def game(avars, asprs, screen): class Mnbx(pygame.sprite.Sprite): bxt = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() box = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/box2.png").convert() image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) self.image = self.bxt[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def update(self): self.image = self.bxt[tl] kr = True chngsts = False scr = 0 ret = 1 cmap = [[ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ], [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1 ], [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1 ], [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1 ], [ -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1 ], [ -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1 ], [ -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1 ], [ -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1 ], [ -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1 ], [ -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1 ], [ -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1 ], [ -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1 ], [ -1, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, -1 ], [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ]] for i in range(8): y, x = randint(3, 5), randint(6, 23) while cmap[y][x] == 0: y, x = randint(3, 5), randint(6, 23) cmap[y][x] = 0 lv = 3 bsp = [0, 0] tuts = True strt = False play = False end = 0 def drbx(): tile = Mnbx() tile.update() textbox.blit(tile.image, [tx, ty]) def drhl(): global tx global tl tx = 0 drbx() tl += 1 while tx < 48: tx += 8 drbx() tx = 56 tl += 1 drbx() def dral(): global ty global tl while ty < 16: tl = 3 ty += 8 drhl() tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 3, 1) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() tutimg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/cloudbrkt.png").convert() gamebk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/gamecenter.png").convert() playbk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/cloudbrk.png").convert() blks = [ pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/cldbrkc.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/cldbrks.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/cldbrks2.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/cldbrks3.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/cldbrks4.png").convert() ] ball = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/cldbrkb.png").convert() bpos = [14, 8] sun = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/cloudbrks.png").convert() ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() readyb = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/readyb.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() gob = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/gob.png").convert() toobad = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/toobad.png").convert() good = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/good.png").convert() great = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/great.png").convert() excellent = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/excellent.png").convert() win = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/happy.png").convert() cry = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/cry.png").convert() con1 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt1.png").convert() con2 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt2.png").convert() con3 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt3.png").convert() money = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/money.png").convert() coin = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/gotchipt.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) textbox = pygame.Surface([240, 64]).convert() textbox.fill((0, 255, 255)) global tl global ty tl = 0 ty = 0 drhl() dral() tl = 6 ty = 24 drhl() textbox.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") while kr: if tuts: screen.blit(tutimg, [0, 0]) elif strt: screen.blit(gamebk, [0, 0]) if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(readyb, [0, 0]) screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(gob, [0, 0]) screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) screen.blit((fnt.render((str(lv)), 1, (0, 0, 100))), [230, 38]) if end == 0: spr = 3 + (anifr % 12 < 6) else: spr = 5 + (2 * (lv == 0)) if lv > 0: screen.blit(sun, [104, 40]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2), (24 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2))]) for j in range(14): for i in range(30): if 0 < cmap[j][i] < 6: screen.blit(blks[cmap[j][i] - 1], [(8 * i), ((8 * j) + 24)]) screen.blit(ball, [(bpos[0] * 8), (24 + (bpos[1] * 8))]) else: screen.blit(gamebk, [0, 0]) if end == 3: screen.blit(money, [88, 106]) if anifr < 8: spr = 11 else: if anifr == 8: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[13].play() screen.blit(textbox, [94, 64]) mntxt = fnt.render(str(scr * 15), 1, (0, 0, 100)) screen.blit(mntxt, [(134 - (mntxt.get_width())), 74]) screen.blit(coin, [138, 72]) if scr > 0: spr = 5 else: spr = 6 screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(124 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 4: if scr < 4: screen.blit(toobad, [71, 48]) sy = 98 if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 6 else: spr = 7 screen.blit(cry, [56, 90]) else: if scr < 8: screen.blit(good, [94, 48]) elif scr < 12: screen.blit(great, [85, 48]) else: screen.blit(excellent, [51, 48]) if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: sy = 98 spr = 4 else: sy = 90 spr = 5 screen.blit(win, [136, 82]) screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (sy + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 5: if anifr < 12: screen.blit(con1, [0, 24]) spr = 3 elif anifr < 16: screen.blit(con2, [0, 24]) spr = 9 else: screen.blit(con3, [0, 24]) spr = 10 screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) pb = event.button if pb == 1: if 138 < mp[1] < 158: if 228 < mp[0] < 240: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() return (avars, ret) elif 212 < mp[0] < 224: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() ret = 0 return (avars, ret) if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and tuts: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() tuts = False strt = True anifr = -1 if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and play and bsp.count(0) == 2 and end == 0: bsp[1] = 1 if event.type == MOUSEMOTION and play: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) if 16 < mp[0] < 216: p = mp[0] // 8 for a in range(30): if a in range((p - 1), (p + 3)): cmap[11][a] = 3 + (a - p) elif cmap[11][a] > 1: cmap[11][a] = 0 if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ( "%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False if play and end == 1: play = False end = 3 if (avars[avars[3][5]][17] + (scr // 4)) < 6: avars[avars[3][5]][17] += (scr // 4) else: avars[avars[3][5]][17] = 6 if (avars[3][2] + (scr * 15)) < 99999: avars[3][2] += (scr * 15) else: avars[3][2] = 99999 avars[avars[3][5]][7] += scr elif end == 3: if scr < 12: if scr < 4: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[15].play() end = 5 elif end == 5: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 elif end == 4: ret = 0 return (avars, ret) if play and bsp.count(0) < 2 and anifr % 3 == 0: if cmap[bpos[1] + bsp[1]][bpos[0] + bsp[0]] not in [ 0, 6 ] or (cmap[bpos[1] + bsp[1]][bpos[0]] not in [0, 6] and cmap[bpos[1]][bpos[0] + bsp[0]] not in [0, 6]): if 1 < cmap[bpos[1] + bsp[1]][bpos[0] + bsp[0]] < 6: if cmap[bpos[1] + bsp[1]][bpos[0] + bsp[0]] > 3: bsp[0] += bsp[0] < 1 else: bsp[0] -= bsp[0] > -1 bsp[1] = -1 elif ((cmap[bpos[1] + bsp[1]][bpos[0]] not in [0, 6]) + (cmap[bpos[1]][bpos[0] + bsp[0]] not in [0, 6])) == 1: if cmap[bpos[1] + bsp[1]][bpos[0] + bsp[0]] == 1: cmap[bpos[1] + bsp[1]][bpos[0] + bsp[0]] = 0 scr += 1 if cmap[bpos[1] + bsp[1]][bpos[0]] not in [0, 6] or bsp[0] == 0: bsp[1] *= -1 else: bsp[0] *= -1 else: if cmap[bpos[1] + bsp[1]][bpos[0] + bsp[0]] == 1: cmap[bpos[1] + bsp[1]][bpos[0] + bsp[0]] = 0 scr += 1 if cmap[bpos[1] + bsp[1]][bpos[0]] == 1: cmap[bpos[1] + bsp[1]][bpos[0]] = 0 cmap[bpos[1]][bpos[0] + bsp[0]] = 0 scr += 2 bsp[0] *= -1 bsp[1] *= -1 if cmap[bpos[1] + bsp[1]][bpos[0] + bsp[0]] == 6: lv -= 1 if lv == 0: bsp = [0, 0] bpos = [30, 30] end = 1 anifr = 12 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[12].play() else: bsp = [0, 0] bpos = [14, 8] if scr == 12: bsp = [0, 0] bpos = [30, 30] end = 1 anifr = 12 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[9].play() bpos = [(bpos[0] + bsp[0]), (bpos[1] + bsp[1])] s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale( s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen): class Mnbx(pygame.sprite.Sprite): bxt = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() box = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/box2.png").convert() image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) self.image = self.bxt[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def update(self): self.image = self.bxt[tl] kr = True chngsts = False scr = 0 ret = 1 tuts = True strt = False play = False end = 0 corr = -1 def val(): a = randint(1, 4) l = list(range(12)) shuffle(l) peli = l[0:a] seq = [] return(peli, seq) def drbx(): tile = Mnbx() tile.update() textbox.blit(tile.image, [tx, ty]) def drhl(): global tx global tl tx = 0 drbx() tl += 1 while tx < 48: tx += 8 drbx() tx = 56 tl += 1 drbx() def dral(): global ty global tl while ty < 16: tl = 3 ty += 8 drhl() tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 3, 1) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() tutimg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/jewelt.png").convert() playbk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/jewel.png").convert() out = pygame.Surface((240, 160)).convert() f = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/job_1.png").convert() out.blit(f, [-480, -640]) pearls = [] p = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/pearl.png") for i in range(12): j = pygame.Surface((16, 16)).convert() j.fill((0, 255, 255)) p.set_palette_at(3, ([204, 224, 240, 255, 176, 204, 240, 255][i % 8], [240, 224, 204, 204, 255, 240, 224, 204, 255, 255, 255, 240][i], [255, 255, 255, 240, 255, 240, 224, 204, 240, 224, 204, 204][i])) p.set_palette_at(4, ([153, 176, 204, 240, 128, 153, 204, 240][i % 8], [204, 176, 153, 153, 224, 204, 173, 153, 240, 240, 240, 204][i], [240, 240, 240, 204, 224, 204, 224, 204, 204, 176, 153, 153][i])) j.blit(p, [0, 0]) j.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) pearls.append(j) peli, seq = val() ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() toobad = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/toobad.png").convert() good = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/good.png").convert() great = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/great.png").convert() excellent = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/excellent.png").convert() win = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/happy.png").convert() cry = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/cry.png").convert() money = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/money.png").convert() coin = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/gotchipt.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) textbox = pygame.Surface([240, 64]).convert() textbox.fill((0, 255, 255)) global tl global ty tl = 0 ty = 0 drhl() dral() tl = 6 ty = 24 drhl() textbox.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") while kr: if tuts: screen.blit(tutimg, [0, 0]) elif strt: screen.blit(out, [0, 0]) if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) if end == 0: spr = 3 + (anifr % 12 > 5) else: spr = 7 - (2 * corr) for i in range(len(peli)): screen.blit(pearls[peli[i]], [(200 + (16 * (i % 2))), (96 + (16 * (i // 2)))]) for i in range(len(seq)): screen.blit(pearls[seq[i]], [(24 + (16 * i)), 40]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [8, 96]) else: screen.blit(out, [0, 0]) if end == 3: screen.blit(money, [88, 106]) if anifr < 8: spr = 11 else: if anifr == 8: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[13].play() screen.blit(textbox, [94, 64]) mntxt = fnt.render(str(scr * 400), 1, (0, 0, 100)) screen.blit(mntxt, [(138 - (mntxt.get_width())), 74]) screen.blit(coin, [138, 72]) if scr > 0: spr = 5 else: spr = 6 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(124 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 4: if scr < 2: screen.blit(toobad, [71, 48]) sy = 98 if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 6 else: spr = 7 screen.blit(cry, [56, 90]) else: if scr < 4: screen.blit(good, [94, 48]) elif scr < 6: screen.blit(great, [85, 48]) else: screen.blit(excellent, [51, 48]) if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: sy = 98 spr = 4 else: sy = 90 spr = 5 screen.blit(win, [136, 82]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (sy + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) pb = event.button if pb == 1: if 138 < mp[1] < 158: if 228 < mp[0] < 240: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() return(avars, ret) elif 212 < mp[0] < 224: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() ret = 0 return(avars, ret) if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and tuts: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() tuts = False strt = True anifr = -1 if (80 < mp[1] < 128) and (88 < mp[0] < 152) and play and end == 0: seq.append((4 * ((mp[1] - 80) // 16)) + ((mp[0] - 88) // 16)) pygame.mixer.stop() sound[2].play() if len(seq) == 12: corr = 1 for i in seq: if i not in peli: corr = 0 break if corr: for i in peli: if seq.count(i) != (12 // len(peli)): corr = 0 break if corr: i = seq[:len(peli)] i = i * (12 // len(peli)) if i != seq: corr = 0 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[12 - (3 * corr)].play() end = 1 anifr = 11 if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False elif play and end == 1: if corr: end = 0 scr += 1 peli, seq = val() corr = -1 if scr == 6 or end == 1: end = 3 play = False if (avars[3][2] + (scr * 400)) < 99999: avars[3][2] += (scr * 400) else: avars[3][2] = 99999 avars[avars[3][5]][9] += ((scr * 8) // 3) avars[avars[3][5]][5] += ((scr * 4) // 3) elif end == 3: if scr < 2: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 elif end == 4: ret = 0 return(avars, ret) s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale(s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen): class Mnbx(pygame.sprite.Sprite): bxt = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() box = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/box2.png").convert() image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) self.image = self.bxt[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def update(self): self.image = self.bxt[tl] kr = True chngsts = False scr = 0 ret = 1 spret = 0 need = -1 helg = -1 tuts = True strt = False play = False end = 0 def chsprs(chara, dirt, g): sprs = [] bs = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Characters/chara_" + str(chara) + "b.png") ss = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Characters/chara_" + str(chara) + "s.png") opal = [] for i in range(32): opal.append(ss.get_at(((16 + (8 * (i % 2))), (16 + (i // 2))))) bs = palette.palch(bs, g, opal) if dirt: bs = dirty.dirt(bs) ss = palette.palch(ss, g, opal) for i in range(3): a = pygame.Surface([16, 16]) a.fill((0, 255, 255)) a.blit(ss, [-(16 * (i % 2)), -(16 * (i // 2))]) a.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) a.convert() sprs.append(a) s = (bs.get_width() // 4) for i in range(16): spr = pygame.Surface([s, s]).convert() spr.fill((0, 255, 255)) spr.blit(bs, [-(s * (i % 4)), -(s * (i // 4))]) spr.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) sprs.append(spr) return (sprs) def drbx(): tile = Mnbx() tile.update() textbox.blit(tile.image, [tx, ty]) def drhl(): global tx global tl tx = 0 drbx() tl += 1 while tx < 48: tx += 8 drbx() tx = 56 tl += 1 drbx() def dral(): global ty global tl while ty < 16: tl = 3 ty += 8 drhl() def aspr(): if len(avars[0]) > 0: sprs0 = chsprs(avars[0][15], (avars[0][30] == 2), avars[0][14]) else: sprs0 = [] if len(avars[1]) > 0: sprs1 = chsprs(avars[1][15], (avars[1][30] == 2), avars[1][14]) else: sprs1 = [] if len(avars[2]) > 0: sprs2 = chsprs(avars[2][15], (avars[2][30] == 2), avars[2][14]) else: sprs2 = [] asprs = [sprs0, sprs1, sprs2] return (asprs) tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 3, 1) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() tutimg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/springst.png").convert() playbk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/springs.png").convert() ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() bear = [] bs = pygame.image.load("Sprites/NPC/Beartchi.png").convert() for i in range(6): b = pygame.Surface((32, 32)).convert() b.fill((0, 255, 255)) b.blit(bs, [-(32 * (i % 2)), -(32 * (i // 2))]) b.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) bear.append(b) emo = [ pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/ang.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/conf.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/sweat.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/shiver.png").convert() ] poof = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/poof.png").convert() toobad = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/toobad.png").convert() good = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/good.png").convert() great = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/great.png").convert() excellent = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/excellent.png").convert() win = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/happy.png").convert() cry = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/cry.png").convert() money = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/money.png").convert() coin = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/gotchipt.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) textbox = pygame.Surface([240, 64]).convert() textbox.fill((0, 255, 255)) global tl global ty tl = 0 ty = 0 drhl() dral() tl = 6 ty = 24 drhl() textbox.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") while kr: if tuts: screen.blit(tutimg, [0, 0]) elif strt: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) if end == 0: spr = 3 + (anifr % 12 > 5) screen.blit(bear[(2 + need) * (need > -1)], [104, 59]) if (need > -1) and (anifr % 12 > 5): screen.blit(emo[need], [136, 42]) else: spr = 5 + (2 * (helg != need)) if helg != need: screen.blit(bear[2 + need], [104, 59]) else: screen.blit(bear[1], [104, 59]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [104, 98]) else: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) if end == 3: screen.blit(money, [88, 106]) if anifr < 8: spr = 11 else: if anifr == 8: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[13].play() screen.blit(textbox, [94, 64]) mntxt = fnt.render(str(scr * 250), 1, (0, 0, 100)) screen.blit(mntxt, [(138 - (mntxt.get_width())), 74]) screen.blit(coin, [138, 72]) if scr > 0: spr = 5 else: spr = 6 screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(124 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 4: if scr < 4: screen.blit(toobad, [71, 48]) sy = 98 if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 6 else: spr = 7 screen.blit(cry, [56, 90]) else: if scr < 8: screen.blit(good, [94, 48]) elif scr < 12: screen.blit(great, [85, 48]) else: screen.blit(excellent, [51, 48]) if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: sy = 98 spr = 4 else: sy = 90 spr = 5 screen.blit(win, [136, 82]) screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (sy + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 5: if anifr < 6: screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][9], [104, 56]) elif anifr < 18: screen.blit(poof, [104, 59]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) pb = event.button if pb == 1: if 138 < mp[1] < 158: if 228 < mp[0] < 240: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() return (avars, ret) elif 212 < mp[0] < 224: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() ret = 0 return (avars, ret) if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and tuts: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() tuts = False strt = True anifr = -1 if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and play and end == 0 and need > -1: end = 1 anifr = 11 helg = (2 * (mp[1] > 80)) + (mp[0] > 120) pygame.mixer.stop() sound[9 + (3 * (helg != need))].play() if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ( "%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 if play and end == 0 and anifr == 12: if need < 0: need = randint(0, 3) pygame.mixer.stop() sound[2].play() else: end = 1 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[12].play() else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False elif play and end == 1: if need == helg: scr += 1 end = 0 need = -1 helg = -1 if end == 1 or scr == 12: end = 3 play = False if (avars[3][2] + (scr * 250)) < 99999: avars[3][2] += (scr * 250) else: avars[3][2] = 99999 avars[avars[3][5]][7] += scr * 2 elif end == 3: if scr < 12 or avars[avars[3][5]][15] != 325 or avars[ avars[3][5]][7] < 1000: if scr < 4: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[15].play() end = 5 elif end == 5: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() avars[avars[3][5]][1] = 5 avars = growth.grw(avars) asprs = aspr() spret = 1 end = 4 elif end == 4: ret = spret return (avars, ret) s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale( s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen): class Mnbx(pygame.sprite.Sprite): bxt = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() box = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/box2.png").convert() image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) self.image = self.bxt[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def update(self): self.image = self.bxt[tl] kr = True chngsts = False scr = 0 ret = 1 objpos = 1 thpos = -1 thlist = [0, 1, 0] shuffle(thlist) btn = False tuts = True strt = False play = False end = 0 def drbx(): tile = Mnbx() tile.update() textbox.blit(tile.image, [tx, ty]) def drhl(): global tx global tl tx = 0 drbx() tl += 1 while tx < 48: tx += 8 drbx() tx = 56 tl += 1 drbx() def dral(): global ty global tl while ty < 16: tl = 3 ty += 8 drhl() tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 3, 1) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() tutimg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/coincatcht.png").convert() gamebk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/gamecenter.png").convert() playbk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/coincatch.png").convert() ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() readyb = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/readyb.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() gob = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/gob.png").convert() toobad = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/toobad.png").convert() good = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/good.png").convert() great = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/great.png").convert() excellent = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/excellent.png").convert() win = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/happy.png").convert() cry = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/cry.png").convert() con1 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt1.png").convert() con2 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt2.png").convert() con3 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt3.png").convert() obj = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/cncthobj.png").convert() poo = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/poo/bpoo1.png").convert() coin = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/gotchipt.png").convert() money = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/money.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) textbox = pygame.Surface([240, 64]).convert() textbox.fill((0, 255, 255)) global tl global ty tl = 0 ty = 0 drhl() dral() tl = 6 ty = 24 drhl() textbox.