Exemple #1
    def _example_items(pages, egdocs, context, include=False):
        items = []
        for egdoc in egdocs:
            data = {}
            if include:
                egdata = pages.json(egdoc["path"], context)
                if egdata:
                    body = egdata.get("body", ())
                    attrs = egdata.get("attrs", {})
                    title = functions.first_subblock_of_type(body, "title")
                    summary = functions.first_subblock_of_type(body, "summary")

                    data["body"] = body
                    data["examplefile"] = attrs.get("examplefile")
                    data["examplefor"] = attrs.get("examplefor")

                    if title:
                        data["title"] = title.get("text", ())
                    if summary:
                        data["summary"] = summary.get("text", ())

            if not data.get("title"):
                data["title"] = egdoc.get("title")
            if not data.get("summary"):
                data["summary"] = egdoc.get("summary")
            if not data.get("examplefile"):
                data["examplefile"] = egdoc.get("examplefile")
            if not data.get("examplefor"):
                data["examplefor"] = egdoc.get("examplefor")
            data["path"] = egdoc["path"]
            data["key"] = egdoc.get("title", "")

        items.sort(key=lambda d: d["key"])
        return items
Exemple #2
    def apply(self, block, context):
        path = paths.basepath(context["path"])
        if not path.startswith("/nodes/"):

        # Assume if it doesn't have a parameters section it's not a node
        body = block.get("body", ())
        parms = functions.first_subblock_of_type(body, "parameters_section")
        if not parms:

        from houdinihelp import path_to_components
        from houdinihelp import path_to_nodetype
        from houdinihelp import table_to_dir

        nodeinfo = path_to_components(path)
        if nodeinfo is None:

        # Fill in missing properties from information in path
        attrs = block.setdefault("attrs", {})
        if "type" not in attrs:
            attrs["type"] = "node"
        if "context" not in attrs:
            attrs["context"] = table_to_dir[nodeinfo.table]
        if "internal" not in attrs:
            attrs["internal"] = nodeinfo.corename
        if "version" not in attrs:
            attrs["version"] = nodeinfo.version
        if "namespace" not in attrs:
            attrs["namespace"] = nodeinfo.namespace

        body = block.get("body", ())
        title = functions.first_subblock_of_type(body, "title")
        if title is None:
            # Get the node label from HOM
            nodetype = path_to_nodetype(path)
            if nodetype:
                title = nodetype.description()
                if title:
                    # Create a fake title block and add it to the beginning of
                    # the document body
                    tblock = {"type": "title", "text": [title]}
                    body.insert(0, tblock)
Exemple #3
    def _process_example_page(self, block, context, is_node_eg, is_panel_eg):
        path = context["path"]
        attrs = block.get("attrs", {})

        # Example authors are very lax about giving the example documents
        # titles; if the document doesn't have a title, make one up from the
        # file name
        title = functions.first_subblock_of_type(block, "title")
        if not title:
            name = text_type(paths.barename(path))
            body = block.setdefault("body", [])
            body.insert(0, {
                "type": "title", "indent": 0, "text": [name]

        # Check for an explicit exampleFor property, otherwise guess it
        # from the example's directory tree
        if is_node_eg:
            block.setdefault("attrs", {})["type"] = "example"

            if "exampleFor" in attrs:
                egfor = attrs["exampleFor"]
            elif "examplefor" in attrs:
                egfor = attrs["examplefor"]
                egfor = self._node_path_from_example_path(path)
            # Attach the list of nodes to the root
            block["examplefor"] = egfor

        egpath = None
        # Check for an explicit exampleFile property, otherwise guess it
        # by looking for the example name with an extension
        if "exampleFile" in attrs:
            egpath = attrs["exampleFile"]
        elif "examplefile" in attrs:
            egpath = attrs["examplefile"]
        elif is_node_eg:
            base = paths.basepath(path)
            for ext in (".hda", ".otl"):
                egpath = base + ext
                if context.pages.exists(egpath):
        elif is_panel_eg:
            egpath = self._file_path_from_panel_path(path)

        if egpath:
            egpath = paths.join(path, egpath)
            if context.pages.exists(egpath):
                block["examplefile"] = egpath
Exemple #4
def getParsedTooltip(url, content):
    if content.lstrip().startswith("<"):
        # TODO: Pull a tooltip out of raw HTML
        return None

    path = urlToPath(url)
    if not path:

    pages = get_pages()
    json = pages.string_to_json(path, content, postprocess=False)
    body = json.get("body", ())
    summary = functions.first_subblock_of_type(body, "summary")
    if summary:
        return functions.string(summary)
Exemple #5
    def _process_node_page(self, block, context):
        path = context["path"]
        pages = context.pages
        searcher = context.searcher
        if not searcher:

        # Look for an examples section on this page
        body = block.setdefault("body", [])
        egblock = functions.first_subblock_of_type(body, "examples_section")
        if egblock:
            found = True
            # This page doesn't have an examples section, we have to
            # make one
            found = False
            egblock = {
                "type": "examples_section", "role": "section",
                "id": "examples", "level": 1,
                "text": "Examples",
        has_egs = False

        # Find direct examples
        vpath = paths.basepath(path)
        egdocs = searcher.documents(examplefor=vpath)
        if egdocs:
            # Put them in an attribute on the examples section
            egblock["examples"] = self._example_items(pages, egdocs, context,
            has_egs = True

        # Find usages
        usagedocs = searcher.documents(uses=vpath)
        if usagedocs:
            # Put them in an attribute on the examples section
            egblock["usages"] = self._example_items(pages, usagedocs, context)
            has_egs = True

        # If we have examples and the page didn't have its own examples
        # section, append the one we made to the body
        if has_egs and not found:
Exemple #6
 def _process_load_block(block, context):
     pages = context.pages
     attrs = block.setdefault("attrs", {})
     egpath = attrs.get("path")
     egfile = attrs.get("examplefile")
     title = functions.string(block.get("text"))
     body = block.get("body")
     if egpath:
         # If the user gave a path to an example description file, load
         # it and use it to fill in any missing bits
         egsrc = pages.source_path(egpath)
         if pages.exists(egsrc):
             egdata = pages.json(egpath, context)
             egbody = egdata.get("body", [])
             # Fill in example file path
             if not egfile:
                 attrs["examplefile"] = egdata.get("examplefile")
             # Fill in example text body
             if not body and attrs.get("include") == "yes":
                 block["body"] = egbody
             # Fill in example title
             if not title:
                 tb = functions.first_subblock_of_type(egbody, "title")
                 block["text"] = tb.get("text", [])
Exemple #7
    def _superclasses(self, pages, methodnames, context, block, history=None):
        # Recursively loads the doc pointed to by the block's "superclass"
        # attribute and yields a (path, rootblock) pair for each superclass

        history = history or set()
        attrs = block.get("attrs", {})
        superclass = attrs.get("superclass")
        if superclass:
            path = "/hom/" + superclass.replace(".", "/")
            spath = pages.source_path(path)

            if pages.exists(spath):
                if spath in history:
                    raise Exception("Circular superclass structure")

                doc = pages.json(spath, conditional=context.get("conditional"),

                titleblock = functions.first_subblock_of_type(doc, "title")
                if titleblock:
                    title = functions.string(titleblock.get("text"))
                    title = superclass

                # Find the method items on the superclass
                section = functions.subblock_by_id(doc, "methods")
                methods = []
                if section:
                    for methblock in functions.find_items(doc, "methods_item"):
                        text = methblock.get("text")
                        name = functions.string(text).split("(")[0]
                        attrs = methblock.get("attrs", {})
                        body = methblock.get("body", [])

                        # If this name is in the set of seen methods, it's
                        # overridden, so we should skip it
                        if name in methodnames:

                        # Copy information about the method into a dict
                        summary = functions.first_subblock_string(methblock)
                        methdict = {
                            "name": name,
                            "text": text,
                            "summary": summary,
                            "more": len(body) > 1,
                        if "status" in attrs:
                            methdict["status"] = attrs["status"]

                yield {
                    "path": path,
                    "title": title,
                    "methods": methods
                for x in self._superclasses(pages, methodnames, context, doc,
                    yield x