Exemple #1
def update_malware():
    flag_splt = False
        response = urllib2.urlopen(paramserver + 'logreg_parameters.txt')
        html = response.read()
        tmp = {}
        if html != None:
            params = html.split()
            params = map((lambda x: float(x)), params)
            params = np.array(params)
            flag_splt = True
        flag_splt = False

    flag_bd = False
        response = urllib2.urlopen(paramserver + 'logreg_parameters_bd.txt')
        html = response.read()
        tmp = {}
        if html != None:
            params = html.split()
            params = map((lambda x: float(x)), params)
            params = np.array(params)
            flag_bd = True
        flag_bd = False

    flags = {}
    flags['malware_splt'] = flag_splt
    flags['malware_bd'] = flag_bd

    return template('admin',flags=flags)
Exemple #2
def update_malware():
    flag_splt = False
        response = urllib2.urlopen(paramserver + 'logreg_parameters.txt')
        html = response.read()
        tmp = {}
        if html != None:
            params = html.split()
            params = map((lambda x: float(x)), params)
            params = np.array(params)
            np.savetxt('logreg_parameters.txt', params)
            flag_splt = True
        flag_splt = False

    flag_bd = False
        response = urllib2.urlopen(paramserver + 'logreg_parameters_bd.txt')
        html = response.read()
        tmp = {}
        if html != None:
            params = html.split()
            params = map((lambda x: float(x)), params)
            params = np.array(params)
            np.savetxt('logreg_parameters_bd.txt', params)
            flag_bd = True
        flag_bd = False

    flags = {}
    flags['malware_splt'] = flag_splt
    flags['malware_bd'] = flag_bd

    return template('admin', flags=flags)
Exemple #3
def scrapeBBY(keywords, system):
    # Best Buy requires an API key to use their web service
    bbyApiKey = "crs2yyrur5c9trmtv4uggtd2"
    # Request the Best Buy data
    rawurl = "http://api.remix.bestbuy.com/v1/products(search=%s&categoryPath.name=video games&platform=%s&preowned in(true))?apiKey=%s" % (
        keywords, system, bbyApiKey)
    url = urllib.quote(rawurl, safe='/,?:=&()')
    response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    html = response.read()
    # Begin parsing the results
    soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup("".join(html))
    results = list()
    for game in soup.findAll("product"):
        rawName = game.find("name").text
            title = re.search(u'(.*)(?= \u2014)', rawName).group()
        except AttributeError:
            title = ""
        if title != "":
            title = re.sub("( 1)", " I", title)
            title = re.sub("( 2)", " II", title)
            title = re.sub("( 3)", " III", title)
            title = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', "", title)
    return results
Exemple #4
def sendMessage(accountName, registrationId, text):
    global collapse_key
    global server_account_name
    authToken = getAuthToken()
    if authToken == "":
        return "Cannot authenticate " + server_account_name
    form_fields = {
        "registration_id": registrationId,
        "collapse_key": str(collapse_key),
        "data.message": text
    form_data = urllib.urlencode(form_fields)

    headers = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
        'Authorization': 'GoogleLogin auth=' + authToken

    conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection("android.apis.google.com")
    response = conn.getresponse()
    print response
    print response.status
    data = response.read()
    print data

    collapse_key = collapse_key + 1
    return data
 def test_addapp(self):
     """test /addapp route"""
     url = misc.URL + '/addapp'
     response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
     html = response.read()
     self.assertEqual(response.getcode(), httplib.OK)
     self.assertIn("Enter name of app", html)
def scrapeBBY(keywords, system):
    # Best Buy requires an API key to use their web service
    bbyApiKey = "crs2yyrur5c9trmtv4uggtd2"
    # Request the Best Buy data
    rawurl = "http://api.remix.bestbuy.com/v1/products(search=%s&categoryPath.name=video games&platform=%s&preowned in(true))?apiKey=%s" % (keywords, system, bbyApiKey)
    url = urllib.quote(rawurl, safe='/,?:=&()')
    response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    html = response.read()
    # Begin parsing the results
    soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup("".join(html))
    results = list()
    for game in soup.findAll("product"):
        rawName = game.find("name").text
            title = re.search(u'(.*)(?= \u2014)', rawName).group()
        except AttributeError:
            title = ""
        if title != "":
            title = re.sub("( 1)", " I", title)
            title = re.sub("( 2)", " II", title)
            title = re.sub("( 3)", " III", title)
            title = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', "", title)
    return results
Exemple #7
def joke():
    url = "https://08ad1pao69.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/random_joke"
    response = urllib.urlopen(url)
    data = json.loads(response.read())
    setup = data["setup"]
    punchline = data["punchline"]
    return setup, punchline
def urllib2_rest_auth(url, method='GET', data=None, user=None, password=None):
    import urllib2, base64, json
    method = method.strip().upper()
    data = None if method in ['GET','DELETE'] else data # just to ensure only valid request are sent

    #httpHandler = urllib2.HTTPHandler()

    #Instead of using urllib2.urlopen, create an opener, and pass the HTTPHandler
    #and any other handlers... to it.
    #opener = urllib2.build_opener(httpHandler)

    #import urllib2

    request = urllib2.Request(url, data=data)
    request.get_method = lambda: method
    if user and password:
        base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (user, password)).replace('\n', '')
        request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)
    response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
    data = response.read()
    return response.getcode(), response.headers, data
def sendMessage( accountName, registrationId, text ):
    global collapse_key
    global server_account_name
    authToken = getAuthToken()
    if authToken == "":
        return "Cannot authenticate " + server_account_name
    form_fields = {
                   "registration_id": registrationId,
                   "collapse_key": str(collapse_key),
                   "data.message": text
    form_data = urllib.urlencode(form_fields)
    headers = {
    		   'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
               'Authorization': 'GoogleLogin auth='+authToken
    conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection("android.apis.google.com")
    conn.request(method="POST", url="/c2dm/send", body=form_data, headers=headers)
    response = conn.getresponse()
    print response
    print response.status
    data = response.read()
    print data
    collapse_key = collapse_key + 1
    return data
Exemple #10
def getJsonRequest():
	credential = '[email protected]&password=qazwsxedcrfvtgb&query='
	login_url = 'https://www.space-track.org/ajaxauth/login'

	print "REQUEST :" + request.body.read()
	json_request = json.loads(request.body.read())

	if "controller" not in json_request:
		return {"error":"invalid: no controller"}
	if "action" not in json_request:
		return {"error":"invalid: no action"}
	if "class" not in json_request:
		return {"error":"invalid: no class"}

	result = getQueryUrlAndCacheFileName(json_request)
	query_url = result["url"]
	cache_file = result["cache"]
		return open(cache_file)

	req = urllib2.Request(login_url)
	response = urllib2.urlopen(req, credential + query_url)
	json_response = json.loads(response.read())
	print "RESULT: " + json.dumps(json_response)

	with open(cache_file, "w") as cache:
	return json.dumps(json_response)
Exemple #11
def getJsonRequest():
    credential = '[email protected]&password=qazwsxedcrfvtgb&query='
    login_url = 'https://www.space-track.org/ajaxauth/login'