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") while kr: if tuts: screen.blit(tutimg, [0, 0]) elif strt: screen.blit(gamebk, [0, 0]) if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(readyb, [0, 0]) screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(gob, [0, 0]) screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) screen.blit(obj, [113, (63 + (12 * objpos))]) if end == 0 or end == 1: if btn: spr = 17 else: spr = 16 if end == 0: if thpos < 17: for i in [0, 1, 2]: if (thpos < 15) or (i == objpos): screen.blit([poo, coin][thlist[i]], [(232 - (thpos * 8)), (56 + (12 * i))]) else: a = objpos + ((anifr - 12) // 3) if a < 3: screen.blit([poo, coin][thlist[objpos]], [96, (56 + (12 * a))]) elif end == 2: if anifr < 12: if scr < 12: screen.blit(poo, [96, 110]) else: screen.blit(coin, [90, 108]) screen.blit(coin, [102, 108]) screen.blit(coin, [96, 110]) else: if scr < 12: screen.blit(poo, [96, 120]) else: screen.blit(coin, [86, 120]) screen.blit(coin, [106, 120]) screen.blit(coin, [96, 120]) if anifr < 8 or anifr == 23: spr = 3 else: if scr < 12: spr = 9 else: spr = 5 screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], 1, 0), [(44 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width())), (84 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen.blit((fnt.render(("%02d" % scr), 1, (0, 0, 100))), [131, 109]) else: screen.blit(gamebk, [0, 0]) if end == 3: screen.blit(money, [88, 106]) if anifr < 8: spr = 11 else: if anifr == 8: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[13].play() screen.blit(textbox, [94, 64]) mntxt = fnt.render(str((scr * 50) // 3), 1, (0, 0, 100)) screen.blit(mntxt, [(134 - (mntxt.get_width())), 74]) screen.blit(coin, [138, 72]) if scr > 0: spr = 5 else: spr = 6 screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(124 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 4: if scr < 3: screen.blit(toobad, [71, 48]) sy = 98 if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 6 else: spr = 7 screen.blit(cry, [56, 90]) else: if scr < 8: screen.blit(good, [94, 48]) elif scr < 12: screen.blit(great, [85, 48]) else: screen.blit(excellent, [51, 48]) if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: sy = 98 spr = 4 else: sy = 90 spr = 5 screen.blit(win, [136, 82]) screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (sy + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 5: if anifr < 12: screen.blit(con1, [0, 24]) spr = 3 elif anifr < 16: screen.blit(con2, [0, 24]) spr = 9 else: screen.blit(con3, [0, 24]) spr = 10 screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) pb = event.button if pb == 1: if 138 < mp[1] < 158: if 228 < mp[0] < 240: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() return (avars, ret) elif 212 < mp[0] < 224: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() ret = 0 return (avars, ret) if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and tuts: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() tuts = False strt = True anifr = -1 elif (24 < mp[1] < 136) and end == 0 and play and thpos < 15: btn = True pygame.mixer.stop() sound[2].play() if objpos > 0: objpos -= 1 elif pb == 3: if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and end == 0 and play and thpos < 15: btn = True pygame.mixer.stop() sound[2].play() if objpos < 2: objpos += 1 else: btn = False if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ( "%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False elif end == 0 and play and thpos == 17: if thlist[objpos] == 1: scr += 1 thpos = 0 if scr == 12 or thpos == 17: end = 1 anifr = 18 else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[9].play() shuffle(thlist) elif end == 1: if scr < 12: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[12].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[9].play() end = 2 elif end == 2: anifr = 0 play = False end = 3 if (avars[avars[3][5]][17] + (scr // 3)) < 6: avars[avars[3][5]][17] += (scr // 3) else: avars[avars[3][5]][17] = 6 if (avars[3][2] + ((scr * 50) // 3)) < 99999: avars[3][2] += ((scr * 50) // 3) else: avars[3][2] = 99999 elif end == 3: if scr < 12: if scr < 3: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[15].play() end = 5 elif end == 5: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 elif end == 4: ret = 0 return (avars, ret) if thpos < 17 and play and end == 0: if anifr % (6 - (scr // 2)) == 0: thpos += 1 if thpos == 17: anifr = 12 s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale( s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen): class Mnbx(pygame.sprite.Sprite): bxt = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() box = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/box2.png").convert() image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) self.image = self.bxt[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def update(self): self.image = self.bxt[tl] kr = True chngsts = False scr = 0 ret = 1 ycorr = -1 tuts = True strt = False play = False end = 0 def chsprs(chara): sprs = [] bs = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Characters/chara_" + str(chara) + "b.png") ss = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Characters/chara_" + str(chara) + "s.png") for i in range(3): a = pygame.Surface([16, 16]) a.fill((0, 255, 255)) a.blit(ss, [-(16 * (i % 2)), -(16 * (i // 2))]) a.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) a.convert() sprs.append(a) s = (bs.get_width() // 4) for i in range(16): spr = pygame.Surface([s, s]).convert() spr.fill((0, 255, 255)) spr.blit(bs, [-(s * (i % 4)), -(s * (i // 4))]) spr.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) sprs.append(spr) return(sprs) def gencolour(): r1 = randint(0, 3) r2 = randint(0, 3) g1 = randint(0, 3) g2 = randint(0, 3) b1 = randint(0, 3) b2 = randint(0, 3) col1 = ((r1 * 84), (g1 * 84), (b1 * 84), 255) col2 = ((r2 * 84), (g2 * 84), (b2 * 84), 255) col3 = (((r1 + r2) * 42), ((g1 + g2) * 42), ((b1 + b2) * 42), 255) wcol = (((choice([r1, r2]) + randint(0, 3)) * 42), ((choice([g1, g2]) + randint(0, 3)) * 42), ((choice([b1, b2]) + randint(0, 3)) * 42), 255) while wcol == col3: wcol = (((choice([r1, r2]) + randint(0, 3)) * 42), ((choice([g1, g2]) + randint(0, 3)) * 42), ((choice([b1, b2]) + randint(0, 3)) * 42), 255) resc = randint(0, 1) gradim = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/gradientbg1.png") gradim.set_palette_at(4, col1) gradim.set_palette_at(5, [wcol, col3][resc]) gradim.set_palette_at(6, col2) gradim.convert() return(resc, gradim) def drbx(): tile = Mnbx() tile.update() textbox.blit(tile.image, [tx, ty]) def drhl(): global tx global tl tx = 0 drbx() tl += 1 while tx < 48: tx += 8 drbx() tx = 56 tl += 1 drbx() def dral(): global ty global tl while ty < 16: tl = 3 ty += 8 drhl() tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 3, 1) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() tutimg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/aclasst.png").convert() classbg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/styclass.png").convert() blackbg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/gradientbg.png").convert() ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() toobad = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/toobad.png").convert() good = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/good.png").convert() great = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/great.png").convert() excellent = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/excellent.png").convert() win = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/happy.png").convert() cry = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/cry.png").convert() money = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/money.png").convert() coin = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/gotchipt.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) textbox = pygame.Surface([240, 64]).convert() textbox.fill((0, 255, 255)) global tl global ty tl = 0 ty = 0 drhl() dral() tl = 6 ty = 24 drhl() textbox.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") while kr: if tuts: screen.blit(tutimg, [0, 0]) elif strt: screen.blit(classbg, [0, 0]) if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(blackbg, [0, 0]) screen.blit(gradim, [17, 32]) if end == 0: spr = 3 + (anifr % 12 > 5) sts = 6 else: if ycorr == resc: spr = 7 - (2 * resc) sts = spr else: spr = 9 sts = spr screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(studs[sts], 1, 0), [7, 105]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [205, 101]) else: screen.blit(classbg, [0, 0]) if end == 3: screen.blit(money, [88, 106]) if anifr < 8: spr = 11 else: if anifr == 8: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[13].play() screen.blit(textbox, [94, 64]) mntxt = fnt.render(str(scr * 200), 1, (0, 0, 100)) screen.blit(mntxt, [(138 - (mntxt.get_width())), 74]) screen.blit(coin, [138, 72]) if scr > 0: spr = 5 else: spr = 6 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(124 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 4: if scr < 4: screen.blit(toobad, [71, 48]) sy = 98 if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 6 else: spr = 7 screen.blit(cry, [56, 90]) else: if scr < 8: screen.blit(good, [94, 48]) elif scr < 12: screen.blit(great, [85, 48]) else: screen.blit(excellent, [51, 48]) if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: sy = 98 spr = 4 else: sy = 90 spr = 5 screen.blit(win, [136, 82]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (sy + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) pb = event.button if pb == 1: if 138 < mp[1] < 158: if 228 < mp[0] < 240: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() return(avars, ret) elif 212 < mp[0] < 224: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() ret = 0 return(avars, ret) if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and tuts: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() tuts = False strt = True anifr = -1 if pb in [1, 3] and (24 < mp[1] < 136) and play and end == 0: ycorr = pb < 2 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[9 + (3 * (ycorr != resc))].play() end = 1 anifr = 11 if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False studs = chsprs(randint(49, 132)) resc, gradim = gencolour() elif play: if end == 0: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[12].play() end = 1 anifr = 12 else: if ycorr == resc: end = 0 scr += 1 studs = chsprs(randint(49, 132)) resc, gradim = gencolour() ycorr = -1 if end == 1 or scr == 12: end = 3 play = False if (avars[3][2] + (scr * 200)) < 99999: avars[3][2] += (scr * 200) else: avars[3][2] = 99999 avars[avars[3][5]][6] += ((scr * 2) // 3) avars[avars[3][5]][8] += (scr // 3) avars[avars[3][5]][10] += (scr // 3) elif end == 3: if scr < 4: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 elif end == 4: ret = 0 return(avars, ret) s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale(s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen): class Mnbx(pygame.sprite.Sprite): bxt = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() box = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/box2.png").convert() image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) self.image = self.bxt[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def update(self): self.image = self.bxt[tl] kr = True chngsts = False scr = 0 ret = 1 tuts = True strt = False play = False end = 0 tuts = True strt = False play = False end = 0 def scol(): clrs = [] mcol = [] c = [] for i in range(5): a = randint(0, 7) if len(c) % 2 == 1: while c[len(c) - 1] in range((a - 2), (a + 3)): a = randint(0, 7) c.append(a) o = [0, 1, 2] shuffle(o) cl = ((c[(o[0] * 2)] * 32), (c[(o[1] * 2)] * 32), (c[(o[2] * 2)] * 32)) d = [(cl[0] - (c[((o[0] * 2) + (o[0] < 2))] * 32)), (cl[1] - (c[((o[1] * 2) + (o[1] < 2))] * 32)), (cl[2] - (c[((o[2] * 2) + (o[2] < 2))] * 32))] i = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/coloursc.png") i.set_palette_at(1, cl) i.convert() clrs.append(i) for n in range(1, 16): i = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/coloursc.png") dc = [((d[o.index(0)] // 4) * (n % 4)), ((d[o.index(1)] // 4) * (n // 4)), 0] dc[0], dc[1], dc[2] = dc[o[0]], dc[o[1]], dc[o[2]] ncl = ((cl[0] - dc[0]), (cl[1] - dc[1]), (cl[2] - dc[2])) i.set_palette_at(1, ncl) i.convert() clrs.append(i) for i in range(4): p = clrs[randint(1, 14)] while p in mcol: p = clrs[randint(1, 14)] mcol.append(p) return (clrs, mcol) def drbx(): tile = Mnbx() tile.update() textbox.blit(tile.image, [tx, ty]) def drhl(): global tx global tl tx = 0 drbx() tl += 1 while tx < 48: tx += 8 drbx() tx = 56 tl += 1 drbx() def dral(): global ty global tl while ty < 16: tl = 3 ty += 8 drhl() tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 3, 1) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() tutimg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/colourst.png").convert() gamebk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/gamecenter.png").convert() playbk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/colours.png").convert() clrs, mcol = scol() ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() readyb = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/readyb.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() gob = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/gob.png").convert() toobad = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/toobad.png").convert() good = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/good.png").convert() great = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/great.png").convert() excellent = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/excellent.png").convert() win = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/happy.png").convert() cry = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/cry.png").convert() con1 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt1.png").convert() con2 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt2.png").convert() con3 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt3.png").convert() money = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/money.png").convert() coin = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/gotchipt.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) textbox = pygame.Surface([240, 64]).convert() textbox.fill((0, 255, 255)) global tl global ty tl = 0 ty = 0 drhl() dral() tl = 6 ty = 24 drhl() textbox.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") while kr: if tuts: screen.blit(tutimg, [0, 0]) elif strt: screen.blit(gamebk, [0, 0]) if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(readyb, [0, 0]) screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(gob, [0, 0]) screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) if end == 0: spr = 3 + (anifr % 12 > 5) screen.blit(mcol[0], [215, 25]) else: spr = 5 + (2 * (len(mcol) > 0)) for i in range(16): if clrs[i] not in mcol: screen.blit(clrs[i], [(48 + (40 * (i % 4))), (34 + (26 * (i // 4)))]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2), (24 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2))]) else: screen.blit(gamebk, [0, 0]) if end == 3: screen.blit(money, [88, 106]) if anifr < 8: spr = 11 else: if anifr == 8: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[13].play() screen.blit(textbox, [94, 64]) mntxt = fnt.render(str(scr * 30), 1, (0, 0, 100)) screen.blit(mntxt, [(134 - (mntxt.get_width())), 74]) screen.blit(coin, [138, 72]) if scr > 0: spr = 5 else: spr = 6 screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(124 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 4: if scr < 2: screen.blit(toobad, [71, 48]) sy = 98 if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 6 else: spr = 7 screen.blit(cry, [56, 90]) else: if scr < 4: screen.blit(good, [94, 48]) elif scr < 6: screen.blit(great, [85, 48]) else: screen.blit(excellent, [51, 48]) if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: sy = 98 spr = 4 else: sy = 90 spr = 5 screen.blit(win, [136, 82]) screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (sy + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 5: if anifr < 12: screen.blit(con1, [0, 24]) spr = 3 elif anifr < 16: screen.blit(con2, [0, 24]) spr = 9 else: screen.blit(con3, [0, 24]) spr = 10 screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) pb = event.button if pb == 1: if 138 < mp[1] < 158: if 228 < mp[0] < 240: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() return (avars, ret) elif 212 < mp[0] < 224: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() ret = 0 return (avars, ret) if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and tuts: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() tuts = False strt = True anifr = -1 if (34 < mp[1] < 136) and (40 < mp[0] < 200) and play and end == 0: chc = ((mp[0] - 40) // 40) + (4 * ((mp[1] - 33) // 26)) if clrs[chc] == mcol[0]: mcol.pop(0) if len(mcol) == 0: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[9].play() end = 1 anifr = 12 scr += 1 else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[12].play() end = 1 anifr = 12 if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ( "%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False elif play and end == 1: if len(mcol) == 0 and scr < 6: clrs, mcol = scol() end = 0 else: end = 3 play = False if (avars[avars[3][5]][17] + (scr // 2)) < 6: avars[avars[3][5]][17] += (scr // 2) else: avars[avars[3][5]][17] = 6 if (avars[3][2] + (scr * 30)) < 99999: avars[3][2] += (scr * 30) else: avars[3][2] = 99999 avars[avars[3][5]][6] += scr * 2 elif end == 3: if scr < 6: if scr < 2: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[15].play() end = 5 elif end == 5: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 elif end == 4: ret = 0 return (avars, ret) s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale( s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen, fsprs, ywn): kr = True chngsts = False strt = True play = False gmst = 0 def cbani(): if gmst < 3: if anifr < 12: if anifr < 6: spr = 4 frs = 3 else: spr = 3 frs = 4 sprx = 156 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2) frx = 52 + ((32 - fsprs[frs].get_width()) // 2) screen.blit(ball, [56, 106]) screen.blit(ball, [160, 106]) else: if anifr < 18: screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(sweat, 1, 0), [35, 74]) else: screen.blit(sweat, [189, 74]) spr = 9 frs = 9 sprx = 155 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2) + (2 * (anifr < 18)) frx = 51 + ( (32 - fsprs[frs].get_width()) // 2) + (2 * (anifr > 17)) screen.blit(ball, [(55 + (2 * (anifr < 18))), 106]) screen.blit(ball, [(159 + (2 * (anifr > 17))), 106]) spry = 82 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()) fry = 82 + (32 - fsprs[frs].get_height()) else: if ywn: screen.blit(cnf, [(164 - (104 * ywn)), 66]) spr = 7 - (2 * ywn) frs = 5 + (2 * ywn) sprx = 156 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2) frx = 52 + ((32 - fsprs[frs].get_width()) // 2) spry = 90 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()) - (16 * ywn) fry = 74 + (32 - fsprs[frs].get_height()) + (16 * ywn) screen.blit(ball, [(56 - (8 * ywn)), 106]) screen.blit(ball, [(152 + (8 * ywn)), 106]) return (spr, sprx, spry, frs, frx, fry) tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 4, 0) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) lfnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama1.ttf", 16) bck = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congamesbg.png").convert() bck.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][1], [(193 + ((16 - asprs[avars[3][5]][1].get_width()) // 2)), (69 + ((16 - asprs[avars[3][5]][1].get_height()) // 2))]) bck.blit(fsprs[1], [(31 + ((16 - fsprs[1].get_width()) // 2)), (47 + ((16 - fsprs[1].get_height()) // 2))]) ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() cnf = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/conf.png").convert() sweat = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/sweat.png").convert() ball = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/item/ball.png").convert() wint = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/win.png").convert() loset = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/lose.png").convert() clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() while kr: screen.blit(bck, [0, 0]) if strt: if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(136 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen.blit(fsprs[spr], [(72 + ((32 - fsprs[spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - fsprs[spr].get_height()))]) elif play: if gmst < 3 and anifr == 12: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() spr, sprx, spry, frs, frx, fry = cbani() screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [sprx, spry]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(fsprs[frs], 1, 0), [frx, fry]) else: if ywn: screen.blit(wint, [78, 48]) else: screen.blit(loset, [65, 48]) if anifr % 12 < 6: spr = 6 - (2 * ywn) frs = 4 + (2 * ywn) else: spr = 7 - (2 * ywn) frs = 5 + (2 * ywn) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(136 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen.blit(fsprs[frs], [(72 + ((32 - fsprs[frs].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - fsprs[frs].get_height()))]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ( "%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False elif play: gmst += 1 if gmst == 3: anifr = 12 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[12].play() elif gmst == 4: play = False if ywn and avars[avars[3][5]][17] < 6: avars[avars[3][5]][17] += 1 elif not ywn and avars[avars[3][5]][17] > 0: avars[avars[3][5]][17] -= 1 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14 - (13 * ywn)].play() else: return (avars) s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale( s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen): class Mnbx(pygame.sprite.Sprite): bxt = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() box = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/box2.png").convert() image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) self.image = self.bxt[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def update(self): self.image = self.bxt[tl] kr = True chngsts = False scr = 0 ret = 1 rl = [] tuts = True strt = False play = False end = 0 def chsprs(chara): sprs = [] bs = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Characters/chara_" + str(chara) + "b.png") ss = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Characters/chara_" + str(chara) + "s.png") for i in range(3): a = pygame.Surface([16, 16]) a.fill((0, 255, 255)) a.blit(ss, [-(16 * (i % 2)), -(16 * (i // 2))]) a.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) a.convert() sprs.append(a) s = (bs.get_width() // 4) for i in range(16): spr = pygame.Surface([s, s]).convert() spr.fill((0, 255, 255)) spr.blit(bs, [-(s * (i % 4)), -(s * (i // 4))]) spr.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) sprs.append(spr) return(sprs) def drbx(): tile = Mnbx() tile.update() textbox.blit(tile.image, [tx, ty]) def drhl(): global tx global tl tx = 0 drbx() tl += 1 while tx < 48: tx += 8 drbx() tx = 56 tl += 1 drbx() def dral(): global ty global tl while ty < 16: tl = 3 ty += 8 drhl() tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 3, 1) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() tutimg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/mimict.png").convert() gamebk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/gamecenter.png").convert() playbk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/mimic.png").convert() cs = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/mimc.png").convert() ws = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/mimw.png").convert() cws = [ws, cs] ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() readyb = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/readyb.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() gob = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/gob.png").convert() toobad = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/toobad.png").convert() good = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/good.png").convert() great = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/great.png").convert() excellent = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/excellent.png").convert() win = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/happy.png").convert() cry = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/cry.png").convert() con1 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt1.png").convert() con2 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt2.png").convert() con3 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt3.png").convert() money = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/money.png").convert() coin = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/gotchipt.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) textbox = pygame.Surface([240, 64]).convert() textbox.fill((0, 255, 255)) global tl global ty tl = 0 ty = 0 drhl() dral() tl = 6 ty = 24 drhl() textbox.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") while kr: if tuts: screen.blit(tutimg, [0, 0]) elif strt: screen.blit(gamebk, [0, 0]) if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(readyb, [0, 0]) screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(gob, [0, 0]) screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) if end == 0: spr = 3 mvn = anifr // 4 if cs and (randint(0, 5) == 0) and (anifr % 4 == 3): end = 1 anifr = 23 screen.blit(npsp[mvl[mvn]], [(144 + ((32 - npsp[mvl[mvn]].