Exemple #1
def test_correlation_nans():
    row1 = 5
    col = 10
    row2 = 6
    mat1 = prng.rand(row1, col).astype(np.float32)
    mat2 = prng.rand(row2, col).astype(np.float32)
    mat1[0, 0] = np.nan
    corr = compute_correlation(mat1, mat2, return_nans=False)
    assert np.all(corr == 0, axis=1)[0]
    assert np.sum(corr == 0) == row2
    corr = compute_correlation(mat1, mat2, return_nans=True)
    assert np.all(np.isnan(corr), axis=1)[0]
    assert np.sum(np.isnan(corr)) == row2
Exemple #2
def test_correlation_computation():
    row1 = 5
    col = 10
    row2 = 6
    mat1 = prng.rand(row1, col).astype(np.float32)
    mat2 = prng.rand(row2, col).astype(np.float32)
    corr = compute_correlation(mat1, mat1)
    expected_corr = np.corrcoef(mat1)
    assert np.allclose(corr, expected_corr, atol=1e-5), \
        'high performance correlation computation does not provide correct correlation results within the same set'
    corr = compute_correlation(mat1, mat2)
    mat = np.concatenate((mat1, mat2), axis=0)
    expected_corr = np.corrcoef(mat)[0:row1, row1:]
    assert np.allclose(corr, expected_corr, atol=1e-5), \
        'high performance correlation computation does not provide correct correlation results between two sets'
Exemple #3
def test_correlation_computation():
    row1 = 5
    col = 10
    row2 = 6
    mat1 = prng.rand(row1, col).astype(np.float32)
    mat2 = prng.rand(row2, col).astype(np.float32)
    corr = compute_correlation(mat1, mat1)
    expected_corr = np.corrcoef(mat1)
    assert np.allclose(corr, expected_corr, atol=1e-5), \
        'high performance correlation computation does not provide correct correlation results within the same set'
    corr = compute_correlation(mat1, mat2)
    mat = np.concatenate((mat1, mat2), axis=0)
    expected_corr = np.corrcoef(mat)[0:row1, row1:]
    assert np.allclose(corr, expected_corr, atol=1e-5), \
        'high performance correlation computation does not provide correct correlation results between two sets'
Exemple #4
def time_segment_matching_accuracy(data, win_size=6): 
    nsubjs = len(data)
    (ndim, nsample) = data[0].shape
    accu = np.zeros(shape=nsubjs)
    nseg = nsample - win_size 
    # mysseg prediction prediction
    trn_data = np.zeros((ndim*win_size, nseg),order='f')
    # the trn data also include the tst data, but will be subtracted when 
    # calculating A
    for m in range(nsubjs):
        for w in range(win_size):
            trn_data[w*ndim:(w+1)*ndim,:] += data[m][:,w:(w+nseg)]
    for tst_subj in range(nsubjs):
        tst_data = np.zeros((ndim*win_size, nseg),order='f')
        for w in range(win_size):
            tst_data[w*ndim:(w+1)*ndim,:] = data[tst_subj][:,w:(w+nseg)]

        A =  np.nan_to_num(stats.zscore((trn_data - tst_data),axis=0, ddof=1))
        B =  np.nan_to_num(stats.zscore(tst_data,axis=0, ddof=1))

        # compute correlation matrix
        corr_mtx = compute_correlation(B.T,A.T)

        for i in range(nseg):
            for j in range(nseg):
                if abs(i-j)<win_size and i != j :
                    corr_mtx[i,j] = -np.inf
        max_idx =  np.argmax(corr_mtx, axis=1)
        accu[tst_subj] = sum(max_idx == range(nseg)) / float(nseg)

