def test_right_left_conversion_six_nodes():
    Test that given six nodes in a left-right state converts to left-left.
    from bst import Bst, Node
    new_bst = Bst()
    node1 = Node(10)
    node2 = Node(5)
    node3 = Node(15)
    node4 = Node(20)
    node5 = Node(14)
    node6 = Node(13)
    new_bst.head = node1
    node1.left = node2
    node2.parent = node1
    node1.right = node3
    node3.parent = node1
    node3.right = node4
    node4.parent = node3
    node3.left = node5
    node5.parent = node3
    node5.left = node6
    node6.parent = node5
    assert new_bst.head.right == node5
    assert new_bst.head.right.right == node3
    assert new_bst.head.right.right.right == node4
Exemple #2
def main():
    complete_binary_tree = BST()
    one = Node(1)
    two = Node(2)
    three = Node(3)
    four = Node(4)
    five = Node(5)
    six = Node(6)
    seven = Node(7)

    one.left = two
    one.right = three
    two.left = four
    two.right = five
    three.left = six
    three.right = seven
    complete_binary_tree.root = one
    nodes = list(complete_binary_tree.levelorder_nodes())

    # verify the next pointers
    assert is None
    assert is three
    assert is None
    assert is five
    assert is six
    assert is seven
    assert is None
def main():
    one = Node(1, "")
    two = Node(2, "")
    three = Node(3, "")
    four = Node(4, "")
    five = Node(5, "")
    six = Node(6, "")
    seven = Node(7, "")
    eight = Node(8, "")
    nine = Node(9, "")

    one.left = two
    one.right = three

    two.left = four
    two.right = five

    three.left = six
    three.right = seven

    five.left = eight
    five.right = nine
    assert five is LCA(one, eight, nine)
    assert two is LCA(one, two, nine)
    assert one is LCA(one, two, seven)
    assert one is LCA(one, one, nine)
    assert four is LCA(one, four, four)
Exemple #4
def main():
    one = Node(1, "")
    two = Node(2, "")
    three = Node(3, "")
    four = Node(4, "")
    five = Node(5, "")
    six = Node(6, "")
    seven = Node(7, "")
    eight = Node(8, "")
    nine = Node(9, "")

    one.left = two
    one.right = three

    two.left = four
    two.right = five

    four.left = six
    four.right = seven

    tree = Tree()
    tree.root = one
    inverted = upside_down(tree)
def test_bst_left_setter_child():
    """test that left child setter works"""
    from bst import Node
    node1 = Node(9)
    node2 = Node(7)
    node1.left = node2
    assert node1.left.val == node2.val
def test_bst_left_setter_parent():
    """test that left child setter sets parent"""
    from bst import Node
    node1 = Node(9)
    node2 = Node(7)
    node1.left = node2
    assert node2.parent.val == node1.val
Exemple #7
 def _create_min_bst(self, array, start, end):
     if end < start:
         return None
     mid = (start + end) // 2
     node = Node(array[mid])
     node.left = self._create_min_bst(array, start, mid - 1)
     node.right = self._create_min_bst(array, mid + 1, end)
     return node
def test_rotate_right():
    from bst import Node
    node1 = Node()
    node2 = Node()
    node2.left = node1
    assert node1.right == node2
    assert not node2.left
def test_bst_del_left_child():
    """test deleter on left child"""
    from bst import Node
    node1 = Node(9)
    node2 = Node(7)
    node1.left = node2
    del node1.left
    assert node1.left is None
def test_right_rotation_three_nodes():
    """Test that a left-left becomes balanced."""
    from bst import Bst, Node
    new_bst = Bst()
    node1 = Node(15)
    node2 = Node(10)
    node3 = Node(5)
    new_bst.head = node1
    node1.left = node2
    node2.parent = node1
    node2.left = node3
    node3.parent = node2
    assert node2.parent is None
    assert node2.right == node1
    assert node2.left == node3
    assert node2.right.parent == node2
def balanced_bst_from_sorted_array(arr, start, end):
    if start > end:

    mid = (start + end) / 2
    root = Node(arr[mid])
    root.left = balanced_bst_from_sorted_array(arr, start, mid - 1)
    root.right = balanced_bst_from_sorted_array(arr, mid + 1, end)
    return root
Exemple #12
def main():
    _50 = Node(50, "hello")
    _25 = Node(25, "hello")
    _75 = Node(75, "hello")
    _12 = Node(12, "hello")
    _34 = Node(34, "hello")
    _60 = Node(60, "hello")
    _80 = Node(80, "hello")
    _55 = Node(55, "hello")
    _22 = Node(22, "hello")