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - npsp[mvl[mvn]].get_height()))]) if scr < 5: screen.blit(nxsp[3], [(206 + ((32 - nxsp[3].get_width()) // 2)), (76 + (32 - nxsp[3].get_height()))]) elif end == 1: spr = mvl[anifr // 4] screen.blit(npsp[11], [(144 + ((32 - npsp[11].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - npsp[11].get_height()))]) if scr < 5: screen.blit(nxsp[3], [(206 + ((32 - nxsp[3].get_width()) // 2)), (76 + (32 - nxsp[3].get_height()))]) elif end == 2: if pmn == mvn: spr = 5 if scr < 5: screen.blit(nxsp[13], [(175 + ((32 - nxsp[6].get_width()) // 2)), (87 + (32 - nxsp[6].get_height()))]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(npsp[13], 1, 0), [(200 + ((32 - npsp[5].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - npsp[5].get_height()))]) else: spr = 7 screen.blit(npsp[6], [(144 + ((32 - npsp[5].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - npsp[5].get_height()))]) if scr < 5: screen.blit(nxsp[8], [(206 + ((32 - nxsp[6].get_width()) // 2)), (76 + (32 - nxsp[6].get_height()))]) screen.blit((fnt.render(str(scr), 1, (0, 0, 100))), [116, 50]) if len(rl) > 0: screen.blit(cws[rl[0]], [68, 68]) if len(rl) > 1: screen.blit(cws[rl[1]], [108, 68]) if len(rl) > 2: screen.blit(cws[rl[2]], [148, 68]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(64 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) else: screen.blit(gamebk, [0, 0]) if end == 3: screen.blit(money, [88, 106]) if anifr < 8: spr = 11 else: if anifr == 8: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[13].play() screen.blit(textbox, [94, 64]) mntxt = fnt.render(str(scr * 30), 1, (0, 0, 100)) screen.blit(mntxt, [(134 - (mntxt.get_width())), 74]) screen.blit(coin, [138, 72]) if scr > 0: spr = 5 else: spr = 6 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(124 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 4: if scr < 2: screen.blit(toobad, [71, 48]) sy = 98 if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 6 else: spr = 7 screen.blit(cry, [56, 90]) else: if scr < 4: screen.blit(good, [94, 48]) elif scr < 6: screen.blit(great, [85, 48]) else: screen.blit(excellent, [51, 48]) if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: sy = 98 spr = 4 else: sy = 90 spr = 5 screen.blit(win, [136, 82]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (sy + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 5: if anifr < 12: screen.blit(con1, [0, 24]) spr = 3 elif anifr < 16: screen.blit(con2, [0, 24]) spr = 9 else: screen.blit(con3, [0, 24]) spr = 10 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) pb = event.button if pb == 1: if 138 < mp[1] < 158: if 228 < mp[0] < 240: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() return(avars, ret) elif 212 < mp[0] < 224: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() ret = 0 return(avars, ret) if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and tuts: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() tuts = False strt = True anifr = -1 elif (98 < mp[1] < 130) and (64 < mp[0] < 96) and (end == 1): pmn = (anifr // 4) rl.append(pmn == mvn) if pmn == mvn: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[9].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[12].play() if (len(rl) == 3) or ((len(rl) == 2) and (sum(rl) != 1)): end = 2 anifr = 12 if sum(rl) > 1: scr += 1 else: end = 0 cs = False anifr = 0 if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False npsp = chsprs(randint(17, 132)) nxsp = chsprs(randint(17, 132)) mvl = [randint(3, 17), randint(3, 17), randint(3, 17), randint(3, 17), randint(3, 17), randint(3, 17)] mvn = 0 pmn = 0 cs = False elif play: if end == 0: cs = True elif end == 2: if mvn == pmn: if scr < 6: npsp = nxsp if scr < 5: nxsp = chsprs(randint(17, 132)) mvn = 0 pmn = 0 mvl = [randint(3, 17), randint(3, 17), randint(3, 17), randint(3, 17), randint(3, 17), randint(3, 17)] rl = [] end = 0 cs = False else: end = 3 play = False else: end = 3 play = False elif end == 3: if (avars[avars[3][5]][17] + (scr // 2)) < 6: avars[avars[3][5]][17] += (scr // 2) else: avars[avars[3][5]][17] = 6 if (avars[3][2] + (scr * 30)) < 99999: avars[3][2] += (scr * 30) else: avars[3][2] = 99999 avars[avars[3][5]][9] += scr if scr < 6: if scr < 2: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[15].play() end = 5 elif end == 5: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 elif end == 4: ret = 0 return(avars, ret) s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale(s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen): class Mnbx(pygame.sprite.Sprite): bxt = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() box = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/box2.png").convert() image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) self.image = self.bxt[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def update(self): self.image = self.bxt[tl] kr = True chngsts = False scr = 0 ret = 1 tuts = True strt = False play = False end = 0 sfd = [randint(0, 7), randint(0, 7), randint(0, 7), randint(0, 7)] sdr = [-1, -1, -1, -1] hld = -1 ro = 1 def drbx(): tile = Mnbx() tile.update() textbox.blit(tile.image, [tx, ty]) def drhl(): global tx global tl tx = 0 drbx() tl += 1 while tx < 48: tx += 8 drbx() tx = 56 tl += 1 drbx() def dral(): global ty global tl while ty < 16: tl = 3 ty += 8 drhl() tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 3, 1) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() tutimg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/cheft.png").convert() playbk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/chef.png").convert() rest = pygame.Surface((240, 160)).convert() r = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/job_1.png").convert() rest.blit(r, [-960, -320]) food = [] l = [ "Steak", "Sushi", "Pasta", "Fish", "BDCake", "ChCake", "Cupcake", "Donut" ] for f in l: j = pygame.Surface((24, 24)).convert() j.fill((0, 255, 255)) i = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Food/" + f + ".png").convert() j.blit(i, [0, 0]) j.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) food.append(j) drink = [] l = [ "Tea", "Wine", "Sake", "Juice", "ChMlk", "Milk", "Kakigori", "IceCream" ] for f in l: j = pygame.Surface((24, 24)).convert() j.fill((0, 255, 255)) i = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Food/" + f + ".png").convert() j.blit(i, [0, 0]) j.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) drink.append(j) ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() toobad = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/toobad.png").convert() good = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/good.png").convert() great = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/great.png").convert() excellent = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/excellent.png").convert() win = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/happy.png").convert() cry = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/cry.png").convert() money = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/money.png").convert() coin = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/gotchipt.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) textbox = pygame.Surface([240, 64]).convert() textbox.fill((0, 255, 255)) global tl global ty tl = 0 ty = 0 drhl() dral() tl = 6 ty = 24 drhl() textbox.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") while kr: if tuts: screen.blit(tutimg, [0, 0]) elif strt: screen.blit(rest, [0, 0]) if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) if end == 0: spr = 11 + (anifr % 12 > 5) else: spr = 7 - (2 * ro) for i in range(8): if i < 4: screen.blit(food[sfd[i]], [(3 + (60 * i)), 96]) if sdr[i] > -1: screen.blit(drink[sdr[i]], [(27 + (60 * i)), 96]) if i not in sdr: screen.blit(drink[i], [(136 + (24 * (i % 4))), (32 + (24 * (i // 4)))]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [36, 50]) else: screen.blit(rest, [0, 0]) if end == 3: screen.blit(money, [88, 106]) if anifr < 8: spr = 11 else: if anifr == 8: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[13].play() screen.blit(textbox, [94, 64]) mntxt = fnt.render(str(scr * 200), 1, (0, 0, 100)) screen.blit(mntxt, [(138 - (mntxt.get_width())), 74]) screen.blit(coin, [138, 72]) if scr > 0: spr = 5 else: spr = 6 screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(124 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 4: if scr < 4: screen.blit(toobad, [71, 48]) sy = 98 if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 6 else: spr = 7 screen.blit(cry, [56, 90]) else: if scr < 8: screen.blit(good, [94, 48]) elif scr < 12: screen.blit(great, [85, 48]) else: screen.blit(excellent, [51, 48]) if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: sy = 98 spr = 4 else: sy = 90 spr = 5 screen.blit(win, [136, 82]) screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (sy + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) pb = event.button if pb == 1: if 138 < mp[1] < 158: if 228 < mp[0] < 240: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() return (avars, ret) elif 212 < mp[0] < 224: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() ret = 0 return (avars, ret) if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and tuts: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() tuts = False strt = True anifr = -1 if (32 < mp[1] < 80) and (136 < mp[0] < 232) and play and end == 0: hld = (4 * (mp[1] > 56)) + ((mp[0] - 136) // 24) if hld not in sdr: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[2].play() else: hld = -1 if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) pb = event.button if pb == 1 and (88 < mp[1] < 136) and play and end == 0 and hld > -1: sdr[mp[0] // 60] = hld if sdr.count(-1) == 0: for i in range(4): if (sfd[i] // 4) != (sdr[i] // 4): ro = 0 break pygame.mixer.stop() sound[12 - (3 * ro)].play() end = 1 anifr = 11 if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ( "%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < (23 + (72 * (end == 0 and play))): anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False elif play: if end == 0: end = 1 anifr = 11 ro = 0 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[12].play() else: if ro: scr += 1 end = 0 sfd = [ randint(0, 7), randint(0, 7), randint(0, 7), randint(0, 7) ] sdr = [-1, -1, -1, -1] hld = -1 ro = 1 if (not ro) or scr == 12: end = 3 play = False if (avars[3][2] + (scr * 200)) < 99999: avars[3][2] += (scr * 200) else: avars[3][2] = 99999 avars[avars[3][5]][7] += ((scr * 4) // 3) avars[avars[3][5]][6] += ((scr * 2) // 3) elif end == 3: if scr < 4: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 elif end == 4: ret = 0 return (avars, ret) s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale( s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen): class Mnbx(pygame.sprite.Sprite): bxt = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() box = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/box2.png").convert() image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) self.image = self.bxt[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def update(self): self.image = self.bxt[tl] kr = True chngsts = False scr = 0 apos = 0 hit = False ret = 1 tuts = True strt = False play = False end = 0 def drbx(): tile = Mnbx() tile.update() textbox.blit(tile.image, [tx, ty]) def drhl(): global tx global tl tx = 0 drbx() tl += 1 while tx < 48: tx += 8 drbx() tx = 56 tl += 1 drbx() def dral(): global ty global tl while ty < 16: tl = 3 ty += 8 drhl() tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 3, 1) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() tutimg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/boxingt.png").convert() gamebk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/gamecenter.png").convert() playbk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/boxingb.png").convert() ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() readyb = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/readyb.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() gob = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/gob.png").convert() toobad = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/toobad.png").convert() good = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/good.png").convert() great = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/great.png").convert() excellent = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/excellent.png").convert() win = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/happy.png").convert() cry = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/cry.png").convert() con1 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt1.png").convert() con2 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt2.png").convert() con3 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt3.png").convert() money = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/money.png").convert() coin = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/gotchipt.png").convert() scks = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/sack1.png").convert() sckh = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/sack2.png").convert() arrow = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/arrow2.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) textbox = pygame.Surface([240, 64]).convert() textbox.fill((0, 255, 255)) global tl global ty tl = 0 ty = 0 drhl() dral() tl = 6 ty = 24 drhl() textbox.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") while kr: if tuts: screen.blit(tutimg, [0, 0]) elif strt: screen.blit(gamebk, [0, 0]) if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(readyb, [0, 0]) screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(gob, [0, 0]) screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) if not hit: sprx = 64 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2) spry = 78 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()) spr = 11 screen.blit(scks, [88, 62]) else: sprx = 72 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2) spry = 70 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()) if apos == 0: spr = 9 screen.blit(scks, [88, 62]) elif apos < 3: spr = 8 screen.blit(sckh, [88, 62]) else: spr = 5 screen.blit(sckh, [88, 62]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], 1, 0), [sprx, spry]) screen.blit(arrow, [(100 + (12 * apos)), 36]) screen.blit((fnt.render(("%02d" % scr), 1, (0, 0, 100))), [134, 69]) else: screen.blit(gamebk, [0, 0]) if end == 3: screen.blit(money, [88, 106]) if anifr < 8: if anifr == 0: if (avars[avars[3][5]][17] + (scr // 4)) < 6: avars[avars[3][5]][17] += (scr // 4) else: avars[avars[3][5]][17] = 6 if (avars[3][2] + (scr * 10)) < 99999: avars[3][2] += (scr * 10) else: avars[3][2] = 99999 if (avars[avars[3][5]][18] - (scr // 4)) > 1: avars[avars[3][5]][18] -= (scr // 4) else: avars[avars[3][5]][18] = 1 avars[avars[3][5]][10] += (scr // 4) spr = 11 else: if anifr == 8: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[13].play() screen.blit(textbox, [94, 64]) mntxt = fnt.render(str(scr * 10), 1, (0, 0, 100)) screen.blit(mntxt, [(134 - (mntxt.get_width())), 74]) screen.blit(coin, [138, 72]) if scr > 0: spr = 5 else: spr = 6 screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(124 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 4: if scr < 4: screen.blit(toobad, [71, 48]) sy = 98 if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 6 else: spr = 7 screen.blit(cry, [56, 90]) else: if scr < 8: screen.blit(good, [94, 48]) elif scr < 12: screen.blit(great, [85, 48]) else: screen.blit(excellent, [51, 48]) if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: sy = 98 spr = 4 else: sy = 90 spr = 5 screen.blit(win, [136, 82]) screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (sy + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 5: if anifr < 12: screen.blit(con1, [0, 24]) spr = 3 elif anifr < 16: screen.blit(con2, [0, 24]) spr = 9 else: screen.blit(con3, [0, 24]) spr = 10 screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) pb = event.button if pb == 1: if 138 < mp[1] < 158: if 228 < mp[0] < 240: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() return (avars, ret) elif 212 < mp[0] < 224: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() ret = 0 return (avars, ret) if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and tuts: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() tuts = False strt = True anifr = -1 elif not hit and play and 62 < mp[1] < 94 and 88 < mp[ 0] < 120: hit = True anifr = 19 if apos == 3: scr += 1 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[6].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[12].play() if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ( "%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 if play and not hit: if scr < 6 and ((anifr / 4) - (anifr // 4)) == 0: if anifr < 16: apos += 1 else: apos -= 1 elif scr > 5 and ((anifr / 2) - (anifr // 2)): if anifr < 6 or 11 < anifr < 18: apos += 1 else: apos -= 1 else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False if play: if hit: hit = False if apos < 3 or scr == 12: play = False end = 3 apos = 0 elif end == 3: if scr < 12: if scr < 4: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[15].play() end = 5 elif end == 5: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 elif end == 4: ret = 0 return (avars, ret) s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale( s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen): class Mnbx(pygame.sprite.Sprite): bxt = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() box = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/box2.png").convert() image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) self.image = self.bxt[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def update(self): self.image = self.bxt[tl] kr = True chngsts = False scr = 0 ret = 1 tuts = True strt = False play = False end = 0 pos = list(range(6)) shuffle(pos) act = [randint(0, 1), randint(0, 1), randint(0, 1), randint(0, 1)] def chsprs(chara): sprs = [] bs = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Characters/chara_" + str(chara) + "b.png") ss = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Characters/chara_" + str(chara) + "s.png") for i in range(3): a = pygame.Surface([16, 16]) a.fill((0, 255, 255)) a.blit(ss, [-(16 * (i % 2)), -(16 * (i // 2))]) a.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) a.convert() sprs.append(a) s = (bs.get_width() // 4) for i in range(16): spr = pygame.Surface([s, s]).convert() spr.fill((0, 255, 255)) spr.blit(bs, [-(s * (i % 4)), -(s * (i // 4))]) spr.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) sprs.append(spr) return (sprs) def drbx(): tile = Mnbx() tile.update() textbox.blit(tile.image, [tx, ty]) def drhl(): global tx global tl tx = 0 drbx() tl += 1 while tx < 48: tx += 8 drbx() tx = 56 tl += 1 drbx() def dral(): global ty global tl while ty < 16: tl = 3 ty += 8 drhl() tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 3, 1) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() tutimg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/pclasst.png").convert() classbg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/pasclass.png").convert() blackbg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/wipebg.png").convert() wipeob = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/wipeob.png").convert() dirt = [ pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/wipebg1.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/wipebg2.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/wipebg3.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/wipebg4.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/wipebg5.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/wipebg6.png").convert() ] studs = [ chsprs(randint(49, 132)), chsprs(randint(49, 132)), chsprs(randint(49, 132)), chsprs(randint(49, 132)) ] ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() toobad = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/toobad.png").convert() good = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/good.png").convert() great = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/great.png").convert() excellent = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/excellent.png").convert() win = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/happy.png").convert() cry = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/cry.png").convert() money = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/money.png").convert() coin = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/gotchipt.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) textbox = pygame.Surface([240, 64]).convert() textbox.fill((0, 255, 255)) global tl global ty tl = 0 ty = 0 drhl() dral() tl = 6 ty = 24 drhl() textbox.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") while kr: if tuts: screen.blit(tutimg, [0, 0]) elif strt: screen.blit(classbg, [0, 0]) if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(blackbg, [0, 0]) if end == 0: spr = 3 + (anifr % 12 > 5) else: spr = 5 + (2 * (scr < 12)) if end < 1 or scr < 12: for i in range(6): screen.blit(dirt[i], [[64, 10, 148, 170, 119, 19][i], [120, 110, 92, 49, 95, 43][i]]) for i in range(4): screen.blit( pygame.transform.flip(wipeob, (pos[i] % 2 == 0), 0), [([64, 20, 150, 182, 120, 32][pos[i]] + (4 * ((anifr % 12 < 6) and act[i]))), [120, 106, 84, 62, 87, 59][pos[i]]]) screen.blit( pygame.transform.flip(studs[i][[6, 3][act[i]]], (pos[i] % 2 == 0), 0), [[44, 58, 120, 200, 88, 60][pos[i]], [110, 100, 106, 80, 92, 80][pos[i]]]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [184, 98]) else: screen.blit(classbg, [0, 0]) if end == 3: screen.blit(money, [88, 106]) if anifr < 8: spr = 11 else: if anifr == 8: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[13].play() screen.blit(textbox, [94, 64]) mntxt = fnt.render(str(scr * 200), 1, (0, 0, 100)) screen.blit(mntxt, [(138 - (mntxt.get_width())), 74]) screen.blit(coin, [138, 72]) if scr > 0: spr = 5 else: spr = 6 screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(124 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 4: if scr < 4: screen.blit(toobad, [71, 48]) sy = 98 if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 6 else: spr = 7 screen.blit(cry, [56, 90]) else: if scr < 8: screen.blit(good, [94, 48]) elif scr < 12: screen.blit(great, [85, 48]) else: screen.blit(excellent, [51, 48]) if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: sy = 98 spr = 4 else: sy = 90 spr = 5 screen.blit(win, [136, 82]) screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (sy + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) pb = event.button if pb == 1: if 138 < mp[1] < 158: if 228 < mp[0] < 240: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() return (avars, ret) elif 212 < mp[0] < 224: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() ret = 0 return (avars, ret) if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and tuts: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() tuts = False strt = True anifr = -1 elif play and end == 0: if 64 < mp[0] < 112 and 120 < mp[ 1] < 136 and pos.index(0) < 4: act[pos.index(0)] = 1 if 10 < mp[0] < 52 and 110 < mp[1] < 124 and pos.index( 1) < 4: act[pos.index(1)] = 1 if 148 < mp[0] < 186 and 92 < mp[ 1] < 130 and pos.index(2) < 4: act[pos.index(2)] = 1 if 170 < mp[0] < 213 and 49 < mp[1] < 75 and pos.index( 3) < 4: act[pos.index(3)] = 1 if 119 < mp[0] < 149 and 95 < mp[ 1] < 115 and pos.index(4) < 4: act[pos.index(4)] = 1 if 19 < mp[0] < 61 and 43 < mp[1] < 91 and pos.index( 5) < 4: act[pos.index(5)] = 1 if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ( "%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < (23 + (48 * (play and end == 0))): anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False elif play: if end == 0: if act == [1, 1, 1, 1]: scr += 1 shuffle(pos) act = [ randint(0, 1), randint(0, 1), randint(0, 1), randint(0, 1) ] if scr == 12: end = 1 anifr = 11 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[9].play() else: end = 1 anifr = 11 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[12].play() else: end = 3 play = False if (avars[3][2] + (scr * 200)) < 99999: avars[3][2] += (scr * 200) else: avars[3][2] = 99999 avars[avars[3][5]][10] += ((scr * 2) // 3) avars[avars[3][5]][5] += (scr // 3) avars[avars[3][5]][6] += (scr // 3) elif end == 3: if scr < 4: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 elif end == 4: ret = 0 return (avars, ret) s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale( s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen): class Mnbx(pygame.sprite.Sprite): bxt = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() box = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/box2.png").convert() image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) self.image = self.bxt[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def update(self): self.image = self.bxt[tl] kr = True chngsts = False scr = 0 dnc = 0 cmov = 0 nmov = randint(0, 3) ret = 1 spret = 0 tuts = True strt = False play = False end = 0 def chsprs(chara, dirt, g): sprs = [] bs = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Characters/chara_" + str(chara) + "b.png") ss = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Characters/chara_" + str(chara) + "s.png") opal = [] for i in range(32): opal.append(ss.get_at(((16 + (8 * (i % 2))), (16 + (i // 2))))) bs = palette.palch(bs, g, opal) if dirt: bs = dirty.dirt(bs) ss = palette.palch(ss, g, opal) for i in range(3): a = pygame.Surface([16, 16]) a.fill((0, 255, 255)) a.blit(ss, [-(16 * (i % 2)), -(16 * (i // 2))]) a.