Exemple #1
def test(*params):

    parser = ArgumentParser("Perform all the tests defined within the"
                            " given descriptor")
                        help="The Boutiques descriptor as a JSON file, JSON "
                        "string or Zenodo ID (prefixed by 'zenodo.').")
    result = parser.parse_args(params)

    # Generation of the invocation schema (and descriptor validation).

    # Extraction of all the invocations defined for the test-cases.
    descriptor = loadJson(result.descriptor)

    if (not descriptor.get("tests")):
        # If no tests have been specified, we consider testing successful.
        return 0

    for test in descriptor["tests"]:
        invocation_JSON = test["invocation"]

        # Check if the invocation is valid.
        invocation(result.descriptor, "--invocation",

    # Invocations have been properly validated. We can launch the actual tests.
    test_path = op.join(op.dirname(op.realpath(__file__)), "test.py")
    return pytest.main([test_path, "--descriptor", result.descriptor])
Exemple #2
def retrieve_data_record():
    data_collect_dict = {}
    cache_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),
                             ".cache", "boutiques", "data")
    if os.path.exists(cache_dir):
        cache_fls = glob.glob(cache_dir + "/*")
        if cache_fls:
            latest_file = max(cache_fls, key=os.path.getctime)
            path = os.path.join(cache_dir, latest_file)
            data_collect_dict = loadJson(path)
    return data_collect_dict
Exemple #3
def prettyprint(*params):
    parser = ArgumentParser("Boutiques pretty-print for generating help text")
                        help="The Boutiques descriptor.")
    results = parser.parse_args(params)

    from boutiques.prettyprint import PrettyPrinter
    desc = loadJson(results.descriptor)
    prettyclass = PrettyPrinter(desc)

    return prettyclass.docstring
Exemple #4
def invocation(*params):
    parser = ArgumentParser("Creates invocation schema and validates"
                            " invocations. Uses descriptor's invocation"
                            " schema if it exists, otherwise creates one.")
                        help="The Boutiques descriptor as a JSON file, JSON "
                        "string or Zenodo ID (prefixed by 'zenodo.').")
                        help="Input values in a JSON file or as a JSON "
                        "object to be validated against "
                        "the invocation schema.")
                        help="If descriptor doesn't have an invocation "
                        "schema, creates one and writes it to the descriptor"
                        " file ")
    result = parser.parse_args(params)

    if result.invocation:
        data = loadJson(result.invocation)
    descriptor = loadJson(result.descriptor)
    if descriptor.get("invocation-schema"):
        invSchema = descriptor.get("invocation-schema")
        from boutiques.invocationSchemaHandler import generateInvocationSchema
        invSchema = generateInvocationSchema(descriptor)
        if result.write_schema:
            descriptor["invocation-schema"] = invSchema
            with open(result.descriptor, "w") as f:
                f.write(json.dumps(descriptor, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
    if result.invocation:
        from boutiques.invocationSchemaHandler import validateSchema
        validateSchema(invSchema, data)
Exemple #5
def fetch_tests(descriptor_input):

    descriptor = loadJson(descriptor_input)

    tests = []

    # For each test present in the descriptor:
    for test in descriptor["tests"]:

        # We first extract the invocation and put it inside a temporary file.
        invocation_JSON = json.dumps(test["invocation"])
        temp_invocation_JSON = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".json",

        # Now we setup the necessary elements for the testing function.
        tests.append([descriptor_input, test, temp_invocation_JSON])

    return (descriptor["name"], tests)
Exemple #6
    def carmin(self, output_file):
        carmin_desc = {}
        descriptor = loadJson(self.descriptor)

        if descriptor.get('doi'):
            self.identifier = descriptor.get('doi')

        if self.identifier is None:
                ExportError, 'Descriptor must have a DOI, or '
                'identifier must be specified with --identifier.')

        carmin_desc['identifier'] = self.identifier
        carmin_desc['name'] = descriptor.get('name')
        carmin_desc['version'] = descriptor.get('tool-version')
        carmin_desc['description'] = descriptor.get('description')
        carmin_desc['canExecute'] = True
        carmin_desc['parameters'] = []
        for inp in descriptor.get('inputs'):
                self.convert_input_or_output(inp, False))
        for output in descriptor.get('output-files'):
                self.convert_input_or_output(output, True))
        carmin_desc['properties'] = {}
        carmin_desc['properties']['boutiques'] = True
        if descriptor.get('tags'):
            for prop in descriptor.get('tags').keys():
                carmin_desc['properties'][prop] = descriptor['tags'][prop]
        carmin_desc['errorCodesAndMessages'] = []
        for errors in descriptor.get('error-codes'):
            obj = {}
            obj['errorCode'] = errors['code']
            obj['errorMessage'] = errors['description']

        with open(output_file, 'w') as fhandle:
            fhandle.write(json.dumps(carmin_desc, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Exemple #7
def validate_descriptor(json_file, **kwargs):
    Validates the Boutiques descriptor against the schema.
    path, fil = op.split(bfile)
    schema_file = op.join(path, "schema", "descriptor.schema.json")

    # Load schema
    with open(schema_file) as fhandle:
        schema = simplejson.load(fhandle)

    # Load descriptor
    descriptor = loadJson(json_file)

    # Validate basic JSON schema compliance for descriptor
    # Note: if it fails basic schema compliance we don"t do more checks
        validate(descriptor, schema)
    except ValidationError as e:
        raise_error(DescriptorValidationError, (str(e)))

    # Helper get functions
    def safeGet(desc, sec, targ):
        if desc.get(sec):
            return [
                item.get(targ) for item in desc[sec]
                if list(item.keys()).count(targ)
        return []

    def inputGet(s):
        return safeGet(descriptor, "inputs", s)

    def outputGet(s):
        return safeGet(descriptor, "output-files", s)

    def groupGet(s):
        return safeGet(descriptor, "groups", s)

    def inById(i):
        if i in inputGet("id"):
            return descriptor["inputs"][inputGet("id").index(i)]
        return {}

    # Begin looking at Boutiques-specific failures
    errors = []

    clkeys = inputGet("value-key") + outputGet("value-key")
    flattenedTemplates = [y for x in outputGet("file-template") for y in x]
    configFileTemplates = flattenedTemplates + outputGet("path-template")

    cmdline = descriptor["command-line"]

    # Verify that all command-line key appear in the command-line, in
    # a file template or in an environment variable value
    msg_template = ("   KeyError: \"{0}\" not in command-line or file template"
                    " or environment variables")
    envValues = ""
    if descriptor.get('environment-variables'):
        for env in descriptor.get('environment-variables'):
            envValues += "||" + env['value']
    errors += [
        msg_template.format(k) for k in clkeys
        if ((cmdline + ".".join(configFileTemplates) + envValues).count(k)) < 1

    # Verify that no key contains another key
    msg_template = "   KeyError: \"{0}\" contains \"{1}\""
    errors += [
        msg_template.format(key, clkeys[jdx]) for idx, key in enumerate(clkeys)
        for jdx in range(0, len(clkeys))
        if clkeys[jdx] in key and key != clkeys[jdx]

    # Verify that all Ids are unique
    inIds, outIds = inputGet("id"), outputGet("id")
    grpIds = groupGet("id") if "groups" in descriptor.keys() else []
    allIds = inIds + outIds + grpIds
    msg_template = "    IdError: \"{0}\" is non-unique"
    for idx, s1 in enumerate(allIds):
        for jdx, s2 in enumerate(allIds):
            if s1 == s2 and idx < jdx:
                errors += [msg_template.format(s1)]
                errors += []

    # Verify that identical keys only exist if they are both in mutex groups
    msg_template = " MutExError: \"{0}\" belongs to 2+ non exclusive IDs"
    for idx, key in enumerate(clkeys):
        for jdx in range(idx + 1, len(clkeys)):
            if clkeys[jdx] == key:
                mids = [
                    inById(mid)["id"] for mid in inIds
                    if inById(mid)["value-key"] == key
                for idx, grp in enumerate(descriptor.get("groups")):
                    mutex = grp.get("mutually-exclusive")
                    if set(grp["members"]) == set(mids) and not mutex:
                        errors += [msg_template.format(key)]

    # Verify that output files have unique path-templates
    msg_template = ("OutputError: \"{0}\" and \"{1}\" have the same "
    for ix, o1 in zip(outputGet("id"), outputGet("path-template")):
        for jx, o2 in zip(outputGet("id"), outputGet("path-template")):
            if o1 == o2 and jx != ix:
                errors += [msg_template.format(ix, jx)]
                errors += []

    # Verify inputs
    for inp in descriptor["inputs"]:

        # Add optional property in case it's not
        # there (default to false as in JSON)
        if "optional" not in inp.keys():
            inp["optional"] = False

        # Verify flag-type inputs (have flags, not required, cannot be lists)
        if inp["type"] == "Flag":
            msg_template = " InputError: \"{0}\" must have a command-line flag"
            if "command-line-flag" not in inp.keys():
                errors += [msg_template.format(inp["id"])]
                errors += []

            msg_template = " InputError: \"{0}\" is of type Flag,"\
                           " it has to be optional"
            if inp["optional"] is False:
                errors += [msg_template.format(inp["id"])]
                errors += []

        # Verify number-type inputs min/max are sensible
        elif inp["type"] == "Number":
            msg_template = (" InputError: \"{0}\" cannot have greater"
                            " min ({1}) than max ({2})")
            minn = inp["minimum"] if "minimum" in inp.keys() else -float("Inf")
            maxx = inp["maximum"] if "maximum" in inp.keys() else float("Inf")
            if minn > maxx:
                errors += [msg_template.format(inp["id"], minn, maxx)]
                errors += []

        # Verify enum-type inputs (at least 1 option, default in set)
        elif "value-choices" in inp.keys():
            msg_template = (" InputError: \"{0}\" must have at least"
                            " one value choice")
            if len(inp["value-choices"]) < 1:
                errors += [msg_template.format(inp["id"])]
                errors += []

            msg_template = " InputError: \"{0}\" cannot have default"\
                           " value outside its choices"
            if "default-value" in inp.keys():
                if not isinstance(inp["default-value"], list):
                    if inp["default-value"] not in inp["value-choices"]:
                        errors += [msg_template.format(inp["id"])]
                    for dv in inp["default-value"]:
                        if dv not in inp["value-choices"]:
                            errors += [msg_template.format(inp["id"])]
                errors += []

        # Verify list-type inputs (min entries less than max,
        # no negative entries (both on min and max)
        if "list" in inp.keys():
            msg_template = (" InputError: \"{0}\" cannot have greater min"
                            " entries ({1}) than max entries ({2})")
            minn = inp.get("min-list-entries") or 0
            maxx = inp.get("max-list-entries") or float("Inf")
            if minn > maxx:
                errors += [msg_template.format(inp["id"], minn, maxx)]
                errors += []

            msg_template = (" InputError: \"{0}\" cannot have negative min"
                            " entries ({1})")
            errors += [msg_template.format(inp["id"], minn)
                       ] if minn < 0 else []

            msg_template = (" InputError: \"{0}\" cannot have non-positive"
                            " max entries ({1})")
            if maxx <= 0:
                errors += [msg_template.format(inp["id"], maxx)]
                errors += []

        # Verify requires- and disables-inputs (present ids, non-overlapping)
        msg_template = " InputError: \"{0}\" {1}d id \"{2}\" not found"
        for param in ["require", "disable"]:
            if param + "s-inputs" in inp.keys():
                errors += [
                    msg_template.format(inp["id"], param, ids)
                    for ids in inp[param + "s-inputs"] if ids not in inIds

        if "requires-inputs" in inp.keys() and "disables-inputs" in inp.keys():
            msg_template = " InputError: \"{0}\" requires and disables \"{1}\""
            errors += [
                msg_template.format(inp["id"], ids1)
                for ids1 in inp["requires-inputs"]
                for ids2 in inp["disables-inputs"] if ids1 == ids2

        # Verify required inputs cannot require or disable other parameters
        if "requires-inputs" in inp.keys() or "disables-inputs" in inp.keys():
            msg_template = (" InputError: \"{0}\" cannot require or"
                            " disable other inputs")
            if not inp["optional"]:
                errors += [msg_template.format(inp["id"])]

