Exemple #1
def validate_params(module, service, operation_name, args, **awsparams):
    profile = awsparams.get('profile_name')

    session = Session(profile=profile)

    if service not in session.get_available_services():
        module.fail_json(msg='Invalid Service Name: {0}'.format(service))

    service_model = session.get_service_model(service)
    op_names = list(service_model.operation_names)
    if operation_name not in op_names:
            msg='Invalid Operation Name: {0} for Service: {1}'.format(
                operation_name, service))

    op_model = service_model.operation_model(operation_name)
    shape_members = dict(op_model.input_shape.members)
    required_members = list(op_model.input_shape.required_members)

    if 'DryRun' not in shape_members:

    bad_params = set(args.keys()) - set(shape_members.keys())
    if bad_params:
            msg='Invalid Argument(s): {0} for Service Operation: {1}'.format(
                ", ".join(bad_params), operation_name))

    missing_params = set(required_members) - set(args.keys())
    if missing_params:
            msg='Missing Required Argument(s): {0} for Service Operation: {1}'.
            format(", ".join(missing_params), operation_name))

    return args
Exemple #2
 def test_tagged_union_member_name_does_not_coincide_with_unknown_key(self):
     # This test ensures that operation models do not use SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER
     # as a member name. Thereby reserving SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER for the parser to
     # set as a key on the reponse object. This is necessary when the client
     # encounters a member that it is unaware of or not modeled.
     session = Session()
     for service_name in session.get_available_services():
         service_model = session.get_service_model(service_name)
         for shape_name in service_model.shape_names:
             shape = service_model.shape_for(shape_name)
             if hasattr(shape, 'is_tagged_union') and shape.is_tagged_union:
                 self.assertNotIn('SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER', shape.members)
Exemple #3
class QueryCompleter(Completer):
    Suggests JMESPath query syntax completions.

    After receiving AWS service and operation names in form
    of awscli command and subcommand, an output shape loaded
    from botocore Session is parsed by the ShapeParser object.
    This object returns a "Dummy response", which is used in
    attempt to provide sensible suggestions.

    At the moment, this completer is unable to provide suggestions
    for JMESPath functions and custom hashes and arrays.
    def __init__(self, session, **kwds):
        self._session = Session(profile=session.profile_name)
        self._command_table = None
        self._shape_parser = ShapeParser()
        self._lexer = jmespath.lexer.Lexer()
        self._service = None
        self._operation = None
        # Attributes below change as the query changes.
        # They are used to to track state to provide suggestions.
        self._should_reparse = True
        self._shape_dict = None
        self._context = None
        self._last_pos = 0
        self._implicit_context = []
        self._stack = []
        self._tree = IntervalTree()
        self._start = 0
        self._colon = False
        self._disable = (False, 0)
        super(QueryCompleter, self).__init__(**kwds)

    def context(self):
        Get the context attribute.

        This is used to track the state of mutating fake API response.
        if self._context is None:
            self.context = self._shape_dict
        return self._context

    def context(self, value):
        """Set the value of context attribute."""
        self._context = value

    def command_table(self):
        Get the command table attribute.

        This is used to transform aws-cli command and subcommand
        into their API operation counterpart.
        if self._command_table is None:
            self._command_table = build_command_table(self._session)
        return self._command_table

    def set_shape_dict(self, service, operation):
        Set the fake response (shape dict).

        This is based on received aws-cli service and operation
        (command, subcommand).
        shape_dict = self._get_shape_dict(service, operation)
        self._shape_dict = shape_dict
        self.context = shape_dict

    def reset(self):
        """Reset the state of the completer."""
        self.context = None
        self._implicit_context = list()
        self._stack = list()
        self._tree = IntervalTree()
        self._start = 0
        self._colon = False
        self._disable = (False, 0)
        self._repeat_suggestion = False

    def get_completions(self, document, c_e):
        Retrieve suggestions for the JMESPath query.

        First parse the existing part of the query with the JMESPath
        lexer. Based on the last token type, choose appropriate
        handler method. This handler method then returns a list of
        suggested completions, which are then yielded from here.

        As the query is being parsed, the Completer
        tracks the state of the query. If the query is being
        corrected, deleted or a larger chunk is pasted at once,
        the Completer has to reparse the query (rebuild the state).
        if not self._shape_dict:
        if self._disable[0]:
            if document.cursor_position > self._disable[1]:
            self._disable = (False, 0)

        should_repeat = not bool(document.get_word_before_cursor())
        self._repeat_suggestion = c_e.completion_requested or should_repeat
        completions = self._parse_completion(document, c_e)
        self._last_pos = document.cursor_position

        if not completions:

        word = document.get_word_before_cursor(pattern=_FIND_IDENTIFIER)
        for c in sorted(completions):
            start_position = 0 if len(c) == 1 else -len(word)
            yield Completion(text_type(c), start_position=start_position)

    def _parse_completion(self, document, c_e):
        text = document.text_before_cursor
        self._text = ' ' if not text else text

            self._tokens = list(self._lexer.tokenize(self._text))
        except jmespath.exceptions.LexerError:

        if self._tokens[-1]['type'] == 'eof':

        if not self._tokens:
            return self.context.keys()

        if self._should_reparse:
            completions = self._reparse_completion()
            self._should_reparse = False
        elif document.cursor_position > self._last_pos:
            completions = self._append_completion()
        elif (document.cursor_position == self._last_pos
              and c_e.completion_requested):
            completions = self._append_completion()
            completions = self._reparse_completion()
            self._should_reparse = True
        return completions

    def _append_completion(self):
        last_token = self._tokens[-1]
        index = len(self._tokens) - 1
        penultimate_token = self._look_back(index, 1)
            return self._handle_token(last_token, penultimate_token, index)
        except NullIntervalException as e:
            self._disable = True, e.pos

    def _reparse_completion(self):
        completions = list()
        for i, token in enumerate(self._tokens):
            if self._disable[0]:
            penultimate_token = self._look_back(i, 1)
            if token['type'] in COMPLEX_SIGNS:
                fake_lbracket = {
                    'type': 'lbracket',
                    'start': token['start'],
                    'end': token['end'] - 1
                self._handle_token(fake_lbracket, penultimate_token, i)
                completions = self._handle_token(token, penultimate_token, i)
            except NullIntervalException as e:
                self._disable = True, e.pos
        return completions

    def _handle_token(self, token, prev_token, index=None):
        if not index:
            index = len(self._tokens) - 1
        handler = getattr(self, '_handle_%s' % token['type'],
        return handler(token, prev_token, index)

    def _handle_lbracket(self, token, prev_token, index):
        if not prev_token:
            if isinstance(self.context, dict):
                return self.context.keys()
        if not self._repeat_suggestion:

        if (prev_token['type'] in IDENTIFIERS
                and isinstance(self.context, dict)):
            value = self.context.get(prev_token['value'], None)
            if isinstance(value, list):
                if not self._repeat_suggestion:
                    self.context = value
                return LBRACKETS_CONTINUATION
            self._disable = (True, token['end'])

        if prev_token['type'] == 'dot':
            if isinstance(self.context, dict):
                return self.context.keys()
            self._disable = (True, token['end'])

        if isinstance(self.context, list):

    def _handle_filter(self, token, prev_token, index):
        if self._repeat_suggestion:
            return self.context.keys()

        _, index = self._stack.pop()
        promise = token['type'], index
        if not isinstance(self.context, list):
            self._disable = (True, token['end'])

        self.context = next(iter(self.context))
        if not isinstance(self.context, dict):
            self._disable = (True, token['end'])

        self._implicit_context = copy.deepcopy(self.context)
        end = self._tree.end() - 1
        start = next(iter(self._tree.at(end))).begin
        self._tree[start:token['start']] = self._implicit_context
        return self.context.keys()

    def _handle_lbrace(self, token, _, index):
        if not isinstance(self.context, dict):
            self._disable = (True, token['end'])
        if not self._repeat_suggestion:

    def _handle_colon(self, token, prev_token, index):
        if not self._stack:
            self._disable = True, token['end']
        if self._stack[-1][0] == 'lbracket':
        if self._stack[-1][0] == 'lbrace':
            if not self._colon and prev_token['type'] in IDENTIFIERS:
                self._colon = True
                return self.context.keys()

    def _handle_flatten(self, token, _, index):
        if self._repeat_suggestion:
        self.context = JMESPATH_FLATTEN.search(self.context)
        old_end = token['end']
        self._tree[self._start:old_end] = self._implicit_context
        _, returning_context_index = self._stack.pop()
        context_interval = next(iter(self._tree[returning_context_index]))
        self._implicit_context = context_interval.data
        self._start = old_end

    def _handle_rbracket(self, token, prev_token, index):
        if self._repeat_suggestion:
        is_filter = (self._stack and self._stack[-1][0] == 'filter')
        # Handle [*] projection and index access (e.g.: lst[1])
        if prev_token and prev_token['type'] in {'star', 'number'}:
            # need antepenultimate (third to last) token info
            apu_token = self._look_back(index, 2)
            if apu_token and apu_token['type'] == 'lbracket':
                if isinstance(self.context, list):
                    self.context = next(iter(self.context))
                self._disable = (True, token['end'])
        elif prev_token and prev_token['type'] in STRINGS:
            if not is_filter:
                self._disable = (True, token['end'])

    def _handle_rbrace(self, token, _, index):
        self._disable = True, token['end']

    def _handle_dot(self, token, prev_token, index):
        if not prev_token:
            self._disable = (True, token['end'])
        # Applying subexpression to a JSON object
        if isinstance(self.context, dict):
            if self._repeat_suggestion:
                return self.context.keys()
            # Simulate application of * projection
            if prev_token['type'] == 'star':
                new_context = list(self.context.values())
            # Receive the value of identifier
            elif prev_token['type'] in IDENTIFIERS:
                new_context = self.context.get(prev_token['value'], None)
            elif prev_token['type'] in {'rbracket', 'flatten'}:
                new_context = self.context
            # Nothing else is applicable to JSON objects
                new_context = dict()
            self.context = new_context
            if isinstance(self.context, dict):
                return self.context.keys()
        # Applying subexpression to a JSON list
        if isinstance(self.context, list):
            if prev_token['type'] == 'flatten':
                self.context = next(iter(self.context))
                if isinstance(self.context, dict):
                    return self.context.keys()
            if prev_token['type'] == 'rbracket':
                return LBRACKET
            self._disable = (True, token['end'])

    def _handle_pipe(self, token, _, index):
        if not self._repeat_suggestion:
            if self._stack:
                pos = self._stack[-1][1]
                context_interval = next(iter((self._tree[pos])))
                context = context_interval.data
                lhs = self._text[pos:token['start']]
                tokens = list(self._lexer.tokenize(lhs))
                for a_token in reversed(tokens):
                    if a_token['type'] in {'colon', 'comma'}:
                        lhs = lhs[a_token['end']:]
                lhs = self._text[:token['start']]
                context = self._shape_dict

            tokens = list(self._lexer.tokenize(lhs))
            lhs = self._remove_filters(lhs, tokens)
                result = jmespath.search(lhs, context)
            except jmespath.exceptions.JMESPathError:
            self.context = result

        if isinstance(self.context, list):
            return LBRACKET
        if isinstance(self.context, dict):
            return self.context.keys()

    def _handle_others(self, token, _, index):
        if token['type'] == 'comma':
            if self._stack and self._stack[-1][0] == 'lbrace':
                self._colon = False
            if not self._stack:
                self._disable = (True, token['end'])