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) a.convert() sprs.append(a) s = (bs.get_width() // 4) for i in range(16): spr = pygame.Surface([s, s]).convert() spr.fill((0, 255, 255)) spr.blit(bs, [-(s * (i % 4)), -(s * (i // 4))]) spr.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) sprs.append(spr) return(sprs) def drbx(): tile = Mnbx() tile.update() textbox.blit(tile.image, [tx, ty]) def drhl(): global tx global tl tx = 0 drbx() tl += 1 while tx < 48: tx += 8 drbx() tx = 56 tl += 1 drbx() def dral(): global ty global tl while ty < 16: tl = 3 ty += 8 drhl() def aspr(): if len(avars[0]) > 0: sprs0 = chsprs(avars[0][15], (avars[0][30] == 2), avars[0][14]) else: sprs0 = [] if len(avars[1]) > 0: sprs1 = chsprs(avars[1][15], (avars[1][30] == 2), avars[1][14]) else: sprs1 = [] if len(avars[2]) > 0: sprs2 = chsprs(avars[2][15], (avars[2][30] == 2), avars[2][14]) else: sprs2 = [] asprs = [sprs0, sprs1, sprs2] return(asprs) tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 3, 1) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() tutimg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/concertt.png").convert() playbk = pygame.Surface((240, 160)).convert() f = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/job_1.png").convert() playbk.blit(f, [0, -160]) cncth = [] c = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/concert.png").convert() for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]: h = pygame.Surface((240, 160)).convert() h.blit(c, [-(240 * (i % 2)), -(160 * (i // 2))]) cncth.append(h) emot = [pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/heart2.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/happy.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/shine.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/em.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/qm.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/music2.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/music1.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/heart.png").convert()] poof = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/poof.png").convert() ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() toobad = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/toobad.png").convert() good = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/good.png").convert() great = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/great.png").convert() excellent = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/excellent.png").convert() win = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/happy.png").convert() cry = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/cry.png").convert() money = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/money.png").convert() coin = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/gotchipt.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) textbox = pygame.Surface([240, 64]).convert() textbox.fill((0, 255, 255)) global tl global ty tl = 0 ty = 0 drhl() dral() tl = 6 ty = 24 drhl() textbox.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") while kr: if tuts: screen.blit(tutimg, [0, 0]) elif strt: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(cncth[cmov], [0, 0]) if dnc == cmov: spr = [4, 5, 3, 13, 10, 15, 10, 5][(2 * dnc) + (anifr % 12 > 5)] if nmov > -1: for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]: screen.blit(emot[(2 * nmov) + ((anifr % 12 > 5) == (i % 2))], [[8, 72, 152, 216][i], [112, 32][i % 3 > 0]]) else: spr = 7 screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], (dnc == 2), 0), [[104, 32, 176, 104][dnc], [99, 64][dnc == 3]]) else: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) if end == 3: screen.blit(money, [88, 106]) if anifr < 8: spr = 11 else: if anifr == 8: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[13].play() screen.blit(textbox, [94, 64]) mntxt = fnt.render(str(scr * 125), 1, (0, 0, 100)) screen.blit(mntxt, [(138 - (mntxt.get_width())), 74]) screen.blit(coin, [138, 72]) if scr > 0: spr = 5 else: spr = 6 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(124 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 4: if scr < 8: screen.blit(toobad, [71, 48]) sy = 98 if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 6 else: spr = 7 screen.blit(cry, [56, 90]) else: if scr < 16: screen.blit(good, [94, 48]) elif scr < 24: screen.blit(great, [85, 48]) else: screen.blit(excellent, [51, 48]) if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: sy = 98 spr = 4 else: sy = 90 spr = 5 screen.blit(win, [136, 82]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (sy + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 5: screen.blit(cncth[3], [0, 0]) if anifr < 6: screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][5], [104, 64]) else: screen.blit(poof, [104, 64]) for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]: screen.blit(emot[6 + ((anifr % 12 > 5) == (i % 2))], [[8, 72, 152, 216][i], [112, 32][i % 3 > 0]]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) pb = event.button if pb == 1: if 138 < mp[1] < 158: if 228 < mp[0] < 240: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() return(avars, ret) elif 212 < mp[0] < 224: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() ret = 0 return(avars, ret) if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and tuts: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() tuts = False strt = True anifr = -1 if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 if play and anifr % 6 == 0 and dnc == cmov: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[19 + cmov].play() else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False pygame.mixer.stop() sound[19].play() elif play: if dnc != cmov or nmov == -1: end = 3 play = False else: cmov = nmov nmov = randint(0, 3) p = pygame.mouse.get_pos() d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) p = ((p[0] // d), (p[1] // d)) dnc = (2 * ((2 * p[0]) > (3 * p[1]))) + ((480 - (2 * p[0])) > (3 * p[1])) if dnc == cmov: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[19 + cmov].play() scr += 1 if scr == 24: nmov = -1 else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[12].play() anifr = 12 if not play: if (avars[3][2] + (scr * 125)) < 99999: avars[3][2] += (scr * 125) else: avars[3][2] = 99999 avars[avars[3][5]][6] += scr elif end == 3: if scr < 24 or avars[avars[3][5]][15] != 278 or avars[avars[3][5]][6] < 1000: if scr < 8: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[15].play() end = 5 elif end == 5: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() avars[avars[3][5]][1] = 5 avars = growth.grw(avars) asprs = aspr() spret = 1 end = 4 elif end == 4: ret = spret return(avars, ret) s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale(s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen): class Mnbx(pygame.sprite.Sprite): bxt = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() box = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/box2.png").convert() image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) self.image = self.bxt[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def update(self): self.image = self.bxt[tl] kr = True chngsts = False scr = 0 ret = 1 cpos = -1 npos = -1 tuts = True strt = False play = False end = 0 def chsprs(chara): sprs = [] bs = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Characters/chara_" + str(chara) + "b.png") ss = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Characters/chara_" + str(chara) + "s.png") for i in range(3): a = pygame.Surface([16, 16]) a.fill((0, 255, 255)) a.blit(ss, [-(16 * (i % 2)), -(16 * (i // 2))]) a.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) a.convert() sprs.append(a) s = (bs.get_width() // 4) for i in range(16): spr = pygame.Surface([s, s]).convert() spr.fill((0, 255, 255)) spr.blit(bs, [-(s * (i % 4)), -(s * (i // 4))]) spr.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) sprs.append(spr) return (sprs) def drbx(): tile = Mnbx() tile.update() textbox.blit(tile.image, [tx, ty]) def drhl(): global tx global tl tx = 0 drbx() tl += 1 while tx < 48: tx += 8 drbx() tx = 56 tl += 1 drbx() def dral(): global ty global tl while ty < 16: tl = 3 ty += 8 drhl() tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 3, 1) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() tutimg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/hclasst.png").convert() classbg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/humclass.png").convert() blackbg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/cleanbg.png").convert() ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() poos = [ pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/poo/bpoo1.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/unchikun.png").convert() ] clnob = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/cleanob.png").convert() unclg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/unclog.png").convert() toobad = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/toobad.png").convert() good = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/good.png").convert() great = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/great.png").convert() excellent = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/excellent.png").convert() win = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/happy.png").convert() cry = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/cry.png").convert() money = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/money.png").convert() coin = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/gotchipt.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) textbox = pygame.Surface([240, 64]).convert() textbox.fill((0, 255, 255)) global tl global ty tl = 0 ty = 0 drhl() dral() tl = 6 ty = 24 drhl() textbox.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") while kr: if tuts: screen.blit(tutimg, [0, 0]) elif strt: screen.blit(classbg, [0, 0]) if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(blackbg, [0, 0]) if end == 0: spr = 3 + (cpos == 1) sts = 3 + (anifr % 12 > 5) if cpos > -1: screen.blit(unclg, [14, (76 + (8 * cpos))]) else: spr = 5 + (2 * (npos == cpos)) sts = 5 + (4 * (npos == cpos)) screen.blit(poos[npos != cpos], [14, 76]) screen.blit(clnob, [140, 106]) screen.blit(studs[sts], [168, 106]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [40, 98]) else: screen.blit(classbg, [0, 0]) if end == 3: screen.blit(money, [88, 106]) if anifr < 8: spr = 11 else: if anifr == 8: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[13].play() screen.blit(textbox, [94, 64]) mntxt = fnt.render(str(scr * 800), 1, (0, 0, 100)) screen.blit(mntxt, [(138 - (mntxt.get_width())), 74]) screen.blit(coin, [138, 72]) if scr > 0: spr = 5 else: spr = 6 screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(124 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 4: if scr < 1: screen.blit(toobad, [71, 48]) sy = 98 if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 6 else: spr = 7 screen.blit(cry, [56, 90]) else: if scr < 2: screen.blit(good, [94, 48]) elif scr < 3: screen.blit(great, [85, 48]) else: screen.blit(excellent, [51, 48]) if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: sy = 98 spr = 4 else: sy = 90 spr = 5 screen.blit(win, [136, 82]) screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (sy + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) pb = event.button if pb == 1: if 138 < mp[1] < 158: if 228 < mp[0] < 240: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() return (avars, ret) elif 212 < mp[0] < 224: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() ret = 0 return (avars, ret) if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and tuts: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() tuts = False strt = True anifr = -1 if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ( "%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < (23 + (72 * (play and end == 0))): anifr += 1 if play and end == 0 and anifr % 6 == 0: p = pygame.mouse.get_pos() d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) p = ((p[0] // d), (p[1] // d)) npos = p[1] > 79 if npos == cpos: end = 1 anifr = 11 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[12].play() else: cpos = npos else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False studs = chsprs(randint(49, 132)) elif play: if end == 0: p = pygame.mouse.get_pos() d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) p = ((p[0] // d), (p[1] // d)) npos = p[1] > 79 end = 1 anifr = 11 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[9 + (3 * (npos == cpos))].play() else: if npos != cpos: end = 0 cpos = -1 scr += 1 studs = chsprs(randint(49, 132)) if end == 1 or scr == 3: end = 3 play = False if (avars[3][2] + (scr * 800)) < 99999: avars[3][2] += (scr * 800) else: avars[3][2] = 99999 avars[avars[3][5]][8] += ((scr * 8) // 3) avars[avars[3][5]][6] += ((scr * 4) // 3) avars[avars[3][5]][7] += ((scr * 4) // 3) elif end == 3: if scr < 1: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 elif end == 4: ret = 0 return (avars, ret) s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale( s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def bir(avars, asprs, mate, negg, screen): kr = True scr = 0 name = False ne = False def chsprs(chara, dirt, g): sprs = [] if chara > 0: try: bs = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Characters/chara_" + str(chara) + "b.png") ss = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Characters/chara_" + str(chara) + "s.png") opal = [] for i in range(32): opal.append(ss.get_at(((16 + (8 * (i % 2))), (16 + (i // 2))))) bs = palette.palch(bs, g, opal) if dirt: bs = dirty.dirt(bs) ss = palette.palch(ss, g, opal) except: bs = pygame.image.load("Sprites/NPC/Nazotchi.png") ss = pygame.image.load("Sprites/NPC/Nazo.png") opal = [] for i in range(32): opal.append(ss.get_at(((16 + (8 * (i % 2))), (16 + (i // 2))))) bs = palette.palch(bs, g, opal) ss = palette.palch(ss, g, opal) for i in range(3): a = pygame.Surface([16, 16]) a.fill((0, 255, 255)) a.blit(ss, [-(16 * (i % 2)), -(16 * (i // 2))]) a.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) a.convert() sprs.append(a) s = (bs.get_width() // 4) for i in range(16): spr = pygame.Surface([s, s]).convert() spr.fill((0, 255, 255)) spr.blit(bs, [-(s * (i % 4)), -(s * (i // 4))]) spr.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) sprs.append(spr) else: bs = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Eggs/egg_" + str(-chara) + "b.png") ss = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Eggs/egg_" + str(-chara) + "s.png") for i in range(2): a = pygame.Surface([16, 16]) a.fill((0, 255, 255)) a.blit(ss, [-(16 * (i % 2)), 0]) a.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) a.convert() sprs.append(a) for i in range(4): spr = pygame.Surface([24, 24]).convert() spr.fill((0, 255, 255)) spr.blit(bs, [-(24 * (i % 2)), -(24 * (i // 2))]) spr.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) sprs.append(spr) return(sprs) fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) nw = "" nmwr = fnt.render(nw, 1, (0, 0, 100)) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() boytxt = fnt.render("BOY", 1, (204, 204, 255)) girltxt = fnt.render("GIRL", 1, (255, 204, 204)) wrttxt = fnt.render("WRITE", 1, (102, 102, 255)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() def impvrs(): d ='save_db') if ('egg1' in d): var1 = [d['egg1'], d['charag1'], d['time1'], d['gene1'], d['poo1'], d['int1'], d['sty1'], d['knd1'], d['hum1'], d['gor1'], d['pas1'], d['grp1'], d['grpf1'], d['grpm1'], d['gender1'], d['chara1'], d['hungry1'], d['happy1'], d['weight1'], d['caremiss1'], d['sick1'], d['awake1'], d['chname1'], d['room1'], d['stages1'], d['parent1'], d['pspouse1'], d['gparent1'], d['gpspouse1'] ,d['agen1'], d['dirty1'], d['edu1'], d['frnd1'], d['pttrain1']] else: var1 = [] if ('egg2' in d): var2 = [d['egg2'], d['charag2'], d['time2'], d['gene2'], d['poo2'], d['int2'], d['sty2'], d['knd2'], d['hum2'], d['gor2'], d['pas2'], d['grp2'], d['grpf2'], d['grpm2'], d['gender2'], d['chara2'], d['hungry2'], d['happy2'], d['weight2'], d['caremiss2'], d['sick2'], d['awake2'], d['chname2'], d['room2'], d['stages2'], d['parent2'], d['pspouse2'], d['gparent2'], d['gpspouse2'], d['agen2'], d['dirty2'], d['edu2'], d['frnd2'], d['pttrain2']] else: var2 = [] if ('egg3' in d): var3 = [d['egg3'], d['charag3'], d['time3'], d['gene3'], d['poo3'], d['int3'], d['sty3'], d['knd3'], d['hum3'], d['gor3'], d['pas3'], d['grp3'], d['grpf3'], d['grpm3'], d['gender3'], d['chara3'], d['hungry3'], d['happy3'], d['weight3'], d['caremiss3'], d['sick3'], d['awake3'], d['chname3'], d['room3'], d['stages3'], d['parent3'], d['pspouse3'], d['gparent3'], d['gpspouse3'], d['agen3'], d['dirty3'], d['edu3'], d['frnd3'], d['pttrain3']] else: var3 = [] gvar = [d['uname'], d['bday'], d['money'], d['speed'], d['food'], d['selchara'], d['hour'], d['secs'], d['vol'], d['item'], d['grave'], d['mail'], d['lstdt'], d['border'], d['chegg'], d['kitchen'], d['table'], d['chair'], d['wc'], d['toilet'], d['btoilet'], d['bathr'], d['bath'], d['dex']] avars = [var1, var2, var3, gvar] d.close() return(avars) if len(mate) > 0: if mate[0] == avars[3][0]: try: a = avars[0][14] except: a = 0 try: b = avars[1][14] except: b = 0 try: c = avars[2][14] except: c = 0 l = [a, b, c] if mate[3] in l: varsup.updtvrs(avars) d ='save_db') if mate[3] == l[0]: del d['egg1'] elif mate[3] == l[1]: del d['egg2'] elif mate[3] == l[2]: del d['egg3'] d.close() avars = impvrs() tpborder, btborder = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 0, 0, 0) def aspr(): if len(avars[0]) > 0: if avars[0][1] > 0: sprs0 = chsprs(avars[0][15], (avars[0][30] == 2), avars[0][14]) else: sprs0 = chsprs(0 - avars[0][0], 0, 0) else: sprs0 = [] if len(avars[1]) > 0: if avars[1][1] > 0: sprs1 = chsprs(avars[1][15], (avars[1][30] == 2), avars[1][14]) else: sprs1 = chsprs(0 - avars[1][0], 0, 0) else: sprs1 = [] if len(avars[2]) > 0: if avars[2][1] > 0: sprs2 = chsprs(avars[2][15], (avars[2][30] == 2), avars[2][14]) else: sprs2 = chsprs(0 - avars[2][0], 0, 0) else: sprs2 = [] asprs = [sprs0, sprs1, sprs2] return(asprs) def drawbg(): try: if pygame.image.load(avars[avars[3][5]][23]).get_rect().size == (240, 160): bgi = pygame.image.load(avars[avars[3][5]][23]).convert() else: bgi = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() bgi.fill((51, 51, 204)) bgi.blit(fnt.render("IMAGE SIZE IS", 1, (255, 255, 255)), [8, 34]) bgi.blit(fnt.render("INCORRECT!!!", 1, (255, 255, 255)), [8, 50]) bgi.blit(fnt.render("DO NOT MESS", 1, (255, 255, 255)), [8, 66]) bgi.blit(fnt.render("WITH THE", 1, (255, 255, 255)), [8, 82]) bgi.blit(fnt.render("GAME FILES!", 1, (255, 255, 255)), [8, 98]) except pygame.error: bgi = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() bgi.fill((51, 51, 204)) bgi.blit(fnt.render("ERROR 404:", 1, (255, 255, 255)), [8, 34]) bgi.blit(fnt.render("BACKGROUND IMAGE", 1, (255, 255, 255)), [8, 50]) bgi.blit(fnt.render("NOT FOUND", 1, (255, 255, 255)), [8, 66]) if int(time.strftime("%m")) == 12 and int(time.strftime("%d")) > 19: bgi.blit(pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/xmasbg.png").convert(), [0, 0]) elif int(time.strftime("%m")) == 1 and int(time.strftime("%d")) < 11: bgi.blit(pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/newyearbg.png").convert(), [0, 0]) elif int(time.strftime("%m")) == 3 and int(time.strftime("%d")) < 11: bgi.blit(pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/girlsbg.png").convert(), [0, 0]) elif int(time.strftime("%m")) == 4 and int(time.strftime("%d")) < 11: bgi.blit(pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/hanamibg.png").convert(), [0, 0]) elif int(time.strftime("%m")) == 5 and int(time.strftime("%d")) < 11: bgi.blit(pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/boysbg.png").convert(), [0, 0]) elif int(time.strftime("%m")) == 7 and int(time.strftime("%d")) < 11: bgi.blit(pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/tanabatabg.png").convert(), [0, 0]) elif int(time.strftime("%m")) == 8 and 10 < int(time.strftime("%d")) < 21: bgi.blit(pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/firewkbg.png").convert(), [0, 0]) elif (int(time.strftime("%m")) == 10 and int(time.strftime("%d")) > 25) or (int(time.strftime("%m")) == 11 and int(time.strftime("%d")) < 5): bgi.blit(pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/haweenbg.png").convert(), [0, 0]) if (time.strftime("%m") + time.strftime("%d")) == avars[3][1]: bgi.blit(pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/bdaybg.png").convert(), [0, 0]) return(bgi) bgi = drawbg() eggs = chsprs(-(negg[0]), 0, 0) sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") while kr: screen.blit(bgi, [0, 0]) if scr == 0: screen.blit(eggs[2 + (anifr % 12 > 5)], [108, 106]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(asprs[avars[3][5]][16], 1, 0), [72, 98]) elif scr == 1: if anifr < 132: screen.blit(eggs[4], [(107 + (2 * (anifr % 6 > 2))), 106]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(asprs[avars[3][5]][4 + (5 * (anifr % 12 > 5))], 1, 0), [72, 98]) else: if anifr == 132: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[8].play() screen.blit(babys[5], [112, 107]) screen.blit(eggs[5], [108, 106]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(asprs[avars[3][5]][5], 1, 0), [72, 98]) elif scr == 2: screen.blit(babys[11 + (anifr % 12 > 5)], [112, 114]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(asprs[avars[3][5]][6], 1, 0), [72, 98]) elif scr == 3: if anifr < 24: screen.blit(babys[5 + (5 * (anifr % 12 > 5))], [104, 106]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(asprs[avars[3][5]][5 + (10 * (anifr % 12 > 5))], 1, 0), [72, 98]) elif anifr < 48: screen.blit(babys[4 + (2 * (anifr % 12 > 5))], [112, 114]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(asprs[avars[3][5]][3 + (anifr % 12 > 5)], 1, 0), [72, 98]) elif anifr < 60: screen.blit(babys[18], [112, 114]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(asprs[avars[3][5]][12], 1, 0), [72, 98]) elif anifr < 108: screen.blit(babys[18], [112, 114]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(asprs[avars[3][5]][6 + (anifr % 12 > 5)], 1, 0), [72, 98]) elif anifr < 132: screen.blit(babys[18], [112, 114]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][11 + (2 * (anifr % 12 < 6))], [(48 - (24 * ((anifr - 108) // 6))), (98 - (2 * (anifr % 12 < 6)))]) else: screen.blit(babys[9], [112, 114]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, 0, fnt, name, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[12].play() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if name and scr == 2: if pygame.K_a <= event.key <= pygame.K_z: ltr = chr(event.key) if len(nw) < 8: nw = (nw + str(ltr)).upper() nmwr = fnt.render(nw, 1, (0, 0, 100)) ne = True if event.key == pygame.K_BACKSPACE: if len(nw) != 0: if len(nw) == 1: ne = False nw = nw[:len(nw) - 1] nmwr = fnt.render(nw, 1, (0, 0, 100)) if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN: if ne: avars[avars[3][5]][2] = 0 avars[avars[3][5]][22] = nw anifr = 0 scr = 3 if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 if name and scr == 2: genbk= pygame.Surface([240, 24]).convert() if avars[avars[3][5]][14] % 2 == 0: genbk.fill((0, 0, 100)) genbk.blit(boytxt, [102, 4]) else: genbk.fill((100, 0, 0)) genbk.blit(girltxt, [96, 4]) screen.blit(genbk, [0, 24]) screen.blit(nmwr, [67, 6]) if not ne: screen.blit(wrttxt, [67, 6]) else: screen.blit((fnt.render(avars[avars[3][5]][22], 1, (0, 0, 100))), [67, 6]) if anifr < 143: anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if scr == 0: scr = 1 name = True #print(negg) #print(avars[avars[3][5]][11]) #print(avars[avars[3][5]][12]) #print(avars[avars[3][5]][13]) #print(avars[avars[3][5]][14]) p = ["PARK", avars[avars[3][5]][22], avars[avars[3][5]][15], avars[avars[3][5]][14], avars[avars[3][5]][13], avars[avars[3][5]][12], avars[avars[3][5]][11], [avars[avars[3][5]][2], 0], 0] avars[avars[3][5]][27] = avars[avars[3][5]][25] avars[avars[3][5]][28] = avars[avars[3][5]][26] avars[avars[3][5]][25] = [avars[avars[3][5]][14], avars[avars[3][5]][15], avars[avars[3][5]][22], avars[avars[3][5]][24], avars[avars[3][5]][12], avars[avars[3][5]][13]] if len(mate) > 0: q = ["PARK", mate[1], mate[2], mate[3], mate[4], mate[5], mate[6], [avars[avars[3][5]][2], 0], 0] avars[avars[3][5]][26] = [mate[3], mate[2], mate[4], mate[5]] else: avars[avars[3][5]][26] = [] a = avars[avars[3][5]][29] a.append([avars[avars[3][5]][14], avars[avars[3][5]][15], avars[avars[3][5]][24]]) avars[avars[3][5]][0] = negg[0] avars[avars[3][5]][1] = 1 avars[avars[3][5]][2] = 0 avars[avars[3][5]][3] += 1 avars[avars[3][5]][4] = 0 avars[avars[3][5]][5] = 0 avars[avars[3][5]][6] = 0 avars[avars[3][5]][7] = 0 avars[avars[3][5]][8] = 0 avars[avars[3][5]][9] = 0 avars[avars[3][5]][10] = 0 avars[avars[3][5]][11] = negg[1] if negg[0] < 9: avars[avars[3][5]][12] = negg[1] avars[avars[3][5]][13] = negg[2] avars[avars[3][5]][14] = negg[3] avars[avars[3][5]][15] = 0 avars[avars[3][5]][16] = 0 avars[avars[3][5]][17] = 0 avars[avars[3][5]][18] = 5 avars[avars[3][5]][19] = 0 avars[avars[3][5]][20] = False avars[avars[3][5]][21] = True avars[avars[3][5]][22] = "" avars[avars[3][5]][24] = [] avars[avars[3][5]][30] = 0 avars[avars[3][5]][31] = 0 if len(mate) > 0: avars[avars[3][5]][32] = [p, q] else: avars[avars[3][5]][32] = [p] avars[avars[3][5]][33] = 0 avars = growth.grw(avars) babys = chsprs(avars[avars[3][5]][15], 0, avars[avars[3][5]][14]) #print(avars[avars[3][5]][11]) #print(avars[avars[3][5]][12]) #print(avars[avars[3][5]][13]) #print(avars[avars[3][5]][14]) pygame.mixer.stop() sound[7].play() elif scr == 1: scr = 2 elif scr == 3: #print(avars[avars[3][5]][25]) #print(avars[avars[3][5]][26]) #print(avars[avars[3][5]][27]) #print(avars[avars[3][5]][28]) #print(avars[avars[3][5]][29]) pygame.mixer.stop() sound[0].play() return(avars) r = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() r.blit(screen, [0, 0]) r = pygame.transform.scale(r, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(r, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen): class Mnbx(pygame.sprite.Sprite): bxt = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() box = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/box2.png").convert() image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) self.image = self.bxt[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def update(self): self.image = self.bxt[tl] kr = True chngsts = False spclk = False scr = 0 ret = 1 prsb = 4 cord = 4 ncrd = randint(0, 3) tuts = True strt = False play = False end = 0 def drbx(): tile = Mnbx() tile.update() textbox.blit(tile.image, [tx, ty]) def drhl(): global tx global tl tx = 0 drbx() tl += 1 while tx < 48: tx += 8 drbx() tx = 56 tl += 1 drbx() def dral(): global ty global tl while ty < 16: tl = 3 ty += 8 drhl() tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 3, 1) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() tutimg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/dshtt.png").convert() gamebk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/gamecenter.png").convert() playbk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/dshtbg.png").convert() scrfl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/dshtscrl.png").convert() dsho1 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/dsht1.png") dshot = [] for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]: a = pygame.Surface((8, 8)).convert() a.blit(playbk, [-(8 * i), 0]) a.