def test_validate_jp2_4(): if not gdaltest.has_validate_jp2_and_build_jp2: pytest.skip() import build_jp2_from_xml build_jp2_from_xml.build_file('data/test_validate_jp2/almost_nojp2box.xml', '/vsimem/out.jp2') gdal.PushErrorHandler() error_report = validate('/vsimem/out.jp2', expected_gmljp2=False) gdal.PopErrorHandler() gdal.Unlink('/vsimem/out.jp2') expected_errors = [ 'ERROR[GENERAL]: "ftyp" box not found', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: "jp2h" box not found', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: No SIZ marker found', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: No COD marker found', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: No QCD marker found', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: No SOT marker found', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: No EOC marker found'] if error_report.error_array != expected_errors: import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() pp.pprint(error_report.error_array)'did not get expected errors') expected_warnings = [ ] if error_report.warning_array != expected_warnings: import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() pp.pprint(error_report.warning_array)'did not get expected errors')
def test_validate_jp2_2(): if not gdaltest.has_validate_jp2_and_build_jp2: pytest.skip() import build_jp2_from_xml build_jp2_from_xml.build_file('data/test_validate_jp2/byte_corrupted.xml', '/vsimem/out.jp2') error_report = validate('/vsimem/out.jp2', oidoc='data/test_validate_jp2/byte_oi.xml') gdal.Unlink('/vsimem/out.jp2') expected_errors = ['ERROR[GeoJP2]: 2 GeoTIFF UUID box found', 'ERROR[GeoJP2]: GeoTIFF should have width of 1 pixel, not 2', 'ERROR[GeoJP2]: GeoTIFF should have height of 1 pixel, not 2', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: Inconsistent geotransform between GeoJP2 ((440720.0, 60.0, 0.0, 3751320.0, 0.0, -60.0)) and GMLJP2 ((-440780.0, 60.0, 0.0, -3751260.0, 0.0, -60.0))', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: Inconsistent SRS between GeoJP2 (wkt=PROJCS["NAD27 / UTM zone 11N",GEOGCS["NAD27",DATUM["North_American_Datum_1927",SPHEROID["Clarke 1866",6378206.4,294.978698213898,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7008"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6267"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4267"]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0],PARAMETER["central_meridian",-117],PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996],PARAMETER["false_easting",500000],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["Easting",EAST],AXIS["Northing",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","26711"]], proj4=+proj=utm +zone=11 +datum=NAD27 +units=m +no_defs) and GMLJP2 (wkt=PROJCS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 31N",GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0],PARAMETER["central_meridian",3],PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996],PARAMETER["false_easting",500000],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["Easting",EAST],AXIS["Northing",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","32631"]], proj4=+proj=utm +zone=31 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs)', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: ftyp.BR = "XXXX" instead of "jp2 "', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: ftyp.MinV = "1" instead of 0', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG]: "jpx " not found in compatibility list of ftyp, but GMLJP2 box present', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG]: "rreq" box does not advertize standard flag 67 whereas GMLJP2 box is present', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: ihdr.C = 6 instead of 7', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: ihdr.UnkC = 2 instead of 0 or 1', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: "ihdr" box expected to be found zero or one time, but present 2 times', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG, Requirement 23, Conformance class A.8.15]: "jp2c" box expected to be found one time, but present 2 times', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: "ftyp" box expected to be found zero or one time, but present 2 times', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG, Requirement 21]: SIZ.Rsiz=0 found but 2 (Profile 1) expected', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: ihdr_width(=21) != Xsiz (=20)- XOsiz(=0)', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: ihdr_height(=19) != Ysiz(=20) - YOsiz(=0)', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: ihdr_nc(=1) != Csiz (=2)', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG, Requirement 24, Conformance class A.8.9]: SIZ.Ssiz[0]=6 (unsigned 7 bits), which is not allowed', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: SIZ.Ssiz[0]=6, whereas bpcc[0]=7', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG, Requirement 24, Conformance class A.8.9]: SIZ.Ssiz[1]=6 (unsigned 7 bits), which is not allowed', 'ERROR[GMLJP2]: RectifiedGrid.limits.GridEnvelope.low[x] != XOsiz', 'ERROR[GMLJP2]: RectifiedGrid.limits.GridEnvelope.low[y] != YOsiz', 'ERROR[GMLJP2]: RectifiedGrid.limits.GridEnvelope.high[x] != Xsiz - 1', 'ERROR[GMLJP2]: RectifiedGrid.limits.GridEnvelope.high[y] != Ysiz - 1', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG, Conformance class A.8.6]: count(OrthoImageryCoverage.rangeType.field)(=1) != Csiz(=2) ', 'ERROR[PROFILE_1, Conformance class A.8.14]: SPcod_xcb_minus_2 = 5, whereas max allowed for Profile 1 is 4'] if error_report.error_array != expected_errors: import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() pp.pprint(error_report.error_array)'did not get expected errors') expected_warnings = [ 'WARNING[GENERAL]: Unknown value 1 for colr.PREC', 'WARNING[GENERAL]: Unknown value 1 for colr.APPROX', 'WARNING[GENERAL]: Unknown value 1 for colr.EnumCS', 'WARNING[GENERAL]: ihdr.ipr = 1 but no jp2i box found', 'WARNING[INSPIRE_TG]: "asoc" box not at expected index', 'WARNING[INSPIRE_TG]: "uuid" box not at expected index', 'WARNING[INSPIRE_TG, Recommendation 39]: No user-defined precincts 0 defined' ] if error_report.warning_array != expected_warnings: import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() pp.pprint(error_report.warning_array)'did not get expected errors')
def test_validate_jp2_3(): if not gdaltest.has_validate_jp2_and_build_jp2: return 'skip' import build_jp2_from_xml build_jp2_from_xml.build_file( 'data/test_validate_jp2/stefan_full_rgba_corrupted.xml', '/vsimem/out.jp2') gdal.PushErrorHandler() error_report = validate( '/vsimem/out.jp2', oidoc='data/test_validate_jp2/stefan_full_rgba_oi.xml') gdal.PopErrorHandler() gdal.Unlink('/vsimem/out.jp2') expected_errors = [ 'ERROR[GMLJP2]: No GMLJP2 box found whereas it was expected', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: cdef.N = 5 whereas = 4', 'ERROR[GENERAL]:[2] = 4 is invalid', 'ERROR[GENERAL]:[4] = 3 is invalid since already used', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: cdef.typ[4] = 1 is invalid since another alpha channel has already been defined', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: cdef.asoc[4] = 0 is invalid since another band has already been associated to whole image', 'ERROR[PROFILE_1, Conformance class A.8.14]: Xsiz = 2200000162, whereas only 31 bits are allowed for Profile 1', 'ERROR[PROFILE_1, Conformance class A.8.14]: Ysiz = 2200000150, whereas only 31 bits are allowed for Profile 1', 'ERROR[PROFILE_1, Conformance class A.8.14]: XOsiz = 2200000000, whereas only 31 bits are allowed for Profile 1', 'ERROR[PROFILE_1, Conformance class A.8.14]: YOsiz = 2200000000, whereas only 31 bits are allowed for Profile 1', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: ihdr_nc(=4) != Csiz (=5)', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG, Requirement 24, Conformance class A.8.9]: SIZ.Ssiz[3]=2 (unsigned 3 bits), which is not allowed', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: SIZ.Ssiz[3]=2, whereas bpcc[3]=7', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG, Requirement 24, Conformance class A.8.9]: SIZ.Ssiz[4]=2 (unsigned 3 bits), which is not allowed', 'ERROR[PROFILE_1, Conformance class A.8.14]: XTsiz / min_XYRSiz = 2200000062.000000 > 1024', 'ERROR[PROFILE_1, Conformance class A.8.14]: XTsiz (=2200000062) != YTsiz (=2200000050)', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG]: Cannot find RectifiedGrid in OrthoImageryCoverage', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG, Conformance class A.8.6]: count(OrthoImageryCoverage.rangeType.field)(=4) != Csiz(=5) ', 'ERROR[PROFILE_1, Conformance class A.8.14]: Not enough decomposition levels = 0 (max_dim=162, 128 * 2**SPcod_NumDecompositions=128)' ] if error_report.error_array != expected_errors: gdaltest.post_reason('did not get expected errors') import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() pp.pprint(error_report.error_array) return 'fail' expected_warnings = [ 'WARNING[INSPIRE_TG, Recommendation 38]: Bit depth of alpha channel should be 1 (BPCC 0), but its BPCC is 7', 'WARNING[INSPIRE_TG, Recommendation 38]: Bit depth of alpha channel should be 1 (BPCC 0), but its BPCC is 7' ] if error_report.warning_array != expected_warnings: gdaltest.post_reason('did not get expected errors') import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() pp.pprint(error_report.warning_array) return 'fail' return 'success'
def test_validate_jp2_3(): if not gdaltest.has_validate_jp2_and_build_jp2: return 'skip' import build_jp2_from_xml build_jp2_from_xml.build_file('data/test_validate_jp2/stefan_full_rgba_corrupted.xml', '/vsimem/out.jp2') gdal.PushErrorHandler() error_report = validate('/vsimem/out.jp2', oidoc='data/test_validate_jp2/stefan_full_rgba_oi.xml') gdal.PopErrorHandler() gdal.Unlink('/vsimem/out.jp2') expected_errors = ['ERROR[GMLJP2]: No GMLJP2 box found whereas it was expected', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: cdef.N = 5 whereas = 4', 'ERROR[GENERAL]:[2] = 4 is invalid', 'ERROR[GENERAL]:[4] = 3 is invalid since already used', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: cdef.typ[4] = 1 is invalid since another alpha channel has already been defined', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: cdef.asoc[4] = 0 is invalid since another band has already been associated to whole image', 'ERROR[PROFILE_1, Conformance class A.8.14]: Xsiz = 2200000162, whereas only 31 bits are allowed for Profile 1', 'ERROR[PROFILE_1, Conformance class A.8.14]: Ysiz = 2200000150, whereas only 31 bits are allowed for Profile 1', 'ERROR[PROFILE_1, Conformance class A.8.14]: XOsiz = 2200000000, whereas only 31 bits are allowed for Profile 1', 'ERROR[PROFILE_1, Conformance class A.8.14]: YOsiz = 2200000000, whereas only 31 bits are allowed for Profile 1', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: ihdr_nc(=4) != Csiz (=5)', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG, Requirement 24, Conformance class A.8.9]: SIZ.Ssiz[3]=2 (unsigned 3 bits), which is not allowed', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: SIZ.Ssiz[3]=2, whereas bpcc[3]=7', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG, Requirement 24, Conformance class A.8.9]: SIZ.Ssiz[4]=2 (unsigned 3 bits), which is not allowed', 'ERROR[PROFILE_1, Conformance class A.8.14]: XTsiz / min_XYRSiz = 2200000062.000000 > 1024', 'ERROR[PROFILE_1, Conformance class A.8.14]: XTsiz (=2200000062) != YTsiz (=2200000050)', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG]: Cannot find RectifiedGrid in OrthoImageryCoverage', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG, Conformance class A.8.6]: count(OrthoImageryCoverage.rangeType.field)(=4) != Csiz(=5) ', 'ERROR[PROFILE_1, Conformance class A.8.14]: Not enough decomposition levels = 0 (max_dim=162, 128 * 2**SPcod_NumDecompositions=128)'] if error_report.error_array != expected_errors: gdaltest.post_reason('did not get expected errors') import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() pp.pprint(error_report.error_array) return 'fail' expected_warnings = [ 'WARNING[INSPIRE_TG, Recommendation 38]: Bit depth of alpha channel should be 1 (BPCC 0), but its BPCC is 7', 'WARNING[INSPIRE_TG, Recommendation 38]: Bit depth of alpha channel should be 1 (BPCC 0), but its BPCC is 7' ] if error_report.warning_array != expected_warnings: gdaltest.post_reason('did not get expected errors') import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() pp.pprint(error_report.warning_array) return 'fail' return 'success'
def test_validate_jp2_5(): if not gdaltest.has_validate_jp2_and_build_jp2: return 'skip' import build_jp2_from_xml build_jp2_from_xml.build_file( 'data/test_validate_jp2/utmsmall_pct_corrupted.xml', '/vsimem/out.jp2') gdal.PushErrorHandler() error_report = validate('/vsimem/out.jp2', oidoc='data/test_validate_jp2/utmsmall_pct_oi.xml') gdal.PopErrorHandler() gdal.Unlink('/vsimem/out.jp2') expected_errors = [ 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG]: "jpx " not found in compatibility list of ftyp, but GMLJP2 box present', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG]: "rreq" box not found, but GMLJP2 box present', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG]: pclr box found but = 2', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG, Conformance class A.8.6]: pclr.NPC(=4) != 3 (for color table)', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG]: cmap.MTYP[1] = 0 is invalid', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: cmap.CMP[2] = 2 is invalid', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: cmap.PCOL[2] = 0 is invalid since already used', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: ihdr_nc(=2) != Csiz (=1)', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG, Conformance class A.8.8]: Inconsistent geotransform between OrthoImagery ((440720.0, 60.0, 0.0, 3751320.0, 0.0, -60.0)) and GMLJP2/GeoJP2 ((40720.0, 60.0, 0.0, 3751320.0, 0.0, -60.0))', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG, Requirement 26, Conformance class A.8.16]: RGN marker found, which is not allowed' ] if error_report.error_array != expected_errors: gdaltest.post_reason('did not get expected errors') import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() pp.pprint(error_report.error_array) return 'fail' expected_warnings = [] if error_report.warning_array != expected_warnings: gdaltest.post_reason('did not get expected errors') import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() pp.pprint(error_report.warning_array) return 'fail' return 'success'
def test_validate_jp2_5(): if not gdaltest.has_validate_jp2_and_build_jp2: return 'skip' import build_jp2_from_xml build_jp2_from_xml.build_file('data/test_validate_jp2/utmsmall_pct_corrupted.xml', '/vsimem/out.jp2') gdal.PushErrorHandler() error_report = validate('/vsimem/out.jp2', oidoc='data/test_validate_jp2/utmsmall_pct_oi.xml') gdal.PopErrorHandler() gdal.Unlink('/vsimem/out.jp2') expected_errors = [ 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG]: "jpx " not found in compatibility list of ftyp, but GMLJP2 box present', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG]: "rreq" box not found, but GMLJP2 box present', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG]: pclr box found but = 2', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG, Conformance class A.8.6]: pclr.NPC(=4) != 3 (for color table)', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG]: cmap.MTYP[1] = 0 is invalid', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: cmap.CMP[2] = 2 is invalid', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: cmap.PCOL[2] = 0 is invalid since already used', 'ERROR[GENERAL]: ihdr_nc(=2) != Csiz (=1)', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG, Conformance class A.8.8]: Inconsistent geotransform between OrthoImagery ((440720.0, 60.0, 0.0, 3751320.0, 0.0, -60.0)) and GMLJP2/GeoJP2 ((40720.0, 60.0, 0.0, 3751320.0, 0.0, -60.0))', 'ERROR[INSPIRE_TG, Requirement 26, Conformance class A.8.16]: RGN marker found, which is not allowed'] if error_report.error_array != expected_errors: gdaltest.post_reason('did not get expected errors') import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() pp.pprint(error_report.error_array) return 'fail' expected_warnings = [ ] if error_report.warning_array != expected_warnings: gdaltest.post_reason('did not get expected errors') import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() pp.pprint(error_report.warning_array) return 'fail' return 'success'