class FilterRule(Model): """ Filter Rule """ user = property.ReferenceProperty(User) path = property.StringProperty(default="*") method = property.StringProperty(default="*") weight = property.IntegerProperty() input_filter = property.BlobProperty() output_filter = property.BlobProperty()
class Post(Model): """ Representation of a blog post """ title = property.StringProperty(verbose_name="Title") date = property.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) author = property.ReferenceProperty(User, collection_name="posts") contents = property.BlobProperty(verbose_name="Entry")
class Authorization(Model): """Authorization Grant""" auth_group = property.StringProperty(verbose_name="Authorization Group") method = property.StringProperty( default="*", verbose_name="Permission", choices=["*", "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"]) obj_name = property.StringProperty(default="", verbose_name="Object Name") prop_name = property.StringProperty(default="", verbose_name="Property Name") def put(self): """These need to be unique, so if we don't have an ID we search for another authorization with all the same properties""" if not for obj in self.find(auth_group=self.auth_group, method=self.method, obj_name=self.obj_name, prop_name=self.prop_name): = break Model.put(self)
class User(Model): """Simple user object""" username = property.StringProperty(verbose_name="Username", unique=True) name = property.StringProperty(verbose_name="Name") _indexed_name = property.StringProperty() email = property.StringProperty(verbose_name="Email Address") phone = property.StringProperty( verbose_name="Phone Number") # Used for SMS notify auth_groups = property.ListProperty(str, verbose_name="Authorization Groups") password = property.PasswordProperty(verbose_name="Password") auth_token = property.StringProperty(verbose_name="Authentication Token") oid = property.StringProperty(verbose_name="OpenID") authorizations = None # These fields are easy to add in created_at = property.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True, verbose_name="Created Date") modified_at = property.DateTimeProperty(verbose_name="Last Modified Date") deleted = property.BooleanProperty(verbose_name="Deleted") deleted_at = property.DateTimeProperty(verbose_name="Deleted Date") sys_modstamp = property.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True) def __str__(self): return def notify(self, subject, body='', **params): """Send notification to this user @param subject: Subject for this notification @type subject: str @param body: The message to send you @type body: str """ import boto.utils boto.utils.notify(subject=subject, html_body=body,, append_instance_id=False, **params) def sms(self, msg): """Sends an SMS message via Twilio This requires the following boto configuration: [Twilio] from = <from phone> account_id = <account id> auth_token = <authentication token>""" from botoweb.exceptions import BadRequest import urllib2, urllib import boto account_id = boto.config.get("Twilio", "account_id") auth_token = boto.config.get("Twilio", "auth_token") from_phone = boto.config.get("Twilio", "from") if not account_id or not auth_token or not from_phone: raise BadRequest("Twilio configuration not set up") if not raise BadRequest("No phone number set up") url = SMS_URL % account_id pwmgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() pwmgr.add_password(None, "", account_id, auth_token) handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(pwmgr) opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler) values = {"From": from_phone, "To":, "Body": msg} data = urllib.urlencode(values) request = urllib2.Request(url, data) response = return def generate_password(self, length=10, digits=True, loweralpha=True, upperalpha=True): """Generate and return a random password :param length: the optional length of the password (default 10 :type length: int """ try: import boto, urllib2 if digits: digits = "on" else: digits = "off" if loweralpha: loweralpha = "on" else: loweralpha = "off" if upperalpha: upperalpha = "on" else: upperalpha = "off" url = "" % ( length, digits, upperalpha, loweralpha) headers = { "User-Agent": "%s %s (%s)" % (boto.config.get("app", "name", "botoweb"), boto.config.get("app", "version", "0.1"), boto.config.get("app", "admin_email", "")) } req = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers) hand = urllib2.urlopen(req) return except: import boto, uuid boto.log.exception( "Exception