Exemple #1
    def rebuild():
        logging.info('Building %s', bundle_apks_path)
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.apks') as tmp_apks_file:
            cmd_args = [
                '--aapt2=%s' % aapt2_path,
                '--output=%s' % tmp_apks_file.name,
                '--bundle=%s' % bundle_path,
                '--ks=%s' % keystore_path,
                '--ks-pass=pass:%s' % keystore_password,
                '--ks-key-alias=%s' % keystore_alias,

            if mode is not None:
                if mode not in BUILD_APKS_MODES:
                    raise Exception(
                        'Invalid mode parameter %s (should be in %s)' %
                        (mode, BUILD_APKS_MODES))
                cmd_args += ['--mode=' + mode]

            with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.json') as spec_file:
                if device_spec:
                    json.dump(device_spec, spec_file)
                    cmd_args += ['--device-spec=' + spec_file.name]

            # Make the resulting .apks file hermetic.
            with build_utils.TempDir() as temp_dir, \
              build_utils.AtomicOutput(bundle_apks_path, only_if_changed=False) as f:
                files = build_utils.ExtractAll(tmp_apks_file.name, temp_dir)
                build_utils.DoZip(files, f, base_dir=temp_dir)
 def rebuild():
     logging.info('Building %s', bundle_apks_path)
     with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.json') as spec_file, \
         build_utils.AtomicOutput(bundle_apks_path, only_if_changed=False) as f:
         cmd_args = [
             '--aapt2=%s' % aapt2_path,
             '--output=%s' % f.name,
             '--bundle=%s' % bundle_path,
             '--ks=%s' % keystore_path,
             '--ks-pass=pass:%s' % keystore_password,
             '--ks-key-alias=%s' % keystore_alias,
         if device_spec:
             json.dump(device_spec, spec_file)
             cmd_args += ['--device-spec=' + spec_file.name]
         if mode is not None:
             if mode not in BUILD_APKS_MODES:
                 raise Exception(
                     'Invalid mode parameter %s (should be in %s)' %
                     (mode, BUILD_APKS_MODES))
             cmd_args += ['--mode=' + mode]
Exemple #3
    def rebuild():
        logging.info('Building %s', bundle_apks_path)
        with build_utils.TempDir() as tmp_dir:
            tmp_apks_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'output.apks')
            cmd_args = [
                '--aapt2=%s' % aapt2_path,
                '--output=%s' % tmp_apks_file,
                '--ks=%s' % keystore_path,
                '--ks-pass=pass:%s' % keystore_password,
                '--ks-key-alias=%s' % keystore_alias,
            input_bundle_path = bundle_path
            # Work around bundletool not respecting uncompressDexFiles setting.
            # b/176198991
            if mode not in _SYSTEM_MODES and _BundleMinSdkVersion(
                    bundle_path) >= 27:
                input_bundle_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'system.aab')
                _FixBundleDexCompressionGlob(bundle_path, input_bundle_path)

            cmd_args += ['--bundle=%s' % input_bundle_path]

            if local_testing:
                cmd_args += ['--local-testing']

            if mode is not None:
                if mode not in BUILD_APKS_MODES:
                    raise Exception(
                        'Invalid mode parameter %s (should be in %s)' %
                        (mode, BUILD_APKS_MODES))
                cmd_args += ['--mode=' + mode]

            if optimize_for:
                if optimize_for not in OPTIMIZE_FOR_OPTIONS:
                    raise Exception('Invalid optimize_for parameter %s '
                                    '(should be in %s)' %
                                    (mode, OPTIMIZE_FOR_OPTIONS))
                cmd_args += ['--optimize-for=' + optimize_for]

            if device_spec:
                spec_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'device.json')
                with open(spec_file, 'w') as f:
                    json.dump(device_spec, f)
                cmd_args += ['--device-spec=' + spec_file]


            shutil.move(tmp_apks_file, bundle_apks_path)
def _CreateDeviceSpec(bundle_path, sdk_version, locales):
  if not sdk_version:
    manifest_data = bundletool.RunBundleTool(
        ['dump', 'manifest', '--bundle', bundle_path])
    sdk_version = int(
        re.search(r'minSdkVersion.*?(\d+)', manifest_data).group(1))

  # Setting sdkVersion=minSdkVersion prevents multiple per-minSdkVersion .apk
  # files from being created within the .apks file.
  return {
      'screenDensity': 1000,  # Ignored since we don't split on density.
      'sdkVersion': sdk_version,
      'supportedAbis': _ALL_ABIS,  # Our .aab files are already split on abi.
      'supportedLocales': locales,
Exemple #5
 def rebuild():
   logging.info('Building %s', bundle_apks_path)
   with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.json') as spec_file, \
       build_utils.AtomicOutput(bundle_apks_path, only_if_changed=False) as f:
     cmd_args = [
         '--aapt2=%s' % aapt2_path,
         '--output=%s' % f.name,
         '--bundle=%s' % bundle_path,
         '--ks=%s' % keystore_path,
         '--ks-pass=pass:%s' % keystore_password,
         '--ks-key-alias=%s' % keystore_alias,
     if device_spec:
       json.dump(device_spec, spec_file)
       cmd_args += ['--device-spec=' + spec_file.name]
     if universal:
       cmd_args += ['--mode=universal']
Exemple #6
def _BundleMinSdkVersion(bundle_path):
    manifest_data = bundletool.RunBundleTool(
        ['dump', 'manifest', '--bundle', bundle_path])
    return int(re.search(r'minSdkVersion.*?(\d+)', manifest_data).group(1))
def _GetManifestForModule(bundle_path, module_name):
    return ElementTree.fromstring(
            'dump', 'manifest', '--bundle', bundle_path, '--module',