def benchsuite(function, fraction_nan):

    # setup is called before each run of each function
    setup = """
        from bottleneck import %s as bn_fn
        try: from numpy import %s as sl_fn
        except ImportError: from bottleneck.slow import %s as sl_fn

        # avoid all-nan slice warnings from np.median and np.nanmedian
        if "%s" == "median": from bottleneck.slow import median as sl_fn
        if "%s" == "nanmedian": from bottleneck.slow import nanmedian as sl_fn

        from numpy import array, nan
        from numpy.random import RandomState
        rand = RandomState(123).rand

        a = %s
        if %s != 0: a[a < %s] = nan
    setup = '\n'.join([s.strip() for s in setup.split('\n')])

    # what kind of function signature do we need to use?
    if function in bn.get_functions('reduce', as_string=True):
        index = 0
    elif function in ['rankdata', 'nanrankdata']:
        index = 0
    elif function in bn.get_functions('move', as_string=True):
        index = 1
    elif function in ['partition', 'argpartition', 'push']:
        index = 2
    elif function == 'replace':
        index = 3
        raise ValueError("`function` (%s) not recognized" % function)

    # create benchmark suite
    instructions = get_instructions()
    f = function
    suite = []
    for instruction in instructions:
        signature = instruction[index + 1]
        if signature is None:
        array = instruction[0]
        repeat = instruction[-1]
        run = {}
        run['name'] = [f + signature, array]
        run['statements'] = ["bn_fn" + signature, "sl_fn" + signature]
        run['setup'] = setup % (f, f, f, f, f, array,
                                fraction_nan, fraction_nan)
        run['repeat'] = repeat

    return suite
def benchsuite(function, fraction_nan):

    # setup is called before each run of each function
    setup = """
        from bottleneck import %s as bn_fn
        try: from numpy import %s as sl_fn
        except ImportError: from bottleneck.slow import %s as sl_fn

        # avoid all-nan slice warnings from np.median and np.nanmedian
        if "%s" == "median": from bottleneck.slow import median as sl_fn
        if "%s" == "nanmedian": from bottleneck.slow import nanmedian as sl_fn

        from numpy import array, nan
        from numpy.random import RandomState
        rand = RandomState(123).rand

        a = %s
        if %s != 0: a[a < %s] = nan
    setup = '\n'.join([s.strip() for s in setup.split('\n')])

    # what kind of function signature do we need to use?
    if function in bn.get_functions('reduce', as_string=True):
        index = 0
    elif function in ['rankdata', 'nanrankdata']:
        index = 0
    elif function in bn.get_functions('move', as_string=True):
        index = 1
    elif function in ['partition', 'argpartition', 'push']:
        index = 2
    elif function == 'replace':
        index = 3
        raise ValueError("`function` (%s) not recognized" % function)

    # create benchmark suite
    instructions = get_instructions()
    f = function
    suite = []
    for instruction in instructions:
        signature = instruction[index + 1]
        if signature is None:
        array = instruction[0]
        repeat = instruction[-1]
        run = {}
        run['name'] = [f + signature, array]
        run['statements'] = ["bn_fn" + signature, "sl_fn" + signature]
        run['setup'] = setup % (f, f, f, f, f, array, fraction_nan,
        run['repeat'] = repeat

    return suite
def test_arg_parsing():
    "test argument parsing in nonreduce_axis"
    for func in bn.get_functions('nonreduce_axis'):
        name = func.__name__
        if name in ('partition', 'argpartition'):
            yield unit_maker_parse, func
        elif name in ('push'):
            yield unit_maker_parse, func
        elif name in ('rankdata', 'nanrankdata'):
            yield unit_maker_parse_rankdata, func
            fmt = "``%s` is an unknown nonreduce_axis function"
            raise ValueError(fmt % name)
        yield unit_maker_raises, func
def test_arg_parsing():
    "test argument parsing in nonreduce_axis"
    for func in bn.get_functions('nonreduce_axis'):
        name = func.__name__
        if name in ('partition', 'argpartition'):
            yield unit_maker_parse, func
        elif name in ('push'):
            yield unit_maker_parse, func
        elif name in ('rankdata', 'nanrankdata'):
            yield unit_maker_parse_rankdata, func
            fmt = "``%s` is an unknown nonreduce_axis function"
            raise ValueError(fmt % name)
        yield unit_maker_raises, func
def bench_detailed(function='nansum', fraction_nan=0.0):
    Benchmark a single function in detail or, optionally, all functions.

    function : str, optional
        Name of function, as a string, to benchmark. Default ('nansum') is
        to benchmark bn.nansum. If `function` is 'all' then detailed
        benchmarks are run on all bottleneck functions.
    fraction_nan : float, optional
        Fraction of array elements that should, on average, be NaN. The
        default (0.0) is not to set any elements to NaN.

