Exemple #1
 def test_representation(self):
     # With Unicode:
     string = String(u"caña")
     eq_(repr(string), '<String "caña">')
     # With ASCII
     string = String("cana")
     eq_(repr(string), '<String "cana">')
Exemple #2
 def test_parsing_with_no_localized_grammars(self):
     mgr = EvaluableParseManager(self.symbol_table, Grammar())
     parse_tree1 = mgr.parse('message == "2009-07-13"')
     parse_tree2 = mgr.parse('message == "2009-07-13"', None)
     expected_tree = EvaluableParseTree(
         Equal(String("Hello world"), String("2009-07-13")))
     eq_(parse_tree1, parse_tree2)
     eq_(parse_tree1, expected_tree)
Exemple #3
 def test_representation(self):
     set1 = Set(Number(3), Number(5))
     eq_(repr(set1), "<Set <Number 3.0>, <Number 5.0>>")
     # Now with an empty set:
     set2 = Set()
     eq_(repr(set2), "<Set>")
     # Now with Unicode stuff in it:
     set3 = Set(String(u"España"), String(u"carabobeño"))
     eq_(repr(set3), '<Set <String "España">, <String "carabobeño">>')
Exemple #4
    def test_mixed_evaluation(self):
        operation = NotEqual(PedestriansCrossingRoad(),
                             Set(String("gustavo"), String("carla")))

        # Other people:
        context = {'pedestrians_crossroad': ("liliana", "carlos")}

        # The same people:
        context = {'pedestrians_crossroad': ("gustavo", "carla")}
Exemple #5
 def test_python_strings(self):
     """Constant strings represent Python :class:`unicode` objects."""
     ascii_text = String("tomorrow!")
     unicode_text = String(u"¡mañana!")
     py_ascii_text = ascii_text.get_as_string(None)
     py_unicode_text = unicode_text.get_as_string(None)
     ok_(isinstance(py_ascii_text, unicode))
     ok_(isinstance(py_unicode_text, unicode))
     eq_(py_ascii_text, u"tomorrow!")
     eq_(py_unicode_text, u"¡mañana!")
Exemple #6
    def test_equivalence(self):
        Two constant sets A and B are equivalent if they have the same
        cardinality and each element in A is equivalent to one element in B.
        set1 = Set(String("hi"), Set(Number(3), String("hello")))
        set2 = Set(String("hi"), Number(3), String("hello"))
        set3 = Set(Set(String("hello"), Number(3)), String("hi"))
        set4 = Set(String("hi"), String("hello"))

