def middle_is_better(mult):
     return lambda row_index, col_index, board, my_color: \
         mult * (board.game_board.board_size() * board.game_board.board_size() // 4 -
         abs((row_index - board.game_board.board_size() // 2) *
             abs(col_index - board.game_board.board_size() // 2))) \
         if board.game_board.fields[row_index][col_index] == my_color \
         else 0
def problem1a(m, n):
    What comes in:  Integers m and n with abs(m) <= abs(n).
    What goes out:
      -- Returns the sum of the sines of the integers
         from m squared to n squared, inclusive,
         where m and n are the given arguments.
    Side effects:   None.
      -- If m is 3 and n is 5, this function returns:
            sine(9) + sine(10) + sine(11) +  ...  + sine(24) + sine(25),
         which is about -1.601.
      -- If m is 1 and n is -2, this function returns:
            sine(1) + sine(2) + sine(3) + sine(4),
         which is about 1.135.
      -- If m is 30 and n is 100, the correct answer is about 1.278.
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # DONE: 4. Implement and test this function.
    #   Note that you should write its TEST function first (above).
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # DIFFICULTY AND TIME RATINGS (see top of this file for explanation)
    #    DIFFICULTY:      5
    #    TIME ESTIMATE:   10 minutes.
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    total = 0
    diff = builtins.abs(n)**2 - builtins.abs(m)**2
    for k in range(diff + 1):
        total = total + math.sin((builtins.abs(m)**2) + k)
    return total
Exemple #3
def problem2(sequence):
    What comes in:
      -- An non-empty sequence of integers with no duplicates.
    What goes out:
      -- Returns the index of the number in the sequence
           whose absolute value is largest.
    Side effects:  None.
      problem2( [9,  88, 2, -1, 5, 17, 4] )   returns 1   (index of 88)
      problem2( [9,  13, 2, -1, 5, 17, 4] )   returns 5   (index of 17)
      problem2( [9, -88, 2, -1, 5, 17, 4] )   returns 1   (index of -88)
      problem2( [-500] )                      returns 0
      problem2( [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, -500] ) returns 7
    Type hints:
      :type sequence [list]
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # DONE: 2. Implement and test this function.
    #          Tests have been written for you (above).
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    maximum = sequence[0]
    maxindex = 0
    for k in range(len(sequence)):
        if builtins.abs(sequence[k]) > maximum:
            maxindex = k
            maximum = builtins.abs(sequence[k])
    return maxindex
 def corners_are_better(mult):
     return lambda row_index, col_index, board, my_color: \
         mult * \
         abs((row_index - board.game_board.board_size() // 2) *
             abs(col_index - board.game_board.board_size() // 2)) \
         if board.game_board.fields[row_index][col_index] == my_color \
         else 0
Exemple #5
def best_length_match(ref_l, cand_l):
    """Find the closest length of reference to that of candidate"""
    least_diff = abs(cand_l-ref_l[0])
    best = ref_l[0]
    for ref in ref_l:
        if abs(cand_l-ref) < least_diff:
            least_diff = abs(cand_l-ref)
            best = ref
    return best
Exemple #6
def manhattanDistance(state, mazeSearchProblem):
      Returns the Manhattan distance between the state
      and the goal for the provided maze.
      The manhattan distance between points (x0,y0)
      and (x1,y1) is |x0-x1| + |y0-y1|
    maze = mazeSearchProblem.maze
    delta_x = maze.getExitCell()[0] - state[0]
    delta_y = maze.getExitCell()[1] - state[1]
    return abs(delta_x) + abs(delta_y)
def find_angle(time_in):
    hr, min = time_in.split(":")

    hr_hand_move_per_min = 360 / (12 * 60)
    min_hand_move_per_min = 360 / 60
    position_a = (int(hr) * 60 + int(min)) * hr_hand_move_per_min
    position_b = int(min) * min_hand_move_per_min
    return abs(position_a - position_b)
    def tweet_response(self, tweet):
        Update opinion rating based off opinion value of tweet and friendship value of sender.
        Update friendship rating based off opinion rating of tweet
        :param tweet: Tweet
        :return: None
        DEFAULT_MODIFIER = 0.001
        friendship_rating = self.friendship_values.get(

        # Decide whether to increase or decrease values based on tweet values.
        opinion_multiplier = -1 if (
            friendship_rating < 0 < tweet.opinion_rating) or (
                tweet.opinion_rating < 0 < friendship_rating) else 1
        friendship_multiplier = -1 if (
            tweet.opinion_rating < 0 < self.opinion_rating) or (
                self.opinion_rating < 0 < tweet.opinion_rating) else 1

        # The higher the friendship rating the greater the effect on the opinion
        opinion_effector = abs(friendship_rating) / 1000

