlB_y = -dB3/dq1
                curlB_2 = -(B3_plus_q1 - B3) / self.dq1  # (i + 1/2, j)
                # curlB_z = (dB2/dq1 - dB1/dq2)
                curlB_3 = (B2_plus_q1 - B2) / self.dq1 - (
                    B1_plus_q2 - B1) / self.dq2  # (i + 1/2, j + 1/2)

                # c --> inf limit: J = (∇ x B) / μ
                mu = self.physical_system.params.mu
                J1 = curlB_1 / mu  # (i, j + 1/2)
                J2 = curlB_2 / mu  # (i + 1/2, j)
                J3 = curlB_3 / mu  # (i + 1/2, j + 1/2)

                # Using Generalized Ohm's Law for electric field:
                # (v X B)_x = B3 * v2 - B2 * v3
                # (v X B)_x --> (i, j + 1/2)
                v_cross_B_1 =   0.5 * (B3_plus_q2 + B3) * self.compute_moments('mom_v2_bulk', f = f_left) \
                                                        / self.compute_moments('density', f = f_left) \
                              - B2                      * self.compute_moments('mom_v3_bulk', f = f_left) \
                                                        / self.compute_moments('density', f = f_left)

                # (v X B)_y = B1 * v3 - B3 * v1
                # (v X B)_y --> (i + 1/2, j)
                v_cross_B_2 =   B1                      * self.compute_moments('mom_v3_bulk', f = f_bot) \
                                                        / self.compute_moments('density', f = f_bot) \
                              - 0.5 * (B3_plus_q1 + B3) * self.compute_moments('mom_v1_bulk', f = f_bot) \
                                                        / self.compute_moments('density', f = f_bot)
                # (v X B)_z = B2 * v1 - B1 * v2
                # (v X B)_z --> (i + 1/2, j + 1/2)
                v_cross_B_3 =   0.5 * (B2_plus_q1 + B2) * self.compute_moments('mom_v1_bulk', f = f) \
                                                        / self.compute_moments('density', f = f) \
                              - 0.5 * (B1_plus_q2 + B1) * self.compute_moments('mom_v2_bulk', f = f) \
                                                        / self.compute_moments('density', f = f)

                # (J X B)_x = B3 * J2 - B2 * J3
                # (J X B)_x --> (i, j + 1/2)
                J_cross_B_1 =   0.5 * (B3_plus_q2 + B3) * (  J2 + af.shift(J2, 0, 0, 0, -1)
                                                           + af.shift(J2, 0, 0, 1) + af.shift(J2, 0, 0, 1, -1)
                                                          ) * 0.25 \
                              - B2                      * (af.shift(J3, 0, 0, 1) + J3) * 0.5

                # (J X B)_y = B1 * J3 - B3 * J1
                # (J X B)_y --> (i + 1/2, j)
                J_cross_B_2 =   B1                      * (af.shift(J3, 0, 0, 0, 1) + J3) * 0.5 \
                              - 0.5 * (B3_plus_q1 + B3) * (  J1 + af.shift(J1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
                                                           + af.shift(J1, 0, 0, -1) + af.shift(J1, 0, 0, -1, 1)
                                                          ) * 0.25

                # (J X B)_z = B2 * J1 - B1 * J2
                # (J X B)_z --> (i + 1/2, j + 1/2)
                J_cross_B_3 =   0.5 * (B2_plus_q1 + B2) * (af.shift(J1, 0, 0, -1) + J1) * 0.5 \
                              - 0.5 * (B1_plus_q2 + B1) * (af.shift(J2, 0, 0, 0, -1) + J2) * 0.5

                n_i = self.compute_moments('density')
                T_e = self.physical_system.params.fluid_electron_temperature

