Exemple #1
def spcol(knots, order, tau):
    """Return collocation matrix.
Minimal emulation of MATLAB's ``spcol``.
        rank-1 array, knot vector (with appropriately repeated endpoints; see `augknt`, `aptknt`)
        int, >= 0, order of spline
        rank-1 array, collocation sites
    rank-2 array A such that
        A[i,j] = D**{m(i)} B_j(tau[i])
        m(i) = multiplicity of site tau[i]
        D**k  = kth derivative (0 for function value itself)
    m = knt2mlt(tau)
    B = bspline.Bspline(knots, order)

    dummy = B(0.)
    nbasis = len(
        dummy)  # perform dummy evaluation to get number of basis functions

    A = np.empty((tau.shape[0], nbasis), dtype=dummy.dtype)
    for i, item in enumerate(zip(tau, m)):
        taui, mi = item
        f = B.diff(order=mi)
        A[i, :] = f(taui)

    return A
Exemple #2
def bspline_fit(X, order, nknots):

    X = X.squeeze()
    if len(X.shape) > 1:
        raise ValueError('Bspline method only works for a single covariate.')

    knots = np.linspace(X.min(), X.max(), nknots)
    k = splinelab.augknt(knots, order)
    bsp_basis = bspline.Bspline(k, order)

    return bsp_basis
Exemple #3
def create_bspline_basis(xmin, xmax, p=3, nknots=5):
    """ compute a Bspline basis set where:
        :param p: order of spline (3 = cubic)
        :param nknots: number of knots (endpoints only counted once)

    knots = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nknots)
    k = splinelab.augknt(knots, p)  # pad the knot vector
    B = bspline.Bspline(k, p)
    return B
Exemple #4
def test():
    # config

    p = 3  # order of spline basis (as-is! 3 = cubic)

    nknots = 5  # for testing: number of knots to generate (here endpoints count only once)

    tau = [0.1, 0.33]  # collocation sites (i.e. where to evaluate)

    # usage example

    knots = np.linspace(
        0, 1, nknots)  # create a knot vector without endpoint repeats
    k = splinelab.augknt(
        knots, p)  # add endpoint repeats as appropriate for spline order p
    B = bspline.Bspline(k, p)  # create spline basis of order p on knots k

    # build some collocation matrices:
    A0 = B.collmat(tau)  # function value at sites tau
    A2 = B.collmat(tau, deriv_order=2)  # second derivative at sites tau


    # tests

    # number of basis functions
    n_interior_knots = len(knots) - 2
    n_basis_functions_expected = n_interior_knots + (p + 1)
    n_basis_functions_actual = len(
        B(0.))  # perform dummy evaluation to get number of basis functions
    assert n_basis_functions_actual == n_basis_functions_expected, "something went wrong, number of basis functions is incorrect"

    # partition-of-unity property of the spline basis
    assert np.allclose(
        np.sum(A0, axis=1), 1.0
    ), "something went wrong, the basis functions do not form a partition of unity"
Exemple #5
    def initialization(self, data, x):
        Feed in data and initialize variables needed in DP solution.
        :return: Dictionary of variables.
        var_dict = {}

        var_dict['ds'] = data[:, 1:self.T +
                              1] - 1 / self.gamma * data[:, 0:self.T]
        var_dict['ds_hat'] = var_dict['ds'] - np.mean(var_dict['ds'], axis=0)

        var_dict['pi'] = np.zeros((self.n_mc, self.T + 1))
        var_dict['pi_hat'] = np.zeros_like(var_dict['pi'])
        var_dict['action'] = np.zeros_like(var_dict['pi'])
        var_dict['q'] = np.zeros_like(var_dict['pi'])
        var_dict['reward'] = np.zeros_like(var_dict['pi'])

        var_dict['pi'][:, self.T] = np.maximum(data[:, self.T] - self.K, 0)
        var_dict['pi_hat'][:, self.T] = var_dict['pi'][:, self.T] - np.mean(
            var_dict['pi'][:, self.T])
        var_dict['action'][:, self.T] = 0
                      self.T] = -var_dict['pi'][:, self.
                                                T] - self.risk_lambda * np.var(
                                                    var_dict['pi'][:, self.T])
        var_dict['reward'][:, self.T] = -self.risk_lambda * np.var(
            var_dict['pi'][:, self.T])

        x_min, x_max = np.min(x), np.max(x)
        tau = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, self.num_basis)
        k = splinelab.aptknt(tau=tau, order=3)
        basis = bspline.Bspline(k, order=3)
        var_dict['func_x'] = np.zeros((self.n_mc, self.T + 1, self.num_basis))
        for t in range(self.T + 1):
            xt = x[:, t]
            var_dict['func_x'][:, t, :] = np.array(
                [basis(element) for element in xt])

        print('The shape of pi / action / q:', var_dict['pi'].shape)
        print('The shape of func_x:', var_dict['func_x'].shape)

        return var_dict
Exemple #6
    def gen_path(self):
        # Path Generator (Black Scholes )

        for i in range(1, self.num_steps + 1):
            std_norm = standard_normal(self.num_paths)
            exp_pow = (self.mu - self.vol ** 2 / 2) * self.dt \
                      + self.vol * np.sqrt(self.dt) * std_norm
            self.s_values[:, i] = self.s_values[:, i - 1] * np.exp(exp_pow)

        delta_S = (1 - self.tr_alpha) * self.s_values[:, 1:] - 1 / self.gamma * self.s_values[:, :self.num_steps]
        self.delta_S = delta_S
        self.delta_S_hat = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: x - np.mean(x), axis=0, arr=delta_S)
        self.X = - (self.mu - 0.5 * self.vol ** 2) * np.arange(self.num_steps + 1) * self.dt + np.log(self.s_values)

        X_min = np.min(np.min(self.X))
        X_max = np.max(np.max(self.X))

        print("Shape of X : {} \n Max : {} \n Min : {}".format(self.X.shape, X_max, X_min))

        self.pi[:, -1] = np.maximum(self.s_values[:, -1] - self.K, 0)
        self.pi_hat[:, -1] = self.pi[:, -1] - np.mean(self.pi[:, -1])

        self.q[:, -1] = -self.pi[:, -1] - self.risk_lambda * np.var(self.pi[:, -1])
        self.r[:, -1] = -self.risk_lambda * np.var(self.pi[:, -1])

        p = 4
        ncolloc = 12
        tau = np.linspace(X_min, X_max, ncolloc)

        k = splinelab.aptknt(tau, p)
        basis = bspline.Bspline(k, p)

        num_basis = ncolloc
        self.data = np.zeros((self.num_steps + 1, self.num_paths, num_basis))

        t0 = time.time()
        for ix in np.arange(self.num_steps + 1):
            x = self.X[:, ix]
            self.data[ix, :, :] = np.array([basis(el) for el in x])
        t1 = time.time()
        print("\nTime for basis expansion {}".format(t1 - t0))
def evalkernel(ell,RS,cgam,gpts,kerzeta):

    # Define B-spline breaks for a B-spline of order ell                                                                                                            
    bsbrks = np.linspace(-0.5*(2*RS+ell),0.5*(2*RS+ell),2*RS+ell+1)
    basis = bspline.Bspline(bsbrks,ell-1)

#    basis.plot()
#    bsbrks = np.zeros(ell+1)
#    for i in arange(ell+1):
#        bsbrks[i] = -0.5*ell+i

    fker = np.zeros((gpts))

    g = np.zeros((gpts, 2*RS+1))

    for n in arange(gpts): # summing over zetas
        g[n][:] = basis(kerzeta[n])*cgam[:]
        fker[n] = sum(g[n][jj] for jj in arange(2*RS+1))
    return fker
Exemple #8
                   bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1.016))
    if save_figs:
        plt.savefig('../images/ex_%02d_basis_funcs.png' % ex_number)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # B-spline examples
    bsplines = examples_data.bspline()
    for i in range(len(bsplines)):
        p = bsplines[i].degree
        p_list = bsplines[i].points
        u_list = bsplines[i].knots
        u = np.linspace(u_list[0], u_list[-1], 100)
        spline = bspline.Bspline(p, p_list, u_list)
        points = spline.points(u)
        basis_funcs = bspline.get_basis_vector(u, u_list, p)
        plot_example(p, p_list, points, basis_funcs, u, i, save_figs=False)

