Exemple #1
def test_prepare_fcma_data():
    images = io.load_images_from_dir(data_dir, suffix=suffix)
    mask = io.load_boolean_mask(mask_file)
    conditions = io.load_labels(epoch_file)
    raw_data, _, labels = prepare_fcma_data(images, conditions, mask)
    expected_raw_data = np.load(expected_dir / 'expected_raw_data.npy')
    assert len(raw_data) == len(expected_raw_data), \
        'numbers of epochs do not match in test_prepare_fcma_data'
    for idx in range(len(raw_data)):
        assert np.allclose(raw_data[idx], expected_raw_data[idx]), \
            'raw data do not match in test_prepare_fcma_data'
    assert np.array_equal(labels, expected_labels), \
        'the labels do not match in test_prepare_fcma_data'
    from brainiak.fcma.preprocessing import RandomType
    images = io.load_images_from_dir(data_dir, suffix=suffix)
    random_raw_data, _, _ = prepare_fcma_data(images,
    assert len(random_raw_data) == len(expected_raw_data), \
        'numbers of epochs do not match in test_prepare_fcma_data'
    images = io.load_images_from_dir(data_dir, suffix=suffix)
    random_raw_data, _, _ = prepare_fcma_data(images,
    assert len(random_raw_data) == len(expected_raw_data), \
        'numbers of epochs do not match in test_prepare_fcma_data'
Exemple #2
def test_prepare_searchlight_mvpa_data():
    images = io.load_images_from_dir(data_dir, suffix=suffix)
    conditions = io.load_labels(epoch_file)
    processed_data, labels = prepare_searchlight_mvpa_data(images,
    expected_searchlight_processed_data = np.load(
        expected_dir / 'expected_searchlight_processed_data.npy')
    for idx in range(len(processed_data)):
        assert np.allclose(processed_data[idx],
                           expected_searchlight_processed_data[idx]), (
            'raw data do not match in test_prepare_searchlight_mvpa_data')
    assert np.array_equal(labels, expected_labels), \
        'the labels do not match in test_prepare_searchlight_mvpa_data'
    from brainiak.fcma.preprocessing import RandomType
    images = io.load_images_from_dir(data_dir, suffix=suffix)
    random_processed_data, _ = prepare_searchlight_mvpa_data(
    assert (len(random_processed_data)
            == len(expected_searchlight_processed_data)), (
        'numbers of epochs do not match in test_prepare_searchlight_mvpa_data')
    images = io.load_images_from_dir(data_dir, suffix=suffix)
    random_processed_data, _ = prepare_searchlight_mvpa_data(
    assert (len(random_processed_data)
            == len(expected_searchlight_processed_data)), (
        'numbers of epochs do not match in test_prepare_searchlight_mvpa_data')
def test_load_images_from_dir_data_shape(
        in_dir: Path,
        expected_image_data_shape: Sequence[int],
        expected_n_subjects: int
        ) -> None:
    for i, image in enumerate(io.load_images_from_dir(in_dir, "bet.nii.gz")):
        assert image.get_data().shape == (64, 64, 26, 10)
    assert i + 1 == expected_n_subjects
Exemple #4
def test_load_images_from_dir_data_shape(
        in_dir: Path,
        expected_image_data_shape: Sequence[int],
        expected_n_subjects: int
        ) -> None:
    i = 0
    for image in io.load_images_from_dir(in_dir, "bet.nii.gz"):
        assert image.get_data().shape == (64, 64, 26, 10)
        i += 1
    assert i == expected_n_subjects
def test_prepare_searchlight_mvpa_data():
    images = io.load_images_from_dir(data_dir, suffix)
    conditions = io.load_labels(epoch_file)
    processed_data, labels = prepare_searchlight_mvpa_data(images, conditions)
    expected_searchlight_processed_data = np.load(
        expected_dir / 'expected_searchlight_processed_data.npy')
    for idx in range(len(processed_data)):
        assert np.allclose(processed_data[idx], expected_searchlight_processed_data[idx]), \
            'raw data do not match in test_prepare_searchlight_mvpa_data'
    assert np.array_equal(labels, expected_labels), \
        'the labels do not match in test_prepare_searchlight_mvpa_data'
def test_prepare_fcma_data():
    images = io.load_images_from_dir(data_dir, suffix)
    mask = io.load_boolean_mask(mask_file)
    conditions = io.load_labels(epoch_file)
    raw_data, _, labels = prepare_fcma_data(images, conditions, mask)
    expected_raw_data = np.load(expected_dir / 'expected_raw_data.npy')
    assert len(raw_data) == len(expected_raw_data), \
        'numbers of epochs do not match in test_prepare_fcma_data'
    for idx in range(len(raw_data)):
        assert np.allclose(raw_data[idx], expected_raw_data[idx]), \
            'raw data do not match in test_prepare_fcma_data'
    assert np.array_equal(labels, expected_labels), \
        'the labels do not match in test_prepare_fcma_data'
def test_prepare_mvpa_data():
    images = io.load_images_from_dir(data_dir, suffix=suffix)
    mask = io.load_boolean_mask(mask_file)
    conditions = io.load_labels(epoch_file)
    processed_data, labels = prepare_mvpa_data(images, conditions, mask)
    expected_processed_data = np.load(expected_dir
                                      / 'expected_processed_data.npy')
    assert len(processed_data) == len(expected_processed_data), \
        'numbers of epochs do not match in test_prepare_mvpa_data'
    for idx in range(len(processed_data)):
        assert np.allclose(processed_data[idx],
                           expected_processed_data[idx]), (
            'raw data do not match in test_prepare_mvpa_data')
    assert np.array_equal(labels, expected_labels), \
        'the labels do not match in test_prepare_mvpa_data'
def test_prepare_fcma_data():
    images = io.load_images_from_dir(data_dir, suffix=suffix)
    mask = io.load_boolean_mask(mask_file)
    conditions = io.load_labels(epoch_file)
    raw_data, _, labels = prepare_fcma_data(images, conditions, mask)
    expected_raw_data = np.load(expected_dir / 'expected_raw_data.npy')
    assert len(raw_data) == len(expected_raw_data), \
        'numbers of epochs do not match in test_prepare_fcma_data'
    for idx in range(len(raw_data)):
        assert np.allclose(raw_data[idx], expected_raw_data[idx]), \
            'raw data do not match in test_prepare_fcma_data'
    assert np.array_equal(labels, expected_labels), \
        'the labels do not match in test_prepare_fcma_data'
    from brainiak.fcma.preprocessing import RandomType
    images = io.load_images_from_dir(data_dir, suffix=suffix)
    random_raw_data, _, _ = prepare_fcma_data(images, conditions, mask,
    assert len(random_raw_data) == len(expected_raw_data), \
        'numbers of epochs do not match in test_prepare_fcma_data'
    images = io.load_images_from_dir(data_dir, suffix=suffix)
    random_raw_data, _, _ = prepare_fcma_data(images, conditions, mask,
    assert len(random_raw_data) == len(expected_raw_data), \
        'numbers of epochs do not match in test_prepare_fcma_data'
Exemple #9
# if want to output log to a file instead of outputting log to the console,
# replace "stream=sys.stdout" with "filename='fcma.log'"
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=format, stream=sys.stdout)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
example running command in run_voxel_selection.sh
if __name__ == '__main__':
    if MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0:
        logger.info('programming starts in %d process(es)' %
    data_dir = sys.argv[1]
    suffix = sys.argv[2]
    mask_file = sys.argv[3]
    epoch_file = sys.argv[4]
    images = io.load_images_from_dir(data_dir, suffix=suffix)
    mask = io.load_boolean_mask(mask_file)
    conditions = io.load_labels(epoch_file)
    raw_data, _, labels = prepare_fcma_data(images, conditions, mask)

    # setting the random argument produces random voxel selection results
    # for non-parametric statistical analysis.
    # There are three random options:
    # RandomType.NORANDOM is the default
    # RandomType.REPRODUCIBLE permutes the voxels in the same way every run
    # RandomType.UNREPRODUCIBLE permutes the voxels differently across runs
    # example:
    # from brainiak.fcma.preprocessing import RandomType
    # raw_data, _, labels = prepare_fcma_data(images, conditions, mask,
    #                                         random=RandomType.REPRODUCIBLE)
Exemple #10
# python3 classification.py face_scene bet.nii.gz face_scene/prefrontal_top_mask.nii.gz face_scene/fs_epoch_labels.npy
if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) != 5:
        logger.error('the number of input argument is not correct')

    data_dir = sys.argv[1]
    extension = sys.argv[2]
    mask_file = sys.argv[3]
    epoch_file = sys.argv[4]

    epoch_list = np.load(epoch_file)
    num_subjects = len(epoch_list)
    num_epochs_per_subj = epoch_list[0].shape[1]

    images = io.load_images_from_dir(data_dir, extension)
    mask = io.load_boolean_mask(mask_file)
    conditions = io.load_labels(epoch_file)
    raw_data, _, labels = prepare_fcma_data(images, conditions, mask)

    example_of_aggregating_sim_matrix(raw_data, labels, num_subjects, num_epochs_per_subj)

    example_of_cross_validation_with_detailed_info(raw_data, labels, num_subjects, num_epochs_per_subj)

    example_of_cross_validation_using_model_selection(raw_data, labels, num_subjects, num_epochs_per_subj)

    # test of two different components for correlation computation
    # images = io.load_images_from_dir(data_dir, extension)
    # mask2 = io.load_boolean_mask('face_scene/visual_top_mask.nii.gz')
    # raw_data, raw_data2, labels = prepare_fcma_data(images, conditions, mask,
    #                                                 mask2)
    data_dir = sys.argv[1]
    suffix = sys.argv[2]
    mask_file = sys.argv[3]
    epoch_file = sys.argv[4]

    # all MPI processes read the mask; the mask file is small
    mask_image = nib.load(mask_file)
    mask = io.load_boolean_mask(mask_file)
    data = None
    labels = None
    if MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()==0:
            'mask size: %d' %
        images = io.load_images_from_dir(data_dir, suffix=suffix)
        conditions = io.load_labels(epoch_file)
        data, labels = prepare_searchlight_mvpa_data(images, conditions)

        # setting the random argument produces random voxel selection results
        # for non-parametric statistical analysis.
        # There are three random options:
        # RandomType.NORANDOM is the default
        # RandomType.REPRODUCIBLE permutes the voxels in the same way every run
        # RandomType.UNREPRODUCIBLE permutes the voxels differently across runs
        # example
        #from brainiak.fcma.preprocessing import RandomType
        #data, labels = prepare_searchlight_mvpa_data(images, conditions,
        #                                                    random=RandomType.UNREPRODUCIBLE)

        # the following line is an example to leaving a subject out