    A benchmark report is printed to stdout.


    if function == 'all':
        # benchmark all bottleneck functions
        funcs = bn.get_functions('all', as_string=True)
        for func in funcs:
            bench_detailed(func, fraction_nan)

    if fraction_nan < 0 or fraction_nan > 1:
        raise ValueError("`fraction_nan` must be between 0 and 1, inclusive")

    tab = '    '

    # Header
    print('%s benchmark' % function)
    print("%sBottleneck %s; Numpy %s" % (tab, bn.__version__, np.__version__))
    print("%sSpeed is NumPy time divided by Bottleneck time" % tab)
    if fraction_nan == 0:
        print("%sNone of the array elements are NaN" % tab)
        print("%s%.1f%% of the array elements are NaN (on average)"
              % (tab, fraction_nan * 100))

    print("   Speed  Call                          Array")
    suite = benchsuite(function, fraction_nan)
    for test in suite:
        name = test["name"]
        speed = timer(test['statements'], test['setup'], test['repeat'])
        print("%8.1f  %s   %s" % (speed, name[0].ljust(27), name[1]))
def bench_detailed(function='nansum', fraction_nan=0.0):
    Benchmark a single function in detail or, optionally, all functions.

    function : str, optional
        Name of function, as a string, to benchmark. Default ('nansum') is
        to benchmark bn.nansum. If `function` is 'all' then detailed
        benchmarks are run on all bottleneck functions.
    fraction_nan : float, optional
        Fraction of array elements that should, on average, be NaN. The
        default (0.0) is not to set any elements to NaN.

    A benchmark report is printed to stdout.


    if function == 'all':
        # benchmark all bottleneck functions
        funcs = bn.get_functions('all', as_string=True)
        for func in funcs:
            bench_detailed(func, fraction_nan)

    if fraction_nan < 0 or fraction_nan > 1:
        raise ValueError("`fraction_nan` must be between 0 and 1, inclusive")

    tab = '    '

    # Header
    print('%s benchmark' % function)
    print("%sBottleneck %s; Numpy %s" % (tab, bn.__version__, np.__version__))
    print("%sSpeed is NumPy time divided by Bottleneck time" % tab)
    if fraction_nan == 0:
        print("%sNone of the array elements are NaN" % tab)
        print("%s%.1f%% of the array elements are NaN (on average)" %
              (tab, fraction_nan * 100))

    print("   Speed  Call                          Array")
    suite = benchsuite(function, fraction_nan)
    for test in suite:
        name = test["name"]
        speed = timer(test['statements'], test['setup'], test['repeat'])
        print("%8.1f  %s   %s" % (speed, name[0].ljust(27), name[1]))
def test_push():
    """Test push"""
    ns = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, None)
    a = np.array([np.nan, 1, 2, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, 3, np.nan])
    for n in ns:
        actual = bn.push(a.copy(), n=n)
        desired = bn.slow.push(a.copy(), n=n)
        assert_array_equal(actual, desired, "failed on n=%s" % str(n))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test argument parsing

                         ids=lambda x: x.__name__)
def test_arg_parsing(func):
    """test argument parsing in nonreduce_axis"""
    name = func.__name__
    if name in ("partition", "argpartition"):
        return unit_maker_parse(func)
    elif name in ("push"):
        return unit_maker_parse(func)
    elif name in ("rankdata", "nanrankdata"):
        return unit_maker_parse_rankdata(func)
        fmt = "``%s` is an unknown nonreduce_axis function"
        raise ValueError(fmt % name)

Exemple #8
"""Test replace()."""

import warnings

import numpy as np
import pytest
from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal, assert_equal, assert_raises

import bottleneck as bn
from .util import DTYPES, INT_DTYPES, array_order, arrays

