Exemple #1
def test_errors():
    # No explicit namespace
    namespace = create_namespace()
    assert_raises(KeyError, lambda: namespace['nonexisting_variable'])

    # Empty explicit namespace
    namespace = create_namespace({})
    assert_raises(KeyError, lambda: namespace['nonexisting_variable'])
Exemple #2
def test_errors():
    # No explicit namespace
    namespace = create_namespace()
    assert_raises(KeyError, lambda: namespace['nonexisting_variable'])

    # Empty explicit namespace
    namespace = create_namespace({})
    assert_raises(KeyError, lambda: namespace['nonexisting_variable'])
Exemple #3
def test_unit_checking():
    # dummy Variable class
    class S(object):
        def __init__(self, unit):
            self.unit = unit
    # Let's create a namespace with a user-defined namespace that we can
    # updater later on 
    namespace = create_namespace({})
    # inconsistent unit for a differential equation
    eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -v : volt')
                  lambda: eqs.check_units(namespace, {'v': S(volt)}))

    eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -v / tau: volt')
    namespace['tau'] = 5*mV
                  lambda: eqs.check_units(namespace, {'v': S(volt)}))
    namespace['I'] = 3*second
    eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -(v + I) / (5 * ms): volt')
                  lambda: eqs.check_units(namespace, {'v': S(volt)}))

    eqs = Equations('''dv/dt = -(v + I) / (5 * ms): volt
                       I : second''')
                  lambda: eqs.check_units(namespace, {'v': S(volt),
                                                      'I': S(second)}))
    # inconsistent unit for a static equation
    eqs = Equations('''dv/dt = -v / (5 * ms) : volt
                       I = 2 * v : amp''')
                  lambda: eqs.check_units(namespace, {'v': S(volt),
                                                      'I': S(amp)}))
Exemple #4
def test_resolution():
    # implicit namespace
    tau = 10 * ms
    namespace = create_namespace()
    additional_namespace = ('implicit-namespace', {'tau': tau})
    resolved = namespace.resolve_all(['tau', 'ms'], additional_namespace)
    assert len(resolved) == 2
    assert type(resolved) == type(dict())
    # make sure that the units are stripped
    assert resolved['tau'] == np.asarray(tau)
    assert resolved['ms'] == float(ms)

    # explicit namespace
    namespace = create_namespace({'tau': 20 * ms})

    resolved = namespace.resolve_all(['tau', 'ms'], additional_namespace)
    assert len(resolved) == 2
    assert resolved['tau'] == np.asarray(20 * ms)
Exemple #5
def test_resolution():
    # implicit namespace
    tau = 10*ms
    namespace = create_namespace()
    additional_namespace = ('implicit-namespace', {'tau': tau})
    resolved = namespace.resolve_all(['tau', 'ms'], additional_namespace)
    assert len(resolved) == 2
    assert type(resolved) == type(dict())
    # make sure that the units are stripped
    assert resolved['tau'] == np.asarray(tau)
    assert resolved['ms'] == float(ms)

    # explicit namespace
    namespace = create_namespace({'tau': 20 * ms})

    resolved = namespace.resolve_all(['tau', 'ms'], additional_namespace)
    assert len(resolved) == 2
    assert resolved['tau'] == np.asarray(20 * ms)
Exemple #6
def test_explicit_namespace():
    ''' Test resolution with an explicitly provided namespace '''
    explicit_namespace = {'variable': 'explicit_var'}
    # Explicitly provided 
    namespace = create_namespace( explicit_namespace)