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) dshot.append(a) dsho2 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/dsht2.png").convert() ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() readyb = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/readyb.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() gob = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/gob.png").convert() toobad = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/toobad.png").convert() good = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/good.png").convert() great = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/great.png").convert() excellent = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/excellent.png").convert() win = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/happy.png").convert() cry = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/cry.png").convert() con1 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt1.png").convert() con2 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt2.png").convert() con3 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt3.png").convert() money = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/money.png").convert() coin = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/gotchipt.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) textbox = pygame.Surface([240, 64]).convert() textbox.fill((0, 255, 255)) global tl global ty tl = 0 ty = 0 drhl() dral() tl = 6 ty = 24 drhl() textbox.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) pygame.key.set_repeat() if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") while kr: if tuts: screen.blit(tutimg, [0, 0]) elif strt: screen.blit(gamebk, [0, 0]) if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(readyb, [0, 0]) screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(gob, [0, 0]) screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) if anifr < 12: screen.blit(scrfl, [40, 112]) spr = 11 + (2 * (anifr > 11)) - (4 * (end == 2 and scr < 12)) if end == 0 and anifr > 11: screen.blit(dsho1, [196, 72]) screen.blit(dshot[ncrd], [196, 72]) elif end > 0: if anifr < 12: screen.blit(dsho1, [80, 72]) screen.blit(dshot[ncrd], [80, 72]) else: if end == 1: screen.blit(dsho2, [16, 72]) screen.blit(dsho1, [196, 72]) screen.blit(dshot[ncrd], [196, 72]) else: if scr < 12: screen.blit(dsho1, [44, 72]) screen.blit(dshot[ncrd], [44, 72]) else: screen.blit(dsho2, [16, 72]) screen.blit( pygame.transform.flip(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], 1, (end == 2 and scr < 12)), [(32 - (16 * ((end == 2 and scr < 12))) + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 - (16 * (anifr > 11)) + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) else: screen.blit(gamebk, [0, 0]) if end == 3: screen.blit(money, [88, 106]) if anifr < 8: spr = 11 else: if anifr == 8: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[13].play() screen.blit(textbox, [94, 64]) mntxt = fnt.render(str(scr * 15), 1, (0, 0, 100)) screen.blit(mntxt, [(134 - (mntxt.get_width())), 74]) screen.blit(coin, [138, 72]) if scr > 0: spr = 5 else: spr = 6 screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(124 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 4: if scr < 4: screen.blit(toobad, [71, 48]) sy = 98 if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 6 else: spr = 7 screen.blit(cry, [56, 90]) else: if scr < 8: screen.blit(good, [94, 48]) elif scr < 12: screen.blit(great, [85, 48]) else: screen.blit(excellent, [51, 48]) if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: sy = 98 spr = 4 else: sy = 90 spr = 5 screen.blit(win, [136, 82]) screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (sy + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 5: if anifr < 12: screen.blit(con1, [0, 24]) spr = 3 elif anifr < 16: screen.blit(con2, [0, 24]) spr = 9 else: screen.blit(con3, [0, 24]) spr = 10 screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key in [303, 304]: spclk = True if event.type == KEYUP: if event.key in [303, 304]: spclk = False if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) pb = event.button + (spclk * (3 - (event.button > 2))) if pb == 1: if 138 < mp[1] < 158: if 228 < mp[0] < 240: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() return (avars, ret) elif 212 < mp[0] < 224: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() ret = 0 return (avars, ret) if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and tuts: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() tuts = False strt = True anifr = -1 if 24 < mp[1] < 136 and end == 1 and play and anifr < 12 and ( pb != 2 and pb < 6): prsb = [1, 3, 4, 5].index(pb) if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ( "%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False elif play: if end == 0: end = 1 elif end == 2: end = 3 play = False if (avars[avars[3][5]][17] + (scr // 4)) < 6: avars[avars[3][5]][17] += (scr // 4) else: avars[avars[3][5]][17] = 6 if (avars[3][2] + (scr * 15)) < 99999: avars[3][2] += (scr * 15) else: avars[3][2] = 99999 if (avars[avars[3][5]][18] - (scr // 4)) > 1: avars[avars[3][5]][18] -= (scr // 4) else: avars[avars[3][5]][18] = 1 avars[avars[3][5]][10] += (scr * 2) // 3 elif end == 3: if scr < 12: if scr < 4: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[15].play() end = 5 elif end == 5: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 elif end == 4: ret = 0 return (avars, ret) if end == 1 and anifr % 12 == 0: if anifr == 0: cord = ncrd else: if cord == prsb: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[9].play() scr += 1 ncrd = randint(0, 3) if scr == 12: end = 2 else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[12].play() end = 2 s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale( s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen): class Mnbx(pygame.sprite.Sprite): bxt = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() box = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/box2.png").convert() image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) self.image = self.bxt[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def update(self): self.image = self.bxt[tl] kr = True chngsts = False scr = 0 ret = 1 spret = 0 tuts = True strt = False play = False end = 0 des = -1 def chsprs(chara, dirt, g): sprs = [] bs = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Characters/chara_" + str(chara) + "b.png") ss = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Characters/chara_" + str(chara) + "s.png") opal = [] for i in range(32): opal.append(ss.get_at(((16 + (8 * (i % 2))), (16 + (i // 2))))) bs = palette.palch(bs, g, opal) if dirt: bs = dirty.dirt(bs) ss = palette.palch(ss, g, opal) for i in range(3): a = pygame.Surface([16, 16]) a.fill((0, 255, 255)) a.blit(ss, [-(16 * (i % 2)), -(16 * (i // 2))]) a.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) a.convert() sprs.append(a) s = (bs.get_width() // 4) for i in range(16): spr = pygame.Surface([s, s]).convert() spr.fill((0, 255, 255)) spr.blit(bs, [-(s * (i % 4)), -(s * (i // 4))]) spr.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) sprs.append(spr) return(sprs) def drbx(): tile = Mnbx() tile.update() textbox.blit(tile.image, [tx, ty]) def drhl(): global tx global tl tx = 0 drbx() tl += 1 while tx < 48: tx += 8 drbx() tx = 56 tl += 1 drbx() def dral(): global ty global tl while ty < 16: tl = 3 ty += 8 drhl() def aspr(): if len(avars[0]) > 0: sprs0 = chsprs(avars[0][15], (avars[0][30] == 2), avars[0][14]) else: sprs0 = [] if len(avars[1]) > 0: sprs1 = chsprs(avars[1][15], (avars[1][30] == 2), avars[1][14]) else: sprs1 = [] if len(avars[2]) > 0: sprs2 = chsprs(avars[2][15], (avars[2][30] == 2), avars[2][14]) else: sprs2 = [] asprs = [sprs0, sprs1, sprs2] return(asprs) def vals(): artist = chsprs(randint(217, 258), 0, randint(0, 4294967295)) a = randint(217, 258) g = randint(0, 4294967295) poser = chsprs(a, 0, g) pose = randint(3, 10) wrong = randint(0, 1) if not wrong: iposer = poser ipose = pose else: t = randint(0, 3) if t == 3: ipose = randint(3, 10) while pose == ipose: ipose = randint(3, 10) iposer = poser else: ipose = pose if g & [4026531840, 251658240, 15728640][t] == [4026531840, 251658240, 15728640][t]: g = g & [268435455, 4043309055, 4279238655][t] else: g = g | [4026531840, 251658240, 15728640][t] iposer = chsprs(a, 0, g) return(artist, poser, pose, wrong, iposer, ipose) tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 3, 1) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() tutimg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/artt.png").convert() playbk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/art.png").convert() artist, poser, pose, wrong, iposer, ipose = vals() poof = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/poof.png").convert() ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() toobad = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/toobad.png").convert() good = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/good.png").convert() great = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/great.png").convert() excellent = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/excellent.png").convert() win = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/happy.png").convert() cry = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/cry.png").convert() money = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/money.png").convert() coin = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/gotchipt.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) textbox = pygame.Surface([240, 64]).convert() textbox.fill((0, 255, 255)) global tl global ty tl = 0 ty = 0 drhl() dral() tl = 6 ty = 24 drhl() textbox.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") while kr: if tuts: screen.blit(tutimg, [0, 0]) elif strt: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) if end == 0: arts = 3 + (anifr % 12 > 5) screen.blit(poser[pose], [152, 98]) elif end == 1: arts = 3 + (anifr % 12 > 5) screen.blit(iposer[ipose], [104, 72]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][6], [152, 98]) else: arts = [9, 5, 7][(wrong == des) * (wrong + 1)] screen.blit(poser[pose], [104, 72]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][[9, 5, 8][(wrong == des) * (wrong + 1)]], [152, 98]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(artist[arts], 1, 0), [56, 98]) else: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) if end == 3: screen.blit(money, [88, 106]) if anifr < 8: spr = 11 else: if anifr == 8: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[13].play() screen.blit(textbox, [94, 64]) mntxt = fnt.render(str(scr * 200), 1, (0, 0, 100)) screen.blit(mntxt, [(138 - (mntxt.get_width())), 74]) screen.blit(coin, [138, 72]) if scr > 0: spr = 5 else: spr = 6 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(124 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 4: if scr < 4: screen.blit(toobad, [71, 48]) sy = 98 if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 6 else: spr = 7 screen.blit(cry, [56, 90]) else: if scr < 8: screen.blit(good, [94, 48]) elif scr < 12: screen.blit(great, [85, 48]) else: screen.blit(excellent, [51, 48]) if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: sy = 98 spr = 4 else: sy = 90 spr = 5 screen.blit(win, [136, 82]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (sy + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 5: if anifr < 6: screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][9], [104, 72]) else: screen.blit(poof, [104, 72]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) pb = event.button if pb == 1: if 138 < mp[1] < 158: if 228 < mp[0] < 240: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() return(avars, ret) elif 212 < mp[0] < 224: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() ret = 0 return(avars, ret) if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and tuts: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() tuts = False strt = True anifr = -1 if pb in [1, 3] and (24 < mp[1] < 136) and play and end == 1: des = pb // 2 if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False elif play: if end == 0: end = 1 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[2].play() elif end == 1: end = 2 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[9 + (3 * (wrong != des))].play() else: if wrong == des: scr += 1 end = 0 artist, poser, pose, wrong, iposer, ipose = vals() des = -1 if scr == 12 or end == 2: end = 3 play = False if (avars[3][2] + (scr * 200)) < 99999: avars[3][2] += (scr * 200) else: avars[3][2] = 99999 avars[avars[3][5]][9] += ((scr * 4) // 3) avars[avars[3][5]][7] += ((scr * 2) // 3) elif end == 3: if scr < 12 or avars[avars[3][5]][15] != 283 or avars[avars[3][5]][9] < 667 or avars[avars[3][5]][7] < 334: if scr < 4: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[15].play() end = 5 elif end == 5: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() avars[avars[3][5]][1] = 5 avars = growth.grw(avars) asprs = aspr() spret = 1 end = 4 elif end == 4: ret = spret return(avars, ret) s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale(s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen, fsprs): kr = True chngsts = False strt = True play = False ywn = -1 wait = True tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 3, 0) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() shine = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/shine.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) lfnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama1.ttf", 16) bck = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/gurugurut.png").convert() gbck = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/gurugurug.png").convert() brush = pygame.Surface((16, 16)) brush.fill((0, 255, 255)) brush.blit(gbck, [0, 0]) brush.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) brush.convert() c1 = ((randint(0, 5) * 51), (randint(0, 5) * 51), (randint(0, 5) * 51)) c4 = ((randint(0, 5) * 51), (randint(0, 5) * 51), (randint(0, 5) * 51)) c2 = ((c1[0] - ((c1[0] - c4[0]) // 3)), (c1[1] - ((c1[1] - c4[1]) // 3)), (c1[2] - ((c1[2] - c4[2]) // 3))) c3 = ((c4[0] + ((c1[0] - c4[0]) // 3)), (c4[1] + ((c1[1] - c4[1]) // 3)), (c4[2] + ((c1[2] - c4[2]) // 3))) rainb = pygame.Surface((240, 32)) rainb.fill((0, 255, 255)) pygame.draw.rect(rainb, c2, (0, 8, 240, 8)) pygame.draw.rect(rainb, c3, (0, 16, 240, 8)) rainb.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) rainb.convert() ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() wint = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/win.png").convert() loset = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/lose.png").convert() clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() while kr: if strt: screen.blit(bck, [0, 0]) if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(136 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen.blit(fsprs[spr], [(72 + ((32 - fsprs[spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - fsprs[spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(gbck, [0, 0]) if ywn < 0: screen.blit(rainb, [0, 80]) spr = 11 + (anifr % 12 > 5) frs = 11 + (anifr % 12 < 6) screen.blit(shine, [(32 + (160 * (anifr % 12 < 6))), 96]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(brush, 1, 0), [(80 + (8 * (anifr % 12 < 6))), 80]) screen.blit(brush, [(144 - (8 * (anifr % 12 > 5))), 104]) else: if anifr < 12: screen.blit(rainb, [0, (64 - (16 * (anifr > 5)))]) spr = 3 + (anifr > 5) frs = 3 + (anifr < 6) else: screen.blit(rainb, [0, 32]) if anifr == 12: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[12 - (3 * ywn)].play() spr = 7 - (2 * ywn) frs = 5 + (2 * ywn) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(160 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(fsprs[frs], 1, 0), [(48 + ((32 - fsprs[spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - fsprs[spr].get_height()))]) else: screen.blit(bck, [0, 0]) if ywn: screen.blit(wint, [78, 48]) else: screen.blit(loset, [65, 48]) if anifr % 12 < 6: spr = 6 - (2 * ywn) frs = 4 + (2 * ywn) else: spr = 7 - (2 * ywn) frs = 5 + (2 * ywn) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(136 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen.blit(fsprs[frs], [(72 + ((32 - fsprs[frs].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - fsprs[frs].get_height()))]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False elif play and wait: wait = False rainb = pygame.Surface((240, 32)) rainb.fill((0, 255, 255)) pygame.draw.rect(rainb, c1, (0, 0, 60, 8)) pygame.draw.rect(rainb, c2, (0, 8, 240, 8)) pygame.draw.rect(rainb, c3, (0, 16, 240, 8)) pygame.draw.rect(rainb, c4, (180, 24, 60, 8)) rainb.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) rainb.convert() elif play and ywn < 0: ywn = randint(0, 1) pygame.draw.rect(rainb, c1, (0, 0, (120 * (2 - ywn)), 8)) pygame.draw.rect(rainb, c2, (0, 8, 240, 8)) pygame.draw.rect(rainb, c3, (0, 16, 240, 8)) pygame.draw.rect(rainb, c4, ((120 * (not ywn)), 24, (120 * (1 + ywn)), 8)) rainb.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) pygame.mixer.stop() sound[3].play() elif play: play = False if ywn: if avars[avars[3][5]][17] < 6: avars[avars[3][5]][17] += 1 avars[avars[3][5]][6] += 10 avars[avars[3][5]][9] += 10 elif not ywn and avars[avars[3][5]][17] > 0: avars[avars[3][5]][17] -= 1 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14 - (13 * ywn)].play() elif not play: return(avars) s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale(s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen): class Mnbx(pygame.sprite.Sprite): bxt = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() box = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/box2.png").convert() image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) self.image = self.bxt[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def update(self): self.image = self.bxt[tl] kr = True chngsts = False spclk = False scr = 0 ret = 1 btlt = ["up", "down", "right", "left"] tcnt = 0 prsb = 4 tuts = True strt = False play = False end = 0 def drbx(): tile = Mnbx() tile.update() textbox.blit(tile.image, [tx, ty]) def drhl(): global tx global tl tx = 0 drbx() tl += 1 while tx < 48: tx += 8 drbx() tx = 56 tl += 1 drbx() def dral(): global ty global tl while ty < 16: tl = 3 ty += 8 drhl() tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 3, 1) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() tutimg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/countst.png").convert() gamebk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/gamecenter.png").convert() playbk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/cards.png").convert() spade = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/spade.png").convert() heart = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/heart.png").convert() club = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/club.png").convert() dia = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/dia.png").convert() slst = [spade, heart, club, dia] sspade = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/sspade.png").convert() sheart = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/sheart.png").convert() sclub = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/sclub.png").convert() sdia = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/sdia.png").convert() sbx = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/shbox.png").convert() mcbi = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/whsmb.png").convert() msbi = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/whsms.png").convert() cntl = [0, 0, 0, 0] ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() readyb = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/readyb.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() gob = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/gob.png").convert() toobad = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/toobad.png").convert() good = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/good.png").convert() great = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/great.png").convert() excellent = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/excellent.png").convert() win = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/happy.png").convert() cry = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/cry.png").convert() con1 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt1.png").convert() con2 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt2.png").convert() con3 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt3.png").convert() money = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/money.png").convert() coin = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/gotchipt.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) textbox = pygame.Surface([240, 64]).convert() textbox.fill((0, 255, 255)) global tl global ty tl = 0 ty = 0 drhl() dral() tl = 6 ty = 24 drhl() textbox.