Exemple #1
def generate_stack_from_input(pname, instance_id=None):
    """creates a new CloudFormation file for the given project."""
    if not instance_id:
        default_instance_id = core_utils.ymd()
        instance_id = utils.uin("instance id", default_instance_id)
    stackname = core.mk_stackname(pname, instance_id)
    more_context = {'stackname': stackname}

    # prompt user for alternate configurations
    pdata = project.project_data(pname)
    if 'aws-alt' in pdata:

        def helpfn(altkey):
                return pdata['aws-alt'][altkey]['description']
            except KeyError:
                return None

        default = 'skip this step'
        alt_config = [default] + pdata['aws-alt'].keys()
        alt_config = utils._pick('alternative config',
        if alt_config != default:
            more_context['alt-config'] = alt_config
    cfngen.generate_stack(pname, **more_context)
    return stackname
Exemple #2
def _update_remote_bvars(stackname, buildvars):
    LOG.info('updating %r with new vars %r', stackname, buildvars)
    encoded = encode_bvars(buildvars)
    fid = core_utils.ymd(fmt='%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
    # make a backup
        'if [ -f /etc/build-vars.json.b64 ]; then cp /etc/build-vars.json.b64 /tmp/build-vars.json.b64.%s; fi;'
        % fid)
    upload(StringIO(encoded), "/etc/build-vars.json.b64", use_sudo=True)
    LOG.info("%r updated. backup written to /tmp/build-vars.json.b64.%s",
             stackname, fid)
Exemple #3
def _update_remote_bvars(stackname, buildvars):
    LOG.info('updating %r with new vars %r', stackname, buildvars)
    # not all projects have a 'revision'
    #ensure(core_utils.hasallkeys(buildvars, ['revision']), "buildvars missing key 'revision'")

    encoded = encode_bvars(buildvars)
    fid = core_utils.ymd(fmt='%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
    # make a backup
    remote_sudo('if [ -f /etc/build-vars.json.b64 ]; then cp /etc/build-vars.json.b64 /tmp/build-vars.json.b64.%s; fi;' % fid)
    upload(StringIO(encoded), "/etc/build-vars.json.b64", use_sudo=True)
    LOG.info("%r updated", stackname)
Exemple #4
def _update_remote_bvars(stackname, buildvars):
    LOG.info('updating %r with new vars %r', stackname, buildvars)
    # not all projects have a 'revision'
    #ensure(core_utils.hasallkeys(buildvars, ['revision']), "buildvars missing key 'revision'")

    encoded = encode_bvars(buildvars)
    fid = core_utils.ymd(fmt='%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
    cmds = [
        # make a backup
        'if [ -f /etc/build-vars.json.b64 ]; then cp /etc/build-vars.json.b64 /tmp/build-vars.json.b64.%s; fi;' % fid,
    lmap(sudo, cmds)
    put(StringIO(encoded), "/etc/build-vars.json.b64", use_sudo=True)
    LOG.info("%r updated", stackname)
def _update_remote_bvars(stackname, bvars):
    LOG.info('updating %r with new vars %r',stackname, bvars)
    assert core_utils.hasallkeys(bvars, ['branch']) #, 'revision']) # we don't use 'revision'
    with stack_conn(stackname):
        encoded = _encode_bvars(bvars)
        fid = core_utils.ymd(fmt='%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
        cmds = [
            # make a backup
            'if [ -f /etc/build-vars.json.b64 ]; then cp /etc/build-vars.json.b64 /tmp/build-vars.json.b64.%s; fi;' % fid,
            # purge any mention of build vars
            'rm -f /etc/build*vars.*',
        map(sudo, cmds)
        put(StringIO(encoded), "/etc/build-vars.json.b64", use_sudo=True)
        LOG.info("%r updated", stackname)            
Exemple #6
def _update_remote_bvars(stackname, buildvars):
    LOG.info('updating %r with new vars %r', stackname, buildvars)
    assert core_utils.hasallkeys(
        buildvars, ['branch'])  # , 'revision']) # we don't use 'revision'

    encoded = encode_bvars(buildvars)
    fid = core_utils.ymd(fmt='%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
    cmds = [
        # make a backup
        'if [ -f /etc/build-vars.json.b64 ]; then cp /etc/build-vars.json.b64 /tmp/build-vars.json.b64.%s; fi;'
        % fid,
    map(sudo, cmds)
    put(StringIO(encoded), "/etc/build-vars.json.b64", use_sudo=True)
    LOG.info("%r updated", stackname)
Exemple #7
def generate_stack_from_input(pname, instance_id=None, alt_config=None):
    """creates a new CloudFormation file for the given project."""
    instance_id = instance_id or utils.uin("instance id", core_utils.ymd())
    stackname = core.mk_stackname(pname, instance_id)
    more_context = {'stackname': stackname}

    pdata = project.project_data(pname)
    if alt_config:
            'aws-alt' in pdata,
            "alternative configuration name given, but project has no alternate configurations"

    # prompt user for alternate configurations
    if pdata['aws-alt']:
        default = 'skip'

        def helpfn(altkey):
            if altkey == default:
                return 'uses the default configuration'
                return pdata['aws-alt'][altkey]['description']
            except KeyError:
                return None

        if instance_id in pdata['aws-alt'].keys():
                "instance-id found in known alternative configurations. using configuration %r",
            more_context['alt-config'] = instance_id
            alt_config_choices = [default] + list(pdata['aws-alt'].keys())
            if not alt_config:
                alt_config = utils._pick('alternative config',
            if alt_config != default:
                more_context['alt-config'] = alt_config