                # Using a 4th order stencil:
                dn_q1 = (-af.shift(n_i, 0, 0, -2) + 8 *
                         af.shift(n_i, 0, 0, -1) - 8 * af.shift(n_i, 0, 0, 1) +
                         af.shift(n_i, 0, 0, 2)) / (12 * self.dq1)

                dn_q2 = (-af.shift(n_i, 0, 0, 0, -2) +
                         8 * af.shift(n_i, 0, 0, 0, -1) -
                         8 * af.shift(n_i, 0, 0, 0, 1) +
                         af.shift(n_i, 0, 0, 0, 2)) / (12 * self.dq2)

                # E = -(v X B) + (J X B) / (en) - T ∇n / (en)
                E1 = -v_cross_B_1 + J_cross_B_1 \
                                  / (multiply(self.compute_moments('density', f = f_left),
                                    ) \
                                  - 0.5 * T_e * (dn_q1 + af.shift(dn_q1, 0, 0, 1)) / multiply(self.physical_system.params.charge, n_i) # (i, j + 1/2)

                E2 = -v_cross_B_2 + J_cross_B_2 \
                                  / (multiply(self.compute_moments('density', f = f_bot),
                                    ) \
                                  - 0.5 * T_e * (dn_q2 + af.shift(dn_q2, 0, 0, 0, 1)) / multiply(self.physical_system.params.charge, n_i) # (i + 1/2, j)

                E3 = -v_cross_B_3 + J_cross_B_3 \
                                  / (multiply(self.compute_moments('density', f = f),
                                    ) # (i + 1/2, j + 1/2)

                self.fields_solver.yee_grid_EM_fields[0] = E1
                self.fields_solver.yee_grid_EM_fields[1] = E2
                self.fields_solver.yee_grid_EM_fields[2] = E3



                J1 = multiply(self.physical_system.params.charge,
                                                   f=f_left))  # (i, j + 1/2)

                J2 = multiply(self.physical_system.params.charge,
                                                   f=f_bot))  # (i + 1/2, j)

                J3 = multiply(self.physical_system.params.charge,
                                                   f=f))  # (i + 1/2, j + 1/2)

            # This gets called only at the (n+1/2)-th step
            # This means that J's are at (n+1/2)
            # evolves E^n       --> E^{n + 1}
            # evolves B^{n+1/2} --> B^{n + 3 / 2}
            # Updates cell_centered_EM_fields_at_{n/n_plus_half}:
            # cell_centered_EM_fields_at_n from (E^{n-1}, B^{n-1}) ---> (E^{n}, B^{n})
            # cell_centered_EM_fields_at_n_plus_half from (E^{n-1/2}, B^{n-1/2}) ---> (E^{n+1/2}, B^{n+1/2})
                J1, J2, J3, self.dt)

        if (self.physical_system.params.fields_type == 'electrostatic'):
            if (self.physical_system.params.fields_solver == 'fft'):

                rho = multiply(self.physical_system.params.charge,
                               self.compute_moments('density', f=f))


        #TODO : This is a hack. Fix.
        E1 = 0. * self.fields_solver.cell_centered_EM_fields[0]
        E2 = 0. * self.fields_solver.cell_centered_EM_fields[1]
        E3 = 0. * self.fields_solver.cell_centered_EM_fields[2]
        B1 = 0. * self.fields_solver.cell_centered_EM_fields[3]
        B2 = 0. * self.fields_solver.cell_centered_EM_fields[4]
        B3 = 0. * self.fields_solver.cell_centered_EM_fields[5]

        # Fields solver object is passed to C_p where the get_fields method
        # is used to get the electromagnetic fields. The fields returned are
        # located at the center of the cell. The fields returned are in accordance with
        # the time level of the simulation. i.e:
        # On the n-th step it returns (E1^{n}, E2^{n}, E3^{n}, B1^{n}, B2^{n}, B3^{n})
        # On the (n+1/2)-th step it returns (E1^{n+1/2}, E2^{n+1/2}, E3^{n+1/2}, B1^{n+1/2}, B2^{n+1/2}, B3^{n+1/2})
        self._C_p1 = af.broadcast(self._C_p, self.time_elapsed, self.q1_center,
                                  self.q2_center, self.p1_left, self.p2_left,
                                  self.p3_left, E1, E2, E3, B1, B2, B3,

