def test_getRandPosInBounds(): test1 = bounds.getRandPosInBounds() test2 = bounds.getRandPosInBounds() test3 = bounds.getRandPosInBounds() test4 = bounds.getRandPosInBounds() print(np.around(test1,4)) print(np.around(test2,4)) print(np.around(test3,4)) print(np.around(test4,4)) print("Test1:", "Passed" if not bounds.outOfBounds(test1) else "Failed") print("Test2:", "Passed" if not bounds.outOfBounds(test2) else "Failed") print("Test3:", "Passed" if not bounds.outOfBounds(test3) else "Failed") print("Test4:", "Passed" if not bounds.outOfBounds(test4) else "Failed")
def test_outOfBounds(): ub = np.array(bounds.UPPER_BOUND) lb = np.array(bounds.LOWER_BOUND) test1 = np.zeros(7) test1[[1,3,5]] = ub[[1,3,5]] + 0.1 test1[[2,6,0]] = lb[[2,6,0]] - 0.1 test1[4] = ub[4] - 1 test2 = np.zeros(7) test2[:] = ub[:] - 1 test2[4] = lb[4] - 0.1 test3 = [-0.0031, -0.9718, -0.7269, -2.4357, -0.0157, 1.5763, 0.7303] test4 = [-0.5250, -0.6410, 0.1893, -1.3827, -0.2573, 2.1356, 0.7116] print("Test1:", "Passed" if bounds.outOfBounds(test1) else "Failed") print("Test2:", "Passed" if bounds.outOfBounds(test2) else "Failed") print("Test3:", "Passed" if not bounds.outOfBounds(test3) else "Failed") print("Test4:", "Passed" if not bounds.outOfBounds(test4) else "Failed")
def test_dampingControl(): model = load_model_from_path("robot.xml") sim = MjSim(model) viewer = MjViewer(sim) timestep = generatePatternedTrajectories.TIMESTEP control_freq = 1/timestep total_time = 2 num_cycles = int(total_time * control_freq) plt.ion() LW = 1.0 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4,15)) axes = [] lines = [] goals = [] for i in range(7): axes.append(fig.add_subplot(7,1,i+1)) lines.append(axes[i].plot([],[],'b-', lw=LW)[0]) goals.append(axes[i].plot([],[],'r-', lw=LW)[0]) axes[i].set_ylim([-1, 1]) axes[i].set_xlim([0,total_time]) axes[i].set_ylabel("Angle{}(rad)".format(i), fontsize=8) axes[i].set_xlabel("Time(s)", fontsize=8) for test in range(5): q_init = bounds.getRandPosInBounds() qd_goal = np.zeros(7) qd_init = np.random.rand(7) for g in range(7): goals[g].set_ydata(np.ones(num_cycles) * qd_goal[g]) goals[g].set_xdata(np.linspace(0,3,num_cycles)) sim.set_state(MjSimState(time=0,qpos=q_init,qvel=qd_init,act=None,udd_state={})) sim.step() sim_time = 0 for i in range(num_cycles): state = sim.get_state() q = state[1] qd = state[2][:] = controllers.dampingControl(qd=qd) sim.step() viewer.render() if i % 35 == 0: for a in range(7): lines[a].set_xdata(np.append(lines[a].get_xdata(), sim_time)) lines[a].set_ydata(np.append(lines[a].get_ydata(), qd[a])) fig.canvas.draw() fig.canvas.flush_events() sim_time += timestep if bounds.outOfBounds(q): break for i in range(7): lines[i].set_xdata([]) lines[i].set_ydata([]) time.sleep(1)
def main(data_dir): model = load_model_from_path("robot.xml") sim = MjSim(model) viewer = MjViewer(sim) initial_state = MjSimState(time=0, qpos=np.array([ 0, -np.pi / 4, 0, -3 * np.pi / 4 + 1, 0, np.pi / 2, np.pi / 4 ]), qvel=np.zeros(7), act=None, udd_state={}) sim.set_state(initial_state) sim.step() traj_count = 0 control_state = None while (traj_count < NUM_TRAJECTORIES and control_state != FINISHED): control_state = ACCELERATING outputFile = None initial_q = sim.get_state()[q_INDEX] velGen = randVelGen.RandVelGenerator() qd_des = velGen.generatePatternVel() coming_back_time = 0.0 time = 0 while control_state != FINISHED: state = sim.get_state() q = state[q_INDEX] qd = state[qd_INDEX] boundViolations = bounds.getBoundViolations(q) # RD = TB = bounds.tableBoundViolation(sim) OB = bounds.outOfBounds(q) DA = helperFun.moving(qd) DC = helperFun.stopped(qd) DD = DC DB = coming_back_time > RETURN_TIME FN = traj_count >= NUM_TRAJECTORIES prev_state = control_state # transition block if control_state == ACCELERATING: if not TB and not OB and not DA: control_state = ACCELERATING elif TB: control_state = COMING_BACK_IN_BOUNDS coming_back_time = 0.0 elif not TB and OB: control_state = DAMPING curBoundViolations = bounds.getBoundViolations(q) velGen.setJointDirections(curBoundViolations) elif not TB and not OB and DA: control_state = COASTING traj_count += 1 outputFile = open(data_dir + helperFun.getUniqueFileName("traj"), mode='x') outputWriter = csv.writer(outputFile, delimiter=',') print_count(traj_count) else: control_state = FINISHED print("Unknown transistion! ACCELERATING") elif control_state == COASTING: if not FN and not TB and not OB and DC: control_state = ACCELERATING qd_des = velGen.generatePatternVel() outputFile.close() elif not FN and TB: control_state = COMING_BACK_IN_BOUNDS coming_back_time = 0 outputFile.close() elif not FN and not TB and OB: control_state = DAMPING outputFile.close() curBoundViolations = bounds.getBoundViolations(q) velGen.setJointDirections(curBoundViolations) elif FN: control_state = FINISHED outputFile.close() elif not FN and not TB and not OB and not DC: control_state = COASTING else: control_state = FINISHED print("Unknown transition! COASTING") outputFile.close() elif control_state == DAMPING: if not TB and not DD: control_state = DAMPING elif TB: control_state = COMING_BACK_IN_BOUNDS coming_back_time = 0.0 elif not TB and DD: control_state = ACCELERATING qd_des = velGen.generatePatternVel() else: control_state = FINISHED print("Unknow transition! DAMPING") elif control_state == COMING_BACK_IN_BOUNDS: if not DB: control_state = COMING_BACK_IN_BOUNDS elif DB and OB: control_state = DAMPING curBoundViolations = bounds.getBoundViolations(q) velGen.setJointDirections(curBoundViolations) elif DB and not OB: control_state = ACCELERATING qd_des = velGen.generatePatternVel() else: control_state = FINISHED print("Unknown transition! COMING_BACK_IN_BOUNDS") elif control_state == FINISHED: control_state = FINISHED else: control_state = FINISHED print("Got to an invalid state!") # debug states if prev_state != control_state: if control_state == ACCELERATING: print("ACCELERATING") elif control_state == COASTING: print("COASTING") elif control_state == DAMPING: print("DAMPING") elif control_state == COMING_BACK_IN_BOUNDS: print("COMING_BACK_IN_BOUNDS") elif control_state == "FINISHED": print("FINISHED") else: print("In a bad state!") torques = np.zeros(7) if control_state == ACCELERATING: torques = controllers.basicVelControl(qd_des=qd_des, qd_cur=qd) elif control_state == COASTING: data = np.concatenate( (q, qd, data_calc.get_3D_data(sim), [time])) outputWriter.writerow(data) torques = controllers.basicVelControl(qd_des=qd_des, qd_cur=qd) elif control_state == DAMPING: torques = controllers.dampingControl(qd) elif control_state == COMING_BACK_IN_BOUNDS: coming_back_time += TIMESTEP torques = controllers.moveAwayFromTable(q=q, qd=qd) elif control_state == FINISHED: outputFile.close() break else: print("Got to an invalid state!") control_state = FINISHED break[:] = torques sim.step() viewer.render() time += TIMESTEP