Exemple #1
def test_strategybase_tree_rebalance():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1, c2])

    c1 = s['c1']
    c2 = s['c2']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[1]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[1]] = 95


    i = 0
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])


    assert s.value == 1000
    assert s.capital == 1000
    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c2.value == 0

    # now rebalance c1
    s.rebalance(0.5, 'c1')

    assert c1.position == 5
    assert c1.value == 500
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 501
    assert s.value == 999
    assert c1.weight == 500.0 / 999
    assert c2.weight == 0
Exemple #2
def test_strategybase_tree_rebalance():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1, c2])
    s.set_commissions(lambda q, p: 1)

    c1 = s['c1']
    c2 = s['c2']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[1]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[1]] = 95


    i = 0
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])


    assert s.value == 1000
    assert s.capital == 1000
    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c2.value == 0

    # now rebalance c1
    s.rebalance(0.5, 'c1')

    assert c1.position == 4
    assert c1.value == 400
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 401
    assert s.value == 999
    assert c1.weight == 400.0 / 999
    assert c2.weight == 0
Exemple #3
def test_rebalance_child_not_in_tree():
    s = StrategyBase('p')

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[1]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[1]] = 95


    i = 0

    # rebalance to 0 w/ child that is not present - should ignore
    s.rebalance(0, 'c2')

    assert s.value == 1000
    assert s.capital == 1000
    assert len(s.children) == 0
Exemple #4
def test_rebalance_child_not_in_tree():
    s = StrategyBase('p')

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[1]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[1]] = 95


    i = 0

    # rebalance to 0 w/ child that is not present - should ignore
    s.rebalance(0, 'c2')

    assert s.value == 1000
    assert s.capital == 1000
    assert len(s.children) == 0
Exemple #5
def test_strategybase_tree_decimal_position_rebalance():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1, c2])

    c1 = s['c1']
    c2 = s['c2']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)


    i = 0
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])

    s.rebalance(0.42, 'c1')
    s.rebalance(0.58, 'c2')

    aae(c1.value, 420.084)
    aae(c2.value, 580.116)
    aae(c1.value + c2.value, 1000.2)
Exemple #6
def test_strategybase_tree_rebalance_base():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1, c2])

    c1 = s['c1']
    c2 = s['c2']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[1]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[1]] = 95


    i = 0
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])


    assert s.value == 1000
    assert s.capital == 1000
    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c2.value == 0

    # check that 2 rebalances of equal weight lead to two different allocs
    # since value changes after first call
    s.rebalance(0.5, 'c1')

    assert c1.position == 5
    assert c1.value == 500
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 501
    assert s.value == 999
    assert c1.weight == 500.0 / 999
    assert c2.weight == 0

    s.rebalance(0.5, 'c2')

    assert c2.position == 4
    assert c2.value == 400
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 501 - 401
    assert s.value == 998
    assert c2.weight == 400.0 / 998
    assert c1.weight == 500.0 / 998

    # close out everything

    # adjust to get back to 1000

    assert s.value == 1000
    assert s.capital == 1000
    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c2.value == 0

    # now rebalance but set fixed base
    base = s.value
    s.rebalance(0.5, 'c1', base=base)

    assert c1.position == 5
    assert c1.value == 500
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 501
    assert s.value == 999
    assert c1.weight == 500.0 / 999
    assert c2.weight == 0

    s.rebalance(0.5, 'c2', base=base)

    assert c2.position == 5
    assert c2.value == 500
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 501 - 501
    assert s.value == 998
    assert c2.weight == 500.0 / 998
    assert c1.weight == 500.0 / 998
Exemple #7
def test_strategybase_tree_rebalance_level2():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c12 = copy.deepcopy(c1)
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    c22 = copy.deepcopy(c2)
    s1 = StrategyBase('s1', [c1, c2])
    s2 = StrategyBase('s2', [c12, c22])
    m = StrategyBase('m', [s1, s2])

    s1 = m['s1']
    s2 = m['s2']

    c1 = s1['c1']
    c2 = s1['c2']

    c12 = s2['c1']
    c22 = s2['c2']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[1]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[1]] = 95


    i = 0
    m.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])


    assert m.value == 1000
    assert m.capital == 1000
    assert s1.value == 0
    assert s2.value == 0
    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c2.value == 0

    # now rebalance child s1 - since its children are 0, no waterfall alloc
    m.rebalance(0.5, 's1')

    assert s1.value == 500
    assert m.capital == 1000 - 500
    assert m.value == 1000
    assert s1.weight == 500.0 / 1000
    assert s2.weight == 0

