Exemple #1
def pseudo_main():
    """Basically the main(). Did it this way so it can easily be used as a standalone module or called from another.

    :return: Exit code. See exist codes in brcddb.brcddb_common
    :rtype: int
    ip, user_id, pw, outf, sec, s_flag, vd, c_file, fid, log, nl = parse_args()
    if vd:
        brcdapi_rest.verbose_debug = True
    if s_flag:
    if not nl:
    if sec is None:
        sec = 'none'
    fid_l = None if fid is None else fid.split(',')
    ml = ['WARNING!!! Debug is enabled'] if _DEBUG else list()
    ml.append('IP:          ' + brcdapi_util.mask_ip_addr(ip, True))
    ml.append('ID:          ' + user_id)
    ml.append('security:    ' + sec)
    ml.append('Output file: ' + outf)
    ml.append('KPI file:    ' + str(c_file))
    ml.append('FID List:    ' + str(fid))
    brcdapi_log.log(ml, True)
    outf = brcdapi_file.full_file_name(outf, '.json')

    # Create project
    proj_obj = brcddb_project.new(
        datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S'))
    proj_obj.s_description("This is a test")

    # Login
    session = api_int.login(user_id, pw, ip, sec, proj_obj)
    if brcdapi_auth.is_error(session):
        return brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_API_ERROR

    # Collect the data
        api_int.get_batch(session, proj_obj, _kpi_list(session, c_file), fid_l)
    except BaseException as e:
            'Programming error encountered. Exception is: ' + str(e), True)

    # Logout
    obj = brcdapi_rest.logout(session)
    if brcdapi_auth.is_error(obj):
        brcdapi_log.log(brcdapi_auth.formatted_error_msg(obj), True)

    # Dump the database to a file
    if _WRITE:
        brcdapi_log.log('Saving project to: ' + outf, True)
        plain_copy = dict()
        brcddb_copy.brcddb_to_plain_copy(proj_obj, plain_copy)
        brcdapi_file.write_dump(plain_copy, outf)
        brcdapi_log.log('Save complete', True)

    return proj_obj.r_exit_code()
def combine_main():
    """Basically the main(). Did it this way so it can easily be used as a standalone module or called from another.

    :return: Exit code
    :rtype: int
    global _DEBUG

    # Get and validate user input
    inf, outf, s_flag, log, nl = parse_args()
    if s_flag:
    if not nl:
    ml = ['WARNING!!! Debug is enabled'] if _DEBUG else list()
    ml.append('Directory, -i:   ' + inf)
    ml.append('Output file, -o: ' + outf)
    brcdapi_log.log(ml, True)

    # Create project
    proj_obj = brcddb_project.new(
    proj_obj.s_description('Captured data from ' + inf)

    # Get a list of files - Filter out directories is just to protect the user. It shouldn't be necessary.
    outf = brcdapi_file.full_file_name(outf, '.json')
    files = brcdapi_file.read_directory(inf)
    if outf in files:
            'Combined output file, ' + outf + ', already exists in: ' + inf +
            '. Processing halted', True)
        x = len('.json')
        for file in [
                f for f in files
                if len(f) > x and f.lower()[len(f) - x:] == '.json'
            brcdapi_log.log('Processing file: ' + file, True)
            obj = brcdapi_file.read_dump(inf + '/' + file)
            brcddb_copy.plain_copy_to_brcddb(obj, proj_obj)

        # Now save the combined file
        plain_copy = dict()
        brcddb_copy.brcddb_to_plain_copy(proj_obj, plain_copy)
            brcdapi_file.write_dump(plain_copy, inf + '/' + outf)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            brcdapi_log.log(['', 'Folder not found: ' + inf, ''], True)

    return brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_OK
def pseudo_main():
    """Basically the main(). Did it this way to use with IDE
    :return: Exit code
    :rtype: int
    global _kpi_l
    # Get the command line input
    ml = ['WARNING!!! Debug is enabled'] if _DEBUG else list()
    in_file, fid_str, vd, log, nl = parse_args()
    if vd:
        brcdapi_rest.verbose_debug = True
    if not nl:
    ml.append('FID: ' + str(fid_str))
    fid_l = None if fid_str is None else fid_str.split(',')
    brcdapi_log.log(ml, True)

    # Read the file with the login credentials
    switch_list = _parse_login_credentials(in_file)

    # Create a project object
    proj_obj = brcddb_project.new("Captured_data", datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S'))

