Exemple #1
    def find(self, cls, filters=None, sort=None, limit=None):
        """Find objects by filters

		@param cls: The class of the object to search for
		@type cls: class or str

		@param filters: An Optional array of tuples for the filters like [["description", "!=", "foo"], ['name', '=', ['bar', 'biz', 'fizzle']]]
		@type filters: list

		@param sort: Optional param to sort on
		@type sort: str
		@param limit: Optional limit to how many results are fetched
		@type limit: int
        if type(cls) == str:
            class_name = cls
            cls = xmlize.get_class(class_name)
            class_name = cls.__name__

        url = "/%s%s" % (self.routes[class_name],
                         self._build_query(filters, sort, limit))
        resp = self.request("GET", url)
        return xmlize.loads(resp.read())
Exemple #2
    def get_by_id(self, cls, id):
        """Get an object by ID

		@param cls: The class of the object to fetch
		@type cls: class or str

		@param id: The ID of the object to fetch
		@type id: str
        assert len(id) > 0
        if type(cls) == str:
            class_name = cls
            cls = xmlize.get_class(class_name)
            class_name = cls.__name__

        url = "%s/%s" % (self.routes[class_name], id)
        resp = self.request("GET", url)
        return xmlize.loads(resp.read())
Exemple #3
	def get_by_id(self, cls, id):
		"""Get an object by ID

		@param cls: The class of the object to fetch
		@type cls: class or str

		@param id: The ID of the object to fetch
		@type id: str
		assert len(id) > 0
		if type(cls) == str:
			class_name = cls
			cls = xmlize.get_class(class_name)
			class_name = cls.__name__
		url = "%s/%s" % (self.routes[class_name], id)
		resp = self.request("GET", url)
		return xmlize.loads(resp.read())
Exemple #4
	def find(self, cls, filters=None, sort=None, limit=None):
		"""Find objects by filters

		@param cls: The class of the object to search for
		@type cls: class or str

		@param filters: An Optional array of tuples for the filters like [["description", "!=", "foo"], ['name', '=', ['bar', 'biz', 'fizzle']]]
		@type filters: list

		@param sort: Optional param to sort on
		@type sort: str
		@param limit: Optional limit to how many results are fetched
		@type limit: int
		if type(cls) == str:
			class_name = cls
			cls = xmlize.get_class(class_name)
			class_name = cls.__name__
		url = "/%s%s" % (self.routes[class_name], self._build_query(filters, sort, limit))
		resp = self.request("GET", url)
		return xmlize.loads(resp.read())