    return accu
Exemple #5
def get_conn_matrix(time_series, conn_model, NETWORK, ID, dir_path, thr):
    if conn_model == 'corr':
        conn_measure = ConnectivityMeasure(kind='correlation')
        conn_matrix = conn_measure.fit_transform([time_series])[0]
        est_path = dir_path + '/' + ID + '_est_corr' + '_' + str(thr) + '.txt'
    elif conn_model == 'corr_fast':
            conn_matrix = compute_correlation(time_series,time_series)
            est_path = dir_path + '/' + ID + '_est_corr_fast' + '_' + str(thr) + '.txt'
        except RuntimeError:
            print('Cannot run accelerated correlation computation due to a missing dependency. You need brainiak installed!')
    elif conn_model == 'partcorr':
        conn_measure = ConnectivityMeasure(kind='partial correlation')
        conn_matrix = conn_measure.fit_transform([time_series])[0]
        est_path = dir_path + '/' + ID + '_est_part_corr' + '_' + str(thr) + '.txt'
    elif conn_model == 'cov' or conn_model == 'sps':
        ##Fit estimator to matrix to get sparse matrix
        estimator = GraphLassoCV()
            print("Fitting Lasso estimator...")
            est = estimator.fit(time_series)
        except RuntimeError:
            print('Unstable Lasso estimation--Attempting to re-run by first applying shrinkage...')
            #from sklearn.covariance import GraphLasso, empirical_covariance, shrunk_covariance
            #emp_cov = empirical_covariance(time_series)
            #for i in np.arange(0.8, 0.99, 0.01):
                #shrunk_cov = shrunk_covariance(emp_cov, shrinkage=i)
                #alphaRange = 10.0 ** np.arange(-8,0)
                #for alpha in alphaRange:
                        #estimator_shrunk = GraphLasso(alpha)
                        #print("Calculated graph-lasso covariance matrix for alpha=%s"%alpha)
                    #except FloatingPointError:
                        #print("Failed at alpha=%s"%alpha)
            #if estimator_shrunk == None:
            print('Unstable Lasso estimation. Try again!')

        if NETWORK != None:
            est_path = dir_path + '/' + ID + '_' + NETWORK + '_est%s'%('_sps_inv' if conn_model=='sps' else 'cov') + '_' + str(thr) + '.txt'
            est_path = dir_path + '/' + ID + '_est%s'%('_sps_inv' if conn_model=='sps' else 'cov') + '_' + str(thr) + '.txt'
        if conn_model == 'sps':
                conn_matrix = -estimator.precision_
                conn_matrix = -estimator_shrunk.precision_
        elif conn_model == 'cov':
                conn_matrix = estimator.covariance_
                conn_matrix = estimator_shrunk.covariance_
    np.savetxt(est_path, conn_matrix, delimiter='\t')
    return(conn_matrix, est_path)
Exemple #6
def isfc(D, collapse_subj=True):
    """Intersubject functional correlation

    Computes the correlation between the timecoure of each voxel in each
    subject with the average of all other subjects' timecourses in *all*
    voxels. By default the result is averaged across subjects, unless
    collapse_subj is set to False.

    Uses the high performance compute_correlation routine from fcma.util

    D : voxel by time by subject ndarray
        fMRI data for which to compute ISFC

    collapse_subj : bool, default:True
        Whether to average across subjects before returning result

    ISFC : voxel by voxel ndarray
        (or voxel by voxel by subject ndarray, if collapse_subj=False)
        pearson correlation between all pairs of voxels, across subjects

    n_vox = D.shape[0]
    n_subj = D.shape[2]
    ISFC = np.zeros((n_vox, n_vox, n_subj))

    # Loop across choice of leave-one-out subject
    for loo_subj in range(D.shape[2]):
        group = np.mean(D[:, :, np.arange(n_subj) != loo_subj], axis=2)
        subj = D[:, :, loo_subj]
        ISFC[:, :, loo_subj] = compute_correlation(group, subj)

        # Symmetrize matrix
        ISFC[:, :,
             loo_subj] = (ISFC[:, :, loo_subj] + ISFC[:, :, loo_subj].T) / 2

    if collapse_subj:
        ISFC = np.mean(ISFC, axis=2)
    return ISFC
Exemple #7
def isfc(D, collapse_subj=True):
    """Intersubject functional correlation

    Computes the correlation between the timecoure of each voxel in each
    subject with the average of all other subjects' timecourses in *all*
    voxels. By default the result is averaged across subjects, unless
    collapse_subj is set to False.

