def __get_connection_dynamodb(retries=3): """ Ensure connection to DynamoDB :type retries: int :param retries: Number of times to retry to connect to DynamoDB """ connected = False while not connected: logger.debug('Connecting to DynamoDB in {0}'.format( get_global_option('region'))) if (get_global_option('aws_access_key_id') and get_global_option('aws_secret_access_key')): logger.debug( 'Authenticating to DynamoDB using ' 'credentials in configuration file') connection = dynamodb2.connect_to_region( get_global_option('region'), aws_access_key_id=get_global_option('aws_access_key_id'), aws_secret_access_key=get_global_option( 'aws_secret_access_key')) else: try: logger.debug( 'Authenticating to DynamoDB using EC2 instance profile') metadata = get_instance_metadata(timeout=1, num_retries=1) connection = dynamodb2.connect_to_region( metadata['placement']['availability-zone'][:-1], profile_name=metadata['iam']['info'][u'InstanceProfileArn']) except KeyError: logger.debug( 'Authenticating to DynamoDB using ' 'env vars / boto configuration') connection = dynamodb2.connect_to_region( get_global_option('region')) if not connection: if retries == 0: logger.error('Failed to connect to DynamoDB. Giving up.') raise else: logger.error( 'Failed to connect to DynamoDB. Retrying in 5 seconds') retries -= 1 time.sleep(5) else: connected = True logger.debug('Connected to DynamoDB in {0}'.format( get_global_option('region'))) return connection
def __get_connection_dynamodb(retries=3): """ Ensure connection to DynamoDB :type retries: int :param retries: Number of times to retry to connect to DynamoDB """ connected = False while not connected: logger.debug('Connecting to DynamoDB in {0}'.format( get_global_option('region'))) if (get_global_option('aws_access_key_id') and get_global_option('aws_secret_access_key')): logger.debug('Authenticating to DynamoDB using ' 'credentials in configuration file') connection = dynamodb2.connect_to_region( get_global_option('region'), aws_access_key_id=get_global_option('aws_access_key_id'), aws_secret_access_key=get_global_option( 'aws_secret_access_key')) else: try: logger.debug( 'Authenticating to DynamoDB using EC2 instance profile') metadata = get_instance_metadata(timeout=1, num_retries=1) connection = dynamodb2.connect_to_region( metadata['placement']['availability-zone'][:-1], profile_name=metadata['iam']['info'] [u'InstanceProfileArn']) except KeyError: logger.debug('Authenticating to DynamoDB using ' 'env vars / boto configuration') connection = dynamodb2.connect_to_region( get_global_option('region')) if not connection: if retries == 0: logger.error('Failed to connect to DynamoDB. Giving up.') raise else: logger.error( 'Failed to connect to DynamoDB. Retrying in 5 seconds') retries -= 1 time.sleep(5) else: connected = True logger.debug('Connected to DynamoDB in {0}'.format( get_global_option('region'))) return connection
def getData(column): conn = dynamodb2.connect_to_region( REGION, aws_access_key_id=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ) # connect to AWS Dynamo db table = Table(TABLE_NAME, connection=conn) # get data database table Pilogs results = table.scan() # get all the data from db and store in results data = {} # create an empty dictionary for dynamo_items in results: dict1 = dict( dynamo_items ) # dynamo_items = <boto.dynamodb2.items.Item object at 0x7630d0f0> data[dict1['Timestamp']] = { } # create a nested dictionary with Timestamp as the key # Insert into the nested dictionary such that it will be like: {'Timestamp': {'Pi_SN':value, 'Light':value ... } } for key, value in dict1.items(): if 'Pi_SN' in key: data[dict1['Timestamp']][ key] = value # append the value of Pi_SN into the nested dictionary elif column in key: data[dict1['Timestamp']][key] = str( value ) # append the value of column('Light', 'Temperature', 'Humidity') into the nested dictionary # return the nested dictiionary return data
