Exemple #1
  def unmap(self, uids, idtype):
    idtype = ascii(idtype)

    def lookup(id):
      key = self.to_backward_key(idtype, id)
      return self._db.get(key, None)

    return list(map(lookup, uids))
Exemple #2
  def load(self, idtype, mapping):
    resets and loads the given mapping
    :param idtype:
    :param mapping: array of tuples (id, uid)
    idtype = ascii(idtype)
    # delete cache
    del self._cache[idtype]
    self._db.execute('DELETE FROM mapping WHERE idtype=?', (idtype,))

    self._db.executemany('insert or ignore into mapping values ("' + idtype + '",?,?)', mapping)
    self._cache[idtype] = {id: uid for id, uid in mapping}
Exemple #3
 def convert_field(self, value, conversion):
     do any conversion on the resulting object
     if conversion is None:  # pylint: disable=no-else-return
         return value
     elif conversion == 's':
         return str(value)
     elif conversion == 'r':
         return repr(value)
     elif conversion == 'a':
         return ascii(value)
     elif conversion == 'A':
         return _ascii2(value)
     raise ValueError(
         "Unknown conversion specifier {0!s}".format(conversion))
Exemple #4
  def __call__(self, ids, idtype):
     return the integer index ids for the given ids in the given idtype
    idtype = ascii(idtype)
    max_old = -1 if idtype not in self._db else int(self._db[idtype])
    r = []
    for id in ids:
      key = self.to_forward_key(idtype, id)
      if key in self._db:
        i = max_old + 1
        _log.debug('create %s %d', key, i)
        max_old += 1
        self._db[key] = str(i)
        self._db[self.to_backward_key(idtype, i)] = str(id).encode('ascii', 'ignore')

    self._db[idtype] = str(max_old)
    return r
Exemple #5
  def load(self, idtype, mapping):
    resets and loads the given mapping
    :param idtype:
    :param mapping: array of tuples (id, uid)
    idtype = ascii(idtype)
    # assuming incremental ids
    if idtype in self._db:
      # clear old data
      for key in self._db.keys():
        if key.startswith(idtype + '2id.') or key.startswith('id2' + idtype + '.'):
          del self._db[key]

    max_uid = None
    for id, uid in mapping:
      key = self.to_forward_key(idtype, id)
      max_uid = uid if max_uid is None else max(uid, max_uid)
      self._db[key] = str(uid)
      self._db[self.to_backward_key(idtype, uid)] = str(id).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
def write_to_read_and_location_dbs_txn(report_db, fin, read_group_id,
                                       curr_read_group, records_per_txn,
    Write a 'records_per_txn' number of reads and optionally locations to DB.

        read_group_id (int): The current (or starting) read_group_id.
        curr_read_group (ReadGroup): Any leftover read_groups from previous txn are
            passed along here.
        records_per_txn (int): The number of records
        fp_put_read_group (function): Function to add a read_group to the
            read_group database.
        fp_append_location_db (function): Function to append a read_group_id to the
            genomic location database.
        (bool, int, [str]): 3-tuple with elements a) done or not, b) current
            read_group_id, c) current unwritten/incomplete read_group.

    record_count = 0
    total_count = 0
    read = None
    remaining_lines = True
    # Used to keep keys ordered.
    read_group_id_str = ascii(read_group_id).zfill(READ_GROUP_ID_DIGITS)

    if len(curr_read_group) == 0:
        # First txn
        read_group = ReadGroup()
        prev_read = None
        # Leftover read_group not written in last txn.
        read_group = curr_read_group
        prev_read = curr_read_group[-1]

    while remaining_lines and record_count < records_per_txn:
        while True:  # Assumption: average len(read_group) << records_per_txn
            # Collect all reads with same RNAME
            total_count += 1
            line = fin.readline().rstrip()
            if not line:
                read = None
                remaining_lines = False
            if line[0] == '@':
                # skip header lines
            read = Read(line)
            if prev_read and prev_read.qname != read.qname:
                # New read name found, write to store current read_group.
                prev_read = read

        if prev_read:
            # Writing to store
            read_name = read_group[0].qname.split(DELIM_ANNO)[0]
            fp_put_read_group(read_group_id_str, read_group)
            fp_append_location_db(read_group_id_str, read_group)
            report_db[LOG_NUM_READ_GROUPS] += 1

        # Prep for next round
        read_group = ReadGroup([read]) if read else ReadGroup()

        prev_read = read
        record_count += 1
        read_group_id += 1
        read_group_id_str = ascii(read_group_id).zfill(READ_GROUP_ID_DIGITS)
        if not remaining_lines:

    if not remaining_lines and len(read_group) > 0:
        # Get the very last read_group of the file
        fp_put_read_group(read_group_id_str, read_group)
        fp_append_location_db(read_group_id_str, read_group)
        report_db[LOG_NUM_READ_GROUPS] += 1

    done = not remaining_lines
    return (done, read_group_id, read_group)
Exemple #7
import unicodedata
from collections import defaultdict, Counter

__all__ = [
    "pprint", "pformat", "isreadable", "isrecursive", "saferepr",

PY3 = sys.version_info >= (3, 0, 0)
BytesType = bytes
TextType = str if PY3 else unicode
u_prefix = '' if PY3 else 'u'
if PY3:
    # Import builins explicitly to keep Py2 static analyzers happy
    import builtins
    chr_to_ascii = lambda x: builtins.ascii(x)[1:-1]
    unichr = chr
    chr_to_ascii = lambda x: repr(x)[2:-1]

class TextIO(io.TextIOWrapper):
    def __init__(self, encoding=None):
        io.TextIOWrapper.__init__(self, io.BytesIO(), encoding=encoding)

    def getvalue(self):
        return self.buffer.getvalue().decode(self.encoding)

# pprintpp will make an attempt to print as many Unicode characters as is
# safely possible. It will use the character category along with this table to
Exemple #8
def _ascii2(value):
    A variant of the `ascii()` built-in function known from Python 3 that:

    (1) ensures ASCII-only output, and
    (2) produces a nicer formatting for use in exception and warning messages
        and other human consumption.

    This function calls `ascii()` and post-processes its output as follows:

    * For unicode strings, a leading 'u' is stripped (u'xxx' becomes 'xxx'),
      if present.

    * For byte strings, a leading 'b' is stripped (b'xxx' becomes 'xxx'),
      if present.

    * For unicode strings, non-ASCII Unicode characters in the range U+0000 to
      U+00FF are represented as '/u00hh' instead of the confusing '/xhh'
      ('/' being a backslash, 'hh' being a 2-digit hex number).

    This function correctly handles values of collection types such as list,
    tuple, dict, and set, by producing the usual Python representation string
    for them. If the type is not the standard Python type (i.e. OrderedDict
    instead of dict), the type name is also shown in the result.

      str: ASCII string

    if isinstance(value, Mapping):
        # NocaseDict in current impl. is not a Mapping; it uses
        # its own repr() implementation (via ascii(), called further down)
        items = [
            _ascii2(k) + ": " + _ascii2(v) for k, v in six.iteritems(value)
        item_str = "{" + ", ".join(items) + "}"
        if value.__class__.__name__ == 'dict':
            return item_str
        return "{0}({1})".format(value.__class__.__name__, item_str)

    if isinstance(value, Set):
        items = [_ascii2(v) for v in value]
        item_str = "{" + ", ".join(items) + "}"
        if value.__class__.__name__ == 'set':
            return item_str
        return "{0}({1})".format(value.__class__.__name__, item_str)

    if isinstance(value, MutableSequence):
        items = [_ascii2(v) for v in value]
        item_str = "[" + ", ".join(items) + "]"
        if value.__class__.__name__ == 'list':
            return item_str
        return "{0}({1})".format(value.__class__.__name__, item_str)

    if isinstance(value, Sequence) and \
            not isinstance(value, (six.text_type, six.binary_type)):
        items = [_ascii2(v) for v in value]
        if len(items) == 1:
            item_str = "(" + ", ".join(items) + ",)"
            item_str = "(" + ", ".join(items) + ")"
        if value.__class__.__name__ == 'tuple':
            return item_str
        return "{0}({1})".format(value.__class__.__name__, item_str)

    if isinstance(value, six.text_type):

        ret = ascii(value)  # returns type str in py2 and py3
        if ret.startswith('u'):
            ret = ret[1:]

