def __init__(self, lineFig): """ """ self.lineFig = lineFig self.marks = self.lineFig.marks y_ord = bq.OrdinalScale() x_sc = bq.LinearScale() legendLabels = [] self.colours = [] for mark in self.marks: legendLabels += mark.labels self.colours += mark.colors[:len(mark.labels)] self.bars = bq.Bars( y=[1] * len(legendLabels), # all bars have a amplitude of 1 ## ? x=legendLabels, scales={ 'y': x_sc, 'x': y_ord }, colors=self.colours, padding=0.6, orientation='horizontal', stroke='white') ## remove the black border around the bar self.bars.opacities = [ScatLegend.OPAC_BRIGHT] * len(self.bars.x) ax_y = bq.Axis(scale=y_ord, orientation="vertical") ax_x = bq.Axis(scale=x_sc) ax_x.visible = False margin = dict(top=40, bottom=0, left=110, right=5) self.fig = bq.Figure(marks=[self.bars], axes=[ax_y, ax_x], fig_margin=margin) # Variable height depending on number of bars in legend self.fig.layout.height = str(45 + 20 * len(legendLabels)) + 'px' self.fig.layout.width = '170px' self.fig.min_aspect_ratio = 0.000000000001 # effectively remove aspect ratio constraint self.fig.max_aspect_ratio = 999999999999999 # effectively remove aspect ratio constraint self.fig.background_style = {'fill': 'White'} self.bars.on_element_click(self.changeOpacity)
def create_plot(): index = pd.date_range(start='2000-06-01', end='2001-06-01', freq='30min') + timedelta(minutes=15) s = pd.Series(np.full(len(index), np.nan), index=index) x = index.values y = s x_sc = bq.DateScale() y_sc = bq.LinearScale(min=0) line = bq.Lines( x=x, y=y, scales={ 'x': x_sc, 'y': y_sc }, #display_legend=True, labels=["line 1"], #fill='bottom', # opacity does work with this option #fill_opacities = [0.5] *len(x) ) panzoom = bq.PanZoom(scales={'x': [x_sc], 'y': [y_sc]}) #p = bq.Scatter(x=x, y=y, scales= {'x': x_sc, 'y': y_sc}) ax_x = bq.Axis(scale=x_sc) ax_y = bq.Axis(scale=y_sc, orientation='vertical', tick_format='0.2f') #fig = bq.Figure(marks=[line, p], axes=[ax_x, ax_y]) fig = bq.Figure(marks=[line], axes=[ax_x, ax_y], interaction=panzoom) fig.layout.width = '95%' #p.interactions = {'click': 'select', 'hover': 'tooltip'} #p.selected_style = {'opacity': 1.0, 'fill': 'DarkOrange', 'stroke': 'Red'} #p.unselected_style = {'opacity': 0.5} #p.tooltip = bq.Tooltip(fields=['x', 'y'], formats=['', '.2f']) #sel = bq.interacts.IndexSelector(scale=p.scales['x']) # #def update_range(*args): # if sel.selected: # print(sel.selected[0]) # #sel.observe(update_range, 'selected') #fig.interaction = sel return fig, line
def gui_tips (self) : sc_r = bq.LinearScale(min=0, max=np.pi) sc_c = bq.ColorScale(colors=Palette.mkpal(["#000000", "#FFFFFF"])) tips = {} for shape in self._tips_shapes : for end in ("src", "dst") : edges = self.edges[self.edges["_shape_" + end] == shape] scatt = bq.Scatter(x=edges["_x_" + end], y=edges["_y_" + end], marker=shape, rotation=edges["_angle_" + end], color=edges["_color_" + end], stroke="#000000", scales={"x" : self._x_scale, "y" : self._y_scale, "color" : sc_c, "rotation" : sc_r, }) tips[end,shape] = scatt return tips
def scale_x(): return bqplot.LinearScale(min=0, max=1, allow_padding=False)
def scale_y(): return bqplot.LinearScale(min=2, max=3, allow_padding=False)
class Plot_interface(object): """Class to handle map and plot interaction""" # Declare class attributes pyccd_flag = False pyccd_flag2 = False current_band = '' band_index1 = 4 band_index2 = 4 click_col = '' point_color = ['#43a2ca'] click_df = pd.DataFrame() sample_col = '' sample_df = pd.DataFrame() PyCCDdf = pd.DataFrame() table = pd.DataFrame() band_list = ['BLUE', 'GREEN', 'RED', 'NIR', 'SWIR1', 'SWIR2'] year_range = [1986, 2018] doy_range = [1, 365] step = 1 #in years # Create widget controls next_pt = Button(value=False, description='Next point', disabled=False) previous_pt = Button(value=False, description='Previous point', disabled=False) pyccd_button = Button(value=False, description='Run PyCCD 1', disabled=False) pyccd_button2 = Button(value=False, description='Run PyCCD 2', disabled=False) band_selector1 = Dropdown( options=['BLUE', 'GREEN', 'RED', 'NIR', 'SWIR1', 'SWIR2'], description='Select band', value=None) band_selector2 = Dropdown( options=['BLUE', 'GREEN', 'RED', 'NIR', 'SWIR1', 'SWIR2'], description='Select band', value=None) image_band_1 = Dropdown( options=['BLUE', 'GREEN', 'RED', 'NIR', 'SWIR1', 'SWIR2'], description='Red:', value='SWIR1') image_band_2 = Dropdown( options=['BLUE', 'GREEN', 'RED', 'NIR', 'SWIR1', 'SWIR2'], description='Green:', value='NIR') image_band_3 = Dropdown( options=['BLUE', 'GREEN', 'RED', 'NIR', 'SWIR1', 'SWIR2'], description='Blue:', value='RED') stretch_min = FloatText(value=0, description='Min:', disabled=False) stretch_max = FloatText(value=6000, description='Min:', disabled=False) # Clear layers on map clear_layers = Button(value=False, description='Clear Map', disabled=False) # Color points by DOY color_check = widgets.Checkbox(value=False, description='Color DOY', disabled=False) idBox = widgets.Text(value='0', description='ID:', disabled=False) ylim = widgets.IntRangeSlider(value=[0, 4000], min=0, max=10000, step=500, description='YLim:', disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='d') xlim = widgets.IntRangeSlider(value=[2000, 2018], min=1986, max=2018, step=1, description='XLim:', disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='d') ylim2 = widgets.IntRangeSlider(value=[0, 4000], min=0, max=10000, step=500, description='YLim:', disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='d') xlim2 = widgets.IntRangeSlider(value=[2000, 2018], min=1986, max=2018, step=1, description='XLim:', disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='d') coords_label = Label() pt_message = HTML("Current ID: ") time_label = HTML(value='') selected_label = HTML("ID of selected point") hover_label = HTML("test value") text_brush = HTML(value='Selected year range:') kml_link = HTML(value='KML:') error_label = HTML(value='Load a point') # Create map including streets and satellite and controls m = ipyleaflet.Map(zoom=5, layout={'height': '400px'}, center=(3.3890701010382958, -67.32297252983098), dragging=True, close_popup_on_click=False, basemap=ipyleaflet.basemaps.Esri.WorldStreetMap) streets = ipyleaflet.basemap_to_tiles( ipyleaflet.basemaps.Esri.WorldImagery) m.add_layer(streets) dc = ipyleaflet.DrawControl(marker={'shapeOptions': { 'color': '#ff0000' }}, polygon={}, circle={}, circlemarker={}, polyline={}) # Table widget table_widget = qgrid.show_grid(table, show_toolbar=False) # Set plots # Plot scales. HERE lc1_x = bqplot.DateScale([0], 2, 1),[1], 1, 1)) # DOY scale lc1_x3 = bqplot.LinearScale(min=0, max=365) lc2_y = bqplot.LinearScale(min=ylim.value[0], max=ylim.value[1]) lc1_x2 = bqplot.DateScale([0], 2, 1),[1], 1, 1)) lc2_y2 = bqplot.LinearScale(min=ylim.value[0], max=ylim.value[1]) # Main scatter plot for samples lc2 = bqplot.Scatter(x=[], y=[], scales={ 'x': lc1_x, 'y': lc2_y }, size=[1, 1], interactions={ 'click': 'select', 'hover': 'tooltip' }, selected_style={ 'opacity': 1.0, 'fill': 'DarkOrange', 'stroke': 'Red' }, unselected_style={'opacity': 0.5}, display_legend=True, labels=['Sample point']) # Pyccd model fit lc4 = bqplot.Lines( x=[], y=[], colors=['black'], stroke_width=3, scales={ 'x': lc1_x, 'y': lc2_y }, size=[1, 1], ) # Pyccd model break lc5 = bqplot.Scatter(x=[], y=[], marker='triangle-up', colors=['red'], scales={ 'x': lc1_x, 'y': lc2_y }, size=[1, 1], display_legend=False, labels=['Model Endpoint']) # Scatter plot for clicked points in map lc3 = bqplot.Scatter(x=[], y=[], scales={ 'x': lc1_x2, 'y': lc2_y2 }, size=[1, 1], colors=['gray'], interactions={ 'click': 'select', 'hover': 'tooltip' }, selected_style={ 'opacity': 1.0, 'fill': 'DarkOrange', 'stroke': 'Red' }, unselected_style={'opacity': 0.5}, display_legend=True, labels=['Clicked point']) # Pyccd model fit for clicked point lc6 = bqplot.Lines( x=[], y=[], colors=['black'], stroke_width=3, scales={ 'x': lc1_x2, 'y': lc2_y2 }, size=[1, 1], ) # Pyccd model break for clicked point lc7 = bqplot.Scatter(x=[], y=[], marker='triangle-up', colors=['red'], scales={ 'x': lc1_x2, 'y': lc2_y2 }, size=[1, 1], display_legend=False, labels=['Model Endpoint']) # Scatter for sample DOY lc8 = bqplot.Scatter(x=[], y=[], scales={ 'x': lc1_x3, 'y': lc2_y }, size=[1, 1], interactions={ 'click': 'select', 'hover': 'tooltip' }, selected_style={ 'opacity': 1.0, 'fill': 'DarkOrange', 'stroke': 'Red' }, unselected_style={'opacity': 0.5}, display_legend=True, labels=['Sample point']) # Plot axes. x_ax1 = bqplot.Axis(label='Date', scale=lc1_x, num_ticks=6, tick_format='%Y') x_ax2 = bqplot.Axis(label='Date', scale=lc1_x2, num_ticks=6, tick_format='%Y') x_ax3 = bqplot.Axis(label='DOY', scale=lc1_x3, num_ticks=6) x_ay1 = bqplot.Axis(label='SWIR1', scale=lc2_y, orientation='vertical') x_ay2 = bqplot.Axis(label='SWIR1', scale=lc2_y2, orientation='vertical') # Create a figure for sample points. fig = bqplot.Figure(marks=[lc2, lc4, lc5], axes=[x_ax1, x_ay1], layout={ 'height': '300px', 'width': '100%' }, title="Sample TS") # Create a figure for clicked points. fig2 = bqplot.Figure(marks=[lc3, lc6, lc7], axes=[x_ax2, x_ay2], layout={ 'height': '300px', 'width': '100%' }, title="Clicked TS") # Create a figure for sample DOY. fig3 = bqplot.Figure(marks=[lc8], axes=[x_ax3, x_ay1], layout={ 'height': '300px', 'width': '100%' }, title="Clicked TS") def __init__(self, navigate): Plot_interface.navigate = navigate Plot_interface.band_index1 = 4 Plot_interface.band_index2 = 4 Plot_interface.pyccd_flag = False Plot_interface.pyccd_flag2 = False Plot_interface.table = None # Set up database conn = sqlite3.connect(Plot_interface.navigate.dbPath) Plot_interface.current_id = Plot_interface.navigate.current_id Plot_interface.c = conn.cursor() Plot_interface.minv = 0 Plot_interface.maxv = 6000 Plot_interface.b1 = 'SWIR1' Plot_interface.b2 = 'NIR' Plot_interface.b3 = 'RED' @classmethod def map_point(self): gjson = ipyleaflet.GeoJSON( data=Plot_interface.navigate.fc_df['geometry'][ Plot_interface.current_id], name="Sample point") =['coordinates'][::-1] Plot_interface.m.zoom = 12 