generating random entropy for Auth Token from" ) return str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", "") def send_password(self, app_link): """Send the user a random password""" import boto passwd = self.generate_password() self.password = passwd self.put() args = { "appname": boto.config.get("app", "name", "botoweb"), "applink": app_link, "password": passwd, "name":, "username": self.username } self.notify( "[%s] Password Reset" % boto.config.get("app", "name", "botoweb"), PASSWORD_TEMPLATE % args) def send_auth_token(self, app_link, app_name=None, subject="Account Created", args={}): """Send the user an auth-token link, allowing them to set up their own login using JanRain Authentication""" import boto self.auth_token = self.generate_password(length=20) self.put() if not app_name: app_name = boto.config.get("app", "name", "botoweb") args["appname"] = app_name args["link"] = "%s?auth_token=%s" % (app_link, self.auth_token) args["name"] = args["username"] = self.username return self.notify(subject, CREATED_TEMPLATE % args) def has_auth_group(self, group): return (group in self.auth_groups) def has_auth_group_ctx(self, ctx, group): return self.has_auth_group(group) def load_auths(self): """Load up all the authorizations this user has""" from botoweb.resources.authorization import Authorization self.authorizations = {"*": {"*": {"*": False}}, "": {"": {"": False}}} if self.auth_groups: query = Authorization.find(auth_group=self.auth_groups) for auth in query: if not self.authorizations.has_key(auth.method): self.authorizations[auth.method] = {} if not self.authorizations[auth.method].has_key(auth.obj_name): self.authorizations[auth.method][auth.obj_name] = {} self.authorizations[auth.method][auth.obj_name][ auth.prop_name] = True # Weird indexing to say "Yes, they have a value here somewhere" if not self.authorizations[auth.method].has_key(""): self.authorizations[auth.method][""] = {} if not self.authorizations[""].has_key(auth.obj_name): self.authorizations[""][auth.obj_name] = {"": True} self.authorizations[""][""][""] = True self.authorizations[""][""][auth.prop_name] = True self.authorizations[""][auth.obj_name][""] = True self.authorizations[""][auth.obj_name][auth.prop_name] = True self.authorizations[auth.method][auth.obj_name][""] = True self.authorizations[auth.method][""][auth.prop_name] = True self.authorizations[auth.method][""][""] = True return self.authorizations def has_auth(self, method="", obj_name="", prop_name=""): if self.has_auth_group("admin"): return True if not self.authorizations: self.load_auths() method = method.upper() if not self.authorizations.has_key(method): method = "*" if not self.authorizations[method].has_key(obj_name): obj_name = "*" if not self.authorizations[method].has_key(obj_name): return False if not self.authorizations[method][obj_name].has_key(prop_name): prop_name = "*" if not self.authorizations[method][obj_name].has_key(prop_name): return False return self.authorizations[method][obj_name][prop_name] def has_auth_ctx(self, ctx, method="", obj_name="", prop_name=""): if isinstance(method, list): method = method[0] if isinstance(obj_name, list): obj_name = obj_name[0] if isinstance(prop_name, list): prop_name = prop_name[0] if isinstance(obj_name, object) and obj_name.__class__.__name__ == "_Element": obj_name = obj_name.tag method = method.upper() if method == "HEAD": method = "GET" if method == "OPTIONS": method = "GET" return self.has_auth(method=method, obj_name=obj_name, prop_name=prop_name) def matches(self, val): return val in (self.username,, def matches_ctx(self, ctx, val): if isinstance(val, list): for v in val: if self.matches_ctx(ctx, v): return True return False if isinstance(val, object) and val.__class__.__name__ == "_Element": val = val.get("id") return self.matches(val) def put(self): """Auto-index""" self._indexed_name = return Model.put(self) def to_dict(self, *args, **kwargs): """Get this object as a simple dict, to be serialized. This just adds in the authorizations in addition to the rest of the object that is serialized via Model.to_dict""" ret = Model.to_dict(self, *args, **kwargs) if not self.authorizations: self.load_auths() ret['authorizations'] = self.authorizations return ret @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data): """Load this object from a dict, as exported by to_dict""" ret = super(User, cls).from_dict(data) ret.authorizations = data.get('authorizations') return ret