    with catch_logs() as l:
        assert namespace['variable'] == 'explicit_var'
        assert len(l) == 0
Exemple #7
def test_default_content():
    Test that the default namespace contains standard units and functions.
    namespace = create_namespace({})
    # Units
    assert namespace['second'] == second
    assert namespace['volt'] == volt
    assert namespace['ms'] == ms
    assert namespace['Hz'] == Hz
    assert namespace['mV'] == mV
    # Functions (the namespace contains variables)
    assert namespace['sin'].pyfunc == sin
    assert namespace['log'].pyfunc == log
    assert namespace['exp'].pyfunc == exp
Exemple #8
def test_default_content():
    Test that the default namespace contains standard units and functions.
    namespace = create_namespace({})
    # Units
    assert namespace['second'] == second
    assert namespace['volt'] == volt
    assert namespace['ms'] == ms
    assert namespace['Hz'] == Hz
    assert namespace['mV'] == mV
    # Functions (the namespace contains variables)
    assert namespace['sin'].pyfunc == sin 
    assert namespace['log'].pyfunc == log
    assert namespace['exp'].pyfunc == exp
Exemple #9
def test_explicit_namespace():
    ''' Test resolution with an explicitly provided namespace '''
    explicit_namespace = {'variable': 'explicit_var',
                          'randn': 'explicit_randn'}
    # Explicitly provided 
    namespace = create_namespace( explicit_namespace)
    with catch_logs() as l:
        assert namespace['variable'] == 'explicit_var'
        assert len(l) == 0
    with catch_logs() as l:
        # The explicitly provided namespace should not overwrite functions
        assert isinstance(namespace['randn'], RandnFunction)        
Exemple #10
def test_warning():
    from brian2.core.functions import DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS
    from brian2.units.stdunits import cm as brian_cm
    # Name in external namespace clashes with unit/function name
    exp = 23
    cm = 42
    namespace = create_namespace()
    local_ns = get_local_namespace(level=0)
    with catch_logs() as l:
        resolved = namespace.resolve('exp', ('implicit namespace', local_ns))
        assert resolved == DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['exp']
        assert len(l) == 1
        assert l[0][1].endswith('.resolution_conflict')
    with catch_logs() as l:
        resolved = namespace.resolve('cm', ('implicit namespace', local_ns))
        assert resolved == brian_cm
        assert len(l) == 1
        assert l[0][1].endswith('.resolution_conflict')
Exemple #11
def test_explicit_namespace():
    ''' Test resolution with an explicitly provided namespace '''

    explicit_namespace = {
        'variable': 'explicit_var',
        'randn': 'explicit_randn'
    # Explicitly provided
    namespace = create_namespace(explicit_namespace)

    with catch_logs() as l:
        assert namespace['variable'] == 'explicit_var'
        assert len(l) == 0

    with catch_logs() as l:
        # The explicitly provided namespace should not overwrite functions
        assert isinstance(namespace['randn'], RandnFunction)
Exemple #12
def test_parse_expression_unit():
    default_namespace = create_namespace({})
    varunits = dict(default_namespace)
    varunits.update({'a': volt * amp, 'b': volt, 'c': amp})

    EE = [
        (volt * amp, 'a+b*c'),
        (DimensionMismatchError, 'a+b'),
        (DimensionMismatchError, 'a<b'),
        (1, 'a<b*c'),
        (1, 'a or b'),
        (1, 'not (a >= b*c)'),
        (DimensionMismatchError, 'a or b<c'),
        (1, 'a/(b*c)<1'),
        (1, 'a/(a-a)'),
        (1, 'a<mV*mA'),
        (volt**2, 'b**2'),
        (volt * amp, 'a%(b*c)'),
        (volt, '-b'),
        (1, '(a/a)**(a/a)'),
        # Expressions involving functions
        (volt, 'rand()*b'),
        (volt**0.5, 'sqrt(b)'),
        (volt, 'ceil(b)'),
        (volt, 'sqrt(randn()*b**2)'),
        (1, 'sin(b/b)'),
        (DimensionMismatchError, 'sin(b)'),
        (DimensionMismatchError, 'sqrt(b) + b')
    for expect, expr in EE:
        if expect is DimensionMismatchError:
            assert_raises(DimensionMismatchError, parse_expression_unit, expr,
                          varunits, {})
            u = parse_expression_unit(expr, varunits, {})
            assert have_same_dimensions(u, expect)

    wrong_expressions = [
        'a << b',
        'ot True'  # typo
    for expr in wrong_expressions:
        assert_raises(SyntaxError, parse_expression_unit, expr, varunits, {})
Exemple #13
def test_parse_expression_unit():
    default_namespace = create_namespace({})
    varunits = dict(default_namespace)
    varunits.update({'a': volt*amp, 'b': volt, 'c': amp})

    EE = [
        (volt*amp, 'a+b*c'),
        (DimensionMismatchError, 'a+b'),
        (DimensionMismatchError, 'a<b'),
        (1, 'a<b*c'),
        (1, 'a or b'),
        (1, 'not (a >= b*c)'),
        (DimensionMismatchError, 'a or b<c'),
        (1, 'a/(b*c)<1'),
        (1, 'a/(a-a)'),
        (1, 'a<mV*mA'),
        (volt**2, 'b**2'),
        (volt*amp, 'a%(b*c)'),
        (volt, '-b'),
        (1, '(a/a)**(a/a)'),
        # Expressions involving functions
        (volt, 'rand()*b'),
        (volt**0.5, 'sqrt(b)'),
        (volt, 'ceil(b)'),
        (volt, 'sqrt(randn()*b**2)'),
        (1, 'sin(b/b)'),
        (DimensionMismatchError, 'sin(b)'),
        (DimensionMismatchError, 'sqrt(b) + b')
    for expect, expr in EE:
        if expect is DimensionMismatchError:
            assert_raises(DimensionMismatchError, parse_expression_unit, expr, varunits, {})
            u = parse_expression_unit(expr, varunits, {})
            assert have_same_dimensions(u, expect)

    wrong_expressions = ['a**b',
                         'a << b',
                         'ot True' # typo
    for expr in wrong_expressions:
        assert_raises(SyntaxError, parse_expression_unit, expr, varunits, {})
def test_unit_checking():
    # dummy Variable class
    class S(object):
        def __init__(self, unit):
            self.unit = unit

    # Let's create a namespace with a user-defined namespace that we can
    # updater later on
    namespace = create_namespace({})
    # inconsistent unit for a differential equation
    eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -v : volt')
                  lambda: eqs.check_units(namespace, {'v': S(volt)}))

    eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -v / tau: volt')
    namespace['tau'] = 5 * mV
                  lambda: eqs.check_units(namespace, {'v': S(volt)}))
    namespace['I'] = 3 * second
    eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -(v + I) / (5 * ms): volt')
                  lambda: eqs.check_units(namespace, {'v': S(volt)}))

    eqs = Equations('''dv/dt = -(v + I) / (5 * ms): volt
                       I : second''')
        lambda: eqs.check_units(namespace, {
            'v': S(volt),
            'I': S(second)

    # inconsistent unit for a static equation
    eqs = Equations('''dv/dt = -v / (5 * ms) : volt
                       I = 2 * v : amp''')
        lambda: eqs.check_units(namespace, {
            'v': S(volt),
            'I': S(amp)
Exemple #15
    def __init__(self, N, rates, clock=None, name='poissongroup*',

        Group.__init__(self, when=clock, name=name)

        self.codeobj_class = codeobj_class

        self._N = N = int(N)

        # TODO: In principle, it would be nice to support Poisson groups with
        # refactoriness, but we can't currently, since the refractoriness
        # information is reset in the state updater which we are not using
        # We could either use a specific template or simply not bother and make
        # users write their own NeuronGroup (with threshold rand() < rates*dt)
        # for more complex use cases.

        self.variables = Variables(self)
        # standard variables
        self.variables.add_constant('N', unit=Unit(1), value=self._N)
        self.variables.add_arange('i', self._N, constant=True, read_only=True)
        self.variables.add_array('_spikespace', size=N+1, unit=Unit(1),

        # The firing rates
        self.variables.add_array('rates', size=N, unit=Hz)

        self.start = 0
        self.stop = N
        self.namespace = create_namespace(None)

        self.threshold = 'rand() < rates * dt'
        self._refractory = False
        self.thresholder = Thresholder(self)

        # Set the rates according to the argument (make sure to use the correct
        # namespace)
        self.rates.set_item(slice(None), rates, level=2)
Exemple #16
    def __init__(self, source, target=None, model=None, pre=None, post=None,
                 connect=False, delay=None, namespace=None, dtype=None,
                 clock=None, method=None, name='synapses*'):
        self._N = 0
        Group.__init__(self, when=clock, name=name)
        self.codeobj_class = codeobj_class

        self.source = weakref.proxy(source)
        if target is None:
            self.target = self.source
            self.target = weakref.proxy(target)
        ##### Prepare and validate equations
        if model is None:
            model = ''

        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Check flags
        model.check_flags({DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ['event-driven'],
                           STATIC_EQUATION: ['summed'],
                           PARAMETER: ['constant']})

        # Separate the equations into event-driven and continuously updated
        # equations
        event_driven = []
        continuous = []
        for single_equation in model.itervalues():
            if 'event-driven' in single_equation.flags:
        # Add the lastupdate variable, used by event-driven equations
        continuous.append(SingleEquation(PARAMETER, 'lastupdate', second))

        if len(event_driven):
            self.event_driven = Equations(event_driven)
            self.event_driven = None

        self.equations = Equations(continuous)