        self._C_p2 = af.broadcast(self._C_p, self.time_elapsed, self.q1_center,
                                  self.q2_center, self.p1_bottom,
                                  self.p2_bottom, self.p3_bottom, E1, E2, E3,
                                  B1, B2, B3, self.physical_system.params)[1]

        self._C_p3 = af.broadcast(self._C_p, self.time_elapsed, self.q1_center,
                                  self.q2_center, self.p1_back, self.p2_back,
                                  self.p3_back, E1, E2, E3, B1, B2, B3,

        self._C_p1 = self._convert_to_p_expanded(self._C_p1)
        self._C_p2 = self._convert_to_p_expanded(self._C_p2)
        self._C_p3 = self._convert_to_p_expanded(self._C_p3)
        f = self._convert_to_p_expanded(f)

        # Variation of p1 is along axis 0:
        f_left_plus_eps, f_right_minus_eps = reconstruct(
            self, f, 0, reconstruction_in_p)
        # Variation of p2 is along axis 1:
        f_bot_plus_eps, f_top_minus_eps = reconstruct(self, f, 1,
        # Variation of p3 is along axis 2:
        f_back_plus_eps, f_front_minus_eps = reconstruct(
            self, f, 2, reconstruction_in_p)

        # f_left_minus_eps of i-th cell is f_right_minus_eps of the (i-1)th cell
        f_left_minus_eps = af.shift(f_right_minus_eps, 1)
        # Extending the same to bot:
        f_bot_minus_eps = af.shift(f_top_minus_eps, 0, 1)
        # Extending the same to back:
        f_back_minus_eps = af.shift(f_front_minus_eps, 0, 0, 1)

        # flipping due to strange error seen when working with
        # multiple species on the CPU backend where f != flip(flip(f))
        # Doesn't seem to be a problem on CUDA:
        # Yet to test on OpenCL
        # TODO: Find exact cause for this bug.
        # f != flip(flip(f)) seems to happen after conversion to p_expanded
        # flux_p1 = self._C_p1 * af.flip(af.flip(f))
        # flux_p2 = self._C_p2 * af.flip(af.flip(f))
        # flux_p3 = self._C_p3 * af.flip(af.flip(f))

        f_left_p1 = riemann_solver(self, f_left_minus_eps, f_left_plus_eps,
        f_bot_p2 = riemann_solver(self, f_bot_minus_eps, f_bot_plus_eps,
        f_back_p3 = riemann_solver(self, f_back_minus_eps, f_back_plus_eps,

        left_flux_p1 = multiply(self._C_p1, f_left_p1)
        bot_flux_p2 = multiply(self._C_p2, f_bot_p2)
        back_flux_p3 = multiply(self._C_p3, f_back_p3)

        right_flux_p1 = af.shift(left_flux_p1, -1)
        top_flux_p2 = af.shift(bot_flux_p2, 0, -1)
        front_flux_p3 = af.shift(back_flux_p3, 0, 0, -1)

        left_flux_p1 = self._convert_to_q_expanded(left_flux_p1)
        right_flux_p1 = self._convert_to_q_expanded(right_flux_p1)

        bot_flux_p2 = self._convert_to_q_expanded(bot_flux_p2)
        top_flux_p2 = self._convert_to_q_expanded(top_flux_p2)

        back_flux_p3 = self._convert_to_q_expanded(back_flux_p3)
        front_flux_p3 = self._convert_to_q_expanded(front_flux_p3)

        d_flux_p1_dp1 = multiply((right_flux_p1 - left_flux_p1), 1 / self.dp1)
        d_flux_p2_dp2 = multiply((top_flux_p2 - bot_flux_p2), 1 / self.dp2)
        d_flux_p3_dp3 = multiply((front_flux_p3 - back_flux_p3), 1 / self.dp3)

        df_dt += -(d_flux_p1_dp1 + d_flux_p2_dp2 + d_flux_p3_dp3)

    if (term_to_return == 'd_flux_p1_dp1'):
        return (d_flux_p1_dp1)

    elif (term_to_return == 'd_flux_p2_dp2'):
        return (d_flux_p2_dp2)

    if (term_to_return == 'd_flux_p3_dp3'):
        return (d_flux_p3_dp3)

        return (df_dt)
Exemple #9
def df_hat_dt(f_hat, fields_hat, self):
    Returns the value of the derivative of the f_hat with respect to time 
    respect to time. This is used to evolve the system in time.