                         ids=lambda x: x.__name__)
def test_nonreduce(func):
    """Test that gives the same output as"""
    msg = "\nfunc %s | input %s (%s) | shape %s | old %f | new %f | order %s\n"
    msg += "\nInput array:\n%s\n"
    name = func.__name__
    func0 = eval("bn.slow.%s" % name)
    rs = np.random.RandomState([1, 2, 3])
    news = [1, 0, np.nan, -np.inf]
    for i, arr in enumerate(arrays(name)):
        for idx in range(2):
            if arr.size == 0:
                old = 0
                idx = rs.randint(max(arr.size, 1))
                old = arr.flat[idx]
            for new in news:
Exemple #9
def test_arg_parsing():
    "test argument parsing"
    for func in bn.get_functions('reduce'):
        yield unit_maker_argparse, func
Exemple #10
def test_move():
    "test move functions"
    for func in bn.get_functions('move'):
        yield unit_maker, func
Exemple #11
    ss[1] = {"size": 4, "shapes": [(4, )]}
    ss[2] = {"size": 6, "shapes": [(1, 6), (2, 3)]}
    ss[3] = {"size": 6, "shapes": [(1, 2, 3)]}
    ss[4] = {"size": 24, "shapes": [(1, 2, 3, 4)]}
    for ndim in ss:
        size = ss[ndim]["size"]
        shapes = ss[ndim]["shapes"]
        a = np.arange(size)
        for shape in shapes:
            a = a.reshape(shape)
            for dtype in dtypes:
                yield a.astype(dtype).tolist()

                         ids=lambda x: x.__name__)
def test_list_input(func):
    """Test that gives the same output as for list input."""
    msg = "\nfunc %s | input %s (%s) | shape %s\n"
    msg += "\nInput array:\n%s\n"
    name = func.__name__
    if name == "replace":
    func0 = eval("bn.slow.%s" % name)
    for i, a in enumerate(lists()):
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
                actual = func(a)
                desired = func0(a)
Exemple #12
"""Test moving window functions."""

import numpy as np
import pytest
from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal, assert_equal, assert_raises

import bottleneck as bn
from .util import array_order, arrays

                         ids=lambda x: x.__name__)
def test_move(func):
    """Test that gives the same output as a reference function."""
    fmt = ("\nfunc %s | window %d | min_count %s | input %s (%s) | shape %s | "
           "axis %s | order %s\n")
    fmt += "\nInput array:\n%s\n"
    aaae = assert_array_almost_equal
    func_name = func.__name__
    func0 = eval("bn.slow.%s" % func_name)
    if func_name == "move_var":
        decimal = 3
        decimal = 5
    for i, a in enumerate(arrays(func_name)):
        axes = range(-1, a.ndim)
        for axis in axes:
            windows = range(1, a.shape[axis])
            for window in windows:
                min_counts = list(range(1, window + 1)) + [None]
def test_modification():
    "Test for illegal inplace modification of input array"
    for func in bn.get_functions('all'):
        yield unit_maker, func
Exemple #14

def test_push():
    "Test push"
    ns = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, None)
    a = np.array([np.nan, 1, 2, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, 3, np.nan])
    for n in ns:
        actual = bn.push(a.copy(), n=n)
        desired = bn.slow.push(a.copy(), n=n)
        assert_array_equal(actual, desired, "failed on n=%s" % str(n))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test argument parsing

@pytest.mark.parametrize("func", bn.get_functions('nonreduce_axis'),
                         ids=lambda x: x.__name__)
def test_arg_parsing(func):
    "test argument parsing in nonreduce_axis"
    name = func.__name__
    if name in ('partition', 'argpartition'):
        return unit_maker_parse(func)
    elif name in ('push'):
        return unit_maker_parse(func)
    elif name in ('rankdata', 'nanrankdata'):
        return unit_maker_parse_rankdata(func)
        fmt = "``%s` is an unknown nonreduce_axis function"
        raise ValueError(fmt % name)
    return unit_maker_raises(func)
Exemple #15
def test_list_input():
    "Check that functions can handle list input"
    for func in bn.get_functions('all'):
        if func.__name__ != 'replace':
            yield unit_maker, func
def test_list_input():
    "Check that functions can handle list input"
    for func in bn.get_functions('all'):
        if func.__name__ != 'replace':
            yield unit_maker, func
Exemple #17
def test_strides():
    "test move functions with non-C ordered arrays"
    for func in bn.get_functions('move'):
        yield unit_maker_strides, func
Exemple #18
"""Test replace()."""