    # Poll all the switches
    ec_l = list()
    for switch in switch_list:  # Collect the data for each switch
        ec_l.append(_capture_data(proj_obj, _kpi_l, fid_l, switch['id'], switch['pw'], switch['ip'], switch['sec']))

    # Build cross references. This associates name server logins with a physical port. It is necessary in this example
    # because what is attached to the port is used as the port description added to the database.
    brcdapi_log.log('Building cross references', True)

    # Add the data to your database
    brcdapi_log.log('Adding data to database', True)

    # Return the first error status encountered
    for ec in ec_l:
        if ec != brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_OK:
            return ec
    return ec  # If we get this far, everything was good
Exemple #4
def pseudo_main():
    """Basically the main(). Did it this way so it can easily be used as a standalone module or called from another.

    :return: Exit code. See exit codes in brcddb.brcddb_common
    :rtype: int
    global _DEBUG, __version__

    # Get and validate user input
    report, in_f, single_port_graph_in, stats_graph_in, graph_type = _get_input(
    ml = ['WARNING!!! Debug is enabled'] if _DEBUG else list()
    ml.append(os.path.basename(__file__) + ' version: ' + __version__)
    ml.append('Report:     ' + report)
    ml.append('Input file: ' + in_f)
    ml.append('Port graph: ' + str(single_port_graph_in))
    ml.append('Stat graph: ' + str(stats_graph_in))
    ml.append('Graph type: ' + str(graph_type))
    brcdapi_log.log(ml, True)

    # Read in the previously collected data
    obj = brcddb_file.read_dump(in_f)
    if obj is None:
        return brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_ERROR
    proj_obj = brcddb_project.new(obj.get('_obj_key'), obj.get('_date'))
    brcddb_copy.plain_copy_to_brcddb(obj, proj_obj)
    base_switch_obj = proj_obj.r_switch_obj(proj_obj.r_get('base_switch_wwn'))

    # Build the cross-reference tables.
        proj_obj)  # Correlates name server logins with ports
    fab_obj = base_switch_obj.r_fabric_obj()
    if fab_obj is not None:
        ))  # Determines what zones each login participates in

    graph_list, msg_list = _graphs(base_switch_obj, single_port_graph_in,
                                   stats_graph_in, graph_type)
    return _write_report(base_switch_obj, report, graph_list, msg_list)
Exemple #5
def pseudo_main():
    """Basically the main().

    :return: Exit code
    :rtype: int
    global _DEBUG

    # Get and validate command line input.
    ec = brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_OK
    ml = ['WARNING!!! Debug is enabled'] if _DEBUG else list()
    ip, user_id, pw, sec, file, force, s_flag, echo, vd, log, nl = parse_args()
    if vd:
        brcdapi_rest.verbose_debug = True
    if s_flag:
    if not nl:
    if sec is None:
        sec = 'none'
    file = brcdapi_file.full_file_name(file, '.xlsx')
    if ip is not None:
        if user_id is None:
            ml.append('Missing user ID, -id')
            ec = brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_INPUT_ERROR
        if pw is None:
            ml.append('Missing password, -pw')
            ec = brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_INPUT_ERROR
    ml.append('File:       ' + file)
        'IP address: ' +
        brcdapi_util.mask_ip_addr(ip) if isinstance(ip, str) else str(ip))
    ml.append('ID:         ' + str(user_id))
    ml.append('sec:        ' + sec)
    if len(ml) > 0:
        brcdapi_log.log(ml, True)
    if ec != brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_OK:
        return ec
    echo = False if echo is None else echo

    # Read in the Workbook, generate the portaddress --bind commands, and configure the switch(es)
    switch_d_list = [
        switch_d for switch_d in report_utils.parse_switch_file(file).values()
    session = proj_obj = None

        for switch_d in switch_d_list:

            # Create the bind commands
            if switch_d['bind']:
                cli_l = switch_d['bind_commands'].copy()
                i = 0
                while i < len(cli_l):
                    cli_l.insert(i, '')
                    i += 16
                    0, '\n# Bind commands for FID ' + str(switch_d['fid']))
                cli_l.append('\n# End bind commands for FID ' +
                brcdapi_log.log(cli_l, True)

            # Create the logical switch
            if ip is not None and switch_d['switch_flag']:

                if session is None:  # Login
                    session = api_int.login(user_id, pw, ip, sec, proj_obj)
                    if fos_auth.is_error(session):
                        return brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_API_ERROR

                if proj_obj is None:  # Create a project object
                    proj_obj = brcddb_project.new(
                        datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S'))
                    proj_obj.s_description('Creating logical switches from ' +

                api_int.get_batch(session, proj_obj, _basic_capture_kpi_l,
                if proj_obj.r_is_any_error():
                        'Error reading logical switch information from chassis'
                        switch_d['err_msgs'][len(switch_d['err_msgs']) - 1],
                    ec = _configure_switch(user_id, pw, session, proj_obj,
                                           switch_d, force, echo)

    except BaseException as e:
            'Programming error encountered. Exception: ' + str(e))
        brcdapi_log.log(switch_d['err_msgs'][len(switch_d['err_msgs']) - 1],
        ec = brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_ERROR

    # Logout and create and print a summary report
    if session is not None:
        obj = brcdapi_rest.logout(session)
        if fos_auth.is_error(obj):
            brcdapi_log.log(fos_auth.formatted_error_msg(obj), True)
            ec = brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_API_ERROR
    if ip is not None:

    return ec
def pseudo_main():
    """Basically the main(). Did it this way so it can easily be used as a standalone module or called from another.

    :return: Exit code. See exist codes in brcddb.brcddb_common
    :rtype: int
    global _DEBUG, _DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL, _DEFAULT_MAX_SAMPLE, _proj_obj, _session, _out_f, _switch_obj
    global _base_switch_obj, __version__, _uris, _uris_2

    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, _signal_handler)

    # Get user input
    ip, user_id, pw, sec, fid, pct, max_p, _out_f = _get_input()
    default_text = ' (default)'
    ml = ['WARNING!!! Debug is enabled'] if _DEBUG else list()
    ml.append(os.path.basename(__file__) + ' version: ' + __version__)
    ml.append('IP Address:    ' + brcdapi_util.mask_ip_addr(ip))
    ml.append('User ID:       ' + user_id)
    ml.append('FID:           ' + str(fid))
    if max_p is None:
        max_p = _DEFAULT_MAX_SAMPLE
        ml.append('Samples:       ' + str(max_p) + default_text)
        ml.append('Samples:       ' + str(max_p))
    if pct is None:
        ml.append('Poll Interval: ' + str(pct) + default_text)
        ml.append('Poll Interval: ' + str(pct) + ' (defaulting to ' +
                  str(_MIN_POLL) + ')' if pct < _MIN_POLL else '')
    ml.append('Output File:   ' + _out_f)
    brcdapi_log.log(ml, True)

    # Create project
    _proj_obj = brcddb_project.new(
        datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S'))
    _proj_obj.s_description('Port statistics')

    # Login
    _session = brcddb_int.login(user_id, pw, ip, sec, _proj_obj)
    if fos_auth.is_error(_session):
        brcdapi_log.log(fos_auth.formatted_error_msg(_session), True)
        return brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_ERROR

    try:  # I always put all code after login in a try/except in case of a code bug or network error, I still logout
        # Capture the initial switch and port information along with the first set of statistics.
        brcdapi_log.log('Capturing initial data', True)
        brcddb_int.get_batch(_session, _proj_obj, _uris,
                             fid)  # Captured data is put in _proj_obj
        chassis_obj = _proj_obj.r_chassis_obj(_session.get('chassis_wwn'))
        if chassis_obj.r_is_vf_enabled():
            if fid is None:
                fid = 128
            _base_switch_obj = chassis_obj.r_switch_obj_for_fid(fid)
            _base_switch_obj = chassis_obj.r_switch_objects()[0]
        if _base_switch_obj is None:
            brcdapi_log.log('Switch for FID ' + str(fid) + ' not found. ',
            return _wrap_up(brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_ERROR)
        base_switch_wwn = _base_switch_obj.r_obj_key()
        if _base_switch_obj.r_fabric_key() is None:
            )  # Fake out a fabric principal if we don't have one
        brcddb_int.get_batch(_session, _proj_obj, _uris_2,
                             fid)  # Captured data is put in _proj_obj
        )  # Somewhat arbitrary time. Don't want a throttling delay if the poll interval is very short

        # Get the first sample
        stats_buf = 'brocade-interface/fibrechannel-statistics'
        last_time = time.time()
        last_stats = brcddb_int.get_rest(_session, stats_buf, _base_switch_obj,
        for p in last_stats.get('fibrechannel-statistics'):
                'fibrechannel-statistics', p)

        # Now start collecting the port and interface statistics
        for i in range(0, max_p):
            x = pct - (time.time() - last_time)
            time.sleep(_MIN_POLL if x < _MIN_POLL else x)
            switch_obj = _proj_obj.s_add_switch(base_switch_wwn + '-' + str(i))
            last_time = time.time()
            obj = brcddb_int.get_rest(_session,
                                      switch_obj, fid)
            if not fos_auth.is_error(obj):
                for p in obj.get('fibrechannel'):
                        'fibrechannel', p)
                obj = brcddb_int.get_rest(_session, stats_buf, switch_obj, fid)
            if fos_auth.is_error(
            ):  # We typically get here when the login times out or network fails.
                    'Error encountered. Data collection limited to ' + str(i) +
                    ' samples.', True)
                return brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_ERROR
            obj = brcddb_int.get_rest(_session, stats_buf, switch_obj, fid)
            if fos_auth.is_error(
            ):  # We typically get here when the login times out or network fails.
                    'Error encountered. Data collection limited to ' + str(i) +
                    ' samples.', True)
                return brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_ERROR

            for p in _stats_diff(last_stats,
                    'fibrechannel-statistics', p)
            last_stats = obj

        return _wrap_up(brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_OK)

    except BaseException as e:
            'Error capturing statistics. ' + _EXCEPTION_MSG,
            'Exception: ' + str(e)
        ], True)
        return _wrap_up(brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_ERROR)
def _get_project(sl, pl, addl_parms):
    """Reads or captures project data

    :param sl: List of switches to poll via the API
    :type sl: list
    :param pl: List of project files to combine
    :type pl: list
    :param addl_parms: Additional parameters (debug and logging) to be passed to capture.py.
    :type addl_parms: list
    :return rl: List of error messages
    :rtype: list
    :return proj_obj: Project object. None if there was an error obtaining the project object
    :rtype proj_obj: brcddb.classes.project.ProjObj, None
    global _ZONE_KPI_FILE

    rl = list()  # Error messages

    # Create project
    proj_obj = brcddb_project.new(
        datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S'))
    proj_obj.s_description('Zone merge')

    # Get a unique folder name for multi_capture.py and combine.py
    folder_l = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if not isfile(f)]
    base_folder = '_zone_merge_work_folder_'
    i = 0
    work_folder = base_folder + str(i)
    while work_folder in folder_l:
        i += 1
        work_folder = base_folder + str(i)

    # Add the KPI file for the captures
    zone_kpi_file = work_folder + '/' + _ZONE_KPI_FILE
    f = open(zone_kpi_file, 'w')
    f.write('\n'.join(_kpis_for_capture) + '\n')

    # Start all the data captures for the switches to be polled so that multiple switches can be captured in parallel
    if len(sl) > 0:
        brcdapi_log.log('Collecting zoning data from switches', True)
    captured_d = dict()
    pid_l = list()
    for sub_d in sl:
        ip_addr = sub_d['ip']
        file_name = work_folder + '/switch_' + ip_addr.split(
            '.').pop() + '_' + str(len(pid_l))
        file_name = brcdapi_file.full_file_name(file_name, '.json')
        d = captured_d.get(ip_addr)
        if d is None:
            sub_d_l = list()
            captured_d.update({ip_addr: dict(sub_d_l=sub_d_l, file=file_name)})
            params = [
                'python.exe', 'capture.py', '-ip', ip_addr, '-id', sub_d['id'],
                '-pw', sub_d['pw'], '-s', 'none' if sub_d['sec'] is None else
                sub_d['sec'], '-f', file_name, '-c', zone_kpi_file
            ] + addl_parms

    # Add the data read from this chassis to the project object
    for pid_d in pid_l:  # Wait for all captures to complete before continuing
            'Completed capture for ' + pid_d['file_name'] +
            '. Ending status: ' + str(pid_d['s']), True)
    for pid_d in pid_l:
        obj = brcdapi_file.read_dump(pid_d['file_name'])
        if obj is None:
            rl.append('Capture for ' + file_name + '. failed.')
            brcddb_copy.plain_copy_to_brcddb(obj, proj_obj)
    if len(rl) > 0:
        return rl, proj_obj

    # Figure out the fabric WWN for all the FIDs for the polled switches
    for d in captured_d.values():
        fab_obj_l = [proj_obj.r_fabric_obj(k) for k in d['fab_keys']]
        for fab_obj in fab_obj_l:
            if fab_obj.r_get(
            ) is None:  # I can't think of a reason why it wouldn't be None
                fab_obj.s_new_key('zone_merge', dict(file=d['file']))
        for sub_d in d['sub_d_l']:
            found = False
            fid = sub_d['fid']
            if isinstance(
                    fid, int
            ):  # If the user is just running a scan, there won't be a fid
                for fab_obj in fab_obj_l:
                    if fid in brcddb_fabric.fab_fids(fab_obj):
                        s_buf = 'none' if sub_d['sec'] is None else sub_d['sec']
                        zm_d = fab_obj.r_get('zone_merge')
                        fab_obj.s_new_key('zone_merge', zm_d)
                        found = True
                if not found:
                    rl.append('Could not find FID ' + str(fid) + ' in ' +

    # Add in all the read in project files
    if len(pl) > 0:
        brcdapi_log.log('Reading project files', True)
    for sub_d in pl:
        file_name = brcdapi_file.full_file_name(sub_d['project_file'], '.json')
        obj = brcdapi_file.read_dump(file_name)
        brcddb_copy.plain_copy_to_brcddb(obj, proj_obj)
        for fab_obj in [
                proj_obj.r_fabric_obj(k) for k in obj['_fabric_objs'].keys()
            if fab_obj.r_get(
            ) is None:  # It should be None. This is just future proofing.
                fab_obj.s_new_key('zone_merge', dict(file=file_name))
        fab_obj = proj_obj.r_fabric_obj(sub_d.get('fab_wwn'))
        if fab_obj is None:
            rl.append('Could not find fabric WWN ' +
                      str(sub_d.get('fab_wwn')) + ' in ' + file_name)

    return rl, proj_obj
def pseudo_main():
    """Basically the main(). Did it this way so it can easily be used as a standalone module or called from another.

    :return: Exit code. See exist codes in brcddb.brcddb_common
    :rtype: int
    ec = brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_OK

    # Get the user input
    ml = ['WARNING!!! Debug is enabled'] if _DEBUG else list()
    ip, user_id, pw, sec, s_flag, fid, vd, log, nl = parse_args()
    if not nl:
    if vd:
        brcdapi_rest.verbose_debug = True
    if s_flag:
    if sec is None:
        sec = 'none'
    fid_list = None if fid is None else [int(i) for i in fid.split(',')]
        'IP address: ' + ip, 'User ID:    ' + user_id, 'Security:   ' + sec,
        'Surpress:   ' + str(s_flag),
        'FID:        ' + 'Automatic' if fid is None else fid
    brcdapi_log.log(ml, True)

    # Create the project
    proj_obj = brcddb_project.new(
    proj_obj.s_description('Unused ports to disable')

    # Login
    session = api_int.login(user_id, pw, ip, sec, proj_obj)
    if fos_auth.is_error(session):
        brcdapi_log.log(fos_auth.formatted_error_msg(session), True)
        return brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_ERROR

    # Capture data - stats are cleared on a per port basis so this is needed to determine what the ports are.
    try:  # I always put all code after login in a try/except so that if I have a code bug, I still logout
        brcdapi_log.log('Capturing data', True)
        api_int.get_batch(session, proj_obj, chassis_uris, list(),
                          fid_list)  # Captured data is put in proj_obj
        chassis_obj = proj_obj.r_chassis_obj(session.get('chassis_wwn'))

        # Clear stats on each switch
        for switch_obj in chassis_obj.r_switch_objects():
            fid = brcddb_switch.switch_fid(switch_obj)
            if fid_list is None or fid in fid_list:
                temp_ec = clear_stats(session, switch_obj)
                ec = temp_ec if ec != brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_OK else ec
    except:  # Bare because I don't care what happened. I just want to logout.
        brcdapi_log.exception('Programming error encountered', True)
        ec = brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_ERROR

    # Logout
    obj = brcdapi_rest.logout(session)
    if fos_auth.is_error(obj):
        brcdapi_log.log(fos_auth.formatted_error_msg(obj), True)
        return brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_ERROR

    return ec