      f_hat  : Fourier mode values for the distribution function at which the slope is computed
               At t = 0 the initial state of the system is passed to this function:

      fields_hat  : Fourier mode values for the fields at which the slope is computed
                    At t = 0 the initial state of the system is passed to this function:

    df_dt : The time-derivative of f_hat
    (A_q1, A_q2) = self._A_q(self.time_elapsed, self.q1_center, self.q2_center,
                             self.p1_center, self.p2_center, self.p3_center,

    df_hat_dt = -1j * (multiply(self.k_q1, A_q1) +
                       multiply(self.k_q2, A_q2)) * f_hat

    if (self.physical_system.params.source_enabled == True):

        # Scaling Appropriately:
        f = af.real(ifft2(0.5 * self.N_q2 * self.N_q1 * f_hat))

        C_f_hat = 2 * fft2(
                f, self.time_elapsed, self.q1_center, self.q2_center,
                self.p1_center, self.p2_center, self.p3_center,
                self.physical_system.params)) / (self.N_q2 * self.N_q1)

        df_hat_dt += C_f_hat

    if (self.physical_system.params.fields_enabled == True):

        if (self.physical_system.params.fields_type == 'electrostatic'):

            rho_hat = multiply(self.physical_system.params.charge,
                               self.compute_moments('density', f_hat=f_hat))

        elif (self.physical_system.params.fields_type == 'electrodynamic'):
            # Handled by dfields_hat_dt

        # Used in debugging; advection tests for p-space where fields are to be held constant
        elif (self.physical_system.params.fields_type == 'None'):

            raise NotImplementedError('Invalid option for fields solver!')

        # get_fields for linear solver returns the mode amplitudes of the fields
        # So, we obtain A_p1_hat, A_p2_hat, A_p3_hat
        (A_p1_hat, A_p2_hat, A_p3_hat) = af.broadcast(
            self._A_p, self.time_elapsed, self.q1_center, self.q2_center,
            self.p1_center, self.p2_center, self.p3_center, self.fields_solver,

        fields_term =   multiply(A_p1_hat, self.dfdp1_background) \
                      + multiply(A_p2_hat, self.dfdp2_background) \
                      + multiply(A_p3_hat, self.dfdp3_background)

        # Including the mean magnetic field term:
        # TODO: Maybe wrong to add mean magnetic fields since e^{ikx} term won't cancel out. Check again
        # Multiplying by q_center**0 to get the values in the array of required dimension
        # Dividing by 2 to normalize appropriately(look at the initialization sector):
        B1_mean = af.mean(
            self.fields_solver.fields_hat[3, 0, 0, 0]) * self.q1_center**0 / 2
        B2_mean = af.mean(
            self.fields_solver.fields_hat[4, 0, 0, 0]) * self.q1_center**0 / 2
        B3_mean = af.mean(
            self.fields_solver.fields_hat[5, 0, 0, 0]) * self.q1_center**0 / 2

        e = self.physical_system.params.charge
        m = self.physical_system.params.mass

        # Converting delta_f array to velocity_expanded form:
        f_hat_p_expanded = af.moddims(f_hat, self.N_p1, self.N_p2, self.N_p3,
                                      self.N_species * self.N_q1 * self.N_q2)