        # Setup the namespace
        self._given_namespace = namespace
        self.namespace = create_namespace(namespace)

        self._queues = {}
        self._delays = {}

        # Setup variables

        #: Set of `Variable` objects that should be resized when the
        #: number of synapses changes
        self._registered_variables = set()

        for varname, var in self.variables.iteritems():
            if isinstance(var, DynamicArrayVariable):
                # Register the array with the `SynapticItemMapping` object so
                # it gets automatically resized

        #: List of names of all updaters, e.g. ['pre', 'post']
        self._synaptic_updaters = []
        #: List of all `SynapticPathway` objects
        self._pathways = []
        for prepost, argument in zip(('pre', 'post'), (pre, post)):
            if not argument:
            if isinstance(argument, basestring):
                self._add_updater(argument, prepost)
            elif isinstance(argument, collections.Mapping):
                for key, value in argument.iteritems():
                    if not isinstance(key, basestring):
                        err_msg = ('Keys for the "{}" argument'
                                   'have to be strings, got '
                                   '{} instead.').format(prepost, type(key))
                        raise TypeError(err_msg)
                    self._add_updater(value, prepost, objname=key)

        # If we have a pathway called "pre" (the most common use case), provide
        # direct access to its delay via a delay attribute (instead of having
        # to use pre.delay)
        if 'pre' in self._synaptic_updaters:
            self.variables.add_reference('delay', self.pre.variables['delay'])

        if delay is not None:
            if isinstance(delay, Quantity):
                if not 'pre' in self._synaptic_updaters:
                    raise ValueError(('Cannot set delay, no "pre" pathway exists.'
                                      'Use a dictionary if you want to set the '
                                      'delay for a pathway with a different name.'))
                delay = {'pre': delay}

            if not isinstance(delay, collections.Mapping):
                raise TypeError('Delay argument has to be a quantity or a '
                                'dictionary, is type %s instead.' % type(delay))
            for pathway, pathway_delay in delay.iteritems():
                if not pathway in self._synaptic_updaters:
                    raise ValueError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway '
                                      '"%s": unknown pathway.') % pathway)
                if not isinstance(pathway_delay, Quantity):
                    raise TypeError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway "%s": '
                                     'expected a quantity, got %s instead.') % (pathway,
                if pathway_delay.size != 1:
                    raise TypeError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway "%s": '
                                     'expected a scalar quantity, got a '
                                     'quantity with shape %s instead.') % str(pathway_delay.shape))
                fail_for_dimension_mismatch(pathway_delay, second, ('Delay has to be '
                                                                    'specified in units '
                                                                    'of seconds'))
                updater = getattr(self, pathway)
                # For simplicity, store the delay as a one-element array
                # so that for example updater._delays[:] works.
                updater._delays.scalar = True
                # Do not resize the scalar delay variable when adding synapses

        #: Performs numerical integration step
        self.state_updater = StateUpdater(self, method)        

        #: "Summed variable" mechanism -- sum over all synapses of a
        #: pre-/postsynaptic target
        self.summed_updaters = {}
        # We want to raise an error if the same variable is updated twice
        # using this mechanism. This could happen if the Synapses object
        # connected a NeuronGroup to itself since then all variables are
        # accessible as var_pre and var_post.
        summed_targets = set()
        for single_equation in self.equations.itervalues():
            if 'summed' in single_equation.flags:
                varname = single_equation.varname
                if not (varname.endswith('_pre') or varname.endswith('_post')):
                    raise ValueError(('The summed variable "%s" does not end '
                                      'in "_pre" or "_post".') % varname)
                if not varname in self.variables:
                    raise ValueError(('The summed variable "%s" does not refer'
                                      'do any known variable in the '
                                      'target group.') % varname)
                if varname.endswith('_pre'):
                    summed_target = self.source
                    orig_varname = varname[:-4]
                    summed_target = self.target
                    orig_varname = varname[:-5]

                target_eq = getattr(summed_target, 'equations', {}).get(orig_varname, None)
                if target_eq is None or target_eq.type != PARAMETER:
                    raise ValueError(('The summed variable "%s" needs a '
                                      'corresponding parameter "%s" in the '
                                      'target group.') % (varname,

                                            ('Summed variables need to have '
                                             'the same units in Synapses '
                                             'and the target group'))
                if self.variables[varname] in summed_targets:
                    raise ValueError(('The target variable "%s" is already '
                                      'updated by another summed '
                                      'variable') % orig_varname)
                updater = SummedVariableUpdater(single_equation.expr,
                                                varname, self, summed_target)
                self.summed_updaters[varname] = updater