import warnings

import numpy as np
import pytest
from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal, assert_equal, assert_raises

import bottleneck as bn
from .util import DTYPES, INT_DTYPES, array_order, arrays

    "func", bn.get_functions("nonreduce"), ids=lambda x: x.__name__
def test_nonreduce(func) -> None:
    """Test that gives the same output as"""
    msg = "\nfunc %s | input %s (%s) | shape %s | old %f | new %f | order %s\n"
    msg += "\nInput array:\n%s\n"
    name = func.__name__
    func0 = eval("bn.slow.%s" % name)
    rs = np.random.RandomState([1, 2, 3])
    news = [1, 0, np.nan, -np.inf]
    for i, arr in enumerate(arrays(name)):
        for idx in range(2):
            if arr.size == 0:
                old = 0
                idx = rs.randint(max(arr.size, 1))
                old = arr.flat[idx]
            for new in news:
Exemple #19
def benchsuite(shapes, dtype, nans, axes, order, functions):

    suite = []

    def getsetups(setup, shapes, nans, axes, dtype, order):
        template = """
        from bottleneck.benchmark.bench import getarray
        a = getarray(%s, '%s', %s, '%s')
        setups = []
        for shape, axis, nan in zip(shapes, axes, nans):
            s = template % (str(shape), str(dtype), str(nan), str(order),
                            str(axis), setup)
            s = '\n'.join([line.strip() for line in s.split('\n')])
        return setups

    # non-moving window functions
    funcs = bn.get_functions("reduce", as_string=True)
    funcs += ['rankdata', 'nanrankdata']
    for func in funcs:
        if functions is not None and func not in functions:
        run = {}
        run['name'] = func
        run['statements'] = ["bn_func(a, axis)", "sl_func(a, axis)"]
        setup = """
            from bottleneck import %s as bn_func
            try: from numpy import %s as sl_func
            except ImportError: from bottleneck.slow import %s as sl_func
            if "%s" == "median": from bottleneck.slow import median as sl_func
        """ % (func, func, func, func)
        run['setups'] = getsetups(setup, shapes, nans, axes, dtype, order)

    # partition, argpartition
    funcs = ['partition', 'argpartition']
    for func in funcs:
        if functions is not None and func not in functions:
        run = {}
        run['name'] = func
        run['statements'] = ["bn_func(a, n, axis)",
                             "sl_func(a, n, axis)"]
        setup = """
            from bottleneck import %s as bn_func
            from bottleneck.slow import %s as sl_func
            if axis is None: n = a.size
            else: n = a.shape[axis] - 1
            n = max(n // 2, 0)
        """ % (func, func)
        run['setups'] = getsetups(setup, shapes, nans, axes, dtype, order)

    # replace, push
    funcs = ['replace', 'push']
    for func in funcs:
        if functions is not None and func not in functions:
        run = {}
        run['name'] = func
        if func == 'replace':
            run['statements'] = ["bn_func(a, nan, 0)",
                                 "slow_func(a, nan, 0)"]
        elif func == 'push':
            run['statements'] = ["bn_func(a, 5, axis)",
                                 "slow_func(a, 5, axis)"]
            raise ValueError('Unknow function name')
        setup = """
            from numpy import nan
            from bottleneck import %s as bn_func
            from bottleneck.slow import %s as slow_func
        """ % (func, func)
        run['setups'] = getsetups(setup, shapes, nans, axes, dtype, order)

    # moving window functions
    funcs = bn.get_functions('move', as_string=True)
    for func in funcs:
        if functions is not None and func not in functions:
        run = {}
        run['name'] = func
        run['statements'] = ["bn_func(a, w, 1, axis)",
                             "sw_func(a, w, 1, axis)"]
        setup = """
            from bottleneck.slow.move import %s as sw_func
            from bottleneck import %s as bn_func
            w = a.shape[axis] // 5
        """ % (func, func)
        run['setups'] = getsetups(setup, shapes, nans, axes, dtype, order)

    return suite
Exemple #20
def test_scalar_input():
    "Test scalar input"
    funcs = bn.get_functions('reduce') + bn.get_functions('nonreduce_axis')
    for func in funcs:
        if func.__name__ not in ('partition', 'argpartition', 'push'):
            yield unit_maker, func, eval('bn.slow.%s' % func.__name__)
def test_strides():
    "test nonreducer_axis functions with non-C ordered arrays"
    for func in bn.get_functions('nonreduce_axis'):
        yield unit_maker_strides, func
Exemple #22
def test_reduce_hypothesis_ints_only(func, array):
    _hypothesis_helper(func, array)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("func", (bn.nanargmin, bn.nanargmax),
                         ids=lambda x: x.__name__)
def test_reduce_hypothesis_errata(func, array):
    _hypothesis_helper(func, array, skip_all_nans=True)