    Uses the high performance compute_correlation routine from fcma.util

    D : voxel by time by subject ndarray
        fMRI data for which to compute ISFC

    collapse_subj : bool, default:True
        Whether to average across subjects before returning result

    ISFC : voxel by voxel ndarray
        (or voxel by voxel by subject ndarray, if collapse_subj=False)
        pearson correlation between all pairs of voxels, across subjects

    n_vox = D.shape[0]
    n_subj = D.shape[2]
    ISFC = np.zeros((n_vox, n_vox, n_subj))

    # Loop across choice of leave-one-out subject
    for loo_subj in range(D.shape[2]):
        group = np.mean(D[:, :, np.arange(n_subj) != loo_subj], axis=2)
        subj = D[:, :, loo_subj]
        ISFC[:, :, loo_subj] = compute_correlation(group, subj)

        # Symmetrize matrix
        ISFC[:, :, loo_subj] = (ISFC[:, :, loo_subj] +
                                ISFC[:, :, loo_subj].T) / 2

    if collapse_subj:
        ISFC = np.mean(ISFC, axis=2)
    return ISFC
Exemple #8

    data_dir = sys.argv[1]
    extension = sys.argv[2]
    mask_file = sys.argv[3]
    epoch_file = sys.argv[4]

    images = dataset.load_images_from_dir(data_dir, extension)
    mask = dataset.load_boolean_mask(mask_file)
    conditions = dataset.load_labels(epoch_file)
    (raw_data, ) = image.multimask_images(images, (mask, ))
    epoch_info = generate_epochs_info(conditions)

    for idx, epoch in enumerate(epoch_info):
        label = epoch[0]
        sid = epoch[1]
        start = epoch[2]
        end = epoch[3]
        mat = raw_data[sid][:, start:end]
        mat = np.ascontiguousarray(mat, dtype=np.float32)
            'start to compute correlation for subject %d epoch %d with label %d'
            % (sid, idx, label))
        corr = compute_correlation(mat, mat)
        mdict = {}
        mdict['corr'] = corr
        filename = str(label) + '_' + str(sid) + '_' + str(idx)
        logger.info('start to write the correlation matrix to disk as %s' %
        scipy.io.savemat(filename, mdict)
Exemple #9
def get_conn_matrix(time_series, conn_model):
    import warnings
    from nilearn.connectome import ConnectivityMeasure
    from sklearn.covariance import GraphLassoCV
        from brainiak.fcma.util import compute_correlation
    except ImportError:

    if conn_model == 'corr':
        # credit: nilearn
        print('\nComputing correlation matrix...\n')
        conn_measure = ConnectivityMeasure(kind='correlation')
        conn_matrix = conn_measure.fit_transform([time_series])[0]
    elif conn_model == 'corr_fast':
        # credit: brainiak
            print('\nComputing accelerated fcma correlation matrix...\n')
            conn_matrix = compute_correlation(time_series, time_series)
        except RuntimeError:
                'Cannot run accelerated correlation computation due to a missing dependency. You need brainiak installed!'
    elif conn_model == 'partcorr':
        # credit: nilearn
        print('\nComputing partial correlation matrix...\n')
        conn_measure = ConnectivityMeasure(kind='partial correlation')
        conn_matrix = conn_measure.fit_transform([time_series])[0]
    elif conn_model == 'tangent':
        # credit: nilearn
        print('\nComputing tangent matrix...\n')
        conn_measure = ConnectivityMeasure(kind='tangent')
        conn_matrix = conn_measure.fit_transform([time_series])[0]
    elif conn_model == 'cov' or conn_model == 'sps':
        ##Fit estimator to matrix to get sparse matrix
        estimator = GraphLassoCV()
            print('\nComputing covariance...\n')
                    'Unstable Lasso estimation--Attempting to re-run by first applying shrinkage...'
                from sklearn.covariance import GraphLasso, empirical_covariance, shrunk_covariance
                emp_cov = empirical_covariance(time_series)
                for i in np.arange(0.8, 0.99, 0.01):
                    shrunk_cov = shrunk_covariance(emp_cov, shrinkage=i)
                    alphaRange = 10.0**np.arange(-8, 0)
                    for alpha in alphaRange:
                            estimator_shrunk = GraphLasso(alpha)
                                "Calculated graph-lasso covariance matrix for alpha=%s"
                                % alpha)
                        except FloatingPointError:
                            print("Failed at alpha=%s" % alpha)
                    if estimator_shrunk == None:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Unstable Lasso estimation! Shrinkage failed.')

