def inner_run(self, *args, **options): threading = options.get('use_threading') shutdown_message = options.get('shutdown_message', '') quit_command = (sys.platform == 'win32') and 'CTRL-BREAK' or 'CONTROL-C' try: """ handler = self.get_handler(*args, **options), int(self.port), handler, ipv6=self.use_ipv6, threading=threading) """ config = { 'msg_conn': Mongrel2Connection('tcp://', 'tcp://'), 'handler_tuples': [(r'^/brubeck', DemoHandler)], } app = Brubeck(**config) # TODO: Catch IP/port errors here! except KeyboardInterrupt: if shutdown_message: self.stdout.write(shutdown_message) sys.exit(0)
### # Instantiate database connection db_conn = init_db_conn() # Routing config handler_tuples = [ (r'^/login', AccountLoginHandler), (r'^/logout', AccountLogoutHandler), (r'^/create', AccountCreateHandler), (r'^/add_item', ListAddHandler), (r'^/api', APIListDisplayHandler), (r'^/$', ListDisplayHandler), ] # Application config config = { 'msg_conn': Mongrel2Connection('tcp://','tcp://'), 'handler_tuples': handler_tuples, 'template_loader': load_jinja2_env('./templates'), 'db_conn': db_conn, 'login_url': '/login', 'cookie_secret': 'OMGSOOOOOSECRET', 'log_level': logging.DEBUG, } # Instantiate app instance app = Brubeck(**config)
#! /usr/bin/env python #! -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from simpleurl import SimpleURL from brubeck.request_handling import Brubeck, render from brubeck.connections import Mongrel2Connection brubeck_app = Brubeck(msg_conn=Mongrel2Connection('tcp://', 'tcp://')) app = SimpleURL(brubeck_app) def index(application, message): body = 'Take five index' return render(body, 200, 'OK', {}) def one(application, message): body = 'Take five one' return render(body, 200, 'OK', {}) @app.add_route('/all/', defaults={'ids': 1}, method=['GET', 'POST']) @app.add_route('/all/<ids>', method=['GET', 'POST']) def process(application, message, ids): body = 'Take five - %s' % (str(ids)) return render(body, 200, 'OK', {}) @app.add_route('/float/<float:value>') def check_float(application, message, value):
def get(self): """Offers login form to user """ return self.render_template('landing.html') def post(self): """Checks credentials with decorator and sends user authenticated users to the landing page. """ if hasattr(self.message, 'files'): print 'FILES:', self.message.files['data'][0]['body'] im = StringIO.StringIO(self.message.files['data'][0]['body']))'word.png') return self.redirect('/') ### ### Configuration ### config = { 'msg_conn': Mongrel2Connection("tcp://", "tcp://"), 'handler_tuples': [(r'^/add_file', UploadHandler)], 'template_loader': load_jinja2_env('./templates/multipart'), } app = Brubeck(**config)