    print "REQUEST :" + request.body.read()
    json_request = json.loads(request.body.read())

    if "controller" not in json_request:
        return {"error": "invalid: no controller"}
    if "action" not in json_request:
        return {"error": "invalid: no action"}
    if "class" not in json_request:
        return {"error": "invalid: no class"}

    result = getQueryUrlAndCacheFileName(json_request)
    query_url = result["url"]
    cache_file = result["cache"]

    if (os.path.exists(cache_file)):
        print "LOAD FROM CACHE"
        return open(cache_file)

    req = urllib2.Request(login_url)
    response = urllib2.urlopen(req, credential + query_url)

    json_response = json.loads(response.read())
    print "LOAD FROM SERVER"
    print "RESULT: " + json.dumps(json_response)

    with open(cache_file, "w") as cache:
        json.dump(json_response, cache)
    return json.dumps(json_response)
 def get_mp3_link(self, video_id):
     '''get mp3 link from a youtube video id using youtube2mp3 service'''
     response = urllib2.urlopen(YOUTUBE2_MP3_LINK1+video_id)
     data = response.read()
     #ignore this reponse and send the second request
     response = urllib2.urlopen(YOUTUBE2_MP3_LINK2+video_id)
     data = response.read()      
     result = re.search("[\w\d]{32}", data)
     #the video was converted
     if result is not None:
         hash_value = result.group(0)
         final_download_link =  YOUTUBE2_MP3_LINK3 % (video_id, hash_value)
         self.songIdCache[final_download_link] = video_id
         self.songLinkCache[video_id] = final_download_link
         return final_download_link
         return None
Exemple #13
def send_getrequest(url):

	request = urllib2.Request(url, None, {'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8'})
	response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
	data = response.read()

	return data.replace('\xef\xbb\xbf','')
def busqueda():
	provincia = bottle.request.forms.get("provincia")
	if len(provincia) > 1:
		provincia = "province=%s" % provincia
		provincia = ""
	categoria = bottle.request.forms.get("categoria")
	if len(categoria) > 1:
		categoria = "&subcategory=%s" % categoria
		categoria = ""
	contratos = bottle.request.forms.get("contratos")
	if len(contratos) > 1:
		contratos = "&contractType=%s" % contratos
		contratos = ""
	formacion = bottle.request.forms.get("formacion")
	if len(formacion) > 1:
		formacion = "&study=%s" % formacion
		formacion = ""

	clave = 'ZDAyMjUyODYwZjQwNDQzYjhhZmI2OGFkMjYxMzdmM2M6RlRtbGQzUTRxMTY3djNlOFpZMnlaYXIvR1JsOEpnbTFRS2k0SVM3dk5mVFFrN0U2WVA='
	headers = {"Authorization" : "Basic %s" % clave}
	conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("api.infojobs.net")
	conn.request("GET", "/api/1/offer?%s%s%s%s" % (provincia,categoria,contratos,formacion), headers=headers)
	response = conn.getresponse()
	data = response.read()
	jsondata = json.loads(data)
	listatitulos = []
	listaciudad = []
	listanombreempresa = []
	listaexperiencia = []
	listajornada = []
	listaestudios = []
	listarequisitosmin = []
	listalink = []
	ofertas = jsondata["offers"]	
	for oferta in ofertas:
		titulo = oferta["title"]
		ciudad = oferta["city"]
		nombreempresa = oferta["author"]["name"]
		experienciaminima = oferta["experienceMin"]["value"]
		jornada = oferta["workDay"]["value"]
		estudios = oferta["study"]["value"]
		requisitosmin = oferta["requirementMin"]
		link = oferta["link"]
	return template('respuesta.tpl', {'ofertas':ofertas,'titulo':listatitulos,'ciudad':listaciudad,'nombreempresa':listanombreempresa,'experienciaminima':listaexperiencia,'jornada':listajornada,'estudios':listaestudios,'requisitosmin':listarequisitosmin,'link':listalink})
Exemple #15
def auth(username, password):
    """Registration of user"""
    url = "http://{}?action=user-kis&login={}&passwd={}".format(
        auth_service, username, password)
    req = urllib2.Request(url)
    response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
    d = json.loads(response.read())
    if d['result'] == u'ok':
        return True
        return False
Exemple #16
def parse_url():

    url = request.query.url

    response = urlopen(url)

    raw = response.read()

    parsed_dict = utils.parse_markdown(raw)

    return parsed_dict
Exemple #17
def get_application_jwt(username,password):
    url = '%s%s' % (server_config["app_rest_base_url"], server_config["app_login_url"])
    values = {'email' : username,'pass' : password}
    req = urllib2.Request(url, json.dumps(values), headers={'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'})
    response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
    token = response.read()
    json_data = json.loads(token)
    return json_data["token"]
  except urllib2.URLError:
    print 'URL Invalid Cant Connect to Backend...'
Exemple #18
def update_all_devices():
    req = urllib.request.Request(WIFI_PAGE)
    with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response:
        the_page = response.read().decode(encoding="UTF-8")
        # print(the_page)
    data = json.loads(the_page)
    print("READ NEW PAGE WITH", len(data['features']), "PHONES")
    for dev in data['features']:
        prop = dev["properties"]
        id = prop["name"]
        #        if name in devices:
        #            oldp = devices[name]
        #            update(oldp, prop)
        devices[id] = prop
Exemple #19
    def get_xml(request):

        req = urllib.request.Request(request)
            with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response:
                data = response.read()
        except urllib.error.URLError as err:
            print ("Couldn't reach the Daily Mail's RSS feed")
        except urllib.error.HTTPError as err:
            print("The server failed to complete the request with error ")
        xmlData = xmltodict.parse(data)
        return xmlData
Exemple #20
def compare(remoteurl):
	import json
	compareurl = remoteurl + "/api/info"

	response = urllib.request.urlopen(compareurl)
	strangerinfo = json.loads(response.read())
	owninfo = info()


	artists = {}

	for a in owninfo["artists"]:
		artists[a.lower()] = {"name":a,"self":int(owninfo["artists"][a]*1000),"other":0}

	for a in strangerinfo["artists"]:
		artists[a.lower()] = artists.setdefault(a.lower(),{"name":a,"self":0})
		artists[a.lower()]["other"] = int(strangerinfo["artists"][a]*1000)

	for a in artists:
		common = min(artists[a]["self"],artists[a]["other"])
		artists[a]["self"] -= common
		artists[a]["other"] -= common
		artists[a]["common"] = common

	best = sorted((artists[a]["name"] for a in artists),key=lambda x: artists[x.lower()]["common"],reverse=True)

	result = {
		"unique_self":sum(artists[a]["self"] for a in artists if artists[a]["common"] == 0),
		"more_self":sum(artists[a]["self"] for a in artists if artists[a]["common"] != 0),
		"common":sum(artists[a]["common"] for a in artists),
		"more_other":sum(artists[a]["other"] for a in artists if artists[a]["common"] != 0),
		"unique_other":sum(artists[a]["other"] for a in artists if artists[a]["common"] == 0)

	total = sum(result[c] for c in result)

