Exemple #1
def main(system_params=None):
    from boost.mpi import world, broadcast
    from pylada.vasp.extract import Extract, ExtractGW
    from pylada.vasp.specie import U, nlep
    from pylada.vasp import Vasp
    import os
    from os import path
    from .nlep import Objective
    from pylada.vasp.nlep.postprocessing import find_best, load_test, prepare_analog_fit

    print("mpi rank %d of %d" % (world.rank, world.size))

    # Things which need to be put into dictionary of input script.
#  global_dict = { "Extract": Extract, "ExtractGW": ExtractGW, "Vasp": Vasp, "nlep": nlep, "U": U }

    # read file governing run.  other input files should be generic
    run_input = load_run_input()
    run_control = RunControl(run_input)

    load_from_analogs = run_input.load_from_analogs
    # create systems
    from .systems import setup_systems
    systems = setup_systems(run_input, system_params)

    if (run_input.nbjobs == -1):
        run_control.nbjobs = world.size
    assert world.size >= run_control.nbjobs, "Too few procs granted, or too many jobs requested."
    job_comm = world
    vasp_comm = world
    color = world.rank % run_control.nbjobs
    job_comm = world.split(color)
    vasp_comm = job_comm
    if (job_comm.size > 1):
        vasp_comm = job_comm.split(job_comm.rank)

    create_directories(run_control, systems, job_comm, color)

    # barrier to be sure all necessary directories exist

    # creates objective functions from systems
    for s in systems.systems:
        s.objective = Objective(s.input.vasp, s.input.dft_in, s.input.gw_in,
                                outdir=s.outdir, comm=vasp_comm, units=run_input.units)

        s.evals_file = file("%s/evals" % s.outdir, "w")
    systems.evals_file = file("%s/evals" % run_control.outdir, "w")
    # setup correspondence between vector "x" and list of species (ie at least
    # one subpart shared by > 1 systems):

    # barrier to be sure all necessary directories exist

    # only serial vasp so far, but lmmin is a parallel fitter
    if (job_comm.rank != 0 and run_input.optimizer != "lmmin"):
        print("rank %d superfluous, returning; beware barrier" % world.rank)

    print("world rank %d    job %d     local rank %d    working dir %s" % (world.rank, color, job_comm.rank, run_control.outdir))

    job_main(job_comm, run_input, systems, vasp_comm)
Exemple #2
def main():
  from boost.mpi import world
  from scipy.optimize import fmin as scipy_simplex
  from pylada.vasp import Extract, ExtractGW, Vasp, Specie
  from pylada.vasp.specie import nlep as nlep_parameters, U as u_parameters
  from pylada.vasp.incar import Standard, NBands
  from sys import exit

  indir = "SnO2"
  dft_in = Extract(directory=indir, comm=world)
  dft_in.OUTCAR = "OUTCAR_pbe"
  dft_in.CONTCAR = "POSCAR"
  gw_in = ExtractGW(directory=indir, comm=world)
  gw_in.OUTCAR = "OUTCAR_gw"
  gw_in.CONTCAR = "POSCAR"

  # Creates species with nlep parameters to optimize
  species = Specie\
              U=[nlep_parameters(type="Dudarev", l=i, U0=0e0) for i in ["s", "p", "d"]]
              U=[nlep_parameters(type="Dudarev", l=i, U0=0e0) for i in ["s", "p"]]
  # add U to Sn atoms.
  species[0].U.append( u_parameters(type="Dudarev", U=2e0, l=2) )
  # creates vasp launcher
  vasp = Vasp\
           kpoints    = lambda x: "Automatic generation\n0\ngamma\n6 6 10\n0 0 0",
           precision  = "accurate",
           smearing   = "bloechl",
           ediff      = 1e-5,
           relaxation = "ionic",
           encut      = 1, # uses ENMAX * 1, which is VASP default
           species    = species
  # adds some extra parameters.
  vasp.nbands     = Standard("NBANDS", 64)
  vasp.lorbit     = Standard("LORBIT", 10)
  vasp.npar       = Standard("NPAR", 2)
  vasp.lplane     = Standard("LPLANE", ".TRUE.")
  vasp.addgrid    = Standard("ADDGRID", ".TRUE.")
  del vasp.fftgrid

  # creates objective function.
  objective = Objective(vasp, dft_in, gw_in)

  x0, f0, iter, funcalls, warnflag = scipy_simplex(objective, objective.x, maxfun=150, full_output=1, xtol=0.2)
  if world.rank == 0:
    print "minimum value:", f0
    print "for: ", x0 * units
    print "after %i iterations and %i function calls." % (iter, funcalls)
    print "with warning flag: ", warnflag 
    print final(x0)