Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, master):
        self.master = master

        self.builders = {}
        self.builderNames = []
        # builders maps Builder names to instances of bb.p.builder.Builder,
        # which is the master-side object that defines and controls a build.

        # self.slaves contains a ready BuildSlave instance for each
        # potential buildslave, i.e. all the ones listed in the config file.
        # If the slave is connected, self.slaves[slavename].slave will
        # contain a RemoteReference to their Bot instance. If it is not
        # connected, that attribute will hold None.
        self.slaves = {}  # maps slavename to BuildSlave
        self.watchers = {}

        # self.locks holds the real Lock instances
        self.locks = {}

        # self.mergeRequests is the callable override for merging build
        # requests
        self.mergeRequests = None

        self.shuttingDown = False

        self.lastSlavePortnum = None

        # subscription to new build requests
        self.buildrequest_sub = None

        # a distributor for incoming build requests; see below
        self.brd = BuildRequestDistributor(self)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, master):
        self.master = master

        self.builders = {}
        self.builderNames = []
        # builders maps Builder names to instances of bb.p.builder.Builder,
        # which is the master-side object that defines and controls a build.

        self.watchers = {}

        # self.locks holds the real Lock instances
        self.locks = {}

        self.shuttingDown = False

        self.lastSlavePortnum = None

        # subscription to new build requests
        self.buildrequest_consumer = None

        # a distributor for incoming build requests; see below
        self.brd = BuildRequestDistributor(self)
    def __init__(self):

        self.builders = {}
        self.builderNames = []
        # builders maps Builder names to instances of bb.p.builder.Builder,
        # which is the master-side object that defines and controls a build.

        self.watchers = {}

        self.shuttingDown = False

        # subscription to new build requests
        self.buildrequest_consumer = None

        # a distributor for incoming build requests; see below
        self.brd = BuildRequestDistributor(self)