	for r in result:
		result[r] = (result[r],result[r]/total)

	return {
Exemple #21
    def get_jsonparsed_data(url):
        headers = {
            "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.97 Safari/537.36"}
        req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers)
            with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response:
                data = response.read()
        except urllib.error.HTTPError as err:
            print("The server failed to complete the request with error ")
        except urllib.error.URLError as err:
            print('We failed to reach the server.')
            print('Reason: ', err.reason)

        returnedJson = json.loads(data)
        return returnedJson
Exemple #22
def get_login_role(username):
  global auth_token
  global server_config

    url = '%s%s?email=eq.%s' % (server_config['app_rest_base_url'],server_config['app_ldap_db_user_table_url'],username)
    req = urllib2.Request(url=url)    
    req.add_header('Authorization','Bearer ' + auth_token)
    response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
    role_ = response.read()
    json_data = json.loads(role_)  
    return json_data[0]['role']

  except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
    print 'HTTPError = ' + str(e.code)  
def get_youtube_data(video_id):
        base_url = 'http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/'
        youtube_url = base_url + video_id
        response = urllib2.urlopen(youtube_url)
        xml = BeautifulSoup(response.read())
        description = xml.findAll('media:description')[0].string
        title = xml.findAll('media:title')[0].string
            duration = int(xml.findAll('yt:duration')[0].split('"')[1])
            duration = 0
        return {
Exemple #24
def make_gcm_summary(data, response):
      Helper function to display the result of a /send request.
    json_string = response.read()
    json_response = json.loads(json_string)

    html = """
    <title>GCM send result</title>
    <h3>Per device</h3>
    <ol>""" % (repr(data), json_string)

    reg_id_list = data['registration_ids']
    for i in xrange(len(reg_id_list)):
      reg_id = reg_id_list[i]
      result = json_response['results'][i]

      html += """
          reg_id: <code>%s</code><br/>
        </li>""" % (reg_id, json.dumps(result))

      html += """
    <a href="/">Back</a>
    return html
Exemple #25
    def processStatus(self, status):
        log("Received message <{0}> from @{1}".format(status.text, status.author.screen_name), self.twitterAPI.api.me().screen_name)

        # Detect file in tweet
        if "media" in status.entities:
            req = urlopen(status.entities["media"][0]["media_url_https"])
            arr = np.asarray(bytearray(req.read()), dtype=np.uint8)
            img = cv2.imdecode(arr, -1)  # 'load it as it is'
            gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            faces = self.faceCascade.detectMultiScale(
                minSize=(30, 30)
                # flags = cv2.CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE
            temp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
            if len(faces) >= 1:
                req = urlopen(status.entities["media"][0]["media_url_https"])
                with Image(file=req) as bg_img:
                    with Image(filename='asunaxan.png') as waifu:
                        bg_img.composite(waifu, left=faces[0][0]+40, top=faces[0][1]+20)

                        temp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()

                        self.twitterAPI.api.update_with_media("Example.jpg", status="@{0} ojalá tú y yo juntos bb".format(self.boyfriendNEW.twitter.screen_name), file=temp, in_reply_to_status_id=status.id)


                    # draw(w)

        # Check for mention
        elif "@"+self.me.upper() in status.text.upper():
            if status.author.id == self.boyfriendNEW.twitter.id:
                if "¿Qué temperatura hay?" in status.text and (self.forecast.limit - self.forecast.current) > 0:
                    message = "Ahora mismo hay {0}ºC en tu zona".format(self.forecast.getForecast(self.boyfriendNEW.city).currently().temperature)
                    self.answer(message, status, status.user.screen_name)
                elif "holi" in status.text.lower():
                    message = "Holaaaa mi amooor {0}".format(self.getRandomWord(self.happyExpressions))
                    self.answer(message, status, status.user.screen_name)
                elif "quien es tu senpai" in status.text.lower():
                    message = "Tu eres mi senpai {0}".format(self.getRandomWord(self.happyExpressions))
                    self.answer(message, status, status.user.screen_name)
                elif "donde estoy" in status.text.lower():
                    if status.place != None:
                        place = status.place.full_name
                        message = "Ahora mismo te encuentras en {0}".format(place)
                        message = "Lo siento, pero no dispongo de datos de geolocalizacion"
                    self.answer(message, status, status.user.screen_name)
                elif "recomiendame un anime" in status.text.lower():
                    log("Buscando un anime", self.me)
                    params = urlencode({'client': "watashiwaifu", 'clientver': 1, 'protover': 1, "request": "hotanime"})
                    url = "http://api.anidb.net:9001/httpapi?%s" % params
                    request = Request(url, None, FAKE_HEADERS)
                    with contextlib.closing(urlopen(request)) as response:
                        if response.info().get('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip':
                            buf = BytesIO(response.read())
                            f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf)
                            data = f.read()
                            data = response.read()
                        root = ElementTree.XML(data)
                        animes = root.findall("anime")
                        rand = random.randint(0, len(animes)-1)
                        anime = animes[rand]
                        rank = ""
                        name = ""

                        for title in anime.findall("title"):
                            name = title.text
                        for picture in anime.findall("picture"):
                            photo = "http://img7.anidb.net/pics/anime/" + picture.text
                            portada = urlopen(photo).read()
                        for rating in anime.findall("ratings"):
                            for temporary in rating.findall("temporary"):
                                rank = temporary.text

                        temp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
                        self.twitterAPI.api.update_with_media("Example.jpg", status="@{0} {1} {2}/10".format(status.author.screen_name, name, rank), file=temp, in_reply_to_status_id=status.id)
                    message = "Lo siento, no entiendo lo que me pides {0}".format(self.getRandomWord(self.sadExpressions))
                    self.answer(message, status, status.user.screen_name)
                message = "¿Tú qué haces hablandome? {0}".format(self.getRandomWord(self.angryExpressions))
                self.answer(message, status, status.user.screen_name)
Exemple #26
	for task in subgroup.imap(get_swift_containers,threads):
	print list
	return list

def get_swift_containers(arg_list):
	Get a list of containers for a specific object-store service.
	token,tenant_id,region,url = arg_list
	request = urllib2.Request(url,None, {'X-Auth-Token':token})
		response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
	except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
		return []
	file_list = response.read().splitlines()
	print file_list
	list = []
	for file in file_list:
	return list

