Exemple #1
def image_eval(pred, gt, ignore, iou_thresh):
    """ single image evaluation
    pred: Nx5
    gt: Nx4

    _pred = pred.copy()
    _gt = gt.copy()
    pred_recall = np.zeros(_pred.shape[0])
    recall_list = np.zeros(_gt.shape[0])
    proposal_list = np.ones(_pred.shape[0])

    _pred[:, 2] = _pred[:, 2] + _pred[:, 0]
    _pred[:, 3] = _pred[:, 3] + _pred[:, 1]
    _gt[:, 2] = _gt[:, 2] + _gt[:, 0]
    _gt[:, 3] = _gt[:, 3] + _gt[:, 1]

    overlaps = bbox_overlaps(_pred[:, :4], _gt)

    for h in range(_pred.shape[0]):

        gt_overlap = overlaps[h]
        max_overlap, max_idx = gt_overlap.max(), gt_overlap.argmax()

        if max_overlap >= iou_thresh:
            if ignore[max_idx] == 0:
                recall_list[max_idx] = -1
                proposal_list[h] = -1
            elif recall_list[max_idx] == 0:
                recall_list[max_idx] = 1

        r_keep_index = np.where(recall_list == 1)[0]
        pred_recall[h] = len(r_keep_index)
    return pred_recall, proposal_list
    def cal_target(self, gt_box3d):
        Calculate the positive and negative anchors, and the target

            gt_box3d (arr): (N, 8, 3)
                ground truth bounding boxes in corners notation

            arr: positive anchor positions
            arr: negative anchor positions
            arr: targets

        #       _______________
        # dᵃ = √ (lᵃ)² + (wᵃ)²      is the diagonal of the base
        #                           of the anchor box (See 2.2)
        anchors_diagonal = np.sqrt(
            self.anchors[:, 4] ** 2 + self.anchors[:, 5] ** 2)

        pos_equal_one = np.zeros((*self.feature_map_shape, 2))
        neg_equal_one = np.zeros((*self.feature_map_shape, 2))

        # Convert from corner to center notation ((N, 8, 3) -> (N, 7))
        gt_xyzhwlr = box3d_corner_to_center_batch(gt_box3d)

        # Convert anchors to corner notation (BEV)
        anchors_corner = anchors_center_to_corner(self.anchors)

        # Convert to from all corners to only 2 [xyxy]
        anchors_standup_2d = corner_to_standup_box2d(anchors_corner)
        gt_standup_2d = corner_to_standup_box2d(gt_box3d)

        # Calculate IoU of the ground truth and anchors (BEV)
        iou = bbox_overlaps(
        # Indices of X highest anchors by IoU, X = number of ground truths
        id_highest = np.argmax(iou.T, axis=1)

        # Array containg [0, 1, 2, ..., X-1], X = number of ground truths
        id_highest_gt = np.arange(iou.T.shape[0])

        # Make sure the anchor we picked has an IoU > 0
        mask = iou.T[id_highest_gt, id_highest] > 0
        id_highest, id_highest_gt = id_highest[mask], id_highest_gt[mask]

        # An anchor is considered as positive if it has the highest IoU
        # with a ground truth or its IoU with ground truth is ≥ pos_threshold
        # (in BEV). (See 3.1)

        # id_pos: Index of anchor        id_pos_gt: Index of ground truth
        id_pos, id_pos_gt = np.where(iou > self.config['IOU_pos_threshold'])

        # An anchor is considered as negative if the IoU between it and all
        # ground truth boxes is less than neg_threshold. (See 3.1)
        id_neg = np.where(np.sum(iou < self.config['IOU_neg_threshold'],
                                 axis=1) == iou.shape[1])[0]

        id_pos = np.concatenate([id_pos, id_highest])
        id_pos_gt = np.concatenate([id_pos_gt, id_highest_gt])

        # Filter out repeats (above pos_threshold and max)
        id_pos, index = np.unique(id_pos, return_index=True)
        id_pos_gt = id_pos_gt[index]

        # Calculate target (𝘂*) and set corresponding feature map spaces to 1
        index_x, index_y, index_z = np.unravel_index(
            (*self.feature_map_shape, self.config['anchors_per_position']))
        pos_equal_one[index_x, index_y, index_z] = 1

        # To retrieve the ground truth box from a matching positive anchor,
        # we define the residual vector 𝘂* ('targets') containing the 7
        # regression targets corresponding to center location ∆x,∆y,∆z,
        # three dimensions ∆l,∆w,∆h, and the rotation ∆θ (See 2.2)
        targets = np.zeros((*self.feature_map_shape, 14))

        # Δx = (xᵍ - xᵃ) / dᵃ
        targets[index_x, index_y, np.array(index_z) * 7] = \
            (gt_xyzhwlr[id_pos_gt, 0] - self.anchors[id_pos, 0]) \
            / anchors_diagonal[id_pos]

        # Δy = (yᵍ - yᵃ) / dᵃ
        targets[index_x, index_y, np.array(index_z) * 7 + 1] = \
            (gt_xyzhwlr[id_pos_gt, 1] - self.anchors[id_pos, 1]) \
            / anchors_diagonal[id_pos]

        # Δz = (zᵍ - zᵃ) / hᵃ
        targets[index_x, index_y, np.array(index_z) * 7 + 2] = \
            (gt_xyzhwlr[id_pos_gt, 2] - self.anchors[id_pos, 2]) \
            / self.anchors[id_pos, 3]