def shortener(request): url = check_url( request.params.get('url') ) if len(url) >= 2046: # we only accept URL shorter or equal to 2046 characters # Index restriction in DynamoDB url_short = 'toolong' else: # DynamoDB v2 high-level abstraction try: table = Table('shorturl', connection=connect_to_region('eu-west-1')) except Exception as e: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest('Error during connection %s' % e) url_short = _add_item(table, url) # Use env specific URLs if not in ('', ''): host_url = make_api_url(request) + '/shorten/' else: host_url = ''.join((request.scheme, '://')) return { 'shorturl': host_url + url_short }
def dynamo(self): """ Lazy loading of the dynamo connection """ if self._dynamo is None: if self.region is not None: self._dynamo = connect_to_region(self.region) else: if not os.path.exists(self.path): tarball = urlretrieve([0] subprocess.check_call(['tar', '-zxf', tarball]) name = os.path.basename('.')[0] shutil.move(name, self.path) os.unlink(tarball) lib_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'DynamoDBLocal_lib') jar_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'DynamoDBLocal.jar') cmd = [, '-Djava.library.path=' + lib_path, '-jar', jar_path, '--port', str(self.port)] self._dynamo_local = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) self._dynamo = DynamoDBConnection( host='localhost', port=self.port, is_secure=False, aws_access_key_id='', aws_secret_access_key='') return self._dynamo
def get(self): if self.conn is None: try: self.conn = connect_to_region(self.region) except Exception as e: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest('DynamoDB: Error during connection init %s' % e) return self.conn
def connection(self): """ Our DynamoDB connection. This will be lazily created if this is the first time this is being accessed. This connection is reused for performance. """ ctx = if ctx is not None: if not hasattr(ctx, 'dynamo_connection'): kwargs = { 'host':['DYNAMO_LOCAL_HOST'] if['DYNAMO_ENABLE_LOCAL'] else None, 'port': int(['DYNAMO_LOCAL_PORT']) if['DYNAMO_ENABLE_LOCAL'] else None, 'is_secure': False if['DYNAMO_ENABLE_LOCAL'] else True, } # Only apply if manually specified: otherwise, we'll let boto # figure it out (boto will sniff for ec2 instance profile # credentials). if['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID']: kwargs['aws_access_key_id'] =['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] if['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']: kwargs['aws_secret_access_key'] =['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] # If DynamoDB local is disabled, we'll remove these settings. if not kwargs['host']: del kwargs['host'] if not kwargs['port']: del kwargs['port'] ctx.dynamo_connection = connect_to_region(['AWS_REGION'], **kwargs) return ctx.dynamo_connection
def connect(self, **kwargs): if 'table_prefix' in kwargs: DynamoDatabase.table_prefix = kwargs['table_prefix'] del kwargs['table_prefix'] if DynamoDatabase._db_connection is not None: raise DynamoException( 'Already connected, use disconnect() before making a ' 'new connection') if ( 'region_name' in kwargs and kwargs['region_name'] == 'localhost' ): # local dynamodb debug = kwargs['debug'] if 'debug' in kwargs else 0 DynamoDatabase._db_connection = \ boto.dynamodb2.layer1.DynamoDBConnection( host=kwargs.get('DYNAMODB_HOST', 'localhost'), port=kwargs.get('DYNAMODB_PORT', 8000), aws_access_key_id='local', aws_secret_access_key='success', is_secure=False, debug=debug) DynamoDatabase.local_dynamodb = True else: # Real dynamo db DynamoDatabase._db_connection = connect_to_region(**kwargs) self.get_tables() return DynamoDatabase._db_connection
def data(): from boto import dynamodb2 from boto.dynamodb2.table import Table TABLE_NAME = "issdata" REGION = "us-west-1" conn = dynamodb2.connect_to_region( REGION, aws_access_key_id=os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'], aws_secret_access_key=os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'], ) table = Table(TABLE_NAME, connection=conn) absolute_junk = { "favorite_color": "blue", "quest": "seek_holy_grail", } with table.batch_write() as table_batch: for example_counter in xrange(10): required_hash_data = { "user_id": 11, "timestamp": datetime_to_timestamp_ms(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) } final_dynamo_data = dict(absolute_junk.items() + required_hash_data.items()) table_batch.put_item(data=final_dynamo_data)
def dynamo_main(): conn = dynamodb2.connect_to_region(region_name=region, aws_access_key_id=access_key, aws_secret_access_key=secret_key) diag_rep_table = Table(dynamodb_diag_rep_table, connection=conn) table = Table(dynamodb_main_org_table, connection=conn) diag_rep_res = diag_rep_table.scan() diag_rep_ids = [] for diag_rep in diag_rep_res: diag_rep_ids.append(dict(diag_rep.get_raw_keys())['diagRepId']['S']) with table.batch_write() as batch: for i in range(0, 10): main_org = {} global next_id main_org['orgId'] = str(next_id) next_id += 1 engineers = [] engineers.append(engineer_ids[0]) engineers.append(engineer_ids[1]) main_org['engineers'] = engineers pending = [] pending.append(diag_rep_ids[randint(0, len(diag_rep_ids) - 1)]) pending.append(diag_rep_ids[randint(0, len(diag_rep_ids) - 1)]) resp = [] resp.append(diag_rep_ids[randint(0, len(diag_rep_ids) - 1)]) resp.append(diag_rep_ids[randint(0, len(diag_rep_ids) - 1)]) main_org['pendingDiagnosticReports'] = pending main_org['respondedDiagnosticReports'] = resp
def getTable() : """ returns the Boto Table object """ if(SessionTable.isLocal) : return Table(SessionTable.TABLE_NAME,connection=SessionTable.getLocalConnection()) return Table(SessionTable.TABLE_NAME,connection=connect_to_region(SessionTable.DYNAMO_REGION))
def connection(self): """ Our DynamoDB connection. This will be lazily created if this is the first time this is being accessed. This connection is reused for performance. """ ctx = if ctx is not None: if not hasattr(ctx, 'dynamo_connection'): kwargs = { 'aws_access_key_id':['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'], 'aws_secret_access_key':['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'], 'host':['DYNAMO_LOCAL_HOST'] if['DYNAMO_ENABLE_LOCAL'] else None, 'port': int(['DYNAMO_LOCAL_PORT']) if['DYNAMO_ENABLE_LOCAL'] else None, 'is_secure': False if['DYNAMO_ENABLE_LOCAL'] else True, } # If DynamoDB local is disabled, we'll remove these settings. if not kwargs['host']: del kwargs['host'] if not kwargs['port']: del kwargs['port'] ctx.dynamo_connection = connect_to_region(['AWS_REGION'], **kwargs) return ctx.dynamo_connection
def delete(self, resource): if self.dry_run: return connection = dynamodb2.connect_to_region(resource.region)"Initiating deletion sequence for {0}.".format( resource.wrapped["TableName"])) connection.delete_table(resource.wrapped["TableName"])
def dynamo_main(): conn = dynamodb2.connect_to_region(region_name=region, aws_access_key_id=access_key, aws_secret_access_key=secret_key) prop_appl_table = Table(dynamodb_prop_appl_table, connection=conn) table = Table(dynamodb_diag_rep_table, connection=conn) prop_appl_res = prop_appl_table.scan() prop_appl_ids = [] for prop_appl in prop_appl_res: prop_appl_ids.append(dict(prop_appl.get_raw_keys())['propApplId']['S']) with table.batch_write() as batch: for i in range(0, 20): diag_rep = {} global next_id diag_rep['diagRepId'] = str(next_id) next_id += 1 diag_rep['propApplId'] = prop_appl_ids[randint( 0, len(prop_appl_ids) - 1)] diag_rep['managerId'] = manager_ids[randint( 0, len(manager_ids) - 1)] diag_rep['organisations'] = ["1"] diag_rep['timestamp'] = int(time.time()) diag_rep['description'] = "Description" batch.put_item(data=diag_rep)
def sendtodynamo_cnn(cnnjson): ''' Send json to DynamoDB Assumes that article timestamps have been deduped to avoid collisions ''' conn = connect_to_region('us-west-2', aws_access_key_id=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) hashkey = "CNN" # primary key to be used for DynamoDB table try: table = Table('CNN', connection=conn) table.describe() except boto.exception.JSONResponseError: print "Creating table" table = Table.create('CNN', schema=[HashKey('source'), RangeKey('tstamp',data_type=NUMBER)], throughput={'read':25, 'write':25}, indexes=[GlobalAllIndex('showidx',parts=[HashKey('show')],throughput={'read':10,'write':5})]) iteration = 0 for article in cnnjson: # Iterate through list of articles and upload to table rangekey = float(article['timestamp']) rowdata = {'source':hashkey,'tstamp':rangekey, 'cnnShow':article['show']} for key in article.keys(): rowdata[key]=article[key] item = table.put_item(data = rowdata) iteration += 1 if iteration%100==0: print "Uploaded "+iteration+" articles" return None