        ok_(set1 == set1)
        assert_false(set1 == set2)
        ok_(set1 == set3)
        assert_false(set1 == set4)
        assert_false(set2 == set1)
        ok_(set2 == set2)
        assert_false(set2 == set3)
        assert_false(set2 == set4)
        ok_(set3 == set1)
        assert_false(set3 == set2)
        ok_(set3 == set3)
        assert_false(set3 == set4)
        assert_false(set4 == set1)
        assert_false(set4 == set2)
        assert_false(set4 == set3)
        ok_(set4 == set4)
Exemple #7
 def test_constructor_with_objects(self):
     objects = [
         Bind("greeting", String("hey")),
         Bind("traffic", TrafficLightVar())
     st = SymbolTable("global", objects)
     eq_(st.objects, set(objects))
Exemple #8
 def test_retrieving_non_existing_object(self):
     global_objects = {
         'foo': TrafficLightVar(),
         'traffic-violation': TrafficViolationFunc(String("pedestrians")),
     st = Namespace(global_objects, )
     assert_raises(ScopeError, st.get_object, "bool")
Exemple #9
 def test_retrieving_object_in_non_existing_subtable(self):
     global_objects = {
         'foo': TrafficLightVar(),
         'traffic-violation': TrafficViolationFunc(String("pedestrians")),
     st = Namespace(global_objects, )
     assert_raises(ScopeError, st.get_object, "foo", ["doesn't", "exist"])
Exemple #10
 def test_global_names(self):
     """When an operand is bound, its global name must be set accordingly."""
     operand = String("hey there")
     bind1 = Bind("da_global_name", operand)
     bind2 = Bind("Da_Global_Name", operand)
     eq_(bind1.global_name, "da_global_name")
     eq_(bind1.global_name, bind2.global_name)
Exemple #11
 def test_parsing_with_no_localized_grammars(self):
     mgr = ConvertibleParseManager(Grammar())
     parse_tree1 = mgr.parse('message == "2009-07-13"')
     parse_tree2 = mgr.parse('message == "2009-07-13"', None)
     expected_tree = ConvertibleParseTree(
         Equal(PlaceholderVariable("message"), String("2009-07-13")))
     eq_(parse_tree1, parse_tree2)
     eq_(parse_tree1, expected_tree)
Exemple #12
 def test_duplicate_objects(self):
     """There must be no duplicate object."""
     # In the constructor:
     objects1 = [
         Bind("salutation", String("hey")),
         Bind("traffic", TrafficLightVar()),
         Bind("salutation", String("hey"))
     assert_raises(ScopeError, SymbolTable, "global", objects1)
     # Post-instantiation:
     objects2 = [
         Bind("salutation", String("hey")),
         Bind("traffic", TrafficLightVar())
     st = SymbolTable("global", objects2)
     assert_raises(ScopeError, st.add_object,
                   Bind("salutation", String("hey")))
Exemple #13
    def test_equivalence(self):
        Two constant strings are equivalent if they represent the same string.
        text1 = String("hello world")
        text2 = String("hello earth")
        text3 = String("hello world")

        ok_(text1 == text1)
        assert_false(text1 == text2)
        ok_(text1 == text3)
        assert_false(text2 == text1)
        ok_(text2 == text2)
        assert_false(text2 == text3)
        ok_(text3 == text1)
        assert_false(text3 == text2)
        ok_(text3 == text3)
Exemple #14
 def test_instantiation(self):
     """All the members of a set must be operands"""
     # Instantiation with operands:
     Set(Number(3), String("hola"))
     # Instantiation with a non-operand value:
         Set(Number(3), "hola")
         assert False, "InvalidOperationError exception not raised"
     except InvalidOperationError, exc:
         assert 'Item "hola" is not an operand' in unicode(exc)
Exemple #15
class TestEvaluableParser(object):
    """Tests for the evaluable parser."""

    global_objects = {
        'bool': BoolVar(),
        'message': String("Hello world"),
        'foo': PermissiveFunction,

    traffic_objects = {
        'traffic_light': TrafficLightVar(),
        'pedestrians_crossing_road': PedestriansCrossingRoad(),
        'drivers_awaiting_green_light': DriversAwaitingGreenLightVar(),
        'traffic_violation': TrafficViolationFunc,

    root_namespace = Namespace(global_objects, {
        'traffic': Namespace(traffic_objects),

    parser = EvaluableParser(Grammar(), root_namespace)

    #{ Tests for the parse action that makes the variables

    def test_existing_variable_without_namespace(self):
        parse_tree = self.parser("~ bool")
        eq_(parse_tree.root_node, Not(self.global_objects['bool']))

    def test_existing_variable_with_namespace(self):
        parse_tree = self.parser('traffic:traffic_light == "green"')
        expected_node = Equal(self.traffic_objects['traffic_light'],
        eq_(parse_tree.root_node, expected_node)

    def test_non_existing_variable_without_namespace(self):
        assert_raises(ScopeError, self.parser, "~ non_existing_var")

    def test_non_existing_variable_with_namespace(self):
        assert_raises(ScopeError, self.parser, "~ traffic:non_existing_var")

    def test_variable_in_non_existing_namespace(self):
        assert_raises(ScopeError, self.parser, "~ bar:foo")