        # Δh = log(hᵍ / hᵃ)
        targets[index_x, index_y, np.array(index_z) * 7 + 3] = \
            np.log(gt_xyzhwlr[id_pos_gt, 3] / self.anchors[id_pos, 3])

        # Δw = log(wᵍ / wᵃ)
        targets[index_x, index_y, np.array(index_z) * 7 + 4] = \
            np.log(gt_xyzhwlr[id_pos_gt, 4] / self.anchors[id_pos, 4])

        # Δl = log(lᵍ / lᵃ)
        targets[index_x, index_y, np.array(index_z) * 7 + 5] = \
            np.log(gt_xyzhwlr[id_pos_gt, 5] / self.anchors[id_pos, 5])

        # Δ𝜃 = 𝜃ᵍ - 𝜃ᵃ
        targets[index_x, index_y, np.array(index_z) * 7 + 6] = (
            gt_xyzhwlr[id_pos_gt, 6] - self.anchors[id_pos, 6])

        index_x, index_y, index_z = np.unravel_index(
            (*self.feature_map_shape, self.config['anchors_per_position']))
        neg_equal_one[index_x, index_y, index_z] = 1

        # To avoid a box being positive and negative
        index_x, index_y, index_z = np.unravel_index(
            (*self.feature_map_shape, self.config['anchors_per_position']))
        neg_equal_one[index_x, index_y, index_z] = 0

        return pos_equal_one, neg_equal_one, targets
    def cal_target(self, gt_box3d):
        # Input:
        #   labels: (N,)
        #   feature_map_shape: (w, l)
        #   anchors: (w, l, 2, 7)
        # Output:
        #   pos_equal_one (w, l, 2)
        #   neg_equal_one (w, l, 2)
        #   targets (w, l, 14)
        # attention: cal IoU on birdview

        anchors_d = np.sqrt(self.anchors[:, 4]**2 + self.anchors[:, 5]**2)

        pos_equal_one = np.zeros((*self.feature_map_shape, 2))
        neg_equal_one = np.zeros((*self.feature_map_shape, 2))
        targets = np.zeros((*self.feature_map_shape, 14))

        gt_xyzhwlr = box3d_corner_to_center_batch(gt_box3d)

        anchors_corner = anchors_center_to_corner(self.anchors)

        anchors_standup_2d = corner_to_standup_box2d_batch(anchors_corner)
        # BOTTLENECK
        gt_standup_2d = corner_to_standup_box2d_batch(gt_box3d)

        iou = bbox_overlaps(

        id_highest = np.argmax(iou.T, axis=1)  # the maximum anchor's ID
        id_highest_gt = np.arange(iou.T.shape[0])
        mask = iou.T[id_highest_gt, id_highest] > 0
        id_highest, id_highest_gt = id_highest[mask], id_highest_gt[mask]
        # find anchor iou > cfg.XXX_POS_IOU
        id_pos, id_pos_gt = np.where(iou > self.pos_threshold)
        # find anchor iou < cfg.XXX_NEG_IOU
        id_neg = np.where(
            np.sum(iou < self.neg_threshold, axis=1) == iou.shape[1])[0]

        id_pos = np.concatenate([id_pos, id_highest])
        id_pos_gt = np.concatenate([id_pos_gt, id_highest_gt])
        # TODO: uniquify the array in a more scientific way
        id_pos, index = np.unique(id_pos, return_index=True)
        id_pos_gt = id_pos_gt[index]
        # cal the target and set the equal one
        index_x, index_y, index_z = np.unravel_index(
            id_pos, (*self.feature_map_shape, self.anchors_per_position))
        pos_equal_one[index_x, index_y, index_z] = 1
        # ATTENTION: index_z should be np.array

        targets[index_x, index_y, np.array(index_z) * 7] = \
            (gt_xyzhwlr[id_pos_gt, 0] - self.anchors[id_pos, 0]) / anchors_d[id_pos]
        targets[index_x, index_y, np.array(index_z) * 7 + 1] = \
            (gt_xyzhwlr[id_pos_gt, 1] - self.anchors[id_pos, 1]) / anchors_d[id_pos]
        targets[index_x, index_y, np.array(index_z) * 7 + 2] = \
            (gt_xyzhwlr[id_pos_gt, 2] - self.anchors[id_pos, 2]) / self.anchors[id_pos, 3]
        targets[index_x, index_y, np.array(index_z) * 7 + 3] = np.log(
            gt_xyzhwlr[id_pos_gt, 3] / self.anchors[id_pos, 3])
        targets[index_x, index_y, np.array(index_z) * 7 + 4] = np.log(
            gt_xyzhwlr[id_pos_gt, 4] / self.anchors[id_pos, 4])
        targets[index_x, index_y, np.array(index_z) * 7 + 5] = np.log(
            gt_xyzhwlr[id_pos_gt, 5] / self.anchors[id_pos, 5])
        targets[index_x, index_y, np.array(index_z) * 7 +
                6] = (gt_xyzhwlr[id_pos_gt, 6] - self.anchors[id_pos, 6])
        index_x, index_y, index_z = np.unravel_index(
            id_neg, (*self.feature_map_shape, self.anchors_per_position))
        neg_equal_one[index_x, index_y, index_z] = 1
        # to avoid a box be pos/neg in the same time
        index_x, index_y, index_z = np.unravel_index(
            id_highest, (*self.feature_map_shape, self.anchors_per_position))
        neg_equal_one[index_x, index_y, index_z] = 0

        return pos_equal_one, neg_equal_one, targets