def __init__(self, settings): ''' read/write throughtput: read/write capacity times per second refer: create layer2 connection ''' self.settings = settings self.conn = dynamodb2.connect_to_region(settings.get('region', 'ap-northeast-1'), aws_access_key_id=settings.get('aws_access_key_id'), aws_secret_access_key=settings.get('aws_secret_access_key') ) self.default_throughput = {'read': settings.get('default_throughput').get('read', 100), 'write': settings.get('default_throughput').get('write', 100) } self._tables = {} # # hash_key_name is 'key', type is 'S' for string # no range key # self.hash_key_name = settings.get('hash_key_name', _DEFAULT_HASH_KEY_NAME) self.range_key_name = settings.get('range_key_name', None) self.data_property = settings.get('data_property', _DEFAULT_DATA_PROPERTY) self.default_schema = [HashKey(self.hash_key_name)] if self.range_key_name: self.default_schema.append(RangeKey(self.range_key_name))
def __init__(self, ut=False, read_tput=None, write_tput=None): self.conn = None self.tables = {} self.keys = {} if read_tput: self.throughput_read = read_tput else: self.throughput_read = 10 if write_tput: self.throughput_write = write_tput else: self.throughput_write = 10 # override this for testing with dynamodb local local = False if local: self.conn = DynamoDBConnection( aws_access_key_id='photostore', aws_secret_access_key='local', host='localhost', port=8000, is_secure=False) else: self.conn = connect_to_region( 'us-west-2', aws_access_key_id='YOUR_ACCOUNT', aws_secret_access_key='YOUR_KEY' )
def GetConnection(self): # Environment var if self.region == '': self.region = os.getenv('AWS_REGION', '') # Default if self.region == '': self.region = "us-west-2" aws_access_key_id=os.getenv('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', '') aws_secret_access_key=os.getenv('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', '') if self.endpoint: return DynamoDBConnection( host=self.endpoint_data.hostname, port=self.endpoint_data.port, aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key, is_secure=False ) else: return connect_to_region(self.region, aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key )
def __get_connection_dynamodb(conf_file_options, retries=3): """ Ensure connection to DynamoDB :type retries: dict :param conf_file_options: configuration information :type retries: int :param retries: Number of times to retry to connect to DynamoDB """ connected = False region = conf_file_options['region'] logger = logging.getLogger('dynamic-dynamodb') while not connected: if 'aws_access_key_id' in conf_file_options and 'aws_secret_access_key' in conf_file_options: logger.debug( 'Authenticating to DynamoDB using ' 'credentials in configuration file') connection = dynamodb2.connect_to_region( region, aws_access_key_id=conf_file_options['aws_access_key_id'], aws_secret_access_key=conf_file_options['aws_secret_access_key'] ) else: logger.debug( 'Authenticating using boto\'s authentication handler') connection = dynamodb2.connect_to_region(region) if not connection: if retries == 0: logger.error('Failed to connect to DynamoDB. Giving up.') raise else: logger.error( 'Failed to connect to DynamoDB. Retrying in 5 seconds') retries -= 1 time.sleep(5) else: connected = True logger.debug('Connected to DynamoDB in {0}'.format(region)) return connection
def connect(self): start = time.time() self.con = dynamodb2.connect_to_region( self.args.region, aws_access_key_id=self.args.key_id, aws_secret_access_key=self.args.secret, is_secure=True) self.time2connect = time.time() - start
def create_table(self, name, schema, conn=None): try: if conn is None: conn = connect_to_region(REGION, aws_access_key_id=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) table = Table.create(name, schema=schema, connection=conn) return table except Exception as ex: print "Exception occured while creating table in dynamo:" + str(ex)
