def recurse(self,bbox, depth):
		Internal function called on class contruction, this should 
		create the BoundingBoxes.

		:param bbox: the initial BoundingBox
		:param depth: the depth of the QuadTree

		:To be implemented by the student:		
		if depth >= self.depth:
		centroid = bbox.centroid()
		initbox =
		topright = bb.BoundingBox(centroid[0],initbox[0,1],centroid[1],initbox[1,1])
		topleft = bb.BoundingBox(initbox[0,0],centroid[0],centroid[1],initbox[1,1])
		botright= bb.BoundingBox(centroid[0],initbox[0,1],initbox[1,0],centroid[1])
		botleft= bb.BoundingBox(initbox[0,0],centroid[0],initbox[1,0],centroid[1])
		# self.quads[depth] = [topright, topleft,botleft,botright]
		self.quads[depth] += [topright]
		self.quads[depth] += [topleft]
		self.quads[depth] += [botleft]
		self.quads[depth] += [botright]
		depth = depth +1
		self.recurse(topright, depth)
		self.recurse(topleft, depth)
		self.recurse(botright, depth)
		self.recurse(botleft, depth)
Exemple #2
    def recurse(self, _bbox, depth):

        # Stop the recursion when the below condition is satisfied
        if depth >= self.depth:
        centroid - Calculate the centroid of the BoundingBox
        minx -  minimum x of the bounding box
        maxx -  maximum x of the bounding box
        miny -  minimum y of the bounding box
        maxy -  maximum y of the bounding box
        nw, ne, sw, se - The points that form the four BoundingBoxes
        centroid = _bbox.centroid()
        minx =[0, 0]
        maxx =[0, 1]
        miny =[1, 0]
        maxy =[1, 1]
        nw = bb.BoundingBox(minx, centroid[0], miny, centroid[1])
        ne = bb.BoundingBox(centroid[0], maxx, miny, centroid[1])
        sw = bb.BoundingBox(minx, centroid[0], centroid[1], maxy)
        se = bb.BoundingBox(centroid[0], maxx, centroid[1], maxy)
        # The bounding boxes created are added to the quads map, with the parameter depth used as key
        self.quads[depth] += [nw]
        self.quads[depth] += [ne]
        self.quads[depth] += [sw]
        self.quads[depth] += [se]

        depth = depth + 1
        # each of the resulting bounding boxes are sent as parameters to the recursion function.
        self.recurse(nw, depth)
        self.recurse(ne, depth)
        self.recurse(sw, depth)
        self.recurse(se, depth)
    def recurse(self, bbox, depth):
		Internal function called on class contruction, this should 
		create the BoundingBoxes.

		:param bbox: the initial BoundingBox
		:param depth: the depth of the QuadTree

		:To be implemented by the student:		
            self.quads[depth]  # check if we havent reachex max-depth
            # Generate all the bounding boxes TOP r/l bottom r/l
            ctr = bbox.centroid()
            w = bbox.width()
            h = bbox.height()

            new_depth = depth + 1  # go down 1 level

            top_right = bb.BoundingBox(ctr[0], ctr[0] + w / 2, ctr[1],
                                       ctr[1] + h / 2)

            # push the bbs to the list based on the current level
            self.quads[depth].append(top_right)  # we try to go one level down
            self.recurse(top_right, new_depth)

            top_left = bb.BoundingBox(ctr[0] - w / 2, ctr[0], ctr[1],
                                      ctr[1] + h / 2)

            # push the bbs to the list based on the current level
            self.quads[depth].append(top_left)  # we try to go one level down
            self.recurse(top_left, new_depth)

            lower_left = bb.BoundingBox(ctr[0] - w / 2, ctr[0], ctr[1] - h / 2,
            # push the bbs to the list based on the current level
            self.quads[depth].append(lower_left)  # we try to go one level down
            self.recurse(lower_left, new_depth)

            lower_right = bb.BoundingBox(ctr[0], ctr[0] + w / 2,
                                         ctr[1] - h / 2, ctr[1])
            # push the bbs to the list based on the current level
                lower_right)  # we try to go one level down
            self.recurse(lower_right, new_depth)

        except KeyError:

Exemple #4
def example():
    import os
    import boundingbox

    # Use my system's version of fmpeg instead of the one bundled with imageio-ffmpeg,
    # because my system's is more up to date
    os.environ['IMAGEIO_FFMPEG_EXE'] = 'ffmpeg'

    # The name of the recording to read
    name = '382321879'

    # Customize some bounding boxes
    x0 = 740
    y0 = 60
    bb1 = boundingbox.BoundingBox(-356, -270 + y0, 604, 270 + y0)
    bb2 = boundingbox.BoundingBox(-1248 + x0, -540 + y0, 672 + x0, 540 + y0)

    # Specify explicit time intervals
    t0 = 60
    t1 = 456800
    t2 = 478801

    # Start the movie! By default use 'mandelbrot' for output files.
    m = movie.Movie(recording_name=name, filename='mandelbrot')


    scene = m.new_scene()
    scene.set_target_resolution(1920, 1080)
    # 120 seconds, 2 second pause at end, 1 second fade in, 0.5 second fade out
    scene.set_time_seconds(120, 2, 1, 0.5)
    scene.set_movie_real_time(t0, t1)
        False)  # False means not to save a screenshot of the ending

    scene = m.new_scene()
    scene.set_target_resolution(1920, 1080)
    # 55 seconds, 5 second pause at end, 0.5 second fade in, 2 second fade out
    scene.set_time_seconds(55, 5, 0.5, 2)
    scene.set_movie_real_time(t1, t2)


    # Add music. Requires ffmpeg to be installed on your system.
    m.add_music(movie.factorio_music_path + 'expansion.ogg')
    def recurse(self, bbox, depth):
		Internal function called on class construction, this should 
		create the BoundingBoxes.