        # Do an initial connect, if requested
        if not isinstance(connect, (bool, basestring)):
            raise TypeError(('"connect" keyword has to be a boolean value or a '
                             'string, is type %s instead.' % type(connect)))
        self._initial_connect = connect
        if not connect is False:
            self.connect(connect, level=1)

        # Activate name attribute access
Exemple #17
    def __init__(self, synapses, code, prepost, objname=None):
        self.code = code
        self.prepost = prepost
        if prepost == 'pre':
            self.source = synapses.source
            self.target = synapses.target
            self.synapse_sources = synapses.variables['_synaptic_pre']
        elif prepost == 'post':
            self.source = synapses.target
            self.target = synapses.source
            self.synapse_sources = synapses.variables['_synaptic_post']
            raise ValueError('prepost argument has to be either "pre" or '
        self.synapses = synapses

        if objname is None:
            objname = prepost + '*'

        GroupCodeRunner.__init__(self, synapses,
                                 when=(synapses.clock, 'synapses'),
                                 name=synapses.name + '_' + objname,
                                 template_kwds={'pathway': self})

        self._pushspikes_codeobj = None

        self.spikes_start = self.source.start
        self.spikes_stop = self.source.stop

        self.spiking_synapses = []
        self.variables = Variables(self)
        self.variables.add_attribute_variable('_spiking_synapses', unit=Unit(1),
        self.variables.add_reference('N', synapses.variables['N'])
        self.variables.add_dynamic_array('delay', unit=second,
                                         size=synapses._N, constant=True,
        self._delays = self.variables['delay']
        # Register the object with the `SynapticIndex` object so it gets
        # automatically resized

        # Re-extract the last part of the name from the full name
        self.objname = self.name[len(synapses.name) + 1:]

        #: The simulation dt (necessary for the delays)
        self.dt = self.synapses.clock.dt_

        #: The `SpikeQueue`
        self.queue = None

        #: The `CodeObject` initalising the `SpikeQueue` at the begin of a run
        self._initialise_queue_codeobj = None

        self.namespace = create_namespace(None)
        # Enable access to the delay attribute via the specifier
Exemple #18
    def __init__(self, N, model, method=None,
                 clock=None, name='neurongroup*',
        Group.__init__(self, when=clock, name=name)

        self.codeobj_class = codeobj_class

            self._N = N = int(N)
        except ValueError:
            if isinstance(N, str):
                raise TypeError("First NeuronGroup argument should be size, not equations.")
        if N < 1:
            raise ValueError("NeuronGroup size should be at least 1, was " + str(N))

        self.start = 0
        self.stop = self._N

        ##### Prepare and validate equations
        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Check flags
        model.check_flags({DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ('unless refractory'),
                           PARAMETER: ('constant')})

        # add refractoriness
        if refractory is not False:
            model = add_refractoriness(model)
        self.equations = model
        uses_refractoriness = len(model) and any(['unless refractory' in eq.flags
                                                  for eq in model.itervalues()
                                                  if eq.type == DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION])

        logger.debug("Creating NeuronGroup of size {self._N}, "
                     "equations {self.equations}.".format(self=self))

        # Setup the namespace
        self.namespace = create_namespace(namespace)

        # Setup variables

        # All of the following will be created in before_run
        #: The threshold condition
        self.threshold = threshold
        #: The reset statement(s)
        self.reset = reset

        #: The refractory condition or timespan
        self._refractory = refractory
        if uses_refractoriness and refractory is False:
            logger.warn('Model equations use the "unless refractory" flag but '
                        'no refractory keyword was given.', 'no_refractory')

        #: The state update method selected by the user
        self.method_choice = method
        #: Performs thresholding step, sets the value of `spikes`
        self.thresholder = None
        if self.threshold is not None:
            self.thresholder = Thresholder(self)

        #: Resets neurons which have spiked (`spikes`)
        self.resetter = None
        if self.reset is not None:
            self.resetter = Resetter(self)

        # We try to run a before_run already now. This might fail because of an
        # incomplete namespace but if the namespace is already complete we
        # can spot unit errors in the equation already here.
        except KeyError:

        #: Performs numerical integration step
        self.state_updater = StateUpdater(self, method)

