Exemple #1
def WriteInitialPopulation2DB(popsize,root_node,mintreesize,maxtreesize,buildmethod,dbname,tablename):
    Function:  WriteInitialPopulation2DB
    create a new population of randomly generated trees and write them to a database
    @param popsize: size of the population
    @param root_node: specify the root node and its arity (nb of children). e.g. (0,2,'root')
    @param mintreesize: min tree depth (at the moment only 2 working)
    @param maxtreesize: max tree depth (At least 2)
    @param buildmethod: which Koza method is used to build the trees (either 
    'AddHalfNode' or 'AddFullNode' or 'AddGrowNodeMin' respectively for 
    Half, Full, or Ramped Half-n-Half)
    @param dbname: path to database e.g. r'D:\3d_work\pythongp\pySTGP_0.51\src\pop_db'
    @param tablename: name of the database table

    con = sqlite.connect(dbname)
    con.execute("create table %s(o_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,tree TEXT,\
     tree_mapping TEXT, treedepth INTEGER, evaluated INTEGER, fitness FLOAT)"%tablename)
    while i <popsize:
        # create a tree individual
        method = getattr(buildtree.buildTree(),buildmethod)
        my_tree = method(root_node,0,mintreesize,maxtreesize)
        if my_tree not in trees:
        #    my_tree = method(root_node,0,mintreesize,maxtreesize)
        # create its tree mapping
        # get depth of the tree
        # get fitness of the tree
        #print myfitness
        #print resultfitness
            con.execute("insert into %s(o_id,tree,tree_mapping,treedepth,evaluated,fitness) values (NULL,?,?,?,?,?)"%tablename,(buffer(marshal.dumps(my_tree,-1)),buffer(marshal.dumps(my_tree_indices,-1)),depth,1,resultfitness))
Exemple #2
        #final_output= sum([(math.fabs(settings.ideal_results[x][y]-intermediate_outputs[2][x][y]),math.fabs(settings.ideal_results[x][y]-intermediate_outputs[1][x][y])) [intermediate_outputs[0][x][y]] for x in xrange(len(intermediate_outputs[1])) for y in xrange(len(intermediate_outputs[1][x]))])
        #for i in xrange( len(result)):
        #    for j in xrange( len(result[i])):
        #        print result[i][j]
        return final_output

if __name__ == '__main__':

    #for i in xrange(2000):
        #print a
        #print i
        #print r
        #print FinalFitness_tutorial9(EvalTreeForOneListInputSet_tutorial9(a))
        #t1 = timeit.Timer('evalfitness.EvalTreeForOneListInputSet_tutorial9(a)' ,  'from __main__ import a ;import evalfitness')
        t2 = timeit.Timer('evalfitness.FinalFitness_tutorial9(evalfitness.EvalTreeForOneListInputSet_tutorial9(a))' ,  'from __main__ import a ;import evalfitness')
        #print t1.timeit(100)
        print t2.timeit(1000)
        #print FinalFitness_tutorial8(EvalTreeForOneListInputSet_tutorial8(a))
        #print FinalFitness3(EvalTreeForAllInputSets(a,xrange(20)))
        #print FinalFitness4(EvalTreeForOneListInputSet(a))
Exemple #3
        second_p_cross = Koza1PointCrossover(maxdepth, cp2_copy_parent1,
                                             cp2_copy_parent2, cp2_copy_p1_map,
        if second_p_cross[0] == [1, 1, 1, 1]:
    return second_p_cross

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # testing 1-point crossover capability
    # by generating 2 offsprings
    for i in xrange(10000):
        a = buildtree.buildTree().AddHalfNode((0, 2, 'root'), 0, 3, 7)
        b = buildtree.buildTree().AddHalfNode((0, 2, 'root'), 0, 3, 7)
        a_map = crossutil.GetIndicesMappingFromTree(a)
        b_map = crossutil.GetIndicesMappingFromTree(b)
        a_depth = crossutil.GetDepthFromIndicesMapping(a_map)
        b_depth = crossutil.GetDepthFromIndicesMapping(b_map)
        #print r
        #print r2
        #print a
        #print b
        r2 = Koza1PointCrossover(15, a, b, a_map, b_map, a_depth, b_depth)
        #if r2[1][1][0]!=(2, 2, 'adf1'):
        print r2
        #if r2[0][0]==1 and r2[0][1]==1:
Exemple #4
def Mutate(maxdepth, parent, p1_map, p1_depth):
    Function:  Mutate
    create a mutated individual from a parent tree using Koza styled mutation
    @param maxdepth: maximum depth of the mutated offspring
    @param parent: parent tree e.g. a=buildtree.buildTree().AddHalfNode((0,2,'root'),0,2,7)  
    @param p1_map: parent tree index mapping e.g a_map=crossutil.get_indices_mapping_from_tree(a)
    @param p1_depth: parent tree depth e.g. a_depth=crossutil.get_depth_from_indices_mapping(a_map)
    @return: a tuple containing two elements. 
        - The first one is a boolean indicating if the mutated tree is identical to the parent
            (if identical, returns True)
        - The second one is the mutated tree
    # get a random depth for parent1
    if p1_depth >= 1:
        p1_mutation_depth = 1
        p1_mutation_depth = random.randint(1, p1_depth - 1)
    # get a random depth in p2 such that the resulting
    # offspring lenght is <= offspring maxdepth
    p1_point = random.choice(mychoice1)
    parent1_clone = copy.deepcopy(parent)
    exec("fragment_p1=parent1_clone%s" %
    # first we need to extract the top node of each subtree
    if isinstance(fragment_p1, list):
        firstnode_p1 = fragment_p1[0]
    if isinstance(fragment_p1, tuple):
        firstnode_p1 = fragment_p1
    # get the parent node of each sub tree (context of each parent)
    subtree1_parent_s = crossutil.IndexLstToIndexStr2(p1_point)
    # if the first node is not an ADF, the string version of the
    # index of the subtree is just the index of upper node in the tree
    if firstnode_p1[0] != 2:
        subtree1_parent_s = subtree1_parent_s[:-3]
    # get the subtree using the index we just obtained
    exec("subtree1_parent=parent1_clone%s" % subtree1_parent_s)
    # get the flat list of permitted nodes for the parent tree
    # for that first get the list of permitted branch nodes...
    context_p1 = settings.treeRules[subtree1_parent[0][2]]
    context = copy.deepcopy(context_p1)
    # and extend to it the list of permitted leaf nodes
    context[p1_point[-1] - 1][0].extend(context[p1_point[-1] - 1][1])
    if len(context[p1_point[-1] - 1][0]) > 1 and firstnode_p1[0] == 2:
        context[p1_point[-1] - 1][0].remove(firstnode_p1)
    # get the context from grammar rules for each parent

    # min_mutation_depth for the subtree has to be extracted by looking when is the next child with a terminal
    min_mutation_depth = 1
    #print context[p1_point[-1]-1][0]
    flag = random.choice(context[p1_point[-1] - 1][0])
    if not settings.treeRules[subtree1_parent[0][2]][p1_point[-1] - 1][1]:
        min_mutation_depth = 2
    #print flag

            random.choice(context[p1_point[-1]-1][0]) ,p1_mutation_depth,p1_mutation_depth+min_mutation_depth,maxdepth)
    # make sure that the mutant fragment is different from the previous fragment
    if len(mutant_fragment) == 1 and isinstance(mutant_fragment[0], tuple):
        mutant_fragment = mutant_fragment[0]
    exec("parent1_clone%s=mutant_fragment" %
    identical = False
    if mutant_fragment == fragment_p1:
        identical = True
    # no branch nor leaf compatible from fragment to parent nodes
    return (identical, parent1_clone)