    # NURBS examples
    nurbs = examples_data.nurbs()
    for i in range(len(nurbs)):
        p = nurbs[i].degree
        p_list = nurbs[i].points
        u_list = nurbs[i].knots
        w_list = nurbs[i].weights
        u = np.linspace(u_list[0], u_list[-1], 100)
        spline = bspline.Nurbs(p, p_list, u_list, w_list)
        points = spline.points(u)
        basis_funcs = bspline.get_basis_vector(u, u_list, p)
Exemple #9
                payoff = np.int32(ST >= K)
                payoff = np.int32(ST <= K)
        return payoff

    # ### Spline basis functions definition
    X_min = np.min(np.min(X))
    X_max = np.max(np.max(X))
    print('X.shape = ', X.shape)
    print('X_min, X_max = ', X_min, X_max)

    p = 4  # 3 <- cubic, 4 <- B-spline
    ncolloc = 12
    tau = np.linspace(X_min, X_max, ncolloc)
    k = splinelab.aptknt(tau, p)
    basis = bspline.Bspline(k, p)
    f = plt.figure()
    print('Number of points k = ', len(k))

    # ### Make data matrices with feature values
    # "Features" here are the values of basis functions at data points
    # The outputs are 3D arrays of dimensions num_tSteps x num_MC x num_basis
    num_t_steps = T + 1
    num_basis = ncolloc
    data_mat_t = np.zeros((num_t_steps, N_MC, num_basis))
    print('num_basis = ', num_basis)
    print('dim data_mat_t = ', data_mat_t.shape)

    # fill it, expand function in finite dimensional space
    # in neural network the basis is the neural network itself
Exemple #10
nk_list = [(200, 5), (20, 50)]  #
delta_list = [0.0, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30]  # effect size typ three
alpha = 0.05
e = 0.5  # error variance
ms = [1, 2, 3]  # alpha spending functions
lm = len(ms)

lb, ub = -2, 2

order = 3  # order of spline (as-is; 3 = cubic)
nknots = 4  # number of knots to generate
knots = np.linspace(lb, ub,
                    nknots)  # create a knot vector without endpoint repeats
knots = splinelab.augknt(
    knots, order)  # add endpoint repeats as appropriate for spline order
bases = bspline.Bspline(knots,
                        order)  # create spline basis of order p on knots k
nfeatures = 3
p = nfeatures * (order + nknots - 1) + 1

rho = 0.5
cov_mat = (1 - rho) * np.eye(nfeatures) + rho * np.ones((nfeatures, nfeatures))
L = np.linalg.cholesky(cov_mat).T

for (typ, (n, k), delta) in product(typ_list, nk_list, delta_list):

    name = 'result/HTE/' + 'typ' + str(typ) + 'n' + str(n) + 'k' + str(
        k) + 'delta' + str(delta) + '_nonlinear_adaptive_HTE.npz'

    #     if os.path.exists(name):
    #         continue
def main():
    # Config

    # Choose least-squares solver to use:
    #    lsq_solver = "dense"  # LAPACK DGELSD, direct, good for small problems
    #    lsq_solver = "sparse"  # SciPy LSQR, iterative, asymptotically faster, good for large problems
    #    lsq_solver = "optimize"  # general nonlinear optimizer using Trust Region Reflective (trf) algorithm
    #    lsq_solver = "qr"
    #    lsq_solver = "cholesky"
    #    lsq_solver = "sparse_qr"
    lsq_solver = "sparse_qr_solve"

    # Load multiscale data

    print("Loading measurement data...")

    # measurements are provided on a meshgrid over (Hx, sigxx)

    # data2.mat contains virtual measurements, generated from a multiscale model.

    #    data2 = scipy.io.loadmat("data2.mat")
    #    Hx    = np.squeeze(data2["Hx"])     # 1D array, (M,)
    #    sigxx = np.squeeze(data2["sigxx"])  # 1D array, (N,)
    #    Bx    = data2["Bx"]                 # 2D array, (M, N)
    #    lamxx = data2["lamxx"]              #       --"--
    ##    lamyy = data2["lamyy"]              #       --"--
    ##    lamzz = data2["lamzz"]              #       --"--

    data2 = scipy.io.loadmat("umair_gal_denoised.mat")
    sigxx = -1e6 * np.array([
        0, 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80
    assert sigxx.shape[0] == 18
    Hx = data2["Hval"][0, :]  # same for all sigma, just take the first row
    Bx = data2["Bval"].T
    lamxx = data2["LHval"].T * 1e-6
    Bx = Bx[::-1, :]
    lamxx = lamxx[::-1, :]

    # HACK, fix later (must decouple number of knots from number of data sites)
    ii = np.arange(Hx.shape[0])
    n_newi = 401
    newii = np.linspace(0, ii[-1], n_newi)
    nsigma = sigxx.shape[0]
    fH = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(ii, Hx)
    newB = np.empty((n_newi, Bx.shape[1]), dtype=np.float64)
    newlam = np.empty((n_newi, lamxx.shape[1]), dtype=np.float64)
    for j in range(nsigma):
        fB = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(ii, Bx[:, j])
        newB[:, j] = fB(newii)

        flam = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(ii, lamxx[:, j])
        newlam[:, j] = flam(newii)
    Hx = fH(newii)
    Bx = newB
    lamxx = newlam

    # Order of spline (as-is! 3 = cubic)
    ordr = 3

    # Auxiliary variables (H, sig_xx, sig_xy)
    Hscale = np.max(Hx)
    sscale = np.max(np.abs(sigxx))
    x = Hx / Hscale
    y = sigxx / sscale
    nx = x.shape[0]  # number of grid points, x axis
    ny = y.shape[0]  # number of grid points, y axis

    # Partial derivatives (B, lam_xx, lam_xy) from multiscale model
    # In the magnetostriction components, the multiscale model produces nonzero lamxx at zero stress.
    # We normalize this away for purposes of performing the curve fit.
    dpsi_dx = Bx * Hscale
    dpsi_dy = (lamxx - lamxx[0, :]) * sscale

    # Set up splines

    print("Setting up splines...")

    # The evaluation algorithm used in bspline.py uses half-open intervals  t_i <= x < t_{i+1}.
    # This causes havoc for evaluation at the end of each interval, because it is actually the start
    # of the next interval.
    # Especially, the end of the last interval is the start of the next (non-existent) interval.
    # We work around this by using a small epsilon to avoid evaluation exactly at t_{i+1} (for the last interval).
    def marginize_end(x):
        out = x.copy()
        out[-1] += 1e-10 * (x[-1] - x[0])
        return out

    # create knots and spline basis
    xknots = splinelab.aptknt(marginize_end(x), ordr)
    yknots = splinelab.aptknt(marginize_end(y), ordr)
    splx = bspline.Bspline(xknots, ordr)
    sply = bspline.Bspline(yknots, ordr)

    # get number of basis functions (perform dummy evaluation and count)
    nxb = len(splx(0.))
    nyb = len(sply(0.))

    # TODO Check if we need to convert input Bx and sigxx to u,v (what is actually stored in the data files?)

    # Create collocation matrices:
    #   A[i,j] = d**deriv_order B_j(tau[i])
    # where d denotes differentiation and B_j is the jth basis function.
    # We place the collocation sites at the points where we have measurements.
    Au = splx.collmat(x)
    Av = sply.collmat(y)
    Du = splx.collmat(x, deriv_order=1)
    Dv = sply.collmat(y, deriv_order=1)

    # Assemble system

    print("Assembling system...")