        # Drop to fallback context on these... (&& || , > < etc...)
        if token['type'] in CONTEXT_RESET_SIGNS:
            if not self._repeat_suggestion:
                self.context = copy.deepcopy(self._implicit_context)
            if isinstance(self.context, dict):
                return self.context.keys()

        if token['type'] in IDENTIFIERS:
            if (self._stack and self._stack[-1][0] == 'lbrace'
                    and not self._colon):
            identifier = token['value']
            if isinstance(self.context, dict):
                value = self.context.get(identifier, None)
                if isinstance(value, list):
                    return LBRACKET
                completions = [
                    c for c in self.context.keys() if c.startswith(identifier)
                return completions

    def _switch_into_next_implicit_context(self, token):
        old_end = token['end']
        if self._start == old_end:
            raise NullIntervalException(token['end'])
        self._implicit_context = copy.deepcopy(self.context)
        self._tree[self._start:old_end] = self._implicit_context
        self._start = old_end
        promise = token['type'], old_end - 1

    def _switch_from_prev_implicit_context(self, token):
        if (not self._stack
                or ENCLOSURE_MATCH[self._stack[-1][0]] != token['type']):
            self._disable = (True, token['end'])
        old_end = token['end']
        if self._start == old_end:
            raise NullIntervalException(token['end'])
        self._tree[self._start:old_end] = self._implicit_context
        _, returning_context_index = self._stack.pop()
        self._implicit_context = self._tree[returning_context_index]
        self._start = old_end

    def _look_back(self, index, offset):
        if index < offset:
        index = index - offset
        return self._tokens[index]

    def _remove_filters(self, expression, tokens):
        intervals = self._detect_filters(tokens)
        for interval in reversed(intervals):
            start, end = interval
            expression = expression[:start] + expression[end:]
        return expression

    def _detect_filters(self, tokens):
        in_filter_context = False
        counter = 0
        intervals = list()
        for token in tokens:
            if not in_filter_context and token['type'] == 'filter':
                in_filter_context = True
                start = token['start']
            elif in_filter_context:
                if token['type'] in {'filter', 'lbracket'}:
                    counter += 1
                elif token['type'] == 'rbracket':
                    if counter == 0:
                        in_filter_context = False
                        end = token['end']
                        intervals.append((start, end))
                        counter -= 1
        return intervals

    def _get_shape_dict(self, service, operation):
            service, operation = (self._get_transformed_names(
                service, operation))
        except InvalidShapeData:
            return None

            return self._parse_shape(service, operation)
        except ModelLoadingError:
            return None

    def _get_transformed_names(self, service, operation):
        if service == 's3api':
            service = 's3'
        service_data = self.command_table.get(service, None)
        if not service_data:
            raise InvalidShapeData()
        operation = service_data.get_operation_name(operation)
        if not operation:
            raise InvalidShapeData()
        return service, operation

    def _parse_shape(self, service, operation):
        if service != self._service:
            self._service_model = self._load_service_model(service)
            operation_model = (self._load_operation_model(
                self._service_model, operation))
            parsed = self._shape_parser.parse(operation_model.output_shape)
            self._service = service
            self._operation = operation
            return parsed

        if operation != self._operation:
            operation_model = (self._load_operation_model(
                self._service_model, operation))
            parsed = self._shape_parser.parse(operation_model.output_shape)
            self._operation = operation
            return parsed

        return self._shape_dict

    def _load_service_model(self, service_name):
            service_model = self._session.get_service_model(service_name)
        except UnknownServiceError as e:
            raise ModelLoadingError(str(e))
        return service_model

    def _load_operation_model(self, service_model, operation):
            operation_model = service_model.operation_model(operation)
        except OperationNotFoundError as e:
            raise ModelLoadingError(str(e))
        return operation_model
# print "outputdir: %s" % outputdir
# print "myservice: %s" % myservice


templateLoader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath="templates")
templateEnv = jinja2.Environment(loader=templateLoader)

session = Session()

    mysrv = session.get_service_model(myservice)
except botocore.exceptions.UnknownServiceError as e:
    print "\n%s\n" % e

for op in mysrv.operation_names:

    allvars = {}
    allvars['paramsreq'] = []
    allvars['params'] = []

    model = mysrv.operation_model(op)

    op = convert(op)

    print op
def _all_services():
    session = Session()
    service_names = session.get_available_services()
    for service_name in service_names:
        yield session.get_service_model(service_name)
Exemple #6
def _all_services():
    session = Session()
    service_names = session.get_available_services()
    return [session.get_service_model(name) for name in service_names]