    # TODO: return the templates used here, so that they can be passed down to
    # bootstrap.create_stack() without relying on them implicitly existing
    # on the filesystem
    cfngen.generate_stack(pname, **more_context)
    return stackname
Exemple #8
def create_stack(pname):
    """creates a new CloudFormation template for the given project."""
    default_instance_id = core_utils.ymd()
    inst_id = utils.uin("instance id", default_instance_id)
    stackname = core.mk_stackname(pname, inst_id)
    more_context = {'instance_id': stackname}

    # prompt user for alternate configurations
    pdata = project.project_data(pname)
    if pdata.has_key('aws-alt'):
        def helpfn(altkey):
                return pdata['aws-alt'][altkey]['description']
            except KeyError:
                return None
        default = 'skip this step'
        alt_config = [default] + pdata['aws-alt'].keys()
        alt_config = utils._pick('alternative config', alt_config, helpfn=helpfn)
        if alt_config != default:
            more_context['alt-config'] = alt_config
    cfngen.generate_stack(pname, **more_context)
    return stackname
Exemple #9
def generate_stack_from_input(pname, instance_id=None, alt_config=None):
    """creates a new CloudFormation file for the given project."""
    instance_id = instance_id or utils.uin("instance id", core_utils.ymd())
    stackname = core.mk_stackname(pname, instance_id)
    more_context = {'stackname': stackname}

    pdata = project.project_data(pname)
    if alt_config:
        ensure('aws-alt' in pdata, "alternative configuration name given, but project has no alternate configurations")

    # prompt user for alternate configurations
    if pdata['aws-alt']:
        default = 'skip'

        def helpfn(altkey):
            if altkey == default:
                return 'uses the default configuration'
                return pdata['aws-alt'][altkey]['description']
            except KeyError:
                return None
        if instance_id in pdata['aws-alt'].keys():
            LOG.info("instance-id found in known alternative configurations. using configuration %r", instance_id)
            more_context['alt-config'] = instance_id
            alt_config_choices = [default] + list(pdata['aws-alt'].keys())
            if not alt_config:
                alt_config = utils._pick('alternative config', alt_config_choices, helpfn=helpfn)
            if alt_config != default:
                more_context['alt-config'] = alt_config

    # TODO: return the templates used here, so that they can be passed down to
    # bootstrap.create_stack() without relying on them implicitly existing
    # on the filesystem
    cfngen.generate_stack(pname, **more_context)
    return stackname
Exemple #10
def ami_name(stackname):
    # elife-api.2015-12-31
    return "%s.%s" % (core.project_name_from_stackname(stackname), utils.ymd())
def ami_name(stackname):
    # elife-api.2015-12-31
    return "%s.%s" % (core.project_name_from_stackname(stackname), utils.ymd())
Exemple #12
def check_user_input(pname, instance_id=None, alt_config=None):
    "marshals user input and checks it for correctness"
    instance_id = instance_id or utils.uin("instance id", core_utils.ymd())
    stackname = core.mk_stackname(pname, instance_id)
    pdata = project.project_data(pname)

    # alt-config given, die if it doesn't exist
    if alt_config:
            'aws-alt' in pdata,
            "alt-config %r given, but project has no alternate configurations"
            % alt_config)

    # if the requested instance-id matches a known alt-config, we'll use that alt-config. warn user.
    if instance_id in pdata['aws-alt'].keys():
        LOG.warn("instance-id %r found in alt-config list, using that.",
        alt_config = instance_id

    # no alt-config given but alt-config options exist, prompt user
    if not alt_config and pdata['aws-alt']:
        default_choice = 'skip'

        def helpfn(altkey):
            if altkey == default_choice:
                return 'uses the default configuration'
                return pdata['aws-alt'][altkey]['description']
            except KeyError:
                return None

        alt_config_choice_list = [default_choice] + list(
        alt_config_choice = utils._pick('alternative config',
        if alt_config_choice != default_choice:
            alt_config = alt_config_choice

    # check the alt-config isn't unique and if it *is* unique, that an instance using it doesn't exist yet.
    # note: it is *technically* possible that an instance is using a unique configuration but
    # that its instance-id *is not* the name of the alt-config passed in.
    # For example, if `journal--prod` didn't exist, I could create `journal--foo` using the `prod` config.
    if alt_config and alt_config in pdata['aws-alt'] and pdata['aws-alt'][
        dealbreaker = core.mk_stackname(pname, alt_config)
        # "project 'journal' config 'prod' is marked as unique!"
        # "checking for any instance named 'journal--prod' ..."
        print("project %r config %r is marked as unique!" %
              (pname, alt_config))
        print("checking for any instance named %r ..." % (dealbreaker, ))
        except checks.StackAlreadyExistsProblem:
            # "stack 'journal--prod' exists, cannot re-use unique configuration 'prod'"
            msg = "stack %r exists, cannot re-use unique configuration %r." % (
                dealbreaker, alt_config)
            raise TaskExit(msg)

    # check that the instance we want to create doesn't exist
        print("checking %r doesn't exist." % stackname)
    except checks.StackAlreadyExistsProblem as e:
        msg = 'stack %r already exists.' % e.stackname
        raise TaskExit(msg)

    more_context = {'stackname': stackname}
    if alt_config:
        more_context['alt-config'] = alt_config

    return more_context