    # Assemble the equation system for fitting against data on the partial derivatives of psi.
    # By writing psi in the spline basis,
    #   psi_{ij}       = A^{u}_{ik} A^{v}_{jl} c_{kl}
    # the quantities to be fitted, which are the partial derivatives of psi, become
    #   B_{ij}         = D^{u}_{ik} A^{v}_{jl} c_{kl}
    #   lambda_{xx,ij} = A^{u}_{ik} D^{v}_{jl} c_{kl}
    # Repeated indices are summed over.
    # Column: kl converted to linear index (k = 0,1,...,nxb-1,  l = 0,1,...,nyb-1)
    # Row:    ij converted to linear index (i = 0,1,...,nx-1,   j = 0,1,...,ny-1)
    # (Paavo's notes, Stresses4.pdf)

    nf = 2  # number of unknown fields
    nr = nx * ny  # equation system rows per unknown field
    A = np.empty((nf * nr, nxb * nyb), dtype=np.float64)  # global matrix
    b = np.empty((nf * nr), dtype=np.float64)  # global RHS

    # zero array element detection tolerance
    tol = 1e-6

    I, J, IJ = util.index.genidx((nx, ny))
    K, L, KL = util.index.genidx((nxb, nyb))

    # loop only over rows of the equation system
    for i, j, ij in zip(I, J, IJ):
        A[nf * ij, KL] = Du[i, K] * Av[j, L]
        A[nf * ij + 1, KL] = Au[i, K] * Dv[j, L]

    b[nf * IJ] = dpsi_dx[I, J]  # RHS for B_x
    b[nf * IJ + 1] = dpsi_dy[I, J]  # RHS for lambda_xx

    #    # the above is equivalent to this much slower version:
    #    #
    #    # equation system row
    #    for j in range(ny):
    #        for i in range(nx):
    #            ij = np.ravel_multi_index( (i,j), (nx,ny) )
    #            # equation system column
    #            for l in range(nyb):
    #                for k in range(nxb):
    #                    kl = np.ravel_multi_index( (k,l), (nxb,nyb) )
    #                    A[nf*ij,  kl] = Du[i,k] * Av[j,l]
    #                    A[nf*ij+1,kl] = Au[i,k] * Dv[j,l]
    #            b[nf*ij]   = dpsi_dx[i,j] if abs(dpsi_dx[i,j]) > tol else 0.  # RHS for B_x
    #            b[nf*ij+1] = dpsi_dy[i,j] if abs(dpsi_dy[i,j]) > tol else 0.  # RHS for lambda_xx

    # Solve

    # Solve the optimal coefficients.

    # Note that we are constructing a potential function from partial derivatives only,
    # so the solution is unique only up to a global additive shift term.
    # Under the hood, numpy.linalg.lstsq uses LAPACK DGELSD:
    #   http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29372559/what-is-the-difference-between-numpy-linalg-lstsq-and-scipy-linalg-lstsq
    # DGELSD accepts also rank-deficient input (rank(A) < min(nrows,ncols)), returning  arg min( ||x||_2 ) ,
    # so we don't need to do anything special to account for this.
    # Same goes for the sparse LSQR.

    # equilibrate row and column norms
    # See documentation of  scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr,  it requires this to work properly.
    # https://github.com/Technologicat/python-wlsqm
    S = A.copy(order='F')  # the rescaler requires Fortran memory layout
    A = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(A)  # save memory (dense "A" no longer needed)

    #    eps = 7./3. - 4./3. - 1  # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19141432/python-numpy-machine-epsilon
    #    print( S.max() * max(S.shape) * eps )  # default zero singular value detection tolerance in np.linalg.matrix_rank()

    #    import wlsqm.utils.lapackdrivers as wul
    #    rs,cs = wul.do_rescale( S, wul.ScalingAlgo.ALGO_DGEEQU )

    #    # row scaling only (for weighting)
    #    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
    #        rs = np.where( np.abs(b) > tol, 1./b, 1. )
    #    for i in range(S.shape[0]):
    #        S[i,:] *= rs[i]
    #    cs = 1.

    # scale rows corresponding to Bx
    rs = np.ones_like(b)
    rs[nf * IJ] = 2
    for i in range(S.shape[0]):
        S[i, :] *= rs[i]
    cs = 1.

    #    # It seems this is not needed in the 2D problem (fitting error is slightly smaller without it).
    #    # Additional row scaling.
    #    #
    #    # This equilibrates equation weights, but deteriorates the condition number of the matrix.
    #    #
    #    # Note that in a least-squares problem the row weighting *does* matter, because it affects
    #    # the fitting error contribution from the rows.
    #    #
    #    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
    #        rs2 = np.where( np.abs(b) > tol, 1./b, 1. )
    #    for i in range(S.shape[0]):
    #        S[i,:] *= rs2[i]
    #    rs *= rs2

    #    a = np.abs(rs2)
    #    print( np.min(a), np.mean(a), np.max(a) )

    #    rs = np.asanyarray(rs)
    #    cs = np.asanyarray(cs)
    #    a = np.abs(rs)
    #    print( np.min(a), np.mean(a), np.max(a) )

    b *= rs  # scale RHS accordingly

    #    colnorms = np.linalg.norm(S, ord=np.inf, axis=0)  # sum over rows    -> column norms
    #    rownorms = np.linalg.norm(S, ord=np.inf, axis=1)  # sum over columns -> row    norms
    #    print( "    rescaled column norms min = %g, avg = %g, max = %g" % (np.min(colnorms), np.mean(colnorms), np.max(colnorms)) )
    #    print( "    rescaled row    norms min = %g, avg = %g, max = %g" % (np.min(rownorms), np.mean(rownorms), np.max(rownorms)) )

    print("Solving with algorithm = '%s'..." % (lsq_solver))
    if lsq_solver == "dense":
        print("    matrix shape %s = %d elements" %
              (S.shape, np.prod(S.shape)))
        ret = numpy.linalg.lstsq(S, b)  # c,residuals,rank,singvals
        c = ret[0]

    elif lsq_solver == "sparse":
        S = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(S)
        print("    matrix shape %s = %d elements; %d nonzeros (%g%%)" %
              (S.shape, np.prod(
                  S.shape), S.nnz, 100. * S.nnz / np.prod(S.shape)))

        ret = scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr(S, b)
        c, exit_reason, iters = ret[:3]
        if exit_reason != 2:  # 2 = least-squares solution found
            print("WARNING: solver did not converge (exit_reason = %d)" %
        print("    sparse solver iterations taken: %d" % (iters))

    elif lsq_solver == "optimize":
        # make sparse matrix (faster for dot products)
        S = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(S)
        print("    matrix shape %s = %d elements; %d nonzeros (%g%%)" %
              (S.shape, np.prod(
                  S.shape), S.nnz, 100. * S.nnz / np.prod(S.shape)))

        def fitting_error(c):
            return S.dot(c) - b

        ret = scipy.optimize.least_squares(fitting_error,

        c = ret.x
        if ret.status < 1:
            # status codes: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.18.1/reference/generated/scipy.optimize.least_squares.html
            print("WARNING: solver did not converge (status = %d)" %

    elif lsq_solver == "qr":
        print("    matrix shape %s = %d elements" %
              (S.shape, np.prod(S.shape)))
        # http://glowingpython.blogspot.fi/2012/03/solving-overdetermined-systems-with-qr.html
        Q, R = np.linalg.qr(S)  # qr decomposition of A
        Qb = (Q.T).dot(b)  # computing Q^T*b (project b onto the range of A)
        #        c = np.linalg.solve(R,Qb) # solving R*x = Q^T*b
        c = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(R, Qb, check_finite=False)

    elif lsq_solver == "cholesky":
        # S is rank-deficient by one, because we are solving a potential based on data on its partial derivatives.
        # Before solving, force S to have full rank by fixing one coefficient.
        S[0, :] = 0.
        S[0, 0] = 1.
        b[0] = 1.
        rs[0] = 1.
        S = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(S)
        print("    matrix shape %s = %d elements; %d nonzeros (%g%%)" %
              (S.shape, np.prod(
                  S.shape), S.nnz, 100. * S.nnz / np.prod(S.shape)))

        # Be sure to use the new sksparse from
        #   https://github.com/scikit-sparse/scikit-sparse
        # instead of the old scikits.sparse (which will fail with an error).
        # Requires libsuitesparse-dev for CHOLMOD headers.
        from sksparse.cholmod import cholesky_AAt
        # Notice that CHOLMOD computes AA' and we want M'M, so we must set A = M'!
        factor = cholesky_AAt(S.T)
        c = factor.solve_A(S.T * b)

    elif lsq_solver == "sparse_qr":
        # S is rank-deficient by one, because we are solving a potential based on data on its partial derivatives.
        # Before solving, force S to have full rank by fixing one coefficient;
        # otherwise the linear solve step will fail because R will be exactly singular.
        S[0, :] = 0.
        S[0, 0] = 1.
        b[0] = 1.
        rs[0] = 1.
        S = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(S)
        print("    matrix shape %s = %d elements; %d nonzeros (%g%%)" %
              (S.shape, np.prod(
                  S.shape), S.nnz, 100. * S.nnz / np.prod(S.shape)))

