Exemple #1
def abv(ctx, og, fg, adjust):
    Calculates the ABV from the original and final gravity readings. By default
    the wort and alcohol correction factor is not applied. If you are using a
    hydrometer add the ``adjust`` flag to automatically correct the final
    # These prompts are used instead of using the `prompt` attribute in the
    # click options so that it is possible to add units to the end of the
    # prompt based on the requested unit format.
    if not og:
        og = inputs.get_gravity_input("Original Gravity: ")
    if not fg:
        fg = inputs.get_gravity_input("Final Gravity: ")

    # If passed in via options we need to check valid range
    valid_range = inputs.between(1.0, 1.2)
    if not valid_range(og) or not valid_range(fg):

    if fg > og:
        print("Final gravity cannot be higher than original gravity")

    print("Estimated ABV: {0:.2f}%".format(bm.abv(og, fg, adjust)))
Exemple #2
def adjust_gravity(ctx, og, vol, ng):
    Calculate the amount of liquid to boil off/dilute with
    to achieve a desired gravity.
    if not og:
        og = inputs.get_gravity_input("Original Gravity: ")
    if not ng:
        ng = inputs.get_gravity_input("Desired Gravity: ")
    if not vol:
        vol = inputs.get_unit_input(ctx.obj["units"]["vol"],
                                    "Current volume of wort")

    valid_range = inputs.between(1.0, 1.2)
    if not valid_range(og) or not valid_range(ng):

    vol_adj = bm.adjust_gravity_volume(vol, og, ng)
    print("\nNew volume of wort will be {0:.2f}".format(vol_adj))
    diff = vol - vol_adj
    if diff >= 0:
        print("Boil off {0:.2f} {1} of wort".format(diff,
        print("Dilute wort with {0:.2f} {1} of water".format(
            diff * -1, ctx.obj["units"]["vol"]))
Exemple #3
def attenuation(ctx, og, fg):
    Calculates the apparent and real attenuation from the provided
    original and final/current gravity.
    Real attenuation is the adjusted value taking into account the
    alcohol in the beer
    if not og:
        og = inputs.get_gravity_input("Original Gravity: ")
    if not fg:
        fg = inputs.get_gravity_input("Current Gravity: ")

    # If passed in via options we need to check valid range
    valid_range = inputs.between(1.0, 1.2)
    if not valid_range(og) or not valid_range(fg):

    if fg > og:
        print("Final gravity cannot be higher than original gravity")

    print("Apparent attenuation: {0:.2f}%".format(
        bm.apparent_attenuation(og, fg) * 100))
    print("Real attenuation: {0:.2f}%".format(
        bm.real_attenuation(og, fg) * 100))
Exemple #4
def adjust_volume(ctx, og, vol, newvol):
    Calculate the new gravity after a change in wort volume either through
    dilution or boil off
    if not og:
        og = inputs.get_gravity_input("Original Gravity: ")
    if not vol:
        vol = inputs.get_unit_input(ctx.obj["units"]["vol"],
                                    "Current volume of wort")
    if not newvol:
        newvol = inputs.get_unit_input(ctx.obj["units"]["vol"],
                                       "New volume of wort")

    valid_range = inputs.between(1.0, 1.2)
    if not valid_range(og):

    new_grav = bm.adjust_volume_gravity(vol, og, newvol)
    print("The new gravity will be {0:.3f}".format(new_grav))
Exemple #5
def fg_from_att(ctx, og, att):
    Given a starting gravity and a desired attenuation level, will
    return the specific gravity for that percentage of attenuation.
    Useful if you have to action something at a given attenuation point
    and need to know what the gravity is when that point is reached
    if not og:
        og = inputs.get_gravity_input("Original Gravity: ")
    if not att:
        att = inputs.get_input("Desired attenuation in %: ",
                               lambda x: float(x))

    # If passed in via options we need to check valid range
    valid_range = inputs.between(1.0, 1.2)
    if not valid_range(og):

    print("FG for {0}% attenuation: {1:.3f}".format(
        att, bm.fg_from_attenuation(og, att)))