Exemple #1
def mongos_program(logger, executable=None, process_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
    """Return a Process instance that starts a mongos with arguments constructed from 'kwargs'."""

    executable = utils.default_if_none(executable,
    args = [executable]

    # Apply the --setParameter command line argument. Command line options to resmoke.py override
    # the YAML configuration.
    suite_set_parameters = kwargs.pop("set_parameters", {})

    if config.MONGOS_SET_PARAMETERS is not None:

    # Set default log verbosity levels if none were specified.
    if "logComponentVerbosity" not in suite_set_parameters:
            "logComponentVerbosity"] = default_mongos_log_component_verbosity(


    _apply_set_parameters(args, suite_set_parameters)

    # Apply the rest of the command line arguments.
    _apply_kwargs(args, kwargs)


    process_kwargs = utils.default_if_none(process_kwargs, {})
    return make_process(logger, args, **process_kwargs)
Exemple #2
def _mongos_program(logger,
    """Return a Process instance that starts a mongos with arguments constructed from 'kwargs'."""

    executable = utils.default_if_none(executable,

    # Apply the --setParameter command line argument. Command line options to resmoke.py override
    # the YAML configuration.
    suite_set_parameters = kwargs.setdefault("set_parameters", {})

    if config.MONGOS_SET_PARAMETERS is not None:

    # Set default log verbosity levels if none were specified.
    if "logComponentVerbosity" not in suite_set_parameters:
            "logComponentVerbosity"] = default_mongos_log_component_verbosity(


    return core.programs.mongos_program(logger, job_num, test_id, executable,
                                        process_kwargs, **kwargs)
Exemple #3
def fuzz_set_parameters(seed, user_provided_params):
    """Randomly generate mongod configurations and wiredTigerConnectionString."""
    rng = random.Random(seed)

    ret = {}
    params = [generate_flow_control_parameters(rng), generate_independent_parameters(rng)]
    for dct in params:
        for key, value in dct.items():
            ret[key] = value

    for key, value in utils.load_yaml(user_provided_params).items():
        ret[key] = value

    return utils.dump_yaml(ret), generate_eviction_configs(rng)
    def get_set_param_errors(process_params):
        agg_set_params = collections.defaultdict(list)
        for set_param in process_params:
            for key, value in utils.load_yaml(set_param).items():
                agg_set_params[key] += [value]

        errors = []
        for key, values in agg_set_params.items():
            if len(values) == 1:

            for left, _ in enumerate(values):
                for right in range(left + 1, len(values)):
                    if values[left] != values[right]:
                            f"setParameter has multiple distinct values. Key: {key} Values: {values}"

        return errors
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, filename=None, yaml_string=None, raw_dict=None):
        """Init from a yaml file, from a yaml string, or default-construct."""

        super(HistoryDict, self).__init__()

        if filename is not None and yaml_string is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot construct HistoryDict from both yaml object and file.")

        self._history_store = defaultdict(list)
        self._value_store = dict()
        self._global_time = 0

        raw_dict = default_if_none(raw_dict, {})
        if filename is not None:
            raw_dict = load_yaml_file(filename)
        elif yaml_string is not None:
            raw_dict = load_yaml(yaml_string)
            return  # Just default-construct.

        schema_version = raw_dict["SchemaVersion"]
        if schema_version != SCHEMA_VERSION:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Invalid schema version. Expected {SCHEMA_VERSION} but found {schema_version}."
        history_dict = raw_dict["History"]
        for key in history_dict:
            for raw_access in history_dict[key]:
                access = Access.from_dict(raw_access)
                self._global_time = max(access.time, self._global_time)
            last_val = self._retrieve_last_value(key)
            if last_val is not TOMBSTONE:
                self._value_store[key] = last_val

        # The next recorded global time should be 1 higher than the last.
        self._global_time += 1
 def _merge_set_params(param_list):
     ret = {}
     for set_param in param_list:
     return utils.dump_yaml(ret)
Exemple #7
def mongo_shell_program(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-branches,too-many-locals,too-many-statements
    """Return a Process instance that starts a mongo shell.

    The shell is started with the given connection string and arguments constructed from 'kwargs'.