                         ids=lambda x: x.__name__)
def test_reduce(func):
    """test reduce functions"""
    return unit_maker(func)

def unit_maker(func, decimal=5, skip_dtype=("nansum", "ss")):
    """Test that gives the same output as"""
    fmt = "\nfunc %s | input %s (%s) | shape %s | axis %s | order %s\n"
    fmt += "\nInput array:\n%s\n"
    name = func.__name__
    func0 = eval("bn.slow.%s" % name)
    for i, a in enumerate(arrays(name)):
        if a.ndim == 0:
            axes = [None]  # numpy can't handle e.g. np.nanmean(9, axis=-1)
Exemple #23
def test_move():
    "test move functions"
    for func in bn.get_functions('move'):
        yield unit_maker, func
Exemple #24
def test_strides():
    "test reduce functions with non-C ordered arrays"
    for func in bn.get_functions('reduce'):
        yield unit_maker_strides, func
Exemple #25
        shapes = ss[ndim]["shapes"]
        for dtype in dtypes:
            a = np.arange(size, dtype=dtype)
            if issubclass(a.dtype.type, np.inexact):
                idx = rs.rand(*a.shape) < 0.2
                a[idx] = np.inf
                idx = rs.rand(*a.shape) < 0.2
                a[idx] = np.nan
                idx = rs.rand(*a.shape) < 0.2
                a[idx] *= -1
            for shape in shapes:
                a = a.reshape(shape)
                yield a

@pytest.mark.parametrize("func", bn.get_functions("all"), ids=lambda x: x.__name__)
def test_modification(func):
    """Test that gives the same output as"""
    name = func.__name__
    if name == "replace":
    msg = "\nInput array modified by %s.\n\n"
    msg += "input array before:\n%s\nafter:\n%s\n"
    for i, a in enumerate(arrays(DTYPES)):
        axes = list(range(-a.ndim, a.ndim))
        if all(x not in name for x in ["push", "move", "sort", "partition"]):
            axes += [None]

        second_arg = 1
        if "partition" in name:
            second_arg = 0
Exemple #26
"""Check that functions can handle scalar input"""

from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal
import bottleneck as bn
import pytest

    bn.get_functions("reduce") +
    bn.get_functions("nonreduce_axis"),  # noqa: W504
    ids=lambda x: x.__name__,
def test_scalar_input(func, args=tuple()):
    """Test that gives the same output as for scalar input."""
    if func.__name__ in ("partition", "argpartition", "push"):
    func0 = eval("bn.slow.%s" % func.__name__)
    msg = "\nfunc %s | input %s\n"
    a = -9
    argsi = [a] + list(args)
    actual = func(*argsi)
    desired = func0(*argsi)
    err_msg = msg % (func.__name__, a)
    assert_array_almost_equal(actual, desired, err_msg=err_msg)
Exemple #27
def test_modification():
    "Test for illegal inplace modification of input array"
    for func in bn.get_functions('all'):
        yield unit_maker, func
    ss = {}
    ss[1] = {'size': 4, 'shapes': [(4,)]}
    ss[2] = {'size': 6, 'shapes': [(1, 6), (2, 3)]}
    ss[3] = {'size': 6, 'shapes': [(1, 2, 3)]}
    ss[4] = {'size': 24, 'shapes': [(1, 2, 3, 4)]}
    for ndim in ss:
        size = ss[ndim]['size']
        shapes = ss[ndim]['shapes']
        a = np.arange(size)
        for shape in shapes:
            a = a.reshape(shape)
            for dtype in dtypes:
                yield a.astype(dtype).tolist()