    def test_function_instead_of_variable(self):
        # "foo" is a function, so it cannot be used as a variable (without
        # parenthesis):
            self.parser('~ foo')
        except BadExpressionError, exc:
            eq_('"foo" represents a function, not a variable', unicode(exc))
Exemple #16
 def test_names(self):
     When an operand is bound, its multiple names must be set accordingly.
     operand = String("Vive la france !")
     # No localized names:
     bind1 = Bind("foo", operand)
     eq_(bind1.names, {})
     # Lower-case names:
     names0 = {'es_VE': "cartuchera", 'es_ES': "estuche"}
     bind2 = Bind("bar", operand, **names0)
     eq_(bind2.names, names0)
     # Mixed-case names -- must be converted to lower-case:
     names1 = {'es_VE': "Cartuchera", 'es_ES': "estuche"}
     bind2 = Bind("bar", operand, **names1)
     eq_(bind2.names, names0)
Exemple #17
 def test_retrieving_non_existing_localized_names(self):
     When a non-existing localized name is requested, a warning must be 
     issued and the global name returned.
     bind = Bind("foo", String("hey"), es="fulano")
     logging_fixture = LoggingHandlerFixture()
     eq_(bind.get_localized_name("fr"), "foo")
     # Checking for the the warning:
     eq_(len(logging_fixture.handler.messages["warning"]), 1)
     warning = logging_fixture.handler.messages["warning"][0]
         'Operand "hey" bound as "foo" doesn\'t have a name in fr; '
         'using the global one')
     # Undoing it:
Exemple #18
 def test_retrieving_existing_3rd_level_object(self):
     third_level_objects = {
         'bool': BoolVar(),
     second_level_objects = {
         'traffic': TrafficLightVar(),
     global_objects = {
         'foo': TrafficLightVar(),
         'traffic-violation': TrafficViolationFunc(String("pedestrians")),
     third_level_namespaces = {'sub2': Namespace(third_level_objects)}
     second_level_namespaces = {
         'sub1': Namespace(second_level_objects, third_level_namespaces)
     st = Namespace(global_objects, second_level_namespaces)
     requested_object = st.get_object("bool", ["sub1", "sub2"])
     eq_(requested_object, BoolVar())
Exemple #19
    def test_python_strings(self):
        """Constant strings represent Python :class:`unicode` objects."""
        ascii_text = String("tomorrow!")
        unicode_text = String(u"¡mañana!")

        py_ascii_text = ascii_text.get_as_string(None)
        py_unicode_text = unicode_text.get_as_string(None)

        ok_(isinstance(py_ascii_text, unicode))
        ok_(isinstance(py_unicode_text, unicode))

        eq_(py_ascii_text, u"tomorrow!")
        eq_(py_unicode_text, u"¡mañana!")
Exemple #20
 def test_equivalence(self):
     tree1 = ConvertibleParseTree(PlaceholderVariable("my_variable"))
     tree2 = ConvertibleParseTree(PlaceholderVariable("my_variable"))
     tree3 = ConvertibleParseTree(String("hello"))
     tree4 = EvaluableParseTree(BoolVar())
     ok_(tree1 == tree2)
     ok_(tree2 == tree1)
     ok_(tree1 != None)
     ok_(tree1 != tree3)
     ok_(tree1 != tree4)
     ok_(tree2 != tree3)
     ok_(tree2 != tree4)
     ok_(tree3 != tree1)
     ok_(tree3 != tree2)
     ok_(tree3 != tree4)
     ok_(tree4 != tree1)
     ok_(tree4 != tree2)
     ok_(tree4 != tree3)
Exemple #21
 def test_node_type(self):
     """Strings are leaf nodes and implement the String datatype."""
     string = String("greeting")
     ok_(isinstance(string, StringType))
Exemple #22
    def test_equivalence(self):
        objects1 = lambda: [
            Bind("dish", String("cachapa")),
            Bind("drink", String("empanada"))
        objects2 = lambda: [
            Bind("drink", String("empanada")),
            Bind("dish", String("cachapa"))
        objects3 = lambda: [Bind("pi", Number(3.1416))]