def get_all_nova_element_list(token,tenant_id,service_catalog,sub_function):
	Get a list of items from every compute service the user has access to.
	list = []
	threads = []
	subgroup = Group()
Exemple #27
def fetchHtml(url):
    print "Open ", url, "\n\n"
    response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    html = response.read()
    print html
def locateBBY(title, system, zip, root):
    # Best Buy requires an API key to use their web service
    bbyApiKey = "crs2yyrur5c9trmtv4uggtd2"
    # Request the Best Buy data
    rawurl = "http://api.remix.bestbuy.com/v1/products(search=%s&categoryPath.name=video games&platform=%s&preowned in(true))+stores(area(%s,10))?apiKey=%s" % (title, system, zip, bbyApiKey)
    url = urllib.quote(rawurl, safe='/,?:=&()')
    response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    html = response.read()
    # Begin parsing the results
    soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup("".join(html))
    results = list()
    for game in soup.findAll("product"):
        rawName = game.find("name").text
            titleOpt = re.search(u'(.*)(?= \u2014)', rawName).group()
        except AttributeError:
            titleOpt = ""
        if titleOpt != "":
            titleOpt = re.sub("( 1)", " I", titleOpt)
            titleOpt = re.sub("( 2)", " II", titleOpt)
            titleOpt = re.sub("( 3)", " III", titleOpt)
            titleOpt = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', "", titleOpt)
            titleOpt = str(titleOpt)
            titleOpt = titleOpt.strip()
            titleOpt = titleOpt.lower()
            price = "Unknown"
            if titleOpt == title:
                # grab onSale. if text is true, grab salePrice else grab regularPrice
                if game.find("onsale").text == "true":
                    price = game.find("saleprice").text
                    price = game.find("regularprice").text
                # grab every store in stores
                for store in game.findAll("store"):
                    # grab longName, address, city, region, postalCode, lat, lng, phone
                    # and add everything to the tree
                    locElem = etree.Element('location')
                    storeElem = etree.Element('store')
                    storeElem.text = 'BestBuy'
                    nameElem = etree.Element('name')
                    nameElem.text = store.find("longname").text
                    add1Elem = etree.Element('address1')
                    add1Elem.text = store.find("address").text
                    cityElem = etree.Element('city')
                    cityElem.text = store.find("city").text
                    stateElem = etree.Element('state')
                    stateElem.text = store.find("region").text
                    zipElem = etree.Element('zip')
                    zipElem.text = store.find("postalcode").text
                    phoneElem = etree.Element('phone')
                    phoneElem.text = store.find("phone").text
                    latElem = etree.Element('lat')
                    latElem.text = store.find("lat").text
                    longElem = etree.Element('long')
                    longElem.text = store.find("lng").text
                    priceElem = etree.Element('price')
                    priceElem.text = price
                return root

    return root
def get_all_regions_from_mongo(mongodb, mongodbOld):
    regions_entity = {
        "_links": {
            "self": {
                "href": "/monitoring/regions"
        "_embedded": {
            "regions": [
        "basicUsers": 0,
        "trialUsers": 0,
        "communityUsers": 0,
        "totalUsers": 0,
        "total_nb_users": 0,
        "totalCloudOrganizations": 0,
        "totalUserOrganizations": 0,
        "total_nb_organizations": 0,
        "total_nb_cores": 0,
        "total_nb_cores_enabled": 0,
        "total_nb_ram": 0,
        "total_nb_disk": 0,
        "total_nb_vm": 0,
        "total_ip_assigned": 0,
        "total_ip_allocated": 0,
        "total_ip": 0

    pool = Pool(processes=1)
    async_result = pool.apply_async(get_all_regions_from_js, ()) # Start thread for async http call

    new_regions = app.config["main_config"]["regionNew"]
    region_list = {}

    for region_id, is_new in new_regions.iteritems():
        if str2bool(is_new):
            region = get_region_from_mongo(mongodb, region_id)
            if region is not None:
                region_list[region_id] = region
        elif not str2bool(is_new):
            response = make_request("/monitoring/regions/" + region_id, request=None, regionid=region_id)
            if response.getcode() == 200:
                region_list[region_id] = json.loads(response.read())

    for region in region_list.iteritems():
        region = region[1]
        region_item = {"id": {}, "_links": {"self": {"href": {}}}}
        region_item["id"] = region["id"]
        region_item["_links"]["self"]["href"] = "/monitoring/regions/" + region["id"]
        # sum resources form each region entity
        if region["nb_cores"] != '':
            regions_entity["total_nb_cores"] += int(region["nb_cores"])
            regions_entity["total_nb_cores_enabled"] += int(region["nb_cores"])
        if region["nb_ram"] != '':
            regions_entity["total_nb_ram"] += int(region["nb_ram"])
        if region["nb_disk"] != '':
            regions_entity["total_nb_disk"] += int(region["nb_disk"])
        if region["nb_vm"] != '':
            regions_entity["total_nb_vm"] += int(region["nb_vm"])
        if region["measures"][0]["ipAssigned"] != '':
            regions_entity["total_ip_assigned"] += int(decimal.Decimal(region["measures"][0]["ipAssigned"]).normalize())
        if region["measures"][0]["ipAllocated"] != '':
            regions_entity["total_ip_allocated"] += int(
        if region["measures"][0]["ipTot"] != '':
            regions_entity["total_ip"] += int(decimal.Decimal(region["measures"][0]["ipTot"]).normalize())

    # get IDM infos from oldMonitoring
        regions_tmp = async_result.get(10)  # get the return value from thread
        regions_entity["basicUsers"] = regions_tmp["basicUsers"]
        regions_entity["trialUsers"] = regions_tmp["trialUsers"]
        regions_entity["communityUsers"] = regions_tmp["communityUsers"]
        regions_entity["totalUsers"] = regions_tmp["totalUsers"]
        regions_entity["total_nb_users"] = regions_tmp["total_nb_users"]
        regions_entity["totalCloudOrganizations"] = regions_tmp["totalCloudOrganizations"]
        regions_entity["totalUserOrganizations"] = regions_tmp["totalUserOrganizations"]
        regions_entity["total_nb_organizations"] = regions_tmp["total_nb_organizations"]
    except TimeoutError:
        print("HTTP call to JS monitoringAPI to retrieve IDM info did not respond in 10 seconds. No IDM data returned")
    return regions_entity
def scrapeGS(keywords, system):

    # Get the code for the system we're searching
    # Also why doesn't Python have switch statements sadface
    if system == "xbox 360":
        system = "1385"
        sysPrefix = "/xbox-360"
    elif system == "playstation 3":
        system = "138d"
        sysPrefix = "/playstation-3"
    elif system == "nintendo wii u":
        system = "131b0"
        sysPrefix = "/nintendo-wii-u"
    elif system == "nintendo wii":
        system = "138a"
        sysPrefix = "/nintendo-wii"
    elif system == "nintendo 3ds":
        system = "131a2"
        sysPrefix = "/nintendo-3ds"
    elif system == "nintendo ds":
        system = "1386"
        sysPrefix = "/nintendo-ds"
    elif system == "ps vita":
        system = "131af"
        sysPrefix = "/ps-vita"
        system = ""
        sysPrefix = ""

    condition = "-50" # For now we are only doing Used games
    # Get the code for used/new/both (both will have no code)
    #if condition == "Used":
    #    condition = "-50"
    #elif condition == "New":
    #    condition = "-4f"
    #    condition = ""