@pytest.mark.parametrize("func", bn.get_functions('all'),
                         ids=lambda x: x.__name__)
def test_list_input(func):
    "Test that gives the same output as for list input."
    msg = '\nfunc %s | input %s (%s) | shape %s\n'
    msg += '\nInput array:\n%s\n'
    name = func.__name__
    if name == 'replace':
    func0 = eval('bn.slow.%s' % name)
    for i, a in enumerate(lists()):
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
                actual = func(a)
                desired = func0(a)
Exemple #29
def test_reduce():
    "test reduce functions"
    for func in bn.get_functions('reduce'):
        yield unit_maker, func
Exemple #30
def benchsuite(shapes, dtype, nans, axes, order, functions):

    suite = []

    def getsetups(setup, shapes, nans, axes, dtype, order, allnan=False):
        setups = []
        for shape, axis, nan in zip(shapes, axes, nans):
            s = f"""
from bottleneck.benchmark.bench import getarray
a = getarray({shape}, '{dtype}', {nan}, '{order}', allnans={allnan})
            s = "\n".join([line.strip() for line in s.split("\n")])
        return setups

    # non-moving window functions
    funcs = bn.get_functions("reduce", as_string=True)
    # Handle all/any separately
    funcs = sorted(set(funcs) - set(["allnan", "anynan"]))
    funcs += ["rankdata", "nanrankdata"]
    for func in funcs:
        if functions is not None and func not in functions:
        run = {}
        run["name"] = func
        run["statements"] = ["bn_func(a, axis)", "sl_func(a, axis)"]
        setup = """
            from bottleneck import %s as bn_func
            try: from numpy import %s as sl_func
            except ImportError: from bottleneck.slow import %s as sl_func
            if "%s" == "median": from bottleneck.slow import median as sl_func
        """ % (
        run["setups"] = getsetups(setup, shapes, nans, axes, dtype, order)

    for func in ["allnan", "anynan"]:
        if functions is not None and func not in functions:
        for case in ["", "_fast", "_slow"]:
            run = {}
            run["name"] = func + case
            run["statements"] = ["bn_func(a, axis)", "sl_func(a, axis)"]
            setup = """
            from bottleneck import %s as bn_func
            try: from numpy import %s as sl_func
            except ImportError: from bottleneck.slow import %s as sl_func
            if "%s" == "median": from bottleneck.slow import median as sl_func
        """ % (
            if case:
                if func == "allnan":
                    allnan_case = "slow" in case
                    allnan_case = "fast" in case

                new_nans = [allnan_case] * len(nans)
                new_nans = nans
                allnan_case = False
            run["setups"] = getsetups(setup,

    # partition, argpartition
    funcs = ["partition", "argpartition"]
    for func in funcs:
        if functions is not None and func not in functions:
        run = {}
        run["name"] = func
        run["statements"] = ["bn_func(a, n, axis)", "sl_func(a, n, axis)"]
        setup = """
            from bottleneck import %s as bn_func
            from bottleneck.slow import %s as sl_func
            if axis is None: n = a.size
            else: n = a.shape[axis] - 1
            n = max(n // 2, 0)
        """ % (
        run["setups"] = getsetups(setup, shapes, nans, axes, dtype, order)

    # replace, push
    funcs = ["replace", "push"]
    for func in funcs:
        if functions is not None and func not in functions:
        run = {}
        run["name"] = func
        if func == "replace":
            run["statements"] = ["bn_func(a, nan, 0)", "slow_func(a, nan, 0)"]
        elif func == "push":
            run["statements"] = [
                "bn_func(a, 5, axis)", "slow_func(a, 5, axis)"
            raise ValueError("Unknow function name")
        setup = """
            from numpy import nan
            from bottleneck import %s as bn_func
            from bottleneck.slow import %s as slow_func
        """ % (
        run["setups"] = getsetups(setup, shapes, nans, axes, dtype, order)

    # moving window functions
    funcs = bn.get_functions("move", as_string=True)
    for func in funcs:
        if functions is not None and func not in functions:
        run = {}
        run["name"] = func
        run["statements"] = [
            "bn_func(a, w, 1, axis)", "sw_func(a, w, 1, axis)"
        setup = """
            from bottleneck.slow.move import %s as sw_func
            from bottleneck import %s as bn_func
            w = a.shape[axis] // 5
        """ % (
        run["setups"] = getsetups(setup, shapes, nans, axes, dtype, order)

    return suite
Exemple #31
def test_arg_parse_raises():
    "test argument parsing raises in reduce"
    for func in bn.get_functions('reduce'):
        yield unit_maker_argparse_raises, func
"Test moving window functions."

import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import (assert_equal, assert_array_almost_equal,
import bottleneck as bn
from .util import arrays, array_order
import pytest

