Exemple #1
def get_the_distance_of_the_closest_entries_in_k_sorted_arrays(arrays):
    The time complexity is O(n * h) where n is the total numbers of elements in arrays.
    h is the height of the bst we use in line 22.
    If the bst library you use is a self-balanced bst, then h = logk where
    k is the number of arrays in arrays.
    heads = [0] * len(arrays)
    root = None
    for i in xrange(len(arrays)):
        array = arrays[i]
        head = heads[i]
        if root:
        We use a tuple = (array_val, array_source_id) as tree node data
        and tulple would compare the 1st value first and then the 2nd value,
        so even array_val is the same, we still have array_source_id to make them distinct.
            bst.Bst.insert(root, bst.BinaryTreeNode((array[head], i)))
            root = bst.BinaryTreeNode((array[head], i))
    res = float('inf')
    while True:
        res = min(res,
                  bst.Bst.last(root).data[0] - bst.Bst.first(root).data[0])
        first_node, root = bst.Bst.pop_first(root)
        (val, array_id) = first_node.data
        heads[array_id] += 1
        if heads[array_id] >= len(arrays[array_id]):
            return res
        data = (arrays[array_id][heads[array_id]], array_id)
        bst.Bst.insert(root, bst.BinaryTreeNode(data))
 def insert(self, idx, credit):
     data = Item([credit, idx])
     if self.root:
         self.table[idx] = credit
                        bst.BinaryTreeNode(Item([credit, idx])),
     self.root = bst.BinaryTreeNode(Item([credit, set([idx])]))
     return True
 def recursive(array, start, end):
     if start >= end:
         return None
     m = start + (end - start) / 2
     return bst.BinaryTreeNode(
         recursive(array, start, m),
         recursive(array, m + 1, end),
Exemple #4
def enum_a_plus_b_sqrt2(k):
    The time complexity is O(k * h) where h is the bst height of root.
    (If the bse library you use is a self-balanced tree, then h = logk)
    The additional space complexity is O(k)
    root = bst.BinaryTreeNode(Item(0, 0))
    res = []
    while len(res) < k:
        next_smallest = bst.Bst.first(root).data
            root, bst.BinaryTreeNode(Item(next_smallest.a + 1,
            root, bst.BinaryTreeNode(Item(next_smallest.a,
                                          next_smallest.b + 1)))
        tmp, root = bst.Bst.pop_first(root)
    return res
 def rebuild_from_range(array, lower, upper, root_idx):
   if (
     (root_idx >= len(array)) or
     (array[root_idx] < lower) or
     (array[root_idx] > upper)
     return None, root_idx
   root = bst.BinaryTreeNode(array[root_idx])
   root_idx += 1
   left_tree, root_idx = rebuild_from_range(array, lower, root.data, root_idx)
   right_tree, root_idx = rebuild_from_range(array, root.data, upper, root_idx)
   root.left = left_tree
   root.right = right_tree
   return root, root_idx
 def helper(array, start, end):
   if start == end:
     return None
   left_start = start+1
   left_end = start+1 # left_end = left_start + length
   for i in xrange(start+1, end):
     if array[i] < array[start]:
       left_end += 1
   return bst.BinaryTreeNode(
     helper(array, left_start, left_end),
     helper(array, left_end, end)
Exemple #7
from __future__ import print_function
import bst

def get_input(case=0):
    root = bst.BinaryTreeNode(3)
    for i in xrange(7):
        if i != 3:
            bst.Bst.insert(root, bst.BinaryTreeNode(i))
    key = 3
    ans = root
    if case == 0:
    elif case == 1:
        key = 1
        ans = root.left.right
    elif case == 2:
        key = 5
        ans = root.right.right
    elif case == 3:
        key = 6
        ans = root.right.right.right
    return root, key, ans

def main():
    root, key, ans = get_input()
    print('root =\n', root)
    for case in xrange(4):
        print('--- case {} ---'.format(case))
        root, key, ans = get_input(case)