Plot_interface.m.add_layer(gjson) kmlstr = ee.FeatureCollection( ee.Geometry.Point(Plot_interface.navigate.fc_df['geometry'][ Plot_interface.current_id]['coordinates'])).getDownloadURL( "kml") Plot_interface.kml_link.value = "<a '_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href={}>KML Link</a>".format( kmlstr) @classmethod def get_ts(self): #try: Plot_interface.error_label.value = 'Loading' Plot_interface.current_band = Plot_interface.band_list[ Plot_interface.band_index1] Plot_interface.sample_col = get_full_collection( Plot_interface.navigate.fc_df['geometry'][ Plot_interface.current_id]['coordinates'], Plot_interface.year_range, Plot_interface.doy_range) Plot_interface.sample_df = get_df_full( Plot_interface.sample_col, Plot_interface.navigate.fc_df['geometry'][ Plot_interface.current_id]['coordinates']).dropna() Plot_interface.error_label.value = 'Point loaded!' #except: # Plot_interface.error_label.value = 'Point could not be loaded!' def clear_map(b): Plot_interface.m.clear_layers() Plot_interface.m.add_layer(Plot_interface.streets) Plot_interface.map_point() @classmethod def plot_ts(self): current_band = Plot_interface.band_list[Plot_interface.band_index1] Plot_interface.lc2.x = Plot_interface.sample_df['datetime'] if Plot_interface.color_check.value == False: Plot_interface.lc2.colors = list(Plot_interface.point_color) Plot_interface.lc8.colors = list(Plot_interface.point_color) else: Plot_interface.lc2.colors = list( Plot_interface.sample_df['color'].values) Plot_interface.lc8.colors = list( Plot_interface.sample_df['color'].values) Plot_interface.lc2.y = Plot_interface.sample_df[current_band] Plot_interface.x_ay1.label = current_band Plot_interface.lc4.x = [] Plot_interface.lc4.y = [] Plot_interface.lc5.x = [] Plot_interface.lc5.y = [] Plot_interface.lc8.x = Plot_interface.sample_df['doy'] Plot_interface.lc8.y = Plot_interface.sample_df[current_band] #if pyccd_flag: if Plot_interface.pyccd_flag: Plot_interface.run_pyccd(0) # Go back or forth between sample points def advance(b): # Plot point in map Plot_interface.lc4.x = [] Plot_interface.lc4.y = [] Plot_interface.lc5.x = [] Plot_interface.lc5.y = [] Plot_interface.lc5.display_legend = False Plot_interface.pyccd_flag = False Plot_interface.current_id += 1 Plot_interface.pt_message.value = "Point ID: {}".format( Plot_interface.current_id) Plot_interface.map_point() Plot_interface.get_ts() Plot_interface.plot_ts() Plot_interface.change_table(0) Plot_interface.navigate.valid.value = False Plot_interface.navigate.description = 'Not Saved' def decrease(b): # Plot point in map Plot_interface.lc4.x = [] Plot_interface.lc4.y = [] Plot_interface.lc5.x = [] Plot_interface.lc5.y = [] Plot_interface.lc5.display_legend = False Plot_interface.pyccd_flag = False Plot_interface.current_id -= 1 Plot_interface.pt_message.value = "Point ID: {}".format( Plot_interface.current_id) Plot_interface.map_point() Plot_interface.get_ts() Plot_interface.plot_ts() Plot_interface.change_table(0) Plot_interface.navigate.valid.value = False Plot_interface.navigate.description = 'Not Saved' def change_table(b): # Update the table based on current ID # Get header cursor = Plot_interface.c.execute('select * from measures') names = list(map(lambda x: x[0], cursor.description)) previous_inputs = pd.DataFrame() for i, row in enumerate( Plot_interface.c.execute( "SELECT * FROM measures WHERE id = '%s'" % Plot_interface.current_id)): previous_inputs[i] = row previous_inputs = previous_inputs.T if previous_inputs.shape[0] > 0: previous_inputs.columns = names Plot_interface.table_widget.df = previous_inputs # Functions for changing image stretch def change_image_band1(change): new_band = change['new'] Plot_interface.b1 = new_band def change_image_band2(change): new_band = change['new'] Plot_interface.b2 = new_band def change_image_band3(change): new_band = change['new'] Plot_interface.b3 = new_band # Band selection for sample point def on_band_selection1(change): new_band = change['new'] #global band_index band_index = change['owner'].index Plot_interface.band_index1 = band_index Plot_interface.plot_ts() # Band selection for clicked point def on_band_selection2(change): new_band = change['new'] band_index = change['owner'].index Plot_interface.band_index2 = band_index Plot_interface.lc3.x = Plot_interface.click_df['datetime'] Plot_interface.lc3.y = Plot_interface.click_df[new_band] Plot_interface.x_ay2.label = new_band if Plot_interface.pyccd_flag2: Plot_interface.run_pyccd2(0) def change_yaxis(value): Plot_interface.lc2_y.min = Plot_interface.ylim.value[0] Plot_interface.lc2_y.max = Plot_interface.ylim.value[1] def change_xaxis(value): Plot_interface.lc1_x.min =[0], 2, 1) Plot_interface.lc1_x.max =[1], 2, 1) Plot_interface.year_range = [ Plot_interface.xlim.value[0], Plot_interface.xlim.value[1] ] def change_yaxis2(value): Plot_interface.lc2_y2.min = Plot_interface.ylim2.value[0] Plot_interface.lc2_y2.max = Plot_interface.ylim2.value[1] def change_xaxis2(value): Plot_interface.lc1_x2.min = Plot_interface.xlim2.value[0], 2, 1) Plot_interface.lc1_x2.max = Plot_interface.xlim2.value[1], 2, 1) def hover_event(self, target): Plot_interface.hover_label.value = str(target['data']['x']) # Add layer from clicked point in sample TS figure def click_event(self, target): pt_index = target['data']['index'] current_band = Plot_interface.band_list[Plot_interface.band_index1] image_id = Plot_interface.sample_df['id'].values[pt_index] selected_image = ee.Image( Plot_interface.sample_col.filterMetadata('system:index', 'equals', image_id).first()) tile_url = GetTileLayerUrl( selected_image.visualize(min=Plot_interface.stretch_min.value, max=Plot_interface.stretch_max.value, bands=[ Plot_interface.b1, Plot_interface.b2, Plot_interface.b3 ])) Plot_interface.m.add_layer( ipyleaflet.TileLayer(url=tile_url, name=image_id)) # Add layer from clicked point in clicked TS figure def click_event2(self, target): pt_index = target['data']['index'] current_band = Plot_interface.band_list[Plot_interface.band_index2] #Find clicked image. .values needed to access the nth element of that list instead of indexing by ID image_id = Plot_interface.click_df['id'].values[pt_index] selected_image = ee.Image( Plot_interface.click_col.filterMetadata('system:index', 'equals', image_id).first()) tile_url = GetTileLayerUrl( selected_image.visualize(min=Plot_interface.minv, max=Plot_interface.maxv, bands=[ Plot_interface.b1, Plot_interface.b2, Plot_interface.b3 ])) Plot_interface.m.add_layer( ipyleaflet.TileLayer(url=tile_url, name=image_id)) # Plot TS from clicked point def handle_draw(self, action, geo_json): # Get the selected coordinates from the map's drawing control. current_band = Plot_interface.band_list[Plot_interface.band_index2] coords = geo_json['geometry']['coordinates'] Plot_interface.click_col = get_full_collection( coords, Plot_interface.year_range, Plot_interface.doy_range) Plot_interface.click_df = get_df_full(Plot_interface.click_col, coords).dropna() Plot_interface.lc6.x = [] Plot_interface.lc6.y = [] Plot_interface.lc7.x = [] Plot_interface.lc7.y = [] Plot_interface.lc3.x = Plot_interface.click_df['datetime'] Plot_interface.lc3.y = Plot_interface.click_df[current_band] if Plot_interface.color_check.value == False: Plot_interface.lc3.colors = list(Plot_interface.point_color) else: Plot_interface.lc3.colors = list( Plot_interface.click_df['color'].values) # Plotting pyccd def plot_pyccd(results, band, plotband, dates, yl, ylabel, ts_type): mask = np.array(results['processing_mask']).astype(np.bool_) predicted_values = [] prediction_dates = [] break_dates = [] start_dates = [] for num, result in enumerate(results['change_models']): days = np.arange(result['start_day'], result['end_day'] + 1) prediction_dates.append(days) break_dates.append(result['break_day']) start_dates.append(result['start_day']) intercept = result[list(result.keys())[6 + band]]['intercept'] coef = result[list(result.keys())[6 + band]]['coefficients'] predicted_values.append( intercept + coef[0] * days + coef[1] * np.cos(days * 1 * 2 * np.pi / 365.25) + coef[2] * np.sin(days * 1 * 2 * np.pi / 365.25) + coef[3] * np.cos(days * 2 * 2 * np.pi / 365.25) + coef[4] * np.sin(days * 2 * 2 * np.pi / 365.25) + coef[5] * np.cos(days * 3 * 2 * np.pi / 365.25) + coef[6] * np.sin(days * 3 * 2 * np.pi / 365.25)) num_breaks = len(break_dates) break_y = [plotband[dates == i][0] for i in break_dates] #break_y = [0] * num_breaks break_dates_plot = [ datetime.datetime.fromordinal(i).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') for i in break_dates ] plot_dates = np.array( [datetime.datetime.fromordinal(i) for i in (dates)]) # Predicted curves all_dates = [] all_preds = [] for _preddate, _predvalue in zip(prediction_dates, predicted_values): all_dates.append(_preddate) all_preds.append(_predvalue) all_preds = [item for sublist in all_preds for item in sublist] all_dates = [item for sublist in all_dates for item in sublist] date_ord = [ datetime.datetime.fromordinal(i).