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") while kr: if tuts: screen.blit(tutimg, [0, 0]) elif strt: screen.blit(gamebk, [0, 0]) if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(readyb, [0, 0]) screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(gob, [0, 0]) screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) screen.blit(sbx, [36, 60]) screen.blit(sbx, [84, 60]) screen.blit(sbx, [132, 60]) screen.blit(sbx, [180, 60]) screen.blit(mcbi, [44, 88]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(mcbi, 1, 0), [92, 88]) screen.blit(msbi, [140, 88]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(msbi, 0, 1), [188, 88]) if end == 0: screen.blit(slst[addst], [(36 + (48 * addst)), (36 - (8 * nega))]) if end < 2: spr = 3 screen.blit(sspade, [36, 60]) screen.blit(sheart, [84, 60]) screen.blit(sclub, [132, 60]) screen.blit(sdia, [180, 60]) else: spr = 7 - (2 * (cntl.index(max(cntl)) == prsb)) screen.blit((fnt.render(str(cntl[0]), 1, (0, 0, 204))), [44, 70]) screen.blit((fnt.render(str(cntl[1]), 1, (204, 0, 0))), [92, 70]) screen.blit((fnt.render(str(cntl[2]), 1, (0, 204, 0))), [140, 70]) screen.blit((fnt.render(str(cntl[3]), 1, (204, 153, 0))), [188, 70]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) else: screen.blit(gamebk, [0, 0]) if end == 3: screen.blit(money, [88, 106]) if anifr < 8: spr = 11 else: if anifr == 8: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[13].play() screen.blit(textbox, [94, 64]) mntxt = fnt.render(str(scr * 30), 1, (0, 0, 100)) screen.blit(mntxt, [(134 - (mntxt.get_width())), 74]) screen.blit(coin, [138, 72]) if scr > 0: spr = 5 else: spr = 6 screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(124 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 4: if scr < 2: screen.blit(toobad, [71, 48]) sy = 98 if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 6 else: spr = 7 screen.blit(cry, [56, 90]) else: if scr < 4: screen.blit(good, [94, 48]) elif scr < 6: screen.blit(great, [85, 48]) else: screen.blit(excellent, [51, 48]) if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: sy = 98 spr = 4 else: sy = 90 spr = 5 screen.blit(win, [136, 82]) screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (sy + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 5: if anifr < 12: screen.blit(con1, [0, 24]) spr = 3 elif anifr < 16: screen.blit(con2, [0, 24]) spr = 9 else: screen.blit(con3, [0, 24]) spr = 10 screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key in [303, 304]: spclk = True if event.type == KEYUP: if event.key in [303, 304]: spclk = False if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) pb = event.button + (spclk * (3 - (event.button > 2))) if pb == 1: if 138 < mp[1] < 158: if 228 < mp[0] < 240: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() return (avars, ret) elif 212 < mp[0] < 224: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() ret = 0 return (avars, ret) if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and tuts: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() tuts = False strt = True anifr = -1 if 24 < mp[1] < 136 and end == 1 and (pb != 2 and pb < 6): anifr = 19 prsb = [1, 3, 4, 5].index(pb) end = 2 if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ( "%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False elif play: if end == 0: tcnt += 1 if tcnt == 4: tcnt = 0 end = 1 elif end == 1: play = False end = 3 elif end == 2: if cntl.index(max(cntl)) == prsb: scr += 1 prsb = 0 end = 0 cntl = [0, 0, 0, 0] if scr == 6: play = False end = 3 else: play = False end = 3 if not play: if (avars[avars[3][5]][17] + (scr // 2)) < 6: avars[avars[3][5]][17] += (scr // 2) else: avars[avars[3][5]][17] = 6 if (avars[3][2] + (scr * 30)) < 99999: avars[3][2] += (scr * 30) else: avars[3][2] = 99999 avars[avars[3][5]][5] += (scr * 4) // 3 elif end == 3: if scr < 6: if scr < 2: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[15].play() end = 5 elif end == 5: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 elif end == 4: ret = 0 return (avars, ret) if anifr % 6 == 0 and end == 0 and play: nega = randint(0, (sum(cntl) > 0)) addst = randint(0, 3) if nega: while cntl[addst] == 0: addst = randint(0, 3) p = cntl[addst] cntl[addst] += 1 - (2 * nega) if anifr == 18 and tcnt == 3: while cntl.count(max(cntl)) > 1: cntl[addst] = p nega = randint(0, (sum(cntl) > 0)) addst = randint(0, 3) if nega: while cntl[addst] == 0: addst = randint(0, 3) cntl[addst] += 1 - (2 * nega) s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale( s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen, fsprs, ywn): class Mnbx(pygame.sprite.Sprite): bxt = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() box = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/box2.png").convert() image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) self.image = self.bxt[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def update(self): self.image = self.bxt[tl] kr = True chngsts = False gmst = 0 strt = True play = False def drbx(): tile = Mnbx() tile.update() textbox.blit(tile.image, [tx, ty]) def drhl(): global tx global tl tx = 0 drbx() tl += 1 while tx < 48: tx += 8 drbx() tx = 56 tl += 1 drbx() def dral(): global ty global tl while ty < 16: tl = 3 ty += 8 drhl() def monani(): if gmst < 2: if anifr % 12 < 6: spr = 3 frs = 3 else: spr = 4 frs = 4 else: if anifr < 12: spr = 11 frs = 11 else: spr = 7 - (2 * ywn) frs = 5 + (2 * ywn) return(spr, frs) tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 4, 0) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) lfnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama1.ttf", 16) bck = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congamesbg.png").convert() bck.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][1], [(193 + ((16 - asprs[avars[3][5]][1].get_width()) // 2)), (69 + ((16 - asprs[avars[3][5]][1].get_height()) // 2))]) bck.blit(fsprs[1], [(31 + ((16 - fsprs[1].get_width()) // 2)), (47 + ((16 - fsprs[1].get_height()) // 2))]) ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() wint = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/win.png").convert() loset = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/lose.png").convert() money = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/money.png").convert() coin = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/gotchipt.png").convert() textbox = pygame.Surface([240, 64]).convert() textbox.fill((0, 255, 255)) global tl global ty tl = 0 ty = 0 drhl() dral() tl = 6 ty = 24 drhl() textbox.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() while kr: screen.blit(bck, [0, 0]) if strt: if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(136 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen.blit(fsprs[spr], [(72 + ((32 - fsprs[spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - fsprs[spr].get_height()))]) elif play: spr, frs = monani() if gmst == 0: screen.blit(money, [112, 102]) screen.blit(money, [108, 106]) screen.blit(coin, [(98 + (8 * (anifr % 12 > 5))), (90 + (8 * (anifr % 12 > 5)))]) screen.blit(coin, [(132 - (8 * (anifr % 12 > 5))), (90 + (8 * (anifr % 12 > 5)))]) elif gmst == 1: screen.blit(money, [(104 + (8 * (anifr % 12 < 6))), 106]) screen.blit(money, [(112 - (8 * (anifr % 12 < 6))), 106]) elif gmst == 2: screen.blit(money, [46, 106]) screen.blit(money, [170, 106]) if anifr > 11: screen.blit(textbox, [52, 64]) mntxt = fnt.render(str((not ywn) * 200), 1, (0, 0, 100)) screen.blit(mntxt, [(92 - (mntxt.get_width())), 74]) screen.blit(coin, [96, 72]) screen.blit(textbox, [176, 64]) mntxt = fnt.render(str(ywn * 200), 1, (0, 0, 100)) screen.blit(mntxt, [(216 - (mntxt.get_width())), 74]) screen.blit(coin, [220, 72]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], gmst > 1, 0), [(148 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(fsprs[frs], gmst < 2, 0), [(60 + ((32 - fsprs[frs].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - fsprs[frs].get_height()))]) else: if ywn: screen.blit(wint, [78, 48]) else: screen.blit(loset, [65, 48]) if anifr % 12 < 6: spr = 6 - (2 * ywn) frs = 4 + (2 * ywn) else: spr = 7 - (2 * ywn) frs = 5 + (2 * ywn) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(136 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen.blit(fsprs[frs], [(72 + ((32 - fsprs[frs].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - fsprs[frs].get_height()))]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 if play and gmst == 2 and anifr == 12: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[13].play() else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False elif play: if gmst < 2: gmst += 1 if gmst == 2: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[9].play() else: play = False if ywn: if (avars[3][2] + 100) < 99999: avars[3][2] += 100 else: avars[3][2] = 99999 else: avars[3][2] -= 100 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14 - (13 * ywn)].play() else: return(avars) s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale(s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen): class Mnbx(pygame.sprite.Sprite): bxt = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() box = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/box2.png").convert() image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) self.image = self.bxt[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def update(self): self.image = self.bxt[tl] kr = True chngsts = False scr = 0 ret = 1 tuts = True strt = False play = False end = 0 seq = [randint(0, 3), randint(0, 3), randint(0, 3)] turn = 0 def chsprs(chara): sprs = [] bs = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Characters/chara_" + str(chara) + "b.png") ss = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Characters/chara_" + str(chara) + "s.png") for i in range(3): a = pygame.Surface([16, 16]) a.fill((0, 255, 255)) a.blit(ss, [-(16 * (i % 2)), -(16 * (i // 2))]) a.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) a.convert() sprs.append(a) s = (bs.get_width() // 4) for i in range(16): spr = pygame.Surface([s, s]).convert() spr.fill((0, 255, 255)) spr.blit(bs, [-(s * (i % 4)), -(s * (i // 4))]) spr.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) sprs.append(spr) return (sprs) def drbx(): tile = Mnbx() tile.update() textbox.blit(tile.image, [tx, ty]) def drhl(): global tx global tl tx = 0 drbx() tl += 1 while tx < 48: tx += 8 drbx() tx = 56 tl += 1 drbx() def dral(): global ty global tl while ty < 16: tl = 3 ty += 8 drhl() tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 3, 1) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() tutimg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/dancert.png").convert() playbk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/dancer.png").convert() pals = chsprs(choice([283, 284, 305, 306])) ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() toobad = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/toobad.png").convert() good = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/good.png").convert() great = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/great.png").convert() excellent = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/excellent.png").convert() win = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/happy.png").convert() cry = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/cry.png").convert() money = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/money.png").convert() coin = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/gotchipt.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) textbox = pygame.Surface([240, 64]).convert() textbox.fill((0, 255, 255)) global tl global ty tl = 0 ty = 0 drhl() dral() tl = 6 ty = 24 drhl() textbox.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") while kr: if tuts: screen.blit(tutimg, [0, 0]) elif strt: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) if end == 0: screen.blit( pygame.transform.flip(pals[[10, 12, 15, 5][seq[turn]]], (seq[turn] == 2), 0), [(32 + (72 * ((seq[turn] != 1) + (seq[turn] == 2)))), (98 - (32 * (seq[turn] == 3)))]) elif end == 1: screen.blit( pygame.transform.flip( asprs[avars[3][5]][[10, 12, 15, 5][seq[turn]]], (seq[turn] == 2), 0), [(32 + (72 * ((seq[turn] != 1) + (seq[turn] == 2)))), (98 - (32 * (seq[turn] == 3)))]) else: screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][7], [104, 98]) else: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) if end == 3: screen.blit(money, [88, 106]) if anifr < 8: spr = 11 else: if anifr == 8: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[13].play() screen.blit(textbox, [94, 64]) mntxt = fnt.render(str(scr * 200), 1, (0, 0, 100)) screen.blit(mntxt, [(138 - (mntxt.get_width())), 74]) screen.blit(coin, [138, 72]) if scr > 0: spr = 5 else: spr = 6 screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(124 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 4: if scr < 4: screen.blit(toobad, [71, 48]) sy = 98 if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 6 else: spr = 7 screen.blit(cry, [56, 90]) else: if scr < 8: screen.blit(good, [94, 48]) elif scr < 12: screen.blit(great, [85, 48]) else: screen.blit(excellent, [51, 48]) if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: sy = 98 spr = 4 else: sy = 90 spr = 5 screen.blit(win, [136, 82]) screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (sy + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) pb = event.button if pb == 1: if 138 < mp[1] < 158: if 228 < mp[0] < 240: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() return (avars, ret) elif 212 < mp[0] < 224: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() ret = 0 return (avars, ret) if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and tuts: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() tuts = False strt = True anifr = -1 if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ( "%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False pygame.mixer.stop() sound[19 + seq[turn]].play() elif play: if end < 2: turn += 1 if turn == len(seq): end = not end turn = 0 if end == 0: scr += 1 seq.append(randint(0, 3)) if scr == 12: play = False if end == 1: p = pygame.mouse.get_pos() d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) p = ((p[0] // d), (p[1] // d)) t = (2 * ((2 * p[0]) > (3 * p[1]))) + ((480 - (2 * p[0])) > (3 * p[1])) if t != seq[turn]: end = 2 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[12].play() if end < 2 and play: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[19 + seq[turn]].play() else: play = False if not play: end = 3 if (avars[3][2] + (scr * 200)) < 99999: avars[3][2] += (scr * 200) else: avars[3][2] = 99999 avars[avars[3][5]][9] += ((scr * 4) // 3) avars[avars[3][5]][10] += ((scr * 2) // 3) elif end == 3: if scr < 4: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 elif end == 4: ret = 0 return (avars, ret) s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale( s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen, fsprs, ywn): kr = True chngsts = False strt = True play = False def conani(): if anifr < 72: a = 12 else: a = 24 if anifr % a < (a // 2): spr = 7 + (9 * (ywn or anifr < 144)) frs = 16 - (9 * (ywn and anifr > 143)) else: spr = 17 frs = 17 return(spr, frs) tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 4, 0) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) lfnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama1.ttf", 16) bck = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congamesbg.png").convert() bck.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][1], [(193 + ((16 - asprs[avars[3][5]][1].get_width()) // 2)), (69 + ((16 - asprs[avars[3][5]][1].get_height()) // 2))]) bck.blit(fsprs[1], [(31 + ((16 - fsprs[1].get_width()) // 2)), (47 + ((16 - fsprs[1].get_height()) // 2))]) tbl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/table.png").convert() chair = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/chair.png").convert() ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() cnf = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/conf.png").convert() s = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Food/Rice.png").convert() rice = [] for i in range(3): b = pygame.Surface([24, 24]).convert() b.fill((0, 255, 255)) b.blit(s, [-(24 * (i)), 0]) b.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) rice.append(b) fsprs.append(sl) wint = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/win.png").convert() loset = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/lose.png").convert() clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() while kr: screen.blit(bck, [0, 0]) if strt: if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(136 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen.blit(fsprs[spr], [(72 + ((32 - fsprs[spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - fsprs[spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(tbl, [88, 95]) screen.blit(chair, [160, 95]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(chair, 1, 0), [48, 95]) spr, frs = conani() if anifr < 72: screen.blit(rice[0], [92, 82]) if anifr < 36: screen.blit(rice[0], [111, 82]) screen.blit(rice[(anifr % 36) // 12], [130, 82]) screen.blit(rice[(anifr % 36) // 12], [83, 86]) if anifr < 36: screen.blit(rice[0], [102, 86]) screen.blit(rice[0], [121, 86]) elif anifr < 144: screen.blit(rice[(anifr - 72) // 24], [130, 82]) screen.blit(rice[(anifr - 72) // 24], [83, 86]) else: if anifr == 144: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[9].play() screen.blit(rice[2], [(130 - (47 * ywn)), (82 + (4 * ywn))]) screen.blit(cnf, [(188 - (104 * ywn)), 68]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(156 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (84 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(fsprs[frs], 1, 0), [(52 + ((32 - fsprs[frs].get_width()) // 2)), (84 + (32 - fsprs[frs].get_height()))]) else: if ywn: screen.blit(wint, [78, 48]) else: screen.blit(loset, [65, 48]) if anifr % 12 < 6: spr = 6 - (2 * ywn) frs = 4 + (2 * ywn) else: spr = 7 - (2 * ywn) frs = 5 + (2 * ywn) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(136 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen.blit(fsprs[frs], [(72 + ((32 - fsprs[frs].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - fsprs[frs].get_height()))]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < (23 + (132 * play)): anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False elif play: play = False if ywn and avars[avars[3][5]][17] < 6: avars[avars[3][5]][17] += 1 elif not ywn and avars[avars[3][5]][17] > 0: avars[avars[3][5]][17] -= 1 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14 - (13 * ywn)].play() else: return(avars) s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale(s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen, fsprs): kr = True chngsts = False strt = True play = False ywn = -1 tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 3, 0) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) lfnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama1.ttf", 16) bck = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/mamect.png").convert() gbck = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/mameg.png").convert() cubes = [] for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]: a = pygame.Surface((16, 16)) a.fill((0, 255, 255)) a.blit(gbck, [-(16 * i), 0]) a.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) a.convert() cubes.append(a) cbox = pygame.Surface((16, 16)) cbox.fill((0, 255, 255)) cbox.blit(gbck, [-(64), 0]) cbox.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) cbox.convert() cubel = [] while (len(cubel) < 12): cubel.append(randint(0, 3)) while (cubel.count(0) == cubel.count(1)) or (cubel.count(0) == cubel.count(2)) or (cubel.count(0) == cubel.count(3)) \ or (cubel.count(1) == cubel.count(2)) or (cubel.count(1) == cubel.count(3)) or (cubel.count(2) == cubel.count(3)): cubel = [] while (len(cubel) < 12): cubel.append(randint(0, 3)) ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() wint = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/win.png").convert() loset = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/lose.png").convert() clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() while kr: if strt: screen.blit(bck, [0, 0]) if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(136 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen.blit(fsprs[spr], [(72 + ((32 - fsprs[spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - fsprs[spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(gbck, [0, 0]) for i in range(12): screen.blit(cubes[cubel[i]], [(24 + (16 * i)), 64]) if ywn > -1: for i in [0, 1]: screen.blit(cbox, [(56 + (112 * i)), 80]) screen.blit(cubes[wcl[i != ywn]], [(56 + (112 * i)), 80]) if anifr == 12: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[12 - (3 * ywn)].play() if ywn < 0: spr = 6 frs = 6 elif anifr < 12: spr = 9 frs = 9 else: spr = 7 - (2 * ywn) frs = 5 + (2 * ywn) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(160 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen.blit(fsprs[frs], [(48 + ((32 - fsprs[spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - fsprs[spr].get_height()))]) else: screen.blit(bck, [0, 0]) if ywn: screen.blit(wint, [78, 48]) else: screen.blit(loset, [65, 48]) if anifr % 12 < 6: spr = 6 - (2 * ywn) frs = 4 + (2 * ywn) else: spr = 7 - (2 * ywn) frs = 5 + (2 * ywn) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(136 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen.blit(fsprs[frs], [(72 + ((32 - fsprs[frs].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - fsprs[frs].get_height()))]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False elif play and ywn < 0: l = [0, 0, 0, 0] for i in cubel: l[i] += 1 wcl = [l.index(max(l))] l[wcl[0]] = 0 wcl.append(l.index(max(l))) ywn = randint(0, 1) pygame.mixer.stop() sound[3].play() elif play: play = False if ywn: if avars[avars[3][5]][17] < 6: avars[avars[3][5]][17] += 1 avars[avars[3][5]][5] += 10 avars[avars[3][5]][8] += 10 elif not ywn and avars[avars[3][5]][17] > 0: avars[avars[3][5]][17] -= 1 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14 - (13 * ywn)].play() elif not play: return(avars) s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale(s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def kitchen(avars, asprs, screen): class Txtbx(pygame.sprite.Sprite): bxt = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() box = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/box1.png").convert() image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) self.image = self.bxt[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def update(self): self.image = self.bxt[tl] kr = True bx = True clt = 0 spclk = False inf = False swt = False scr = 0 etng = 0 fname = '' frms = 0 chngsts = False foodl = [[ 'Rice', 'Apple', 'Mandarin', 'Meat', 'Milk', 'IceCream', 'Cake', 'Sake', 'Scone', 'Pasta', 'SandW', 'Melon', 'DrumS', 'Fries', 'Burger', 'Steak' ], [ 'Bread', 'Pear', 'Juice', 'Fish', 'ChMlk', 'Choco', 'Donut', 'Wine', 'BCheese', 'Tacos', 'Hotdog', 'WMelon', 'BBQ', 'PopCorn', 'Pizza', 'Sushi' ]] g = avars[avars[3][5]][14] if g < 0: g = 4294967296 + g a = format(g, '032b') l = int((a[16:19] + a[28]), 2) d = int((a[20:23] + a[29]), 2) #print(l) #print(d) #print(a[30]) likes = [foodl[int(a[30])][l], foodl[int(a[30]) == 0][d]] alcohol = ['Wine', 'Sake'] def chsprs(chara, dirt, g): sprs = [] bs = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Characters/chara_" + str(chara) + "b.png") ss = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Characters/chara_" + str(chara) + "s.png") opal = [] for i in range(32): opal.append(ss.get_at(((16 + (8 * (i % 2))), (16 + (i // 2))))) bs = palette.palch(bs, g, opal) if dirt: bs = dirty.dirt(bs) ss = palette.palch(ss, g, opal) for i in range(3): a = pygame.Surface([16, 16]) a.fill((0, 255, 255)) a.blit(ss, [-(16 * (i % 2)), -(16 * (i // 2))]) a.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) a.convert() sprs.append(a) s = (bs.get_width() // 4) for i in range(16): spr = pygame.Surface([s, s]).convert() spr.fill((0, 255, 255)) spr.blit(bs, [-(s * (i % 4)), -(s * (i // 4))]) spr.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) sprs.append(spr) return (sprs) def drbx(): tile = Txtbx() tile.update() textbox.blit(tile.image, [tx, ty]) def drhl(): global tx global tl tx = 0 drbx() tl += 1 while tx < 224: tx += 8 drbx() tx = 232 tl += 1 drbx() def dral(): global ty global tl while ty < 96: tl = 3 ty += 8 drhl() def aspr(): if len(avars[0]) > 0: sprs0 = chsprs(avars[0][15], (avars[0][30] == 2), avars[0][14]) else: sprs0 = [] if len(avars[1]) > 0: sprs1 = chsprs(avars[1][15], (avars[1][30] == 2), avars[1][14]) else: sprs1 = [] if len(avars[2]) > 0: sprs2 = chsprs(avars[2][15], (avars[2][30] == 2), avars[2][14]) else: sprs2 = [] asprs = [sprs0, sprs1, sprs2] return (asprs) def drfd(): global fdn if len(avars[3][4]) < (24 * (scr + 1)): a = len(avars[3][4]) - (24 * scr) else: a = 24 while fdn < a: screen.blit(fsprs[(fdn + (24 * scr))][0], [(14 + ((fdn - (8 * (fdn // 8))) * 27)), (44 + (24 * (fdn // 8)))]) screen.blit( (lfnt.render(str(avars[3][4][(fdn + (24 * scr))][4]), 1, (0, 0, 100))), [(14 + ((fdn - (8 * (fdn // 8))) * 27)), (44 + (24 * (fdn // 8)))]) fdn += 1 def fdspr(): fsprs = [] a = 0 while a < len(avars[3][4]): sl = [] try: s = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Food/" + avars[3][4][a][0] + ".png").convert() except: s = pygame.image.load("CFood/" + avars[3][4][a][0] + ".png").convert() for i in range(3): b = pygame.Surface([24, 24]) b.fill((0, 255, 255)) b.blit(s, [-(24 * (i)), 0]) b.