    _50.left = _25
    _50.right = _75
    _25.left = _12
    _25.right = _34
    _75.left = _60
    _75.right = _80
    _12.right = _55
    assert False is is_bst(_50)

    _12.right = _22
    assert True is is_bst(_50)

    tree = BST()
    N = 10
    for _ in range(N):
        tree.insert(random.randint(1, 100), "hello")

    assert True is is_bst(tree.root)

    # skewed tree
    tree = BST()
    for n in range(N):
        tree.insert(n, "hello")

    assert True is is_bst(tree.root)

    # skewed tree
    tree = BST()
    for n in range(N, 0, -1):
        tree.insert(n, "hello")

    assert True is is_bst(tree.root)
Exemple #13
    def __clone(node):
        if not node:

        new_root = Node(node.key,
        new_left = __clone(node.left)
        new_right = __clone(node.right)
        new_root.left = new_left
        new_root.right = new_right
        return new_root
def test_Node_depth():
    from bst import Node
    node1 = Node()
    node2 = Node()
    node3 = Node()
    node4 = Node()
    node1.left = node2
    node1.right = node3
    node3.right = node4
    results = [node1.depth, node2.depth, node3.depth]
    assert results == [3, 1, 2]
def _sorted_array_to_bst(array, left, right):
	if left == right:
		return Node(array[left])
	if left > right:
		return None

	mid = (left + right) / 2
	root = Node(array[mid])
	root.left = _sorted_array_to_bst(array, left, mid-1)
	root.right = _sorted_array_to_bst(array, mid+1, right)
	return root
Exemple #16
def build_tree(in_order_list, pre_order_list):
    if pre_order_list and in_order_list:
        root_val = pre_order_list.pop(0)
        root = Node(root_val)
        in_order_index = in_order_list.index(root_val)
        root.left = build_tree(in_order_list[:in_order_index], pre_order_list)
        root.right = build_tree(in_order_list[in_order_index + 1:],
        return root
        return None
Exemple #17
def filled_tree():
    A = Node(6)
    a = BST()
    a.root = A
    A.left = 4
    A.right = 7
    A.left.left = 3
    A.left.right = 5
    A.right.right = 8
    a._size = 6
    return a
Exemple #18
def uneven_tree():
    A = Node(6)
    a = BST()
    a.root = A
    A.left = 4
    A.right = 7
    A.left.left = 3
    A.left.right = 5
    A.right.right = 8
    A.right.right.right = 9
    A.right.right.right.right = 10
    a._size = 6
    return a
def test_right_left_conversion_three_nodes():
    Test that given three nodes in a right-left state converts to right-right.
    from bst import Bst, Node
    new_bst = Bst()
    node1 = Node(10)
    node2 = Node(15)
    node3 = Node(12)
    new_bst.head = node1
    node1.right = node2
    node2.parent = node1
    node2.left = node3
    node3.parent = node2
    assert new_bst.head.right == node3
    assert new_bst.head.right.right == node2
    assert new_bst.head.right.right.parent == node3
    assert new_bst.head.right.parent == node1
Exemple #20
def binary_tree_from_traversals(preorder, inorder):
    if not preorder:
        return None

    if not inorder:
        return None

    root_key = preorder[0]
    root = Node(root_key)

    inorder_left, preorder_left, inorder_right, preorder_right = get_traversals_for_subtrees(
        root_key, inorder, preorder)
    # print "root: %s, inorder_left: %s, preorder_left: %s" % (root_key, inorder_left, preorder_left)
    # print "root: %s, inorder_right: %s, preorder_right: %s" % (root_key, inorder_right, preorder_right)
    # print "------"

    if inorder_left:
        root.left = binary_tree_from_traversals(preorder_left, inorder_left)

    if inorder_right:
        root.right = binary_tree_from_traversals(preorder_right, inorder_right)

    return root
Exemple #21
from bst import Node
from bst import BinarySearchTree

#   8
#  / \
# 3   9
#      \
#      11

node1 = Node(8)
node2 = Node(3)
node3 = Node(9)
node4 = Node(11)