        # Computing ddelta_f_dp using a 4th order finite different stencil:
        ddelta_f_dp1 = multiply((-af.shift(f_hat_p_expanded, -2) +
                                 8 * af.shift(f_hat_p_expanded, -1) +
                                 af.shift(f_hat_p_expanded, 2) -
                                 8 * af.shift(f_hat_p_expanded, 1)),
                                1 / (12 * self.dp1))

        ddelta_f_dp2 = multiply((-af.shift(f_hat_p_expanded, 0, -2) +
                                 8 * af.shift(f_hat_p_expanded, 0, -1) +
                                 af.shift(f_hat_p_expanded, 0, 2) -
                                 8 * af.shift(f_hat_p_expanded, 0, 1)),
                                1 / (12 * self.dp2))

        ddelta_f_dp3 = multiply((-af.shift(f_hat_p_expanded, 0, 0, -2) +
                                 8 * af.shift(f_hat_p_expanded, 0, 0, -1) +
                                 af.shift(f_hat_p_expanded, 0, 0, 2) -
                                 8 * af.shift(f_hat_p_expanded, 0, 0, 1)),
                                1 / (12 * self.dp3))

        # Converting back to positions expanded:
        ddelta_f_dp1 = af.moddims(ddelta_f_dp1,
                                  self.N_p1 * self.N_p2 * self.N_p3,
                                  self.N_species, self.N_q1, self.N_q2)

        ddelta_f_dp2 = af.moddims(ddelta_f_dp2,
                                  self.N_p1 * self.N_p2 * self.N_p3,
                                  self.N_species, self.N_q1, self.N_q2)

        ddelta_f_dp3 = af.moddims(ddelta_f_dp3,
                                  self.N_p1 * self.N_p2 * self.N_p3,
                                  self.N_species, self.N_q1, self.N_q2)

        fields_term_mean_magnetic_fields = \
            multiply(e/m, (  (multiply(self.p2_center, B3_mean) - multiply(self.p3_center, B2_mean)) * ddelta_f_dp1
                           + (multiply(self.p3_center, B1_mean) - multiply(self.p1_center, B3_mean)) * ddelta_f_dp2
                           + (multiply(self.p1_center, B2_mean) - multiply(self.p2_center, B1_mean)) * ddelta_f_dp3

        df_hat_dt -= fields_term + fields_term_mean_magnetic_fields

    return (df_hat_dt)
def f_interp_p_3d(self, dt):
    Performs 3D interpolation in the p-space to solve for the equation:
    df/dt + A_p1 df/dp1 + A_p2 df/dp2 + A_p3 df/dp3 = 0

    Similar to the above function, this is done by backtracing the 
    characteristic curves and interpolating at the origin of the characteristics.

    dt : double
         Time-step size to evolve the system

    NOTE: This function currently makes use of a Strang split approx1, approx2 with
          reorders to apply along the intended axes. With implementation of approx3
          complete this would be changed to make use of a single call of approx3.
    # Following Strang Splitting:
    if (self.performance_test_flag == True):
        tic = af.time()

    A_p1 = af.broadcast(self._A_p, self.time_elapsed, self.q1_center,
                        self.q2_center, self.p1_left, self.p2_left,
                        self.p3_left, self.fields_solver,

    A_p2 = af.broadcast(self._A_p, self.time_elapsed, self.q1_center,
                        self.q2_center, self.p1_bottom, self.p2_bottom,
                        self.p3_bottom, self.fields_solver,

    A_p3 = af.broadcast(self._A_p, self.time_elapsed, self.q1_center,
                        self.q2_center, self.p1_back, self.p2_back,
                        self.p3_back, self.fields_solver,

    # # Using the add method wrapped with af.broadcast
    # p1_new = add(self.p1_center, - dt * A_p1)
    # p2_new = add(self.p2_center, - dt * A_p2)

    # # Since the interpolation function are being performed in velocity space,
    # # the arrays used in the computation need to be in p_expanded form.
    # # Hence we will need to convert the same:
    # p1_new = self._convert_to_p_expanded(p1_new)
    # p2_new = self._convert_to_p_expanded(p2_new)

    # # Transforming interpolant to go from [0, N_p - 1]:
    # p1_lower_boundary = add(self.p1_start, 0.5 * self.dp1)
    # p2_lower_boundary = add(self.p2_start, 0.5 * self.dp2)

