Exemple #1
class Embed(ExpSwitcher):

    def __init__(self, statistic='y_corr', scale_score=False, **kwargs):  # @UnusedVariable
        ExpSwitcher.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        self.statistic = statistic
        self.scale_score = False

    def init(self, boot_spec):
        ExpSwitcher.init(self, boot_spec)
        if len(boot_spec.get_observations().shape()) != 1:
            raise UnsupportedSpec('I assume 1D signals.')

        self.y_stats = MeanCovariance()
        self.y_dot_stats = MeanCovariance()
        self.y_dot_sgn_stats = MeanCovariance()
        self.y_dot_abs_stats = MeanCovariance()

        self.count = 0
        self.y_deriv = DerivativeBox()

    def get_similarity(self, which):
        if which == 'y_corr':
            return self.y_stats.get_correlation()
        if which == 'y_dot_corr':
            return self.y_dot_stats.get_correlation()
        if which == 'y_dot_sgn_corr':
            return self.y_dot_sgn_stats.get_correlation()
        if which == 'y_dot_abs_corr':
            return self.y_dot_abs_stats.get_correlation()

        raise ValueError()
        # check_contained(statistic, self.statistics, 'statistic')

    def process_observations(self, obs):
        y = obs['observations']
        dt = obs['dt'].item()

        self.y_deriv.update(y, dt)
        if self.y_deriv.ready():
            y, y_dot = self.y_deriv.get_value()
            self.y_stats.update(y, dt)
            self.y_dot_stats.update(y_dot, dt)
            self.y_dot_sgn_stats.update(np.sign(y_dot), dt)
            self.y_dot_abs_stats.update(np.abs(y_dot), dt)
            self.count += 1

    def get_S(self, dimensions=2, pub=None):
        similarity = self.get_similarity(self.statistic)
        if pub is not None:
            pub.array_as_image('similarity', similarity,
                               caption='Similarity statistic')
            plot_spectrum(pub, 'similarity', similarity)

        if self.scale_score:
            R = scale_score(similarity).astype('float32')
            R = R / R.max()
            if pub is not None:
                pub.array_as_image('scale_score', R)

            R = similarity

        D = 1 - R
        D = D * np.pi / D.max()
        np.fill_diagonal(D, 0)

        if pub is not None:
            #            pub.array_as_image('D', D)
            P = D * D
            B = double_center(P)
            #            plot_spectrum(pub, 'D', D)
            #            plot_spectrum(pub, 'P', P)
            plot_spectrum(pub, 'B', B)

        S = mds(D, ndim=dimensions)
#        S = inner_product_embedding(similarity, 3)
#        S = S[1:3, :]
        return S

    def get_S_discrete(self, dimensions=2, pub=None):
        R = self.y_dot_abs_stats.get_correlation()
        Dis = discretize(-R, 2)
        np.fill_diagonal(Dis, 0)
        R = R * R
        C = np.maximum(R, 0)

        if pub is not None:
            pub.array_as_image('Dis', Dis)
            pub.array_as_image('R', R)
            pub.array_as_image('C', C)

        S = inner_product_embedding(Dis, dimensions)
#        for i in range(R.shape[0]):
#            R[i, i] = np.NaN
#            C[i, i] = np.NaN
        return S

    def publish(self, pub):
        if self.count < 10:
            pub.text('warning', 'Too early to publish anything.')

        pub.text('info', 'Using statistics: %s' % self.statistic)

        if False:  # TODO: make option
            S = self.get_S_discrete(2, pub=pub.section('computation'))
            S = self.get_S(2, pub=pub.section('computation'))

        with pub.plot('S') as pylab:
            pylab.plot(S[0, :], S[1, :], 's')

        with pub.plot('S_joined') as pylab:
            pylab.plot(S[0, :], S[1, :], '-')

Exemple #2
class EstStats(ExpSwitcher):
        A simple agent that estimates various statistics 
        of the observations. 

    def init(self, boot_spec):
        ExpSwitcher.init(self, boot_spec)
        if len(boot_spec.get_observations().shape()) != 1:
            raise UnsupportedSpec('I assume 1D signals.')

        self.y_stats = MeanCovariance()

    def merge(self, other):
    def process_observations(self, obs):
        y = obs['observations']
        dt = obs['dt'].item()
        self.y_stats.update(y, dt)

    def get_state(self):
        return dict(y_stats=self.y_stats)

    def set_state(self, state):
        self.y_stats = state['y_stats']

    def publish(self, pub):
        if self.y_stats.get_num_samples() == 0:
            pub.text('warning', 'Too early to publish anything.')
        Py = self.y_stats.get_covariance()
        Ry = self.y_stats.get_correlation()
        Py_inv = self.y_stats.get_information()
        Ey = self.y_stats.get_mean()
        y_max = self.y_stats.get_maximum()
        y_min = self.y_stats.get_minimum()

        Ry0 = Ry.copy()
        np.fill_diagonal(Ry0, np.NaN)
        Py0 = Py.copy()
        np.fill_diagonal(Py0, np.NaN)

        pub.text('stats', 'Num samples: %s' % self.y_stats.get_num_samples())

        with pub.plot('y_bounds') as pylab:
            pylab.plot(Ey, label='E(y)')
            pylab.plot(y_max, label='y_max')
            pylab.plot(y_min, label='y_min')

        all_positive = (np.min(Ey) > 0
                        and np.min(y_max) > 0
                        and np.min(y_min) > 0)
        if all_positive:
            with pub.plot('y_stats_log') as pylab:
                pylab.semilogy(Ey, label='E(y)')
                pylab.semilogy(y_max, label='y_max')
                pylab.semilogy(y_min, label='y_min')

        pub.array_as_image('Py', Py, caption='cov(y)')
        pub.array_as_image('Py0', Py0, caption='cov(y) - no diagonal')

        pub.array_as_image('Ry', Ry, caption='corr(y)')
        pub.array_as_image('Ry0', Ry0, caption='corr(y) - no diagonal')

        pub.array_as_image('Py_inv', Py_inv)
        pub.array_as_image('Py_inv_n', cov2corr(Py_inv))

        with pub.plot('Py_svd') as pylab:  # XXX: use spectrum
            _, s, _ = np.linalg.svd(Py)
            s /= s[0]
            pylab.semilogy(s, 'bx-')

        with pub.subsection('y_stats') as sub: