def main(): print(f"Brownie v{__version__} - Python development framework for Ethereum\n") if len(sys.argv) < 2 or sys.argv[1].startswith("-"): # this call triggers a SystemExit docopt(__doc__, ["brownie", "-h"]) cmd = sys.argv[1] cmd_list = [i.stem for i in Path(__file__).parent.glob("[!_]*.py")] if cmd not in cmd_list: distances = sorted([(i, levenshtein_norm(cmd, i)) for i in cmd_list], key=lambda k: k[1]) if distances[0][1] <= 0.2: sys.exit(f"Invalid command. Did you mean 'brownie {distances[0][0]}'?") sys.exit("Invalid command. Try 'brownie --help' for available commands.") CONFIG.argv["cli"] = cmd sys.modules["brownie"].a = network.accounts sys.modules["brownie"].__all__.append("a") try: importlib.import_module(f"brownie._cli.{cmd}").main() except ProjectNotFound: notify("ERROR", "Brownie environment has not been initiated for this folder.") print("Type 'brownie init' to create the file structure.") except Exception as e: print(color.format_tb(e))
def _password(id_): a = accounts.load(id_), overwrite=True) notify( "SUCCESS", f"Password has been changed for account '{color('bright blue')}{id_}{color}'" )
def main(): print( f"Brownie v{__version__} - Python development framework for Ethereum\n" ) # remove options before calling docopt if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1][0] != "-": idx = next((sys.argv.index(i) for i in sys.argv if i.startswith("-")), len(sys.argv)) opts = sys.argv[idx:] sys.argv = sys.argv[:idx] args = docopt(__doc__) sys.argv += opts cmd_list = [i.stem for i in Path(__file__).parent.glob("[!_]*.py")] if args["<command>"] not in cmd_list: sys.exit( "Invalid command. Try 'brownie --help' for available commands.") ARGV["cli"] = args["<command>"] sys.modules["brownie"].a = network.accounts sys.modules["brownie"].__all__.append("a") try: importlib.import_module(f"brownie._cli.{args['<command>']}").main() except ProjectNotFound: notify("ERROR", "Brownie environment has not been initiated for this folder.") print("Type 'brownie init' to create the file structure.") except Exception as e: print(color.format_tb(e))
def print_console_report(stdout_report) -> None: """Highlight and print a given stdout report to the console. This adds color formatting to the given stdout report and prints a summary of the vulnerabilities MythX has detected. :return: None """ total_issues = sum(x for i in stdout_report.values() for x in i.values()) if not total_issues: notify("SUCCESS", "No issues found!") return # display console report total_high_severity = sum(i.get("HIGH", 0) for i in stdout_report.values()) if total_high_severity: notify( "WARNING", f"Found {total_issues} issues including {total_high_severity} high severity!" ) else: print(f"Found {total_issues} issues:") for name in sorted(stdout_report): print(f"\n contract: {color('bright magenta')}{name}{color}") for key in [ i for i in ("HIGH", "MEDIUM", "LOW") if i in stdout_report[name] ]: c = color("bright red" if key == "HIGH" else "bright yellow") print(f" {key.title()}: {c}{stdout_report[name][key]}{color}")
def _release(project_path, registry_address, sender): network.connect("mainnet") with project_path.joinpath("ethpm-config.yaml").open() as fp: project_config = yaml.safe_load(fp) print("Generating manifest and pinning assets to IPFS...") manifest, uri = ethpm.create_manifest(project_path, project_config, True, False) if sender in accounts: account = else: try: account = accounts.load(sender) except FileNotFoundError: raise UnknownAccount(f"Unknown account '{sender}'") name = f'{manifest["package_name"]}@{manifest["version"]}' print(f'Releasing {name} on "{registry_address}"...') try: tx = ethpm.release_package(registry_address, account, manifest["package_name"], manifest["version"], uri) if tx.status == 1: notify("SUCCESS", f"{name} has been released!") print( f"\nURI: {color('bright magenta')}ethpm://{registry_address}:1/{name}{color}" ) return except Exception: pass notify( "ERROR", f'Transaction reverted when releasing {name} on "{registry_address}"')
def _install(project_path, uri, replace=False): if replace: if replace.lower() not in ("true", "false"): raise ValueError("Invalid command for 'overwrite', must be True or False") replace = eval(replace.capitalize()) print(f'Attempting to install package at "{color("bright magenta")}{uri}{color}"...') name = ethpm.install_package(project_path, uri, replace) notify("SUCCESS", f'The "{color("bright magenta")}{name}{color}" package was installed.')
def _new(id_): pk = input("Enter the private key you wish to add: ") a = accounts.add(pk) notify( "SUCCESS", f"A new account '{color('bright magenta')}{a.address}{color}'" f" has been generated with the id '{color('bright blue')}{id_}{color}'", )
def _generate(id_): print("Generating a new private key...") a = accounts.add() notify( "SUCCESS", f"A new account '{color('bright magenta')}{a.address}{color}'" f" has been generated with the id '{color('bright blue')}{id_}{color}'", )
def _import(path_str, replace=False): if isinstance(replace, str): replace = eval(replace.capitalize()) path = Path(path_str) with as fp: new_networks = yaml.safe_load(fp) with _get_data_folder().joinpath("network-config.yaml").open() as fp: old_networks = yaml.safe_load(fp) for value in new_networks.get("development", []): id_ = value["id"] if id_ in CONFIG.networks: if "cmd" not in CONFIG.networks[id_]: raise ValueError( f"Import file contains development network with id '{id_}'," " but this is already an existing live network.") if not replace: raise ValueError(f"Cannot overwrite existing network {id_}") old_networks["development"] = [ i for i in old_networks["development"] if i["id"] != id_ ] _validate_network(value, DEV_REQUIRED) old_networks["development"].append(value) for chain, value in [(i, x) for i in new_networks.get("live", []) for x in i["networks"]]: prod = next( (i for i in old_networks["live"] if i["name"] == chain["name"]), None) if prod is None: prod = {"name": chain["name"], "networks": []} old_networks["live"].append(prod) id_ = value["id"] if id_ in CONFIG.networks: if not replace: raise ValueError(f"Cannot overwrite existing network {id_}") existing = next((i for i in prod["networks"] if i["id"] == id_), None) if existing is None: raise ValueError( f"Import file contains live network with id '{id_}'," " but this is already an existing network on a different environment." ) prod["networks"].remove(existing) _validate_network(value, PROD_REQUIRED) prod["networks"].append(value) with _get_data_folder().joinpath("network-config.yaml").open("w") as fp: yaml.dump(old_networks, fp) notify( "SUCCESS", f"Network settings imported from '{color('bright magenta')}{path}{color}'" )
def _delete(package_id): org, repo, version = _split_id(package_id) source_path = _get_data_folder().joinpath( f"packages/{org}/{repo}@{version}") if not source_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( f"Package '{_format_pkg(org, repo, version)}' is not installed") shutil.rmtree(source_path) notify("SUCCESS", f"Package '{_format_pkg(org, repo, version)}' has been deleted")
def _unlink(project_path, name): if ethpm.remove_package(project_path, name, False): notify( "SUCCESS", f'The "{color("bright magenta")}{name}{color}" package was unlinked.' ) return notify( "ERROR", f'"{color("bright magenta")}{name}{color}" is not installed in this project.' )
def _update_provider(name, url): with _get_data_folder().joinpath("providers-config.yaml").open() as fp: providers = yaml.safe_load(fp) providers[name] = {"host": url} with _get_data_folder().joinpath("providers-config.yaml").open("w") as fp: yaml.dump(providers, fp) notify( "SUCCESS", f"Provider '{color('bright magenta')}{name}{color}' has been updated")
def _export(path_str): path = Path(path_str) if path.exists(): if path.is_dir(): path = path.joinpath("network-config.yaml") else: raise FileExistsError(f"{path} already exists") if not path.suffix: path = path.with_suffix(".yaml") shutil.copy(_get_data_folder().joinpath("network-config.yaml"), path) notify("SUCCESS", f"Network settings exported as '{color('bright magenta')}{path}{color}'")
def _import(id_, path): source_path = Path(path).absolute() if not source_path.suffix: source_path = source_path.with_suffix(".json") dest_path = _get_data_folder().joinpath(f"accounts/{id_}.json") if dest_path.exists(): raise FileExistsError(f"A keystore file already exists with the id '{id_}'") accounts.load(source_path) shutil.copy(source_path, dest_path) notify( "SUCCESS", f"Keystore '{color('bright magenta')}{source_path}{color}'" f" has been imported with the id '{color('bright blue')}{id_}{color}'", )
def _export(id_, path): source_path = _get_data_folder().joinpath(f"accounts/{id_}.json") if not source_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"No keystore exists with the id '{id_}'") dest_path = Path(path).absolute() if not dest_path.suffix: dest_path = dest_path.with_suffix(".json") if dest_path.exists(): raise FileExistsError(f"Export path {dest_path} already exists") shutil.copy(source_path, dest_path) notify( "SUCCESS", f"Account with id '{color('bright blue')}{id_}{color}' has been" f" exported to keystore '{color('bright magenta')}{dest_path}{color}'", )
def _create(project_path, manifest_pathstr="manifest.json"): print("Generating a manifest based on configuration settings in ethpm-config.yaml...") with project_path.joinpath("ethpm-config.yaml").open() as fp: project_config = yaml.safe_load(fp) try: manifest = ethpm.create_manifest(project_path, project_config)[0] except Exception as e: notify("ERROR", f"{type(e).__name__}: {e}") print("Ensure that all package configuration settings are correct in ethpm-config.yaml") return with project_path.joinpath(manifest_pathstr).open("w") as fp: json.dump(manifest, fp, sort_keys=True, indent=2) notify( "SUCCESS", f'Generated manifest saved as "{color("bright magenta")}{manifest_pathstr}{color}"', )
def _clone(package_id, path_str="."): org, repo, version = _split_id(package_id) source_path = _get_data_folder().joinpath( f"packages/{org}/{repo}@{version}") if not source_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( f"Package '{_format_pkg(org, repo, version)}' is not installed") dest_path = Path(path_str) if dest_path.exists(): if not dest_path.is_dir(): raise FileExistsError(f"Destination path already exists") dest_path = dest_path.joinpath(package_id) shutil.copytree(source_path, dest_path) notify( "SUCCESS", f"Package '{_format_pkg(org, repo, version)}' was cloned at {dest_path}" )
def _delete_provider(name): with _get_data_folder().joinpath("providers-config.yaml").open() as fp: providers = yaml.safe_load(fp) if name not in providers.keys(): raise ValueError( f"Provider '{color('bright magenta')}{name}{color}' does not exist" ) del providers[name] with _get_data_folder().joinpath("providers-config.yaml").open("w") as fp: yaml.dump(providers, fp) notify( "SUCCESS", f"Provider '{color('bright magenta')}{name}{color}' has been deleted")
def _delete(id_): if id_ not in CONFIG.networks: raise ValueError(f"Network '{color('bright magenta')}{id_}{color}' does not exist") with _get_data_folder().joinpath("network-config.yaml").open() as fp: networks = yaml.safe_load(fp) if "cmd" in CONFIG.networks[id_]: networks["development"] = [i for i in networks["development"] if i["id"] != id_] else: target = next(i for i in networks["live"] for x in i["networks"] if x["id"] == id_) target["networks"] = [i for i in target["networks"] if i["id"] != id_] networks["live"] = [i for i in networks["live"] if i["networks"]] with _get_data_folder().joinpath("network-config.yaml").open("w") as fp: yaml.dump(networks, fp) notify("SUCCESS", f"Network '{color('bright magenta')}{id_}{color}' has been deleted")
def _add(env, id_, *args): if id_ in CONFIG.networks: raise ValueError( f"Network '{color('bright magenta')}{id_}{color}' already exists") args = _parse_args(args) if "name" not in args: args["name"] = id_ with _get_data_folder().joinpath("network-config.yaml").open() as fp: networks = yaml.safe_load(fp) if env.lower() == "development": new = { "name": args.pop("name"), "id": id_, "cmd": args.pop("cmd"), "host": args.pop("host"), } if "timeout" in args: new["timeout"] = args.pop("timeout") new["cmd_settings"] = args _validate_network(new, DEV_REQUIRED) networks["development"].append(new) else: target = next( (i["networks"] for i in networks["live"] if i["name"].lower() == env.lower()), None) if target is None: networks["live"].append({"name": env, "networks": []}) target = networks["live"][-1]["networks"] new = {"id": id_, **args} _validate_network(new, PROD_REQUIRED) target.append(new) with _get_data_folder().joinpath("network-config.yaml").open("w") as fp: yaml.dump(networks, fp) notify( "SUCCESS", f"A new network '{color('bright magenta')}{new['name']}{color}' has been added" ) _print_verbose_network_description(new, True)
def _modify(id_, *args): if id_ not in CONFIG.networks: raise ValueError( f"Network '{color('bright magenta')}{id_}{color}' does not exist") args = _parse_args(args) with _get_data_folder().joinpath("network-config.yaml").open() as fp: networks = yaml.safe_load(fp) is_dev = "cmd" in CONFIG.networks[id_] if is_dev: target = next(i for i in networks["development"] if i["id"] == id_) else: target = next(x for i in networks["live"] for x in i["networks"] if x["id"] == id_) for key, value in args.items(): t = target if key in DEV_CMD_SETTINGS and is_dev: t = target["cmd_settings"] if value is None: del t[key] else: t[key] = value if is_dev: _validate_network(target, DEV_REQUIRED) else: _validate_network(target, PROD_REQUIRED) if "name" not in target: target["name"] = id_ with _get_data_folder().joinpath("network-config.yaml").open("w") as fp: yaml.dump(networks, fp) notify( "SUCCESS", f"Network '{color('bright magenta')}{target['name']}{color}' has been modified" ) _print_verbose_network_description(target, True)
def _list(project_path): installed, modified = ethpm.get_installed_packages(project_path) package_list = sorted(installed + modified) if not package_list: print("No packages are currently installed in this project.") return if modified: notify( "WARNING", f"One or more files in {len(modified)} packages have been modified since installation.", ) print("Unlink or reinstall them to silence this warning.") print(f"Modified packages name are highlighted in {color['bright blue']}blue{color}.\n") print(f"Found {color('bright magenta')}{len(package_list)}{color} installed packages:") for name in package_list: u = "\u2514" if name == package_list[-1] else "\u251c" c = color("bright blue") if name in modified else color("bright white") print( f" {color('bright black')}{u}\u2500{c}{name[0]}{color}@" f"{color('bright white')}{name[1]}{color}" )
def _install(uri): package_id = project.main.install_package(uri) org, repo, version = _split_id(package_id) notify("SUCCESS", f"Package '{_format_pkg(org, repo, version)}' has been installed")
def main(): args = docopt(__doc__) path =["<path>"] or ".", args["--force"]) notify("SUCCESS", f"Brownie environment has been initiated at {path}")
def main(): args = docopt(__doc__) _update_argv_from_docopt(args) project_path = project.check_for_project(".") if project_path is None: raise ProjectNotFound build = project.load()._build print("Preparing project data for submission to MythX...") contracts, libraries = get_contract_types(build) job_data = assemble_contract_jobs(build, contracts) job_data = update_contract_jobs_with_dependencies(build, contracts, libraries, job_data) client, authenticated = get_mythx_client() job_uuids = send_to_mythx(job_data, client, authenticated) # exit if user wants an async analysis run if ARGV["async"] and authenticated: print( "\nAll contracts were submitted successfully. Check the dashboard at " " for the progress and results of your analyses" ) return print("\nWaiting for results...") wait_for_jobs(job_uuids, client) # assemble report json source_to_name = get_contract_locations(build) highlight_report = {"highlights": {"MythX": {}}} stdout_report = {} for c, uuid in enumerate(job_uuids, start=1): print( f"Generating report for job {color['value']}{uuid}{color} ({c}/{len(job_uuids)})" ) if authenticated: print("You can also check the results at {}{}\n".format( DASHBOARD_BASE_URL, uuid)) update_report(client, uuid, highlight_report, stdout_report, source_to_name) # erase previous report report_path = Path("reports/security.json") if report_path.exists(): report_path.unlink() total_issues = sum(x for i in stdout_report.values() for x in i.values()) if not total_issues: notify("SUCCESS", "No issues found!") return # display console report total_high_severity = sum(i.get("HIGH", 0) for i in stdout_report.values()) if total_high_severity: notify( "WARNING", f"Found {total_issues} issues including {total_high_severity} high severity!" ) else: print(f"Found {total_issues} issues:") for name in sorted(stdout_report): print(f"\n contract: {color['contract']}{name}{color}") for key in [ i for i in ("HIGH", "MEDIUM", "LOW") if i in stdout_report[name] ]: c = color("bright " + SEVERITY_COLOURS[key]) print(f" {key.title()}: {c}{stdout_report[name][key]}{color}") # Write report to Brownie directory with"w+") as fp: json.dump(highlight_report, fp, indent=2, sort_keys=True) # Launch GUI if user requested it if ARGV["gui"]: print("Launching the Brownie GUI") Gui = importlib.import_module("brownie._gui").Gui Gui().mainloop()
def main(): args = docopt(__doc__) path =["<path>"] or ".", args["--force"], args["--force"]) notify("SUCCESS", f"A new Brownie project has been initialized at {path}")
def _delete(id_): path = _get_data_folder().joinpath(f"accounts/{id_}.json") path.unlink() notify("SUCCESS", f"Account '{color('bright blue')}{id_}{color}' has been deleted")
def _install_from_github(package_id: str) -> str: try: path, version = package_id.split("@") org, repo = path.split("/") except ValueError: raise ValueError( "Invalid package ID. Must be given as [ORG]/[REPO]@[VERSION]" "\ne.g. 'OpenZeppelin/[email protected]'") from None base_install_path = _get_data_folder().joinpath("packages") install_path = base_install_path.joinpath(f"{org}") install_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) install_path = install_path.joinpath(f"{repo}@{version}") if install_path.exists(): raise FileExistsError("Package is aleady installed") headers = REQUEST_HEADERS.copy() if os.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN"): auth = b64encode(os.environ["GITHUB_TOKEN"].encode()).decode() headers.update({"Authorization": "Basic {}".format(auth)}) response = requests.get( f"{org}/{repo}/tags?per_page=100", headers=headers) if response.status_code != 200: msg = "Status {} when getting package versions from Github: '{}'".format( response.status_code, response.json()["message"]) if response.status_code == 403: msg += ( "\n\nIf this issue persists, generate a Github API token and store" " it as the environment variable `GITHUB_TOKEN`:\n" "") raise ConnectionError(msg) data = response.json() if not data: raise ValueError("Github repository has no tags set") org, repo = data[0]["zipball_url"].split("/")[3:5] tags = [i["name"].lstrip("v") for i in data] if version not in tags: raise ValueError( "Invalid version for this package. Available versions are:\n" + ", ".join(tags)) from None download_url = next(i["zipball_url"] for i in data if i["name"].lstrip("v") == version) existing = list(install_path.parent.iterdir()) _stream_download(download_url, str(install_path.parent)) installed = next(i for i in install_path.parent.iterdir() if i not in existing) shutil.move(installed, install_path) try: if not install_path.joinpath("brownie-config.yaml").exists(): brownie_config: Dict = {"project_structure": {}} contract_paths = set( i.relative_to(install_path).parts[0] for i in install_path.glob("**/*.sol")) contract_paths.update( i.relative_to(install_path).parts[0] for i in install_path.glob("**/*.vy")) if not contract_paths: raise InvalidPackage( f"{package_id} does not contain any .sol or .vy files") if install_path.joinpath("contracts").is_dir(): brownie_config["project_structure"]["contracts"] = "contracts" elif len(contract_paths) == 1: brownie_config["project_structure"][ "contracts"] = contract_paths.pop() else: raise InvalidPackage( f"{package_id} has no `contracts/` subdirectory, and " "multiple directories containing source files") with install_path.joinpath("brownie-config.yaml").open("w") as fp: yaml.dump(brownie_config, fp) project = load(install_path) project.close() except InvalidPackage: shutil.rmtree(install_path) raise except Exception as e: notify( "WARNING", f"Unable to compile {package_id} due to a {type(e).__name__} - you may still be able to" " import sources from the package, but will be unable to load the package directly.\n", ) return f"{org}/{repo}@{version}"
def generate_build_json(input_json: Dict, output_json: Dict, compiler_data: Optional[Dict] = None, silent: bool = True) -> Dict: """Formats standard compiler output to the brownie build json. Args: input_json: solc input json used to compile output_json: output json returned by compiler compiler_data: additonal data to include under 'compiler' in build json silent: verbose reporting Returns: build json dict""" if input_json["language"] not in ("Solidity", "Vyper"): raise UnsupportedLanguage(f"{input_json['language']}") if not silent: print("Generating build data...") if compiler_data is None: compiler_data = {} compiler_data["evm_version"] = input_json["settings"]["evmVersion"] build_json = {} path_list = list(input_json["sources"]) if input_json["language"] == "Solidity": compiler_data["optimizer"] = input_json["settings"]["optimizer"] source_nodes, statement_nodes, branch_nodes = solidity._get_nodes( output_json) for path_str, contract_name in [ (k, v) for k in path_list for v in output_json["contracts"].get(k, {}) ]: if not silent: print(f" - {contract_name}...") abi = output_json["contracts"][path_str][contract_name]["abi"] natspec = merge_natspec( output_json["contracts"][path_str][contract_name].get( "devdoc", {}), output_json["contracts"][path_str][contract_name].get( "userdoc", {}), ) output_evm = output_json["contracts"][path_str][contract_name]["evm"] if input_json["language"] == "Solidity": contract_node = next(i[contract_name] for i in source_nodes if i.absolutePath == path_str) build_json[contract_name] = solidity._get_unique_build_json( output_evm, contract_node, statement_nodes, branch_nodes, next((True for i in abi if i["type"] == "fallback"), False), ) else: if contract_name == "<stdin>": contract_name = "Vyper" build_json[contract_name] = vyper._get_unique_build_json( output_evm, path_str, contract_name, output_json["sources"][path_str]["ast"], (0, len(input_json["sources"][path_str]["content"])), ) build_json[contract_name].update({ "abi": abi, "ast": output_json["sources"][path_str]["ast"], "compiler": compiler_data, "contractName": contract_name, "deployedBytecode": output_evm["deployedBytecode"]["object"], "deployedSourceMap": output_evm["deployedBytecode"]["sourceMap"], "language": input_json["language"], "natspec": natspec, "opcodes": output_evm["deployedBytecode"]["opcodes"], "sha1": sha1(input_json["sources"][path_str] ["content"].encode()).hexdigest(), "source": input_json["sources"][path_str]["content"], "sourceMap": output_evm["bytecode"].get("sourceMap", ""), "sourcePath": path_str, }) size = len(remove_0x_prefix( output_evm["deployedBytecode"]["object"])) / 2 # type: ignore if size > 24577: notify( "WARNING", f"deployed size of {contract_name} is {size} bytes, exceeds EIP-170 limit of 24577", ) if not silent: print("") return build_json
def _install_from_github(package_id: str) -> str: try: path, version = package_id.split("@") org, repo = path.split("/") except ValueError: raise ValueError( "Invalid package ID. Must be given as [ORG]/[REPO]@[VERSION]" "\ne.g. 'OpenZeppelin/[email protected]'") from None base_install_path = _get_data_folder().joinpath("packages") install_path = base_install_path.joinpath(f"{org}") install_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) install_path = install_path.joinpath(f"{repo}@{version}") if install_path.exists(): raise FileExistsError("Package is aleady installed") headers = REQUEST_HEADERS.copy() headers.update(_maybe_retrieve_github_auth()) if re.match(r"^[0-9a-f]+$", version): download_url = f"{org}/{repo}/zipball/{version}" else: download_url = _get_download_url_from_tag(org, repo, version, headers) existing = list(install_path.parent.iterdir()) _stream_download(download_url, str(install_path.parent), headers) installed = next(i for i in install_path.parent.iterdir() if i not in existing) shutil.move(installed, install_path) try: if not install_path.joinpath("brownie-config.yaml").exists(): brownie_config: Dict = {"project_structure": {}} contract_paths = set( i.relative_to(install_path).parts[0] for i in install_path.glob("**/*.sol")) contract_paths.update( i.relative_to(install_path).parts[0] for i in install_path.glob("**/*.vy")) if not contract_paths: raise InvalidPackage( f"{package_id} does not contain any .sol or .vy files") if install_path.joinpath("contracts").is_dir(): brownie_config["project_structure"]["contracts"] = "contracts" elif len(contract_paths) == 1: brownie_config["project_structure"][ "contracts"] = contract_paths.pop() else: raise InvalidPackage( f"{package_id} has no `contracts/` subdirectory, and " "multiple directories containing source files") with install_path.joinpath("brownie-config.yaml").open("w") as fp: yaml.dump(brownie_config, fp) project = load(install_path) project.close() except InvalidPackage: shutil.rmtree(install_path) raise except Exception as e: notify( "WARNING", f"Unable to compile {package_id} due to a {type(e).__name__} - you may still be able to" " import sources from the package, but will be unable to load the package directly.\n", ) return f"{org}/{repo}@{version}"