    # p1_interpolant = multiply(add(p1_new, -p1_lower_boundary), 1 / self.dp1)
    # p2_interpolant = multiply(add(p2_new, -p2_lower_boundary), 1 / self.dp2)

    # if(self.physical_system.params.p_dim == 3):

    #     p3_new = add(self.p3_center, - 0.5 * dt * A_p3)
    #     p3_new = self._convert_to_p_expanded(p3_new)
    #     p3_lower_boundary = add(self.p3_start, 0.5 * self.dp3)

    #     # Reordering from (N_p1, N_p2, N_p3, N_s * N_q) --> (N_p3, N_p1, N_p2, N_s * N_q)
    #     p3_interpolant = af.reorder(mulitiply(add(p3_new, -p3_lower_boundary), 1 / self.dp3), 2, 0, 1, 3)

    # # We perform the 3d interpolation by performing individual 1d + 2d interpolations:
    # self.f = self._convert_to_p_expanded(self.f)

    # if(self.physical_system.params.p_dim == 3):

    #     # Reordering from (N_p1, N_p2, N_p3, N_s * N_q) --> (N_p3, N_p1, N_p2, N_s * N_q)
    #     self.f = af.approx1(af.reorder(self.f, 2, 0, 1, 3),
    #                         p3_interpolant,
    #                         af.INTERP.CUBIC_SPLINE
    #                        )

    #     # Reordering back from (N_p1, N_p2, N_p3, N_s * N_q) --> (N_p3, N_p1, N_p2, N_s * N_q)
    #     self.f = af.reorder(self.f, 1, 2, 0, 3)

    # self.f = af.approx2(self.f,
    #                     p1_interpolant,
    #                     p2_interpolant,
    #                     af.INTERP.BICUBIC_SPLINE
    #                    )

    # if(self.physical_system.params.p_dim == 3):

    #     # Reordering from (N_p1, N_p2, N_p3, N_s * N_q) --> (N_p3, N_p1, N_p2, N_s * N_q)
    #     self.f = af.approx1(af.reorder(self.f, 2, 0, 1, 3),
    #                         p3_interpolant,
    #                         af.INTERP.CUBIC_SPLINE
    #                        )

    #     # Reordering back from (N_p3, N_p1, N_p2, N_s * N_q) --> (N_p1, N_p2, N_p3, N_s * N_q)
    #     self.f = af.reorder(self.f, 1, 2, 0, 3)

    # Using the add method wrapped with af.broadcast
    p2_new = add(self.p2_center, -dt * A_p2)
    p3_new = add(self.p3_center, -dt * A_p3)

    # Since the interpolation function are being performed in velocity space,
    # the arrays used in the computation need to be in p_expanded form.
    # Hence we will need to convert the same:
    p2_new = self._convert_to_p_expanded(p2_new)
    p3_new = self._convert_to_p_expanded(p3_new)

    # Transforming interpolant to go from [0, N_p - 1]:
    p2_lower_boundary = add(self.p2_start, 0.5 * self.dp2)
    p3_lower_boundary = add(self.p3_start, 0.5 * self.dp3)

    p2_interpolant = multiply(add(p2_new, -p2_lower_boundary), 1 / self.dp2)
    p3_interpolant = multiply(add(p3_new, -p3_lower_boundary), 1 / self.dp3)

    self.f = self._convert_to_p_expanded(self.f)

    self.f = af.approx2(af.reorder(self.f, 1, 2, 0, 3),
                        af.reorder(p2_interpolant, 1, 2, 0, 3),
                        af.reorder(p3_interpolant, 1, 2, 0, 3),

    # Reordering back from (N_p2, N_p3, N_p1, N_s * N_q) --> (N_p1, N_p2, N_p3, N_s * N_q)
    self.f = af.reorder(self.f, 2, 0, 1, 3)

    self.f = self._convert_to_q_expanded(self.f)

    if (self.performance_test_flag == True):
        toc = af.time()
        self.time_interp3 += toc - tic