        # pip install sparseqr
        # or https://github.com/yig/PySPQR
        # Works like MATLAB's [Q,R,e] = qr(...):
        # https://se.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/qr.html
        # [Q,R,E] = qr(A) or [Q,R,E] = qr(A,'matrix') produces unitary Q, upper triangular R and a permutation matrix E
        # so that A*E = Q*R. The column permutation E is chosen to reduce fill-in in R.
        # [Q,R,e] = qr(A,'vector') returns the permutation information as a vector instead of a matrix.
        # That is, e is a row vector such that A(:,e) = Q*R.
        import sparseqr
        print("    performing sparse QR decomposition...")
        Q, R, E, rank = sparseqr.qr(S)

        # produce reduced QR (for least-squares fitting)
        # - cut away bottom part of R (zeros!)
        # - cut away the corresponding far-right part of Q
        # see
        #    np.linalg.qr
        #    https://andreask.cs.illinois.edu/cs357-s15/public/demos/06-qr-applications/Solving%20Least-Squares%20Problems.html
        #        # inefficient way:
        #        k = min(S.shape)
        #        R = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix( R.A[:k,:] )
        #        Q = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix( Q.A[:,:k] )

        print("    reducing matrices...")
        # somewhat more efficient way:
        k = min(S.shape)
        R = R.tocsr()[:k, :]
        Q = Q.tocsc()[:, :k]

        #        # maybe somewhat efficient way: manipulate data vectors, create new coo matrix
        #        #
        #        # (incomplete, needs work; need to shift indices of rows/cols after the removed ones)
        #        #
        #        k    = min(S.shape)
        #        mask = np.nonzero( R.row < k )[0]
        #        R = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix( ( R.data[mask], (R.row[mask], R.col[mask]) ), shape=(k,k) )
        #        mask = np.nonzero( Q.col < k )[0]
        #        Q = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix( ( Q.data[mask], (Q.row[mask], Q.col[mask]) ), shape=(k,k) )

        print("    solving...")
        Qb = (Q.T).dot(b)
        x = scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve(R, Qb)
        c = np.empty_like(x)
        c[E] = x[:]  # apply inverse permutation

    elif lsq_solver == "sparse_qr_solve":
        S[0, :] = 0.
        S[0, 0] = 1.
        b[0] = 1.
        rs[0] = 1.
        S = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(S)
        print("    matrix shape %s = %d elements; %d nonzeros (%g%%)" %
              (S.shape, np.prod(
                  S.shape), S.nnz, 100. * S.nnz / np.prod(S.shape)))

        import sparseqr
        c = sparseqr.solve(S, b)

        raise ValueError("unknown solver '%s'; valid: 'dense', 'sparse'" %

    c *= cs  # undo column scaling in solution

    # now c contains the spline coefficients, c_{kl}, where kl has been raveled into a linear index.

    # Save

    filename = "tmp_s2d.mat"
    L = locals()
    data = {
        key: L[key]
        for key in ["ordr", "xknots", "yknots", "c", "Hscale", "sscale"]
    scipy.io.savemat(filename, data, format='5', oned_as='row')

    # Plot


    # unpack results onto meshgrid
    fitted = A.dot(
    )  # function values corresponding to each row in the global equation system
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(
        Hx, sigxx,
        indexing='ij')  # indexed like X[i,j]  (i is x index, j is y index)
    Z_Bx = np.empty_like(X)
    Z_lamxx = np.empty_like(X)

    Z_Bx[I, J] = fitted[nf * IJ]
    Z_lamxx[I, J] = fitted[nf * IJ + 1]

    #    # the above is equivalent to:
    #    for ij in range(nr):
    #        i,j = np.unravel_index( ij, (nx,ny) )
    #        Z_Bx[i,j]    = fitted[nf*ij]
    #        Z_lamxx[i,j] = fitted[nf*ij+1]

    data_Bx = {
        "x": (X, r"$H_{x}$"),
        "y": (Y, r"$\sigma_{xx}$"),
        "z": (Z_Bx / Hscale, r"$B_{x}$")

    data_lamxx = {
        "x": (X, r"$H_{x}$"),
        "y": (Y, r"$\sigma_{xx}$"),
        "z": (Z_lamxx / sscale, r"$\lambda_{xx}$")

    def relerr(data, refdata):
        refdata_linview = refdata.reshape(-1)
        return 100. * np.linalg.norm(refdata_linview - data.reshape(-1)
                                     ) / np.linalg.norm(refdata_linview)

    ax = util.plot.plot_wireframe(data_Bx, legend_label="Spline", figno=1)
    ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, dpsi_dx / Hscale, label="Multiscale", color="r")
    print("B_x relative error %g%%" % (relerr(Z_Bx, dpsi_dx)))

    ax = util.plot.plot_wireframe(data_lamxx, legend_label="Spline", figno=2)
    ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, dpsi_dy / sscale, label="Multiscale", color="r")
    print("lambda_{xx} relative error %g%%" % (relerr(Z_lamxx, dpsi_dy)))

    # match the grid point numbering used in MATLAB version of this script
    def t(A):
        return np.transpose(A, [1, 0])

    dpsi_dx = t(dpsi_dx)
    Z_Bx = t(Z_Bx)
    dpsi_dy = t(dpsi_dy)
    Z_lamxx = t(Z_lamxx)

    ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
    ax.plot(dpsi_dx.reshape(-1) / Hscale,
    ax.plot(Z_Bx.reshape(-1) / Hscale, 'ko', markersize='2', label="Spline")
    ax.set_xlabel("Grid point number")

    ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
    ax.plot(dpsi_dy.reshape(-1) / sscale,
    ax.plot(Z_lamxx.reshape(-1) / sscale, 'ko', markersize='2', label="Spline")
    ax.set_xlabel("Grid point number")

    print("All done.")
def main():
    # Original knots
    x1 = 0
    x2 = 1
    x_orig = np.linspace(x1, x2, 21)
    order = 3

    # We stretch the domain of the splines just a bit to avoid evaluating them
    # exactly at x2, as the splines actually have support on the half-open
    # interval [x1,x2).
    def marginize_end(x):
        out = x.copy()
        out[-1] += 1e-10 * (x[-1] - x[0])
        return out

    knots = splinelab.aptknt(marginize_end(x_orig), order)
    spl = bspline.Bspline(knots, order)
    nb = len(
    )  # get number of basis functions (perform dummy evaluation and count)

    # Sites used for creating the Elmer spline.
    # We use different sites for different functions to represent them well
    # with a small number of points.
    nx = 41
    xx = np.empty((nb, nx), dtype=np.float64)
    ff = np.empty((nb, nx), dtype=np.float64)

    # The first and last basis functions have no internal maximum.
    xx[0, :] = quadspace(x1, x2, nx, refine='left')
    xx[-1, :] = quadspace(x1, x2, nx, refine='right')

    # For the other functions, create a spacing that has one point
    # exactly at the peak.
    import scipy.optimize

    def make_f(j):
        scalar_f = spl.diff(order=1)  # lambda x: ...
        scalar_fj = lambda x: scalar_f(x)[j]
        vector_fj = np.vectorize(
            scalar_fj)  # horrible performance, this is just a Python loop
        return vector_fj

    for j in range(1, nb - 1):
        # The maximum of the jth basis function is known to be near knot j,
        # so we search from knot j-1 to knot j+1.
        # The fitting is very sensitive to the placement of this point,
        # so attempt to solve down to the last ulp.
        fj = make_f(j)
        x0 = scipy.optimize.bisect(fj,
                                   x_orig[j - 1],
                                   x_orig[j + 1],

        # Use a quadratic spacing with more points near the peak.
        xx_left = quadspace(x1, x0, nx // 2 + 1, refine='right')
        xx_right = quadspace(x0, x2, nx // 2 + 1, refine='left')

        tmp = xx_left.tolist()
        tmp.extend(xx_right[1:])  # discard the duplicate point at the peak

        xx[j, :] = tmp

    # Evaluate each basis function at each of the sites chosen for it.
    for j in range(nb):
        for i, x in enumerate(xx[j, :]):
            ff[j, i] = spl(x)[j]

    # Sites used for visualization of results (same for all functions).
    nvis = 10001
    xxvis = np.linspace(x1, x2, nvis)

    # Evaluate at visualization sites (for debug only)
    ffvis = np.empty((nb, nvis), dtype=np.float64)
    for i, x in enumerate(xxvis):
        ffvis[:, i] = spl(x)