        # Creation of contained_objects that do the work
        if self.thresholder is not None:
        if self.resetter is not None:

        if refractory is not False:
            # Set the refractoriness information

        # Activate name attribute access
Exemple #19
    def __init__(self,
        BrianObject.__init__(self, when=clock, name=name)

        self.codeobj_class = codeobj_class

            self.N = N = int(N)
        except ValueError:
            if isinstance(N, str):
                raise TypeError(
                    "First NeuronGroup argument should be size, not equations."
        if N < 1:
            raise ValueError("NeuronGroup size should be at least 1, was " +

        ##### Prepare and validate equations
        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Check flags
            DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ('unless-refractory'),
            PARAMETER: ('constant')

        # add refractoriness
        model = add_refractoriness(model)
        self.equations = model
        uses_refractoriness = len(model) and any([
            'unless-refractory' in eq.flags
            for eq in model.itervalues() if eq.type == DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION

        logger.debug("Creating NeuronGroup of size {self.N}, "
                     "equations {self.equations}.".format(self=self))

        ##### Setup the memory
        self.arrays = self._allocate_memory(dtype=dtype)

        self._spikespace = np.zeros(N + 1, dtype=np.int32)

        # Setup the namespace
        self.namespace = create_namespace(namespace)

        # Setup variables
        self.variables = self._create_variables()

        # All of the following will be created in pre_run

        #: The threshold condition
        self.threshold = threshold

        #: The reset statement(s)
        self.reset = reset

        #: The refractory condition or timespan
        self._refractory = refractory
        if uses_refractoriness and refractory is False:
                'Model equations use the "unless-refractory" flag but '
                'no refractory keyword was given.', 'no_refractory')

        #: The state update method selected by the user
        self.method_choice = method

        #: Performs thresholding step, sets the value of `spikes`
        self.thresholder = None
        if self.threshold is not None:
            self.thresholder = Thresholder(self)

        #: Resets neurons which have spiked (`spikes`)
        self.resetter = None
        if self.reset is not None:
            self.resetter = Resetter(self)

        # We try to run a pre_run already now. This might fail because of an
        # incomplete namespace but if the namespace is already complete we
        # can spot unit or syntax errors already here, at creation time.
        except KeyError:

        #: Performs numerical integration step
        self.state_updater = StateUpdater(self, method)

        # Creation of contained_objects that do the work
        if self.thresholder is not None:
        if self.resetter is not None:

        # Activate name attribute access

        # Set the refractoriness information
        self.lastspike = -np.inf * second
        self.not_refractory = True
Exemple #20
    def __init__(self,

        BrianObject.__init__(self, when=clock, name=name)

        self.codeobj_class = codeobj_class

        self.source = weakref.proxy(source)
        if target is None:
            self.target = self.source
            self.target = weakref.proxy(target)

        ##### Prepare and validate equations
        if model is None:
            model = ''

        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Check flags
            DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ['event-driven', 'lumped'],
            STATIC_EQUATION: ['lumped'],
            PARAMETER: ['constant', 'lumped']

        # Separate the equations into event-driven and continuously updated
        # equations
        event_driven = []
        continuous = []
        for single_equation in model.itervalues():
            if 'event-driven' in single_equation.flags:
                if 'lumped' in single_equation.flags:
                    raise ValueError(
                        ('Event-driven variable %s cannot be '
                         'a lumped variable.') % single_equation.varname)
        # Add the lastupdate variable, used by event-driven equations
        continuous.append(SingleEquation(PARAMETER, 'lastupdate', second))

        if len(event_driven):
            self.event_driven = Equations(event_driven)
            self.event_driven = None

        self.equations = Equations(continuous)

        ##### Setup the memory
        self.arrays = self._allocate_memory(dtype=dtype)

        # Setup the namespace
        self._given_namespace = namespace
        self.namespace = create_namespace(namespace)

        self._queues = {}
        self._delays = {}

        self.item_mapping = SynapticItemMapping(self)
        self.indices = {
            '_idx': self.item_mapping,
            '_presynaptic_idx': self.item_mapping.synaptic_pre,
            '_postsynaptic_idx': self.item_mapping.synaptic_post
        # Allow S.i instead of S.indices.i, etc.
        self.i = self.item_mapping.i
        self.j = self.item_mapping.j
        self.k = self.item_mapping.k

        # Setup variables
        self.variables = self._create_variables()

        #: List of names of all updaters, e.g. ['pre', 'post']
        self._updaters = []
        for prepost, argument in zip(('pre', 'post'), (pre, post)):
            if not argument:
            if isinstance(argument, basestring):
                self._add_updater(argument, prepost)
            elif isinstance(argument, collections.Mapping):
                for key, value in argument.iteritems():
                    if not isinstance(key, basestring):
                        err_msg = ('Keys for the "{}" argument'
                                   'have to be strings, got '
                                   '{} instead.').format(prepost, type(key))
                        raise TypeError(err_msg)
                    self._add_updater(value, prepost, objname=key)

