Exemple #1
def transition_from_state(hex_message):
    channel_state = coder.get_channel_state(hex_message)
    message_transformations = CHANNEL_STATES[channel_state](hex_message)

    response_message = hex_message
    message_transformations += [coder.increment_state_turn_num]
    for transformation in message_transformations:
        response_message = transformation(response_message)

    return response_message
Exemple #2
def test_channel_attributes():
    nonce = coder.get_channel_nonce(SAMPLE_MESSAGE)
    assert nonce == SAMPLE_NONCE

    players = coder.get_channel_players(SAMPLE_MESSAGE)
    assert players[0] == SAMPLE_PLAYER_A
    assert players[1] == SAMPLE_PLAYER_B

    channel_type = coder.get_channel_type(SAMPLE_MESSAGE)
    assert channel_type == SAMPLE_TYPE

    state = coder.get_channel_state(SAMPLE_MESSAGE)
    assert state == 0
Exemple #3
def message_opponent(message, bot_addr):
    state_type = coder.get_channel_state(message)
    queue = 'GAME_ENGINE'
    # Postfund and conclusion messages are sent to the wallet
    if state_type == 1 or state_type == 3:
        queue = 'WALLET'
    hex_message = str_to_hex(message)
    signature = str_to_hex(sign_message(hex_message, bot_addr))

    d_message = {'data': hex_message, 'signature': signature, 'queue': queue}

    players = coder.get_channel_players(message)
    opponents = list(filter(lambda player: player != bot_addr, players))
    opponent_address = opponents[0]
    ref = _get_addr_ref(opponent_address)