    # Add keywords the the gamestop url
    rawurl = 'http://www.gamestop.com/browse%s?nav=16k-3-%s,28zu0,%s%s' % (sysPrefix, keywords, system, condition)
    # Ensure that we don't encode the commas
    url = urllib.quote(rawurl, safe='/,?:=&')
    # Request the gamestop page
    response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    html = response.read()
    # Begin parsing the results
    soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup("".join(html))
    # Get the viewstate
    vsTag = soup.find("input", attrs={"name":"__VIEWSTATE"})
    viewstate = vsTag['value']
    # Get the sections containg each game and locate the ID for each
    # which we will need when checking the stores later
    # For each ID, add to a dict mapping the game's title to the ID
    results = list()
    games = soup.findAll("div", attrs={"class":"product preowned_product"}) # This will need to be changed to handle new products when conditions are introduced
    for game in games:
        title = game.find("a", attrs={"id":re.compile("hypTitle")}).text
        title = re.sub("( 1)", " I", title)
        title = re.sub("( 2)", " II", title)
        title = re.sub("( 3)", " III", title)
        title = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', "", title)
        title = str(title)
        title = title.strip()
    return results
    # Function to get json from a URL
    def get_jsonparsed_data(url):

           response = urlopen(url)
        except HTTPError, err:
           if err.code == 404:
               return "Page not found!"
           elif err.code == 403:
               return "Access denied!"
               return "Something happened! Error code", err.code
        except URLError, err:
            return "Some other error happened:", err.reason

        data = str(response.read())
        return json.loads(data);

    # URL for LivefyreAPI
    urlHottest = "https://bskyb.bootstrap.fyre.co/api/v3.0/hottest/?site=360818&number=10"

    #Maximum number of tries
    done = 0
    maxTries = 5000

    while done < maxTries:

        # Get the 'hottest' stories for comments
        jsonDataStories = get_jsonparsed_data(urlHottest)
Exemple #32
    print list
    return list

def get_swift_containers(arg_list):
	Get a list of containers for a specific object-store service.
    token, tenant_id, region, url = arg_list
    request = urllib2.Request(url, None, {'X-Auth-Token': token})
        response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
    except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
        return []
    file_list = response.read().splitlines()
    print file_list
    list = []
    list.append({"name": region, "value": ""})
    for file in file_list:
        list.append({"name": file, "value": file})
    return list

def get_all_nova_element_list(token, tenant_id, service_catalog, sub_function):
	Get a list of items from every compute service the user has access to.
    list = []
    threads = []
    subgroup = Group()
Exemple #33
def locateGS(title, system, zip, root):

    # Get the code for the system we're searching
    # Also why doesn't Python have switch statements sadface
    if system == "xbox 360":
        system = "1385"
        sysPrefix = "/xbox-360"
    elif system == "playstation 3":
        system = "138d"
        sysPrefix = "/playstation-3"
    elif system == "nintendo wii u":
        system = "131b0"
        sysPrefix = "/nintendo-wii-u"
    elif system == "nintendo wii":
        system = "138a"
        sysPrefix = "/nintendo-wii"
    elif system == "nintendo 3ds":
        system = "131a2"
        sysPrefix = "/nintendo-3ds"
    elif system == "nintendo ds":
        system = "1386"
        sysPrefix = "/nintendo-ds"
    elif system == "ps vita":
        system = "131af"
        sysPrefix = "/ps-vita"
        system = ""
        sysPrefix = ""

    condition = "-50"  # For now we are only doing Used games

    # Get the code for used/new/both (both will have no code)
    #if condition == "Used":
    #    condition = "-50"
    #elif condition == "New":
    #    condition = "-4f"
    #    condition = ""

    # Let it be known that I am in too much of a hurry right now to carefully
    # parse out the PostBack, so I am just setting it manually here. It may
    # become stale if GS changes their site in the future.
    eventtarget = "ctl00$mainContentPlaceHolder$dynamicContent$ctl00$RepeaterResultFoundTemplate$ctl01$ResultFoundPlaceHolder$ctl00$ctl00$ctl03$StandardPlaceHolderTop$ctl00$rptResults$ctl00$res$btnPickupInStore"
    # Get the viewstate, gameID, and price
    url = "http://www.gamestop.com/browse%s?nav=16k-3-%s,28zu0,%s%s" % (
        sysPrefix, title, system, condition)
    url = urllib.quote(url, safe='/,?:=&()')
    # Request the gamestop page
    response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    html = response.read()
    # Begin parsing the results
    soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup("".join(html))
    # Get the viewstate
    vsTag = soup.find("input", attrs={"name": "__VIEWSTATE"})
    if not vsTag:
        return root
    viewstate = vsTag['value']
    games = soup.findAll("div", attrs={"class": "product preowned_product"})
    gameID = 0
    price = "Unknown"
    for gameOpt in games:
        titleOpt = gameOpt.find("a", attrs={"id": re.compile("hypTitle")}).text
        titleOpt = re.sub("( 1)", " I", titleOpt)
        titleOpt = re.sub("( 2)", " II", titleOpt)
        titleOpt = re.sub("( 3)", " III", titleOpt)
        titleOpt = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', "", titleOpt)
        titleOpt = str(titleOpt)
        titleOpt = titleOpt.strip()
        titleOpt = titleOpt.lower()
        if titleOpt == title:
            gameIDTag = gameOpt.find(
                "a", attrs={"onclick": re.compile("(WishListItemAdded)(.*)")})
            gameIDTagValue = gameIDTag['onclick']
            matches = re.findall("(?<=')([0-9]*?)(?=')", gameIDTagValue)
            i = 0
            for gameOptID in matches:
                if i == 1:
                    gameID = gameOptID
                i = i + 1
            price = gameOpt.find("p", attrs={"class": "pricing"}).text

    # Now that we have viewstate, do a POST instead of a GET so that we
    # can get the full VIEWSTATE, which does not appear to be title nor
    # request/session specific
    data = urllib.urlencode({
        "__EVENTTARGET": eventtarget,
        "__EVENTARGUMENT": "",
        "__LASTFOCUS": "",
        "__VIEWSTATE": viewstate,
        "header": "$ctl00$",
        "searchtext": ""
    req = urllib2.Request(url)
    response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
    html = response.read()
    # Begin parsing the results
    soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup("".join(html))
    # Get the viewstate
    vsTag = soup.find("input", attrs={"name": "__VIEWSTATE"})
    if not vsTag:
        return root
    viewstate = vsTag['value']

    # Now that we have the full viewstate, do a POST to the store search
    # Normally we'd need to parse out the other form fields from the response
    # above, but right now I am in too much of a hurry to be so thorough and
    # careful. Instead I am just assigning them manually. They may become stale
    # if GS changes their site in the future.
    eventtarget = "ctl00$ctl00$BaseContentPlaceHolder$mainContentPlaceHolder$StoreSearchControl$FindZipButton"
    scriptField = "ctl00$ctl00$ScriptManager1"  # Or should this be encoded? Does urllib encode the fields as well as the values?
    scriptValue = "ctl00$ctl00$ScriptManager1|ctl00$ctl00$BaseContentPlaceHolder$mainContentPlaceHolder$StoreSearchControl$FindZipButton"
    searchTextField = "ctl00$ctl00$BaseContentPlaceHolder$cHeader$ctl00$searchtext"
    zipField = "ctl00$ctl00$BaseContentPlaceHolder$mainContentPlaceHolder$StoreSearchControl$EnterZipTextBox"
    storeSavedField = "ctl00$ctl00$BaseContentPlaceHolder$mainContentPlaceHolder$StoreSearchControl$StoreSavedModalPopup$PopupTargetControl"
    noStoresField = "ctl00$ctl00$BaseContentPlaceHolder$mainContentPlaceHolder$StoreSearchControl$NoStoresFoundModalPopup$PopupTargetControl"

    url = "http://www.gamestop.com/Browse/StoreSearch.aspx?sku=%s" % gameID

    data = urllib.urlencode({
        scriptField: scriptValue,
        searchTextField: "",
        zipField: zip,
        "__EVENTTARGET": eventtarget,
        "__EVENTARGUMENT": "",
        "__LASTFOCUS": "",
        "__VIEWSTATE": viewstate,
        storeSavedField: "",
        noStoresField: "",
        "ASYNCPOST": "true&"

    req = urllib2.Request(url)
    response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
    html = response.read()