def __init__(self): self.conn = dynamodb2.connect_to_region( REGION, aws_access_key_id=ACCESS_KEY, aws_secret_access_key=SECRET_KEY, ) self.table = Table(TABLE_NAME, connection=self.conn)
def connect(self): start=time.time() self.con=dynamodb2.connect_to_region(self.args.region, aws_access_key_id=self.args.key_id, aws_secret_access_key=self.args.secret, is_secure=True ) self.time2connect=time.time()-start
def connect_to_db(app, table_name, hashkey): dyno = Table(table_name, schema=[HashKey(hashkey)], connection=ddb.connect_to_region(app.config['dynamodb.region'], aws_access_key_id=app.config['keys.key_id'], aws_secret_access_key=app.config['keys.key_secret'], security_token=app.config['keys.key_token'])) return dyno
def __init__(self, keyid, secretkey,region,name,endpoint=None, port=None): self.tweetsTable = None self.db = None if port is None: port = 8000 self.db = connect_to_region(region, aws_access_key_id=keyid, aws_secret_access_key=secretkey) self.tweetsTable = Table(name,connection=self.db)
def setup(jep): global table, schema, throughput, region, initwait connection=dynamodb2.connect_to_region( region, aws_access_key_id=os.environ['aws_access_key_id'], aws_secret_access_key=os.environ['aws_secret_access_key'] ) table = Table(tb_name,schema=schema,throughput=throughput,connection=connection) time.sleep(initwait)
def delete(self, resource): if self.dry_run: return connection = dynamodb2.connect_to_region(resource.region) try:"Initiating deletion sequence for {0}.".format(resource.wrapped["TableName"])) connection.delete_table(resource.wrapped["TableName"]) except ResourceInUseException as exc: self.logger.exception(exc)
def configure(self, context): super().configure(context) region_name = re.sub('_', '-', self.region().name) self.logger.debug("Connecting to region {}...".format(region_name)) self._conn = connect_to_region( region_name, aws_access_key_id=self.creds().access_key(), aws_secret_access_key=self.creds().access_secret()) self.logger.debug("Connection complete")
def setup_logging(): if not app.debug: # In production mode, add log handler to sys.stderr. app.logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) app.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) db_connection = dynamodb2.connect_to_region(AWS_REGION) app.db = DatabaseManager(db_connection)
def dynamo_main(appliances): conn = dynamodb2.connect_to_region(region_name=region, aws_access_key_id=access_key, aws_secret_access_key=secret_key) table = Table(dynamodb_appliance_table, connection=conn) with table.batch_write() as batch: for appliance in appliances: batch.put_item(data=appliance)
def connectToDynamoService(): """ This will use your ~/.boto configuration file containing access key and access secret """ print 'connecting to service dynamodb...' conn = connect_to_region('eu-west-1') print 'connected.' return conn
def connect(app): table_name = app.config['dynamodb.turing_users'] hashkey = "user_id" dyno = Table(table_name, schema=[HashKey(hashkey)], connection=ddb.connect_to_region(app.config['dynamodb.region'], aws_access_key_id=app.config['keys.key_id'], aws_secret_access_key=app.config['keys.key_secret'], security_token=app.config['keys.key_token'])) return dyno
def client_factory(): """Return an AmazonDB client that provides a ``put_item(data=data)`` method. """ return Table( 'request_storer', schema=[HashKey('request_id')], connection=dynamodb2.connect_to_region('eu-west-1') )
def __get_connection_dynamodb(retries=3): """ Ensure connection to DynamoDB :type retries: int :param retries: Number of times to retry to connect to DynamoDB """ connected = False while not connected: logger.debug("Connecting to DynamoDB in {0}".format(get_global_option("region"))) if get_global_option("aws_access_key_id") and get_global_option("aws_secret_access_key"): logger.debug("Authenticating to DynamoDB using " "credentials in configuration file") connection = dynamodb2.connect_to_region( get_global_option("region"), aws_access_key_id=get_global_option("aws_access_key_id"), aws_secret_access_key=get_global_option("aws_secret_access_key"), ) else: try: logger.debug("Authenticating to DynamoDB using EC2 instance profile") metadata = get_instance_metadata(timeout=1, num_retries=1) connection = dynamodb2.connect_to_region( metadata["placement"]["availability-zone"][:-1], profile_name=metadata["iam"]["info"][u"InstanceProfileArn"], ) except KeyError: logger.debug("Authenticating to DynamoDB using " "env vars / boto configuration") connection = dynamodb2.connect_to_region(get_global_option("region")) if not connection: if retries == 0: logger.error("Failed to connect to DynamoDB. Giving up.") raise else: logger.error("Failed to connect to DynamoDB. Retrying in 5 seconds") retries -= 1 time.sleep(5) else: connected = True logger.debug("Connected to DynamoDB in {0}".format(get_global_option("region"))) return connection
def connect(app): table_name = app.config['dynamodb.turing_users'] hashkey = "user_id" dyno = Table(table_name, schema=[HashKey(hashkey)], connection=ddb.connect_to_region( app.config['dynamodb.region'], aws_access_key_id=app.config['keys.key_id'], aws_secret_access_key=app.config['keys.key_secret'], security_token=app.config['keys.key_token'])) return dyno
def __init__(self, namespace, table_name, region=None, hash_key='id', **params): OpenResourceNamespaceManager.__init__(self, namespace) if table_name is None: raise MissingCacheParameter('DynamoDB table name required.') self._hash_key = hash_key self._table = ddb.table.Table(table_name, connection=ddb.connect_to_region(region)) self._flags = None self._item = None
def fetch_unwanted_resources(self): for region in self.regions: connection = dynamodb2.connect_to_region( names = connection.list_tables(limit=100) or {} for name in names.get("TableNames"): resource = connection.describe_table(name) resource_wrapper = Resource(resource["Table"], if name in self.ignored_resources:'IGNORE ' + self.to_string(resource_wrapper)) continue yield resource_wrapper
def put_item(self, tablename, data, conn=None, schema=None): try: if conn is None: conn = connect_to_region(REGION, aws_access_key_id=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) table = self.get_table(tablename, conn, schema=schema) ret = table.put_item(data=data) if ret: print "Put successful.\n" else: print "Put failed.\n" except Exception as ex: print "DynamoDB: Exception occured in put_item in table '"+tablename+"':" + str(ex)
def connection(self): """ Our DynamoDB connection. This will be lazily created if this is the first time this is being accessed. This connection is reused for performance. """ ctx = if ctx is not None: if not hasattr(ctx, 'dynamo_connection'): ctx.dynamo_connection = connect_to_region(['AWS_REGION']) return ctx.dynamo_connection
def put_to_dynamodb(data): """Make a PUT request to dynamodb2 and insert the data""" requests_table = Table('request_storer', schema=[HashKey('request_id')], connection=dynamodb2.connect_to_region('eu-west-1') ) try: requests_table.put_item(data=data) except UnicodeDecodeError: data['body'] = 'Unicode error when parsing' requests_table.put_item(data=data)
def create_boto2_table(name): c = connect_to_region(os.getenv("AWS_REGION"), host=HOST, port=PORT, is_secure=False) Table.create(name, schema=[HashKey("string")], throughput={ "read": 1, "write": 1 }, connection=c) print(c.list_tables())
def connect(self, aws_region, accessId, secretkey): try: self.aws_region = aws_region self.access_id = accessId self.secret_key = secretkey self.conn = dynamodb2.connect_to_region( self.aws_region, aws_access_key_id=self.access_id, aws_secret_access_key=self.secret_key) return True except Exception as e: print 'Exception happened in dynamodb connect ' + str(e.args) exit(2)
def dynamo_main(appliance_statuses, stat_icon): conn = dynamodb2.connect_to_region(region_name=region, aws_access_key_id=access_key, aws_secret_access_key=secret_key) table = Table(dynamodb_appliance_status_table, connection=conn) with table.batch_write() as batch: for appliance_stat in appliance_statuses: global next_id appliance_stat['statusId'] = str(next_id) appliance_stat['icon'] = stat_icon next_id += 1 batch.put_item(data=appliance_stat)