                         ids=lambda x: x.__name__)
def test_move(func):
    "Test that gives the same output as a reference function."
    fmt = ('\nfunc %s | window %d | min_count %s | input %s (%s) | shape %s | '
           'axis %s | order %s\n')
    fmt += '\nInput array:\n%s\n'
    aaae = assert_array_almost_equal
    func_name = func.__name__
    func0 = eval('bn.slow.%s' % func_name)
    if func_name == "move_var":
        decimal = 3
        decimal = 5
    for i, a in enumerate(arrays(func_name)):
        axes = range(-1, a.ndim)
        for axis in axes:
            windows = range(1, a.shape[axis])
            for window in windows:
                min_counts = list(range(1, window + 1)) + [None]
Exemple #33
def benchsuite(shapes, dtype, axis, nans, order, functions):

    suite = []

    def getsetups(setup, shapes, nans, order):
        template = """
        from bottleneck.benchmark.bench import getarray
        a = getarray(%s, 'DTYPE', %s, '%s')
        setups = []
        for shape, nan in zip(shapes, nans):
            setups.append(template % (str(shape), str(nan), order, setup))
        return setups

    # non-moving window functions
    funcs = bn.get_functions("reduce", as_string=True)
    funcs += ['rankdata', 'nanrankdata']
    for func in funcs:
        if functions is not None and func not in functions:
        run = {}
        run['name'] = func
        run['statements'] = ["bn_func(a, AXIS)", "sl_func(a, AXIS)"]
        setup = """
            from bottleneck import %s as bn_func
            try: from numpy import %s as sl_func
            except ImportError: from bottleneck.slow import %s as sl_func
            if "%s" == "median": from bottleneck.slow import median as sl_func
        """ % (func, func, func, func)
        run['setups'] = getsetups(setup, shapes, nans, order)

    # partition, argpartition
    funcs = ['partition', 'argpartition']
    for func in funcs:
        if functions is not None and func not in functions:
        run = {}
        run['name'] = func
        run['statements'] = ["bn_func(a, n, AXIS)",
                             "sl_func(a, n, AXIS)"]
        setup = """
            from bottleneck import %s as bn_func
            from bottleneck.slow import %s as sl_func
            if AXIS is None: n = a.size
            else: n = a.shape[AXIS] - 1
            n = max(n / 2, 0)
        """ % (func, func)
        run['setups'] = getsetups(setup, shapes, nans, order)

    # replace, push
    funcs = ['replace', 'push']
    for func in funcs:
        if functions is not None and func not in functions:
        run = {}
        run['name'] = func
        if func == 'replace':
            run['statements'] = ["bn_func(a, nan, 0)",
                                 "slow_func(a, nan, 0)"]
        elif func == 'push':
            run['statements'] = ["bn_func(a, 5, AXIS)",
                                 "slow_func(a, 5, AXIS)"]
            raise ValueError('Unknow function name')
        setup = """
            from numpy import nan
            from bottleneck import %s as bn_func
            from bottleneck.slow import %s as slow_func
        """ % (func, func)
        run['setups'] = getsetups(setup, shapes, nans, order)

    # moving window functions
    funcs = bn.get_functions('move', as_string=True)
    for func in funcs:
        if functions is not None and func not in functions:
        run = {}
        run['name'] = func
        run['statements'] = ["bn_func(a, w, 1, AXIS)",
                             "sw_func(a, w, 1, AXIS)"]
        setup = """
            from bottleneck.slow.move import %s as sw_func
            from bottleneck import %s as bn_func
            w = a.shape[AXIS] // 5
        """ % (func, func)
        run['setups'] = getsetups(setup, shapes, nans, order)
        if axis != 'None':

    # Strip leading spaces from setup code
    for i, run in enumerate(suite):
        for j in range(len(run['setups'])):
            t = run['setups'][j]
            t = '\n'.join([z.strip() for z in t.split('\n')])
            suite[i]['setups'][j] = t

    # Set dtype and axis in setups
    for i, run in enumerate(suite):
        for j in range(len(run['setups'])):
            t = run['setups'][j]
            t = t.replace('DTYPE', dtype)
            t = t.replace('AXIS', axis)
            suite[i]['setups'][j] = t

