Exemple #1
def bs_zsurface_read(z_surface_io):
    io = z_surface_io
    u_basis = bs.SplineBasis(io.u_degree, io.u_knots)
    v_basis = bs.SplineBasis(io.v_degree, io.v_knots)

    z_surf = bs.Surface((u_basis, v_basis), io.poles, io.rational)
    surf = bs.Z_Surface(io.orig_quad, z_surf)
    surf.transform(io.xy_map, io.z_map)
    return surf
Exemple #2
def bilinear_surface(vtxs, overhang=0.0):
    Returns B-spline surface of a bilinear surface given by 4 corner points:
    uv coords:
    We retun also list of UV coordinates of the given points.
    :param vtxs: List of tuples (X,Y,Z)
    :return: ( Surface, vtxs_uv )
    assert len(vtxs) == 4, "n vtx: {}".format(len(vtxs))
    vtxs = np.array(vtxs)
    if overhang > 0.0:
        dv = np.roll(vtxs, -1, axis=0) - vtxs
        dv *= overhang
        vtxs += np.roll(dv, 1, axis=0) - dv

    def mid(*idx):
        return np.mean(vtxs[list(idx)], axis=0)

    # v - direction v0 -> v2
    # u - direction v0 -> v1
    poles = [[vtxs[0], mid(0, 3), vtxs[3]],
             [mid(0, 1), mid(0, 1, 2, 3),
              mid(2, 3)], [vtxs[1], mid(1, 2), vtxs[2]]]
    knots = 3 * [0.0 - overhang] + 3 * [1.0 + overhang]
    basis = bs.SplineBasis(2, knots)
    surface = bs.Surface((basis, basis), poles)
    #vtxs_uv = [ (0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1) ]
    return surface
Exemple #3
def curve_from_grid(points, **kwargs):
    Make a Curve (of degree 3) as an approximation of a sequence of points.
    :param points - N x D array, D is dimension
    :param nt Prescribed number of poles of the resulting spline.
    :return: Curve object.

    - Measure efficiency. Estimate how good we can be. Do it our self if we can do at leas 10 times better.
    - Find out which method is used. Hoschek (4.4.1) refers to several methods how to determine parametrization of
    the curve, i.e. Find parameters t_i to the given approximation points P_i.
    - Further on it is not clear what is the mening of the 's' parameter and how one cna influence tolerance and smoothness.
    - Some sort of adaptivity is used.

    deg = kwargs.get('degree', 3)
    tol = kwargs.get('tol', 0.01)
    weights = np.ones(points.shape[0])
    weights[0] = weights[-1] = 1000.0
    tck = scipy.interpolate.splprep(points.T, k=deg, s=tol, w=weights)[0]
    knots, poles, degree = tck
    curve_poles = np.array(poles).T
    curve_poles[0] = points[0]
    curve_poles[-1] = points[-1]
    basis = bs.SplineBasis(degree, knots)
    curve = bs.Curve(basis, curve_poles)
    return curve
Exemple #4
def line(vtxs):
    Return B-spline approximation of a line from two points
    :param vtxs: [ X0, X1 ], Xn are point coordinates in arbitrary dimension D
    :return: Curve2D
    assert len(vtxs) == 2
    vtxs = np.array(vtxs)
    mid = np.mean(vtxs, axis=0)
    poles = [vtxs[0], mid, vtxs[1]]
    knots = 3 * [0.0] + 3 * [1.0]
    basis = bs.SplineBasis(2, knots)
    return bs.Curve(basis, poles)
Exemple #5
def curve_from_grid(points, **kwargs):
    Make a Curve (of degree 3) as an approximation of a sequence of points.
    :param points - N x D array, D is dimension
    :param nt Prescribed number of poles of the resulting spline.
    :return: Curve object.
    deg = kwargs.get('degree', 3)
    tol = kwargs.get('tol', 0.01)
    weights = np.ones(points.shape[0])
    weights[0] = weights[-1] = 1000.0
    tck = scipy.interpolate.splprep(points.T, k=deg, s=tol, w=weights)[0]
    knots, poles, degree = tck
    basis = bs.SplineBasis(degree, knots)
    curve = bs.Curve(basis, np.array(poles).T)
    return curve
Exemple #6
def line(vtxs, overhang=0.0):
    Return B-spline approximation of a line from two points
    :param vtxs: [ X0, X1 ], Xn are point coordinates in arbitrary dimension D
    :return: Curve2D
    assert len(vtxs) == 2
    vtxs = np.array(vtxs)
    if overhang > 0.0:
        dv = overhang * (vtxs[1] - vtxs[0])
        vtxs[0] -= dv
        vtxs[1] += dv
    mid = np.mean(vtxs, axis=0)
    poles = [vtxs[0], mid, vtxs[1]]
    knots = 3 * [0.0 - overhang] + 3 * [1.0 + overhang]
    basis = bs.SplineBasis(2, knots)
    return bs.Curve(basis, poles)