def setup_logging(): if not app.debug: # In production mode, add log handler to sys.stderr. app.logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) app.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) db_connection = dynamodb2.connect_to_region( AWS_REGION, aws_access_key_id=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ) app.db = DatabaseManager(db_connection)
def __get_connection_dynamodb(retries=3): """ Ensure connection to DynamoDB :type retries: int :param retries: Number of times to retry to connect to DynamoDB """ connected = False region = get_global_option('region') while not connected: if (get_global_option('aws_access_key_id') and get_global_option('aws_secret_access_key')): logger.debug( 'Authenticating to DynamoDB using ' 'credentials in configuration file') connection = dynamodb2.connect_to_region( region, aws_access_key_id=get_global_option('aws_access_key_id'), aws_secret_access_key=get_global_option( 'aws_secret_access_key')) else: logger.debug( 'Authenticating using boto\'s authentication handler') connection = dynamodb2.connect_to_region(region) if not connection: if retries == 0: logger.error('Failed to connect to DynamoDB. Giving up.') raise else: logger.error( 'Failed to connect to DynamoDB. Retrying in 5 seconds') retries -= 1 time.sleep(5) else: connected = True logger.debug('Connected to DynamoDB in {0}'.format(region)) return connection
def sendtodynamo_cnn(cnnjson): ''' Send json to DynamoDB Assumes that article timestamps have been deduped to avoid collisions ''' conn = connect_to_region('us-west-2', aws_access_key_id=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) hashkey = "CNN" # primary key to be used for DynamoDB table try: table = Table('CNN', connection=conn) table.describe() except boto.exception.JSONResponseError: print "Creating table" table = Table.create( 'CNN', schema=[HashKey('source'), RangeKey('tstamp', data_type=NUMBER)], throughput={ 'read': 25, 'write': 25 }, indexes=[ GlobalAllIndex('showidx', parts=[HashKey('show')], throughput={ 'read': 10, 'write': 5 }) ]) iteration = 0 for article in cnnjson: # Iterate through list of articles and upload to table rangekey = float(article['timestamp']) rowdata = { 'source': hashkey, 'tstamp': rangekey, 'cnnShow': article['show'] } for key in article.keys(): rowdata[key] = article[key] item = table.put_item(data=rowdata) iteration += 1 if iteration % 100 == 0: print "Uploaded " + iteration + " articles" return None
def dynamodb2_connection_factory(): from django.conf import settings if getattr(settings, 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', '') and getattr( settings, 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', ''):"Creating a DynamoDB connection.") connection_data = { 'region_name': settings.AWS_REGION_NAME, 'aws_access_key_id': settings.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, 'aws_secret_access_key': settings.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, } conn = connect_to_region(**connection_data) setattr(settings, 'DYNAMODB_CONNECTION', conn) else: logger.error( "Settings is not configured properly, missing AWS access data")
def inserttodb(): while True: Timestamp,Pi_SN,ARM_Status,GPU_Status,Humidity,Light,Pi_Temp,Temperature = getdata() AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = 'AKIAIMPG2I3WRWDTWYQA' AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = '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' REGION = 'us-west-2' TABLE_NAME = 'Pilogs' conn = dynamodb2.connect_to_region(REGION, aws_access_key_id=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) table = Table( TABLE_NAME, connection=conn ) results = table.scan() datestring = timestring = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) datetime1 = str(datestring)+' '+str(timestring) Pi_SN = Pi_SN Timestamp = Timestamp ARM_Status = ARM_Status+'M' GPU_Status = GPU_Status+'M' Humidity = Humidity Light = Light Pi_Temp = Pi_Temp Temperature = Temperature if Temperature == None or Humidity == None: print 'some information is not valid' # for dynamo_item in results: else: response = table.put_item( { 'Pi_SN':Pi_SN, 'Timestamp':Timestamp, 'ARM_Status':ARM_Status, 'GPU_Status':GPU_Status, 'Humidity':Humidity, 'Light':Light, 'Pi_Temp':Pi_Temp, 'Temperature':Temperature, } ) print 'all values inserted into the dynamoDB' conn.close() time.sleep(15)