    # Create the fits and plot.

    # create a list of unique colors for plotting
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8389636/creating-over-20-unique-legend-colors-using-matplotlib
    NUM_COLORS = nb
    cm = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
    cNorm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=NUM_COLORS - 1)
    scalarMap = matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=cm)
    colors = [scalarMap.to_rgba(i) for i in range(NUM_COLORS)]

    for j in range(nb):
        # Create Elmer-format cubic spline approximation using the data at the sites.
        rr = elmerspline.solve_coeffs(xx[j, :], ff[j, :])

        # TODO: tabulate and save rr for use with Elmer

        # Plot the original basis function.
        plt.plot(xxvis, ffvis[j, :], linestyle='dashed', color=colors[j])

        # Plot the approximation.
                 elmerspline.evaluate_cubic_spline(xx[j, :], ff[j, :], rr,
def fit_1d_spline(x, y, knots=None, nvis=10001):
    spline_order = 3

    minx = np.min(x)
    maxx = np.max(x)

    # Preliminary placement of knots.
    # Bump the last site slightly. The spline is nonzero only on the *half-open* interval [x1, x2),
    # so the value of the spline interpolant exactly at the end of the span is always 0.
#    kk = np.linspace(minx, maxx + 1e-8*(maxx-minx), 21)  # better to adjust number and spacing of knots (maybe quadratic toward ends?)

    if knots is not None:
        kk = knots
    else:  # if no custom knot vector, make one now (emphasize ends -- good for BH curves)
        kk = np.linspace(0,1, 81)
        kk = kk**2
        kk = mirspace(kk)
        kk = minx + (1. + 1e-8)*(maxx - minx)*kk

    kk   = splinelab.aptknt(kk, order=spline_order)
    spl  = bspline.Bspline(order=spline_order, knot_vector=kk)

    nx  = x.shape[0]
    Au  = spl.collmat(x)

    # construct the overdetermined linear system for determining the optimal spline coefficients
    nf = 1   # number of unknown fields
    nr = nx  # equation system rows per unknown field
    nxb = len( spl(0.) ) # get number of basis functions (perform dummy evaluation and count)
    A  = np.empty( (nf*nr, nxb), dtype=np.float64 )  # global matrix
    b  = np.empty( (nf*nr),      dtype=np.float64 )  # global RHS

    # loop only over rows of the equation system
    for i in range(nf*nr):
        A[nf*i,:] = Au[i,:]
    b[:] = y

    # solve the overdetermined linear system (in the least-squares sense)

#    # dense solver (LAPACK DGELSD)
#    ret = np.linalg.lstsq(A, b)  # c,residuals,rank,singvals
#    c = ret[0]

    # sparse solver (SciPy LSQR)
    S = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(A)
    print( "    matrix shape %s = %d elements; %d nonzeros (%g%%)" % (S.shape, np.prod(S.shape), S.nnz, 100. * S.nnz / np.prod(S.shape) ) )
    ret = scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr( S, b )
#    c,exit_reason,iters = ret[:3]
    c,exit_reason = ret[:2]
    if exit_reason != 2:  # 2 = least-squares solution found
        print( "WARNING: solver did not converge (exit_reason = %d)" % (exit_reason) )

    # evaluate the computed optimal b-spline
    xx_spline = np.linspace(minx, maxx, nvis)
    Avis = spl.collmat(xx_spline)
    yy_spline = np.sum( Avis*c, axis=-1 )

    return (xx_spline, yy_spline)
def QLBS_EPUT(S0, mu, sigma, r, M, T, risk_lambda, N_MC, delta_t, gamma, K,


    # make a dataset

    np.random.seed(rand_seed)  # Fix random seed
    # stock price
    S = pd.DataFrame([], index=range(1, N_MC + 1), columns=range(T + 1))
    S.loc[:, 0] = S0

    # standard normal random numbers
    RN = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(N_MC, T),
                      index=range(1, N_MC + 1),
                      columns=range(1, T + 1))

    for t in range(1, T + 1):
              t] = S.loc[:, t -
                         1] * np.exp((mu - 1 / 2 * sigma**2) * delta_t +
                                     sigma * np.sqrt(delta_t) * RN.loc[:, t])

    delta_S = S.loc[:, 1:T].values - np.exp(r * delta_t) * S.loc[:, 0:T - 1]
    delta_S_hat = delta_S.apply(lambda x: x - np.mean(x), axis=0)

    # state variable
    X = -(mu - 1 / 2 * sigma**2) * np.arange(T + 1) * delta_t + np.log(
        S)  # delta_t here is due to their conventions

    # plot 10 paths
    step_size = N_MC // 10
    idx_plot = np.arange(step_size, N_MC, step_size)
    plt.plot(S.T.iloc[:, idx_plot])
    plt.xlabel('Time Steps')
    plt.title('Stock Price Sample Paths')
    plt.ylabel('State Variable')

    plt.plot(X.T.iloc[:, idx_plot])
    plt.xlabel('Time Steps')
    plt.ylabel('State Variable')
    plt.title('State Variable Sample Paths')

    # Define function *terminal_payoff* to compute the terminal payoff of a European put option.

    def terminal_payoff(ST, K):
        # ST   final stock price
        # K    strike
        payoff = max(K - ST, 0)
        return payoff


    # Define spline basis functions

    import bspline
    import bspline.splinelab as splinelab

    X_min = np.min(np.min(X))
    X_max = np.max(np.max(X))

    p = 4  # order of spline (as-is; 3 = cubic, 4: B-spline?)
    ncolloc = 12

    tau = np.linspace(
        X_min, X_max,
        ncolloc)  # These are the sites to which we would like to interpolate

    # k is a knot vector that adds endpoints repeats as appropriate for a spline of order p
    # To get meaninful results, one should have ncolloc >= p+1
    k = splinelab.aptknt(tau, p)

    # Spline basis of order p on knots k
    basis = bspline.Bspline(k, p)
    f = plt.figure()

    # Spline basis functions
    plt.title("Basis Functions to be Used For This Iteration")

    plt.savefig('Basis_functions.png', dpi=600)


    # ### Make data matrices with feature values
    # "Features" here are the values of basis functions at data points
    # The outputs are 3D arrays of dimensions num_tSteps x num_MC x num_basis

    num_t_steps = T + 1
    num_basis = ncolloc  # len(k) #

    data_mat_t = np.zeros((num_t_steps, N_MC, num_basis))

    # fill it, expand function in finite dimensional space
    # in neural network the basis is the neural network itself
    t_0 = time.time()
    for i in np.arange(num_t_steps):
        x = X.values[:, i]
        data_mat_t[i, :, :] = np.array([basis(el) for el in x])

    t_end = time.time()

    # save these data matrices for future re-use
    np.save('data_mat_m=r_A_%d' % N_MC, data_mat_t)


    # ## Dynamic Programming solution for QLBS

    risk_lambda = 0.001  # 0.001 # 0.0001            # risk aversion
    K = 100  #

    # functions to compute optimal hedges
    def function_A_vec(t, delta_S_hat, data_mat, reg_param):
        function_A_vec - compute the matrix A_{nm} from Eq. (52) (with a regularization!)
        Eq. (52) in QLBS Q-Learner in the Black-Scholes-Merton article
        t - time index, a scalar, an index into time axis of data_mat
        delta_S_hat - pandas.DataFrame of dimension N_MC x T
        data_mat - pandas.DataFrame of dimension T x N_MC x num_basis
        reg_param - a scalar, regularization parameter
        - np.array, i.e. matrix A_{nm} of dimension num_basis x num_basis
        ### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 5-6 lines of code)
        # A_mat = your code goes here ...
        X_mat = data_mat[t, :, :]
        num_basis_funcs = X_mat.shape[1]
        this_dS = delta_S_hat.loc[:, t]
        hat_dS2 = (this_dS**2).values.reshape(-1, 1)
        A_mat = np.dot(X_mat.T,
                       X_mat * hat_dS2) + reg_param * np.eye(num_basis_funcs)
        ### END CODE HERE ###
        return A_mat

    def function_B_vec(t,
        function_B_vec - compute vector B_{n} from Eq. (52) QLBS Q-Learner in the Black-Scholes-Merton article
        t - time index, a scalar, an index into time axis of delta_S_hat
        Pi_hat - pandas.DataFrame of dimension N_MC x T of portfolio values 
        delta_S_hat - pandas.DataFrame of dimension N_MC x T
        S - pandas.DataFrame of simulated stock prices
        data_mat - pandas.DataFrame of dimension T x N_MC x num_basis
        gamma - one time-step discount factor $exp(-r \delta t)$
        risk_lambda - risk aversion coefficient, a small positive number
        B_vec - np.array() of dimension num_basis x 1
        #coef = 1.0/(2 * gamma * risk_lambda)
        # override it by zero to have pure risk hedge
        coef = 0.  # keep it

        tmp = Pi_hat.loc[:, t + 1] * delta_S_hat.loc[:, t]
        X_mat = data_mat[t, :, :]  # matrix of dimension N_MC x num_basis
        B_vec = np.dot(X_mat.T, tmp)

        return B_vec


    # ## Compute optimal hedge and portfolio value

    starttime = time.time()