#make Node(8) children Node(3) and Node(9)
node1.left = node2
node1.right = node3

#make Node(11) right child of Node(9)
node3.right = node4
#have built a tree

#search the tree for a target value

#imagine we are searching for 11
root = node1
target = 11

# if == target:
#   print("Found it!")
Exemple #22
# Implement a function to check if a binary tree is a binary tree

from bst import Node

def is_bst(tree, min_limit=None, max_limit=None):
    if tree is None:
        return True
    if min_limit is not None and tree.item < min_limit:
        return False
    if max_limit is not None and tree.item > max_limit:
        return False
    if not is_bst(tree.left, min_limit, tree.item):
        return False
    if not is_bst(tree.right, tree.item, max_limit):
        return False
    return True

if __name__ == '__main__':
    valid = Node(5)
    valid.left = Node(0)
    valid.left.left = Node(-1)
    valid.left.right = Node(1)
    valid.right = Node(10)
    valid.right.left = Node(6)
    valid.right.left.left = Node(5.5)
    valid.right.left.left.left = Node(4.9)


    for node in get_neigbhor(root):
        if node not in visited:
            dfs_better(node, visited)

def get_neigbhor(root):
    l = []
    if root.left:
    if root.right:

    return l

from bst import Node
root = Node(4)
root.left = Node(2)
root.right = Node(6)
root.left.left = Node(1)
root.left.right = Node(3)
root.right.left = Node(5)
root.right.right = Node(7)

            deepest = current
            deepest_depth = depth

    # Each O(2n) happening n times for n nodes below current
    left_node, left_depth = first_common_ancestor(current.left, node1, node2,
                                                  deepest, deepest_depth,
                                                  depth + 1)
    right_node, right_depth = first_common_ancestor(current.right, node1,
                                                    node2, deepest,
                                                    deepest_depth, depth + 1)

    if left_depth >= right_depth:
        return left_node, left_depth
    return right_node, right_depth

if __name__ == '__main__':
    tree = Node(5)
    tree.left = Node(10)
    tree.right = Node(20)
    tree.left.left = Node(0)
    tree.left.right = Node(500)

    # print(is_descendent(tree, tree.right))

    common, depth = first_common_ancestor(tree, tree.left.left,
Exemple #25
def test_node_left_deleter():
    from bst import Node
    node = Node(5)
    node.left = Node(3)
    del node.left
    assert node.left is None
Exemple #26
    if is_first and (found_left_second or found_right_second):
        # if the current node is first then look for the second in the decendents
        return (root, True, True)

    if is_second and (found_left_first or found_right_first):
        # if the current node is second then look for the first in the decendents
        return (root, True, True)

    return (None, is_first or found_left_first or found_right_first, is_second
            or found_left_second or found_right_second)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    tree = Node(1)
    tree.left = Node(2)
    tree.left.left = Node(4)
    tree.left.right = Node(5)
    tree.right = Node(3)
    tree.right.right = Node(7)
    tree.right.left = Node(6)

    print('lca(1,2)=', find_lca(tree, 1, 2).value)
    print('lca(4,5)=', find_lca(tree, 4, 5).value)
    print('lca(4,6)=', find_lca(tree, 4, 6).value)
    print('lca(3,4)=', find_lca(tree, 3, 4).value)
    print('lca(2,4)=', find_lca(tree, 2, 4).value)
    print('lca(6,7)=', find_lca(tree, 6, 7).value)
    print('lca(2,3)=', find_lca(tree, 2, 3).value)
def test_Node_setting_left():
    from bst import Node
    node1 = Node()
    node2 = Node()
    node1.left = node2
    assert node1.left == node2
def test_balance_left():
    """Test that a left side is larger and returns a positive int."""
    from bst import Node
    a = Node(20)
    a.left = Node(18)
    assert a.balance() == 1
def test_depth_many():
    """Test that a node with one extra on the left has a depth of 2."""
    from bst import Node
    a = Node(20)
    a.left = Node(16)
    assert a.depth() == 2
Exemple #30
def build_tree(in_order_list, pre_order_list):
    if pre_order_list and in_order_list:
        root_val = pre_order_list.pop(0)
        root = Node(root_val)
        in_order_index = in_order_list.index(root_val)
        root.left = build_tree(in_order_list[:in_order_index], pre_order_list)
        root.right = build_tree(in_order_list[in_order_index + 1:],
        return root
        return None