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') for i in all_dates ] _x = np.array(date_ord, dtype='datetime64') _y = all_preds if ts_type == 'sample_ts': Plot_interface.lc4.x = _x Plot_interface.lc4.y = _y Plot_interface.lc5.x = np.array(break_dates_plot, dtype='datetime64') Plot_interface.lc5.y = break_y elif ts_type == 'clicked_ts': Plot_interface.lc6.x = _x Plot_interface.lc6.y = _y Plot_interface.lc7.x = np.array(break_dates_plot, dtype='datetime64') Plot_interface.lc7.y = break_y # Go to a specific sample def go_to_sample(b): # Plot point in map Plot_interface.lc4.x = [] Plot_interface.lc4.y = [] Plot_interface.lc5.x = [] Plot_interface.lc5.y = [] Plot_interface.lc5.display_legend = False Plot_interface.pyccd_flag = False Plot_interface.current_id = int(b.value) Plot_interface.pt_message.value = "Point ID: {}".format( Plot_interface.current_id) Plot_interface.navigate.valid.value = False Plot_interface.navigate.description = 'Not Saved' Plot_interface.map_point() Plot_interface.get_ts() Plot_interface.plot_ts() # Run pyccd def run_pyccd(b): # Run pyCCD on current point Plot_interface.pyccd_flag = True Plot_interface.lc5.display_legend = True dfPyCCD = Plot_interface.sample_df dfPyCCD['pixel_qa'][dfPyCCD['pixel_qa'] > 4] = 0 #TODO: Paramaterize everything params = { 'QA_BITPACKED': False, 'QA_FILL': 255, 'QA_CLEAR': 0, 'QA_WATER': 1, 'QA_SHADOW': 2, 'QA_SNOW': 3, 'QA_CLOUD': 4 } dates = np.array(dfPyCCD['ord_time']) blues = np.array(dfPyCCD['BLUE']) greens = np.array(dfPyCCD['GREEN']) reds = np.array(dfPyCCD['RED']) nirs = np.array(dfPyCCD['NIR']) swir1s = np.array(dfPyCCD['SWIR1']) swir2s = np.array(dfPyCCD['SWIR2']) thermals = np.array(dfPyCCD['THERMAL']) qas = np.array(dfPyCCD['pixel_qa']) results = ccd.detect(dates, blues, greens, reds, nirs, swir1s, swir2s, thermals, qas, params=params) band_names = [ 'Blue SR', 'Green SR', 'Red SR', 'NIR SR', 'SWIR1 SR', 'SWIR2 SR', 'THERMAL' ] plotlabel = band_names[Plot_interface.band_index1] plot_arrays = [blues, greens, reds, nirs, swir1s, swir2s] plotband = plot_arrays[Plot_interface.band_index1] Plot_interface.plot_pyccd(results, Plot_interface.band_index1, plotband, dates, (0, 4000), 'PyCCD Results', 'sample_ts') def run_pyccd2(b): # Run pyCCD on current point Plot_interface.pyccd_flag2 = True # Display the legend Plot_interface.lc7.display_legend = True dfPyCCD = Plot_interface.click_df # First two lines no longer required bc we are removing NA's when we load the TS dfPyCCD['pixel_qa'][dfPyCCD['pixel_qa'] > 4] = 0 #TODO: Paramaterize everything params = { 'QA_BITPACKED': False, 'QA_FILL': 255, 'QA_CLEAR': 0, 'QA_WATER': 1, 'QA_SHADOW': 2, 'QA_SNOW': 3, 'QA_CLOUD': 4 } dates = np.array(dfPyCCD['ord_time']) blues = np.array(dfPyCCD['BLUE']) greens = np.array(dfPyCCD['GREEN']) reds = np.array(dfPyCCD['RED']) nirs = np.array(dfPyCCD['NIR']) swir1s = np.array(dfPyCCD['SWIR1']) swir2s = np.array(dfPyCCD['SWIR2']) thermals = np.array(dfPyCCD['THERMAL']) qas = np.array(dfPyCCD['pixel_qa']) results = ccd.detect(dates, blues, greens, reds, nirs, swir1s, swir2s, thermals, qas, params=params) band_names = [ 'Blue SR', 'Green SR', 'Red SR', 'NIR SR', 'SWIR1 SR', 'SWIR2 SR', 'THERMAL' ] plotlabel = band_names[Plot_interface.band_index2] plot_arrays = [blues, greens, reds, nirs, swir1s, swir2s] plotband = plot_arrays[Plot_interface.band_index2] Plot_interface.plot_pyccd(results, Plot_interface.band_index2, plotband, dates, (0, 4000), 'PyCCD Results', 'clicked_ts') ylim.observe(change_yaxis) xlim.observe(change_xaxis) ylim2.observe(change_yaxis2) xlim2.observe(change_xaxis2) next_pt.on_click(advance) previous_pt.on_click(decrease) pyccd_button.on_click(run_pyccd) pyccd_button2.on_click(run_pyccd2) clear_layers.on_click(clear_map) band_selector1.observe(on_band_selection1, names='value') band_selector2.observe(on_band_selection2, names='value') image_band_1.observe(change_image_band1, names='value') image_band_2.observe(change_image_band2, names='value') image_band_3.observe(change_image_band3, names='value') lc2.on_element_click(click_event) lc2.tooltip = hover_label lc2.on_hover(hover_event) lc3.on_element_click(click_event2) lc3.tooltip = hover_label lc3.on_hover(hover_event) idBox.on_submit(go_to_sample) dc.on_draw(handle_draw) m.add_control(dc) m.add_control(ipyleaflet.LayersControl())
def __init__(self, zoom_y=True, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.x_scale = bqplot.LinearScale(allow_padding=False) self.y_scale = bqplot.LinearScale(allow_padding=False), 'x_min'), (self.x_scale, 'min')), 'x_max'), (self.x_scale, 'max')), 'y_min'), (self.y_scale, 'min')), 'y_max'), (self.y_scale, 'max')) self.x_axis = bqplot.Axis(scale=self.x_scale) self.y_axis = bqplot.Axis(scale=self.y_scale, orientation='vertical'), 'x_label'), (self.x_axis, 'label')), 'y_label'), (self.y_axis, 'label')) self.x_axis.color = blackish self.y_axis.color = blackish self.x_axis.label_color = blackish self.y_axis.label_color = blackish # self.y_axis.tick_style = {'fill': blackish, 'stroke':'none'} self.y_axis.grid_color = blackish self.x_axis.grid_color = blackish self.x_axis.label_offset = "2em" self.y_axis.label_offset = "3em" self.x_axis.grid_lines = 'none' self.y_axis.grid_lines = 'none' self.axes = [self.x_axis, self.y_axis] self.scales = {'x': self.x_scale, 'y': self.y_scale} self.figure = bqplot.Figure(axes=self.axes) self.figure.background_style = {'fill': 'none'} self.figure.padding_y = 0 self.figure.fig_margin = {'bottom': 40, 'left': 60, 'right': 10, 'top': 10} self.interacts = {} self.interacts['pan-zoom'] = bqplot.PanZoom(scales={'x': [self.x_scale], 'y': [self.y_scale] if zoom_y else []}) self.interacts['select-rect'] = bqplot.interacts.BrushSelector(x_scale=self.x_scale, y_scale=self.y_scale, color="green") self.interacts['select-x'] = bqplot.interacts.BrushIntervalSelector(scale=self.x_scale, color="green") self._brush = self.interacts['select-rect'] self._brush_interval = self.interacts['select-x'] # TODO: put the debounce in the presenter? @vaex.jupyter.debounced(DEBOUNCE_SELECT) def update_brush(*args): with self.output: if not self._brush.brushing: # if we ended _brushing, reset it self.figure.interaction = None if self._brush.selected is not None: x1, x2 = self._brush.selected_x y1, y2 = self._brush.selected_y # (x1, y1), (x2, y2) = self._brush.selected # mode = self.modes_names[self.modes_labels.index(self.button_selection_mode.value)] self.presenter.select_rectangle(x1, x2, y1, y2) else: self.presenter.select_nothing() if not self._brush.brushing: # but then put it back again so the rectangle is gone, self.figure.interaction = self._brush self._brush.observe(update_brush, ["selected", "selected_x"]) @vaex.jupyter.debounced(DEBOUNCE_SELECT) def update_brush(*args): with self.output: if not self._brush_interval.brushing: # if we ended _brushing, reset it self.figure.interaction = None if self._brush_interval.selected is not None and len(self._brush_interval.selected): x1, x2 = self._brush_interval.selected self.presenter.select_x_range(x1, x2) else: self.presenter.select_nothing() if not self._brush_interval.brushing: # but then put it back again so the rectangle is gone, self.figure.interaction = self._brush_interval self._brush_interval.observe(update_brush, ["selected"]) def tool_change(change=None): self.figure.interaction = self.interacts.get(self.tool, None) self.observe(tool_change, 'tool') self.widget = self.figure
def line_profile( image, order=2, plotter=None, # noqa: C901 comparisons=None, **viewer_kwargs): """View the image with a line profile. Creates and returns an ipywidget to visualize the image along with a line profile. The image can be 2D or 3D. Parameters ---------- image : array_like, itk.Image, or vtk.vtkImageData The 2D or 3D image to visualize. order : int, optional Spline order for line profile interpolation. The order has to be in the range 0-5. plotter : 'plotly', 'bqplot', or 'ipympl', optional Plotting library to use. If not defined, use plotly if available, otherwise bqplot if available, otherwise ipympl. comparisons: dict, optional A dictionary whose keys are legend labels and whose values are other images whose intensities to plot over the same line. viewer_kwargs : optional Keyword arguments for the viewer. See help(itkwidgets.view). """ profiler = LineProfiler(image=image, order=order, **viewer_kwargs) if not plotter: try: import plotly.graph_objs as go plotter = 'plotly' except ImportError: pass if not plotter: try: import bqplot plotter = 'bqplot' except ImportError: pass if not plotter: plotter = 'ipympl' if plotter == 'plotly': import plotly.graph_objs as go layout = go.Layout(xaxis=dict(title='Distance'), yaxis=dict(title='Intensity')) fig = go.FigureWidget(layout=layout) elif plotter == 'bqplot': import bqplot x_scale = bqplot.LinearScale() y_scale = bqplot.LinearScale() x_axis = bqplot.Axis(scale=x_scale, grid_lines='solid', label='Distance') y_axis = bqplot.Axis(scale=y_scale, orientation='vertical', grid_lines='solid', label='Intensity') labels = ['Reference'] display_legend = False if comparisons: display_legend = True labels += [label for label in comparisons.keys()] lines = [ bqplot.Lines(scales={ 'x': x_scale, 'y': y_scale }, labels=labels, display_legend=display_legend, enable_hover=True) ] fig = bqplot.Figure(marks=lines, axes=[x_axis, y_axis]) elif plotter == 'ipympl': ipython = IPython.get_ipython() ipython.enable_matplotlib('widget') matplotlib.interactive(False) fig, ax = plt.subplots() else: raise ValueError('Invalid plotter: ' + plotter) def update_plot(): if plotter == 'plotly': distance, intensity = profiler.get_profile(image)[0]['x'] = distance[0]['y'] = intensity if comparisons: for ii, image_ in enumerate(comparisons.values()): distance, intensity = profiler.get_profile(image_)[ii + 1]['x'] = distance[ii + 1]['y'] = intensity elif plotter == 'bqplot': distance, intensity = profiler.get_profile(image) if comparisons: for image_ in comparisons.values(): distance_, intensity_ = profiler.get_profile(image_) distance = np.vstack((distance, distance_)) intensity = np.vstack((intensity, intensity_)) fig.marks[0].x = distance fig.marks[0].y = intensity elif plotter == 'ipympl': ax.plot(*profiler.get_profile(image)) if comparisons: ax.plot(*profiler.get_profile(image), label='Reference') for label, image_ in comparisons.items(): ax.plot(*profiler.get_profile(image_), label=label) ax.legend() else: ax.plot(*profiler.get_profile(image)) ax.set_xlabel('Distance') ax.set_ylabel('Intensity') fig.canvas.draw() fig.canvas.flush_events() def update_profile(change): if plotter == 'plotly': update_plot() elif plotter == 'bqplot': update_plot() elif plotter == 'ipympl': is_interactive = matplotlib.is_interactive() matplotlib.interactive(False) ax.clear() update_plot() matplotlib.interactive(is_interactive) if plotter == 'plotly': distance, intensity = profiler.get_profile(image) trace = go.Scattergl(x=distance, y=intensity, name='Reference') fig.add_trace(trace) if comparisons: for label, image_ in comparisons.items(): distance, intensity = profiler.get_profile(image_) trace = go.Scattergl(x=distance, y=intensity, name=label) fig.add_trace(trace) widget = widgets.VBox([profiler, fig]) elif plotter == 'bqplot': update_plot() widget = widgets.VBox([profiler, fig]) elif plotter == 'ipympl': update_plot() widget = widgets.VBox([profiler, fig.canvas]) profiler.observe(update_profile, names=['point1', 'point2']) return widget