    # portfolio value
    Pi = pd.DataFrame([], index=range(1, N_MC + 1), columns=range(T + 1))
    Pi.iloc[:, -1] = S.iloc[:, -1].apply(lambda x: terminal_payoff(x, K))

    Pi_hat = pd.DataFrame([], index=range(1, N_MC + 1), columns=range(T + 1))
    Pi_hat.iloc[:, -1] = Pi.iloc[:, -1] - np.mean(Pi.iloc[:, -1])

    # optimal hedge
    a = pd.DataFrame([], index=range(1, N_MC + 1), columns=range(T + 1))
    a.iloc[:, -1] = 0

    reg_param = 1e-3
    for t in range(T - 1, -1, -1):

        A_mat = function_A_vec(t, delta_S_hat, data_mat_t, reg_param)
        B_vec = function_B_vec(t, Pi_hat, delta_S_hat, S, data_mat_t)

        # print ('t =  A_mat.shape = B_vec.shape = ', t, A_mat.shape, B_vec.shape)
        phi = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(A_mat), B_vec)

        a.loc[:, t] = np.dot(data_mat_t[t, :, :], phi)
        Pi.loc[:, t] = gamma * (Pi.loc[:, t + 1] -
                                a.loc[:, t] * delta_S.loc[:, t])
        Pi_hat.loc[:, t] = Pi.loc[:, t] - np.mean(Pi.loc[:, t])

    a = a.astype('float')
    Pi = Pi.astype('float')
    Pi_hat = Pi_hat.astype('float')
    endtime = time.time()

    # Plots of 10 optimal hedge $a_t^\star$ and portfolio value $\Pi_t$ paths are shown below.

    # plot 10 paths
    plt.plot(a.T.iloc[:, idx_plot])
    plt.xlabel('Time Steps')
    plt.title('Optimal Hedge')

    plt.plot(Pi.T.iloc[:, idx_plot])
    plt.xlabel('Time Steps')
    plt.title('Portfolio Value')


    # ## Part 2: Compute the optimal Q-function with the DP approach

    def function_C_vec(t, data_mat, reg_param):
        function_C_vec - calculate C_{nm} matrix  (with a regularization!)
        t - time index, a scalar, an index into time axis of data_mat 
        data_mat - pandas.DataFrame of values of basis functions of dimension T x N_MC x num_basis
        reg_param - regularization parameter, a scalar
        C_mat - np.array of dimension num_basis x num_basis
        ### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 5-6 lines of code)
        # C_mat = your code goes here ....
        X_mat = data_mat[t, :, :]
        num_basis_funcs = X_mat.shape[1]
        C_mat = np.dot(X_mat.T, X_mat) + reg_param * np.eye(num_basis_funcs)
        ### END CODE HERE ###

        return C_mat

    def function_D_vec(t, Q, R, data_mat, gamma=gamma):
        function_D_vec - calculate D_{nm} vector (with a regularization!)
        t - time index, a scalar, an index into time axis of data_mat 
        Q - pandas.DataFrame of Q-function values of dimension N_MC x T
        R - pandas.DataFrame of rewards of dimension N_MC x T
        data_mat - pandas.DataFrame of values of basis functions of dimension T x N_MC x num_basis
        gamma - one time-step discount factor $exp(-r \delta t)$
        D_vec - np.array of dimension num_basis x 1
        ### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 2-3 lines of code)
        # D_vec = your code goes here ...
        X_mat = data_mat[t, :, :]
        D_vec = np.dot(X_mat.T, R.loc[:, t] + gamma * Q.loc[:, t + 1])
        ### END CODE HERE ###

        return D_vec


    # Implement a batch-mode off-policy model-free Q-Learning by Fitted Q-Iteration.
    # The only data available is given by a set of $N_{MC}$ paths for the underlying state
    # variable $X_t$, hedge position $a_t$, instantaneous reward $R_t$ and the
    # next-time value $X_{t+1}$.

    starttime = time.time()

    eta = 0.5  #  0.5 # 0.25 # 0.05 # 0.5 # 0.1 # 0.25 # 0.15
    reg_param = 1e-3
    np.random.seed(42)  # Fix random seed

    # disturbed optimal actions to be computed
    a_op = pd.DataFrame([], index=range(1, N_MC + 1), columns=range(T + 1))
    a_op.iloc[:, -1] = 0

    # also make portfolios and rewards
    # portfolio value
    Pi_op = pd.DataFrame([], index=range(1, N_MC + 1), columns=range(T + 1))
    Pi_op.iloc[:, -1] = S.iloc[:, -1].apply(lambda x: terminal_payoff(x, K))

    Pi_op_hat = pd.DataFrame([],
                             index=range(1, N_MC + 1),
                             columns=range(T + 1))
    Pi_op_hat.iloc[:, -1] = Pi_op.iloc[:, -1] - np.mean(Pi_op.iloc[:, -1])

    # reward function
    R_op = pd.DataFrame([], index=range(1, N_MC + 1), columns=range(T + 1))
    R_op.iloc[:, -1] = -risk_lambda * np.var(Pi_op.iloc[:, -1])

    # The backward loop
    for t in range(T - 1, -1, -1):

        # 1. Compute the optimal policy, and write the result to a_op
        a_op.loc[:, t] = a.loc[:, t]
        # 2. Now disturb these values by a random noise
        a_op.loc[:, t] *= np.random.uniform(1 - eta,
                                            1 + eta,

        # 3. Compute portfolio values corresponding to observed actions
        Pi_op.loc[:, t] = gamma * (Pi_op.loc[:, t + 1] -
                                   a_op.loc[:, t] * delta_S.loc[:, t])
        Pi_hat.loc[:, t] = Pi_op.loc[:, t] - np.mean(Pi_op.loc[:, t])

        # 4. Compute rewards corrresponding to observed actions
                 t] = gamma * a_op.loc[:,
                                       t] * delta_S.loc[:,
                                                        t] - risk_lambda * np.var(
                                                            Pi_op.loc[:, t])

    # Plot 10 reward functions
    plt.plot(R_op.iloc[idx_plot, :])
    plt.xlabel('Time Steps')
    plt.title('Reward Function')


    # Override on-policy data with off-policy data
    a = copy.deepcopy(a_op)  # distrubed actions
    Pi = copy.deepcopy(Pi_op)  # disturbed portfolio values
    Pi_hat = copy.deepcopy(Pi_hat)
    R = copy.deepcopy(R_op)

    # make matrix A_t of shape (3 x num_MC x num_steps)
    num_MC = a.shape[0]  # number of simulated paths
    num_TS = a.shape[1]  # number of time steps
    a_1_1 = a.values.reshape((1, num_MC, num_TS))

    a_1_2 = 0.5 * a_1_1**2
    ones_3d = np.ones((1, num_MC, num_TS))

    A_stack = np.vstack((ones_3d, a_1_1, a_1_2))

    data_mat_swap_idx = np.swapaxes(data_mat_t, 0, 2)

    # expand dimensions of matrices to multiply element-wise
    A_2 = np.expand_dims(A_stack, axis=1)  # becomes (3,1,10000,25)
    data_mat_swap_idx = np.expand_dims(data_mat_swap_idx,
                                       axis=0)  # becomes (1,12,10000,25)

    Psi_mat = np.multiply(
        A_2, data_mat_swap_idx
    )  # this is a matrix of size 3 x num_basis x num_MC x num_steps