        # Convert /xhh into /u00hh.
        # The two look-behind patterns address at least some of the cases that
        # should not be converted: Up to 5 backslashes in repr() result are
        # handled correctly. The failure that happens starting with 6
        # backslashes and even numbers of backslashes above that is not
        # dramatic: The /xhh is converted to /u00hh even though it shouldn't.
        ret = re.sub(r'(?<![^\\]\\)(?<![^\\]\\\\\\)\\x([0-9a-fA-F]{2})',
                     r'\\u00\1', ret)

    elif isinstance(value, six.binary_type):
        ret = ascii(value)  # returns type str in py2 and py3
        if ret.startswith('b'):
            ret = ret[1:]

    elif isinstance(value, (six.integer_types, float)):
        # str() on Python containers calls repr() on the items. PEP 3140
        # that attempted to fix that, has been rejected. See
        # https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3140/.
        # We don't want to make that same mistake, and because ascii() calls
        # repr(), we call str() on the items explicitly. This makes a
        # difference for example for all pywbem.CIMInt values.
        ret = str(value)

        ret = ascii(value)  # returns type str in py2 and py3

    return ret
Exemple #9
from implicit_lambda import args_resolver

abs = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: builtins.abs(*args, **kwargs), builtins.abs)
abs._ = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: wrap(builtins.abs)(*args, **kwargs), builtins.abs)
all = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: builtins.all(*args, **kwargs), builtins.all)
all._ = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: wrap(builtins.all)(*args, **kwargs), builtins.all)
any = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: builtins.any(*args, **kwargs), builtins.any)
any._ = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: wrap(builtins.any)(*args, **kwargs), builtins.any)
ascii = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: builtins.ascii(*args, **kwargs), builtins.ascii)
ascii._ = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: wrap(builtins.ascii)(*args, **kwargs),
bin = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: builtins.bin(*args, **kwargs), builtins.bin)
bin._ = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: wrap(builtins.bin)(*args, **kwargs), builtins.bin)
bool = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: builtins.bool(*args, **kwargs), builtins.bool)
bool._ = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: wrap(builtins.bool)(*args, **kwargs),
breakpoint = functools.update_wrapper(
    lambda *args, **kwargs: builtins.breakpoint(*args, **kwargs),
def test_Entity():
    # Test the basics of creating and accessing properties on an entity
    for i in range(2):
        e = Entity(name='Test object', description='I hope this works',
                   annotations = dict(foo=123, nerds=['chris','jen','janey'], annotations='How confusing!'),
                   properties  = dict(annotations='/repo/v1/entity/syn1234/annotations',

        # Should be able to create an Entity from an Entity
        if i == 1:
            e = Entity.create(e)
        assert e.parentId == 'syn1234'
        assert e['parentId'] == 'syn1234'
        assert e.properties['parentId'] == 'syn1234'
        assert e.properties.parentId =='syn1234'

        assert e.foo == 123
        assert e['foo'] == 123
        assert e.annotations['foo'] == 123
        assert e.annotations.foo == 123

        assert hasattr(e, 'parentId')
        assert hasattr(e, 'foo')
        assert not hasattr(e, 'qwerqwer')

        # Annotations is a bit funny, because there is a property call
        # 'annotations', which will be masked by a member of the object
        # called 'annotations'. Because annotations are open-ended, we
        # might even have an annotations called 'annotations', which gets
        # really confusing.
        assert isinstance(e.annotations, collections.Mapping)
        assert isinstance(e['annotations'], collections.Mapping)
        assert e.properties['annotations'] == '/repo/v1/entity/syn1234/annotations'
        assert e.properties.annotations == '/repo/v1/entity/syn1234/annotations'
        assert e.annotations.annotations == 'How confusing!'
        assert e.annotations['annotations'] == 'How confusing!'
        assert e.nerds == ['chris','jen','janey']
        assert all([ k in e for k in ['name', 'description', 'foo', 'nerds', 'annotations', 'md5', 'parentId']])

        # Test modifying properties
        e.description = 'Working, so far'
        assert e['description'] == 'Working, so far'
        e['description'] = 'Wiz-bang flapdoodle'
        assert e.description == 'Wiz-bang flapdoodle'

        # Test modifying annotations
        e.foo = 999
        assert e.annotations['foo'] == 999
        e['foo'] = 12345
        assert e.annotations.foo == 12345

        # Test creating a new annotation
        e['bar'] = 888
        assert e.annotations['bar'] == 888
        e['bat'] = 7788
        assert e.annotations['bat'] == 7788

        # Test replacing annotations object
        e.annotations = {'splat':'a totally new set of annotations', 'foo':456}
        assert e.foo == 456
        assert e['foo'] == 456
        assert isinstance(e.annotations, collections.Mapping)
        assert isinstance(e['annotations'], collections.Mapping)
        assert e.annotations.foo == 456
        assert e.properties['annotations'] == '/repo/v1/entity/syn1234/annotations'
        assert e.properties.annotations == '/repo/v1/entity/syn1234/annotations'