        if conn_model == 'sps':
                    '\nFetching precision matrix from covariance estimator...\n'
                conn_matrix = -estimator.precision_
                    '\nFetching shrunk precision matrix from covariance estimator...\n'
                conn_matrix = -estimator_shrunk.precision_
        elif conn_model == 'cov':
                    '\nFetching covariance matrix from covariance estimator...\n'
                conn_matrix = estimator.covariance_
                conn_matrix = estimator_shrunk.covariance_
    elif conn_model == 'QuicGraphLasso':
        from inverse_covariance import QuicGraphLasso
        # Compute the sparse inverse covariance via QuicGraphLasso
        # credit: skggm
        model = QuicGraphLasso(init_method='cov',
        print('\nCalculating QuicGraphLasso precision matrix using skggm...\n')
        conn_matrix = -model.precision_

    elif conn_model == 'QuicGraphLassoCV':
        from inverse_covariance import QuicGraphLassoCV
        # Compute the sparse inverse covariance via QuicGraphLassoCV
        # credit: skggm
        model = QuicGraphLassoCV(init_method='cov', verbose=1)
            '\nCalculating QuicGraphLassoCV precision matrix using skggm...\n')
        conn_matrix = -model.precision_

    elif conn_model == 'QuicGraphLassoEBIC':
        from inverse_covariance import QuicGraphLassoEBIC
        # Compute the sparse inverse covariance via QuicGraphLassoEBIC
        # credit: skggm
        model = QuicGraphLassoEBIC(init_method='cov', verbose=1)
            '\nCalculating QuicGraphLassoEBIC precision matrix using skggm...\n'
        conn_matrix = -model.precision_

    elif conn_model == 'AdaptiveQuicGraphLasso':
        from inverse_covariance import AdaptiveGraphLasso, QuicGraphLassoEBIC
        # Compute the sparse inverse covariance via
        # AdaptiveGraphLasso + QuicGraphLassoEBIC + method='binary'
        # credit: skggm
        model = AdaptiveGraphLasso(
            estimator=QuicGraphLassoEBIC(init_method='cov', ),
            '\nCalculating AdaptiveQuicGraphLasso precision matrix using skggm...\n'
        conn_matrix = -model.estimator_.precision_

    return (conn_matrix)
Exemple #10
    extension = sys.argv[2]
    mask_file = sys.argv[3]
    epoch_file = sys.argv[4]

    images = dataset.load_images_from_dir(data_dir, extension)
    mask = dataset.load_boolean_mask(mask_file)
    conditions = dataset.load_labels(epoch_file)
    (raw_data,) = image.multimask_images(images, (mask,))
    epoch_info = generate_epochs_info(conditions)

    for idx, epoch in enumerate(epoch_info):
        label = epoch[0]
        sid = epoch[1]
        start = epoch[2]
        end = epoch[3]
        mat = raw_data[sid][:, start:end]
        mat = np.ascontiguousarray(mat, dtype=np.float32)
            'start to compute correlation for subject %d epoch %d with label %d' %
            (sid, idx, label)
        corr = compute_correlation(mat, mat)
        mdict = {}
        mdict['corr'] = corr
        filename = str(label) + '_' + str(sid) + '_' + str(idx)
            'start to write the correlation matrix to disk as %s' %
        scipy.io.savemat(filename, mdict)
Exemple #11
def isfc(D, collapse_subj=True, return_p=False,
         num_perm=1000, two_sided=False, random_state=0):
    """Intersubject functional correlation

    Computes the correlation between the timecoure of each voxel in each
    subject with the average of all other subjects' timecourses in *all*
    voxels. By default the result is averaged across subjects, unless
    collapse_subj is set to False. A null distribution can optionally be
    computed using phase randomization, to compute a p value for each voxel-to-
    voxel correlation.

    Uses the high performance compute_correlation routine from fcma.util

    D : voxel by time by subject ndarray
        fMRI data for which to compute ISFC

    collapse_subj : bool, default:True
        Whether to average across subjects before returning result

    return_p : bool, default:False
        Whether to use phase randomization to compute a p value for each voxel

    num_perm : int, default:1000
        Number of null samples to use for computing p values

    two_sided : bool, default:False
        Whether the p value should be one-sided (testing only for being
        above the null) or two-sided (testing for both significantly positive
        and significantly negative values)

    random_state : RandomState or an int seed (0 by default)
        A random number generator instance to define the state of the
        random permutations generator.