    # now concatenate columns along the first dimension
    # Psi_mat = Psi_mat.reshape(-1, a.shape[0], a.shape[1], order='F')
    Psi_mat = Psi_mat.reshape(-1, N_MC, T + 1, order='F')


    # make matrix S_t

    Psi_1_aux = np.expand_dims(Psi_mat, axis=1)
    Psi_2_aux = np.expand_dims(Psi_mat, axis=0)

    S_t_mat = np.sum(np.multiply(Psi_1_aux, Psi_2_aux), axis=2)

    # clean up some space
    del Psi_1_aux, Psi_2_aux, data_mat_swap_idx, A_2


    def function_S_vec(t, S_t_mat, reg_param):
        function_S_vec - calculate S_{nm} matrix from Eq. (75) (with a regularization!)
        Eq. (75) in QLBS Q-Learner in the Black-Scholes-Merton article
        num_Qbasis = 3 x num_basis, 3 because of the basis expansion (1, a_t, 0.5 a_t^2)
        t - time index, a scalar, an index into time axis of S_t_mat 
        S_t_mat - pandas.DataFrame of dimension num_Qbasis x num_Qbasis x T
        reg_param - regularization parameter, a scalar
        S_mat_reg - num_Qbasis x num_Qbasis
        ### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 4-5 lines of code)
        # S_mat_reg = your code goes here ...
        num_Qbasis = S_t_mat.shape[0]
        S_mat_reg = S_t_mat[:, :, t] + reg_param * np.eye(num_Qbasis)
        ### END CODE HERE ###
        return S_mat_reg

    def function_M_vec(t, Q_star, R, Psi_mat_t, gamma=gamma):
        function_S_vec - calculate M_{nm} vector from Eq. (75) (with a regularization!)
        Eq. (75) in QLBS Q-Learner in the Black-Scholes-Merton article
        num_Qbasis = 3 x num_basis, 3 because of the basis expansion (1, a_t, 0.5 a_t^2)
        t- time index, a scalar, an index into time axis of S_t_mat 
        Q_star - pandas.DataFrame of Q-function values of dimension N_MC x T
        R - pandas.DataFrame of rewards of dimension N_MC x T
        Psi_mat_t - pandas.DataFrame of dimension num_Qbasis x N_MC
        gamma - one time-step discount factor $exp(-r \delta t)$
        M_t - np.array of dimension num_Qbasis x 1
        ### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 2-3 lines of code)
        # M_t = your code goes here ...
        M_t = np.dot(Psi_mat_t, R.loc[:, t] + gamma * Q_star.loc[:, t + 1])
        ### END CODE HERE ###

        return M_t


    # Call *function_S* and *function_M* for $t=T-1,...,0$ together with vector $\vec\Psi\left(X_t,a_t\right)$ to compute $\vec W_t$ and learn the Q-function $Q_t^\star\left(X_t,a_t\right)=\mathbf A_t^T\mathbf U_W\left(t,X_t\right)$ implied by the input data backward recursively with terminal condition $Q_T^\star\left(X_T,a_T=0\right)=-\Pi_T\left(X_T\right)-\lambda Var\left[\Pi_T\left(X_T\right)\right]$.

    # Plots of 5 optimal action $a_t^\star\left(X_t\right)$, optimal Q-function with optimal action $Q_t^\star\left(X_t,a_t^\star\right)$ and implied Q-function $Q_t^\star\left(X_t,a_t\right)$ paths are shown below.

    # ## Fitted Q Iteration (FQI)

    # implied Q-function by input data (using the first form in Eq.(68))
    Q_RL = pd.DataFrame([], index=range(1, N_MC + 1), columns=range(T + 1))
    Q_RL.iloc[:, -1] = -Pi.iloc[:, -1] - risk_lambda * np.var(Pi.iloc[:, -1])

    # optimal action
    a_opt = np.zeros((N_MC, T + 1))
    a_star = pd.DataFrame([], index=range(1, N_MC + 1), columns=range(T + 1))
    a_star.iloc[:, -1] = 0

    # optimal Q-function with optimal action
    Q_star = pd.DataFrame([], index=range(1, N_MC + 1), columns=range(T + 1))
    Q_star.iloc[:, -1] = Q_RL.iloc[:, -1]

    # max_Q_star_next = Q_star.iloc[:,-1].values
    max_Q_star = np.zeros((N_MC, T + 1))
    max_Q_star[:, -1] = Q_RL.iloc[:, -1].values

    num_basis = data_mat_t.shape[2]

    reg_param = 1e-3
    hyper_param = 1e-1

    # The backward loop
    for t in range(T - 1, -1, -1):

        # calculate vector W_t
        S_mat_reg = function_S_vec(t, S_t_mat, reg_param)
        M_t = function_M_vec(t, Q_star, R, Psi_mat[:, :, t], gamma)
        W_t = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(S_mat_reg),
                     M_t)  # this is an 1D array of dimension 3M

        # reshape to a matrix W_mat
        W_mat = W_t.reshape((3, num_basis), order='F')  # shape 3 x M

        # make matrix Phi_mat
        Phi_mat = data_mat_t[t, :, :].T  # dimension M x N_MC

        # compute matrix U_mat of dimension N_MC x 3
        U_mat = np.dot(W_mat, Phi_mat)

        # compute vectors U_W^0,U_W^1,U_W^2 as rows of matrix U_mat
        U_W_0 = U_mat[0, :]
        U_W_1 = U_mat[1, :]
        U_W_2 = U_mat[2, :]

        # IMPORTANT!!! Instead, use hedges computed as in DP approach:
        # in this way, errors of function approximation do not back-propagate.
        # This provides a stable solution, unlike
        # the first method that leads to a diverging solution
        A_mat = function_A_vec(t, delta_S_hat, data_mat_t, reg_param)
        B_vec = function_B_vec(t, Pi_hat, delta_S_hat, S, data_mat_t)
        # print ('t =  A_mat.shape = B_vec.shape = ', t, A_mat.shape, B_vec.shape)
        phi = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(A_mat), B_vec)

        a_opt[:, t] = np.dot(data_mat_t[t, :, :], phi)
        a_star.loc[:, t] = a_opt[:, t]
        print("test "+str(t))

        max_Q_star[:, t] = U_W_0 + a_opt[:, t] * U_W_1 + 0.5 * (a_opt[:, t]**
                                                                2) * U_W_2
        Q_star.iloc[:, t] = max_Q_star[:, t]

        # update dataframes
        # update the Q_RL solution given by a dot product of two matrices W_t Psi_t
        Psi_t = Psi_mat[:, :, t].T  # dimension N_MC x 3M
        Q_RL.loc[:, t] = np.dot(Psi_t, W_t)

        # trim outliers for Q_RL
        up_percentile_Q_RL = 95  # 95
        low_percentile_Q_RL = 5  # 5

        low_perc_Q_RL, up_perc_Q_RL = np.percentile(
            Q_RL.loc[:, t], [low_percentile_Q_RL, up_percentile_Q_RL])

        # print('t = %s low_perc_Q_RL = %s up_perc_Q_RL = %s' % (t, low_perc_Q_RL, up_perc_Q_RL))

        # trim outliers in values of max_Q_star:
        flag_lower = Q_RL.loc[:, t].values < low_perc_Q_RL
        flag_upper = Q_RL.loc[:, t].values > up_perc_Q_RL
        Q_RL.loc[flag_lower, t] = low_perc_Q_RL
        Q_RL.loc[flag_upper, t] = up_perc_Q_RL

    endtime = time.time()

    # plot both simulations
    f, axarr = plt.subplots(3, 1)

    step_size = N_MC // 10
    idx_plot = np.arange(step_size, N_MC, step_size)
    axarr[0].plot(a_star.T.iloc[:, idx_plot])
    axarr[0].set_xlabel('Time Steps')
    axarr[0].set_title(r'Optimal action $a_t^{\star}$')

    axarr[1].plot(Q_RL.T.iloc[:, idx_plot])
    axarr[1].set_xlabel('Time Steps')
    axarr[1].set_title(r'Q-function $Q_t^{\star} (X_t, a_t)$')

    axarr[2].plot(Q_star.T.iloc[:, idx_plot])
    axarr[2].set_xlabel('Time Steps')
    axarr[2].set_title(r'Optimal Q-function $Q_t^{\star} (X_t, a_t^{\star})$')
    plt.savefig('QLBS_FQI_off_policy_summary_ATM_eta_%d.png' % (100 * eta),

