Exemple #1
class TestBikeChecker(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        x = """
                <stations lastUpdate="0">
                        <name>Lodge Road, St. John's Wood</name>
        self.bc = BikeChecker(endpoint=StringIO(x))

    def test_last_updated(self):
        """ Tests the boris.BikeChecker.last_updated property """
        self.bc._last_updated = long(1353300000000)
        expected = datetime.datetime(2012, 11, 19, 4, 40)
        self.assertEquals(expected, self.bc.last_updated)

    def test__process_stations(self):
        Tests boris.BikeChecker._process_stations parses correct result
        exp_lst = [dict([('id', 8), ('name', u"Lodge Road, St. John's Wood"), 
                         ('terminalName', u'003423'), ('lat', 51.5), 
                         ('long', -0.14), ('installed', True), 
                         ('locked', False), 
                         ('installDate', 1278241920000), 
                         ('removalDate', None), ('temporary', False), 
                         ('nbBikes', 3), ('nbEmptyDocks', 15), 
                         ('nbDocks', 18)])] 
        exp_map = {exp_lst[0]['name'].lower(): exp_lst[0]}
        self.assertEquals(exp_lst, self.bc._stations_lst)
        self.assertEquals(exp_map, self.bc._stations_map)

    @patch('boris.etree.parse', wraps=etree.parse)
    @patch('boris.datetime', wraps=datetime)
    def test_all_cache(self, dt_mock, etree_mock):
        """ Tests boris.BikeChecker.all respects the cache """
        now = dt_mock.datetime.utcnow
        now.return_value = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
        # no update because cache not exceeded

        # now we force an update

        # reset the mock and exceed the cache
        now.return_value = datetime.datetime.\
                                        utcfromtimestamp(boris.CACHE_LIMIT + 1)

    def test_get(self):
        """ Tests boris.BikeChecker.get """
        self.bc._stations_map = {'foo': 0, 'fooby': 1, 'zoo': 2}
        #harmless callable to stop the stations updating
        self.bc._process_stations = int 
        self.assertEquals([0], self.bc.get("Foo "))
        self.assertEquals([1, 0], self.bc.get("foby", fuzzy_matches=2))
        self.assertEquals([2, 1, 0], self.bc.get("zooy", fuzzy_matches=5))

    def test_find_with_geo(self):
        """ Tests boris.BikeChecker.find_with_geo """
        phillimore = {'lat': 51.4996, 'long': -0.1975, 'nbBikes': 5}
        christopher_st = {'lat': 51.5212, 'long': -0.08, 'nbBikes': 3}
        self.bc._stations_lst = [phillimore, christopher_st]
        #harmless callable to stop the stations updating
        self.bc._process_stations = int 

        # Earl's Court is closer to Phillimore St.
        earls_crt = (51.4920, -0.1933)
        actual = self.bc.find_with_geo(*earls_crt)
        self.assertEquals(phillimore, actual['station'])
        self.assertLess(0.0, actual['distance'])

        # Warren St is closer to Christopher St.
        warren = (51.5249, -0.1383)
        actual = self.bc.find_with_geo(*warren)
        self.assertEquals(christopher_st, actual['station'])
        self.assertLess(0.0, actual['distance'])

        # Christopher St doesn't have enough bikes available
        predicate = lambda x: x['nbBikes'] >= 5
        actual = self.bc.find_with_geo(*warren, predicate=predicate)
        self.assertEquals(phillimore, actual['station'])

        # No stations satisfy this desired availability
        predicate = lambda x: x['nbBikes'] >= 6
        actual = self.bc.find_with_geo(*warren, predicate=predicate)
        self.assertEquals({}, actual)

    def test_find_with_postcode_errors(self):
        """ Tests boris.BikeChecker.find_with_postcode exceptions """
        get_mock = Mock(return_value=None)
        patcher = patch.object(self.bc, 'pc', 
        f = self.bc.find_with_postcode
        self.assertRaises(InvalidPostcodeException, f, None)
        get_mock.return_value = {'foo': 'bar'}
        self.assertRaises(InvalidDataException, f, None)
        get_mock.return_value = {'geo': {'lat':0}}
        self.assertRaises(InvalidDataException, f, None)

    def test_find_with_postcode(self):
        """ Tests boris.BikeChecker.find_with_postcode """
        self.bc.pc.get = Mock(return_value={'geo': {'lat':1, 'lng': 2}})
        self.bc.find_with_geo = Mock()
        self.bc.find_with_postcode("abc 123")
        p = lambda x: True
        self.bc.find_with_postcode("abc 123", predicate=p)
        self.bc.find_with_geo.assert_has_calls([call(1, 2, predicate=None), 
                                                call(1, 2, predicate=p)])