    ISFC : voxel by voxel ndarray
        (or voxel by voxel by subject ndarray, if collapse_subj=False)
        pearson correlation between all pairs of voxels, across subjects

    p : ndarray the same shape as ISC (if return_p = True)
        p values for each ISC value under the null distribution

    n_vox = D.shape[0]
    n_subj = D.shape[2]

    if return_p:
        n_perm = num_perm
        n_perm = 0

    ISFC = np.zeros((n_vox, n_vox, n_subj, n_perm + 1))

    for p in range(n_perm + 1):
        # Loop across choice of leave-one-out subject
        for loo_subj in range(D.shape[2]):
            group = np.mean(D[:, :, np.arange(n_subj) != loo_subj], axis=2)
            subj = D[:, :, loo_subj]
            ISFC[:, :, loo_subj, p] = compute_correlation(group, subj)

            # Symmetrize matrix
            ISFC[:, :, loo_subj, p] = (ISFC[:, :, loo_subj, p] +
                                       ISFC[:, :, loo_subj, p].T) / 2

        # Randomize phases of D to create next null dataset
        D = phase_randomize(D, random_state)

    if collapse_subj:
        ISFC = np.mean(ISFC, axis=2)

    if return_p:
        p = p_from_null(ISFC, two_sided)
        return ISFC[..., 0], p
        return ISFC[..., 0]
Exemple #12
def isfc(D, collapse_subj=True, return_p=False, num_perm=1000,
         two_sided=False, random_state=0, float_type=np.float64):
    """Intersubject functional correlation

    Computes the correlation between the timecoure of each voxel in each
    subject with the average of all other subjects' timecourses in *all*
    voxels. By default the result is averaged across subjects, unless
    collapse_subj is set to False. A null distribution can optionally be
    computed using phase randomization, to compute a p value for each voxel-to-
    voxel correlation.

    Uses the high performance compute_correlation routine from fcma.util

    D : voxel by time by subject ndarray
        fMRI data for which to compute ISFC

    collapse_subj : bool, default:True
        Whether to average across subjects before returning result

    return_p : bool, default:False
        Whether to use phase randomization to compute a p value for each voxel

    num_perm : int, default:1000
        Number of null samples to use for computing p values

    two_sided : bool, default:False
        Whether the p value should be one-sided (testing only for being
        above the null) or two-sided (testing for both significantly positive
        and significantly negative values)

    random_state : RandomState or an int seed (0 by default)
        A random number generator instance to define the state of the
        random permutations generator.

    float_type : either float16, float32, or float64
        Depends on the required precision
        and available memory in the system.
        All the arrays generated during the execution will be cast
        to specified float type in order to save memory.

    ISFC : voxel by voxel ndarray
        (or voxel by voxel by subject ndarray, if collapse_subj=False)
        pearson correlation between all pairs of voxels, across subjects

    p : ndarray the same shape as ISC (if return_p = True)
        p values for each ISC value under the null distribution

    n_vox = D.shape[0]
    n_subj = D.shape[2]

    n_perm = num_perm*int(return_p)
    max_null = -np.ones(n_perm, dtype=float_type)
    min_null = np.ones(n_perm, dtype=float_type)

    ISFC = np.zeros((n_vox, n_vox, n_subj), dtype=float_type)

    for loo_subj in range(D.shape[2]):
        group = np.mean(D[:, :, np.arange(n_subj) != loo_subj], axis=2)
        subj = D[:, :, loo_subj]
        tmp_ISFC = compute_correlation(group, subj).astype(float_type)
        # Symmetrize matrix
        tmp_ISFC = (tmp_ISFC+tmp_ISFC.T)/2
        ISFC[:, :, loo_subj] = tmp_ISFC
    if collapse_subj:
        ISFC = np.mean(ISFC, axis=2)