    # Begin parsing the results
    soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup("".join(html))

    stores = dict()

    markers = re.findall(re.compile('setMarker(.*)'), html)
    for marker in markers:
        latlongs = re.findall(re.compile('(-{0,}[0-9]{1,}\.[0-9]{1,})'),
        storeInfos = re.findall(re.compile('\'(.+?)\''), marker)
        stores[storeInfos[1]] = (storeInfos[0], latlongs[0], latlongs[1])

    # Example: 6212 -> ( Willow Lawn , 37.582845 , -77.498765 )

    add1RegEx = re.compile('.*Address1.*')
    cityRegex = re.compile('.*CityLabel')
    stateRegex = re.compile('.*StateLabel')
    zipRegex = re.compile('.*ZipLabel')
    phoneRegex = re.compile('.*PhoneLabel')

    storeTable = soup.find(class_="map_results", id="searchResults")
    for key in stores:
        info = storeTable.find("tr", id=key)
        if info:
            locElem = etree.Element('location')
            storeElem = etree.Element('store')
            storeElem.text = 'GameStop'
            nameElem = etree.Element('name')
            nameElem.text = stores[key][0]
            add1Elem = etree.Element('address1')
            add1 = info.find("span", id=add1RegEx)
            add1Elem.text = add1.text
            cityElem = etree.Element('city')
            city = info.find("span", id=cityRegex)
            cityElem.text = city.text
            stateElem = etree.Element('state')
            state = info.find("span", id=stateRegex)
            stateElem.text = state.text
            zipElem = etree.Element('zip')
            zip = info.find("span", id=zipRegex)
            zipElem.text = zip.text
            phoneElem = etree.Element('phone')
            phone = info.find("span", id=phoneRegex)
            phoneElem.text = phone.text
            latElem = etree.Element('lat')
            latElem.text = stores[key][1]
            longElem = etree.Element('long')
            longElem.text = stores[key][2]
            priceElem = etree.Element('price')
            priceElem.text = price
    return root
from bottle import route, run, request, response
import urllib2
import shutil
import os
import sys
response = urllib2.urlopen('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/alternates/fakenews-gambling-p**n-social/hosts')
data = response.read()
filename = "hosts"
hostfile= open(filename, 'w')
def hello():
def blocktheshit():
	os.system ("copy %s %s" % ('\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts', 'C:\AdBlock\hosts_backup'))
	os.system ("copy %s %s" % ('C:\AdBlock\hosts', '\windows\system32\drivers\etc'))
def unblock():
	os.system("echo Working on it....")
	os.system("timeout /t 45 /nobreak")
	os.system ("del /f \windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts")
	os.system ("copy %s %s" % ('C:\AdBlock\hosts_backup\orignal\hosts', '\windows\system32\drivers\etc'))
def count():
	count = 0
	with open('\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts') as fileObj:
import boto
import boto.dynamodb
import urllib2
import csv
from  boto.dynamodb.condition import *
import bottle
from bottle import route, request, response, template, get, run, HTTPResponse
import json
#bottle = Bottle()

#establish connection to dynamodb
conn = boto.dynamodb.connect_to_region('us-west-2')
response = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.fhfa.gov/DataTools/Downloads/Documents/HPI/HPI_master.csv')
#Read the file data
myfile = response.read()
#Create a file named myfile.csv
filename = open('myfile.csv','w')
#write previously fetched filedata into newly created file
#Close the file

#function to create table
def create_table():
        #create schema with hash key as 'id'
        #create table using schema
        table=conn.create_table(name='data', schema=myschema, read_units=1, write_units=1)
        print "Table created successfully"
Exemple #36
def fetch_url(query):
    req = urllib2.Request(query)
    response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
    return response.read()
def locateGS(title, system, zip, root):

    # Get the code for the system we're searching
    # Also why doesn't Python have switch statements sadface
    if system == "xbox 360":
        system = "1385"
        sysPrefix = "/xbox-360"
    elif system == "playstation 3":
        system = "138d"
        sysPrefix = "/playstation-3"
    elif system == "nintendo wii u":
        system = "131b0"
        sysPrefix = "/nintendo-wii-u"
    elif system == "nintendo wii":
        system = "138a"
        sysPrefix = "/nintendo-wii"
    elif system == "nintendo 3ds":
        system = "131a2"
        sysPrefix = "/nintendo-3ds"
    elif system == "nintendo ds":
        system = "1386"
        sysPrefix = "/nintendo-ds"
    elif system == "ps vita":
        system = "131af"
        sysPrefix = "/ps-vita"
        system = ""
        sysPrefix = ""

    condition = "-50" # For now we are only doing Used games

    # Get the code for used/new/both (both will have no code)
    #if condition == "Used":
    #    condition = "-50"
    #elif condition == "New":
    #    condition = "-4f"
    #    condition = ""

    # Let it be known that I am in too much of a hurry right now to carefully
    # parse out the PostBack, so I am just setting it manually here. It may
    # become stale if GS changes their site in the future.
    eventtarget = "ctl00$mainContentPlaceHolder$dynamicContent$ctl00$RepeaterResultFoundTemplate$ctl01$ResultFoundPlaceHolder$ctl00$ctl00$ctl03$StandardPlaceHolderTop$ctl00$rptResults$ctl00$res$btnPickupInStore"
    # Get the viewstate, gameID, and price
    url ="http://www.gamestop.com/browse%s?nav=16k-3-%s,28zu0,%s%s" % (sysPrefix, title, system, condition)
    url = urllib.quote(url, safe='/,?:=&()')
    # Request the gamestop page
    response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    html = response.read()
    # Begin parsing the results
    soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup("".join(html))
    # Get the viewstate
    vsTag = soup.find("input", attrs={"name":"__VIEWSTATE"})
    if not vsTag:
        return root
    viewstate = vsTag['value']
    games = soup.findAll("div", attrs={"class":"product preowned_product"})
    gameID = 0
    price = "Unknown"
    for gameOpt in games:
        titleOpt = gameOpt.find("a", attrs={"id":re.compile("hypTitle")}).text
        titleOpt = re.sub("( 1)", " I", titleOpt)
        titleOpt = re.sub("( 2)", " II", titleOpt)
        titleOpt = re.sub("( 3)", " III", titleOpt)
        titleOpt = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', "", titleOpt)
        titleOpt = str(titleOpt)
        titleOpt = titleOpt.strip()
        titleOpt = titleOpt.lower()
        if titleOpt == title:
            gameIDTag = gameOpt.find("a", attrs={"onclick":re.compile("(WishListItemAdded)(.*)")})
            gameIDTagValue = gameIDTag['onclick']
            matches = re.findall("(?<=')([0-9]*?)(?=')", gameIDTagValue)
            i = 0
            for gameOptID in matches:
				if i == 1:
					gameID = gameOptID
				i = i + 1
            price = gameOpt.find("p", attrs={"class":"pricing"}).text