        st1 = SymbolTable("foo", objects1())
        st2 = SymbolTable("foo", objects1())
        st3 = SymbolTable("foo", objects1(), es="fulano")
        st4 = SymbolTable("foo", objects1(), es="fulano")
        st5 = SymbolTable("foo", objects2())
        st6 = SymbolTable("foo", objects3())
        st7 = SymbolTable("foo", objects2(), es="fulano")
        st8 = SymbolTable("foo", objects3(), es_VE="fulano")
        st9 = SymbolTable("bar", objects1())
        st10 = SymbolTable("foo", objects1())
        st11 = SymbolTable("foo", objects1(), SymbolTable("bar", []),
                           SymbolTable("baz", []))
        st12 = SymbolTable("foo", objects1(), SymbolTable("baz", []),
                           SymbolTable("bar", []))

        # Moving st10 into the "baz" symbol table:
        SymbolTable("baz", [], st10)

        ok_(st1 == st2)
        ok_(st1 == st5)
        ok_(st1 == st10)
        ok_(st2 == st1)
        ok_(st2 == st5)
        ok_(st2 == st10)
        ok_(st3 == st4)
        ok_(st3 == st7)
        ok_(st4 == st3)
        ok_(st4 == st7)
        ok_(st5 == st1)
        ok_(st5 == st2)
        ok_(st5 == st10)
        ok_(st7 == st3)
        ok_(st7 == st4)
        ok_(st10 == st1)
        ok_(st10 == st2)
        ok_(st10 == st5)
        ok_(st11 == st12)
        ok_(st12 == st11)

        ok_(st1 != None)
        ok_(st1 != Bind("foo", String("cachapa")))