		:param bbox: the initial BoundingBox
		:param depth: the depth of the QuadTree
        # check the condition of recursion
        if depth < self.depth:
            # To obtain the coordinate of X&Y and calculate the midpoint
            minX =[0, 0]
            maxX =[0, 1]
            midX = (minX + maxX) / 2.0
            minY =[1, 0]
            maxY =[1, 1]
            midY = (minY + maxY) / 2.0
            # To create an array consisting of above coordinates
            axis_X = [minX, midX, maxX]
            axis_Y = [minY, midY, maxY]
            for i in range(0, 2):
                for j in range(0, 2):
                    # To generate offspring boundingboxes
                    child_bbox = bb.BoundingBox(axis_X[i], axis_X[i + 1],
                                                axis_Y[j], axis_Y[j + 1])
                    # Add offspring boundingbox into quadtree
                    # recurse
                    self.recurse(child_bbox, depth + 1)
Exemple #6
            # search for the closest point by comparing coordinate of point
            # in the given axis and partition
            if point[axis] <= partition:
                boxes.extend(self.closest(point, sidx.left()))
            if partition < point[axis]:
                boxes.extend(self.closest(point, sidx.right()))

        return boxes

if __name__ == '__main__':

    data = [[2, 3], [5, 4], [9, 6], [4, 7], [8, 1], [7, 2]]
    database = db.Database(["x", "y"])

    tree = KDTree(database, {"max-depth": 3})
    for node in


    for k, v in tree.partitions().items():
        print(k, len(v))

    bbox = bb.BoundingBox(1, 2, 1, 2)

    print(tree.closest([7, 2]))
		:param size: requested size
		>>> print(QuadTree.level(1))
		>>> 0
		>>> print(QuadTree.level(5))
		>>> 2
        return int(math.ceil(math.log(size, 4)))

    def quadrants(self):
		Returns the quads member
        return self.quads

if __name__ == '__main__':

    bbox = bb.BoundingBox(2, 9, 1, 7)

    qt = QuadTree(bbox, 2)
    for k, v in qt.quads.items():
        print(k, len(v))
        for x in v:
    def recurse(self, bbox, depth):
		Internal function called on class contruction, this should 
		create the BoundingBoxes.

		:param bbox: the initial BoundingBox
		:param depth: the depth of the QuadTree

		:To be implemented by the student:		
        root_node = bbox
        current_level = 1
        while current_level < depth:
            if current_level == 1:
                bbWidth = root_node.width()
                bbHeight = root_node.height()
                lowerleft = root_node.lower_left()

                bottom_left = bb.BoundingBox(lowerleft[0],
                                             lowerleft[0] + bbWidth / 2,
                                             lowerleft[1] + bbHeight / 2)

                bottom_right = bb.BoundingBox(lowerleft[0] + bbWidth / 2,
                                              lowerleft[0] + bbWidth,
                                              lowerleft[1] + bbHeight / 2)

                top_left = bb.BoundingBox(lowerleft[0],
                                          lowerleft[0] + bbWidth / 2,
                                          lowerleft[1] + bbHeight / 2,
                                          lowerleft[1] + bbHeight)

                top_right = bb.BoundingBox(lowerleft[0] + bbWidth / 2,
                                           lowerleft[0] + bbWidth,
                                           lowerleft[1] + bbHeight / 2,
                                           lowerleft[1] + bbHeight)

                self.quads[current_level] = [
                    bottom_left, bottom_right, top_left, top_right
                current_level = current_level + 1
                print('current level', current_level)
                self.quads[current_level] = []
                for quad in range(len(self.quads[current_level - 1])):
                    parentQuad = self.quads[current_level - 1][quad]
                    bbWidth = parentQuad.width()
                    bbHeight = parentQuad.height()
                    lowerleft = parentQuad.lower_left()

                    bottom_left = bb.BoundingBox(lowerleft[0],
                                                 lowerleft[0] + bbWidth / 2,
                                                 lowerleft[1] + bbHeight / 2)

                    bottom_right = bb.BoundingBox(lowerleft[0] + bbWidth / 2,
                                                  lowerleft[0] + bbWidth,
                                                  lowerleft[1] + bbHeight / 2)

                    top_left = bb.BoundingBox(lowerleft[0],
                                              lowerleft[0] + bbWidth / 2,
                                              lowerleft[1] + bbHeight / 2,
                                              lowerleft[1] + bbHeight)

                    top_right = bb.BoundingBox(lowerleft[0] + bbWidth / 2,
                                               lowerleft[0] + bbWidth,
                                               lowerleft[1] + bbHeight / 2,
                                               lowerleft[1] + bbHeight)

                        [bottom_left, bottom_right, top_left, top_right])
                current_level = current_level + 1
Exemple #9
    request `at most` an amount of bboxes. The returned
    value is <= than size.

    :param size: maximum requested size

#		>>> print(QuadTree.at_most(900))
#		>>> 256
    return 4**int(math.floor(math.log(size, 4)))

def level(size):
    return int(math.ceil(math.log(size, 4)))

def quadrants(self):
    return self.quads

if __name__ == '__main__':

    bbox = bb.BoundingBox(0, 10, 0, 10)

    qt = QuadTree(bbox, 3)
    for k, v in qt.quads.items():
        print(k, len(v))
        for x in v: