Exemple #1
def wif_from_prvkey(prvkey: int, compressed: bool) -> bytes:
    """private key to Wallet Import Format"""

    payload = b'\x80' + int2octets(prvkey, ec.psize)
    if compressed:
        payload += b'\x01'
    return b58encode_check(payload)
Exemple #2
def key_agreement(dUV: int, QVU: Point, keydatasize: int, ec: EC, hf) -> bytes:
    P = pointMult(ec, dUV, QVU)
    if P == (1, 0):
        "invalid (zero) private key"
    z = P[0]
    zbytes = int2octets(z, ec.psize)
    k = kdf(zbytes, keydatasize, ec, hf)
    return k
Exemple #3
def _ecssa_e(ec: EC, hf, r: int, P: Point, m: bytes) -> int:
    # Let e = int(hf(bytes(x(R)) || bytes(dG) || m)) mod n.
    ebytes = int2octets(r, ec.psize) # FIXME: hsize, nsize ?
    ebytes += point2octets(ec, P, True)
    ebytes += m
    ebytes = hf(ebytes).digest()
    e = bits2int(ec, ebytes)
    return e
def rfc6979(ec: EC, hf, h1: bytes, x: int) -> int:
    """Return a deterministic ephemeral key following rfc6979"""

    if not 0 < x < ec.n:
        raise ValueError(f"invalid private key {hex(x)}")

    hsize = hf().digest_size  # bytes
    if len(h1) != hsize:
        errMsg = f"mismatch between hf digest size ({hsize}) and "
        errMsg += f"hashed message size ({len(h1)})"
        raise ValueError(errMsg)

    # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6979 section 3.2
    # h1 = hf(m)                                           # 3.2.a

    # truncate and/or expand h1: encoding size is driven by nsize
    z1 = _bits2int(ec, h1)  # leftmost ec.nlen bits
    z1 %= ec.n
    bm = int2octets(z1, ec.nsize)  # bm = z1.to_bytes(nsize, 'big')

    # convert the private key x to a sequence of nsize octets
    bprv = int2octets(x, ec.nsize)  # bprv = x.to_bytes(nsize, 'big')

    bprvbm = bprv + bm
    V = b'\x01' * hsize  # 3.2.b
    K = b'\x00' * hsize  # 3.2.c
    K = hmac.new(K, V + b'\x00' + bprvbm, hf).digest()  # 3.2.d
    V = hmac.new(K, V, hf).digest()  # 3.2.e
    K = hmac.new(K, V + b'\x01' + bprvbm, hf).digest()  # 3.2.f
    V = hmac.new(K, V, hf).digest()  # 3.2.g

    while True:  # 3.2.h
        T = b''  # 3.2.h.1
        while len(T) < ec.nsize:  # 3.2.h.2
            V = hmac.new(K, V, hf).digest()
            T += V
        k = _bits2int(ec, T)  # candidate                  # 3.2.h.3
        if 0 < k < ec.n:  # acceptable values for k
            return k  # successful candidate
        K = hmac.new(K, V + b'\x00', hf).digest()
        V = hmac.new(K, V, hf).digest()
Exemple #5
def kdf(zbytes: bytes, keydatasize: int, ec: EC, hf) -> bytes:
    """ ANS-X9.63-KDF - SEC 1 specification

    source: http://www.secg.org/sec1-v2.pdf, section 3.6.1
    hsize = hf().digest_size
    assert keydatasize < hsize * (2**32 - 1), "invalid"
    counter = 1
    counter_bytes = counter.to_bytes(4, 'big')
    K_temp = []
    for i in range((keydatasize + 1) // hsize):
        K_temp.append(hf(zbytes + counter_bytes).digest())
        counter += 1
        counter_bytes = counter.to_bytes(4, 'big')
        i += 1
    K_bytes = b''.join(K_temp[i] for i in range(keydatasize // hsize))
    K = octets2int(K_bytes) >> (keydatasize - hsize)
    return int2octets(K, ec.psize)