shift_label2.layout.width = label_width shift_label3.layout.width = label_width shift_label4.layout.width = label_width shift_label = widgets.HTML(value='Shift: ') shift_text_width = '50px' shift_label.layout.width = shift_text_width units = widgets.Label(value='nm') unit_text_width = '30px' units.layout.width = unit_text_width ## Create spectral lines display for both figures # Axes for spectra # Set the scales x_sc_fig1 = bq.LinearScale(min=float(min(wavelengths)), max=float(max(wavelengths))) y_sc_fig1 = bq.LinearScale() x_sc = bq.LinearScale(min=float(min(wavelengths)), max=float(max(wavelengths))) y_sc = bq.LinearScale() # Define the axes ax_x_fig1 = bq.Axis(label='Wavelength (nm)', scale=x_sc_fig1, grid_lines='none', num_ticks=12) ax_y_fig1 = bq.Axis(scale=y_sc_fig1, orientation='vertical', grid_lines='none', num_ticks=0) ax_x = bq.Axis(label='Wavelength (nm)', scale=x_sc, grid_lines='none', num_ticks=12) ax_y = bq.Axis(scale=y_sc, orientation='vertical', grid_lines='none', num_ticks=0) # Arrays for the spectral lines. one for the stars (0.5 to 1) and one for # laboratory measurements (0 to 0.5). height1 = np.array([[0.0,0.5],[0.0,0.5],[0.0,0.5],[0.0,0.5],[0.0,0.5],[0.0,0.5], [0.0,0.5],[0.0,0.5],[0.0,0.5],[0.0,0.5],[0.0,0.5],[0.0,0.5],[0.0,0.5],[0.0,0.5]]) height2 = np.array([[0.5,1.0],[0.5,1.0],[0.5,1.0],[0.5,1.0],[0.5,1.0],[0.5,1.0],
def __init__(self, session): super(BqplotBaseView, self).__init__(session) # session.hub.subscribe(self, SubsetCreateMessage, # handler=self.receive_message) self.state = self._state_cls() # if we allow padding, we sometimes get odd behaviour with the interacts self.scale_x = bqplot.LinearScale(min=0, max=1, allow_padding=False) self.scale_y = bqplot.LinearScale(min=0, max=1) self.scales = {'x': self.scale_x, 'y': self.scale_y} self.axis_x = bqplot.Axis( scale=self.scale_x, grid_lines='solid', label='x') self.axis_y = bqplot.Axis(scale=self.scale_y, orientation='vertical', tick_format='0.2f', grid_lines='solid', label='y') def update_axes(*ignore): self.axis_x.label = str(self.state.x_att) if self.is2d: self.axis_y.label = str(self.state.y_att) self.state.add_callback('x_att', update_axes) if self.is2d: self.state.add_callback('y_att', update_axes) self.figure = bqplot.Figure(scales=self.scales, animation_duration=0, axes=[ self.axis_x, self.axis_y]) self.figure.padding_y = 0 actions = ['move'] self.interact_map = {} self.panzoom = bqplot.PanZoom(scales={'x': [self.scale_x], 'y': [self.scale_y]}) self.interact_map['move'] = self.panzoom if self.is2d: self.brush = bqplot.interacts.BrushSelector(x_scale=self.scale_x, y_scale=self.scale_y, color="green") self.interact_map['brush'] = self.brush self.brush.observe(self.update_brush, "brushing") actions.append('brush') self.brush_x = bqplot.interacts.BrushIntervalSelector(scale=self.scale_x, color="green" ) self.interact_map['brush x'] = self.brush_x self.brush_x.observe(self.update_brush_x, "brushing") actions.append('brush x') if self.is2d: self.brush_y = bqplot.interacts.BrushIntervalSelector(scale=self.scale_y, color="green", orientation='vertical') self.interact_map['brush y'] = self.brush_y self.brush_y.observe(self.update_brush_y, "brushing") actions.append('brush y') self.button_action = widgets.ToggleButtons(description='Mode: ', options=[(action, action) for action in actions], icons=["arrows", "pencil-square-o"]) self.button_action.observe(self.change_action, "value") self.change_action() # 'fire' manually for intial value # self.state.add_callback('y_att', self._update_axes) # self.state.add_callback('x_log', self._update_axes) # self.state.add_callback('y_log', self._update_axes) self.state.add_callback('x_min', self.limits_to_scales) self.state.add_callback('x_max', self.limits_to_scales) self.state.add_callback('y_min', self.limits_to_scales) self.state.add_callback('y_max', self.limits_to_scales) self.create_tab() self.output_widget = widgets.Output() self.main_widget = widgets.VBox( children=[, self.figure, self.output_widget])
def run_zonal_computation(aoi, output): aoi_model = aoi.view.model list_zones = get_ecozones() #get the aoi name aoi_name = #create the result folder resultDir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'zonal_results', aoi_name, '') os.makedirs(resultDir, exist_ok=True) #create the map Map = sm.SepalMap(['CartoDB.Positron']) ################################### ### placer sur la map #### ################################### output.add_live_msg('visualize data') aoi = aoi_model.feature_collection Map.addLayer(aoi, {}, 'aoi') Map.zoom_ee_object(aoi.geometry()) #add dataset dataset = ee.ImageCollection('NASA/MEASURES/GFCC/TC/v3').filter('2010-01-01', '2010-12-31')) treeCanopyCover ='tree_canopy_cover') treeCanopyCoverVis = { 'min': 0.0, 'max': 100.0, 'palette': ['ffffff', 'afce56', '5f9c00', '0e6a00', '003800'], } country_gfcc_2010 = treeCanopyCover.mean().clip(aoi) Map.addLayer(country_gfcc_2010, treeCanopyCoverVis, 'Tree Canopy Cover') #load the ecozones gez_2010 = ee.Image('users/bornToBeAlive/gez_2010_wgs84') country_gez_2010 ='b1').clip(aoi) Map.addLayer(country_gez_2010.sldStyle(getSldStyle()), {}, 'gez 2010 raster') #show the 0 values cdl ='b1') masked = ee.Image(cdl).updateMask(cdl.eq(0)) Map.addLayer(masked, {'palette': 'red'}, 'masked 0 data') #mask these values from the results country_gez_2010 = ee.Image(cdl).updateMask(cdl.neq(0)) #Get the list of values from the mosaic image freqHist = country_gez_2010.reduceRegions( **{ 'reducer': ee.Reducer.frequencyHistogram(), 'collection': aoi, 'scale': 100, }) #rewrite the dictionary values = ee.List('vals')).flatten().distinct() #Run reduceToVectors per class by masking all other classes. classes = country_gez_2010.reduceToVectors( **{ 'reducer': ee.Reducer.countEvery(), 'geometry': aoi, 'scale': 100, 'maxPixels': 1e10 }) country_gez_2010_vector = ee.FeatureCollection(classes) #add the borders on the map empty = ee.Image().byte() outline = empty.paint(**{ 'featureCollection': country_gez_2010_vector, 'color': 1, 'width': 1 }) Map.addLayer(outline, {'palette': '000000'}, 'gez 2010 borders') #export raw data out_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'downloads') raw_stats = os.path.join(resultDir, aoi_name + '_raw.csv') if not os.path.isfile(raw_stats): output.add_live_msg('compute the zonal analysis') #compute the zonal analysis computation = False cpt = 0 while not computation: f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(f): geemap.zonal_statistics(in_value_raster=country_gfcc_2010, in_zone_vector=country_gez_2010_vector, out_file_path=raw_stats, statistics_type='FIXED_HIST', scale=100, crs=getConformProj(), hist_min=0, hist_max=100, hist_steps=100, tile_scale=2**cpt) output.add_live_msg(f.getvalue()) #check if the computation have finished on a file if not os.path.isfile(raw_stats): #cannot use tile_scale > 16 if cpt == 3: raise Exception("Aoi is to big") #change the tile_scale and relaunch the process output.add_live_msg(f.getvalue(), 'error') time.sleep(2) cpt += 1 output.add_live_msg(f'Increasing tile_scale ({2**cpt})', 'warning') time.sleep(2) else: computation = True ####################################### ### lire et concatener les données ### ####################################### out_stats = os.path.join(resultDir, aoi_name + '_stats.csv') if not os.path.isfile(out_stats): output.add_live_msg('read and concatenate the data') data = pd.read_csv(raw_stats, sep=',') output.add_live_msg('remove no_data') #enlever les lignes Nan #(vérifier dans le tableau d'avant qu'elles ne sont pas trop grandes) data = data.dropna() #recuperer les valeurs de label ecozones = data.label.unique() output.add_live_msg('merge') #aggreger les lignes avec les même valeurs stats = pd.DataFrame([i for i in range(100)], columns=['treecover']) stats = stats.set_index('treecover') for _, ecozoneId in enumerate(ecozones): patches = data[data.label == ecozoneId] ecozone = get_ecozones()[ecozoneId] stats[ecozone] = 0 for index, patch in patches.iterrows(): tmp = pd.DataFrame( [val[1] for val in json.loads(patch['histogram'])]) stats[ecozone] = stats[ecozone] + tmp[0] stats = stats * 100 * 100 / 1e6 #exporter stats.to_csv(out_stats, index=True) ############################# ## create the layout ## ############################# output.add_live_msg('create the layout') stats = pd.read_csv(out_stats, index_col='treecover') #recuperer les noms de label ecozones = stats.columns x_sc = bq.LinearScale() ax_x = bq.Axis(label='treecover (%)', scale=x_sc) x = [] for i in range(100): x.append(i) figs = [] zones_id = [] for ecozone in ecozones: #get the # of the ecozone for index, value in get_ecozones().items(): if value == ecozone: zone_index = index zones_id.append(index) break y_sc = bq.LinearScale(max=stats[ecozone].max()) ax_y = bq.Axis(label='surface (Km\u00B2)', scale=y_sc, orientation='vertical') #, tick_format='.2e') y = [] for index, row in stats.iterrows(): y.append(row[ecozone]) mark = bq.Bars(x=x, y=y, scales={ 'x': x_sc, 'y': y_sc }, colors=[get_colors()[zone_index]], stroke='black', padding=0.1) fig_hist = bq.Figure(title=ecozone, marks=[mark], axes=[ax_x, ax_y]) figs.append(fig_hist) #add a coherent legend legend_keys = [get_ecozones()[i] for i in zones_id] legend_colors = [get_colors()[i] for i in zones_id] Map.add_legend(legend_keys=legend_keys, legend_colors=legend_colors, position='topleft') #create the partial layout children = [ v.Flex(xs12=True, class_='pa-0', children=[sw.DownloadBtn('Download .csv', path=out_stats)]), v.Flex(xs12=True, class_='pa-0', children=[Map]), v.Flex(xs12=True, class_='pa-0', children=figs) ] output.add_live_msg('complete', 'success') return children