    # Now that we have viewstate, do a POST instead of a GET so that we
    # can get the full VIEWSTATE, which does not appear to be title nor
    # request/session specific
    data = urllib.urlencode({"__EVENTTARGET":eventtarget, "__EVENTARGUMENT":"", "__LASTFOCUS":"", "__VIEWSTATE":viewstate, "header":"$ctl00$", "searchtext":""})
    req = urllib2.Request(url)
    response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
    html = response.read()
    # Begin parsing the results
    soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup("".join(html))
    # Get the viewstate
    vsTag = soup.find("input", attrs={"name":"__VIEWSTATE"})
    if not vsTag:
        return root
    viewstate = vsTag['value']

    # Now that we have the full viewstate, do a POST to the store search
    # Normally we'd need to parse out the other form fields from the response
    # above, but right now I am in too much of a hurry to be so thorough and
    # careful. Instead I am just assigning them manually. They may become stale
    # if GS changes their site in the future.
    eventtarget = "ctl00$ctl00$BaseContentPlaceHolder$mainContentPlaceHolder$StoreSearchControl$FindZipButton"
    scriptField = "ctl00$ctl00$ScriptManager1" # Or should this be encoded? Does urllib encode the fields as well as the values?
    scriptValue = "ctl00$ctl00$ScriptManager1|ctl00$ctl00$BaseContentPlaceHolder$mainContentPlaceHolder$StoreSearchControl$FindZipButton"
    searchTextField = "ctl00$ctl00$BaseContentPlaceHolder$cHeader$ctl00$searchtext"
    zipField = "ctl00$ctl00$BaseContentPlaceHolder$mainContentPlaceHolder$StoreSearchControl$EnterZipTextBox"
    storeSavedField = "ctl00$ctl00$BaseContentPlaceHolder$mainContentPlaceHolder$StoreSearchControl$StoreSavedModalPopup$PopupTargetControl"
    noStoresField = "ctl00$ctl00$BaseContentPlaceHolder$mainContentPlaceHolder$StoreSearchControl$NoStoresFoundModalPopup$PopupTargetControl"

    url = "http://www.gamestop.com/Browse/StoreSearch.aspx?sku=%s" % gameID

    data = urllib.urlencode(
    { scriptField:scriptValue, searchTextField:"", zipField:zip, "__EVENTTARGET":eventtarget, "__EVENTARGUMENT":"",
    "__LASTFOCUS":"", "__VIEWSTATE":viewstate, storeSavedField:"", noStoresField:"", "ASYNCPOST":"true&" })

    req = urllib2.Request(url)
    response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
    html = response.read()

    # Begin parsing the results
    soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup("".join(html))

    stores = dict()

    markers = re.findall(re.compile('setMarker(.*)'), html)
    for marker in markers:
        latlongs = re.findall(re.compile('(-{0,}[0-9]{1,}\.[0-9]{1,})'), marker)
        storeInfos = re.findall(re.compile('\'(.+?)\''), marker)
        stores[storeInfos[1]] = (storeInfos[0], latlongs[0], latlongs[1])

    # Example: 6212 -> ( Willow Lawn , 37.582845 , -77.498765 )

    add1RegEx = re.compile('.*Address1.*')
    cityRegex = re.compile('.*CityLabel')
    stateRegex = re.compile('.*StateLabel')
    zipRegex = re.compile('.*ZipLabel')
    phoneRegex = re.compile('.*PhoneLabel')

    storeTable = soup.find(class_="map_results", id="searchResults")
    for key in stores:
        info = storeTable.find("tr", id=key)
        if info:
            locElem = etree.Element('location')
            storeElem = etree.Element('store')
            storeElem.text = 'GameStop'
            nameElem = etree.Element('name')
            nameElem.text = stores[key][0]
            add1Elem = etree.Element('address1')
            add1 = info.find("span", id=add1RegEx)
            add1Elem.text = add1.text
            cityElem = etree.Element('city')
            city = info.find("span", id=cityRegex)
            cityElem.text = city.text
            stateElem = etree.Element('state')
            state = info.find("span", id=stateRegex)
            stateElem.text = state.text
            zipElem = etree.Element('zip')
            zip = info.find("span", id=zipRegex)
            zipElem.text = zip.text
            phoneElem = etree.Element('phone')
            phone = info.find("span", id=phoneRegex)
            phoneElem.text = phone.text
            latElem = etree.Element('lat')
            latElem.text = stores[key][1]
            longElem = etree.Element('long')
            longElem.text = stores[key][2]
            priceElem = etree.Element('price')
            priceElem.text = price
    return root
Exemple #38
import boto
import boto.dynamodb
import urllib2
import csv
from boto.dynamodb.condition import *
import bottle
from bottle import route, request, response, template, get, run, HTTPResponse
import json
#bottle = Bottle()

#establish connection to dynamodb
conn = boto.dynamodb.connect_to_region('us-west-2')
response = urllib2.urlopen(
#Read the file data
myfile = response.read()
#Create a file named myfile.csv
filename = open('myfile.csv', 'w')
#write previously fetched filedata into newly created file
#Close the file

#function to create table
def create_table():
        #create schema with hash key as 'id'
        myschema = conn.create_schema(hash_key_name='id',
        #create table using schema
Exemple #39
def scrapeGS(keywords, system):

    # Get the code for the system we're searching
    # Also why doesn't Python have switch statements sadface
    if system == "xbox 360":
        system = "1385"
        sysPrefix = "/xbox-360"
    elif system == "playstation 3":
        system = "138d"
        sysPrefix = "/playstation-3"
    elif system == "nintendo wii u":
        system = "131b0"
        sysPrefix = "/nintendo-wii-u"
    elif system == "nintendo wii":
        system = "138a"
        sysPrefix = "/nintendo-wii"
    elif system == "nintendo 3ds":
        system = "131a2"
        sysPrefix = "/nintendo-3ds"
    elif system == "nintendo ds":
        system = "1386"
        sysPrefix = "/nintendo-ds"
    elif system == "ps vita":
        system = "131af"
        sysPrefix = "/ps-vita"
        system = ""
        sysPrefix = ""

    condition = "-50"  # For now we are only doing Used games
    # Get the code for used/new/both (both will have no code)
    #if condition == "Used":
    #    condition = "-50"
    #elif condition == "New":
    #    condition = "-4f"
    #    condition = ""