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) b.convert() sl.append(b) fsprs.append(sl) a += 1 return (fsprs) def eatanim(): flip = False if etng == 1: screen.blit(tbl, [88, 95]) screen.blit(chair, [160, 95]) if frms == 0: if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 16 else: spr = 17 else: if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 16 elif ((anifr / 24) - (anifr // 24)) < 0.5: spr = 17 else: spr = 16 if frms == 0: if ((anifr / 24) - (anifr // 24)) < 0.5: screen.blit(fsprs[efdn][0], [123, 86]) else: screen.blit(fsprs[efdn][1], [123, 86]) else: if ((anifr / 24) - (anifr // 24)) < 0.5: screen.blit(fsprs[efdn][2], [123, 86]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(156 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (84 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif etng == 2: if avars[avars[3][5]][1] > 3: spr = 9 + (anifr % 12 < 6) if anifr % 12 > 5: screen.blit(cnf, [136, 82]) else: if frms == 0: spr = 9 - (3 * (anifr % 12 < 6)) if anifr % 12 > 5: screen.blit(cnf, [136, 82]) elif frms == 1: spr = 8 + (6 * (anifr < 12)) if anifr > 11: screen.blit(puke, [88, 114]) screen.blit( pygame.transform.flip(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], flip, 0), [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif etng == 3: if likes[0] == fname: spr = 4 + (anifr % 12 < 6) if anifr % 12 < 6: screen.blit(ht, [136, 82]) else: spr = 6 + (2 * (anifr % 12 < 6)) if anifr % 12 < 6: screen.blit(ang, [136, 82]) screen.blit( pygame.transform.flip(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], flip, 0), [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) else: if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 14 else: spr = 14 flip = True screen.blit( pygame.transform.flip(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], flip, 0), [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 1, 0) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() ang = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/ang.png").convert() cnf = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/conf.png").convert() ht = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/heart.png").convert() puke = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/sick/puke.png").convert() hnb = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngf.png").convert() hpb = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpyf.png").convert() inti = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/inti.png").convert() styi = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/styi.png").convert() kndi = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/kndi.png").convert() humi = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/humi.png").convert() gori = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/gori.png").convert() pasi = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/pasi.png").convert() try: bck = pygame.image.load(avars[3][15]).convert() if bck.get_size() != (240, 160): raise Exception("Wrong size!") except pygame.error: bck = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() bck.fill((51, 51, 204)) try: tbl = pygame.image.load(avars[3][16]).convert() if tbl.get_size() != (64, 32): raise Exception("Wrong size!") except pygame.error: tbl = pygame.Surface([64, 32]).convert() tbl.fill((51, 51, 204)) try: chair = pygame.image.load(avars[3][17]).convert() if chair.get_size() != (32, 32): raise Exception("Wrong size!") except pygame.error: chair = pygame.Surface([32, 32]).convert() chair.fill((51, 51, 204)) fsprs = fdspr() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) lfnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama1.ttf", 8) textbox = pygame.Surface([240, 112]).convert() textbox.fill((0, 255, 255)) global tl global ty tl = 0 ty = 0 drhl() dral() tl = 6 ty = 104 drhl() scrli = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/scrli.png").convert() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) clock = pygame.time.Clock() anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") while kr: screen.blit(bck, [0, 0]) if bx or inf: screen.blit(textbox, [0, 24]) if bx: screen.blit(scrli, [232, 128]) global fdn fdn = 0 drfd() else: screen.blit(fsprs[cfdn][0], [108, 32]) screen.blit(hnb, [16, 56]) if avars[3][4][cfdn][1] > 1: screen.blit(hnb, [40, 56]) if avars[3][4][cfdn][1] > 2: screen.blit(hnb, [64, 56]) if avars[3][4][cfdn][1] > 3: screen.blit(hnb, [88, 56]) if avars[3][4][cfdn][2] > 0: screen.blit(hpb, [136, 56]) if avars[3][4][cfdn][2] > 1: screen.blit(hpb, [160, 56]) if avars[3][4][cfdn][2] > 2: screen.blit(hpb, [184, 56]) if avars[3][4][cfdn][2] > 3: screen.blit(hpb, [208, 56]) if avars[3][4][cfdn][5] > 0: screen.blit(inti, [32, 80]) if avars[3][4][cfdn][6] > 0: screen.blit(styi, [64, 80]) if avars[3][4][cfdn][7] > 0: screen.blit(kndi, [96, 80]) if avars[3][4][cfdn][8] > 0: screen.blit(humi, [128, 80]) if avars[3][4][cfdn][9] > 0: screen.blit(gori, [160, 80]) if avars[3][4][cfdn][10] > 0: screen.blit(pasi, [192, 80]) screen.blit((fnt.render("MOVE", 1, (0, 0, 100))), [95, 98]) screen.blit((fnt.render("TRASH", 1, (0, 0, 100))), [89, 114]) else: eatanim() screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key in [303, 304]: spclk = True if event.type == KEYUP: if event.key in [303, 304]: spclk = False if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) pb = event.button + (spclk * (1 + (event.button > 2))) if pb in [2, 4]: if 24 < mp[1] < 136: sound[2].play() if scr != ((len(avars[3][4]) - 1) // 24): scr += 1 else: scr = 0 clt = 0 elif pb == 5: if 24 < mp[1] < 136: sound[2].play() if scr != 0: scr -= 1 else: scr = ((len(avars[3][4]) - 1) // 24) clt = 0 elif pb == 1: clt = 0 if 138 < mp[1] < 158: if 228 < mp[0] < 240: sound[4].play() return (avars) if bx: if 44 < mp[1] < 116 and 14 < mp[0] < 230 and ( mp[0] - (14 + (27 * ((mp[0] - 14) // 27)))) < 24: efdn = ((mp[0] - 14) // 27) + (8 * ( (mp[1] - 44) // 24)) + (scr * 24) if efdn < len(avars[3][4]): if not swt: sound[3].play() anifr = 23 bx = False frms = -1 if avars[avars[3][5]][16] < 6 and ( avars[avars[3][5]][1] > 2 or avars[3][4][efdn][0] not in alcohol): etng = 1 h = avars[avars[3][5]][17] if (avars[avars[3][5]][1] > 3 or avars[3][4][efdn][0] not in alcohol): if (avars[avars[3][5]][16] + avars[3][4][efdn][1]) < 6: avars[avars[3][5]][ 16] += avars[3][4][efdn][1] else: avars[avars[3][5]][16] = 6 if (avars[avars[3][5]][17] + avars[3][4][efdn][2]) < 6: avars[avars[3][5]][ 17] += avars[3][4][efdn][2] else: avars[avars[3][5]][17] = 6 if (avars[avars[3][5]][18] + avars[3][4][efdn][3]) < 99: avars[avars[3][5]][ 18] += avars[3][4][efdn][3] else: avars[avars[3][5]][18] = 99 avars[avars[3] [5]][5] += avars[3][4][efdn][5] avars[avars[3] [5]][6] += avars[3][4][efdn][6] avars[avars[3] [5]][7] += avars[3][4][efdn][7] avars[avars[3] [5]][8] += avars[3][4][efdn][8] avars[avars[3] [5]][9] += avars[3][4][efdn][9] avars[avars[3] [5]][10] += avars[3][4][efdn][10] fname = avars[3][4][efdn][0] if likes[0] == fname: if (avars[avars[3][5]][17] + 2) < 6: avars[avars[3][5]][17] += 2 else: avars[avars[3][5]][17] = 6 elif likes[1] == fname: avars[avars[3][5]][17] = h if (avars[avars[3][5]][17] - 2) > 0: avars[avars[3][5]][17] -= 2 else: avars[avars[3][5]][17] = 0 if (avars[avars[3][5]][15] == 163 ) and ( len(avars[avars[3][5]][25]) > 0 ) and (len( avars[avars[3][5]][26]) > 0) and (avars[3][4][efdn][0] == 'Sake'): if ([ avars[avars[3][5]][25][1], avars[avars[3][5]][26][1] ] in [[379, 380], [ 380, 379 ]]) and (avars[avars[3][5]][24][2] == 57): avars[avars[3][5]][1] = 5 avars = growth.grw(avars) asprs = aspr() if (avars[avars[3][5]][15] == 167 ) and ( len(avars[avars[3][5]][25]) > 0 ) and (len( avars[avars[3][5]][26]) > 0) and (avars[3][4][efdn][0] == 'Tea'): if ([ avars[avars[3][5]][25][1], avars[avars[3][5]][26][1] ] in [[383, 384], [ 384, 383 ]]) and ((avars[avars[3][5]][7] + avars[avars[3][5]][10]) > 999): avars[avars[3][5]][1] = 5 avars = growth.grw(avars) asprs = aspr() if (avars[avars[3][5]][15] == 204 ) and ( avars[avars[3][5]][10] < 100 ) and (avars[avars[3][5]][7] > 500 ) and (avars[3][4][efdn][0] == 'Cake'): avars[avars[3][5]][1] = 5 avars = growth.grw(avars) asprs = aspr() avars[3][4][efdn][4] -= 1 if avars[3][4][efdn][4] == 0: a = avars[3][4] a.pop(efdn) avars[3][4] = a else: if efdn == cfdn: sound[12].play() else: sound[3].play() a = avars[3][4] a[efdn], a[cfdn] = a[cfdn], a[efdn] avars[3][4] = a swt = False fsprs = fdspr() elif inf: if 32 < mp[1] < 56 and 108 < mp[0] < 132: sound[3].play() inf = False bx = True if 98 < mp[1] < 110 and 95 < mp[0] < 145: sound[3].play() swt = True inf = False bx = True if 114 < mp[1] < 126 and 89 < mp[0] < 153: sound[3].play() avars[3][4][cfdn][4] -= 1 if avars[3][4][cfdn][4] == 0: a = avars[3][4] a.pop(cfdn) avars[3][4] = a if len(avars[3][4]) > 0: inf = False bx = True fsprs = fdspr() if ((len(avars[3][4]) - 1) // 24) < scr: scr = (len(avars[3][4]) - 1) // 24 else: return (avars) elif frms != 0: if len(avars[3][4]) > 0: etng = 0 bx = True frms = 0 fname = '' fsprs = fdspr() else: return (avars) if pb == 3: clt = 0 if bx: if 44 < mp[1] < 116 and 14 < mp[0] < 230 and ( mp[0] - (14 + (27 * ((mp[0] - 14) // 27)))) < 24: cfdn = ((mp[0] - 14) // 27) + (8 * ( (mp[1] - 44) // 24)) + (scr * 24) if cfdn < len(avars[3][4]): sound[3].play() anifr = 23 bx = False inf = True if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ( "%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if bx: clt += 1 if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) if avars[avars[3][5]][20] or not avars[avars[3][5]][21]: return (avars) chngsts = False if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 else: if not bx and not inf: frms += 1 if frms == 2: if (etng == 1 and (fname not in alcohol) and (fname not in likes)) or etng == 0 or etng == 3 or ( etng == 2 and (fname not in likes)): if len(avars[3][4]) > 0: etng = 0 bx = True frms = 0 fname = '' fsprs = fdspr() if ((len(avars[3][4]) - 1) // 24) < scr: scr = (len(avars[3][4]) - 1) // 24 else: return (avars) elif etng == 1 and (fname in alcohol): sound[5].play() frms = 0 etng = 2 else: sound[12 - (3 * (likes[0] == fname))].play() frms = 0 etng = 3 anifr = 0 if clt > 29: return (avars) s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale( s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen): class Mnbx(pygame.sprite.Sprite): bxt = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() box = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/box2.png").convert() image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) self.image = self.bxt[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def update(self): self.image = self.bxt[tl] kr = True chngsts = False scr = 0 ret = 1 tuts = True strt = False play = False end = 0 firew = [2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0] shuffle(firew) pos = 0 def drbx(): tile = Mnbx() tile.update() textbox.blit(tile.image, [tx, ty]) def drhl(): global tx global tl tx = 0 drbx() tl += 1 while tx < 48: tx += 8 drbx() tx = 56 tl += 1 drbx() def dral(): global ty global tl while ty < 16: tl = 3 ty += 8 drhl() tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 3, 1) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() tutimg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/firet.png").convert() playbk = pygame.Surface((240, 160)).convert() f = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/job_1.png").convert() playbk.blit(f, [-720, -800]) fireb = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/fire.png").convert() window = [] for i in [0, 1]: j = pygame.Surface((14, 22)).convert() j.blit(fireb, [-(16 * i), 0]) window.append(j) owo = [] for i in [0, 1, 2]: j = pygame.Surface((8, 16)).convert() j.blit(fireb, [-(32 + (8 * i)), 0]) owo.append(j) ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() toobad = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/toobad.png").convert() good = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/good.png").convert() great = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/great.png").convert() excellent = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/excellent.png").convert() win = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/happy.png").convert() cry = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/cry.png").convert() money = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/money.png").convert() coin = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/gotchipt.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) textbox = pygame.Surface([240, 64]).convert() textbox.fill((0, 255, 255)) global tl global ty tl = 0 ty = 0 drhl() dral() tl = 6 ty = 24 drhl() textbox.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") while kr: if tuts: screen.blit(tutimg, [0, 0]) elif strt: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(fireb, [0, 0]) if end == 0: spr = 11 else: spr = 5 + firew[0] for i in range(9): if firew[i] == 2: screen.blit(window[0], [(9 + (24 * (i % 3))), (37 + (32 * (i // 3)))]) if firew[i] > 2: screen.blit(window[1], [(9 + (24 * (i % 3))), (37 + (32 * (i // 3)))]) screen.blit(owo[pos], [120, 80]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [136, 62]) else: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) if end == 3: screen.blit(money, [88, 106]) if anifr < 8: spr = 11 else: if anifr == 8: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[13].play() screen.blit(textbox, [94, 64]) mntxt = fnt.render(str(scr * 200), 1, (0, 0, 100)) screen.blit(mntxt, [(138 - (mntxt.get_width())), 74]) screen.blit(coin, [138, 72]) if scr > 0: spr = 5 else: spr = 6 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(124 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 4: if scr < 4: screen.blit(toobad, [71, 48]) sy = 98 if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 6 else: spr = 7 screen.blit(cry, [56, 90]) else: if scr < 8: screen.blit(good, [94, 48]) elif scr < 12: screen.blit(great, [85, 48]) else: screen.blit(excellent, [51, 48]) if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: sy = 98 spr = 4 else: sy = 90 spr = 5 screen.blit(win, [136, 82]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (sy + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) pb = event.button if pb == 1: if 138 < mp[1] < 158: if 228 < mp[0] < 240: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() return(avars, ret) elif 212 < mp[0] < 224: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() ret = 0 return(avars, ret) if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and tuts: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() tuts = False strt = True anifr = -1 if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and play and end == 0: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[3].play() if pb in [1, 3]: a = pb - 1 else: a = 1 firew[(pos * 3) + a] = 3 if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False elif play: if end == 0: scr += 1 else: end = 3 play = False if (avars[3][2] + (scr * 200)) < 99999: avars[3][2] += (scr * 200) else: avars[3][2] = 99999 avars[avars[3][5]][10] += ((scr * 4) // 3) avars[avars[3][5]][8] += ((scr * 2) // 3) elif end == 3: if scr < 4: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 elif end == 4: ret = 0 return(avars, ret) if play and end == 0: pos = [0, 1, 2, 1][anifr // 6] c = list(range(9)) shuffle(c) c = c[:4] for i in range(9): if (i in c) and firew[i] < 2 and anifr % 6 == 0: firew[i] += 1 if firew[i] > 2: firew[i] = (firew[i] + 1) % 10 if firew.count(2) > 6 or scr == 12: firew = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]][firew.count(2) > 6] end = 1 anifr = 12 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[9 + (3 * (firew[0] == 2))].play() s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale(s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def prk(avars, asprs, screen): kr = True chngsts = False ar = True talk = False ret = 1 def chsprs(chara, g): try: sprs = [] if chara > 0: bs = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Characters/chara_" + str(chara) + "b.png") ss = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Characters/chara_" + str(chara) + "s.png") else: bs = pygame.image.load("Sprites/NPC/Nazotchi.png") ss = pygame.image.load("Sprites/NPC/Nazo.png") opal = [] for i in range(32): opal.append(ss.get_at(((16 + (8 * (i % 2))), (16 + (i // 2))))) bs = palette.palch(bs, g, opal) ss = palette.palch(ss, g, opal) for i in range(3): a = pygame.Surface([16, 16]) a.fill((0, 255, 255)) a.blit(ss, [-(16 * (i % 2)), -(16 * (i // 2))]) a.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) a.convert() sprs.append(a) s = (bs.get_width() // 4) for i in range(16): spr = pygame.Surface([s, s]).convert() spr.fill((0, 255, 255)) spr.blit(bs, [-(s * (i % 4)), -(s * (i // 4))]) spr.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) sprs.append(spr) except: sprs = chsprs(0, g) return(sprs) def arrive(): flip = True pflip = False if anifr < 48: if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 11 spry = 98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()) pcs = 3 else: spr = 13 spry = 96 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()) pcs = 4 sprx = (0 + (10 * (anifr // 6))) + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2) pcy = 98 + (32 - pchrs[pcs].get_height()) else: if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 3 spry = 98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()) pcs = 3 pcy = 98 + (32 - pchrs[pcs].get_height()) else: spr = 5 spry = 96 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()) pcs = 5 pcy = 96 + (32 - pchrs[pcs].get_height()) sprx = 80 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2) pcx = 122 + ((32 - pchrs[pcs].get_width()) // 2) return spr, sprx, spry, flip, pcs, pcx, pcy, pflip tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 3, 1) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() obgi = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/uratown.png").convert() boab = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/uraboat.png").convert() boat = pygame.Surface((80, 24)) boat.fill((0, 255, 255)) boat.blit(boab, [0, 0]) boat.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) boat.convert() waves = pygame.Surface((32, 16)) waves.fill((0, 255, 255)) waves.blit(boab, [-80, 0]) waves.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) waves.convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) clock = pygame.time.Clock() anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") p = randint(1, 4) t = [0, 3600, 176400, 435600][p - 1] g = randint(0, 4294967295) while (format(g, '032b')[16:28]) == (format(avars[avars[3][5]][14], '032b')[16:28]): g = randint(0, 4294967295) g = g | 983042 a = choice([3, 5, 6]) c = ["ku", "ma", "me"][(a // 2) - 1] d = ["ku", "ma", "me"][(a // 2) - 1] k = randint(0, 2) ov = [[a, 1, 0, 2, 0, 200, 200, 200, (250 * (1 + (k == 0))), (250 * (1 + (k == 1))), (250 * (1 + (k == 2))), c, c, d, g, 0, 0, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]] if (a == 3) and (g % 2): ov[0][5], ov[0][9] = ov[0][9], ov[0][5] ov = growth.grw(ov) while ov[0][1] < p: ov[0][1] += 1 ov = growth.grw(ov) pchr = ov[0][15] pcharinfo = ["PARK", "", pchr, g, ov[0][13], ov[0][12], ov[0][11], [t, avars[avars[3][5]][2]], 0] pchrs = chsprs(pchr, pcharinfo[3]) while kr: if not talk: screen.blit(obgi, [0, 0]) else: screen.blit(boab, [0, 0]) if ar: if anifr < 48 and ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) == 0.5: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[6].play() elif ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) == 0.5: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[9].play() spr, sprx, spry, flip, pcs, pcx, pcy, pflip = arrive() screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(pchrs[pcs], pflip, 0), [pcx, pcy]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], flip, 0), [sprx, spry]) elif not talk: sprx = 80 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][3].get_width()) // 2) pcx = 122 + ((32 - pchrs[3].get_width()) // 2) spry = 98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][3].get_height()) pcy = 98 + (32 - pchrs[3].get_height()) spr = 4 + (anifr % 16 > 7) pcs = 4 + (anifr % 16 < 8) screen.blit(pchrs[pcs], [pcx, pcy]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], 1, 0), [sprx, spry]) else: spry = 96 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][3].get_width()) // 2) + (4 * (anifr % 16 > 7)) pcy = 96 + ((32 - pchrs[3].get_width()) // 2) + (4 * (anifr % 16 > 7)) screen.blit(pchrs[16 + (anifr % 16 > 7)], [120, pcy]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][16 + (anifr % 16 < 8)], [84, spry]) screen.blit(boat, [80, (104 + (4 * (anifr % 16 > 7)))]) for i in range(8): screen.blit(waves, [((32 * i) - (16 * (anifr % 16 > 7))), 120]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) pb = event.button if pb == 1: if 138 < mp[1] < 158: if 228 < mp[0] < 240: sound[4].play() return(avars, ret) elif 212 < mp[0] < 224: ret = 0 sound[4].play() return(avars, ret) if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and not ar and not talk: f = avars[avars[3][5]][32] f.append(pcharinfo) avars[avars[3][5]][32] = f a = ["ma", "me", "ku"].index(pcharinfo[6]) avars[avars[3][5]][5 + a] += 10 avars[avars[3][5]][8 + a] += 10 sound[9].play() talk = True if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) if avars[avars[3][5]][20] or not avars[avars[3][5]][21]: return(avars, ret) chngsts = False if anifr < 63: anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if ar: ar = False r = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() r.blit(screen, [0, 0]) r = pygame.transform.scale(r, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(r, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen, fsprs, ywn): kr = True chngsts = False gmst = 0 strt = True play = False def blnani(): if gmst < 4: if (anifr % 12 < 6) == ywn: spr = 4 frs = 5 else: spr = 5 frs = 4 else: if ywn: spr = 5 frs = 7 else: spr = 7 frs = 5 return (spr, frs) tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 4, 0) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) lfnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama1.ttf", 16) bck = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congamesbg.png").convert() bck.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][1], [(193 + ((16 - asprs[avars[3][5]][1].get_width()) // 2)), (69 + ((16 - asprs[avars[3][5]][1].get_height()) // 2))]) bck.blit(fsprs[1], [(31 + ((16 - fsprs[1].get_width()) // 2)), (47 + ((16 - fsprs[1].get_height()) // 2))]) ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() balloon = [ pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/blninf1.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/blninf2.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/blninf3.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/blninf4.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/blninf5.png").convert() ] airp = [ pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/popbln1.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/popbln2.png").convert() ] wint = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/win.png").convert() loset = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/lose.png").convert() clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() while kr: screen.blit(bck, [0, 0]) if strt: if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(136 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen.blit(fsprs[spr], [(72 + ((32 - fsprs[spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - fsprs[spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(balloon[gmst], [88, 66]) spr, frs = blnani() if (((anifr % 12 < 6) == ywn) and gmst < 4) or (gmst == 4 and ywn): a = 20 else: a = 0 screen.blit(airp[1], [(72 + (64 * ((((anifr % 12 < 6) == ywn) and gmst < 4) or (gmst == 4 and ywn)))), 98]) screen.blit(airp[0], [(136 - (64 * ((((anifr % 12 < 6) == ywn) and gmst < 4) or (gmst == 4 and ywn)))), 98]) screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(136 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (58 + a + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(fsprs[frs], 1, 0), [(72 + ((32 - fsprs[frs].get_width()) // 2)), (78 - a + (32 - fsprs[frs].get_height()))]) else: if ywn: screen.blit(wint, [78, 48]) else: screen.blit(loset, [65, 48]) if anifr % 12 < 6: spr = 6 - (2 * ywn) frs = 4 + (2 * ywn) else: spr = 7 - (2 * ywn) frs = 5 + (2 * ywn) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(136 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen.blit(fsprs[frs], [(72 + ((32 - fsprs[frs].