    # Set dtype and axis in statements
    for i, run in enumerate(suite):
        for j in range(2):
            t = run['statements'][j]
            t = t.replace('DTYPE', dtype)
            t = t.replace('AXIS', axis)
            suite[i]['statements'][j] = t

    return suite
Exemple #34
def test_arg_parse_raises():
    "test argument parsing raises in reduce"
    for func in bn.get_functions('reduce'):
        yield unit_maker_argparse_raises, func
Exemple #35
def test_reduce():
    "test reduce functions"
    for func in bn.get_functions('reduce'):
        yield unit_maker, func
Exemple #36
def test_arg_parsing():
    "test argument parsing"
    for func in bn.get_functions('reduce'):
        yield unit_maker_argparse, func
Exemple #37
def benchsuite(shapes, dtype, nans, axes, order, functions):

    suite = []

    def getsetups(setup, shapes, nans, axes, dtype, order):
        template = """
        from bottleneck.benchmark.bench import getarray
        a = getarray(%s, '%s', %s, '%s')
        setups = []
        for shape, axis, nan in zip(shapes, axes, nans):
            s = template % (str(shape), str(dtype), str(nan), str(order),
                            str(axis), setup)
            s = '\n'.join([line.strip() for line in s.split('\n')])
        return setups

    # non-moving window functions
    funcs = bn.get_functions("reduce", as_string=True)
    funcs += ['rankdata', 'nanrankdata']
    for func in funcs:
        if functions is not None and func not in functions:
        run = {}
        run['name'] = func
        run['statements'] = ["bn_func(a, axis)", "sl_func(a, axis)"]
        setup = """
            from bottleneck import %s as bn_func
            try: from numpy import %s as sl_func
            except ImportError: from bottleneck.slow import %s as sl_func
            if "%s" == "median": from bottleneck.slow import median as sl_func
        """ % (func, func, func, func)
        run['setups'] = getsetups(setup, shapes, nans, axes, dtype, order)

    # partition, argpartition
    funcs = ['partition', 'argpartition']
    for func in funcs:
        if functions is not None and func not in functions:
        run = {}
        run['name'] = func
        run['statements'] = ["bn_func(a, n, axis)",
                             "sl_func(a, n, axis)"]
        setup = """
            from bottleneck import %s as bn_func
            from bottleneck.slow import %s as sl_func
            if axis is None: n = a.size
            else: n = a.shape[axis] - 1
            n = max(n / 2, 0)
        """ % (func, func)
        run['setups'] = getsetups(setup, shapes, nans, axes, dtype, order)

    # replace, push
    funcs = ['replace', 'push']
    for func in funcs:
        if functions is not None and func not in functions:
        run = {}
        run['name'] = func
        if func == 'replace':
            run['statements'] = ["bn_func(a, nan, 0)",
                                 "slow_func(a, nan, 0)"]
        elif func == 'push':
            run['statements'] = ["bn_func(a, 5, axis)",
                                 "slow_func(a, 5, axis)"]
            raise ValueError('Unknow function name')
        setup = """
            from numpy import nan
            from bottleneck import %s as bn_func
            from bottleneck.slow import %s as slow_func
        """ % (func, func)
        run['setups'] = getsetups(setup, shapes, nans, axes, dtype, order)

    # moving window functions
    funcs = bn.get_functions('move', as_string=True)
    for func in funcs:
        if functions is not None and func not in functions:
        run = {}
        run['name'] = func
        run['statements'] = ["bn_func(a, w, 1, axis)",
                             "sw_func(a, w, 1, axis)"]
        setup = """
            from bottleneck.slow.move import %s as sw_func
            from bottleneck import %s as bn_func
            w = a.shape[axis] // 5
        """ % (func, func)
        run['setups'] = getsetups(setup, shapes, nans, axes, dtype, order)

    return suite
"Check that functions can handle scalar input"

from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal
import bottleneck as bn
import pytest

    bn.get_functions('reduce') +  # noqa: W504
    ids=lambda x: x.__name__)
def test_scalar_input(func, args=tuple()):
    "Test that gives the same output as for scalar input."
    if func.__name__ in ('partition', 'argpartition', 'push'):
    func0 = eval('bn.slow.%s' % func.__name__)
    msg = '\nfunc %s | input %s\n'
    a = -9
    argsi = [a] + list(args)
    actual = func(*argsi)
    desired = func0(*argsi)
    err_msg = msg % (func.__name__, a)
    assert_array_almost_equal(actual, desired, err_msg=err_msg)