return "Tuples are not the same length!" else: summation = 0.0 for i in range(n): summation += (x[i] - y[i])**2 return np.sqrt(summation) a = np.random.rand(100, 2) b = np.random.rand(100, 2) a = a * 700 b = b * 30 x_sc = bqplot.LinearScale() y_sc = bqplot.LinearScale() ax_x = bqplot.Axis(scale=x_sc, label="X-value") ax_y = bqplot.Axis(scale=y_sc, label="Y-value", orientation='vertical') scatters1 = bqplot.Scatter(x=a[:, 0], y=a[:, 1], scales={ 'x': x_sc, 'y': y_sc }, default_size=5, colors=["navy"], sizes=[10]) scatters2 = bqplot.Scatter(x=b[:, 0],
def __init__(self): self.episode_play = widgets.Play( value=0, min=0, max=100, step=1, description="Press play", disabled=False, interval=10, ) self.update_interval_slider = widgets.IntSlider( min=1, max=300, value=30, ) self.update_interval_box = widgets.HBox([ widgets.Label("Animation update interval:"), self.update_interval_slider ]) self.episode_slider = widgets.IntSlider() self.episode_hbox = widgets.HBox( [self.episode_play, self.episode_slider]) self.episode_vbox = widgets.VBox( [self.episode_hbox, self.update_interval_box]) widgets.jslink((self.episode_play, 'value'), (self.episode_slider, 'value')) widgets.jslink((self.episode_play, 'max'), (self.episode_slider, 'max')) widgets.jslink((self.episode_play, 'min'), (self.episode_slider, 'min')) widgets.jslink((self.update_interval_slider, 'value'), (self.episode_play, 'interval')) self.episode_gradient_image = widgets.Image( format='png', width=120, height=600, ) self.episode_image = widgets.Image( format='png', width=120, height=600, ) x_sc = bq.LinearScale() # x_sc.max = size * 1.3 y_sc = bq.LinearScale() y_sc.max = 1 y_sc2 = bq.LinearScale() self.x_sc = x_sc ax_x = bq.Axis(label='step', scale=x_sc, grid_lines='none') ax_x.min = 0 ax_x.max = 100 ax_y = bq.Axis(label='costs', scale=y_sc, orientation='vertical', grid_lines='solid') ax_y2 = bq.Axis(label='speed', scale=y_sc2, orientation='vertical', side='right', grid_lines='none') self.costs_plot_lines_costs = Lines(scales={ 'x': x_sc, 'y': y_sc }, display_legend=True, stroke_width=1) self.costs_plot_lines_speed = Lines(scales={ 'x': x_sc, 'y': y_sc2 }, colors=['red'], display_legend=True, stroke_width=1) self.costs_plot_progress = Lines(scales={'x': x_sc, 'y': y_sc}) pan_zoom = bq.interacts.PanZoom(scales={'x': [x_sc], 'y': []}) self.costs_plot_figure = Figure(marks=[ self.costs_plot_lines_costs, self.costs_plot_lines_speed, self.costs_plot_progress ], axes=[ax_x, ax_y, ax_y2], title='Costs and speed', legend_location='top-left', interaction=pan_zoom, layout=widgets.Layout(width='100%', height='100%')) self.follow_present = widgets.ToggleButton( value=False, description='Follow present', disabled=False, button_style='', # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' ) self.reset_scale = widgets.Button( description='Reset scale', disabled=False, button_style='', # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' ) def reset_scale_callback(b): self.reset_costs_plot_scale() self.reset_scale.on_click(reset_scale_callback) self.plot_controls_hbox = widgets.HBox( [self.follow_present, self.reset_scale], layout=widgets.Layout(width='100%', justify_content='center')) self.costs_plot_box = widgets.VBox( [self.costs_plot_figure, self.plot_controls_hbox], layout=widgets.Layout(width='100%')) self.images_hbox = widgets.HBox([ self.episode_gradient_image, self.episode_image, self.costs_plot_box ], layout=widgets.Layout(width='100%')) def episode_slider_callback(change): if == 'value' and is not None: gradient_shift = max( 0, len(self.images) - len(self.gradient_images)) if >= gradient_shift: self.episode_gradient_image.value = self.gradient_images[ - gradient_shift] self.episode_image.value = self.images[] self.update_timestamp_line( self.episode_slider.observe(episode_slider_callback, type='change') super(EpisodeReview, self).__init__([self.episode_vbox, self.images_hbox])
def __init__(self): self.episode_play = widgets.Play( value=0, min=0, max=100, step=1, description="Press play", disabled=False, interval=10, ) self.update_interval_slider = widgets.IntSlider( min=1, max=300, value=30, ) self.update_interval_box = widgets.HBox( [ widgets.Label("Animation update interval:"), self.update_interval_slider, ] ) self.episode_slider = widgets.IntSlider() self.episode_hbox = widgets.HBox( [self.episode_play, self.episode_slider] ) self.episode_vbox = widgets.VBox( [self.episode_hbox, self.update_interval_box] ) widgets.jslink( (self.episode_play, "value"), (self.episode_slider, "value") ) widgets.jslink( (self.episode_play, "max"), (self.episode_slider, "max") ) widgets.jslink( (self.episode_play, "min"), (self.episode_slider, "min") ) widgets.jslink( (self.update_interval_slider, "value"), (self.episode_play, "interval"), ) self.episode_gradient_image = widgets.Image( format="png", width=120, height=600, ) self.episode_image = widgets.Image( format="png", width=120, height=600, ) x_sc = bq.LinearScale() # x_sc.max = size * 1.3 y_sc = bq.LinearScale() y_sc.max = 1 y_sc2 = bq.LinearScale() self.x_sc = x_sc ax_x = bq.Axis(label="step", scale=x_sc, grid_lines="none") ax_x.min = 0 ax_x.max = 100 ax_y = bq.Axis( label="costs", scale=y_sc, orientation="vertical", grid_lines="solid", ) ax_y2 = bq.Axis( label="speed", scale=y_sc2, orientation="vertical", side="right", grid_lines="none", ) self.costs_plot_lines_costs = Lines( scales={"x": x_sc, "y": y_sc}, display_legend=True, stroke_width=1 ) self.costs_plot_lines_speed = Lines( scales={"x": x_sc, "y": y_sc2}, colors=["red"], display_legend=True, stroke_width=1, ) self.costs_plot_progress = Lines(scales={"x": x_sc, "y": y_sc}) pan_zoom = bq.interacts.PanZoom(scales={"x": [x_sc], "y": []}) self.costs_plot_figure = Figure( marks=[ self.costs_plot_lines_costs, self.costs_plot_lines_speed, self.costs_plot_progress, ], axes=[ax_x, ax_y, ax_y2], title="Costs and speed", legend_location="top-left", interaction=pan_zoom, layout=widgets.Layout(width="100%", height="100%"), ) self.follow_present = widgets.ToggleButton( value=False, description="Follow present", disabled=False, button_style="", # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' ) self.reset_scale = widgets.Button( description="Reset scale", disabled=False, button_style="", # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or '' ) def reset_scale_callback(b): self.reset_costs_plot_scale() self.reset_scale.on_click(reset_scale_callback) self.plot_controls_hbox = widgets.HBox( [self.follow_present, self.reset_scale], layout=widgets.Layout(width="100%", justify_content="center"), ) self.costs_plot_box = widgets.VBox( [self.costs_plot_figure, self.plot_controls_hbox], layout=widgets.Layout(width="100%"), ) self.images_hbox = widgets.HBox( [ self.episode_gradient_image, self.episode_image, self.costs_plot_box, ], layout=widgets.Layout(width="100%"), ) def episode_slider_callback(change): if == "value" and is not None: gradient_shift = max( 0, len(self.images) - len(self.gradient_images) ) if >= gradient_shift: if len(self.gradient_images) > - gradient_shift: self.episode_gradient_image.value = self.gradient_images[ - gradient_shift ] self.episode_image.value = self.images[] self.update_timestamp_line( self.episode_slider.observe(episode_slider_callback, type="change") super(EpisodeReview, self).__init__( [self.episode_vbox, self.images_hbox] )
def get_scales(self): return {"x": bq.DateScale(), "y": bq.LinearScale()}
def __init__(self, video_stream=None, img_path=None, img=None, interactors=None, size=0.5, vision_system=None, frame=None, \ filter_fn=None, apply_filter_to_vision_system_input=False, update_frame_cbs=None, display_colorspace=ColorSpaces.BGR.value, **kwargs): if not (video_stream is not None) ^ (img is not None) ^ ( frame is not None) ^ (img_path is not None): raise Exception( "either path, img or frame must be defined, and not both") self.bq_img = None self.raw_frame = None self.size = size or 1 self.video_stream = video_stream self.togglebutton_group = [] self.interactors = interactors or [] self.vision_system = vision_system self.filter_fn = filter_fn self.apply_filter_to_vision_system_input = apply_filter_to_vision_system_input self.image_plot_scales = {'x': bq.LinearScale(), 'y': bq.LinearScale()} self.hidden = False if display_colorspace in ColorSpaces: self.display_colorspace = display_colorspace.value else: self.display_colorspace = display_colorspace self.update_frame_cbs = update_frame_cbs or [] # read the data from a file to display if img is None: if frame is not None and type(frame is Frame): self.raw_frame = frame elif img_path is not None: self.raw_frame = Frame(cv2.imread(img_path)) else: self.raw_frame = next(self.video_stream) else: self.raw_frame = Frame(img) self.filtered_frame = Frame.copy_of(self.raw_frame) self.labelled_frame = Frame.copy_of(self.filtered_frame) self.update_data_and_display() # link all required interactors for interactor in self.interactors: interactor.link_with(self) self.image_plot = self.make_image_plot() interactors_with_controls = [ interactor for interactor in self.interactors if interactor.ipy_controls is not None ] panel_controls = [ interactor.ipy_controls for interactor in interactors_with_controls if interactor.is_panel ] toolbar_controls = [ interactor.ipy_controls for interactor in interactors_with_controls if not interactor.is_panel ] display_pane = ipy.VBox( [self.image_plot, self.make_image_tools(self.image_plot)] + toolbar_controls) display_pane.layout.width = str( self.size * self.FULL_EXTERNAL_WIDTH) + 'px' # fill accross 1/size times before filling downwards hbox_list = [display_pane] vbox_list = [] for controls in (c for c in panel_controls if c is not None): hbox_list.append(controls) if len(hbox_list) == int(1 / size): vbox_list.append(ipy.HBox(hbox_list)) hbox_list = [] # add the remainder vbox_list += hbox_list super().__init__(vbox_list, **kwargs)
search_min_time, search_max_time) dataset_id = datasets[0] feature_layer = ipyl.GeoJSON(data=features) feature_layer.on_click(map_click_handler) map.layers = [map.layers[0], feature_layer] # In[32]: widget_dsnames = ipyw.Dropdown(options=datasets, value=dataset_id) # This defines the intitial `bqplot` time series plot # In[33]: dt_x = bq.DateScale() sc_y = bq.LinearScale() constraints = {'time>=': search_min_time, 'time<=': search_max_time} df, var = get_data(dataset=dataset_id, standard_name=standard_name, constraints=constraints) def_tt = bq.Tooltip(fields=['y'], formats=['.2f'], labels=['value']) time_series = bq.Lines(x=df.index, y=df[var], scales={ 'x': dt_x, 'y': sc_y }, tooltip=def_tt) ax_x = bq.Axis(scale=dt_x, label='Time')