def setUp(self): for k in ('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION', 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'): if k not in os.environ: return conn = dynamodb2.connect_to_region( os.environ['AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'], aws_access_key_id=os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'], aws_secret_access_key=os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']) # Create both dynamodb table and ObjectStore self.bag = MutexBag(conn, 'objectstore-test-table--delete-at-will') self.bag.create_table() self.bag._release('mutex-foobar')
def getLatestData(): conn = dynamodb2.connect_to_region( REGION, aws_access_key_id=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ) # connect to AWS Dynamo db table = Table(TABLE_NAME, connection=conn) # get data database table Pilogs results = table.scan() # get all the data from db and store in results latest_data = {} # create an empty dictionary for dynamo_items in results: # dynamo_items = <boto.dynamodb2.items.Item object at 0x73a97b10> dict1 = dict( dynamo_items ) # store dynao_items in a dictionary and store it in dict1 latest_data[dict1['Pi_SN']] = { } # create a nested dictionary with Pi_SN as the key # Insert into the nested dictionary such that it will be like: {'Pi_SN': {'Timestamp':value, 'Pi_Temp':value ... } } for key, value in dict1.items(): if 'Timestamp' in key: latest_data[dict1['Pi_SN']][ key] = value # append the value of timestamp into the nested dictionary elif 'Pi_Temp' in key: latest_data[dict1['Pi_SN']][ key] = value # append the value of Pi_Temp into the nested dictionary elif 'ARM_Status' in key: latest_data[dict1['Pi_SN']][ key] = value # append the value of ARM_Status into the nested dictionary elif 'GPU_Status' in key: latest_data[dict1['Pi_SN']][ key] = value # append the value of GPU_Status into the nested dictionary elif 'Light' in key: latest_data[dict1['Pi_SN']][key] = str( value ) # append the value of Light into the nested dictionary elif 'Temperature' in key: latest_data[dict1['Pi_SN']][key] = str( value ) # append the value of Temperature into the nested dictionary elif 'Humidity' in key: latest_data[dict1['Pi_SN']][key] = str( value ) # append the value of Humidity into the nested dictionary # return the nested dictionary return latest_data
def get_item(self, tablename, conn=None, schema=None, **kwargs): try: if conn is None: conn = connect_to_region(REGION, aws_access_key_id=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) table = self.get_table(tablename, conn, schema=schema) print str(kwargs) ret = table.get_item(**kwargs) if ret: print "Get successful.\n" else: print "Get failed.\n" respd = {} for field, value in ret.items(): respd[field] = value return respd except Exception as ex: print "DynamoDB: Exception occured in get_item in table '"+tablename+"':" + str(ex)
def find_all_users(app): table_name = app.config['dynamodb.turing_users'] hashkey = "user_id" dyno = Table(table_name, schema=[HashKey(hashkey)], connection=ddb.connect_to_region(app.config['dynamodb.region'], aws_access_key_id=app.config['keys.key_id'], aws_secret_access_key=app.config['keys.key_secret'], security_token=app.config['keys.key_token'])) try: results = dyno.scan() except ddb.exceptions.ItemNotFound: return None return results
def connect_to_users_db(app): table_name = app.config['dynamodb.turing_users'] hashkey = "user_id" #dyno = dutils.connect_to_db(app, app.config['dynamodb.turing_users'], "user_id") dyno = Table(table_name, schema=[HashKey(hashkey)], connection=ddb.connect_to_region( app.config['dynamodb.region'], aws_access_key_id=app.config['keys.key_id'], aws_secret_access_key=app.config['keys.key_secret'], security_token=app.config['keys.key_token'])) results = dyno.scan() print "-" * 50 for r in results: print "User: {0} Role: {1}".format(r["user_id"], r["role"]) return results