        # If we have a pathway called "pre" (the most common use case), provide
        # direct access to its delay via a delay attribute (instead of having
        # to use pre.delay)
        if 'pre' in self._updaters:
            self.variables['delay'] = self.pre.variables['delay']

        if delay is not None:
            if isinstance(delay, Quantity):
                if not 'pre' in self._updaters:
                    raise ValueError(
                        ('Cannot set delay, no "pre" pathway exists.'
                         'Use a dictionary if you want to set the '
                         'delay for a pathway with a different name.'))
                delay = {'pre': delay}

            if not isinstance(delay, collections.Mapping):
                raise TypeError('Delay argument has to be a quantity or a '
                                'dictionary, is type %s instead.' %
            for pathway, pathway_delay in delay.iteritems():
                if not pathway in self._updaters:
                    raise ValueError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway '
                                      '"%s": unknown pathway.') % pathway)
                if not isinstance(pathway_delay, Quantity):
                    raise TypeError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway "%s": '
                                     'expected a quantity, got %s instead.') %
                                    (pathway, type(pathway_delay)))
                if pathway_delay.size != 1:
                    raise TypeError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway "%s": '
                                     'expected a scalar quantity, got a '
                                     'quantity with shape %s instead.') %
                fail_for_dimension_mismatch(pathway_delay, second,
                                            ('Delay has to be '
                                             'specified in units '
                                             'of seconds'))
                updater = getattr(self, pathway)
                del updater._delays
                # For simplicity, store the delay as a one-element array
                # so that for example updater._delays[:] works.
                updater._delays = np.array([float(pathway_delay)])
                variable = ArrayVariable('delay',
                updater.variables['delay'] = variable
                if pathway == 'pre':
                    self.variables['delay'] = variable

        #: Performs numerical integration step
        self.state_updater = StateUpdater(self, method)

        #: "Lumped variable" mechanism -- sum over all synapses of a
        #: postsynaptic target
        self.lumped_updaters = {}
        for single_equation in self.equations.itervalues():
            if 'lumped' in single_equation.flags:
                varname = single_equation.varname
                # For a lumped variable, we need an equivalent parameter in the
                # target group
                if not varname in self.target.variables:
                    raise ValueError(
                        ('The lumped variable %s needs a variable '
                         'of the same name in the target '
                         'group ') % single_equation.varname)
                                            ('Lumped variables need to have '
                                             'the same units in Synapses '
                                             'and the target group'))
                # TODO: Add some more stringent check about the type of
                # variable in the target group
                updater = LumpedUpdater(varname, self, self.target)
                self.lumped_updaters[varname] = updater

        # Do an initial connect, if requested
        if not isinstance(connect, (bool, basestring)):
            raise TypeError(
                ('"connect" keyword has to be a boolean value or a '
                 'string, is type %s instead.' % type(connect)))
        self._initial_connect = connect
        if not connect is False:
            self.connect(connect, level=1)

        # Activate name attribute access
Exemple #21
    def __init__(self, source, target=None, model=None, pre=None, post=None,
                 connect=False, delay=None, namespace=None, dtype=None,
                 clock=None, method=None, name='synapses*'):
        BrianObject.__init__(self, when=clock, name=name)
        self.codeobj_class = codeobj_class

        self.source = weakref.proxy(source)
        if target is None:
            self.target = self.source
            self.target = weakref.proxy(target)
        ##### Prepare and validate equations
        if model is None:
            model = ''

        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Check flags
        model.check_flags({DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ['event-driven', 'lumped'],
                           STATIC_EQUATION: ['lumped'],
                           PARAMETER: ['constant', 'lumped']})

        # Separate the equations into event-driven and continuously updated
        # equations
        event_driven = []
        continuous = []
        for single_equation in model.itervalues():
            if 'event-driven' in single_equation.flags:
                if 'lumped' in single_equation.flags:
                    raise ValueError(('Event-driven variable %s cannot be '
                                      'a lumped variable.') % single_equation.varname)
        # Add the lastupdate variable, used by event-driven equations
        continuous.append(SingleEquation(PARAMETER, 'lastupdate', second))

        if len(event_driven):
            self.event_driven = Equations(event_driven)
            self.event_driven = None

        self.equations = Equations(continuous)