def create_widget(self, output, plot, dataset, limits): self.plot = plot self.output = output self.dataset = dataset self.limits = np.array(limits).tolist() def fix(v): # bqplot is picky about float and numpy scalars if hasattr(v, 'item'): return v.item() else: return v self.scale_x = bqplot.LinearScale(min=fix(limits[0][0]), max=fix(limits[0][1]), allow_padding=False) self.scale_y = bqplot.LinearScale(min=fix(limits[1][0]), max=fix(limits[1][1]), allow_padding=False) self.scales = {'x': self.scale_x, 'y': self.scale_y} self.figure = plt.figure(self.figure_key, fig=self.figure, scales=self.scales) self.figure.layout.width = 'calc(100% - 400px)' self.figure.layout.min_height = '800px' plt.figure(fig=self.figure) #self.figure.padding_y = 0 x = np.arange(0, 10) y = x**2 self.core_image = widgets.Image(format='png') self.core_image_fix = widgets.Image(format='png') self.image = bqplot.Image(scales=self.scales, image=self.core_image) # triggered by regular mouse click not a brush selector self.image.on_element_click(self.click_to_zoom) self.figure.marks = self.figure.marks + [self.image] self.scatter = s = plt.scatter(x, y, visible=False, rotation=x, scales=self.scales, size=x, marker="arrow") self.panzoom = bqplot.PanZoom(scales={ 'x': [self.scale_x], 'y': [self.scale_y] }) self.figure.interaction = self.panzoom for axes in self.figure.axes: axes.grid_lines = 'none' axes.color = axes.grid_color = axes.label_color = blackish self.figure.axes[0].label = plot.x_label self.figure.axes[1].label = plot.y_label self.figure.axes[1].scale = bqplot.LinearScale(min=0, max=self.scale_y.max - self.scale_y.min, allow_padding=False) self.stuck_ctr = 0 self.base_address = widgets.Label( value=f"Base address: 0x{int(self.limits[1][0]):X}") self.zoom_args = widgets.Text(description="Zoom Args", value=self.zoom_args_string(), disabled=True, style={'description_width': 'initial'}, layout=widgets.Layout(width='50%')) self.curr_action = Action.other self.undo_actions = list() self.redo_actions = list() self.counter = 2 self.scale_x.observe(self._update_limits) self.scale_y.observe(self._update_limits) self.widget = widgets.VBox( [self.figure, self.base_address, self.zoom_args]) self.create_tools()
def test_astro_image(): data = np.zeros((2, 3)) color_scale = bqplot.ColorScale() scale_x = bqplot.LinearScale() scale_y = bqplot.LinearScale() ImageGL(image=data, scales={'image': color_scale, 'x': scale_x, 'y': scale_y})
def __init__(self, view, viewer_state, layer_state=None, layer=None): super(BqplotScatterLayerArtist, self).__init__(viewer_state, layer_state=layer_state, layer=layer) self.view = view self.scale_size = bqplot.LinearScale() self.scale_color = bqplot.ColorScale() self.scale_size_quiver = bqplot.LinearScale(min=0, max=1) self.scale_rotation = bqplot.LinearScale(min=0, max=1) self.scales = dict(self.view.scales, size=self.scale_size, rotation=self.scale_rotation, color=self.scale_color) self.scale_image = bqplot.ColorScale() self.scales_quiver = dict(self.view.scales, size=self.scale_size_quiver, rotation=self.scale_rotation) self.scales_image = dict(self.view.scales, image=self.scale_image) self.scatter = bqplot.ScatterGL(scales=self.scales, x=[0, 1], y=[0, 1]) self.quiver = bqplot.ScatterGL(scales=self.scales_quiver, x=[0, 1], y=[0, 1], visible=False, marker='arrow') self.counts = None self.image = AstroImage(scales=self.scales_image) on_change([(self.state, 'density_map')])(self._on_change_density_map) on_change([(self.state, 'bins')])(self._update_scatter) self._viewer_state.add_global_callback(self._update_scatter) self.view.figure.marks = list( self.view.figure.marks) + [self.image, self.scatter, self.quiver] dlink((self.state, 'color'), (self.scatter, 'colors'), lambda x: [x]) dlink((self.state, 'color'), (self.quiver, 'colors'), lambda x: [x]) self.scatter.observe(self._workaround_unselected_style, 'colors') self.quiver.observe(self._workaround_unselected_style, 'colors') on_change([(self.state, 'cmap_mode', 'cmap_att') ])(self._on_change_cmap_mode_or_att) on_change([(self.state, 'cmap')])(self._on_change_cmap) dlink((self.state, 'cmap_vmin'), (self.scale_color, 'min'), float_or_none) dlink((self.state, 'cmap_vmax'), (self.scale_color, 'max'), float_or_none) on_change([(self.state, 'size', 'size_scaling', 'size_mode', 'size_vmin', 'size_vmax')])(self._update_size) viewer_state.add_callback('x_att', self._update_xy_att) viewer_state.add_callback('y_att', self._update_xy_att) self._update_size() # set initial values for the colormap self._on_change_cmap() self.state.add_callback('visible', self._update_visibility) self.state.add_callback('vector_visible', self._update_visibility) self.state.add_callback('density_map', self._update_visibility) dlink((self.state, 'visible'), (self.scatter, 'visible')) dlink((self.state, 'visible'), (self.image, 'visible')) dlink((self.state, 'alpha'), (self.scatter, 'default_opacities'), lambda x: [x]) dlink((self.state, 'alpha'), (self.quiver, 'default_opacities'), lambda x: [x]) dlink((self.state, 'alpha'), (self.image, 'opacity')) on_change([(self.state, 'vector_visible', 'vx_att', 'vy_att') ])(self._update_quiver) dlink((self.state, 'vector_visible'), (self.quiver, 'visible'))
def __init__(self, y, x=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, title=None): super().__init__() self.x = x self.xlim = xlim or [0, 1] self.ylim = ylim or [0, 1] self.xlabel = xlabel or 'x' self.ylabel = ylabel or 'y' self.title = title or "{} vs {}".format(self.ylabel, self.xlabel) if isinstance(y, list): self.y = y else: self.y = [y] self.colors = [ 'blue', 'red', 'green', 'orange', 'black', 'purple', 'gray' ] self.xscale = bq.LinearScale(min=self.xlim[0], max=self.xlim[1]) self.yscale = bq.LinearScale(min=self.ylim[0], max=self.ylim[1]) if isinstance(self.ylabel, list): ylabel = '' else: ylabel = self.ylabel self.xax = bq.Axis( scale=self.xscale, label=self.xlabel, grid_lines='none', ) self.yax = bq.Axis( scale=self.yscale, label=ylabel, orientation='vertical', grid_lines='none', ) self.num_lines = 0 self.lines = [] self.scatters = [] self.labels = [] if isinstance(self.y, list): for y in self.y: self.create_line(y, display_legend=True) else: self.create_line(self.y) self.fig = bq.Figure(marks=self.lines + self.scatters, axes=[self.xax, self.yax], layout=ipw.Layout(height='550px', width='100%'), title=self.title) self.debug = ipw.Output( layout=ipw.Layout(height='100px', overflow_y='scroll')) self.children = [self.fig]
]) ]), header_rel_html ] #, VBox(list_relative_controls), VBox([floattext_confidence])] def updatecontrolinui(): UI_model.children[0].children = UI_viewcontrol updateviewcontrol() # END OF ************************************************************************************* GUI portion of the code that contains various labels,checkboxes etc. *********************** # START OF ************************************************************************************************************** Build bar charts (use of bqp) *********************** x_ord = bqp.OrdinalScale() y_sc = bqp.LinearScale() y_sc.max = 1 #Plot #1 i.e. Creation of the bar plot bar = bqp.Bars( x=[], y=[], scales={ 'x': x_ord, 'y': y_sc }, orientation="horizontal", display_legend=True, labels=[ 'Initial Weights', 'Mkt Efficient Portfolio (Max Sharpe)',
def metrics(id, y_true, y_pred, protected, desc, x_ticks, pname, backend="bqplot"): """Plot a stack of figures for the three metrics.""" figure_name = f"Fairness_{id}_{desc}" dis = protected.astype(bool) tn_adv, fp_adv, fn_adv, tp_adv = confusion_matrix(y_true[~dis], y_pred[~dis]).ravel() tn_dis, fp_dis, fn_dis, tp_dis = confusion_matrix(y_true[dis], y_pred[dis]).ravel() # Also just count all positives and negatives pos_adv = tp_adv + fp_adv # all positives pos_dis = tp_dis + fp_dis neg_adv = tn_adv + fn_adv # all negatives neg_dis = tn_dis + fn_dis # Demographic Parity dem_par = (pos_dis / (pos_dis + neg_dis)) / (pos_adv / (pos_adv + neg_adv)) # Equal Opportunity eq_opp = (tp_dis / (tp_dis + fn_dis)) / (tp_adv / (tp_adv + fn_adv)) acc_adv = np.mean(y_true[~dis] == y_pred[~dis]) acc_dis = np.mean(y_true[dis] == y_pred[dis]) print("Acc adv: {}".format(acc_adv)) print("Acc dis: {}".format(acc_dis)) def normalise(nd): numer, denom = nd numer = np.asarray(numer, float) denom = np.asarray(denom, float) total = numer + denom total /= 100. # make percentage numer = numer / total denom = denom / total return [numer, denom] def describe(rate): rate = np.round(rate, 2) # make a percent if rate < 0.5: return f"{rate:.0%} as often" elif rate == 0.5: return "half as often" elif rate < 1.: return f"{1. - rate:.0%} less often" elif rate == 1.: return "equally often" elif rate < 2.: return f"{rate - 1.:.0%} more often" elif rate == 2.: return "twice as often" elif rate < 4: return f"{rate:.1f}x as often" elif rate < 10: return f"{rate:.0f}x as often" else: return "significantly more often" # if eo > 0.995: # stake = f"Suitable {groups[0].capitalize()} and {groups[1]} are selected at equal rates." def bqbars(values, colors, title, stake): fig = plt.figure() eo_bars =, values, colors=colors) plt.ylabel("Fraction (%)") plt.xlabel(stake) fig.title = title return fig def matplotbars(ax, values, colors, title, stake): b0 =, values[0], width=0.5, color=colors[0]) b1 =, values[1], bottom=values[0], width=0.5, color=colors[1]) ax.set_ylabel("Fraction (%)") ax.set_xlabel(stake) ax.set_title(title) return b0, b1 eov = normalise([[tp_adv, tp_dis], [fn_adv, fn_dis]]) eov_title = "Opportunity{}".format(desc) eov_stake = f"Suitable {pname} are selected {describe(eq_opp)}." eov_colors = ["green", "lightgreen"] dpv = normalise([[pos_adv, pos_dis], [neg_adv, neg_dis]]) dpv_title = "Selection Rates{}".format(desc) dpv_stake = f"{pname} are selected {describe(dem_par)}." dpv_colors = ["black", "gray"] ppv = normalise([[tp_adv, tp_dis], [fp_adv, fp_dis]]) # error