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - fsprs[frs].get_height()))]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ( "%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False elif play: if gmst < 4: gmst += 1 if gmst == 4: anifr = 12 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[9].play() else: play = False if ywn and avars[avars[3][5]][17] < 6: avars[avars[3][5]][17] += 1 elif not ywn and avars[avars[3][5]][17] > 0: avars[avars[3][5]][17] -= 1 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14 - (13 * ywn)].play() else: return (avars) s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale( s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen): class Mnbx(pygame.sprite.Sprite): bxt = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() box = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/box2.png").convert() image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) self.image = self.bxt[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def update(self): self.image = self.bxt[tl] kr = True chngsts = False scr = 0 ret = 1 tmn = randint(1, 50) pmn = [] cca = 10 tuts = True strt = False play = False end = 0 def drbx(): tile = Mnbx() tile.update() textbox.blit(tile.image, [tx, ty]) def drhl(): global tx global tl tx = 0 drbx() tl += 1 while tx < 48: tx += 8 drbx() tx = 56 tl += 1 drbx() def dral(): global ty global tl while ty < 16: tl = 3 ty += 8 drhl() tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 3, 1) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() tutimg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/bankt.png").convert() playbk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/bank.png").convert() mons = [] m = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/bnkmn.png").convert() for i in range(4): s = pygame.Surface((24, 24)) s.fill((0, 255, 255)) s.blit(m, [-(24 * i), 0]) s.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) mons.append(s) ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() toobad = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/toobad.png").convert() good = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/good.png").convert() great = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/great.png").convert() excellent = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/excellent.png").convert() win = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/happy.png").convert() cry = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/cry.png").convert() money = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/money.png").convert() coin = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/gotchipt.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) textbox = pygame.Surface([240, 64]).convert() textbox.fill((0, 255, 255)) global tl global ty tl = 0 ty = 0 drhl() dral() tl = 6 ty = 24 drhl() textbox.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") while kr: if tuts: screen.blit(tutimg, [0, 0]) elif strt: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) i = 0 for n in pmn: screen.blit(mons[[1, 2, 5, 10].index(n)], [(10 + (28 * i)), 106]) i += 1 if end == 0: spr = 3 + (anifr % 12 > 5) screen.blit(mons[[1, 2, 5, 10].index(cca)], [(10 + (28 * i)), 98]) else: spr = 5 + (2 * (sum(pmn) != tmn)) screen.blit(fnt.render(("%04d" % (sum(pmn) * 100)), 1, (0, 0, 100)), [172, 34]) screen.blit(fnt.render(("%04d" % (tmn * 100)), 1, (0, 0, 100)), [30, 34]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [104, 32]) else: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) if end == 3: screen.blit(money, [88, 106]) if anifr < 8: spr = 11 else: if anifr == 8: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[13].play() screen.blit(textbox, [94, 64]) mntxt = fnt.render(str(scr * 200), 1, (0, 0, 100)) screen.blit(mntxt, [(138 - (mntxt.get_width())), 74]) screen.blit(coin, [138, 72]) if scr > 0: spr = 5 else: spr = 6 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(124 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 4: if scr < 4: screen.blit(toobad, [71, 48]) sy = 98 if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 6 else: spr = 7 screen.blit(cry, [56, 90]) else: if scr < 8: screen.blit(good, [94, 48]) elif scr < 12: screen.blit(great, [85, 48]) else: screen.blit(excellent, [51, 48]) if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: sy = 98 spr = 4 else: sy = 90 spr = 5 screen.blit(win, [136, 82]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (sy + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) pb = event.button if pb == 1: if 138 < mp[1] < 158: if 228 < mp[0] < 240: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() return(avars, ret) elif 212 < mp[0] < 224: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() ret = 0 return(avars, ret) if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and tuts: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() tuts = False strt = True anifr = -1 if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and play and end == 0: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[2].play() pmn.append(cca) if len(pmn) == 8: end = 1 anifr = 11 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[9 + (3 * (sum(pmn) != tmn))].play() if pb == 3: if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and play and end == 0: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[2].play() l = [1, 2, 5, 10] a = l.index(cca) - 1 if a == -1: end = 1 anifr = 11 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[9 + (3 * (sum(pmn) != tmn))].play() else: cca = l[a] if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False elif play and end == 1: if sum(pmn) == tmn: end = 0 scr += 1 tmn = randint(1, 50) pmn = [] cca = 10 if end == 1 or scr == 12: end = 3 play = False if (avars[3][2] + (scr * 200)) < 99999: avars[3][2] += (scr * 200) else: avars[3][2] = 99999 avars[avars[3][5]][5] += ((scr * 4) // 3) avars[avars[3][5]][6] += ((scr * 2) // 3) elif end == 3: if scr < 4: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 elif end == 4: ret = 0 return(avars, ret) s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale(s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen): class Mnbx(pygame.sprite.Sprite): bxt = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() box = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/box2.png").convert() image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) self.image = self.bxt[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def update(self): self.image = self.bxt[tl] kr = True chngsts = False scr = 0 ret = 1 gmprt = 0 sec = [] dopt = (pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ddown.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/dleft.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/dright.png").convert(), pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/dup.png").convert()) tprs = 0 prsb = 4 dwin = 0 tuts = True strt = False play = False end = 0 def drbx(): tile = Mnbx() tile.update() textbox.blit(tile.image, [tx, ty]) def drhl(): global tx global tl tx = 0 drbx() tl += 1 while tx < 48: tx += 8 drbx() tx = 56 tl += 1 drbx() def dral(): global ty global tl while ty < 16: tl = 3 ty += 8 drhl() tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 3, 1) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() tutimg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/dancet.png").convert() gamebk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/gamecenter.png").convert() playbk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/dance.png").convert() ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() readyb = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/readyb.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() gob = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/gob.png").convert() toobad = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/toobad.png").convert() good = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/good.png").convert() great = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/great.png").convert() excellent = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/excellent.png").convert() win = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/happy.png").convert() cry = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/cry.png").convert() con1 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt1.png").convert() con2 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt2.png").convert() con3 = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/congrt3.png").convert() money = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/money.png").convert() coin = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/gotchipt.png").convert() dw = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/dwrong.png").convert() dc = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/dcorrect.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) textbox = pygame.Surface([240, 64]).convert() textbox.fill((0, 255, 255)) global tl global ty tl = 0 ty = 0 drhl() dral() tl = 6 ty = 24 drhl() textbox.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") sndsec = [11, 4, 6, 9] while kr: if tuts: screen.blit(tutimg, [0, 0]) elif strt: screen.blit(gamebk, [0, 0]) if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(readyb, [0, 0]) screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(gob, [0, 0]) screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) screen.blit((fnt.render((str(scr)), 1, (0, 0, 100))), [56, 48]) if gmprt == 0: spr = 3 sprx = 104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2) spry = 84 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()) if anifr == 0: for i in range(4): a = choice(dopt) sec.append(a) if anifr % 6 < 4: screen.blit(sec[(anifr // 6)], [100, 46]) if gmprt == 1: if tprs > 0: if prsb != 4: screen.blit(sec[(tprs - 1)], [100, 46]) if prsb == 3: spr = 5 sprx = 104 + ( (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2) spry = 76 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()) elif prsb == 0: spr = 9 sprx = 104 + ( (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2) spry = 98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()) elif prsb == 2: spr = 15 sprx = 132 + ( (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2) spry = 84 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()) elif prsb == 1: spr = 11 sprx = 76 + ( (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2) spry = 84 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()) else: sprx = 104 + ( (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2) spry = 84 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()) if dwin == 0: screen.blit(dw, [100, 46]) spr = 7 elif dwin == 2: screen.blit(dc, [100, 46]) spr = 5 else: spr = 3 else: spr = 3 screen.blit( pygame.transform.flip(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], (spr == 15), 0), [sprx, spry]) else: screen.blit(gamebk, [0, 0]) if end == 3: screen.blit(money, [88, 106]) if anifr < 8: spr = 11 else: if anifr == 8: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[13].play() screen.blit(textbox, [94, 64]) mntxt = fnt.render(str(scr * 20), 1, (0, 0, 100)) screen.blit(mntxt, [(134 - (mntxt.get_width())), 74]) screen.blit(coin, [138, 72]) if scr > 0: spr = 5 else: spr = 6 screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(124 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 4: if scr < 2: screen.blit(toobad, [71, 48]) sy = 98 if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 6 else: spr = 7 screen.blit(cry, [56, 90]) else: if scr < 4: screen.blit(good, [94, 48]) elif scr < 6: screen.blit(great, [85, 48]) else: screen.blit(excellent, [51, 48]) if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: sy = 98 spr = 4 else: sy = 90 spr = 5 screen.blit(win, [136, 82]) screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (sy + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 5: if anifr < 12: screen.blit(con1, [0, 24]) spr = 3 elif anifr < 16: screen.blit(con2, [0, 24]) spr = 9 else: screen.blit(con3, [0, 24]) spr = 10 screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) pb = event.button if pb == 1: if 138 < mp[1] < 158: if 228 < mp[0] < 240: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() return (avars, ret) elif 212 < mp[0] < 224: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() ret = 0 return (avars, ret) if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and tuts: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() tuts = False strt = True anifr = -1 if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ( "%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False elif play: if gmprt == 0: gmprt = 1 dwin = 1 elif tprs < 4 and dwin == 1: tprs += 1 p = pygame.mouse.get_pos() d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) p = ((p[0] // d), (p[1] // d)) prsb = (2 * ((2 * p[0]) > (3 * p[1]))) + ((480 - (2 * p[0])) > (3 * p[1])) pygame.mixer.stop() sound[sndsec[prsb]].play() if dopt[prsb] != sec[(tprs - 1)]: dwin = 0 elif tprs == 4: dwin = 2 elif prsb < 4: prsb = 4 else: if dwin == 0: end = 1 elif dwin == 2: scr += 1 if scr < 6: gmprt = 0 tprs = 0 sec = [] else: end = 1 if end == 1: play = False end = 3 if (avars[avars[3][5]][17] + (scr // 2)) < 6: avars[avars[3][5]][17] += (scr // 2) else: avars[avars[3][5]][17] = 6 if (avars[3][2] + (scr * 20)) < 99999: avars[3][2] += (scr * 20) else: avars[3][2] = 99999 if (avars[avars[3][5]][18] - (scr // 2)) > 1: avars[avars[3][5]][18] -= (scr // 2) else: avars[avars[3][5]][18] = 1 avars[avars[3][5]][6] += (scr // 2) elif end == 3: if scr < 6: if scr < 2: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[15].play() end = 5 elif end == 5: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 elif end == 4: ret = 0 return (avars, ret) s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale( s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def game(avars, asprs, screen): class Mnbx(pygame.sprite.Sprite): bxt = [] def __init__(self): super().__init__() box = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/txtbox/box2.png").convert() image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 0, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 8, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (0, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (8, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) image = pygame.Surface([8, 8]).convert() image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) image.blit(box, (0, 0), (16, 16, 8, 8)) self.bxt.append(image) self.image = self.bxt[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def update(self): self.image = self.bxt[tl] kr = True chngsts = False scr = 0 ret = 1 pasl = [] clw = 0 gpas = -1 npas = randint(0, 2) tuts = True strt = False play = False end = 0 def drbx(): tile = Mnbx() tile.update() textbox.blit(tile.image, [tx, ty]) def drhl(): global tx global tl tx = 0 drbx() tl += 1 while tx < 48: tx += 8 drbx() tx = 56 tl += 1 drbx() def dral(): global ty global tl while ty < 16: tl = 3 ty += 8 drhl() tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 3, 1) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() tutimg = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/bakeryt.png").convert() playbk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/bakery.png").convert() ready = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/ready.png").convert() go = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/go.png").convert() clws = [] c = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/bkcb.png").convert() for i in [0, 1, 2]: x = pygame.Surface((24, 104)).convert() x.fill((0, 255, 255)) x.blit(c, [-(24 * i), 0]) x.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) clws.append(x) pastry = [[], []] f = ["Milk", "BCheese", "Choco", "Cake", "ChCake", "Donut"] for i in range(6): y = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Food/" + f[i] + ".png").convert() x = pygame.Surface((24, 24)).convert() x.fill((0, 255, 255)) x.blit(y, [0, 0]) x.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) pastry[i > 2].append(x) toobad = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/toobad.png").convert() good = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/good.png").convert() great = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/great.png").convert() excellent = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/bg/excellent.png").convert() win = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/happy.png").convert() cry = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/cry.png").convert() money = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/obj/money.png").convert() coin = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/gotchipt.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) textbox = pygame.Surface([240, 64]).convert() textbox.fill((0, 255, 255)) global tl global ty tl = 0 ty = 0 drhl() dral() tl = 6 ty = 24 drhl() textbox.set_colorkey((0, 255, 255)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") while kr: if tuts: screen.blit(tutimg, [0, 0]) elif strt: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) if anifr == 16: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[11].play() if anifr < 16: screen.blit(ready, [80, 48]) spr = 3 else: screen.blit(go, [95, 48]) spr = 5 screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif play: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) screen.blit(pastry[1][npas], [108, 76]) if end < 2: spr = 3 + (anifr % 12 > 5) if anifr % 6 == 0: pasl.append(randint(0, 2)) if len(pasl) > 16: pasl.pop(0) if end == 1: if gpas < 0: clw += 1 if clw == 2: gpas = pasl[0] else: clw -= 1 if clw == 0: end = 2 anifr = 11 pygame.mixer.stop() sound[9 + (3 * (gpas != npas))].play() else: spr = 5 + (2 * (gpas != npas)) screen.blit(clws[clw], [0, 24]) for j in range(len(pasl)): i = (len(pasl) - 1) - j if j < 5: screen.blit(pastry[0][pasl[i]], [(24 * (j + 4)), 40]) elif j < 7: screen.blit(pastry[0][pasl[i]], [216, (56 + (40 * (j - 5)))]) elif j == 15: screen.blit(pastry[1][pasl[0]], [0, 104]) screen.blit(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [32, 32]) else: screen.blit(playbk, [0, 0]) if end == 3: screen.blit(money, [88, 106]) if anifr < 8: spr = 11 else: if anifr == 8: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[13].play() screen.blit(textbox, [94, 64]) mntxt = fnt.render(str(scr * 200), 1, (0, 0, 100)) screen.blit(mntxt, [(138 - (mntxt.get_width())), 74]) screen.blit(coin, [138, 72]) if scr > 0: spr = 5 else: spr = 6 screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(124 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (98 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) elif end == 4: if scr < 4: screen.blit(toobad, [71, 48]) sy = 98 if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 6 else: spr = 7 screen.blit(cry, [56, 90]) else: if scr < 8: screen.blit(good, [94, 48]) elif scr < 12: screen.blit(great, [85, 48]) else: screen.blit(excellent, [51, 48]) if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: sy = 98 spr = 4 else: sy = 90 spr = 5 screen.blit(win, [136, 82]) screen.blit( asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], [(104 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2)), (sy + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()))]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mp = event.pos d = (screen.get_size()[0] // 240) mp = ((mp[0] // d), (mp[1] // d)) pb = event.button if pb == 1: if 138 < mp[1] < 158: if 228 < mp[0] < 240: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() return (avars, ret) elif 212 < mp[0] < 224: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[4].play() ret = 0 return (avars, ret) if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and tuts: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[10].play() tuts = False strt = True anifr = -1 if (24 < mp[1] < 136) and play and end == 0 and len(pasl) > 13: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[2].play() end = 1 if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ( "%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 chngsts = True if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if strt: play = True strt = False elif play and end == 2: if gpas == npas: scr += 1 end = 0 gpas = -1 npas = randint(0, 2) if end == 2 or scr == 12: end = 3 play = False if (avars[3][2] + (scr * 200)) < 99999: avars[3][2] += (scr * 200) else: avars[3][2] = 99999 avars[avars[3][5]][6] += ((scr * 4) // 3) avars[avars[3][5]][8] += ((scr * 2) // 3) elif end == 3: if scr < 4: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[14].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[1].play() end = 4 elif end == 4: ret = 0 return (avars, ret) s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale( s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()
def bathroom(avars, md, asprs, screen): kr = True chngsts = False tm = 0 go = False def charaanim(): flip = False if md == 0: if tm < 14: spr = 16 else: spr = 17 if avars[avars[3][5]][1] < 3: sprx = 106 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2) spry = 84 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()) else: flip = True sprx = 12 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) spry = 76 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()) elif md == 1: if tm < 14 and ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: spr = 3 else: spr = 5 sprx = 106 + ((32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_width()) // 2) if avars[avars[3][5]][1] < 2: spry = 90 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()) else: spry = 95 + (32 - asprs[avars[3][5]][spr].get_height()) if tm > 13: spry -= 8 return(spr, sprx, spry, flip) tpborder, btborder, borderico = borders.getborders(avars[3][13], 1, 2, 0) hn = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hngs.png").convert() hp = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/hpys.png").convert() sk = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/scks.png").convert() sl = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/menu/slps.png").convert() try: bck = pygame.image.load(avars[3][21]).convert() if bck.get_size() != (240, 160): raise Exception("Wrong size!") except pygame.error: bck = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() bck.fill((51, 51, 204)) try: tbck = pygame.image.load(avars[3][18]).convert() if tbck.get_size() != (240, 160): raise Exception("Wrong size!") except pygame.error: tbck = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() tbck.fill((51, 51, 204)) try: bath = pygame.image.load(avars[3][22]).convert() if bath.get_size() != (64, 32): raise Exception("Wrong size!") except pygame.error: bath = pygame.Surface([64, 32]).convert() bath.fill((51, 51, 204)) try: toilet = pygame.image.load(avars[3][19]).convert() if toilet.get_size() != (48, 48): raise Exception("Wrong size!") except pygame.error: toilet = pygame.Surface([48, 48]).convert() toilet.fill((51, 51, 204)) try: btoilet = pygame.image.load(avars[3][20]).convert() if btoilet.get_size() != (32, 32): raise Exception("Wrong size!") except pygame.error: btoilet = pygame.Surface([32, 32]).convert() btoilet.fill((51, 51, 204)) vap = pygame.image.load("Sprites/Misc/emo/vapor.png").convert() fnt = pygame.font.Font("Sprites/Misc/font/Tama2.ttf", 16) sound = sounds.imprtsnd(avars) clock = pygame.time.Clock() if md == 0 and avars[avars[3][5]][33] < 4 and avars[avars[3][5]][17] < 6: avars[avars[3][5]][17] += 1 if md == 0: if avars[avars[3][5]][18] > 3: avars[avars[3][5]][18] -= 2 else: avars[avars[3][5]][18] = 1 anifr = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, int(1000 / ((5 * avars[3][3]) + 1))) if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") while kr: if md == 0: screen.blit(tbck, [0, 0]) else: screen.blit(bck, [0, 0]) screen = borders.drawborders(screen, avars, asprs, tpborder, btborder, borderico, fnt, 0, anifr, hn, hp, sk, sl) spr, sprx, spry, flip = charaanim() screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(asprs[avars[3][5]][spr], flip, 0), [sprx, spry]) if md == 0: if avars[avars[3][5]][1] < 3: screen.blit(btoilet, [104, 98]) else: screen.blit(toilet, [4, 82]) else: screen.blit(bath, [88, 98]) if ((anifr / 12) - (anifr // 12)) < 0.5: screen.blit(vap, [138, 72]) screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(vap, 1, 0), [90, 84]) else: screen.blit(pygame.transform.flip(vap, 1, 0), [138, 84]) screen.blit(vap, [90, 72]) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: varsup.updtvrs(avars) kr = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == USEREVENT + 1: if avars[3][3] == 0: avars[3][6] = time.strftime("%H:%M") else: avars[3][7] += 1 if avars[3][7] == 60: if int(avars[3][6][3:]) != 59: nhour = avars[3][6][:3] + ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][3:]) + 1)) avars[3][6] = nhour else: nhour = ("%02d" % (int(avars[3][6][:2]) + 1)) + ":00" if nhour == "24:00": nhour = "00:00" avars[3][6] = nhour avars[3][7] = 0 if len(avars[0]) > 0: avars[0][2] += 1 if len(avars[1]) > 0: avars[1][2] += 1 if len(avars[2]) > 0: avars[2][2] += 1 if tm == 14 and anifr % 6 == 0: if md == 0: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[5].play() else: pygame.mixer.stop() sound[6].play() if tm == 16: go = True chngsts = True if anifr < 23: anifr += 1 else: anifr = 0 if chngsts: avars = statusup.chngsts(avars) chngsts = False if go: avars[avars[3][5]][2] += 25 return(avars) if anifr % 6 == 0: tm += 1 s = pygame.Surface([240, 160]).convert() s.blit(screen, [0, 0]) s = pygame.transform.scale(s, (screen.get_size()[0], screen.get_size()[1])) screen.blit(s, [0, 0]) clock.tick(16) pygame.display.update()