def test_interrupt_signal(self):
        if sys.platform.startswith('java'):
            # We can't figure out how to raise an exception on a thread that's
            # blocked on a socket, whether that's the main thread or a worker,
            # without simply killing the whole thread in Jython. This suggests
            # PYTHON-294 can't actually occur in Jython.
            raise SkipTest("Can't test interrupts in Jython")

        # Test fix for PYTHON-294 -- make sure MongoClient closes its
        # socket if it gets an interrupt while waiting to recv() from it.
        db = self.client.pymongo_test

        # A $where clause which takes 1.5 sec to execute
        where = delay(1.5)

        # Need exactly 1 document so find() will execute its $where clause once
        db.drop_collection('foo'){'_id': 1})

        def interrupter():
            # Raises KeyboardInterrupt in the main thread

        thread.start_new_thread(interrupter, ())

        raised = False
            # Will be interrupted by a KeyboardInterrupt.
            next({'$where': where}))
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            raised = True

        # Can't use self.assertRaises() because it doesn't catch system
        # exceptions
        self.assertTrue(raised, "Didn't raise expected KeyboardInterrupt")

        # Raises AssertionError due to PYTHON-294 -- Mongo's response to the
        # previous find() is still waiting to be read on the socket, so the
        # request id's don't match.
            {'_id': 1},
    def test_interrupt_signal(self):
        if sys.platform.startswith('java'):
            # We can't figure out how to raise an exception on a thread that's
            # blocked on a socket, whether that's the main thread or a worker,
            # without simply killing the whole thread in Jython. This suggests
            # PYTHON-294 can't actually occur in Jython.
            raise SkipTest("Can't test interrupts in Jython")

        # Test fix for PYTHON-294 -- make sure MongoClient closes its
        # socket if it gets an interrupt while waiting to recv() from it.
        db = self.client.pymongo_test

        # A $where clause which takes 1.5 sec to execute
        where = delay(1.5)

        # Need exactly 1 document so find() will execute its $where clause once
        db.drop_collection('foo'){'_id': 1})

        def interrupter():
            # Raises KeyboardInterrupt in the main thread

        thread.start_new_thread(interrupter, ())

        raised = False
            # Will be interrupted by a KeyboardInterrupt.
            next({'$where': where}))
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            raised = True

        # Can't use self.assertRaises() because it doesn't catch system
        # exceptions
        self.assertTrue(raised, "Didn't raise expected KeyboardInterrupt")

        # Raises AssertionError due to PYTHON-294 -- Mongo's response to the
        # previous find() is still waiting to be read on the socket, so the
        # request id's don't match.
            {'_id': 1},