if __name__ == '__main__':
    tree = Node(17)
    tree.left = Node(6)
    tree.left.left = Node(3)
    tree.left.right = Node(9)
    tree.left.right.left = Node(7)
    tree.left.right.right = Node(13)
    tree.right = Node(21)
    tree.right.right = Node(24)
    tree.right.right.left = Node(22)
    tree.right.right.right = Node(26)

    assert (bst.is_bst(tree))
Exemple #31
#     while current:
#         if current.item == target_item:
#             return depth
#         if target_item < current.item:
#             current = current.left
#         else:
#             current = current.right
#         depth += 1
#     return None

# strategy, traverse the bst and keep a record of the depth of everything
# Keep a dict of depth mappings to linked lists
def list_of_depths(tree, depths, depth=0):
    if tree is None:
    list_of_depths(tree.left, depths, depth+1)
    list_of_depths(tree.right, depths, depth+1)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    tree = Node(0)
    tree.left = Node(-2)
    tree.left.left = Node(-3)
    tree.left.right = Node(-1)
    tree.right = Node(5)
    tree.right.right = Node(6)
    depths = defaultdict(LinkedList)
    list_of_depths(tree, depths)
Exemple #32
    elif t1.item != t2.item:
        return False
    elif not verify(t1.left, t2.left):
        return False
    elif not verify(t1.right, t2.right):
        return False

    return True

def check_subtree(t1, t2):
    """ Returns true if t2 is a subtree of t1 """
    t1_node = find(t1, t2)
    if t1_node is None:
        return False
    return verify(t1_node, t2)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    t1 = Node(5)
    t1.left = Node(0)
    t1.right = Node(10)
    t1.right.right = Node(50)
    t1.right.right.right = Node(500)

    t2 = Node(10)
    t2.right = Node(50)
    t2.right.right = Node(500)

    print(check_subtree(t1, t2))
Exemple #33
    if tree is None:
        return True
    height_left = get_height(tree.left)
    height_right = get_height(tree.right)
    if abs(height_left - height_right) > 1:
        return False
    if not is_balanced(tree.left):
        return False
    if not is_balanced(tree.right):
        return False
    return True

if __name__ == '__main__':
    balanced_tree = Node(2)
    balanced_tree.left = Node(1)
    balanced_tree.left.left = Node(0)
    balanced_tree.left.left.left = Node(-1)
    balanced_tree.left.left.right = Node(0.5)
    balanced_tree.left.right = Node(1.5)
    balanced_tree.right = Node(8)
    balanced_tree.right.left = Node(7)
    balanced_tree.right.left.left = Node(6)
    balanced_tree.right.right = Node(20)

    test = Node(5)
    test.left = Node(2)
    test.right = Node(10)

    # heights = {}
    # get_heights(test, heights)
Exemple #34
    return paths_from_root + paths_on_left + paths_on_right

def count_paths_with_sum_from_node(node, target_sum, current_sum):
    if node is None:
        return 0

    current_sum += node.item

    total_paths = 0
    if current_sum == target_sum:  # Found a path from the root
        total_paths += 1

    total_paths += count_paths_with_sum_from_node(node.left, target_sum,
    total_paths += count_paths_with_sum_from_node(node.right, target_sum,
    return total_paths

def paths_with_sum(value):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    t = Node(5)
    t.left = Node(1)
    t.right = Node(4)
    t.right.right = Node(1)
    t.right = Node(0)
    print(count_paths_with_sum(t, 6))