def test_Put_Data():
    """The datasetType can put its own data and datasetIDs.
        # Make up some dataset IDs and a dataset
        dsIDs = {}
        dsIDs['prefix'] = 'test_prefix'
        dsIDs['acqID'] = 1
        ds = Localizations(datasetIDs=dsIDs) = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2], 'B': [3, 4]})

        pathToDB = testDataRoot
        # Remove datastore if it exists
        if exists(str(pathToDB / Path('test_db.h5'))):
            remove(str(pathToDB / Path('test_db.h5')))

        with db.HDFDatastore(pathToDB / Path('test_db.h5')) as myDB:

        key = 'test_prefix/test_prefix_1/Localizations'
        with h5py.File(str(pathToDB / Path('test_db.h5')), 'r') as hdf:
            assert_equal(hdf[key].attrs['SMLM_datasetType'], 'Localizations')

        df = pd.read_hdf(str(pathToDB / Path('test_db.h5')), key=key)
        assert_equal(df.loc[0, 'A'], 1)
        assert_equal(df.loc[1, 'A'], 2)
        assert_equal(df.loc[0, 'B'], 3)
        assert_equal(df.loc[1, 'B'], 4)
        # Remove the test datastore
        remove(str(pathToDB / Path('test_db.h5')))
def test_Instantiation():
    """The datasetType is properly instantiated.
    # Make up some dataset IDs
    dsIDs = {}
    dsIDs['prefix'] = 'test_prefix'
    dsIDs['acqID'] = 1

def test__repr__():
    """DatasetType generates the correct __repr__ string.
    dsIDs = {}
    dsIDs['prefix'] = 'test_prefix'

    ds = Localizations(datasetIDs=dsIDs)

    assert_equal(ds.__repr__(), 'Localizations: {\'prefix\': \'test_prefix\'}')

    del (ds.datasetIDs['prefix'])
    assert_equal(ds.__repr__(), 'Localizations: {}')
def test_Get_Data():
    """The datasetType can get its own data and datasetIDs.
        # Make up some dataset IDs and a dataset
        dsIDs = {}
        dsIDs['prefix'] = 'test_prefix'
        dsIDs['acqID'] = 1
        ds = Localizations(datasetIDs=dsIDs) = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2], 'B': [3, 4]})

        pathToDB = testDataRoot
        # Remove datastore if it exists
        if exists(str(pathToDB / Path('test_db.h5'))):
            remove(str(pathToDB / Path('test_db.h5')))

        with db.HDFDatastore(pathToDB / Path('test_db.h5')) as myDB:

        # Create a new dataset containing only IDs to test getting of the data
        myNewDSID = db.DatasetID('test_prefix', 1, 'Localizations', None, None,
                                 None, None, None, None)
        myNewDS = myDB.get(myNewDSID)
        ids = myNewDS.datasetIDs
        assert_equal(ids['prefix'], 'test_prefix')
        assert_equal(ids['acqID'], 1)
        assert_equal(myNewDS.datasetType, 'Localizations')
        assert_equal(ids['channelID'], None)
        assert_equal(ids['dateID'], None)
        assert_equal(ids['posID'], None)
        assert_equal(ids['sliceID'], None)
        assert_equal(ids['replicateID'], None)
        assert_equal([0, 'A'], 1)
        assert_equal([1, 'A'], 2)
        assert_equal([0, 'B'], 3)
        assert_equal([1, 'B'], 4)
        # Remove the test datastore
        remove(str(pathToDB / Path('test_db.h5')))