    # Note that a from the DP method and a_star from the RL method are now identical by construction
    # plot 1 path

    num_path = 300  # 430 #  510

    plt.plot(a.T.iloc[:, num_path], label="DP Action")
    plt.plot(a_star.T.iloc[:, num_path], label="RL Action")
    plt.xlabel('Time Steps')
    plt.title('Optimal Action Comparison Between DP and RL for a sample path')

    compTime = endtime - starttime

    return ([Q_star.iloc[:, 0], compTime])
I4 = fI4(Hx, Hy, Hz, sxx, syy, szz, sxy, syz, szx)
I5 = fI5(Hx, Hy, Hz, sxx, syy, szz, sxy, syz, szx)
#I6 = fI6(Hx, Hy, Hz, sxx, syy, szz, sxy, syz, szx)

u = fu(Hx, Hy, Hz, sxx, syy, szz, sxy, syz, szx) / Hscale
v = fv(Hx, Hy, Hz, sxx, syy, szz, sxy, syz, szx) / sscale
#w  = fw(Hx, Hy, Hz, sxx, syy, szz, sxy, syz, szx) / sscale

nx = len(u)
ny = len(v)
assert nx == ny, "sequences (u,v) describing the input points must be of the same length"

# Set up splines for evaluation
splx = bspline.Bspline(xknots, ordr)
sply = bspline.Bspline(yknots, ordr)

# get number of basis functions (perform dummy evaluation and count)
nxb = len(splx(0.))
nyb = len(sply(0.))

# NOTE: we are evaluating the model on a sequence of points (u[j], v[j]), not on a meshgrid (outer(u,v)).
# However, the *spline basis* is a meshgrid in the sense that
# it is the outer product of the x and y basis functions.
Au = splx.collmat(u)
Av = sply.collmat(v)
Du = splx.collmat(u, deriv_order=1)
Dv = sply.collmat(v, deriv_order=1)
Exemple #16

import sys

import bspline

def print_usage():
    print '{} <output_file> <order> <knot_list>'.format(sys.argv[0])
    print 'Example: {} fig.ps 3 0 0 1 2 3 4 5'.format(sys.argv[0])

    filename = sys.argv[1]
    order = int(sys.argv[2])
    knots = map(int, sys.argv[3:])
    assert len(knots) >= order + 2

basis = bspline.Bspline(knots, order)
Exemple #17
def main():
    """Demonstration: plot a B-spline basis and its first three derivatives."""

    # config

    # Order of spline basis.
    p = 3

    # Knot vector, including the endpoints.
    # For convenience, endpoints are specified only once, regardless of the value of p.
    # Duplicate knots *in the interior* are allowed, with the standard meaning for B-splines.
    knots = [0., 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.]

    # How many plotting points to use on each subinterval [knots[i], knots[i+1]).
    # Only intervals with length > 0 are actually plotted.
    nt_per_interval = 101

    # the demo itself

    # The evaluation algorithm used in bspline.py uses half-open intervals  t_i <= x < t_{i+1}.
    # This causes the right endpoint of each interval to actually be the start point of the next interval.
    # Especially, the right endpoint of the last interval is the start point of the next (nonexistent) interval,
    # so the basis will return a value of zero there.
    # We work around this by using a small epsilon to avoid evaluation exactly at t_{i+1} (for each interval).
    epsrel = 1e-10
    epsabs = epsrel * (knots[-1] - knots[0])

    original_knots = knots
    knots = splinelab.augknt(
        knots, p)  # add repeated endpoint knots for splines of order p

    # treat each interval separately to preserve discontinuities
    # (useful especially when plotting the highest-order nonzero derivative)
    B = bspline.Bspline(knots, p)
    xxs = []
    for I in zip(knots[:-1], knots[1:]):
        t_i = I[0]
        t_ip1 = I[1] - epsabs
        if t_ip1 - t_i > 0.:  # accept only intervals of length > 0 (to skip higher-multiplicity knots in the interior)
            xxs.append(np.linspace(t_i, t_ip1, nt_per_interval))

    # common settings for all plotted lines
    settings = {"linestyle": 'solid', "linewidth": 1.0}

    # create a list of unique colors for plotting
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8389636/creating-over-20-unique-legend-colors-using-matplotlib
    NUM_COLORS = nbasis = len(
        B(0.))  # perform dummy evaluation to get number of basis functions
    cm = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
    cNorm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=NUM_COLORS - 1)
    scalarMap = matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=cm)
    colors = [scalarMap.to_rgba(i) for i in range(NUM_COLORS)]

    labels = [
        r"$B$", r"$\mathrm{d}B\,/\,\mathrm{d}x$",

    # for plotting the knot positions:
    unique_knots_xx = np.unique(original_knots)
    unique_knots_yy = np.zeros_like(unique_knots_xx)

    # plot the basis functions B(x) and their first three derivatives
    for k in range(4):
        ax = plt.subplot(2, 2, k + 1)

        # place the axis label where it fits
        if k % 2 == 0:

        # plot the kth derivative; each basis function gets a unique color
        f = B.diff(order=k)  # order=0 is a passthrough
        for xx in xxs:
            yy = np.array([
                f(x) for x in xx
            ])  # f(scalar) -> rank-1 array, one element per basis function
            for i in range(nbasis):
                settings["color"] = colors[i]
                plt.plot(xx, yy[:, i], **settings)

        # show knot positions
        plt.plot(unique_knots_xx, unique_knots_yy, "kx")

    plt.suptitle(r"$B$-spline basis functions, $p=%d$" % (p))
Exemple #18
colid = np.arange(0, 1)
for d in range(1, dimpoly + 1):
    Phips[:, colid] = np.vstack(Xs**d)
    colid += 1

# generative model
b = [0.5, -0.1, 0.005]  # true regression coefficients
s2 = 0.05  # noise variance
y = Phip.dot(b) + np.random.normal(0, s2, N)

# cubic B-spline basis (used for regression)
p = 3  # order of spline (3 = cubic)
nknots = 5  # number of knots (endpoints only counted once)
knots = np.linspace(0, 10, nknots)
k = splinelab.augknt(knots, p)  # pad the knot vector
B = bspline.Bspline(k, p)
Phi = np.array([B(i) for i in X])
Phis = np.array([B(i) for i in Xs])

hyp0 = np.zeros(2)
#hyp0 = np.zeros(4) # use ARD
B = BLR(hyp0, Phi, y)
hyp = B.estimate(hyp0, Phi, y, optimizer='powell')

yhat, s2 = B.predict(hyp, Phi, y, Phis)
                 yhat - 1.96 * np.sqrt(s2),
                 yhat + 1.96 * np.sqrt(s2),
plt.scatter(X, y)
plt.plot(Xs, yhat)
    def __init__(self,
        Splines on a given set of knots and a given order.

        The number of parameters is ( length( knots ) + order - 1 )

        knots : array_like
            a array of arbitrarily positioned knots
        order : int
            order of the spline. Default 3 (cubic splines)
        nrknots : int
            number of knots, equidistantly posited over xrange or [min,max]
        min : float
            minimum of the knot range
        max : float
            maximum of the knot range
        xrange : array_like
            range of the xdata
        copy : BSplinesModel
            model to be copied.
        fixed : dict
            If not None raise AttributeError.

        ValueError : At least either (`knots`) or (`nrnkots`, `min`, `max`) or
                (`nrknots`, `xrange`) must be provided to define a valid model.
        AttributeErrr : When fixed is not None

        The BSplinesModel is only strictly valid inside the domain defined by the
        minmax of knots. It deteriorates fastly going outside the domain.

        if fixed is not None:
            raise AttributeError("BSplinesModel cannot have fixed parameters")

        if copy is not None:
            knots = copy.knots
            order = copy.order
        if knots is not None: nrknots = len(knots)
        elif nrknots is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Need either knots or (nrknots,min,max) or (nrknots,xrange)")

        super(BSplinesModel, self).__init__(order + nrknots - 1,
        self.order = order
        if knots is None:
            if xrange is not None:
                min = numpy.min(xrange)
                max = numpy.max(xrange)
            knots = numpy.linspace(min, max, nrknots, dtype=float)
        self.knots = knots

        self.augknots = splinelab.augknt(knots, order)
        self.Bspline = bspline.Bspline(self.augknots, self.order, last=True)
        self.eps = 0