def process(self, inputs): """ Plot the P & L graph from the `strategy_returns` column. `label` in the `conf` defines the stock symbol name Arguments ------- inputs: list list of input dataframes. Returns ------- Figure """ input_df = inputs[0] if isinstance(input_df, dask_cudf.DataFrame): input_df = input_df.compute() # get the computed value label = 'stock' if 'label' in self.conf: label = self.conf['label'] num_points = self.conf['points'] stride = max(len(input_df) // num_points, 1) date_co = DateScale() linear_co = LinearScale() yax = Axis(label='Cumulative return', scale=linear_co, orientation='vertical') xax = Axis(label='Time', scale=date_co, orientation='horizontal') panzoom_main = PanZoom(scales={'x': [date_co]}) line = Lines(x=input_df['datetime'][::stride], y=(input_df['strategy_returns'].cumsum())[::stride], scales={'x': date_co, 'y': linear_co}, colors=['blue'], labels=[label], display_legend=True) new_fig = Figure(marks=[line], axes=[yax, xax], title='P & L', interaction=panzoom_main) return new_fig
def __init__(self, viewer, **kwargs): super().__init__(viewer, **kwargs) self.interact = PanZoom(scales={ 'x': [self.viewer.scale_x], 'y': [self.viewer.scale_y] })
def process(self, inputs): """ Plot the lines from the input dataframe. The plotted lines are the columns in the input dataframe which are specified in the `lines` of node's `conf` The plot title is defined in the `title` of the node's `conf` Arguments ------- inputs: list list of input dataframes. Returns ------- Figure """ input_df = inputs[self.INPUT_PORT_NAME] num_points = self.conf['points'] stride = max(len(input_df) // num_points, 1) date_co = DateScale() linear_co = LinearScale() yax = Axis(label='', scale=linear_co, orientation='vertical') xax = Axis(label='Time', scale=date_co, orientation='horizontal') panzoom_main = PanZoom(scales={'x': [date_co]}) lines = [] for line in self.conf['lines']: col_name = line['column'] label_name = line['label'] color = line['color'] if (isinstance(input_df, cudf.DataFrame) or isinstance(input_df, dask_cudf.DataFrame)): line = Lines(x=input_df['datetime'][::stride].to_array(), y=input_df[col_name][::stride].to_array(), scales={ 'x': date_co, 'y': linear_co }, colors=[color], labels=[label_name], display_legend=True) else: line = Lines(x=input_df['datetime'][::stride], y=input_df[col_name][::stride], scales={ 'x': date_co, 'y': linear_co }, colors=[color], labels=[label_name], display_legend=True) lines.append(line) new_fig = Figure(marks=lines, axes=[yax, xax], title=self.conf['title'], interaction=panzoom_main) return {self.OUTPUT_PORT_NAME: new_fig}
def process(self, inputs): """ Plot the ROC curve Arguments ------- inputs: list list of input dataframes. Returns ------- Figure """ input_df = inputs[self.INPUT_PORT_NAME] if isinstance(input_df, dask_cudf.DataFrame): input_df = input_df.compute() # get the computed value label_col = input_df[self.conf['label']].values pred_col = input_df[self.conf['prediction']].values if isinstance(input_df, cudf.DataFrame): fpr, tpr, _ = metrics.roc_curve(label_col.get(), pred_col.get()) else: fpr, tpr, _ = metrics.roc_curve(label_col, pred_col) auc_value = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr) out = {} if self.outport_connected(self.OUTPUT_PORT_NAME): linear_x = LinearScale() linear_y = LinearScale() yax = Axis(label='True Positive Rate', scale=linear_x, orientation='vertical') xax = Axis(label='False Positive Rate', scale=linear_y, orientation='horizontal') panzoom_main = PanZoom(scales={'x': [linear_x]}) curve_label = 'ROC (area = {:.2f})'.format(auc_value) line = Lines(x=fpr, y=tpr, scales={'x': linear_x, 'y': linear_y}, colors=['blue'], labels=[curve_label], display_legend=True) new_fig = Figure(marks=[line], axes=[yax, xax], title='ROC Curve', interaction=panzoom_main) out.update({self.OUTPUT_PORT_NAME: new_fig}) if self.outport_connected(self.OUTPUT_VALUE_NAME): out.update({self.OUTPUT_VALUE_NAME: float(auc_value)}) return out
def __init__(self, volume=None, default_directory=os.getcwd(), title='', enhancement_steps=1000, **kwargs): def on_chosen_path_change(old_path, new_path): self.dataset = FolderDataset(new_path) # TODO: If the path doesn't contain images, display a warning # A widget for changing the image folder self.pathchooser = PathChooser( chosen_path_desc='Image folder:', default_directory=default_directory, on_chosen_path_change=on_chosen_path_change, ) self.pathchooser.layout.margin = '0 0 10px 0' # The number of increments of the min/max slider self.enhancement_steps = enhancement_steps self.scales = { 'x': LinearScale(), 'y': LinearScale(), } # The currently displayed image will be in bytes at `self.image_plot.image.value` self.image_plot = BQImage( image=IPyImage(), scales=self.scales, ) self.figure = Figure( marks=[self.image_plot], padding_x=0, padding_y=0, animation_duration=1000, fig_margin={ 'top': 0, 'right': 0, 'bottom': 0, 'left': 0, }, layout=Layout( grid_area='figure', margin='0', width='320px', height='320px', ), ) # Custom toolbar toolbar_width = '100%' toolbar_margin = '0px 0 2px 0' self.pan_zoom = PanZoom(scales={ 'x': [self.scales['x']], 'y': [self.scales['y']], }, ) self.save_button = Button( description='Save Image', tooltip='Save Image', icon='save', layout=Layout( width=toolbar_width, # flex='1 1 auto', margin=toolbar_margin, ), ) self.save_button.on_click(self.save_current_image) self.hide_button = Button( description='Hide Image', tooltip='Hide Image', icon='eye-slash', layout=Layout( width=toolbar_width, # flex='1 1 auto', margin=toolbar_margin, )) self.hide_button.on_click(self.hide_current_image) self.pan_zoom_toggle_button = ToggleButton( description='Pan / Zoom', tooltip='Pan/Zoom', icon='arrows', layout=Layout( width=toolbar_width, # flex='1 1 auto', margin=toolbar_margin, ), ) self.pan_zoom_toggle_button.observe(self.on_pan_zoom_toggle, names='value') self.reset_pan_zoom_button = Button( description='Undo Zoom', tooltip='Reset pan/zoom', icon='refresh', layout=Layout( width=toolbar_width, # flex='1 1 auto', margin=toolbar_margin, ), ) self.reset_pan_zoom_button.on_click(self.reset_pan_zoom) self.reset_enhancements_button = Button( description='Un-Enhance', tooltip='Reset enhancements', icon='ban', layout=Layout( width=toolbar_width, # flex='1 1 auto', margin=toolbar_margin, ), ) self.reset_enhancements_button.on_click(self.reset_enhancements) self.mini_map = IPyImage(layout=Layout( grid_area='mini-map', margin='0', )) self.mini_map.width = 180 self.mini_map.height = 180 # PERFORMANCE CONCERN # Ideally instead of four observations, this would observe 'scales' on `self.pan_zoom` # However, it doesn't fire updates # Ref: self.image_plot.scales['x'].observe(self.on_pan_zoom_change('x_min'), names='min') self.image_plot.scales['x'].observe(self.on_pan_zoom_change('x_max'), names='max') self.image_plot.scales['y'].observe(self.on_pan_zoom_change('y_min'), names='min') self.image_plot.scales['y'].observe(self.on_pan_zoom_change('y_max'), names='max') self.plane_toggle = ToggleButtons( options=['yz', 'xz', 'xy'], description='', disabled=False, button_style='', tooltips=[ 'Step in x direction', 'Step in y direction', 'Step in z direction' ], layout=Layout( width='200px', # flex='1 1 auto', margin='7px 0 auto auto', ), ) = 'auto' self.plane_toggle.observe(self.on_plane_change, names='value') self.toolbar = VBox( children=[ self.save_button, self.hide_button, self.pan_zoom_toggle_button, self.reset_pan_zoom_button, self.reset_enhancements_button, ], layout=Layout( grid_area='toolbar', margin='0', ), ) # Image enhancements self.min_max_slider = FloatRangeSlider( value=[0, 255], min=0, max=255, step=255 / self.enhancement_steps, description='Min/Max:', orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='.1f', continuous_update=True, layout=Layout( grid_area='min-max-slider', margin='10px 0 10px -10px', width='100%', ), ) self.min_max_slider.observe(self.on_min_max_change, names='value') self.index_slider = IntSlider( value=0, min=0, max=1, step=1, description='Index:', orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='d', continuous_update=True, layout=Layout( grid_area='index-slider', margin='8px -20px 10px -36px', width='100%', ), ) self.index_slider.observe(self.on_image_index_change, names='value') # Animation = Play( value=self.index_slider.value, min=self.index_slider.min, max=self.index_slider.max, step=self.index_slider.step, ) jslink((, 'value'), (self.index_slider, 'value')) # Keep 'max' in sync as well self.index_slider.observe(self.on_index_slider_max_change, names='max') self.bottom_bar = HBox( children=[, self.index_slider, self.plane_toggle, ], layout=Layout( grid_area='bottom-bar', margin=f'10px -20px 0 0', # overflow='hidden', )) # Layout self.gridbox = GridBox(children=[ self.figure, self.toolbar, self.mini_map, self.min_max_slider, self.bottom_bar, ], ) # Initially hidden without data self.gridbox.layout.display = 'none' self._dataset = None if volume is not None: self.dataset = VolumeDataset(volume) # Hide pathchooser when using a volume self.pathchooser.layout.display = 'none' # Call VBox super class __init__ super().__init__( children=[ self.pathchooser, self.gridbox, ], layout=Layout(width='auto'), **kwargs, )