    :param filename: the file run by the mongo shell
    :param test_filename: The test file - it's usually  `filename`, but may be different for
                          tests that use JS runner files, which in turn run real JS files.

    executable = utils.default_if_none(
        utils.default_if_none(executable, config.MONGO_EXECUTABLE),
    args = [executable]

    eval_sb = []  # String builder.
    global_vars = kwargs.pop("global_vars", {}).copy()

    def basename(filepath):
        return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0]

    if test_filename is not None:
        test_name = basename(test_filename)
    elif filename is not None:
        test_name = basename(filename)
        test_name = None

    shortcut_opts = {
        "backupOnRestartDir": (config.BACKUP_ON_RESTART_DIR, None),
        "enableMajorityReadConcern": (config.MAJORITY_READ_CONCERN, True),
        "mixedBinVersions": (config.MIXED_BIN_VERSIONS, ""),
        "noJournal": (config.NO_JOURNAL, False),
        "storageEngine": (config.STORAGE_ENGINE, ""),
        "storageEngineCacheSizeGB": (config.STORAGE_ENGINE_CACHE_SIZE, ""),
        "testName": (test_name, ""),
        "transportLayer": (config.TRANSPORT_LAYER, ""),
        "wiredTigerCollectionConfigString": (config.WT_COLL_CONFIG, ""),
        "wiredTigerEngineConfigString": (config.WT_ENGINE_CONFIG, ""),
        "wiredTigerIndexConfigString": (config.WT_INDEX_CONFIG, ""),

        # Evergreen variables.
        "evergreenDebugSymbolsUrl": (config.DEBUG_SYMBOLS_URL, ""),

    test_data = global_vars.get("TestData", {}).copy()
    for opt_name in shortcut_opts:
        (opt_value, opt_default) = shortcut_opts[opt_name]
        if opt_value is not None:
            test_data[opt_name] = opt_value
        elif opt_name not in test_data:
            # Only use 'opt_default' if the property wasn't set in the YAML configuration.
            test_data[opt_name] = opt_default

    global_vars["TestData"] = test_data

    if config.EVERGREEN_TASK_ID is not None:
        test_data["inEvergreen"] = True

    # Initialize setParameters for mongod and mongos, to be passed to the shell via TestData. Since
    # they are dictionaries, they will be converted to JavaScript objects when passed to the shell
    # by the _format_shell_vars() function.
    mongod_set_parameters = test_data.get("setParameters", {}).copy()
    mongos_set_parameters = test_data.get("setParametersMongos", {}).copy()
    mongocryptd_set_parameters = test_data.get("setParametersMongocryptd",

    # Propagate additional setParameters to mongod processes spawned by the mongo shell. Command
    # line options to resmoke.py override the YAML configuration.
    if config.MONGOD_SET_PARAMETERS is not None:

    # Propagate additional setParameters to mongos processes spawned by the mongo shell. Command
    # line options to resmoke.py override the YAML configuration.
    if config.MONGOS_SET_PARAMETERS is not None:

    # Propagate additional setParameters to mongocryptd processes spawned by the mongo shell.
    # Command line options to resmoke.py override the YAML configuration.
    if config.MONGOCRYPTD_SET_PARAMETERS is not None:

    fixturelib = FixtureLib()
    mongod_launcher = standalone.MongodLauncher(fixturelib)

    # If the 'logComponentVerbosity' setParameter for mongod was not already specified, we set its
    # value to a default.

    # If the 'enableFlowControl' setParameter for mongod was not already specified, we set its value
    # to a default.
    if config.FLOW_CONTROL is not None:
                                         config.FLOW_CONTROL == "on")

    # Set the default value for minimum resharding operation duration to 5 seconds.
        "reshardingMinimumOperationDurationMillis", 5000)

    mongos_launcher = shardedcluster.MongosLauncher(fixturelib)
    # If the 'logComponentVerbosity' setParameter for mongos was not already specified, we set its
    # value to a default.

    test_data["setParameters"] = mongod_set_parameters
    test_data["setParametersMongos"] = mongos_set_parameters
    test_data["setParametersMongocryptd"] = mongocryptd_set_parameters

    test_data["undoRecorderPath"] = config.UNDO_RECORDER_PATH

    # There's a periodic background thread that checks for and aborts expired transactions.
    # "transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds" specifies for how long a transaction can run before expiring
    # and being aborted by the background thread. It defaults to 60 seconds, which is too short to
    # be reliable for our tests. Setting it to 24 hours, so that it is longer than the Evergreen
    # execution timeout.
    if "transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds" not in test_data:
        test_data["transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds"] = 24 * 60 * 60

    if "eval_prepend" in kwargs:

    # If nodb is specified, pass the connection string through TestData so it can be used inside the
    # test, then delete it so it isn't given as an argument to the mongo shell.
    if "nodb" in kwargs and connection_string is not None:
        test_data["connectionString"] = connection_string
        connection_string = None

    for var_name in global_vars:
        _format_shell_vars(eval_sb, [var_name], global_vars[var_name])

    if "eval" in kwargs:

    # Load this file to allow a callback to validate collections before shutting down mongod.

    # Load a callback to check UUID consistency before shutting down a ShardingTest.

    # Load a callback to check index consistency before shutting down a ShardingTest.

    # Load a callback to check that all orphans are deleted before shutting down a ShardingTest.

    # Load this file to retry operations that fail due to in-progress background operations.

        "(function() { Timestamp.prototype.toString = function() { throw new Error(\"Cannot toString timestamps. Consider using timestampCmp() for comparison or tojson(<variable>) for output.\"); } })();"

    eval_str = "; ".join(eval_sb)

    if connection_string is not None:
        # The --host and --port options are ignored by the mongo shell when an explicit connection
        # string is specified. We remove these options to avoid any ambiguity with what server the
        # logged mongo shell invocation will connect to.
        if "port" in kwargs:

        if "host" in kwargs:

    # Apply the rest of the command line arguments.
    _apply_kwargs(args, kwargs)

    if connection_string is not None:

    # Have the mongo shell run the specified file.
    if filename is not None:


    process_kwargs = utils.default_if_none(process_kwargs, {})
    process_kwargs["job_num"] = job_num
    process_kwargs["test_id"] = test_id
    return make_process(logger, args, **process_kwargs)
Exemple #8
def mongod_program(  # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements
    """Return a Process instance that starts mongod arguments constructed from 'kwargs'."""

    executable = utils.default_if_none(executable,
    args = [executable]

    # Apply the --setParameter command line argument. Command line options to resmoke.py override
    # the YAML configuration.
    suite_set_parameters = kwargs.pop("set_parameters", {})

    if config.MONGOD_SET_PARAMETERS is not None:

    # Set default log verbosity levels if none were specified.
    if "logComponentVerbosity" not in suite_set_parameters:
            "logComponentVerbosity"] = get_default_log_component_verbosity_for_mongod(

    # minNumChunksForSessionsCollection controls the minimum number of chunks the balancer will
    # enforce for the sessions collection. If the actual number of chunks is less, the balancer will
    # issue split commands to create more chunks. As a result, the balancer will also end up moving
    # chunks for the sessions collection to balance the chunks across shards. Unless the suite is
    # explicitly prepared to handle these background migrations, set the parameter to 1.
    if "configsvr" in kwargs and "minNumChunksForSessionsCollection" not in suite_set_parameters:
        suite_set_parameters["minNumChunksForSessionsCollection"] = 1

    # orphanCleanupDelaySecs controls an artificial delay before cleaning up an orphaned chunk
    # that has migrated off of a shard, meant to allow most dependent queries on secondaries to
    # complete first. It defaults to 900, or 15 minutes, which is prohibitively long for tests.
    # Setting it in the .yml file overrides this.
    if "shardsvr" in kwargs and "orphanCleanupDelaySecs" not in suite_set_parameters:
        suite_set_parameters["orphanCleanupDelaySecs"] = 1

    # The LogicalSessionCache does automatic background refreshes in the server. This is
    # race-y for tests, since tests trigger their own immediate refreshes instead. Turn off
    # background refreshing for tests. Set in the .yml file to override this.
    if "disableLogicalSessionCacheRefresh" not in suite_set_parameters:
        suite_set_parameters["disableLogicalSessionCacheRefresh"] = True

    # Set coordinateCommitReturnImmediatelyAfterPersistingDecision to false so that tests do
    # not need to rely on causal consistency or explicity wait for the transaction to finish
    # committing.
    if executable != LAST_STABLE_MONGOD_BINARY and \
        "coordinateCommitReturnImmediatelyAfterPersistingDecision" not in suite_set_parameters:
            "coordinateCommitReturnImmediatelyAfterPersistingDecision"] = False

    # There's a periodic background thread that checks for and aborts expired transactions.
    # "transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds" specifies for how long a transaction can run before expiring
    # and being aborted by the background thread. It defaults to 60 seconds, which is too short to
    # be reliable for our tests. Setting it to 24 hours, so that it is longer than the Evergreen
    # execution timeout.
    if "transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds" not in suite_set_parameters:
        suite_set_parameters["transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds"] = 24 * 60 * 60

    # Hybrid index builds drain writes received during the build process in batches of 1000 writes
    # by default. Not all tests perform enough writes to exercise the code path where multiple
    # batches are applied, which means certain bugs are harder to encounter. Set this level lower
    # so there are more opportunities to drain writes in multiple batches.
    if "maxIndexBuildDrainBatchSize" not in suite_set_parameters:
        suite_set_parameters["maxIndexBuildDrainBatchSize"] = 10