    # Add keywords the the gamestop url
    rawurl = 'http://www.gamestop.com/browse%s?nav=16k-3-%s,28zu0,%s%s' % (
        sysPrefix, keywords, system, condition)
    # Ensure that we don't encode the commas
    url = urllib.quote(rawurl, safe='/,?:=&')
    # Request the gamestop page
    response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    html = response.read()
    # Begin parsing the results
    soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup("".join(html))
    # Get the viewstate
    vsTag = soup.find("input", attrs={"name": "__VIEWSTATE"})
    viewstate = vsTag['value']
    # Get the sections containg each game and locate the ID for each
    # which we will need when checking the stores later
    # For each ID, add to a dict mapping the game's title to the ID
    results = list()
    games = soup.findAll(
        "div", attrs={"class": "product preowned_product"}
    )  # This will need to be changed to handle new products when conditions are introduced
    for game in games:
        title = game.find("a", attrs={"id": re.compile("hypTitle")}).text
        title = re.sub("( 1)", " I", title)
        title = re.sub("( 2)", " II", title)
        title = re.sub("( 3)", " III", title)
        title = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', "", title)
        title = str(title)
        title = title.strip()
    return results
Exemple #40
from datetime import datetime
import time
import mysql.connector
import json
import pyrebase
from jose import jwt
import urllib, json
import credentials

from bson import json_util

target_audience = "collaborative-mapping-proto"
bottle.BaseRequest.MEMFILE_MAX = 1024 * 1024 * 1024  #(or whatever you want)
certificate_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/[email protected]'
response = urllib.urlopen(certificate_url)
certs = response.read()
certs = json.loads(certs)

firebaseConfig = credentials.firebaseConfig
config = credentials.config

firebase = pyrebase.initialize_app(firebaseConfig)
auth = firebase.auth()

app = Bottle()

@app.route('/getposts/<postnumber:int>', method='GET')
def returnPage(postnumber):
    cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config)
def getinfo():
    url = request.query.url # this is url-decoded already

    endpoint = 'http://' + cdx_server + '/web/timemap/cdx'
    endpoint += '?' + urllib.parse.urlencode({ 'url': url })

    req = urllib.request.Request(endpoint)
    req.add_header('Cookie', 'cdx_auth_token='+cdx_secret)

    with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response:
        lines = response.read().decode('utf-8').splitlines() # yeah this is really 7-bit ascii with % encoding

    table = []

    for line in lines:
        fields = line.split(' ')
        surt = fields[0]
        date = fields[1]
        orig = fields[2]
        rec  = fields[3]
        code = fields[4]
        sha1 = fields[5]
        length = fields[8] # this is the lenth of the content plus the WARC header!
        item, filename = fields[10].split('/', maxsplit=1)

        # I should probably include these as 'no change' XXX
        if rec == 'warc/revisit':

        # begone: 302 redirs from www->non and non->www, 301 redirs for foo to foo/
        if code.startswith('3'):
            if surt == makesurt(orig):

        row = { 'date': date, 'code': code, 'sha1': sha1, 'length': length, 'item': item }

    table = sorted(table, key=itemgetter('date'))

    item_to_collection = {}
    with open(os.path.expanduser('~/.item_to_collection'), 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            [i, c] = line.rstrip().split(sep=' ', maxsplit=1)
            item_to_collection[i] = c

    i2c_changed = 0
    for row in table:
        if row['item'] not in item_to_collection:
            resp = get_item(row['item'])
            collections = resp.metadata.get('collection', [])
            collection = pick_collection(collections)
            if not collection:
                collection  = 'unknown'
            item_to_collection[row['item']] = collection
            i2c_changed = 1
        row['why'] = item_to_collection[row['item']]

    if i2c_changed:
        with open(os.path.expanduser('~/.item_to_collection.new'), 'w') as f:
            for k in item_to_collection:
                f.write(k + ' ' + item_to_collection[k] + '\n')

        os.rename(os.path.expanduser('~/.item_to_collection.new'), os.path.expanduser('~/.item_to_collection'))

    last_200_sha1 = ''
    last_200_length = 0
    for row in table:
        if row['code'] == '404':
            change = '404'
        elif row['code'].startswith('3'):
            change = 'redir'
        elif row['sha1'] != last_200_sha1:
            change = 'minor'
            # note -- lengths bounce around because they include the WARC header.
                diff = abs(int(last_200_length) - int(row['length']))
                diff = 10000

            # when in doubt, use the worst available algorithm!
            if diff > 500:
                change = 'major'
            last_200_sha1 = row['sha1']
            last_200_length = row['length']
            change = 'none'
            last_200_sha1 = row['sha1'] # should be identical
            last_200_length = row['length'] # might vary a little due to WARC headers
        row['change'] = change

    captures = []
    for row in table:
        outrow = {}
        for k in ['date', 'why', 'change']:
            outrow[k] = row[k]

    return { 'captures': captures }
Exemple #42
def locateBBY(title, system, zip, root):
    # Best Buy requires an API key to use their web service
    bbyApiKey = "crs2yyrur5c9trmtv4uggtd2"
    # Request the Best Buy data
    rawurl = "http://api.remix.bestbuy.com/v1/products(search=%s&categoryPath.name=video games&platform=%s&preowned in(true))+stores(area(%s,10))?apiKey=%s" % (
        title, system, zip, bbyApiKey)
    url = urllib.quote(rawurl, safe='/,?:=&()')
    response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    html = response.read()
    # Begin parsing the results
    soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup("".join(html))
    results = list()
    for game in soup.findAll("product"):
        rawName = game.find("name").text
            titleOpt = re.search(u'(.*)(?= \u2014)', rawName).group()
        except AttributeError:
            titleOpt = ""
        if titleOpt != "":
            titleOpt = re.sub("( 1)", " I", titleOpt)
            titleOpt = re.sub("( 2)", " II", titleOpt)
            titleOpt = re.sub("( 3)", " III", titleOpt)
            titleOpt = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', "", titleOpt)
            titleOpt = str(titleOpt)
            titleOpt = titleOpt.strip()
            titleOpt = titleOpt.lower()
            price = "Unknown"
            if titleOpt == title:
                # grab onSale. if text is true, grab salePrice else grab regularPrice
                if game.find("onsale").text == "true":
                    price = game.find("saleprice").text
                    price = game.find("regularprice").text
                # grab every store in stores
                for store in game.findAll("store"):
                    # grab longName, address, city, region, postalCode, lat, lng, phone
                    # and add everything to the tree
                    locElem = etree.Element('location')
                    storeElem = etree.Element('store')
                    storeElem.text = 'BestBuy'
                    nameElem = etree.Element('name')
                    nameElem.text = store.find("longname").text
                    add1Elem = etree.Element('address1')
                    add1Elem.text = store.find("address").text
                    cityElem = etree.Element('city')
                    cityElem.text = store.find("city").text
                    stateElem = etree.Element('state')
                    stateElem.text = store.find("region").text
                    zipElem = etree.Element('zip')
                    zipElem.text = store.find("postalcode").text
                    phoneElem = etree.Element('phone')
                    phoneElem.text = store.find("phone").text
                    latElem = etree.Element('lat')
                    latElem.text = store.find("lat").text
                    longElem = etree.Element('long')
                    longElem.text = store.find("lng").text
                    priceElem = etree.Element('price')
                    priceElem.text = price
                return root

    return root