Exemple #1
    def add_bump(nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, links: bpy.types.NodeLinks,
                 bump_image_path: str, principled_bsdf: bpy.types.Node):
        Adds bump to the principled bsdf node.

        :param nodes: Nodes from the current material
        :param links: Links from the current material
        :param bump_image_path: Path to the metal image
        :param principled_bsdf: Principled BSDF node of the current material
        :return: bpy.types.Node: The newly constructed texture node
        bump_y_value = MaterialLoaderUtility.y_texture_node * -3
        if os.path.exists(bump_image_path):
            bump_texture = MaterialLoaderUtility.create_image_node(
                nodes, bump_image_path, True,
                MaterialLoaderUtility.x_texture_node, bump_y_value)
            bump_map = nodes.new("ShaderNodeBumpMap")
            bump_map.inputs["Strength"].default_value = 1.0
            bump_map.location.x = 1.0 / 5.0 * MaterialLoaderUtility.x_texture_node
            bump_map.location.y = bump_y_value
            return bump_texture
        return None
Exemple #2
def add_displacement(nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, links: bpy.types.NodeLinks,
                     displacement_image_path: str,
                     output_node: bpy.types.Node):
    Adds bump to the principled bsdf node.

    :param nodes: Nodes from the current material
    :param links: Links from the current material
    :param displacement_image_path: Path to the metal image
    :param output_node: Output node of the current material
    :return: bpy.types.Node: The newly constructed texture node
    if os.path.exists(displacement_image_path):
        displacement_texture = create_image_node(nodes,
                                                 displacement_image_path, True,
                                                 y_texture_node * -4)
        displacement_node = nodes.new("ShaderNodeDisplacement")
        displacement_node.inputs["Midlevel"].default_value = 0.5
        displacement_node.inputs["Scale"].default_value = 0.15
        displacement_node.location.x = x_texture_node * 0.5
        displacement_node.location.y = y_texture_node * -4
        return displacement_texture
    return None
Exemple #3
    def add_specular(nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, links: bpy.types.NodeLinks, specular_image_path: str,
                     principled_bsdf: bpy.types.Node):
        Adds specular to the principled bsdf node.

        :param nodes: Nodes from the current material
        :param links: Links from the current material
        :param specular_image_path: Path to the metal image
        :param principled_bsdf: Principled BSDF node of the current material
        :return: bpy.types.Node: The newly constructed texture node
        if os.path.exists(specular_image_path):
            specular_texture = MaterialLoaderUtility.create_image_node(nodes, specular_image_path, True,
                                                                       MaterialLoaderUtility.x_texture_node, 0)
            links.new(specular_texture.outputs["Color"], principled_bsdf.inputs["Specular"])
            return specular_texture
        return None
Exemple #4
    def add_metal(nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, links: bpy.types.NodeLinks, metalness_image_path: str,
                  principled_bsdf: bpy.types.Node):
        Adds metal to the principled bsdf node.

        :param nodes: Nodes from the current material
        :param links: Links from the current material
        :param metalness_image_path: Path to the metal image
        :param principled_bsdf: Principled BSDF node of the current material
        :return: bpy.types.Node: The newly constructed texture node
        if os.path.exists(metalness_image_path):
            metallic = MaterialLoaderUtility.create_image_node(nodes, metalness_image_path, True,
                                                               MaterialLoaderUtility.x_texture_node, 0)
            links.new(metallic.outputs["Color"], principled_bsdf.inputs["Metallic"])
            return metallic
        return None
Exemple #5
def add_alpha(nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, links: bpy.types.NodeLinks,
              alpha_image_path: str, principled_bsdf: bpy.types.Node):
    Adds alpha to the principled bsdf node.

    :param nodes: Nodes from the current material
    :param links: Links from the current material
    :param alpha_image_path: Path to the metal image
    :param principled_bsdf: Principled BSDF node of the current material
    :return: bpy.types.Node: The newly constructed texture node
    if os.path.exists(alpha_image_path):
        alpha_texture = create_image_node(nodes, alpha_image_path, True,
                                          x_texture_node, y_texture_node * -2)
        return alpha_texture
    return None
Exemple #6
def add_base_color(nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, links: bpy.types.NodeLinks,
                   base_image_path, principled_bsdf: bpy.types.Node):
    Adds base color to the principled bsdf node.

    :param nodes: Nodes from the current material
    :param links: Links from the current material
    :param base_image_path: Path to the base image
    :param principled_bsdf: Principled BSDF node of the current material
    :return: bpy.types.Node: The newly constructed texture node
    if os.path.exists(base_image_path):
        base_color = create_image_node(nodes, base_image_path, False,
                                       x_texture_node, y_texture_node)
                  principled_bsdf.inputs["Base Color"])
        return base_color
    return None
Exemple #7
    def connect_uv_maps(nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, links: bpy.types.NodeLinks, collection_of_texture_nodes: list):
        Connect all given texture nodes to a newly constructed UV node.

        :param nodes: Nodes from the current material
        :param links: Links from the current material
        :param collection_of_texture_nodes: List of :class: `bpy.type.Node` of type :class: `ShaderNodeTexImage`
        if len(collection_of_texture_nodes) > 0:
            texture_coords = nodes.new("ShaderNodeTexCoord")
            texture_coords.location.x = MaterialLoaderUtility.x_texture_node * 1.4
            mapping_node = nodes.new("ShaderNodeMapping")
            mapping_node.location.x = MaterialLoaderUtility.x_texture_node * 1.2

            links.new(texture_coords.outputs["UV"], mapping_node.inputs["Vector"])
            for texture_node in collection_of_texture_nodes:
                if texture_node is not None:
                    links.new(mapping_node.outputs["Vector"], texture_node.inputs["Vector"])
Exemple #8
    def add_roughness(nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, links: bpy.types.NodeLinks, roughness_image_path: str,
                      principled_bsdf: bpy.types.Node):
        Adds roughness to the principled bsdf node.

        :param nodes: Nodes from the current material
        :param links: Links from the current material
        :param roughness_image_path: Path to the metal image
        :param principled_bsdf: Principled BSDF node of the current material
        :return: bpy.types.Node: The newly constructed texture node
        if os.path.exists(roughness_image_path):
            roughness_texture = MaterialLoaderUtility.create_image_node(nodes, roughness_image_path, True,
                                                                        MaterialLoaderUtility.y_texture_node * -1)
            links.new(roughness_texture.outputs["Color"], principled_bsdf.inputs["Roughness"])
            return roughness_texture
        return None
Exemple #9
def copy_links(nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, goal_nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, goal_links: bpy.types.NodeLinks):
    Copies all links between the nodes to goal_links with the goal_nodes.

    :param nodes: Nodes, which are used as base for the copying
    :param goal_nodes: Nodes, which are will be newly connected
    :param goal_links: Links, where all the newly generated links are saved

    for node in nodes:
        # find the corresponding node
        new_node = goal_nodes[node.name]

        # enumerate over every link in the nodes inputs
        for i, inp in enumerate(node.inputs):
            for link in inp.links:
                # find the connected node for the link
                connected_node = goal_nodes[link.from_node.name]
                # connect the goal nodes
                goal_links.new(connected_node.outputs[link.from_socket.name], new_node.inputs[i])
Exemple #10
def add_ambient_occlusion(nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, links: bpy.types.NodeLinks,
                          principled_bsdf: bpy.types.Node,
                          base_color: bpy.types.Node):
    Adds ambient occlusion to the principled bsdf node.

    :param nodes: Nodes from the current material
    :param links: Links from the current material
    :param ambient_occlusion_image_path: Path to the ambient occlusion image
    :param principled_bsdf: Principled BSDF node of the current material
    :param base_color: Base color node of the current material
    :return: bpy.types.Node: The newly constructed texture node
    if os.path.exists(ambient_occlusion_image_path):
        ao_color = create_image_node(nodes, ambient_occlusion_image_path, True,
                                     x_texture_node, y_texture_node * 2)
        math_node = nodes.new(type='ShaderNodeMixRGB')
        math_node.blend_type = "MULTIPLY"
        math_node.location.x = x_texture_node * 0.5
        math_node.location.y = y_texture_node * 1.5
        math_node.inputs["Fac"].default_value = 0.333

        links.new(base_color.outputs["Color"], math_node.inputs[1])
        links.new(ao_color.outputs["Color"], math_node.inputs[2])
                  principled_bsdf.inputs["Base Color"])

        return ao_color
    return None
Exemple #11
def add_normal(nodes: bpy.types.Nodes, links: bpy.types.NodeLinks,
               normal_image_path: str, principled_bsdf: bpy.types.Node,
               invert_y_channel: bool):
    Adds normal to the principled bsdf node.

    :param nodes: Nodes from the current material
    :param links: Links from the current material
    :param normal_image_path: Path to the metal image
    :param principled_bsdf: Principled BSDF node of the current material
    :param invert_y_channel: If this is True the Y Color Channel is inverted.
    :return: bpy.types.Node: The newly constructed texture node
    normal_y_value = y_texture_node * -3
    if os.path.exists(normal_image_path):
        normal_texture = create_image_node(nodes, normal_image_path, True,
                                           x_texture_node, normal_y_value)
        if invert_y_channel:

            separate_rgba = nodes.new('ShaderNodeSeparateRGB')
            separate_rgba.location.x = 4.0 / 5.0 * x_texture_node
            separate_rgba.location.y = normal_y_value

            invert_node = nodes.new("ShaderNodeInvert")
            invert_node.inputs["Fac"].default_value = 1.0
            invert_node.location.x = 3.0 / 5.0 * x_texture_node
            invert_node.location.y = normal_y_value

            links.new(separate_rgba.outputs["G"], invert_node.inputs["Color"])

            combine_rgba = nodes.new('ShaderNodeCombineRGB')
            combine_rgba.location.x = 2.0 / 5.0 * x_texture_node
            combine_rgba.location.y = normal_y_value
            links.new(separate_rgba.outputs["R"], combine_rgba.inputs["R"])
            links.new(invert_node.outputs["Color"], combine_rgba.inputs["G"])
            links.new(separate_rgba.outputs["B"], combine_rgba.inputs["B"])

            current_output = combine_rgba.outputs["Image"]
            current_output = normal_texture.outputs["Color"]

        normal_map = nodes.new("ShaderNodeNormalMap")
        normal_map.inputs["Strength"].default_value = 1.0
        normal_map.location.x = 1.0 / 5.0 * x_texture_node
        normal_map.location.y = normal_y_value
        links.new(current_output, normal_map.inputs["Color"])
        return normal_texture
    return None