        ## test unicode properties
        e.train = '時刻表には記載されない 月への列車が来ると聞いて'
        e.band = "Motörhead"
        e.lunch = "すし"

        if hasattr(sys.stdout, 'encoding') and sys.stdout.encoding and sys.stdout.encoding.lower() == 'utf-8':
Exemple #11
 def to_backward_key(idtype, id):
   return ascii('id2' + idtype + '.' + str(id))
Exemple #12
 def to_forward_key(idtype, identifier):
   return ascii(idtype + '2id.' + str(identifier))
Exemple #13
    class dummy_class(object):
        __repr__ = object()
    OrderedDict = defaultdict = Counter = dummy_class
    _test_has_collections = False

PY3 = sys.version_info >= (3, 0, 0)
BytesType = bytes
TextType = str if PY3 else unicode
u_prefix = '' if PY3 else 'u'

if PY3:
    # Import builins explicitly to keep Py2 static analyzers happy
    import builtins
    chr_to_ascii = lambda x: builtins.ascii(x)[1:-1]
    unichr = chr
    from .safesort import safesort
    _iteritems = lambda x: x.items()
    chr_to_ascii = lambda x: repr(x)[2:-1]
    safesort = sorted
    _iteritems = lambda x: x.iteritems()

def _sorted_py2(iterable):
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        if getattr(sys, "py3kwarning", False):
            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "comparing unequal types "
                                    "not supported", DeprecationWarning)
        return sorted(iterable)
def test_Entity():
    # Test the basics of creating and accessing properties on an entity
    for i in range(2):
        e = Entity(name='Test object',
                   description='I hope this works',
                                    nerds=['chris', 'jen', 'janey'],
                                    annotations='How confusing!'),

        # Should be able to create an Entity from an Entity
        if i == 1:
            e = Entity.create(e)

        assert e.parentId == 'syn1234'
        assert e['parentId'] == 'syn1234'
        assert e.properties['parentId'] == 'syn1234'
        assert e.properties.parentId == 'syn1234'

        assert e.foo == 123
        assert e['foo'] == 123
        assert e.annotations['foo'] == 123
        assert e.annotations.foo == 123

        assert hasattr(e, 'parentId')
        assert hasattr(e, 'foo')
        assert not hasattr(e, 'qwerqwer')

        # Annotations is a bit funny, because there is a property call
        # 'annotations', which will be masked by a member of the object
        # called 'annotations'. Because annotations are open-ended, we
        # might even have an annotations called 'annotations', which gets
        # really confusing.
        assert isinstance(e.annotations, collections.Mapping)
        assert isinstance(e['annotations'], collections.Mapping)
        assert e.properties[
            'annotations'] == '/repo/v1/entity/syn1234/annotations'
        assert e.properties.annotations == '/repo/v1/entity/syn1234/annotations'
        assert e.annotations.annotations == 'How confusing!'
        assert e.annotations['annotations'] == 'How confusing!'
        assert e.nerds == ['chris', 'jen', 'janey']
        assert all([
            k in e for k in [
                'name', 'description', 'foo', 'nerds', 'annotations', 'md5',

        # Test modifying properties
        e.description = 'Working, so far'
        assert e['description'] == 'Working, so far'
        e['description'] = 'Wiz-bang flapdoodle'
        assert e.description == 'Wiz-bang flapdoodle'

        # Test modifying annotations
        e.foo = 999
        assert e.annotations['foo'] == 999
        e['foo'] = 12345
        assert e.annotations.foo == 12345

        # Test creating a new annotation
        e['bar'] = 888
        assert e.annotations['bar'] == 888
        e['bat'] = 7788
        assert e.annotations['bat'] == 7788

        # Test replacing annotations object
        e.annotations = {
            'splat': 'a totally new set of annotations',
            'foo': 456
        assert e.foo == 456
        assert e['foo'] == 456
        assert isinstance(e.annotations, collections.Mapping)
        assert isinstance(e['annotations'], collections.Mapping)
        assert e.annotations.foo == 456
        assert e.properties[
            'annotations'] == '/repo/v1/entity/syn1234/annotations'
        assert e.properties.annotations == '/repo/v1/entity/syn1234/annotations'

        ## test unicode properties
        e.train = '時刻表には記載されない 月への列車が来ると聞いて'
        e.band = "Motörhead"
        e.lunch = "すし"

        if hasattr(
                sys.stdout, 'encoding'
        ) and sys.stdout.encoding and sys.stdout.encoding.lower() == 'utf-8':
Exemple #15
def ascii(x=None):
    if x is None:
        return bpipe(ascii)
        return builtins.ascii(x)