    for p in range(n_perm):
        # Randomize phases of D to create next null dataset
        D = phase_randomize(D, random_state)
        # Loop across choice of leave-one-out subject
        ISFC_null = np.zeros((n_vox, n_vox), dtype=float_type)
        for loo_subj in range(D.shape[2]):
            group = np.mean(D[:, :, np.arange(n_subj) != loo_subj], axis=2)
            subj = D[:, :, loo_subj]
            tmp_ISFC = compute_correlation(group, subj).astype(float_type)
            # Symmetrize matrix
            tmp_ISFC = (tmp_ISFC+tmp_ISFC.T)/2

            if not collapse_subj:
                max_null[p] = max(np.max(tmp_ISFC), max_null[p])
                min_null[p] = min(np.min(tmp_ISFC), min_null[p])
            ISFC_null = ISFC_null + tmp_ISFC/n_subj

        if collapse_subj:
            max_null[p] = np.max(ISFC_null)
            min_null[p] = np.min(ISFC_null)

    if return_p:
        p = p_from_null(ISFC, two_sided,
        return ISFC, p
        return ISFC
Exemple #13
def isfc(D,
    """Intersubject functional correlation

    Computes the correlation between the timecoure of each voxel in each
    subject with the average of all other subjects' timecourses in *all*
    voxels. By default the result is averaged across subjects, unless
    collapse_subj is set to False. A null distribution can optionally be
    computed using phase randomization, to compute a p value for each voxel-to-
    voxel correlation.

    Uses the high performance compute_correlation routine from fcma.util

    D : voxel by time by subject ndarray
        fMRI data for which to compute ISFC

    collapse_subj : bool, default:True
        Whether to average across subjects before returning result

    return_p : bool, default:False
        Whether to use phase randomization to compute a p value for each voxel

    num_perm : int, default:1000
        Number of null samples to use for computing p values

    two_sided : bool, default:False
        Whether the p value should be one-sided (testing only for being
        above the null) or two-sided (testing for both significantly positive
        and significantly negative values)

    random_state : RandomState or an int seed (0 by default)
        A random number generator instance to define the state of the
        random permutations generator.

    float_type : either float16, float32, or float64
        Depends on the required precision
        and available memory in the system.
        All the arrays generated during the execution will be cast
        to specified float type in order to save memory.

    ISFC : voxel by voxel ndarray
        (or voxel by voxel by subject ndarray, if collapse_subj=False)
        pearson correlation between all pairs of voxels, across subjects

    p : ndarray the same shape as ISC (if return_p = True)
        p values for each ISC value under the null distribution

    n_vox = D.shape[0]
    n_subj = D.shape[2]

    n_perm = num_perm * int(return_p)
    max_null = -np.ones(n_perm, dtype=float_type)
    min_null = np.ones(n_perm, dtype=float_type)

    ISFC = np.zeros((n_vox, n_vox, n_subj), dtype=float_type)

    for loo_subj in range(D.shape[2]):
        group = np.mean(D[:, :, np.arange(n_subj) != loo_subj], axis=2)
        subj = D[:, :, loo_subj]
        tmp_ISFC = compute_correlation(group, subj).astype(float_type)
        # Symmetrize matrix
        tmp_ISFC = (tmp_ISFC + tmp_ISFC.T) / 2
        ISFC[:, :, loo_subj] = tmp_ISFC
    if collapse_subj:
        ISFC = np.mean(ISFC, axis=2)

    for p in range(n_perm):
        # Randomize phases of D to create next null dataset
        D = phase_randomize(D, random_state)
        # Loop across choice of leave-one-out subject
        ISFC_null = np.zeros((n_vox, n_vox), dtype=float_type)
        for loo_subj in range(D.shape[2]):
            group = np.mean(D[:, :, np.arange(n_subj) != loo_subj], axis=2)
            subj = D[:, :, loo_subj]
            tmp_ISFC = compute_correlation(group, subj).astype(float_type)
            # Symmetrize matrix
            tmp_ISFC = (tmp_ISFC + tmp_ISFC.T) / 2

            if not collapse_subj:
                max_null[p] = max(np.max(tmp_ISFC), max_null[p])
                min_null[p] = min(np.min(tmp_ISFC), min_null[p])
            ISFC_null = ISFC_null + tmp_ISFC / n_subj

        if collapse_subj:
            max_null[p] = np.max(ISFC_null)
            min_null[p] = np.min(ISFC_null)

    if return_p:
        p = p_from_null(ISFC,
        return ISFC, p
        return ISFC