        ok_(st1 != st3)
        ok_(st1 != st4)
        ok_(st1 != st6)
        ok_(st1 != st7)
        ok_(st1 != st8)
        ok_(st1 != st9)
        ok_(st1 != st11)
        ok_(st1 != st12)
        ok_(st2 != st3)
        ok_(st2 != st4)
        ok_(st2 != st6)
        ok_(st2 != st7)
        ok_(st2 != st8)
        ok_(st2 != st9)
        ok_(st2 != st11)
        ok_(st2 != st12)
        ok_(st3 != st1)
        ok_(st3 != st2)
        ok_(st3 != st5)
        ok_(st3 != st6)
        ok_(st3 != st8)
        ok_(st3 != st9)
        ok_(st3 != st10)
        ok_(st3 != st11)
        ok_(st3 != st12)
        ok_(st4 != st1)
        ok_(st4 != st2)
        ok_(st4 != st5)
        ok_(st4 != st6)
        ok_(st4 != st8)
        ok_(st4 != st9)
        ok_(st4 != st10)
        ok_(st4 != st11)
        ok_(st4 != st12)
        ok_(st5 != st3)
        ok_(st5 != st4)
        ok_(st5 != st6)
        ok_(st5 != st7)
        ok_(st5 != st8)
        ok_(st5 != st9)
        ok_(st5 != st11)
        ok_(st5 != st12)
        ok_(st6 != st1)
        ok_(st6 != st2)
        ok_(st6 != st3)
        ok_(st6 != st4)
        ok_(st6 != st5)
        ok_(st6 != st7)
        ok_(st6 != st8)
        ok_(st6 != st9)
        ok_(st6 != st10)
        ok_(st6 != st11)
        ok_(st6 != st12)
        ok_(st7 != st1)
        ok_(st7 != st2)
        ok_(st7 != st5)
        ok_(st7 != st6)
        ok_(st7 != st8)
        ok_(st7 != st9)
        ok_(st7 != st10)
        ok_(st7 != st11)
        ok_(st7 != st12)
        ok_(st8 != st1)
        ok_(st8 != st2)
        ok_(st8 != st3)
        ok_(st8 != st4)
        ok_(st8 != st5)
        ok_(st8 != st6)
        ok_(st8 != st7)
        ok_(st8 != st9)
        ok_(st8 != st10)
        ok_(st8 != st11)
        ok_(st8 != st12)
        ok_(st9 != st1)
        ok_(st9 != st2)
        ok_(st9 != st3)
        ok_(st9 != st4)
        ok_(st9 != st5)
        ok_(st9 != st6)
        ok_(st9 != st7)
        ok_(st9 != st8)
        ok_(st9 != st10)
        ok_(st9 != st11)
        ok_(st9 != st12)
        ok_(st10 != st3)
        ok_(st10 != st4)
        ok_(st10 != st6)
        ok_(st10 != st7)
        ok_(st10 != st8)
        ok_(st10 != st9)
        ok_(st11 != st1)
        ok_(st11 != st2)
        ok_(st11 != st3)
        ok_(st11 != st4)
        ok_(st11 != st5)
        ok_(st11 != st6)
        ok_(st11 != st7)
        ok_(st11 != st8)
        ok_(st11 != st9)
        ok_(st11 != st10)
        ok_(st12 != st1)
        ok_(st12 != st2)
        ok_(st12 != st3)
        ok_(st12 != st4)
        ok_(st12 != st5)
        ok_(st12 != st6)
        ok_(st12 != st7)
        ok_(st12 != st8)
        ok_(st12 != st9)
        ok_(st12 != st10)
Exemple #23
 def test_retrieving_existing_localized_names(self):
     bind = Bind("foo", String("hey"), es="fulano")
     eq_(bind.get_localized_name("es"), "fulano")
Exemple #24
 def test_node_type(self):
     """Sets are branch nodes and implement the Set datatype."""
     set_ = Set(String("arg0"))
     ok_(isinstance(set_, SetType))
Exemple #25
 def test_item_and_non_set(self):
     item = String("Paris")
     set_ = String("France")
     assert_raises(InvalidOperationError, BelongsTo, item, set_)
Exemple #26
 def test_constants_evaluation(self):
     operation1 = NotEqual(String("hola"), String("chao"))
     operation2 = NotEqual(String("hola"), String("hola"))
Exemple #27
 def test_no_default_symbol_table(self):
     """Operand bindings must not be in a symbol table by default."""
     bind = Bind("foo", String("whatever"))
     eq_(bind.symbol_table, None)
Exemple #28
 def test_non_boolean_operands(self):
     """Only operands that support logical values are supported."""
     operand = String("I'm a string")
     assert_raises(InvalidOperationError, EvaluableParseTree, operand)
Exemple #29
class TestEvaluableParseManager(object):
    Tests for the :class:`EvaluableParseManager` with caching disabled.

    # A symbol table to be used across the tests:
    symbol_table = SymbolTable(
            Bind("boolean", BoolVar(), es="booleano"),
            Bind("message", String("Hello world"), es="mensaje"),
            Bind("foo", PermissiveFunction, es="fulano"),
        SymbolTable("traffic", (
            Bind("traffic_light", TrafficLightVar(), es=u"semáforo"),
            Bind("traffic_violation", TrafficViolationFunc, es=u"infracción"),

    def test_parsing_with_no_localized_grammars(self):
        mgr = EvaluableParseManager(self.symbol_table, Grammar())
        parse_tree1 = mgr.parse('message == "2009-07-13"')
        parse_tree2 = mgr.parse('message == "2009-07-13"', None)
        expected_tree = EvaluableParseTree(
            Equal(String("Hello world"), String("2009-07-13")))
        eq_(parse_tree1, parse_tree2)
        eq_(parse_tree1, expected_tree)