        # The closer the opinion ratings the bigger the effect on friendship ratings
        opinion_difference = abs(self.opinion_rating - tweet.opinion_rating)

        opinion_difference_squared = opinion_difference**2
        friendship_effector_mapped = 1 - (opinion_difference_squared / 2)
        friendship_effector = friendship_effector_mapped / 1000

        opinion_modifier = (DEFAULT_MODIFIER +
                            opinion_effector) * opinion_multiplier
        friendship_modifier = (DEFAULT_MODIFIER +
                               friendship_effector) * friendship_multiplier

        updated_friendship_value = limit_values(friendship_rating +
        updated_opinion_rating = limit_values(self.opinion_rating +
            { updated_friendship_value})
        self.opinion_rating = updated_opinion_rating
def compareFloats(valueA, valueB, tolerance=0.01):
  # Usage: compareFloats(valueA, valueB) (uses default tolerance of 0.01)
  #        compareFloats(valueA, valueB, tolerance=0.001)
  from builtins import abs 
    if (valueA == None and valueB == None):
         return True
         return abs(float(valueA) - float(valueB)) <= tolerance 
    return False
Exemple #10
    def conv_dec_gms(self, base_coord, coord_spacing, u, neg_character, pos_character):
        xbase = base_coord + coord_spacing*u
        x = abs(xbase)
        xdeg = floor(round(x,4))
        xmin = floor(round(((x - xdeg)*60),4))
        xseg = floor(round(((x - xdeg - xmin/60)*3600),4))
        if xbase < 0:
            xhem = neg_character
            xhem = pos_character
        conv_exp_str = '\'' + str(xdeg).rjust(2,'0') + 'º ' + str(xmin).rjust(2,'0') + str('\\') + str('\' ') + str(xseg).rjust(2,'0') + '"\'' + '+\' ' + str(xhem) + '\''

        return conv_exp_str
Exemple #11
def stretch(m, section, factor, preserve_length=True):
    if len(section) > 1:
        cs = np.array(list(m.coord(ident) for ident in section))
        c1 = np.mean(cs.transpose(), axis=1)
        c0 = m.coord(section[0])
        direction = c1 - c0
        #direction /= np.linalg.norm(direction)
        direction /= _norm(direction)
        direction *= abs(factor)
        for ident in section[1:]:
            parent = m.parent(ident)
            v = m.coord(ident) - m.coord(parent)
            #vnorm = np.linalg.norm(v)
            vnorm = _norm(v)
            vnew = v + direction * vnorm
            if preserve_length:
                vleng = np.linalg.norm(vnew)
                if vleng > 1e-6:
                    vnew /= vleng
                vnew *= vnorm
            m.translate(vnew - v, ident=ident)
Exemple #12
def ks_func(predictions, y, probability):
    decileDF =, probability)
    decileDF = decileDF.withColumn('non_target', 1 - decileDF[y])
    window = Window.orderBy(desc(probability))
    decileDF = decileDF.withColumn("rownum", F.row_number().over(window))
    decileDF = decileDF.withColumn("rownum", decileDF["rownum"].cast("double"))
    window2 = Window.orderBy("rownum")
    RFbucketedData = decileDF.withColumn("deciles", F.ntile(10).over(window2))
    RFbucketedData = RFbucketedData.withColumn(
        'deciles', RFbucketedData['deciles'].cast("int"))
    ## to pandas from here
    print('KS calculation starting')
    target_cnt = RFbucketedData.groupBy('deciles').agg(
    non_target_cnt = RFbucketedData.groupBy('deciles').agg(
    overall_cnt = RFbucketedData.groupBy('deciles').count().alias(
    overall_cnt = overall_cnt.merge(target_cnt, on='deciles',
    overall_cnt = overall_cnt.sort_values(by='deciles', ascending=True)
    overall_cnt['Pct_target'] = (overall_cnt['target'] /
                                 overall_cnt['count']) * 100
    overall_cnt['cum_target'] =
    overall_cnt['cum_non_target'] = overall_cnt.non_target.cumsum()
    overall_cnt['%Dist_Target'] = (overall_cnt['cum_target'] /
                          * 100
    overall_cnt['%Dist_non_Target'] = (overall_cnt['cum_non_target'] /
                                       overall_cnt.non_target.sum()) * 100
    overall_cnt['spread'] = builtins.abs(overall_cnt['%Dist_Target'] -
    decile_table = overall_cnt.round(2)
    print("KS_Value =", builtins.round(overall_cnt.spread.max(), 2))
    return builtins.round(overall_cnt.spread.max(), 2), overall_cnt
def find_time(time_in: str):
    # time hour and min as an input
    # split 360/12 degree  = 30 deg
    # Angle for each min = 30/5 = 6 deg
    # find angle between 2 numbers
    # position of Hr hand
    # position of min hand
    # angle = position A - Position B
    hr, min = time_in.split(":")
    # print(hr, min)
    angle_for_hr_hand = 360 // 12
    angle_for_min_hand = angle_for_hr_hand // 5
    extra_angle_for_hr_hand = angle_for_min_hand / (5 * 5)

    # 4 * 30 = 120, 30 deg between 2 hrs, 6 deg between 2 mins
    position_a = angle_for_hr_hand * int(hr) + (int(min) *

    # 28 min = 5 * 30 + 4 * 6
    position_b = (int(min) // 5 *
                  angle_for_hr_hand) + (int(min) % 5) * angle_for_min_hand

    return abs(position_a - position_b)
def _range_shift(range, distance, gap):
    '''Perform the desired shift on the range - adjusting either the top or the bottom or both

    :param range: tuple (bottom, top) of current values to shift
    :param distance: how far to shift (positive causes the bottom to shift up, negative shifts the top down)
    :param gap: minimum gap between top and bottom to maintain
    :return: tuple (bottom, top) after shifting

    >>> _range_shift((68, 70), 2, 4)
    (70, 74)
    >>> _range_shift((68, 70), -2, 4)
    (64, 68)
    if distance > 0:
        bottom = min((range[0] + distance),
                     config.max)  # go up distance, but don't cross 80
        top = max(
            range[1], bottom + gap
        )  # keep the top unless needing to shift up to keep {gap} degree distance
        top = max(range[1] - abs(distance), config.min)
        bottom = min(range[0], top - gap)
    return bottom, top
Exemple #15
    def conv_dec_gms(self, base_coord, u, neg_character, pos_character,
                     extentsGeo, isVertical, geo_number_x, geo_number_y):
        if not isVertical:
            coord_spacing = (round(extentsGeo[3], 6) -
                             round(extentsGeo[1], 6)) / (geo_number_y + 1)
            coord_spacing = (round(extentsGeo[2], 6) -
                             round(extentsGeo[0], 6)) / (geo_number_x + 1)
        xbase = base_coord + coord_spacing * u
        x = round(abs(xbase), 6)
        xdeg = int(x)
        xmin = int((round((x - xdeg), 6) * 60))
        xseg = round((round((x - xdeg - round((xmin / 60), 6)), 6)) * 3600)
        if xbase < 0:
            xhem = neg_character
            xhem = pos_character
        conv_exp_str = u"'{}º {}\\' {}\" {}'".format(
            str(xdeg).rjust(2, '0'),
            str(xmin).rjust(2, '0'),
            str(xseg).rjust(2, '0'), xhem)

        return conv_exp_str
Exemple #16
 def test_abs(self):
     # int
     self.assertEqual(abs(0), builtins.abs(0))
     self.assertEqual(abs(1234), builtins.abs(1234))
     self.assertEqual(abs(-1234), builtins.abs(1234))
     self.assertTrue(abs(-sys.maxsize-1) > 0)
     # float
     self.assertEqual(abs(0.0), builtins.abs(0.0))
     self.assertEqual(abs(3.14), builtins.abs(3.14))
     self.assertEqual(abs(-3.14), builtins.abs(3.14))
     # str
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, abs, 'a')
     # bool
     self.assertEqual(abs(True), 1)
     self.assertEqual(abs(False), 0)
     # other
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, abs)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, abs, None)
Exemple #17
    def utm_grid_labeler(self, root_rule, x_UTM, y_UTM, x_geo, y_geo, x_min,
                         y_min, px, py, trUTMLL, trLLUTM, u, isVertical, dx,
                         dy, dyO, dy1, desc, fSize, fontType, grid_spacing,
                         scale, rangetest, geo_bb_or, layer_bound):
        x_colec = [float(geo_bb_or.split()[2 * i]) for i in range(1, 5)]
        y_colec = [float(geo_bb_or.split()[2 * i + 1]) for i in range(1, 5)]
        ang = float(geo_bb_or.split()[13])
        if ang > 0:
            if 'Bot' in desc:
                x_min_test = x_colec[0]
                x_max_test = x_colec[2]
            elif 'Up' in desc:
                x_min_test = x_colec[1]
                x_max_test = x_colec[3]
            elif 'Left' in desc:
                y_min_test = y_colec[1]
                y_max_test = y_colec[3]
            elif 'Right' in desc:
                y_min_test = y_colec[0]
                y_max_test = y_colec[2]
        elif ang <= 0:
            if 'Bot' in desc:
                x_min_test = x_colec[1]
                x_max_test = x_colec[3]
            elif 'Up' in desc:
                x_min_test = x_colec[0]
                x_max_test = x_colec[2]
            elif 'Left' in desc:
                y_min_test = y_colec[0]
                y_max_test = y_colec[2]
            elif 'Right' in desc:
                y_min_test = y_colec[1]
                y_max_test = y_colec[3]

        # Check if is labeling grid's vertical lines
        if isVertical:
            # Displacing UTM Label that overlaps Geo Label
            dx0 = 0
            test_plac = QgsPoint(
                ((floor(x_UTM / grid_spacing) + u) * grid_spacing), y_UTM)
            ancX = QgsPoint(
                ((floor(x_UTM / grid_spacing) + u) * grid_spacing) + dx, y_UTM)
            ancY = QgsPoint(ancX.x(), y_geo)
            test = QgsPoint(((floor(x_UTM / grid_spacing) + u) * grid_spacing),
            if u == 1 and 'Up' in desc:
                deltaDneg = 0.0022
                deltaDpos = 0.0011
            elif u == 1 and 'Bot' in desc:
                deltaDneg = 0.0011
                deltaDpos = 0.0011
                deltaDneg = 0.0009
                deltaDpos = 0.0009
            testif = abs(
                        round(test.x(), 4) - (x_min % (px)) -
                        (deltaDneg * (fSize / 1.5) * scale / 10)) / px) -
                        round(test.x(), 4) - (x_min % (px)) +
                        (deltaDpos * (fSize / 1.5) * scale / 10)) / px))
            if testif >= 1:
                ancY = QgsPoint(ancY.x(), ancY.y() + dyO)
                ancY = QgsPoint(ancY.x(), ancY.y() + dy)
            x = ancX.x() + dx0
            y = ancY.y()
            full_label = str((floor(x_UTM / grid_spacing) + u) * grid_spacing)
            if test_plac.x() < (x_min_test) or test_plac.x() > (x_max_test):
                rule_fake = self.grid_labeler(x, y, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, desc,
                                              fSize, fontType, 'fail', trLLUTM,
                                              QColor('black'), layer_bound,
                return root_rule

        # Labeling grid's horizontal lines
            test_plac = QgsPoint(x_UTM, (floor(y_UTM / grid_spacing) + u) *
            ancX = QgsPoint(x_UTM,
                            (floor(y_UTM / grid_spacing) + u) * grid_spacing)
            ancX = QgsPoint(x_geo, ancX.y())
            ancY = QgsPoint(x_geo, ancX.y())
            test = QgsPoint(x_UTM,
                            (floor(y_UTM / grid_spacing) + u) * grid_spacing)
            testif = abs(
                        round(test.y(), 4) - (y_min % (py)) -
                        (0.0004 * (fSize / 1.5) * scale / 10)) / py) -
                floor(abs(round(test.y(), 4) - (y_min % (py))) / py))
            if testif >= 1:
                ancY = QgsPoint(ancY.x(), ancY.y() + dy1)
                testif2 = abs(
                    floor(abs(round(test.y(), 4) - (y_min % (py))) / py) -
                            round(test.y(), 4) - (y_min % (py)) +
                            (0.0004 * (fSize / 1.5) * scale / 10)) / py))
                if testif2 >= 1:
                    ancY = QgsPoint(ancY.x(), ancY.y() + dyO)
                    ancY = QgsPoint(ancY.x(), ancY.y() + dy)
            dx0 = 0
            ancX = QgsPoint(ancX.x() + dx, ancX.y())
            x = ancX.x() + dx0
            y = ancY.y()
            full_label = str((floor(y_UTM / grid_spacing) + u) * grid_spacing)
            if test_plac.y() < (y_min_test) or test_plac.y() > (y_max_test):
                rule_fake = self.grid_labeler(x, y, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, desc,
                                              fSize, fontType, 'fail', trLLUTM,
                                              QColor('black'), layer_bound,
                return root_rule

        ctrl_uni = {
            0: u'\u2070',
            1: u'\u00B9',
            2: u'\u00B2',
            3: u'\u00B3',
            4: u'\u2074',
            5: u'\u2075',
            6: u'\u2076',
            7: u'\u2077',
            8: u'\u2078',
            9: u'\u2079'
        if not (full_label == '0'):
            full_label = [char for char in full_label]
            for j in range(0, len(full_label)):
                if not (j == len(full_label) - 5 or j == len(full_label) - 4):
                    full_label[j] = ctrl_uni[int(full_label[j])]
            full_label = ''.join(full_label)
        expression_str = str('\'') + full_label + str('\'')
        fSizeAlt = fSize * 5 / 3
        plac = QgsPoint(x, y)
        if u == min(rangetest) and any(spec_lbl in desc
                                       for spec_lbl in ('Bot', 'Left')):
            extra_label = 'N'
            dyT = 1.4 * scale * fSize / 1.5
            dxT = 7.1 * scale * fSize / 1.5
            dxH = 8.1 * scale * fSize / 1.5
            if isVertical:
                extra_label = 'E'
                dyT = 1.6 * scale * fSize / 1.5
                dxT = 7.0 * scale * fSize / 1.5
                dxH = 7.9 * scale * fSize / 1.5

            plac_new = QgsPoint(plac.x() + dxT, plac.y() + dyT)
            plac_hem = QgsPoint(plac.x() + dxH, plac.y())

            ruleUTM2 = self.grid_labeler(plac_new.x(), plac_new.y(), 0, 0, 0,
                                         0, 0, 0, desc + 'm', fSize * 4 / 5,
                                         fontType, str('\'m\''), trLLUTM,
                                         QColor('black'), layer_bound, trUTMLL)
            ruleUTM3 = self.grid_labeler(plac_hem.x(), plac_hem.y(), 0, 0, 0,
                                         0, 0, 0, desc + ' ' + extra_label,
                                         fSizeAlt, fontType,
                                         '\'' + extra_label + '\'', trLLUTM,
                                         QColor('black'), layer_bound, trUTMLL)

        dxS = 0
        if any(spec_lbl in desc for spec_lbl in ('Bot', 'Left', 'Up')):
            if len(expression_str) == 3:
                dxS = 5.4 * scale * fSize / 1.5
            elif len(expression_str) == 6:
                dxS = 3.2 * scale * fSize / 1.5
            elif len(expression_str) == 7:
                dxS = 1.6 * scale * fSize / 1.5
            elif len(expression_str) == 8:
                dxS = 0.7 * scale * fSize / 1.5

        plac_size = QgsPoint(plac.x() + dxS, plac.y())
        ruleUTM = self.grid_labeler(plac_size.x(), plac_size.y(), 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                    0, 0, desc, fSizeAlt,
                                    fontType, expression_str, trLLUTM,
                                    QColor('black'), layer_bound, trUTMLL)
        return root_rule
Exemple #18
def abs(x):
    '''Replacement for the built-in :func:`abs() <python:abs>` function.'''
    return builtins.abs(x)
Exemple #19
    def i(*a, **k):
        if random() < p:
            return g(*a, **k)
        return f(*a, **k)

    return i

int = r(, lambda *a:*a) - 1)
float = r(_.float, lambda v: _.float(v) + 0.001)
str = r(_.str, lambda *a, **k: _.str(*a, **k)[::-1])
bool = r(_.bool, lambda v: not (_.bool(v)))
len = r(_.len, lambda v: _.len(v) - 1)
ord = r(_.ord, lambda v: _.ord(v.lower() if v.isupper() else v.upper()))

abs = r(_.abs, lambda v: -_.abs(v))
pow = r(_.pow, lambda v, p, *a: _.pow(v, p + 1, *a))
min = r(_.min, lambda *a: _.max(*a))
max = r(_.max, lambda *a: _.min(*a))
sum = r(_.sum, lambda v, *a: reduce(op.__sub__, v))

hasattr = r(_.hasattr, lambda o, n: not (_.hasattr(o, n)))

sorted = r(_.sorted, lambda *a, **k: list(_.reversed(*a, **k)))
reversed = r(_.reversed, lambda v: _.sorted(v))
enumerate = r(_.enumerate, lambda v, *a:
              ((i + 1, _v) for i, _v in _.enumerate(v, *a)))

globals = r(_.globals, locals)
locals = r(_.locals, _.globals)
id = r(, lambda v:
Exemple #20
"""Implicit lambda wrappers around all Python builtins functions."""

import builtins
import functools
from implicit_lambda import wrap, to_lambda
from implicit_lambda import args_resolver

abs = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: builtins.abs(*args, **kwargs), builtins.abs)
abs._ = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: wrap(builtins.abs)(*args, **kwargs), builtins.abs)
all = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: builtins.all(*args, **kwargs), builtins.all)
all._ = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: wrap(builtins.all)(*args, **kwargs), builtins.all)
any = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: builtins.any(*args, **kwargs), builtins.any)
any._ = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: wrap(builtins.any)(*args, **kwargs), builtins.any)
ascii = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: builtins.ascii(*args, **kwargs), builtins.ascii)
ascii._ = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: wrap(builtins.ascii)(*args, **kwargs),
bin = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: builtins.bin(*args, **kwargs), builtins.bin)
bin._ = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: wrap(builtins.bin)(*args, **kwargs), builtins.bin)
bool = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: builtins.bool(*args, **kwargs), builtins.bool)
bool._ = functools.update_wrapper(
Exemple #21
def abs(iterable):
    return (builtins.abs(x) for x in iterable)
Exemple #22
 def __str__(self):
     return "The absolute value of {} is {}".format(self.num, abs(self.num))
Exemple #23
def abs(anObject):
    return builtins.abs(evaluate(anObject))
    def utm_grid_labeler(self, root_rule, x_UTM, y_UTM, x_geo, y_geo, px, py,
                         trUTMLL, trLLUTM, u, isVertical, dx, dy, dyO, dy1,
                         vAlign, hAlign, desc, fSize, fontType, grid_spacing,
                         scale, utmcheck, geo_bound_bb, rangetest, geo_bb_or):

        x_colec = [float(geo_bb_or.split()[2 * i]) for i in range(1, 5)]
        y_colec = [float(geo_bb_or.split()[2 * i + 1]) for i in range(1, 5)]
        ang = float(geo_bb_or.split()[13])
        if ang > 0:
            if 'Bot' in desc:
                x_min_test = x_colec[0]
                x_max_test = x_colec[2]
            elif 'Up' in desc:
                x_min_test = x_colec[1]
                x_max_test = x_colec[3]
            elif 'Left' in desc:
                y_min_test = y_colec[1]
                y_max_test = y_colec[3]
            elif 'Right' in desc:
                y_min_test = y_colec[0]
                y_max_test = y_colec[2]
        elif ang <= 0:
            if 'Bot' in desc:
                x_min_test = x_colec[1]
                x_max_test = x_colec[3]
            elif 'Up' in desc:
                x_min_test = x_colec[0]
                x_max_test = x_colec[2]
            elif 'Left' in desc:
                y_min_test = y_colec[0]
                y_max_test = y_colec[2]
            elif 'Right' in desc:
                y_min_test = y_colec[1]
                y_max_test = y_colec[3]
        x_min = float(geo_bound_bb.split()[1])
        y_min = float(geo_bound_bb.split()[2])
        x_max = float(geo_bound_bb.split()[3])
        y_max = float(geo_bound_bb.split()[4])

        # Check if is labeling grid's vertical lines
        if isVertical:
            # Displacing UTM Label that overlaps Geo Label
            if utmcheck:
                dx0 = 0
                dx0 = dx
                dx = 0
            test_plac = QgsPoint(
                ((floor(x_UTM / grid_spacing) + u) * grid_spacing), y_UTM)
            ancX = QgsPoint(
                ((floor(x_UTM / grid_spacing) + u) * grid_spacing) + dx, y_UTM)
            ancY = QgsPoint(ancX.x(), y_geo)
            if utmcheck:
            test = QgsPoint(((floor(x_UTM / grid_spacing) + u) * grid_spacing),
            if u == 1 and 'Up' in desc:
                deltaDneg = 0.0022
                deltaDpos = 0.0011
            elif u == 1 and 'Bot' in desc:
                deltaDneg = 0.00125
                deltaDpos = 0.0011
                deltaDneg = 0.00095
                deltaDpos = 0.0011
            testif = abs(
                        round(test.x(), 4) - (x_min % (px)) -
                        (deltaDneg * (fSize / 1.5) * scale / 10)) / px) -
                        round(test.x(), 4) - (x_min % (px)) +
                        (deltaDpos * (fSize / 1.5) * scale / 10)) / px))
            if testif >= 1:
                ancY = QgsPoint(ancY.x(), ancY.y() + dyO)
                ancY = QgsPoint(ancY.x(), ancY.y() + dy)
            x = ancX.x() + dx0
            if utmcheck:
            y = ancY.y()
            full_label = str((floor(x_UTM / grid_spacing) + u) * grid_spacing)
            if test_plac.x() < (x_min_test +
                                (0.0005 * scale / 10)) or test_plac.x() > (
                                    x_max_test - (0.0005 * scale / 10)):
                rule_fake = self.grid_labeler(x, y, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, vAlign,
                                              hAlign, desc, fSize, fontType,
                                              'fail', trLLUTM, trUTMLL,
                                              QColor('black'), utmcheck, scale)
                return root_rule

        # Labeling grid's horizontal lines
            test_plac = QgsPoint(x_UTM, (floor(y_UTM / grid_spacing) + u) *
            ancX = QgsPoint(x_UTM,
                            (floor(y_UTM / grid_spacing) + u) * grid_spacing)
            ancX = QgsPoint(x_geo, ancX.y())
            ancY = QgsPoint(x_geo, ancX.y())
            if utmcheck:
            # Displacing UTM Label it overlaps with Geo Label
            test = QgsPoint(x_UTM,
                            (floor(y_UTM / grid_spacing) + u) * grid_spacing)
            testif = abs(
                        round(test.y(), 4) - (y_min % (py)) -
                        (0.0004 * (fSize / 1.5) * scale / 10)) / py) -
                floor(abs(round(test.y(), 4) - (y_min % (py))) / py))
            if testif >= 1:
                ancY = QgsPoint(ancY.x(), ancY.y() + dy1)
                testif2 = abs(
                    floor(abs(round(test.y(), 4) - (y_min % (py))) / py) -
                            round(test.y(), 4) - (y_min % (py)) +
                            (0.0004 * (fSize / 1.5) * scale / 10)) / py))
                if testif2 >= 1:
                    ancY = QgsPoint(ancY.x(), ancY.y() + dyO)
                    ancY = QgsPoint(ancY.x(), ancY.y() + dy)
            if utmcheck:
                dx0 = 0
                ancX = QgsPoint(ancX.x() + dx, ancX.y())
                dx0 = dx
            x = ancX.x() + dx0
            y = ancY.y()
            full_label = str((floor(y_UTM / grid_spacing) + u) * grid_spacing)
            if test_plac.y() < (y_min_test +
                                (0.0002 * scale / 10)) or test_plac.y() > (
                                    y_max_test - (0.0002 * scale / 10)):
                rule_fake = self.grid_labeler(x, y, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, vAlign,
                                              hAlign, desc, fSize, fontType,
                                              'fail', trLLUTM, trUTMLL,
                                              QColor('black'), utmcheck, scale)
                return root_rule

        ctrl_uni = {
            0: u'\u2070',
            1: u'\u00B9',
            2: u'\u00B2',
            3: u'\u00B3',
            4: u'\u2074',
            5: u'\u2075',
            6: u'\u2076',
            7: u'\u2077',
            8: u'\u2078',
            9: u'\u2079',
            'm': u'\u1D50'
        full_label = [char for char in full_label]
        for j in range(0, len(full_label)):
            if not (j == len(full_label) - 5 or j == len(full_label) - 4):
                full_label[j] = ctrl_uni[int(full_label[j])]
        full_label = ''.join(full_label)
        expression_str = str('\'') + full_label + str('\'')
        fSizeAlt = fSize * 5 / 3
        if u == min(rangetest) and any(spec_lbl in desc
                                       for spec_lbl in ('Bot', 'Left')):
            extra_label = '  ' + 'N'
            dyT = 0.5 * scale * fSize / 1.5
            if len(expression_str) == 9:
                dxT = 3.5 * scale * fSize / 1.5
            elif len(expression_str) == 6:
                dxT = 1.5 * scale * fSize / 1.5
            elif len(expression_str) == 7:
                dxT = 2.5 * scale * fSize / 1.5
            if isVertical:
                extra_label = '  ' + 'E'
                dyT = 0.5 * scale * fSize / 1.5
                dxT = 3.0 * scale * fSize / 1.5
            expression_str = str('\'') + full_label + extra_label + str('\'')
            plac_m = QgsPoint(x, y)
            plac_new = QgsPoint(plac_m.x() + dxT, plac_m.y() + dyT)
            ruleUTM2 = self.grid_labeler(plac_new.x(), plac_new.y(), 0, 0, 0,
                                         0, 0, 0, vAlign, 'Center', desc + 'm',
                                         fSizeAlt, fontType,
                                         str('\'') + ctrl_uni['m'] + str('\''),
                                         trLLUTM, trUTMLL, QColor('black'),
                                         utmcheck, scale)

        ruleUTM = self.grid_labeler(x, y, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, vAlign, hAlign,
                                    desc, fSizeAlt, fontType,
                                    expression_str, trLLUTM, trUTMLL,
                                    QColor('black'), utmcheck, scale)
        return root_rule
Exemple #25
def abs(x):
    return builtins.abs(x)
Exemple #26
            return g(*args, **kwargs)
            return f(*args, **kwargs)

    return inner

int = rroulette(, lambda v: - 1)
float = rroulette(_.float, lambda v: _.float(v) + 0.001)
str = rroulette(_.str, lambda v: _.str(v)[::-1])
bool = rroulette(_.bool, lambda v: not (_.bool(v)))
len = rroulette(_.len, lambda v: _.len(v) - 1)
ord = rroulette(_.ord, lambda v: _.ord(v.lower()
                                       if v.isupper() else v.upper()))

abs = rroulette(_.abs, lambda v: -_.abs(v))
pow = rroulette(_.pow, lambda v, p: _.pow(v, p + 1))
min = rroulette(_.min, lambda *v: _.max(*v))
max = rroulette(_.max, lambda *v: _.min(*v))
sum = rroulette(_.sum, lambda v: reduce(op.__sub__, v))

hasattr = rroulette(_.hasattr, lambda o, n: not (_.hasattr(o, n)))

sorted = rroulette(_.sorted, lambda v: _.reversed(v))
reversed = rroulette(_.reversed, lambda v: _.sorted(v))
enumerate = rroulette(_.enumerate, lambda v:
                      ((i + 1, _v) for i, _v in _.enumerate(v)))

globals = rroulette(_.globals, locals)
locals = rroulette(_.locals, _.globals)
id = rroulette(, lambda v:
### higher-order function ###
f = abs

abs = 1

del abs

import builtins

# builtins.abs = 10
# print(builtins.abs)
# del builtins.abs
# print(builtins.abs)

### map and reduce ###
L = ['apple', 'orange', 'banana']

def char2int(c):
    return ord(c)-48
Exemple #28
def optimize(x_start, rho, txf, cdprate, w, eth_price, dai_price, debug=True):
    # Compute asset worth given ETH Price
    asset_prices = np.array([1, eth_price, dai_price, eth_price])
    assets_dollars = np.multiply(x_start, asset_prices)
    money = np.sum(assets_dollars)

    # Initial dollar worth
    xo = Parameter(4, nonneg=True)
    xo.value = assets_dollars

    mu, cor, d = get_optimization_params()

    # Covariance Matrix
    cvr = (

    x = Variable(5)
    eth = x[1]
    dai1 = x[2]
    ceth = x[3]
    dai2 = x[4]

    # include cost of buying ceth as well
    # modified transaction fees
    tx_fee = cvxpy.abs(x[1] - xo[1] + x[3] -
                       xo[3]) * txf + cvxpy.abs(x[2] - xo[2]) * txf

    # objective function
    objective = Maximize(mu.T @ x - w * quad_form(x, cvr) - cdprate * ceth -

    # Figure out how to use abs as a constraint for Maximize
    constraints = [
        x[0] + x[1] + x[2] + x[3] == money, x >= 0, x[4] == x[3] / rho,
        x[0] >= tx_fee

    prob = Problem(objective, constraints)

    if prob.status != "optimal":
        print("Not optimal!")
        x_temp = [i for i in x_start]
        return x_temp

    optimal_assets_in_dollars = [float(i) for i in x.value]
    transaction_fees = abs(optimal_assets_in_dollars[1] - xo.value[1] +
                           optimal_assets_in_dollars[3] - xo.value[3]
                           ) * txf + abs(optimal_assets_in_dollars[2] -
                                         xo.value[2]) * txf

    optimal_assets_in_dollars[0] -= transaction_fees

    if debug:
        print("------------------- Iteration ----------------------------")
        print("CDP Rate: " + str(cdprate) + "\nRisk Averseness: " + str(w))
        print("TxFees: $%.2f" % transaction_fees)

    assets_dollars = optimal_assets_in_dollars[:-1]

    x_temp = np.divide(assets_dollars, asset_prices).clip(min=0)

    if debug:
        printAssets(x_temp, eth_price, dai_price, rho)
        print("--------------------- Ends -------------------------------")

