def flashbinary(btmac, binfile): try: socket = BT_Socket(btmac, 0x1001) except: print "bad mac address" sys.exit() proto.determine_packet_format(socket) socket.send(proto.cmd_set_bt_sniff_off()) f = open(binfile, 'rb') fileLen = len( numSectorsToErase = fileLen / 4096 + (fileLen % 4096 > 0) for i in range(numSectorsToErase): socket.send(proto.cmd_erase_spiflash_sector(8 + i)) byte = socket.receive(4) bytesToSend = fileLen addr_offset = 0 data = while (len(data) != 0): print bytesToSend socket.send(proto.write_spiflash(32768 + addr_offset, data)) socket.receive(4) addr_offset += 220 data = bytesToSend -= 220 socket.send(proto.cmd_send_time()) socket.send(proto.cmd_reboot_watch()) socket.close()
def flashbinary( btmac, binfile): try: socket = BT_Socket(btmac, 0x1001) except: print "bad mac address" sys.exit() proto.determine_packet_format(socket) socket.send(proto.cmd_set_bt_sniff_off()) f = open(binfile, 'rb') fileLen = len( numSectorsToErase = fileLen / 4096 + (fileLen % 4096 > 0) for i in range(numSectorsToErase): socket.send(proto.cmd_erase_spiflash_sector(8 + i)) byte = socket.receive(4) bytesToSend = fileLen addr_offset = 0 data = while (len(data) != 0): print bytesToSend socket.send(proto.write_spiflash(32768 + addr_offset, data)) socket.receive(4) addr_offset += 220 data = bytesToSend -= 220 socket.send(proto.cmd_send_time()) socket.send(proto.cmd_reboot_watch()) socket.close()
def flashbinary( btmac, binfile, addr, is_url, reboot): tries = 1 while True: try: socket = BT_Socket(btmac, 0x1001) break except: tries += 1 if tries > 3: print "invalid, missing, or unavailable bd addr" sys.exit() proto.determine_packet_format(socket) socket.send(proto.cmd_set_bt_sniff_off()) if (is_url): urllib.urlretrieve(binfile, "temp.bin") f = open("temp.bin", 'rb') else: f = open(binfile, 'rb') fileLen = len( numSectorsToErase = fileLen / 4096 + (fileLen % 4096 > 0) print "Preparing ", if proto.get_in_vlf() and addr == 0x40000: # TODO: I don't like having the hard-coded addr check here proto.cmd_erase_resources(fileLen) else: for i in range(numSectorsToErase): socket.send(proto.cmd_erase_spiflash_sector((addr / 4096) + i)) resp_len = len(socket.receive(1024)) # TODO FIX code duplication here if resp_len >= 4: error_count = 0 print ".", #time.sleep(0.5) else: print "Retrying packet ..." print resp_len error_count = error_count + 1 if error_count == 5: socket = handle_error(btmac, socket) error_count = 0 sys.stdout.flush() print "" bytesToSend = fileLen addr_offset = 0 if proto.get_in_vlf(): data_packet_chunk = 128 else: data_packet_chunk = 220 data = error_count = 0 while (len(data) != 0): print bytesToSend socket.send(proto.write_spiflash(addr + addr_offset, data)) resp_len = len(socket.receive(1024)) # TODO FIX code duplication here if resp_len >= 4: error_count = 0 addr_offset += data_packet_chunk data = bytesToSend -= data_packet_chunk #time.sleep(0.5) else: print "Retrying packet ..." print resp_len error_count = error_count + 1 if error_count == 5: socket = handle_error(btmac, socket) error_count = 0 socket.send(proto.cmd_send_time()) if is_url: f.close() os.remove("temp.bin") if reboot: socket.send(proto.cmd_reboot_watch()) socket.close()
btmac = sys.argv[1] try: socket = BT_Socket(btmac, 0x1001) except: print "Bad mac address, or if on Windows, the L2CAPServer might not be wokring" sys.exit() proto.determine_packet_format(socket) socket.send(proto.cmd_set_bt_sniff_off()) socket.receive(4) #Establishing connection with iTunes iTunes = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch("iTunes.Application") iTunes.Pause() while (1): #Receive the commain from the watch text = socket.receive(256) #If it's a valid command (Note: non-valid commands will have a length of 2) if (len(text) is 4): #transform it into an int key = proto.int_from_buffer(text) if (key is 1): iTunes.PlayPause() elif (key is 0): iTunes.NextTrack() #Sends back the artist name and track number socket.send(iTunes.CurrentTrack.Artist) socket.send(iTunes.CurrentTrack.Name) #Closes conncetions socket.close()
proto.determine_packet_format(socket) socket.send(proto.cmd_set_bt_sniff_off()) socket.receive(4) while(1): #Receive the commain from the watch text=socket.receive(256) #If it's a valid command (Note: non-valid commands will have a length of 2) if(len(text) is 4): #transform it into an int key=proto.int_from_buffer(text) # Always send back the message if in valid ascii range if(key >= 128 and key <= 255): print "Message received. Sending response ", key socket.send(chr(key)) # send the response back if(key is 69): print "Next slide request received ", key os.system("./sendkey.osascript 'N'") elif(key is 70): print "Previous slide request received ", key os.system("./sendkey.osascript 'P'") elif(key <= 128): print "Unknown key=", key # elif (key is 0): # SendKeys.SendKeys("""{LEFT}""") print "looping..." # wend #Closes conncetions socket.close()
def flashbinary(btmac, binfile, addr, is_url, reboot): tries = 1 while True: try: socket = BT_Socket(btmac, 0x1001) break except: tries += 1 if tries > 3: print "invalid, missing, or unavailable bd addr" sys.exit() proto.determine_packet_format(socket) socket.send(proto.cmd_set_bt_sniff_off()) if (is_url): urllib.urlretrieve(binfile, "temp.bin") f = open("temp.bin", 'rb') else: f = open(binfile, 'rb') fileLen = len( numSectorsToErase = fileLen / 4096 + (fileLen % 4096 > 0) print "Preparing ", if proto.get_in_vlf() and addr == 0x40000: # TODO: I don't like having the hard-coded addr check here proto.cmd_erase_resources(fileLen) else: for i in range(numSectorsToErase): socket.send(proto.cmd_erase_spiflash_sector((addr / 4096) + i)) resp_len = len(socket.receive(1024)) # TODO FIX code duplication here if resp_len >= 4: error_count = 0 print ".", #time.sleep(0.5) else: print "Retrying packet ..." print resp_len error_count = error_count + 1 if error_count == 5: socket = handle_error(btmac, socket) error_count = 0 sys.stdout.flush() print "" bytesToSend = fileLen addr_offset = 0 if proto.get_in_vlf(): data_packet_chunk = 128 else: data_packet_chunk = 220 data = error_count = 0 while (len(data) != 0): print bytesToSend socket.send(proto.write_spiflash(addr + addr_offset, data)) resp_len = len(socket.receive(1024)) # TODO FIX code duplication here if resp_len >= 4: error_count = 0 addr_offset += data_packet_chunk data = bytesToSend -= data_packet_chunk #time.sleep(0.5) else: print "Retrying packet ..." print resp_len error_count = error_count + 1 if error_count == 5: socket = handle_error(btmac, socket) error_count = 0 socket.send(proto.cmd_send_time()) if is_url: f.close() os.remove("temp.bin") if reboot: socket.send(proto.cmd_reboot_watch()) socket.close()