rates (false Discovery Rate parity) prec_par = (tp_dis / pos_dis) / (tp_adv / pos_adv) ppv_title = "Precision{}".format(desc) #ppv_stake = f"{pname.capitalize()} are selected {describe(prec_par)}.".replace("often", "precisely") ppv_stake = f"Selected {pname} are profitable {describe(prec_par)}." ppv_colors = ["green", "red"] print("Selection: {}".format(dpv)) print("Opportunity: {}".format(eov)) print("Precision: {}".format(ppv)) if backend == "bqplot": scales = { "x": bq.OrdinalScale(), "y": bq.LinearScale(), } eo_fig = bqbars(eov, eov_colors, eov_title, eov_stake) dp_fig = bqbars(dpv, dpv_colors, dpv_title, dpv_stake) pp_fig = bqbars(ppv, ppv_colors, ppv_title, ppv_stake) fairbox = widgets.HBox(( dp_fig, eo_fig, pp_fig, )) fairbox.layout.width = "99%" display(fairbox) eo_fig.axes[0].color = eo_fig.axes[1].color = "Black" dp_fig.axes[0].color = dp_fig.axes[1].color = "Black" pp_fig.axes[0].color = pp_fig.axes[1].color = "Black" else: fig, ax = mplt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 3), dpi=DPI) def clean(strv): # We have a bit more room for better sentences val = strv.replace("SE Asian", "SE Asians").replace("x ", " times ") # split the line s = len(val) // 2 a = val[s:].find(' ') b = val[:s][::-1].find(' ') split = s + a if (b >= 0 and b < a) or (a < 0): split = s - b - 1 val = val[:split] + "\n" + val[split + 1:] return val sa, na = matplotbars(ax[0], dpv, dpv_colors, dpv_title, clean(dpv_stake)) es, en = matplotbars(ax[1], eov, eov_colors, eov_title, clean(eov_stake)) _, ii = matplotbars(ax[2], ppv, ppv_colors, ppv_title, clean(ppv_stake)) mplt.legend( (es, en, sa, na, ii), ( "Profitable (Selected)", "Profitable (Rejected)", "Selected (All)", "Rejected (All)", "Not Profitable (Selected)", ), bbox_to_anchor=(1.25, 0.75), ) mplt.tight_layout() fig.savefig("images/" + figure_name + ".png", bbox_inches="tight")
## ## Set up counts versus time plot ## # Set up Species to be Generic init_species_ind = 0 # Set up initial time init_time = 0 init_time_idx = 0 # Set up axes x_time = bq.LinearScale(min = 0, max=max_half_lifes) y_number = bq.LinearScale(min = 0, max=N_parent) y_fraction = bq.LinearScale(min = 0, max=1) # Labels and scales for Axes ax_x_time = bq.Axis(label=species['timeunits'][init_species_ind], scale=x_time, num_ticks = time_ticks, tick_values = half_life_ticks ) ax_y_number = bq.Axis(label='Number of atoms', scale=y_number, orientation='vertical') ax_y_fraction = bq.Axis(label='Fraction of atoms', scale=y_fraction, orientation='vertical') # Define tooltip (Bug: doesn't allow relabeling Tooltips, also needs to apply to Scatter, not Lines) #def_tt_parent = bq.Tooltip(fields=['x', 'y'], formats=['.2f', '3.0f'], labels=['time', species['parent_short'][init_species_ind]]) #def_tt_daughter = bq.Tooltip(fields=['x', 'y'], formats=['.2f', '3.0f'], labels=['time', species['daughter_short'][init_species_ind]]) def_tt_parent = bq.Tooltip(fields=['x', 'y'], formats=['.2f', '.3f'], labels=['time', 'amount of parent isotope']) def_tt_daughter = bq.Tooltip(fields=['x', 'y'], formats=['.2f', '.3f'], labels=['time', 'amount of daughter isotope'])
def interactive_body(body, angles, bodies, r_arm=True, l_arm=True, r_leg=True, l_leg=True, neck_p=True): """Plot an interactive body with which we can play. Only call this function on a complete body (for now)""" def refresh(_): i = 0 to_update = [] if l_arm: left_arm.x, left_arm.y = [[p[2][0], scat.x[i], scat.x[i + 1]], [p[2][1], scat.y[i], scat.y[i + 1]]] to_update.append(3) to_update.append(4) i += 2 if r_arm: right_arm.x, right_arm.y = [[p[6][0], scat.x[i], scat.x[i + 1]], [p[6][1], scat.y[i], scat.y[i + 1]]] to_update.append(7) to_update.append(8) i += 2 if l_leg: left_leg.x, left_leg.y = [[p[9][0], scat.x[i], scat.x[i + 1]], [p[9][1], scat.y[i], scat.y[i + 1]]] to_update.append(10) to_update.append(11) i += 2 if r_leg: right_leg.x, right_leg.y = [[p[13][0], scat.x[i], scat.x[i + 1]], [p[13][1], scat.y[i], scat.y[i + 1]]] to_update.append(14) to_update.append(15) i += 2 if neck_p: to_update.append(0) neck.x, neck.y = [[p[1][0], scat.x[i]], [p[1][1], scat.y[i]]] head.x = np.cos(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)) * 60 + neck.x[1] head.y = np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)) * 65 + neck.y[1] #update body for i in range(len(to_update)): body[0][to_update[i]] = [scat.x[i], scat.y[i]] body_angles = [] b_angles = member_relative_angles(body) if l_arm: body_angles.append(b_angles[0]) body_angles.append(b_angles[1]) if r_arm: body_angles.append(b_angles[2]) body_angles.append(b_angles[3]) if l_leg: body_angles.append(b_angles[4]) body_angles.append(b_angles[5]) if r_leg: body_angles.append(b_angles[6]) body_angles.append(b_angles[7]) if neck_p: body_angles.append(b_angles[8]) b = get_nearest_neighbor(np.transpose(all_angles), np.transpose(body_angles), bodies)[0] p2 = b[0] nchest.x, nchest.y = np.transpose( [p2[1], p2[2], p2[9], p2[13], p2[6], p2[1], p2[0]]) nhead.x = np.cos(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)) * 60 + p2[0][0] nhead.y = np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)) * 65 + p2[0][1] nleft_arm.x, nleft_arm.y = [[p2[2][0], p2[3][0], p2[4][0]], [p2[2][1], p2[3][1], p2[4][1]]] nright_arm.x, nright_arm.y = [[p2[6][0], p2[7][0], p2[8][0]], [p2[6][1], p2[7][1], p2[8][1]]] nleft_leg.x, nleft_leg.y = [[p2[9][0], p2[10][0], p2[11][0]], [p2[9][1], p2[10][1], p2[11][1]]] nright_leg.x, nright_leg.y = [[p2[13][0], p2[14][0], p2[15][0]], [p2[13][1], p2[14][1], p2[15][1]]] scales = { 'x': bqp.LinearScale(min=0, max=1000), 'y': bqp.LinearScale(min=1000, max=0) } #initialization of the nearest neighbor of the interactive body. body_angles = [] all_angles = [] b_angles = member_relative_angles(body) a = np.transpose(angles) if l_arm: body_angles.append(b_angles[0]) body_angles.append(b_angles[1]) all_angles.append(a[0]) all_angles.append(a[1]) if r_arm: body_angles.append(b_angles[2]) body_angles.append(b_angles[3]) all_angles.append(a[2]) all_angles.append(a[3]) if l_leg: body_angles.append(b_angles[4]) body_angles.append(b_angles[5]) all_angles.append(a[4]) all_angles.append(a[5]) if r_leg: body_angles.append(b_angles[6]) body_angles.append(b_angles[7]) all_angles.append(a[6]) all_angles.append(a[7]) if neck_p: body_angles.append(b_angles[8]) all_angles.append(a[8]) nbody = get_nearest_neighbor(np.transpose(all_angles), np.transpose(body_angles), bodies)[0] #points of the interactive and neighbor bodies p = body[0] p2 = nbody[0] marks = [] #Constructions of the two bodies: the interactive one and its nearest neighbor. body part beginnig with n... are part of the neighbor. #draw the chest chest = bqp.Lines(scales=scales) chest.x, chest.y = np.transpose([p[1], p[2], p[9], p[13], p[6], p[1]]) marks.append(chest) nchest = bqp.Lines(scales=scales, colors=['red']) nchest.x, nchest.y = np.transpose( [p2[1], p2[2], p2[9], p2[13], p2[6], p2[1], p2[0]]) marks.append(nchest) #draw the head head = bqp.Lines(scales=scales) head.x = np.cos(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)) * 60 + p[0][0] head.y = np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)) * 65 + p[0][1] marks.append(head) nhead_x = np.cos(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)) * 60 + p2[0][0] nhead_y = np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)) * 65 + p2[0][1] nhead = bqp.Lines(x=nhead_x, y=nhead_y, scales=scales, colors=['red']) marks.append(nhead) to_keep = list() if l_arm: to_keep.append(p[3]) to_keep.append(p[4]) if r_arm: to_keep.append(p[7]) to_keep.append(p[8]) if l_leg: to_keep.append(p[10]) to_keep.append(p[11]) if r_leg: to_keep.append(p[14]) to_keep.append(p[15]) if neck_p: to_keep.append(p[0]) #movable points: arms first, left side first scat = bqp.Scatter(scales=scales, enable_move=True, update_on_move=True, stroke_width=7) scat.x, scat.y = np.transpose(to_keep) marks.append(scat) i = 0 left_arm = bqp.Lines(scales=scales) if l_arm: left_arm.x, left_arm.y = [[p[2][0], scat.x[i], scat.x[i + 1]], [p[2][1], scat.y[i], scat.y[i + 1]]] i += 2 else: left_arm.x, left_arm.y = [[p[2][0], p[3][0], p[4][0]], [p[2][1], p[3][1], p[4][1]]] marks.append(left_arm) nleft_arm = bqp.Lines(scales=scales, colors=['red']) nleft_arm.x, nleft_arm.y = [[p2[2][0], p2[3][0], p2[4][0]], [p2[2][1], p2[3][1], p2[4][1]]] marks.append(nleft_arm) right_arm = bqp.Lines(scales=scales) if r_arm: right_arm.x, right_arm.y = [[p[6][0], scat.x[i], scat.x[i + 1]], [p[6][1], scat.y[i], scat.y[i + 1]]] i += 2 else: right_arm.x, right_arm.y = [[p[6][0], p[7][0], p[8][0]], [p[6][1], p[7][1], p[8][1]]] marks.append(right_arm) nright_arm = bqp.Lines(scales=scales, colors=['red']) nright_arm.x, nright_arm.y = [[p2[6][0], p2[7][0], p2[8][0]], [p2[6][1], p2[7][1], p2[8][1]]] marks.append(nright_arm) left_leg = bqp.Lines(scales=scales) if l_leg: left_leg.x, left_leg.y = [[p[9][0], scat.x[i], scat.x[i + 1]], [p[9][1], scat.y[i], scat.y[i + 1]]] i += 2 else: left_leg.x, left_leg.y = [[p[9][0], p[10][0], p[11][0]], [p[9][1], p[10][1], p[11][1]]] marks.append(left_leg) nleft_leg = bqp.Lines(scales=scales, colors=['red']) nleft_leg.x, nleft_leg.y = [[p2[9][0], p2[10][0], p2[11][0]], [p2[9][1], p2[10][1], p2[11][1]]] marks.append(nleft_leg) right_leg = bqp.Lines(scales=scales) if r_leg: right_leg.x, right_leg.y = [[p[13][0], scat.x[i], scat.x[i + 1]], [p[13][1], scat.y[i], scat.y[i + 1]]] i += 2 else: right_leg.x, right_leg.y = [[p[13][0], p[14][0], p[15][0]], [p[13][1], p[14][1], p[15][1]]] marks.append(right_leg) nright_leg = bqp.Lines(scales=scales, colors=['red']) nright_leg.x, nright_leg.y = [[p2[13][0], p2[14][0], p2[15][0]], [p2[13][1], p2[14][1], p2[15][1]]] marks.append(nright_leg) neck = bqp.Lines(scales=scales) if neck_p: neck.x, neck.y = [[p[1][0], scat.x[i]], [p[1][1], scat.y[i]]] i += 1 else: neck.x, neck.y = [[p[1][0], p[0][0]], [p[1][1], p[0][1]]] marks.append(neck) scat.observe(refresh, names=['x', 'y']) return bqp.Figure(marks=marks, padding_y=0., min_height=750, min_width=750)
