Exemple #1
def EnableDebugging():
  global _debugging
  _debugging = True
  debug.dprint("Enabled debugging")
Exemple #2
def DisableDebugging():
  global _debugging
  _debugging = False
  debug.dprint("Disabled debugging")
Exemple #3
def DisableDebugging():
    global _debugging

    _debugging = False

    debug.dprint("Disabled debugging")

Exemple #4
def EnableDebugging():
    global _debugging

    _debugging = True

    debug.dprint("Enabled debugging")

Exemple #5
    def _initialise_parameters(self):
    Initialise the parameters used in evaluating the Lomb-Scargle periodogram

        self._mean = MeanVal(self._x)

        self._variance = 0.0
        for x in self._x:
            self._variance += (x - self._mean)**2
        self._variance /= float(self.DataPointsCount() - 1)

        debug.dprint("Mean = " + str(self._mean), 3)
        debug.dprint("Variance = " + str(self._variance), 3)

Exemple #6
 def _initialise_parameters(self):
   Initialise the parameters used in evaluating the Lomb-Scargle periodogram
   self._mean = MeanVal(self._x)
   self._variance = 0.0
   for x in self._x:
     self._variance += (x - self._mean) ** 2
   self._variance /= float(self.DataPointsCount() - 1)
   debug.dprint("Mean = " + str(self._mean), 3)
   debug.dprint("Variance = " + str(self._variance), 3)
Exemple #7
def InterpolatedSSA(v, t, N_T, n, J=1, t0=None, t1=None):
  Perform a singular systems analysis of the supplied non-uniform data using
  linear interpolation

    if t0 is None:
        t0 = t[0]
    if t1 is None:
        t1 = t[-1]

    dt = (t1 - t0) / float(N_T)
    debug.dprint("Interpolation dt: " + str(dt))

    lt = [t0 + i * dt for i in range(N_T)]
    lv = LinearlyInterpolateField(v, t, lt)
    print lv, lt

    return SSA(lv, n, J=J)
Exemple #8
def InterpolatedSSA(v, t, N_T, n, J = 1, t0 = None, t1 = None):
  Perform a singular systems analysis of the supplied non-uniform data using
  linear interpolation
  if t0 is None:
    t0 = t[0]
  if t1 is None:
    t1 = t[-1]
  dt = (t1 - t0) / float(N_T)
  debug.dprint("Interpolation dt: " + str(dt))
  lt = [t0 + i * dt for i in range(N_T)]
  lv = LinearlyInterpolateField(v, t, lt)
  print lv, lt
  return SSA(lv, n, J = J)
Exemple #9
def SSA(v, n, J=1):
  Perform a singular systems analysis of the supplied array of data. See:
    Inertia-Gravity Wave Generation by Baroclinic Instability, Tom Jacoby,
    First year report, AOPP, September 2007

    N_T = len(v)
    N = N_T - (n - 1) * J

    shape = (n, N)
    debug.dprint("Assembling matrix for SSA, shape = " + str(shape))
    X = numpy.empty(shape)
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(n):
            X[j, i] = v[i + j * J]
    theta = numpy.dot(X, X.transpose()) / float(N)
    del (X)

    debug.dprint("Performing eigendecomposition")
    return Eigendecomposition(theta, returnEigenvectors=True)
Exemple #10
def SSA(v, n, J = 1):
  Perform a singular systems analysis of the supplied array of data. See:
    Inertia-Gravity Wave Generation by Baroclinic Instability, Tom Jacoby,
    First year report, AOPP, September 2007
  N_T = len(v)
  N = N_T - (n - 1) * J

  shape = (n, N)
  debug.dprint("Assembling matrix for SSA, shape = " + str(shape))
  X = numpy.empty(shape)
  for i in range(N):
    for j in range(n):
      X[j, i] = v[i + j * J]
  theta = numpy.dot(X, X.transpose()) / float(N)
  debug.dprint("Performing eigendecomposition")
  return Eigendecomposition(theta, returnEigenvectors = True)
Exemple #11
  def Read(self, filename, includeMc = False, subsample = 1):
    Read a .stat file
    def ParseRawS(s, delimiter):    
      newS = {}
      for key1 in s.keys():
        assert(not key1 in ["val", "value"])
        if isinstance(s[key1], dict):
          if len(s[key1].keys()) == 1 and s[key1].keys()[0] in ["val", "value"]:
            newS[str(key1)] = s[key1][s[key1].keys()[0]]
            subS = ParseRawS(s[key1], delimiter)
            newS[str(key1)] = {}
            for key2 in subS.keys():
              newS[str(key1)][str(key2)] = subS[key2]
          rank = len(s[key1].shape)
          if rank > 1:
            assert(rank == 2)
            if includeMc:
              # Add in this vector
              # parser gives this in an inconvenient matrix order. Take the
              # transpose here to make life easier.
              newS[str(key1)] = s[key1].transpose()
            # Add in the vector field components
            for i in range(len(s[key1])):
              newS[str(key1) + delimiter + str(i + 1)] = s[key1][i]
              # Add in this scalar
              newS[str(key1)] = s[key1]
            except TypeError:
              debug.deprint("Type error for data " + str(s[key1]), 0)
              raise Exception("ParseRawS failure")
            except ValueError:
              debug.deprint("Value error for data " + str(s[key1]), 0)
              raise Exception("ParseRawS failure")
      return newS
    debug.dprint("Reading .stat file: " + filename)
    if subsample == 1:
      # Handle this case separately, as it's convenient to be backwards
      # compatible
      statParser = statfile.parser(filename)
      statParser = statfile.parser(filename, subsample = subsample)

    self._s = ParseRawS(statParser, self._delimiter)
    if "ElapsedTime" in self.keys():
      t = self["ElapsedTime"]
      if t.shape[0] > 0:
        debug.dprint("Time range: " + str((t[0], t[-1])))
        debug.dprint("Time range: No data")
Exemple #12
def EnablePsyco():
  if PsycoSupport():
    debug.dprint("Enabled psyco specialising compiler")
Exemple #13
def DominantModeUnstructured(amps, times, N = 250, tMin = None, tMax = None):
  Compute the period and amplitude of the dominant mode in an uneven data
  def Omegas(ts):
    return [2.0 * math.pi / t for t in ts]
  debug.dprint("Finding dominant mode")
  assert(len(amps) == len(times))
  if tMin is None:
    tMin = Inf()
    for i in range(len(times) -1):
      tMin = min(tMin, times[i + 1] - times[i])
    tMin *= 2.0
  if tMax is None:
    tMax = 2.0 * (times[-1] - times[0])
  debug.dprint("Period bounds = " + str((tMin, tMax)), 1)
  ls = NormalisedLombScargle(amps, times)
  amp = 0.0
  t = 0.0
  while True:
    debug.dprint("Period bounds = " + str((tMin, tMax)), 2)
    ts = [tMin + (tMax - tMin) * float(i) / float(N - 1) for i in range(N)]
             # Note the factor of two - we want the least squares harmonic
             # fit amplitude, not the FFT amplitude
    lsAmps = 2.0 * ls.Evaluate(Omegas(ts))
    lastT = t
    amp = 0.0
    for i, lsAmp in enumerate(lsAmps):
      if lsAmp > amp:
        t = ts[i]
        amp = lsAmp
    if AlmostEquals(t, lastT):
    tMin = t - (tMax - tMin) / float(N - 1)
    tMax = t + (t - tMin)
    N = 4
  debug.dprint("Period = " + str(t))
  debug.dprint("Amplitude = " + str(amp))
  return t, amp
Exemple #14
def EnablePsyco():
    if PsycoSupport():
        debug.dprint("Enabled psyco specialising compiler")

Exemple #15
def JoinStat(*args):
  Joins a series of stat files together. Useful for combining checkpoint .stat
  files. Selects data in later stat files over earlier stat files. Assumes
  data in stat files are sorted by ElapsedTime.

  nStat = len(args)
  assert(nStat > 0)
  times = [stat["ElapsedTime"] for stat in args]
  startT = [t[0] for t in times]
  permutation = utils.KeyedSort(startT, range(nStat))
  stats = [args[index] for index in permutation]
  startT = [startT[index] for index in permutation]
  times = [times[index] for index in permutation]
  endIndices = numpy.array([len(time) for time in times], dtype = int)
  for i, t in enumerate(times[:-1]):
    for j, time in enumerate(t):
      if calc.AlmostEquals(startT[i + 1], time, tolerance = 1.0e-6):
        endIndices[i] = max(j - 1, 0)
      elif startT[i + 1] < time:
        endIndices[i] = j
  debug.dprint("Time ranges:")
  if len(times) > 0:
    for i in range(nStat): 
      debug.dprint((startT[i], times[i][endIndices[i] - 1]))
    debug.dprint("No data")
  dataIndices = numpy.empty(len(args) + 1, dtype = int)
  dataIndices[0] = 0
  for i, index in enumerate(endIndices):
    dataIndices[i + 1] = dataIndices[i] + index
  stat = stats[0]
  data = {}
  for key in stat.keys():
    arr = stat[key]
    shape = list(arr.shape)
    shape[0] = dataIndices[-1]
    data[key] = numpy.empty(shape, dtype = arr.dtype)
    data[key][:dataIndices[1]] = arr[:endIndices[0]]
    data[key][dataIndices[1]:] = calc.Nan()
  delimiter = stat.GetDelimiter()
  for i in range(1, nStat):
    stat = stats[i]
    for key in stat.keys(): 
      arr = stat[key]
      if not key in data:
        shape = list(arr.shape)
        shape[0] = dataIndices[-1]
        data[key] = numpy.empty(shape, dtype = arr.dtype)
        data[key][:dataIndices[i]] = calc.Nan()
        data[key][dataIndices[i + 1]:] = calc.Nan()
      data[key][dataIndices[i]:dataIndices[i + 1]] = arr[:endIndices[i]]
  output = Stat(delimiter = delimiter)
  for key in data.keys():
    output[key] = numpy.array(data[key])
  return output
Exemple #16
def JoinStat(*args):
  Joins a series of stat files together. Useful for combining checkpoint .stat
  files. Selects data in later stat files over earlier stat files. Assumes
  data in stat files are sorted by ElapsedTime.

  nStat = len(args)
  assert(nStat > 0)
  times = [stat["ElapsedTime"] for stat in args]
  startT = [t[0] for t in times]
  permutation = utils.KeyedSort(startT, range(nStat))
  stats = [args[index] for index in permutation]
  startT = [startT[index] for index in permutation]
  times = [times[index] for index in permutation]
  endIndices = numpy.array([len(time) for time in times], dtype = int)
  for i, t in enumerate(times[:-1]):
    for j, time in enumerate(t):
      if calc.AlmostEquals(startT[i + 1], time, tolerance = 1.0e-6):
        endIndices[i] = max(j - 1, 0)
      elif startT[i + 1] < time:
        endIndices[i] = j
  debug.dprint("Time ranges:")
  if len(times) > 0:
    for i in range(nStat): 
      debug.dprint((startT[i], times[i][endIndices[i] - 1]))
    debug.dprint("No data")
  dataIndices = numpy.empty(len(args) + 1, dtype = int)
  dataIndices[0] = 0
  for i, index in enumerate(endIndices):
    dataIndices[i + 1] = dataIndices[i] + index
  stat = stats[0]
  data = {}
  for key in stat.keys():
    arr = stat[key]
    shape = list(arr.shape)
    shape[0] = dataIndices[-1]
    data[key] = numpy.empty(shape, dtype = arr.dtype)
    data[key][:dataIndices[1]] = arr[:endIndices[0]]
    data[key][dataIndices[1]:] = calc.Nan()
  delimiter = stat.GetDelimiter()
  for i in range(1, nStat):
    stat = stats[i]
    for key in stat.keys(): 
      arr = stat[key]
      if not key in data:
        shape = list(arr.shape)
        shape[0] = dataIndices[-1]
        data[key] = numpy.empty(shape, dtype = arr.dtype)
        data[key][:dataIndices[i]] = calc.Nan()
        data[key][dataIndices[i + 1]:] = calc.Nan()
      data[key][dataIndices[i]:dataIndices[i + 1]] = arr[:endIndices[i]]
  output = Stat(delimiter = delimiter)
  for key in data.keys():
    output[key] = numpy.array(data[key])
  return output
Exemple #17
def DominantModeUnstructured(amps, times, N=250, tMin=None, tMax=None):
  Compute the period and amplitude of the dominant mode in an uneven data
    def Omegas(ts):
        return [2.0 * math.pi / t for t in ts]

    debug.dprint("Finding dominant mode")

    assert (len(amps) == len(times))
    if tMin is None:
        tMin = Inf()
        for i in range(len(times) - 1):
            tMin = min(tMin, times[i + 1] - times[i])
        tMin *= 2.0
    if tMax is None:
        tMax = 2.0 * (times[-1] - times[0])

    debug.dprint("Period bounds = " + str((tMin, tMax)), 1)

    ls = NormalisedLombScargle(amps, times)

    amp = 0.0
    t = 0.0
    while True:
        debug.dprint("Period bounds = " + str((tMin, tMax)), 2)

        ts = [tMin + (tMax - tMin) * float(i) / float(N - 1) for i in range(N)]
        # Note the factor of two - we want the least squares harmonic
        # fit amplitude, not the FFT amplitude
        lsAmps = 2.0 * ls.Evaluate(Omegas(ts))
        lastT = t
        amp = 0.0
        for i, lsAmp in enumerate(lsAmps):
            if lsAmp > amp:
                t = ts[i]
                amp = lsAmp
        if AlmostEquals(t, lastT):
        tMin = t - (tMax - tMin) / float(N - 1)
        tMax = t + (t - tMin)
        N = 4

    debug.dprint("Period = " + str(t))
    debug.dprint("Amplitude = " + str(amp))


    return t, amp