        ##### Setup the memory
        self.arrays = self._allocate_memory(dtype=dtype)

        # Setup the namespace
        self._given_namespace = namespace
        self.namespace = create_namespace(namespace)

        self._queues = {}
        self._delays = {}

        self.item_mapping = SynapticItemMapping(self)
        self.indices = {'_idx': self.item_mapping,
                        '_presynaptic_idx': self.item_mapping.synaptic_pre,
                        '_postsynaptic_idx': self.item_mapping.synaptic_post}
        # Allow S.i instead of S.indices.i, etc.
        self.i = self.item_mapping.i
        self.j = self.item_mapping.j
        self.k = self.item_mapping.k

        # Setup variables
        self.variables = self._create_variables()

        #: List of names of all updaters, e.g. ['pre', 'post']
        self._updaters = []
        for prepost, argument in zip(('pre', 'post'), (pre, post)):
            if not argument:
            if isinstance(argument, basestring):
                self._add_updater(argument, prepost)
            elif isinstance(argument, collections.Mapping):
                for key, value in argument.iteritems():
                    if not isinstance(key, basestring):
                        err_msg = ('Keys for the "{}" argument'
                                   'have to be strings, got '
                                   '{} instead.').format(prepost, type(key))
                        raise TypeError(err_msg)
                    self._add_updater(value, prepost, objname=key)

        # If we have a pathway called "pre" (the most common use case), provide
        # direct access to its delay via a delay attribute (instead of having
        # to use pre.delay)
        if 'pre' in self._updaters:
            self.variables['delay'] = self.pre.variables['delay']

        if delay is not None:
            if isinstance(delay, Quantity):
                if not 'pre' in self._updaters:
                    raise ValueError(('Cannot set delay, no "pre" pathway exists.'
                                      'Use a dictionary if you want to set the '
                                      'delay for a pathway with a different name.'))
                delay = {'pre': delay}

            if not isinstance(delay, collections.Mapping):
                raise TypeError('Delay argument has to be a quantity or a '
                                'dictionary, is type %s instead.' % type(delay))
            for pathway, pathway_delay in delay.iteritems():
                if not pathway in self._updaters:
                    raise ValueError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway '
                                      '"%s": unknown pathway.') % pathway)
                if not isinstance(pathway_delay, Quantity):
                    raise TypeError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway "%s": '
                                     'expected a quantity, got %s instead.') % (pathway,
                if pathway_delay.size != 1:
                    raise TypeError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway "%s": '
                                     'expected a scalar quantity, got a '
                                     'quantity with shape %s instead.') % str(pathway_delay.shape))
                fail_for_dimension_mismatch(pathway_delay, second, ('Delay has to be '
                                                                    'specified in units '
                                                                    'of seconds'))
                updater = getattr(self, pathway)
                del updater._delays
                # For simplicity, store the delay as a one-element array
                # so that for example updater._delays[:] works.
                updater._delays = np.array([float(pathway_delay)])
                variable = ArrayVariable('delay', second, updater._delays,
                                          group_name=self.name, scalar=True)
                updater.variables['delay'] = variable
                if pathway == 'pre':
                    self.variables['delay'] = variable

        #: Performs numerical integration step
        self.state_updater = StateUpdater(self, method)        

        #: "Lumped variable" mechanism -- sum over all synapses of a
        #: postsynaptic target
        self.lumped_updaters = {}
        for single_equation in self.equations.itervalues():
            if 'lumped' in single_equation.flags:
                varname = single_equation.varname
                # For a lumped variable, we need an equivalent parameter in the
                # target group
                if not varname in self.target.variables:
                    raise ValueError(('The lumped variable %s needs a variable '
                                      'of the same name in the target '
                                      'group ') % single_equation.varname)
                                            ('Lumped variables need to have '
                                             'the same units in Synapses '
                                             'and the target group'))
                # TODO: Add some more stringent check about the type of
                # variable in the target group
                updater = LumpedUpdater(varname, self, self.target)
                self.lumped_updaters[varname] = updater

        # Do an initial connect, if requested
        if not isinstance(connect, (bool, basestring)):
            raise TypeError(('"connect" keyword has to be a boolean value or a '
                             'string, is type %s instead.' % type(connect)))
        self._initial_connect = connect
        if not connect is False:
            self.connect(connect, level=1)

        # Activate name attribute access