        # Verify value-disables/requires fields accompany value-choices
        if (("value-disables" in inp.keys() or "value-requires" in inp.keys())
                and "value-choices" not in inp.keys()):
            msg_template = (" InputError: \"{0}\" cannot have have value-opts"
                            " without value-choices defined.")
            errors += [msg_template.format(inp["id"])]

        if "value-choices" in inp.keys():
            # Verify not value not requiring and disabling input
            if ("value-requires" in inp.keys()
                    and "value-disables" in inp.keys()):
                msg_template = (" InputError: \"{0}\" choice \"{1}\" requires"
                                " and disables \"{2}\"")
                errors += [
                    msg_template.format(inp["id"], choice, ids1)
                    for choice in inp["value-choices"]
                    for ids1 in inp["value-disables"][choice]
                    if ids1 in inp["value-requires"][choice]

            for param in ["value-requires", "value-disables"]:
                if param in inp.keys():
                    # Verify disables/requires keys are the same as choices
                    msg_template = (" InputError: \"{0}\" {1} list is not the"
                                    " same as the value-choices")
                    if set(inp[param].keys()) != set(inp["value-choices"]):
                        errors += [msg_template.format(inp["id"], param)]

                    # Verify all required or disabled IDs are valid
                    msg_template = (" InputError: \"{0}\" {1} id \"{2}\" not"
                                    " found")
                    errors += [
                        msg_template.format(inp["id"], param, ids)
                        for ids in inp[param].values() for item in ids
                        if item not in inIds

                    # Verify not requiring or disabling required inputs
                    msg_template = (" InputError: \"{0}\" {1} cannot be used "
                                    "with required input \"{2}\"")
                    errors += [
                        msg_template.format(inp["id"], param, member)
                        for ids in inp[param].keys()
                        for member in inp[param][ids]
                        if not inById(member).get("optional")

    # Verify groups
    for idx, grpid in enumerate(grpIds):
        grp = descriptor['groups'][idx]
        # Verify group members must (exist in inputs, show up
        # once, only belong to single group)
        msg_template = " GroupError: \"{0}\" member \"{1}\" does not exist"
        errors += [
            msg_template.format(grp["id"], member) for member in grp["members"]
            if member not in inIds

        msg_template = " GroupError: \"{0}\" member \"{1}\" appears twice"
        errors += [
            msg_template.format(grp["id"], member)
            for member in set(grp["members"])
            if grp["members"].count(member) > 1

        # Verify mutually exclusive groups cannot have required members
        # nor requiring members, and that pairs of inputs cannot both be
        # in an all-or-none group
        if grp.get("mutually-exclusive"):
            msg_template = (" GroupError: \"{0}\" is mutually-exclusive"
                            " and cannot have required members, "
                            "such as \"{1}\"")
            errors += [
                msg_template.format(grp["id"], member)
                for member in set(grp["members"])
                if not inById(member)["optional"]

            msg_template = (" GroupError: \"{0}\" is mutually-exclusive"
                            " and cannot have members require one another,"
                            " such as \"{1}\" and \"{2}\"")
            for member in set(grp["members"]):
                if "requires-inputs" in inById(member).keys():
                    errors += [
                        msg_template.format(grp["id"], member, req)
                        for req in inById(member)["requires-inputs"]
                        if req in set(grp["members"])

            for jdx, grp2 in enumerate(descriptor["groups"]):
                if grp2.get("all-or-none"):
                    msg_template = (" GroupError: mutually-exclusive group"
                                    " \"{0}\" and all-or-none group \"{1}\""
                                    " cannot both contain input pairs \"{2}\""
                                    " and \"{3}\"")
                    errors += [
                        msg_template.format(grp["id"], grp2["id"], m1, m2)
                        for m1 in grp["members"] for m2 in grp["members"]
                        if m1 != m2 and m1 in grp2["members"]
                        and m2 in grp2["members"] and idx != jdx

        # Verify one-is-required groups should never have required members
        # and that the group is not a subset of an all-or-none group
        if grp.get("one-is-required"):
            msg_template = (" GroupError: \"{0}\" is a one-is-required"
                            " group and contains a required member, \"{1}\"")
            errors += [
                msg_template.format(grp["id"], member)
                for member in set(grp["members"])
                if member in inIds and not inById(member)["optional"]

            for jdx, grp2 in enumerate(descriptor["groups"]):
                if grp2.get("all-or-none"):
                    msg_template = (
                        " GroupError: \"{0}\" is one-is-required"
                        " and cannot be a subset of the all-or-none"
                        " group \"{1}\"")
                    if (set(grp["members"]).issubset(set(grp2["members"]))
                            and idx != jdx):
                        errors += [msg_template.format(grp["id"], grp2["id"])]

        # Verify all-or-none groups should never have required members
        if grp.get("all-or-none"):
            msg_template = (" GroupError: \"{0}\" is an all-or-none group"
                            " and cannot be paired with one-is-required"
                            " or mutually-exclusive groups")
            if grp.get("one-is-required") or grp.get("mutually-exclusive"):
                errors += [msg_template.format(grp["id"])]

            msg_template = (" GroupError: \"{0}\" is an all-or-none"
                            " group and contains a required member, \"{1}\"")
            errors += [
                msg_template.format(grp["id"], member)
                for member in set(grp["members"])
                if member in inIds and not inById(member)["optional"]

    # Verify tests
    if "tests" in descriptor.keys():
        tests_names = []
        for test in descriptor["tests"]:

            if "output-files" in test["assertions"].keys():
                test_output_ids = safeGet(test["assertions"], "output-files",

                # Verify if output reference ids are valid
                msg_template = ("TestError: \"{0}\" output id"
                                " not found, in test \"{1}\"")
                errors += [
                    msg_template.format(output_id, test["name"])
                    for output_id in test_output_ids
                    if (output_id not in outIds)

                # Verify that we do not have multiple output
                # references referring to the same id
                msg_template = ("TestError: \"{0}\" output id"
                                " cannot appear more than once within"
                                " same test, in test \"{1}\"")
                errors += [
                    msg_template.format(output_id, test["name"])
                    for output_id in set(test_output_ids)
                    if (test_output_ids.count(output_id) > 1)

        # Verify that all the defined tests have unique names
        msg_template = "TestError: \"{0}\" test name is non-unique"
        errors += [
            msg_template.format(test_name) for test_name in set(tests_names)
            if (tests_names.count(test_name) > 1)

    errors = None if errors == [] else errors
    if errors is None:
        if kwargs.get('format_output'):
            with open(json_file, 'w') as fhandle:
                fhandle.write(json.dumps(descriptor, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
        return descriptor
        raise DescriptorValidationError("\n".join(errors))
Exemple #8
    def upgrade_04(self):
         Differences between 0.4 and current (0.5):
           -schema version (obv)
           -singularity should now be represented same as docker
           -walltime should be part of suggested_resources structure

        "schema-version": "0.4",
                    ...... becomes.....
        "schema-version": "0.5",

        "container-image": {
          "type": "singularity",
          "url": "shub://gkiar/ndmg-cbrain:master"
                    ...... becomes.....
        "container-image": {
          "type": "singularity",
          "image": "gkiar/ndmg-cbrain:master",
          "index": "shub://",

        "walltime-estimate": 3600,
                    ...... becomes.....
        "suggested-resources": {
          "walltime-estimate": 3600
        descriptor = loadJson(self.input_descriptor)

        if descriptor["schema-version"] != "0.4":
                ImportError, "The input descriptor must have "
        descriptor["schema-version"] = "0.5"

        if "container-image" in descriptor.keys():
            if "singularity" == descriptor["container-image"]["type"]:
                url = descriptor["container-image"]["url"]
                img = url.split("://")
                if len(img) == 1:
                    descriptor["container-image"]["image"] = img[0]
                elif len(img) == 2:
                    descriptor["container-image"]["image"] = img[1]
                    descriptor["container-image"]["index"] = img[0] + "://"
                del descriptor["container-image"]["url"]
            elif ("docker" == descriptor["container-image"]["type"]
                  and descriptor["container-image"].get("index")):
                url = descriptor["container-image"]["index"].split("://")[-1]
                descriptor["container-image"]["index"] = url

        if "walltime-estimate" in descriptor.keys():
            descriptor["suggested-resources"] =\
              {"walltime-estimate": descriptor["walltime-estimate"]}
            del descriptor["walltime-estimate"]

        with open(self.output_descriptor, 'w') as fhandle:
            fhandle.write(json.dumps(descriptor, indent=4, sort_keys=True))