def _init_grid(self): # Set up scales for the spatial x, spatial y, spectral, and flux self.scale_x = bqplot.LinearScale(min=0, max=1) self.scale_y = bqplot.LinearScale(min=0, max=1) self.scale_spec = bqplot.LinearScale(min=0, max=1) self.scale_flux = bqplot.LinearScale(min=0, max=1) # Set up colorscale self.scale_cutout_image = ColorScale(colors=['black', 'white']) self.scale_spec2d_image = ColorScale(colors=['black', 'white']) # Set up axes self.axis_x = bqplot.Axis(scale=self.scale_x, grid_lines='solid', label='x') self.axis_y = bqplot.Axis(scale=self.scale_y, grid_lines='solid', label='y', orientation='vertical') self.axis_spec = bqplot.Axis(scale=self.scale_spec, grid_lines='solid', label='spec') self.axis_flux = bqplot.Axis(scale=self.scale_flux, grid_lines='solid', label='flux', orientation='vertical') # Set up bqplot viewers # ===================== # Cutout # ------ self.fig_cutout = bqplot.Figure(scales={ 'x': self.scale_x, 'y': self.scale_y }, axes=[self.axis_x, self.axis_y], layout={ 'width': '500px', 'height': '400px' }) self.fig_cutout.interaction = PanZoom(scales={ 'x': [self.scale_x], 'y': [self.scale_y] }) # Spec 2d # ------- self.fig_spec2d = bqplot.Figure(scales={ 'x': self.scale_spec, 'y': self.scale_y }, axes=[self.axis_spec, self.axis_y], layout={ 'width': '500px', 'height': '400px' }) self.fig_spec2d.interaction = PanZoom(scales={ 'x': [self.scale_spec], 'y': [self.scale_y] }) # Spec 1d # ------- self.fig_spec1d = bqplot.Figure(scales={ 'x': self.scale_spec, 'y': self.scale_flux }, axes=[self.axis_spec, self.axis_flux], layout={ 'width': '500px', 'height': '400px' }) self.fig_spec1d.interaction = PanZoom(scales={ 'x': [self.scale_spec], 'y': [self.scale_flux] }) # info box # -------- self.info_box = Textarea(value='Hello World') self.info_box.layout.height = '100%' self.info_box.layout.width = '100%' self.info_box.layout.align_self = 'flex-end' # Set up content of figures # ========================= self.cutout_mark = AstroImage(scales={ 'x': self.scale_x, 'y': self.scale_y, 'image': self.scale_cutout_image }) self.fig_cutout.marks = [self.cutout_mark] self.spec2d_mark = AstroImage( scales={ 'x': self.scale_spec, 'y': self.scale_y, 'image': self.scale_spec2d_image }) self.fig_spec2d.marks = [self.spec2d_mark] self.spec1d_mark = bqplot.Lines(scales={ 'x': self.scale_spec, 'y': self.scale_flux }, x=[], y=[]) self.fig_spec1d.marks = [self.spec1d_mark] GridBox.__init__(self, [ self.fig_cutout, HTML(), self.fig_spec2d, HTML(), HTML(), HTML(), self.info_box, HTML(), self.fig_spec1d ], layout=Layout(width='100%', grid_template_columns='35% 5% 35%', grid_template_rows='30% 5% 30%', grid_gap='30px 30px')) self.layout.justify_content = "center" self.layout.align_items = "center"
def square_orbit(x0, y0): sc_x = bqplot.LinearScale(min=-1.2, max=1.2) sc_y = bqplot.LinearScale(min=-1.2, max=1.2) z0 = x0 + y0 * 1j z_point = bqplot.Scatter(x=[z0.real], y=[z0.imag], scales={ 'x': sc_x, 'y': sc_y }, colors=['green'], enable_move=True, default_size=200) z_point.update_on_move = True z_label = bqplot.Label(x=[z0.real + .05], y=[z0.imag + .05], scales={ 'x': sc_x, 'y': sc_y }, colors=['green'], text=['z0'], default_size=26, font_weight='bolder') scatt = bqplot.Scatter(x=[], y=[], scales={ 'x': sc_x, 'y': sc_y }, colors=['black'], default_size=20) theta = np.linspace(0, 2. * np.pi, 1000) x = np.cos(theta) y = np.sin(theta) #circle = bqplot.Lines(x=x, y=y, scales={'x': sc_x, 'y': sc_y}, colors=['black']) lin = bqplot.Lines(x=[], y=[], scales={ 'x': sc_x, 'y': sc_y }, colors=['black'], stroke_width=1) def update_line(change=None): out = orbit(z_point.x + 1j * z_point.y) z_label.x = z_point.x + 0.05 z_label.y = z_point.y + 0.05 lin.x = out.real lin.y = out.imag scatt.x = out.real.flatten() scatt.y = out.imag.flatten() update_line() # update line on change of x or y of scatter z_point.observe(update_line, names=['x']) z_point.observe(update_line, names=['y']) ax_x = bqplot.Axis(scale=sc_x, offset=dict(value=0.5), grid_lines='none') ax_y = bqplot.Axis(scale=sc_y, orientation='vertical', offset=dict(value=0.5), grid_lines='none') #fig = bqplot.Figure(marks=[scatt, lin, circle, z_point, z_label], axes=[ax_x, ax_y], #min_aspect_ratio=1, max_aspect_ratio=1) fig = bqplot.Figure(marks=[scatt, lin, z_point, z_label], axes=[ax_x, ax_y], min_aspect_ratio=1, max_aspect_ratio=1) fig.layout.height = '800px' return fig
def __init__(self, rope): super().__init__() title = ipw.HTML("<h3>Rope Parameters</h3>") self.rope = rope grid = rope.grid z_quants = ['water_speeds', 'water_angles', 'frond_lengths', 'frond_stds', 'num_fronds'] z_scale = bq.LinearScale(min=grid.z.minval, max=grid.z.maxval) z_ax = bq.Axis(scale=z_scale, label='Depth (z)', grid_lines='none') mins = { 'water_speeds': 0, 'water_angles': 0, 'frond_lengths': 0, 'frond_stds': 0, 'num_fronds': 0, } maxs = { 'water_speeds': 50, 'water_angles': 2*np.pi, 'frond_lengths': 3, 'frond_stds': .5, 'num_fronds': 5000 } colors = { 'water_speeds': 'red', 'water_angles': 'green', 'frond_lengths': 'blue', 'frond_stds': 'yellow', 'num_fronds': 'purple' } ylabels = { 'water_speeds': 'Water current velocity', 'water_angles': 'Water current angle', 'frond_lengths': 'Frond length mean', 'frond_stds': 'Frond length std. dev.', 'num_fronds': 'Number of fronds' } values = {} figs = {} for quant in z_quants: values[quant] = getattr(rope, quant) ylim = np.array([mins[quant], maxs[quant]], dtype=float) labels = {'xlabel': 'z', 'ylabel': '', 'title': ylabels[quant]} figs[quant] = HandDrawFigure(rope, quant, grid.z, ylim, labels, color=colors[quant]) self.children = [ title, ipw.HBox([ figs['water_speeds'], figs['water_angles'], ]), ipw.HBox([ figs['frond_lengths'], figs['frond_stds'] ]), ipw.HBox([ figs['num_fronds'] ]) ]
def __init__(self, session, state=None): # if we allow padding, we sometimes get odd behaviour with the interacts self.scale_x = bqplot.LinearScale(min=0, max=1, allow_padding=False) self.scale_y = bqplot.LinearScale(min=0, max=1) self.scales = {'x': self.scale_x, 'y': self.scale_y} self.axis_x = bqplot.Axis(scale=self.scale_x, grid_lines='none', label='x') self.axis_y = bqplot.Axis(scale=self.scale_y, orientation='vertical', tick_format='0.2f', grid_lines='none', label='y') self.figure = bqplot.Figure(scales=self.scales, animation_duration=0, axes=[self.axis_x, self.axis_y], fig_margin={ 'left': 60, 'bottom': 60, 'top': 10, 'right': 10 }) self.figure.padding_y = 0 self._fig_margin_default = self.figure.fig_margin self._fig_margin_zero = dict(self.figure.fig_margin) self._fig_margin_zero['left'] = 0 self._fig_margin_zero['bottom'] = 0 super(BqplotBaseView, self).__init__(session, state=state) # Remove the following two lines once glue v0.16 is required - see # for more information. self.state.remove_callback('layers', self._sync_layer_artist_container) self.state.add_callback('layers', self._sync_layer_artist_container, priority=10000) def update_axes(*ignore): try: # Extract units from data x_unit = self.state.reference_data.get_component( self.state.x_att_world).units except AttributeError: # If no data loaded yet, ignore units x_unit = "" finally: # Append units to axis label self.axis_x.label = str(self.state.x_att) + " " + str(x_unit) if self.is2d: self.axis_y.label = str(self.state.y_att) try: y_unit = self.state.reference_data.get_component( self.state.y_att_world).units except AttributeError: y_unit = "" finally: self.axis_y.label = str( self.state.y_att) + " " + str(y_unit) self.state.add_callback('x_att', update_axes) if self.is2d: self.state.add_callback('y_att', update_axes) self.scale_x.observe(self.update_glue_scales, names=['min', 'max']) self.scale_y.observe(self.update_glue_scales, names=['min', 'max']) dlink((self.state, 'x_min'), (self.scale_x, 'min'), float_or_none) dlink((self.state, 'x_max'), (self.scale_x, 'max'), float_or_none) dlink((self.state, 'y_min'), (self.scale_y, 'min'), float_or_none) dlink((self.state, 'y_max'), (self.scale_y, 'max'), float_or_none) on_change([(self.state, 'show_axes')])(self._sync_show_axes) self.create_layout()
def _gen_series_tab(self): """Creates widgets for selecting timeseries data. - Dropdown to select column from dataframe. - Interactive bqplot with BrushIntervalSelector. Returns ------- widget : tab content widget """ scales = { 'x': bqp.DateScale(), 'y': bqp.LinearScale(), 'color': bqp.ColorScale(scheme='oranges') } axes = [ bqp.Axis(scale=scales['x'], label='Date', num_ticks=int(len(self._data.index) / 2)), bqp.Axis(scale=scales['y'], label='Value', orientation='vertical') ] mark = bqp.Lines(scales=scales) feature_selector = widgets.Dropdown(options=self._data.columns, description='Feature:') def feature_selection_callback(change): """Callback to update graph when new data has been selected Parameters ---------- change : dict Widget and changed values. """ self._selected_feature = fig.title = f'Feature: {}' series = self._data[] mark.x = series.index mark.y = series.values # register callback for dropdown value-change events feature_selector.observe(feature_selection_callback, ['value']) def brush_sel_dt_callback(change): """Callback to update graph when new data has been selected Parameters ---------- change : dict Widget and changed values. """ tstamps = selector.selected if isinstance(tstamps, np.ndarray): tstamps = tstamps.tolist() if not selector.brushing and tstamps: # extract year and month from timestamp string: e.g. 2000-03-11T06:51:50.089000 -> 2000-03 dates = [ pd.to_datetime(re.split(r'-\d\dT', str(ts))[0]) for ts in tstamps ] self._selected_dates = dates selector = bqpi.BrushIntervalSelector(scale=scales['x'], color='blue') # register callback for BrushIntervalSelector brushing events selector.observe(brush_sel_dt_callback, ['brushing']) fig = bqp.Figure(marks=[mark], axes=axes, interaction=selector, layout=widgets.Layout(width='880px', height='380px'), animation_duration=1000) def reset_btn_click(b): """Reset selector and update instance properties accordingly. Parameters ---------- b : Button Button instance. """ selector.reset() self.reset() reset_btn = widgets.Button(description='reset') reset_btn.on_click(reset_btn_click) return widgets.VBox(children=[ widgets.HBox(children=[feature_selector, reset_btn]), fig ])