    # The periodic no-op writer writes an oplog entry of type='n' once every 10 seconds. This has
    # the potential to mask issues such as SERVER-31609 because it allows the operationTime of
    # cluster to advance even if the client is blocked for other reasons. We should disable the
    # periodic no-op writer. Set in the .yml file to override this.
    if "replSet" in kwargs and "writePeriodicNoops" not in suite_set_parameters:
        suite_set_parameters["writePeriodicNoops"] = False

    # The default time for stepdown and quiesce mode in response to SIGTERM is 15 seconds. Reduce
    # this to 100ms for faster shutdown. On branches 4.4 and earlier, there is no quiesce mode, but
    # the default time for stepdown is 10 seconds.
    # TODO(SERVER-47797): Remove reference to waitForStepDownOnNonCommandShutdown.
    if ("replSet" in kwargs and "waitForStepDownOnNonCommandShutdown"
            not in suite_set_parameters
            and "shutdownTimeoutMillisForSignaledShutdown"
            not in suite_set_parameters):
        if executable == LAST_STABLE_MONGOD_BINARY:
            suite_set_parameters["waitForStepDownOnNonCommandShutdown"] = False
                "shutdownTimeoutMillisForSignaledShutdown"] = 100

    if "enableFlowControl" not in suite_set_parameters and config.FLOW_CONTROL is not None:
        suite_set_parameters["enableFlowControl"] = (
            config.FLOW_CONTROL == "on")

    if ("failpoint.flowControlTicketOverride" not in suite_set_parameters
            and config.FLOW_CONTROL_TICKETS is not None):
        suite_set_parameters["failpoint.flowControlTicketOverride"] = {
            "mode": "alwaysOn",
            "data": {
                "numTickets": config.FLOW_CONTROL_TICKETS

    # TODO(SERVER-48645): Only keep the else block once v4.4 is not longer the last stable version
    if executable == LAST_STABLE_MONGOD_BINARY:
        suite_set_parameters.setdefault("enableTestCommands", True)

    _apply_set_parameters(args, suite_set_parameters)

    shortcut_opts = {
        "enableMajorityReadConcern": config.MAJORITY_READ_CONCERN,
        "nojournal": config.NO_JOURNAL,
        "serviceExecutor": config.SERVICE_EXECUTOR,
        "storageEngine": config.STORAGE_ENGINE,
        "transportLayer": config.TRANSPORT_LAYER,
        "wiredTigerCollectionConfigString": config.WT_COLL_CONFIG,
        "wiredTigerEngineConfigString": config.WT_ENGINE_CONFIG,
        "wiredTigerIndexConfigString": config.WT_INDEX_CONFIG,

    if config.STORAGE_ENGINE == "inMemory":
        shortcut_opts["inMemorySizeGB"] = config.STORAGE_ENGINE_CACHE_SIZE
    elif config.STORAGE_ENGINE == "rocksdb":
        shortcut_opts["rocksdbCacheSizeGB"] = config.STORAGE_ENGINE_CACHE_SIZE
    elif config.STORAGE_ENGINE == "wiredTiger" or config.STORAGE_ENGINE is None:
            "wiredTigerCacheSizeGB"] = config.STORAGE_ENGINE_CACHE_SIZE

    # These options are just flags, so they should not take a value.
    opts_without_vals = ("nojournal", "logappend")

    # Have the --nojournal command line argument to resmoke.py unset the journal option.
    if shortcut_opts["nojournal"] and "journal" in kwargs:
        del kwargs["journal"]

    # Ensure that config servers run with journaling enabled.
    if "configsvr" in kwargs:
        shortcut_opts["nojournal"] = False
        kwargs["journal"] = ""

    # Command line options override the YAML configuration.
    for opt_name in shortcut_opts:
        opt_value = shortcut_opts[opt_name]
        if opt_name in opts_without_vals:
            # Options that are specified as --flag on the command line are represented by a boolean
            # value where True indicates that the flag should be included in 'kwargs'.
            if opt_value:
                kwargs[opt_name] = ""
            # Options that are specified as --key=value on the command line are represented by a
            # value where None indicates that the key-value pair shouldn't be included in 'kwargs'.
            if opt_value is not None:
                kwargs[opt_name] = opt_value

    # Override the storage engine specified on the command line with "wiredTiger" if running a
    # config server replica set.
    if "replSet" in kwargs and "configsvr" in kwargs:
        kwargs["storageEngine"] = "wiredTiger"

    # Apply the rest of the command line arguments.
    _apply_kwargs(args, kwargs)


    process_kwargs = utils.default_if_none(process_kwargs, {})
    return make_process(logger, args, **process_kwargs)