    # now allocate directly to child of child
    s1.rebalance(0.4, 'c1')

    assert s1.value == 499
    assert s1.capital == 500 - 201
    assert c1.value == 200
    assert c1.weight == 200.0 / 499
    assert c1.position == 2

    assert m.capital == 1000 - 500
    assert m.value == 999
    assert s1.weight == 499.0 / 999
    assert s2.weight == 0

    assert c12.value == 0

    # now rebalance child s1 again and make sure c1 also gets proportional
    # increase
    m.rebalance(0.8, 's1')
    assert s1.value == 798.2
    aae(m.capital, 199.8, 1)
    assert m.value == 998
    assert s1.weight == 798.2 / 998
    assert s2.weight == 0
    assert c1.value == 300.0
    assert c1.weight == 300.0 / 798.2
    assert c1.position == 3

    # now rebalance child s1 to 0 - should close out s1 and c1 as well
    m.rebalance(0, 's1')

    assert s1.value == 0
    assert m.capital == 997
    assert m.value == 997
    assert s1.weight == 0
    assert s2.weight == 0
    assert c1.weight == 0
Exemple #8
def test_strategybase_tree_rebalance_base():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1, c2])
    s.set_commissions(lambda q, p: 1)

    c1 = s['c1']
    c2 = s['c2']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[1]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[1]] = 95


    i = 0
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])


    assert s.value == 1000
    assert s.capital == 1000
    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c2.value == 0

    # check that 2 rebalances of equal weight lead to two different allocs
    # since value changes after first call
    s.rebalance(0.5, 'c1')

    assert c1.position == 4
    assert c1.value == 400
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 401
    assert s.value == 999
    assert c1.weight == 400.0 / 999
    assert c2.weight == 0

    s.rebalance(0.5, 'c2')

    assert c2.position == 4
    assert c2.value == 400
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 401 - 401
    assert s.value == 998
    assert c2.weight == 400.0 / 998
    assert c1.weight == 400.0 / 998

    # close out everything

    # adjust to get back to 1000

    assert s.value == 1000
    assert s.capital == 1000
    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c2.value == 0

    # now rebalance but set fixed base
    base = s.value
    s.rebalance(0.5, 'c1', base=base)

    assert c1.position == 4
    assert c1.value == 400
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 401
    assert s.value == 999
    assert c1.weight == 400.0 / 999
    assert c2.weight == 0

    s.rebalance(0.5, 'c2', base=base)

    assert c2.position == 4
    assert c2.value == 400
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 401 - 401
    assert s.value == 998
    assert c2.weight == 400.0 / 998
    assert c1.weight == 400.0 / 998
Exemple #9
def test_strategybase_tree_rebalance_level2():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c12 = copy.deepcopy(c1)
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    c22 = copy.deepcopy(c2)
    s1 = StrategyBase('s1', [c1, c2])
    s2 = StrategyBase('s2', [c12, c22])
    m = StrategyBase('m', [s1, s2])

    s1 = m['s1']
    s2 = m['s2']

    c1 = s1['c1']
    c2 = s1['c2']

    c12 = s2['c1']
    c22 = s2['c2']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[1]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[1]] = 95


    i = 0
    m.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])


    assert m.value == 1000
    assert m.capital == 1000
    assert s1.value == 0
    assert s2.value == 0
    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c2.value == 0

    # now rebalance child s1 - since its children are 0, no waterfall alloc
    m.rebalance(0.5, 's1')

    assert s1.value == 500
    assert m.capital == 1000 - 500
    assert m.value == 1000
    assert s1.weight == 500.0 / 1000
    assert s2.weight == 0

    # now allocate directly to child of child
    s1.rebalance(0.4, 'c1')

    assert s1.value == 500
    assert s1.capital == 500 - 200
    assert c1.value == 200
    assert c1.weight == 200.0 / 500
    assert c1.position == 2

    assert m.capital == 1000 - 500
    assert m.value == 1000
    assert s1.weight == 500.0 / 1000
    assert s2.weight == 0

    assert c12.value == 0

    # now rebalance child s1 again and make sure c1 also gets proportional
    # increase
    m.rebalance(0.8, 's1')
    assert s1.value == 800
    aae(m.capital, 200, 1)
    assert m.value == 1000
    assert s1.weight == 800 / 1000
    assert s2.weight == 0
    assert c1.value == 300.0
    assert c1.weight == 300.0 / 800
    assert c1.position == 3

    # now rebalance child s1 to 0 - should close out s1 and c1 as well
    m.rebalance(0, 's1')

    assert s1.value == 0
    assert m.capital == 1000
    assert m.value == 1000
    assert s1.weight == 0
    assert s2.weight == 0
    assert c1.weight == 0