    def test_parsing_with_localized_grammars(self):
        castilian_grammar = Grammar(decimal_separator=",",
        mgr = EvaluableParseManager(self.symbol_table,
        parse_tree = mgr.parse(u"tráfico:peatones_cruzando_calle <= 3,00",
        expected_tree = EvaluableParseTree(
            LessEqual(PedestriansCrossingRoad(), Number(3.0)))
        eq_(parse_tree, expected_tree)

    def test_parsing_with_undefined_grammar_but_available_translations(self):
        When an expression is written in an unsupported grammar, a parser
        based on the generic grammar must be created and used.
        The respective translated bindings must be used if available.
        log_handler = LoggingHandlerFixture()
        mgr = EvaluableParseManager(self.symbol_table, Grammar())
        # Castilian grammar is not supported:
        parse_tree = mgr.parse(u"tráfico:peatones_cruzando_calle <= 3.0", "es")
        expected_tree = EvaluableParseTree(
            LessEqual(PedestriansCrossingRoad(), Number(3)))
        eq_(parse_tree, expected_tree)
        # Checking the log:
        info = "Generated parser for unknown grammar 'es'"
        ok_(info in log_handler.handler.messages['info'])

    def test_parsing_with_undefined_grammar_and_no_translated_bindings(self):
        When an expression is written in an unsupported grammar, a parser
        based on the generic grammar must be created and used.
        If there are no translated bindings, the default names must be used.
        log_handler = LoggingHandlerFixture()
        mgr = EvaluableParseManager(self.symbol_table, Grammar())
        # French grammar is not supported:
        parse_tree = mgr.parse("traffic:pedestrians_crossing_road <= 3.0",
        expected_tree = EvaluableParseTree(
            LessEqual(PedestriansCrossingRoad(), Number(3)))
        eq_(parse_tree, expected_tree)
        # Checking the log:
        info = "Generated parser for unknown grammar 'fr'"
        ok_(info in log_handler.handler.messages['info'])

    def test_parsing_with_defined_grammar_but_no_available_translations(self):
        When an expression is written in an supported grammar but there are no
        translated bindings, the default names must be used along with the
        custom grammar.
        french_grammar = Grammar(decimal_separator=",",
        mgr = EvaluableParseManager(self.symbol_table,
        # French grammar is not supported:
        parse_tree = mgr.parse("traffic:pedestrians_crossing_road <= 3,0",
        expected_tree = EvaluableParseTree(
            LessEqual(PedestriansCrossingRoad(), Number(3)))
        eq_(parse_tree, expected_tree)

    def test_adding_grammar(self):
        """It should be possible to add grammars after instantiation."""
        castilian_grammar = Grammar(decimal_separator=",",
        mgr = EvaluableParseManager(self.symbol_table, Grammar())
        mgr.add_parser("es", castilian_grammar)
        parse_tree = mgr.parse(u'tráfico:peatones_cruzando_calle <= 3,00',
        expected_tree = EvaluableParseTree(
            LessEqual(PedestriansCrossingRoad(), Number(3.0)))
        eq_(parse_tree, expected_tree)

    def test_adding_existing_grammar(self):
        """There can't be duplicate/overlapped parsers."""
        mgr = EvaluableParseManager(self.symbol_table, Grammar(), es=Grammar())
        assert_raises(GrammarError, mgr.add_parser, "es", Grammar())

    def test_evaluating_expressions(self):
        """Managers should be able to evaluate the expressions too."""
        mgr = EvaluableParseManager(self.symbol_table, Grammar())
        context = {'pedestrians_crossroad': (u"gustavo", u"carla")}
        evaluation1 = mgr.evaluate("traffic:pedestrians_crossing_road <= 3",
                                   None, context)
        evaluation2 = mgr.evaluate(
            u'"carla" ∈ traffic:pedestrians_crossing_road', None, context)
        evaluation3 = mgr.evaluate("traffic:pedestrians_crossing_road > 2",
                                   None, context)
Exemple #30
 def make_string(self, tokens):
     """Make a String constant using the token passed."""
     return String(tokens[0])
Exemple #31
 def convert_string(self, text):
     return String(text)