    return x_temp
Exemple #29
def meter(m, ident=None, features=[]):
    root = m.root()
    ident = ident if ident is not None else root
    if not features:
        features = std_features
    c0 = m.coord(root)
    nodes = dict()
    tips = list()
    bifs = list()
    secs = list()
    part = list()
    asym = list()
    diam = list()
    angle = list()
    cmin = np.finfo(1.0).max * np.ones(3)
    cmax = np.finfo(1.0).min * np.ones(3)
    rmax = 0.0
    seclen = 0.0
    npoints = 0
    c1 = m.coord(ident)
    if _contains(features, [
            'width', 'height', 'depth', 'dist', 'path', 'order', 'seclen',
            'tort', 'nbifs', 'nsecs', 'npoints', 'diam'
        for item in m.traverse(ident):
            if _contains(features, ['npoints']):
                npoints += 1
            if _contains(features, ['diam']):
            c = m.coord(item)
            if _contains(features, ['width', 'height', 'depth']):
                cmin = np.minimum(c, cmin)
                cmax = np.maximum(c, cmax)
            if _contains(features, ['dist']):
                r = _norm(c - c0)
                rmax = max(r, rmax)
            nodes[item] = dict()
            parent = m.parent(item)
            if parent in nodes:
                seglen = m.length(item)
                if _contains(features, ['order']):
                    order = nodes[parent]['order']
                if _contains(features, ['path']):
                    path = nodes[parent]['path'] + seglen
                seclen += seglen
                if _contains(features, ['path']):
                    path = m.distance(item)
                if _contains(features, ['order']):
                    order = m.order(item)
            if _contains(features, ['path']):
                nodes[item]['path'] = path
            if m.is_bifurcation(item):
                if _contains(features, ['order']):
                    order = order + 1 if parent in nodes else order
            if c1 is None:
                c1 = m.coord(parent)
            if m.is_bifurcation(item) or m.is_leaf(item):
                if _contains(features, ['seclen', 'tort', 'nsecs']):
                    chord = _norm(c - c1)
                    if seclen == 0.0:
                        seclen = m.length(item)
                    secs.append(dict(length=seclen, tort=chord / seclen))
                    seclen = 0.0
                c1 = None
            if _contains(features, ['order']):
                nodes[item]['order'] = order
            if m.is_leaf(item):
    if _contains(features,
                 ['length', 'volume', 'area', 'degree', 'part', 'asym']):
        if not tips:
            tips = list(m.leaves(ident))
            for item in m.traverse(ident):
                nodes[item] = dict()
        for tip in tips:
            for item in m.traverse(tip, reverse=True):
                if not m.children(item):
                    if _contains(features, ['length', 'asym']):
                        nodes[item]['length'] = 0.0
                    if _contains(features, ['volume']):
                        nodes[item]['volume'] = 0.0
                    if _contains(features, ['area']):
                        nodes[item]['area'] = 0.0
                    if _contains(features, ['degree', 'part']):
                        nodes[item]['degree'] = 1
                    degree = 0
                    length = 0.0
                    volume = 0.0
                    area = 0.0
                    for child in m.children(item):
                        if 'length' in nodes[child]:
                            if _contains(features, ['length', 'asym']):
                                length += nodes[child]['length']
                        if 'volume' in nodes[child]:
                            if _contains(features, ['volume']):
                                volume += nodes[child]['volume']
                        if 'area' in nodes[child]:
                            if _contains(features, ['area']):
                                area += nodes[child]['area']
                        if 'degree' in nodes[child]:
                            if _contains(features, ['degree', 'part']):
                                degree += nodes[child]['degree']
                        if _contains(features, ['length', 'asym']):
                            length += m.length(child)
                        if _contains(features, ['volume']):
                            volume += m.volume(child)
                        if _contains(features, ['area']):
                            area += m.area(child)
                    if _contains(features, ['length', 'asym']):
                        nodes[item]['length'] = length
                    if _contains(features, ['volume']):
                        nodes[item]['volume'] = volume
                    if _contains(features, ['area']):
                        nodes[item]['area'] = area
                    if _contains(features, ['degree', 'part']):
                        nodes[item]['degree'] = degree
                if item == ident:
    if _contains(features, ['part', 'asym', 'angle']):
        if not bifs:
            bifs = list(m.bifurcations(ident))
        for bif in bifs:
            ch1, ch2 = m.children(bif)
            if _contains(features, ['part']):
                s1 = nodes[ch1]['degree']
                s2 = nodes[ch2]['degree']
                pa = abs(s1 - s2) / (s1 + s2 - 2) if s1 + s2 > 2 else 0.0
            if _contains(features, ['asym']):
                s1 = nodes[ch1]['length'] + m.length(ch1)
                s2 = nodes[ch2]['length'] + m.length(ch2)
                ds = abs(s1 - s2)
                ma = (ds / s2 if s1 < s2 else ds / s1) if s1 != s2 else 0.0
            if _contains(features, ['angle']):
                angle.append(_angle(m, bif))
    mm = dict()
    if _contains(features, ['width', 'height', 'depth']):
        mm['bounds'] = cmin, cmax
    if 'width' in features:
        mm['width'] = (cmax - cmin)[0]
    if 'height' in features:
        mm['height'] = (cmax - cmin)[1]
    if 'depth' in features:
        mm['depth'] = (cmax - cmin)[2]
    if 'dist' in features:
        mm['dist'] = rmax
    if 'path' in features:
        mm['path'] = max(list(nodes[item]['path'] for item in nodes))
    if 'order' in features:
        mm['order'] = max(list(nodes[item]['order'] for item in nodes))
    if 'degree' in features:
        mm['degree'] = max(list(nodes[item]['degree'] for item in nodes))
    if _contains(features, ['seclen', 'nsecs']):
        mm['seclen'] = list(x['length'] for x in secs)
    if 'tort' in features:
        mm['tort'] = list(x['tort'] for x in secs)
    if 'nbifs' in features:
        mm['nbifs'] = len(bifs)
    if 'nsecs' in features:
        mm['nsecs'] = len(secs)
    if 'ntips' in features:
        mm['ntips'] = len(tips)
    if 'length' in features:
        mm['length'] = nodes[ident]['length']
    if 'volume' in features:
        mm['volume'] = nodes[ident]['volume']
    if 'area' in features:
        mm['area'] = nodes[ident]['area']
    if 'part' in features:
        mm['part'] = part
    if 'asym' in features:
        mm['asym'] = asym
    if 'angle' in features:
        mm['angle'] = angle
    if 'npoints' in features:
        mm['npoints'] = npoints
    if 'diam' in features:
        mm['diam'] = diam
    return mm
def clockangles(time_in):
    hour, minute = time_in.split(":")
    hour = int(hour)
    minute = int(minute)
    return abs((hour * 30 + minute * 0.5) - (minute * 6))
def abs(x):
    """Returns the absolute of x."""
    return builtins.abs(x)
Exemple #32
 def abs(self):
     return timedelta(seconds=__builtins__.abs(self._s))
Exemple #33
def absolute(x, **_):
    return builtins.abs(x)
Exemple #34
def f():
    x = 2

    def g():


import builtins

def abs(x):
    return 42


import sys